GE :: Volume #14

#1307 Part 1: Even if meets by chance should not to know

In the God Step City restricted area, preserves a Far Ancient God Spirit footprint, was presented by God Step Lineage is Supreme Treasure. All previous God Step King believes, this is the Immemorial Starry Sky gracious gift, so long as decodes the secret of tracks, can make God Step Lineage rise again. 神足城禁地中,留存着一处远古神灵脚印,被神足一脉奉为至宝。历代神足王相信,此为太古星空恩赐,只要破解足印之秘,便可令神足一脉再度崛起。 But pitifully, this footprint is not a gracious gift, merely is only the layout that the Honorable Man Zhi interest makes it so. 但可惜,此脚印并非恩赐,仅仅只是满智道人兴趣使然的布局。 Ning Fan wants to go to the restricted area to investigate, but actually needs first present trouble solution. 宁凡很想去禁地调查一番,但却需要先将眼前的麻烦解决。 Abandoned will expel God Step City!” “将弃逐出神足城!” With a God Step King command, then many law enforcement Monster Soldier surrounded Ning Fan immediately, must detain Ning Fan to picking the heart stage receives punishment. 随着神足王一令,顿时便有诸多执法妖卒围住了宁凡,要将宁凡押至摘心台受刑。 This is clan regulations, must take out the Earth Giant heart, to exchange the stone heart after by chasing, may depart. 此为族规,受逐者必须摘去地巨心脏、换上石心之后,才可离去。 Because of Earth Giant Clan Bloodlines Inheritance, all above the heart, did not only allow that the secret of Bloodlines flows out. 只因地巨一族血脉传承,全在心脏之上,自不容许血脉之秘流出。 Picks the heart incident, may avoid the secret of outflow Bloodlines, may avoid receiving chasing by the person hunting heart, dies a violent death. 摘心一事,既可避免血脉之秘外流,亦可避免受逐者遭人狩猎心脏,死于非命。 But, the person has no interest , then dies, by chasing often is only the mortal, therefore needs to exchange stone heart, maintains the vitality. 但,人无心则死,受逐者往往只是凡人,故而需要换上石心,维持生机。 Once, Ji Chen on picking the heart stage took out the heart, exchanged the ice-cold stone heart. 曾经,稷辰就在摘心台上摘去心脏,换上冰冷的石心。 At the present, is one's turn Ning Fan to experience this matter. 而今,轮到宁凡经历此事。 Ning Fan is acting 16-year-old Ji Chen at this moment, if not cheat, then he can only be a mortal, can only let the person to pick the heart, accepts Fate. 宁凡此刻扮演着16岁的稷辰,若不作弊,则他只会是一介凡人,只能任人摘心,接受命运 What a pity, he has the control that is changing lane to fight at this moment, is really not physical body every embryo. 可惜,他此刻掌握着换道战的掌控权,并非真是肉体凡胎。 If he hopes, trivial Earth Giant Clan lifts the hand then to be repressible, after all Earth Giant Clan outwardly on most powerful —— God Step King, merely is only Four Tribulations Immortal King. The monster city deep place, is hiding two actually droopingly old Immortal Emperor aura, resembling is Earth Giant Ancestor and so on ancient exist(ence), may not also be worth mentioning. 若他愿,区区地巨族抬手便可镇压,毕竟地巨族明面上的最强——神足王,仅仅只是四劫仙王。妖城深处,倒是隐藏着两道垂垂老矣的仙帝气息,似是地巨老祖之类的古老存在,可同样不值一提。 Suppressing this clan is easy, but Ning Fan and without/has not do that. 镇压此族轻而易举,但宁凡没有这么做。 Only saw through the Man Zhi script because of Ning Fan! 只因宁凡看穿了满智的剧本! If he suppresses Earth Giant Clan at this moment, no doubt can easily solve the problem, but that seems like the result that the indeed Man Zhi hope facilitates. 倘若他此刻镇压地巨族,固然能轻易解决问题,但那似乎正是满智渴望促成的结果。 