GE :: Volume #14

#1306 Part 2: Free on star Fuyao soul

Ning Fan complexion changed, raised the head, looks suddenly toward the Dao Sense World sky, but actually has achieved nothing. 宁凡面色一变,猛然抬头,朝道念世界的天空望去,但却一无所获。 His line of sight can disregard the wind and snow, saw that Huaiwo Country once sky- when that not by Nightmare Disaster destroys Immemorial Starry Sky, above is sparkling innumerable monster different ancient Xing! 他的视线可以无视风雪,看到淮涡国曾经的天空-那是未被魇灾摧毁时的太古星空,其上闪耀着无数妖异古星! quantity of ancient star, are more than Ganges sand, AsaCkhyeya are more , is not imagined, Immeasurable more than by him that has reached the large number to be limitless, every time birth new ancient Xing! 古星的数量,比恒河沙更多,比阿僧祇更多,比那由他、不思议、无量都多,已然达到了大数无极,每时每刻都在诞生新的古星! But makes Ning Fan care, is not these ancient Xing, but is other things. 但让宁凡在意的,不是那些古星,而是其他东西。 He and Ant Lord dialogue, always talked by mind, if Ant Lord peeped he, the line of sight decided is also from inside to outside. 他与蚁主的对话,从来都是借由心神来交谈,蚁主若是偷看他,视线定也是由内而外。 But in just, him actually in Dao Sense World Immemorial Starry Sky, felt the line of sight of another Ant Lord henceforth! 但在刚刚,他却从此道念世界太古星空中,感受到了另外一道蚁主的视线! Incomparably real, is very remote, is very familiar, incomparably strange... 无比真实,无比遥远,无比熟悉,无比陌生... When Ning Fan tries to discover the origin of gaze, that gaze actually takes back quietly, does not know the trace, searches for by Ning Fan full power, cannot discover the gaze source, all clues all by Starry Sky in cannot know to cover... 而当宁凡试图找出目光的来源,那目光却悄然收回,不知所踪,以宁凡全力搜寻,都找不出目光的源头,一切线索皆被星空中的不可言与不可知所掩去... Is it possible that... 莫非... Ning Fan thinks what possibility, all mood are changing at this moment are silent and ice-cold. 宁凡似想到了什么可能,所有情绪都在此刻化作沉默与冰冷。 so that's how it is, this war of lane changing, is not the Ji Chen original intention, but is your Honorable Man Zhi layout! 原来如此,此换道之战,并非是稷辰的本意,而是你满智道人的布局吗! And others had by Starry Sky Magic Eye is stared!】 【尔等有被星空法目凝视过么!】 Before that is Man Zhi, had said words, has done Immemorial Starry Sky that the matter, actually happen to and this time Ning Fan sees to! 那是满智之前说过的话,做过的事,却正好和此时宁凡看到的太古星空对上了! This time all, still in the Man Zhi layout! 此时的一切,仍在满智的布局之中! Even Ning Fan broke on Ying Xuan the 12 layout, but on this Ji Chen, still had a Man Zhi more important layout, a little bit/bit by bit floats the break the surface surface... 即使宁凡破了应玄身上十二布局,但这稷辰身上,仍有满智更重要的布局,正一点点出水面... So, actually cannot be negligent! Ji Chen nothing to be worried, but if Man Zhi also intervened in this Dao Sense games, then the true opponent of this war, can be Man Zhi!” “如此,却是不能大意了!稷辰不足为虑,但若满智也干涉了此道念,则此战的真正对手,会是满智!” If the opponent is Man Zhi... 若对手是满智的话... The Ning Fan thoughts revolve rapidly, deduced instantaneously in the heart the aspect of counting 100,000 type and the Man Zhi Dao Sense confrontation... 宁凡心思飞转,瞬间在心中推演出了数十万种和满智道念交锋的局面... Over time, he calculated the thing that still in increases at an exceptional pace, is getting more and more thorough. 