Like Zi Dou Imaginary Dream World, Huaiwo Imaginary Dream World same exist(ence) Ten Great Secret Clans, Earth Giant Clan is one of the Secret Clan! 紫斗幻梦界相同,淮涡幻梦界同样存在十大秘族,地巨族便是秘族之一! Ten Clans clan's fate, is connected with Huaiwo Samsara Fate, various clan exist(ence) then have to suppress the function of Samsara Fate. Once some Secret Clan clan's fate harms, will initiate a series of disaster hardship in this plane. 十族族运,和淮涡轮回气运相连,各族存在本身便有镇压轮回气运的作用。一旦某个秘族族运有损,将会在此位面引发一连串的灾厄。 Naturally, Ning Fan by no means cares about this matter, after all him, this world is Dao Sense games fictionalizes Samsara... 当然,宁凡并不在意此事,毕竟于他而言,此界不过是道念的虚构轮回... But if this matter is Man Zhi asks, then he then needs to consider 12. At this moment, he had not completely understood the Man Zhi true motive. This person plans Ji Chen painstakingly, takes Ji Chen as chess piece, oneself will drag into this Dao Sense games, attempts surely big... 可若此事是满智所求,则他便需要斟酌一二了。此时此刻,他仍未看透满智的真正动机。此人苦心算计稷辰,又以稷辰棋子,将自己拉入此道念,所图必定不小... 10 Eras Saint rather involves Northern Barbarian Immeasurable, Huaiwo Immeasurable and other huge Karma, rather spans the remote years and Samsara, wants the layout scheme the thing, can actually be anything... 一位十纪圣人宁可牵扯北蛮无量淮涡无量等巨大因果,宁可跨越遥远岁月和轮回,也要布局图谋的东西,究竟会是什么呢... Ning Fan can look through Man Zhi many subsequent hands, is actually not able to look through the Man Zhi motive only, is only huge because of Karma, involved the 4th step level faintly unexpectedly... 宁凡能看破满智的诸多后手,却唯独无法看破满智的动机,只因其中的因果过于巨大,隐隐竟牵扯到了第四步的层次... Does not know, therefore needs to be discrete! Cannot make the enemy easily achieve wishes gratifyingly! 不知,所以更需要谨慎!不可让敌人轻易就称心如愿! This is just like a game of chess, in the layout stage, Ning Fan cannot look through the chess move of opponent, but his own chess move, was actually looked through by the opposite party all, the opposite party has the inexhaustible countermeasure to wait for him in front early. 这就好比是一局棋,于布局阶段,宁凡未能看破对手的棋路,可他自己的棋路,却被对方尽数看破,对方早有无穷无尽的应对之策在前面等着他。 Then, if he blindly pursues the stability of chess, the big probability will fall into the opposite party long to test the innumerable Samsara rhythms. 如此一来,若他只是盲目追求自身棋形的安定,大概率会掉入对方长考了无数轮回的节奏。 Before sees through the aspect truly, Ning Fan is glad to disrupt the opposite party rhythm, destroys the opposite party chess shape, stirs muddily the aspect. If the both sides uncertain aspect, is all most advantageous him. 在真正看穿局面之前,宁凡更乐意打乱对方节奏,破坏对方棋形,将局面搅浑。一旦出现双方皆不可预测的局面,于他而言才最有利。 I, although does not know the Man Zhi motive, actually knows him to want with my hand to suppress Earth Giant Clan, truncates its clan's fate. If I do exactly the opposite, making Earth Giant Clan transport/fortune does not reduce instead increases, how did not know Man Zhi to be able...” “我虽不知满智动机,却知他想借我之手镇压地巨族,削其族运。若我反其道而行之,令地巨族运不减反增,不知满智会如何...” If Ji Chen can hear the Ning Fan aspiration, must be angry surely! 稷辰听得到宁凡的心声,定要感到愤怒! You are acting me! You were pursued by Earth Giant Clan, will soon face picks Fate of heart, actually renders good for evil, but also wants to support Earth Giant Clan in turn becomes more thriving? You have the problem! 