更随着时间推移,他所推算出的东西还在以惊人的速度增加,越来越深入。 „The Far Ancient Ten Spirits echo is also good, another Ant Lord line of sight of inexplicably feeling is also good, is the Man Zhi bait...” 远古十灵的回声也好,莫名感受到的另一道蚁主视线也好,全都是满智的诱饵...” This is the open intrigue, is Man Zhi one step tries smoothly, he wants to look how I responded, and wariness, is hoping and being greedy for anything simultaneously...” “此为阳谋,亦是满智一步试应手,他想看我如何回应,并同时忌惮、期许、贪求着什么...” This one step chess, has should...” “这一步棋,不得不应...” Even got rid of Ji Chen, but must follow Dao Sense games main line flow to walk last time, coping with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, is copes with the Man Zhi best plan...” “即使干掉了稷辰,但还是得遵循道念的主线流程走上一次,以不变应万变,才是对付满智的上策...” Pitiful Ji Chen, thinks is Master butchers all Nightmare Lord, is only Man Zhi is used with Ning Fan gambling chessboard actually... 可怜的稷辰,自以为是主宰一切的魇主,实则只是满智用来和宁凡博弈的棋盘... Man Zhi discretely many, he wants actually personally and Ning Fan opens Dao Sense games, such income is perhaps bigger. But is better than Man Zhi, was worried that can lose to Ning Fan, to pay the grievous cost, therefore borrowed the hand of layout Ji Chen all... 满智则谨慎地多,他倒是想亲自和宁凡道念,那样收益或许更大。但强如满智,也担心会败给宁凡、付出惨痛代价,所以才借稷辰之手布局了一切... With Man Zhi compared to, Ji Chen is really brave excessively, headstrong directness, naturally the rapidness of also death. 满智相比,稷辰实在是勇的过度、莽的直接,当然死的也快。 ... ... Ning Fan left the glacier, returns to God Step City, participates the Earth Giant Clan Blood Awakening ceremony. 宁凡离开了冰河,返回神足城,去参加地巨族醒血仪式了。 After Ning Fan departs, before peeped the line of sight of Ning Fan, fell, actually does not dare to fall on Ning Fan directly, but is observing with the split vision quietly... 而在宁凡离去后,之前偷看宁凡的视线,重新落了下来,却不敢直接落在宁凡身上了,而是用余光悄悄观察着... gaze Master is a black skirt female, named Ji Fuyao, her Immortal Cave, constructs above the free star in Immemorial Starry Sky. 目光主人是一个黑裙女子,名为姬扶摇,她的洞府,就建在太古星空中的招摇星之上。 This star is its master Hong Jun bestows , helping Innate Supreme Treasure of Ji Fuyao achievement Saint position sufficiently, lord the defense, above has the Inverse Saint divine protection. 此星乃是其师鸿钧所赐,是足以助姬扶摇成就圣位的先天至宝,主防御,其上更有逆圣加护。 Therefore even Ning Fan Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye is unable to see through this star all. 故而即使是宁凡天人法目也无法看穿此星的一切。 Therefore Ning Fan without/has not sees, above this star, unexpectedly exist(ence) with the woman who Ant Lord is exactly the same, but that indeed Ant Lord covered some past! 所以宁凡没有看到,此星之上,竟存在着一个和蚁主如出一辙的女人,而那正是蚁主被掩盖的某段过去! This may really be strange matter, this youngster obviously is only Mortal Blood Earth Giant, why will make me have the induction of Heart Blood incoming tide, harms me to go out ahead of time...” look that Ji Fuyao smiles is passing dangerous aura. “这可真是怪事了,此少年明明只是凡血地巨,为何会让我有种心血来潮的感应,害我提前出关...”姬扶摇笑眯眯的眼神透着一丝危险气息。 