你可是在扮演我啊!你都被地巨族驱逐了,甚至即将面临摘心的命运,竟然以德报怨,还想反过来扶持地巨族变得更加繁荣昌盛?你有毛病吧! If Ning Fan can hear the Ji Chen complaint, deciding is also speechless. 宁凡听得到稷辰的怨言,定也要无语的。 Was pursued, picked the heart, abandoned by Earth Giant Clan, is your Ji Chen Fate, what matter closes my Ning Fan? 被驱逐、被摘心、被地巨族抛弃,是你稷辰命运啊,关我宁凡什么事? I and Earth Giant Clan may the without/has not least bit enmity, even also small friendship. Your Earth Giant Clan didn't Great King, call God Step King? Skillful, I had happen to killed a friend before, called God Step! 我和地巨族没有半点仇怨,甚至还有点小交情呢。你们地巨族大王,不是叫神足王吗?多巧啊,我以前正好杀过一个朋友,也叫神足呢! That Great Immortal God Step, even by Ning Fan refined into Ghost Soldier, taking advantage of Second Level Quasi-Saint cultivation base, Devour(ing) other Ning Fan nine Ghost Soldier, was also promoted Far Ancient Great Cultivator Ghost Soldier, true turned into Ning Fan loyal retinue! Although before God Step Ghost Soldier , is not quite truly obedient, as the Ning Fan strength strives, Ghost Soldier already to Ning Fan loyal not two, in protecting Northern Barbarian 1000 years bloody battle, performed many merit. 那位神足大仙,甚至还被宁凡炼成鬼卒,更借着二阶准圣修为,吞噬宁凡其他九只鬼卒,晋升成了远古大修鬼卒,真正变成宁凡的忠诚仆从!虽说神足鬼卒以前确实不太听话,但随着宁凡实力精进,鬼卒早已对宁凡忠心不二了,更在守护北蛮千年血战中,立下了不少功劳。 Therefore, do I and my Ghost Soldier stand Earth Giant Clan, with your Ji Chen standpoint opposition, have the issue? 所以,我和我的鬼卒地巨族这边,和你稷辰立场对立,有问题么? To deceive my military force to suppress Earth Giant Clan? Sorry, could not suppress a point, I was actually more interested, wants to have a look to be able from Earth Giant Clan to look for what advantage, making my God Step Ghost Soldier strength enter one step. 想骗我武力镇压地巨族?抱歉,镇压不了一点,我倒是更有兴趣,想看看能不能从地巨族里寻摸到什么好处,令我的神足鬼卒实力更进一步 Is other Great Cultivator Level Inextinguishable/not exterminates God Step, if the strength enters one step, how could it not be on par Saint? Truly can expect 12... 已是大修级别的不灭神足,若实力更进一步,岂非比肩圣人了?呵,确实可以期待一二... Read reaches to this, Ning Fan was ordered to pick the heart and pursuit by God Step King obviously, looked actually the without/has not least bit hatred to God Step King look, instead hopes completely, at this moment as if looked was not God Step King, but was his God Step Ghost Soldier. 念及于此,宁凡明明被神足王下令摘心、驱逐,望向神足王眼神当中却没有半点憎恨,反而满是期许,就仿佛此刻看的不是神足王,而是他的神足鬼卒 God Step King actually does not know these, saw this child to be abandoned by oneself obviously, unexpectedly without/has not hated itself, instead with has never revealed admires look to gaze at itself, by God Step King indifferent brutal, at this moment also had one to touch. 神足王却不知这些,见这孩子明明都被自己抛弃了,居然没有憎恨自己,反而用从未流露过的仰慕眼神注视自己,以神足王的冷漠无情,此刻也不禁有了一丝触动。 Perhaps this idiot, really does not have no merit to speak, only said that this likes the father respecting father's heart, is other children has not had... 这蠢材,或许也不是真的一无是处,只说这份爱父敬父之心,却是其他孩子不曾拥有的... But this touches also only an instant, by no means makes indifferent God Step King withdraw an order sufficiently. 但这触动到底也只一瞬,并不足以令冷漠的神足王收回成命。 He is not only the abandoned father, is the God Step Lineage king, he must consider for tribe, must the Fate conservation consideration for Huaiwo Samsara. 他不仅是弃的父亲,更是神足一脉的王,他必须要为族群考虑,更要为淮涡轮回气运守恒考虑。 Naturally must consider own King face. 当然更要考虑自己的王者颜面 The clan regulations cannot be waste for one person, especially cannot make an exception for the royal family heir, otherwise the clan regulations lose the credibility, will degenerate into a mere scrap of paper. 族规不可为一人而废,尤其不能为了王室子嗣破例,否则族规失去公信力,将会沦为一纸空文。 The you child can make an exception is pursued, how could it not be can my child also? 伱的孩子可以破例不被驱逐,我的孩子岂非也可? So generations, Earth Giant Clan Bloodlines even more heterogeneous, clan's fate weakens day by day, World ten will transport the law of conservation to present the imbalance... 如此一代代下去,地巨族血脉愈发驳杂,族运日益削弱,世界的十运守恒之律将会出现失衡... What is more important, so long as a this child day also treats in the clan, these desires replace my Elder, will then keep taking this matter to make an issue, threatens my position by this...” “更重要的是,只要此子一天还待在族内,那些欲取代我的长老,便会不停拿此事做文章,以此威胁我的地位...” With that honored power and influence compared to, the trivial kinship, is not worth mentioning. 和那尊贵权势相比,区区亲情,不值一提。 Takes away to pick the heart stage this child, receives punishment...” The God Step King command said. “将此子带去摘心台,受刑吧...”神足王令道。 Orders without/has not to change, what change is only the tone, before if no longer, anger does not struggle like that but slightly has regrettable. 命令没有改变,改变的只是口气,不再如之前那般怒子不争,而是略有遗憾。 Regretted that if this child is not waste Bloodlines, but is still permissible Bloodlines, I am also willing to read its loyally, supports 12, keeps in balance the power of philosophers by this child again, what a pity... 遗憾啊,若这孩子不是废物血脉,而是尚可的血脉,我也愿意念其忠诚,扶持一二,再以此子制衡诸子之权,可惜了... Has the misunderstanding to Ning Fan look, by no means only has God Step King, also abandoned mother —— Jiang Yuan! 宁凡眼神产生误解的,并不只有神足王,还有弃的母亲——姜嫄 She once harbored the infinite expectation, gave birth to abandoning, will not be untender about one's own child, but is dreading the God Step King dignity throughout, does not dare to contradict. 她曾怀着无限憧憬,生下了弃,自不会对亲生孩儿毫无感情,只是始终畏惧着神足王的威严,不敢顶撞。 But... this child must be pursued obviously, unexpectedly is so respecting and loving own father as before... 可...这孩子明明都要被驱逐了,居然依旧如此敬爱着自己的父亲... How simple-minded filial piety, is how foolish, how takes pity on... 何其愚孝,何其痴傻,又何其令人怜惜... Is mother's mistakes, is mother should not believe the Jiang Shui Daoist nonsense, seizes your Bloodlines, seizes your life, claims you from the small expectation... father love... 都是娘的错,是娘不该听信姜水道人的鬼话,夺走你的血脉,夺走你的人生,夺走你自小憧憬的...父爱... The endless lamentation well ups, finally changes to the unprecedented courage! 无尽悔恨涌上心头,最终化作前所未有的勇气! She cannot the looks at child be chased helplessly. 她不能眼睁睁看着孩子遭逐。 Naturally, she does not dare to say the matter of past trespasses restricted area, this is the grave offense, and not just she is punished for an offense, will also make the abandoned crime add 1st Rank. 当然,她也不敢将昔日擅闯禁地之事道出,此乃重罪,且不止她一人获罪,还会令弃罪加一等 But... 但... If pays the price, the command abandons exempts the clan regulations expel, she hopes by body generation of it! 若只是付出代价,令弃免去族规驱逐,她愿以身代之! Holds on a minute! Great King, please withdraw an order, do not pursue my child...” “且慢!大王,请收回成命,不要驱逐我儿...” Jiang Yuan sets out slowly, arrives around God Step King, the pure white forehead pastes in the ground, kneels. 姜嫄缓缓起身,来到神足王跟前,洁白的额头贴在地面,长跪。 Innumerable clansman shock. 无数族人震惊了。 Natural disposition weak First Concubine Jiang Yuan, some guts opposed unexpectedly order of Great King, questioned that Great King dignity, was she insane? 生性软弱的元妃姜嫄,居然有胆量反对大王的命令,质疑大王的威严,她疯了吗? The anti- imperial edict does not obey, in clan regulations, but grave offense, even if she is First Concubine, has served the woman of Great King pillow mat, but to indifference God Step King, imperial concubine ying Qiang some are, no matter what you expensive/noble are First Concubine, still the without/has not qualifications questioned his imperial edict! 抗王命不遵,在族规中可是重罪,即使她是元妃,是侍奉过大王枕席的女人,但对冷情的神足王而言,妃嫔媵嫱有的是,任你贵为元妃,也没有资格质疑他的王命! Loves the imperial concubine, you made an indiscreet remark, returns to your position, this matter I can treat as have not happened.” God Step King complexion gloomy say/way. “爱妃,你失言了,回到你的位置上,此事我可以当做没发生过。”神足王面色阴沉道。 Great King, my non- must defy the clan regulations, defies the imperial edict, but is plans to follow another of clan regulations: clansman is guilty, may add the 3rd Rank generation... I to be willing generation of this child to subject to a penalty by the relatives crime, asking Great King to give to abandon opportunity again, permitting him to keep in the clan, when must at age 17, try the one time Blood Awakening ceremony again... perhaps at that time , he can...” 大王,我非是要违抗族规,违抗王命,而是打算遵循族规的另一条:族人有罪,可由族亲罪加三等代之...我愿代此子受罚,请大王再给弃一个机会,允他留在族中,待得17岁时,再尝试一次醒血仪式...或许那时,他就可以,可以...” Jiang Yuan! this child was chased is only the small crime, but if you subject to a penalty for him, the crime adds 3rd Rank, how you may know you to be able! Even if you are this King First Concubine, this King not possible to leave a loophole to you, will decide will follow the clan regulations, your town/subdues under Jishan, the life can not take off/escape the tribulation!... Do you also hope even so?” The God Step King look is even more cloudy, even said the name of First Concubine, obviously disgruntled to the extreme. 姜嫄此子受逐只是小罪,但若你代他受罚,罪加三等,你可知你会如何!纵使你是本王元妃,本王也不可能对你网开一面的,定会遵循族规,将你镇于稷山之下,此生不得脱劫!即使如此...你也愿吗?”神足王神色愈发阴沉,甚至直呼元妃之名,显然不悦到了极点。 I... I hope...” Jiang Yuan does not dare raised the head to look at the God Step King expression, she is very timid , the penalty of very frightened forever guard Jishan, thinks the future of soon facing, the body is trembling unceasingly. Therefore, if timid she, to God Step King dignity angry look, she will certainly lose all courage like this, one time submits again. “我...我愿...”姜嫄不敢抬头去看神足王的表情,她很胆怯,也很恐惧永镇稷山的惩罚,一想到即将面临的未来,身体都在不断发抖。所以,若这样的胆怯的她,对上了神足王的威严愤怒的眼神,她一定会失去所有勇气,再一次屈服的。 But she does not want to submit again, she soft for a lifetime, must therefore brave one time, to abandon strives for one time opportunity... 可她不想再屈服了,她软了一辈子,所以必须勇敢一次,为弃争取一次机会... Even she still understands, even if can let abandon are many treats for a year in the clan, when to next year Blood Awakening ceremony, abandons is unable to keep in the clan mostly, will still be pursued. 即使她也明白,就算能让弃多在族中待一年,待到来年醒血仪式,弃多半还是无法留在族中,仍旧会被驱逐。 This matter does not have the significance, but... except for does that her also anything method... 此事毫无意义,但...除了这么做,她还有什么法子... Good, is very good! Your wing was hard, starting to rely on to favor, but was arrogant. In view of this, this King relies on to favor to you, but arrogant opportunity! this King permits your crime to add 3rd Rank, the forever guard Jishan! As for abandoning, he may keep one year in the clan again, but if next year Blood Awakening ceremony he still so could not withstand, at the appointed time you may be unable to rescue his 2nd Tribulation again!” “好,好得很!你翅膀硬了,开始恃宠而骄了。既如此,本王给你恃宠而骄的机会本王允你罪加三等,永镇稷山!至于弃,他可再在族中留一年,但若来年醒血仪式他仍旧如此不堪,届时你可无法再救他第二次了!” Many thanks Great King...” “多谢大王...” ... ... Because Ning Fan a thought gets up, abandoned Fate had the subtle change unexpectedly! 宁凡一念起,弃的命运竟有了微妙改变! This matter Ning Fan is somewhat unexpected, after all his Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye, is busy observing Man Zhi tens of thousands of subsequent hands, down to omitted this place many slight and tiny passer-by variables. 此事就连宁凡都有些始料不及,毕竟他的天人法目,忙着观测满智的成千上万种后手,以至遗漏了此地诸多细微、渺小的路人变数。 He, leaks considers as finished. 他,漏算了。 Perhaps Man Zhi also leaks considers as finished, the evidence is Ning Fan without/has not observes any Man Zhi layout about this matter from the start! 满智或许也漏算了,证据就是宁凡压根没有观测到任何关于此事的满智布局! But most leaks calculates, most feels absurd, is actually not Ning Fan and Man Zhi, rather, Ji Chen... 但最为漏算,最感到荒谬的,却不是宁凡满智,而是,稷辰... This war of lane changing, is he launches in view of Ning Fan, he can observe Ning Fan to do anything anytime and anywhere, is in control of the Ning Fan trend by this. 此换道之战,是他针对宁凡展开的,他可以随时随地观测宁凡干了些什么事,以此掌握宁凡的动向。 Actually unexpectedly, will observe to make his Dao Heart severely shakes fact at this moment! 却不料,会于此刻观测到令他道心剧震的事实! False, false! 假的,假的! That life weak mother, how possibly for my such waste achieves so the situation, in this world to my good person, is only Profound Bird obviously, only then her... 那個一生软弱的母亲,怎可能会为了我这样的废物做到如此地步,这世上对我好的人,明明只有玄鸟,只有她一个... When I was pursued obviously, mother has not subjected to a penalty for me, when may be one's turn this Butterfly, mother gives self up to rescue unexpectedly, looked is very false... 明明我被驱逐时,母亲就不曾代我受罚,可轮到这蝴蝶时,母亲竟舍身相救,一看就很虚假... Was, deciding was Butterfly caused certain methods, misled my mother, making her make stupid decision that violated the conscience! 是了,定是蝴蝶使了某些手段,蛊惑了我的母亲,让她做出了违背本心的愚蠢决定! Unexpectedly wants, for a waste are many in the clan treats for a year, then bears the pain in forever guard Jishan, such stupid maternal love, is impossible to present her body! 居然愿意为了一个废物多在族中待一年,便忍受永镇稷山的痛苦,这样愚蠢的母爱,根本不可能出现她的身上! All is false! 全都是假的! False? That may not necessarily. You to Will of person, still also knew nothing, but that unknowable part, indeed is difficult to control the fate is. Although you became Immortal Emperor, but as if never climbs mountains clearly become Immortal and truth of descending the mountain adult. Profound Bird that you adore, without/has not has spoken this truth to you, really pitifully...” “虚假?那可未必。你对人的意志,尚还一无所知,而那不可知的部分,正是连宿命都难掌控的所在。你虽成了仙帝,但似乎从未明白上山成仙、下山成人的道理。你所倾慕的玄鸟,没有给你讲过这个道理么,真是可惜...” A sound suddenly resounds, mildly like jade. 一个声音突然响起,温润如玉。 Ji Chen complexion changed, this startled realize, the surrounding environment changed. 稷辰面色一变,这才惊觉,周围的环境改变了。 Just he was also closed by the chrysanthemum monster in the big cauldron ruthlessly purification, at this moment appeared in another place. 刚刚他还被菊花妖怪关在大鼎里狠狠煅烧,此刻却出现在了另一处地方。 The surroundings are the vast yellow birch forest, in the forests is constructing a thatched house, a school. 周围是一望无际的红桦林,林间建着一间草庐,一间学塾。 In the school, spreads the sound of immature recitation. 学塾之中,传出稚嫩的朗诵之声。 School entrance, is standing a purple clothes youth of peerless grace and talent, the hand holds the books, resembling is a private tutor. 学塾门口,则站着一个风华绝代的紫衣青年,手捧书卷,似是塾师。 This person of long hair like the waterfall, the appearance is pretty, above forehead, has Purple Golden together the seal of stone flame. 此人长发如瀑,容貌俊秀,眉心之上,有着一道紫金色的石炎之印。 Just spoke is this person. 刚刚出言的便是此人。 Ji Chen is unable the human to observe cultivation base henceforth, actually felt that the imposing manner of opposite party is vast, as if only depends on a thought to be able World to invert, treads Heaven and Earth in the under foot. 稷辰无法从此人身上观测到一丝修为,却还是感觉对方的气势浩瀚无涯,仿佛只凭一念便可将世界颠倒,将天地踏于脚下。 Who this person... is! 此人...是谁! Has never heard in Three Worlds, there is such Expert, before , that as strong as chrysanthemum monster of violation, without/has not so vast imposing manner... 从未听说过三界之中,有这样一尊强者,就连之前那个强到犯规的菊花妖怪,都没有如此浩瀚的气势... Is insufficient! 不至于吧! I must kill obviously is the weak one who that Butterfly cares about, why will present the terrifying role that I am unable to be a worthy opponent one after another! 我要杀的明明是那蝴蝶所在乎的弱者,为何会接连出现我无法匹敌的恐怖角色! The heaven shaking imposing manner is it possible that this person is also only false, was deliberately revised by that Butterfly, had so the prestige? 莫非此人的惊天气势也只是虚假,是被那蝴蝶刻意修改,才拥有了如此声威? Damn Butterfly! I acknowledged that I cannot be victorious you! This Dao Sense games, I have collapsed completely, but you must kill then kill, why to make some stuffed dummies to humiliate me! 该死的蝴蝶!我承认我打不过你!此道念,我已一败涂地,但你要杀便杀,何必造些假人折辱我! My solemn Nightmare Lord Saint, is not so worth mentioning in your eyes! 我堂堂魇主圣人,在你眼中就如此不值一提吗! Stuffed dummy who you make, not possible each and chrysanthemum monster is equally odd. 你所造的假人,不可能各个都和菊花妖怪一样离谱。 My this then wipes Extinguish! to be good to teach you stuffed dummy who you make to know, my Ji Chen, which stuffed dummy absolutely not is casual to be able easily to act bashful! 我这便将你造的假人抹灭!好教你知道,我稷辰,绝非随便哪个假人都能轻易拿捏的!
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