If this youngster is Huaiwo Country this time for the research material that she prepares, they may want disappointedly, is only Mortal Blood Earth Giant, she may be never interested... 倘若此少年是淮涡国此番为她准备的研究素材,那他们可要失望了,只是凡血地巨,她可从来不感兴趣... Be that as it may, Ji Fuyao gaze, lingers on the youngster. This does not conform to her character, but gaze does not hate to put aside... 话虽如此,姬扶摇目光,还是流连在少年身上。这不符合她的性格,但目光偏偏不舍得移开... That feeling, is similar to the hurricane to seek the shortest road in the roadlessness, suddenly in not long had country to terminate it to seek... 那种感觉,就如同飓风于无路之中寻求着最短的路,却突然在“无何有之国”终止了它的寻求... The train of thought was interrupted by the noisy sound suddenly, making Ji Fuyao has to take back gaze truly, in order to avoid being detected her improper behavior by newcomer. 思绪忽然被吵闹之声打断,令姬扶摇不得不真正收回目光,以免被来者察觉她的不妥行为。 Hi, thinks that I, guess I brought anything to be delicious, treat as congratulatory gift that the Fuyao elder sister went out ~ “嗨,想我了吗,猜猜我带了什么好吃的,来当做扶摇姐出关的贺礼~” Actually is some only Destiny Profound Bird, detected that Ji Fuyao went out, therefore came to visit. 却是某只天命玄鸟,察觉到了姬扶摇出关,故而前来探望了。 Ji Fuyao: Ferments your wind cake and dew stays behind, carries off your oneself, the door takes while convenient again, thanks ~ 姬扶摇:“把你的风糕、露水酿留下,把你本人带走,顺便再把门带上,谢谢~” Profound Bird: Aiya, counts 1000 years not to see, the Fuyao elder sister's this solitary one empty technique was fiercer, one guessed right all answers ~, but only then the temperament has not changed, is the obstinate flower, more is likes hypocritically, you also want to drink tea to chat with me obviously ~ 玄鸟:“哎呀,数千年不见,扶摇姐的孤虚之术更厉害了,一下就猜对了所有答案~可只有脾气没怎么改变呢,越是执拗的花儿,越是喜欢口是心非,你明明也想和我喝茶聊天嘛~” Ji Fuyao: „The words that does not want to walk, sit down to drink tea, but troubles your bird mouth quiet some, I this time go out ahead of time, also studies without/has not to complete...” 姬扶摇:“不想走的话,坐下喝茶,但麻烦你的小鸟嘴巴安静些,我此番可是提前出关,还有许多研究没有完成...” Profound Bird: This may somewhat trouble, although wants to say makes me help you the option of this vindicating heart mark, brushes Fuyao elder sister's good sensitivity, but Fuyao elder sister's Dao Scroll reported, my point cannot understand ~ this tea is quite hot, burnt the tongue, looked like by the fire from flint wild technique of beginning Qilin is burnt simply same ~ 玄鸟:“这可有些麻烦了,虽然很想说出‘让我来帮帮你’这种表白心迹的选项,来刷一刷扶摇姐的好感度,可扶摇姐的道卷报告,我一点都看不懂呢~这茶好烫,烫到舌头了,简直就像是被始麒麟的石火荒术烧到一样~” Ji Fuyao: Responded, this is one of my this closing up research results, but you are 1st small White Bird that experiments this tea effect, please drink several, quite makes me record the Dao Scroll report...” 姬扶摇:“答对了,这便是我此次闭关的研究成果之一,而你便是第一个试验此茶效果的小白鸟,请你多喝几口,好让我记录道卷报告...” Profound Bird: Unexpectedly is the 1st such important position, really happy ~ 玄鸟:“居然是第一这么重要的位置吗,真令人开心~” Ji Fuyao: I am a happier that side ~ the wild aura in tea is almost the lethal dose, has not killed by poison your bird unexpectedly, it seems like reduces and solves Heavenly Wasteland Ancient Territory wild curse with the way of Qilin tea, really feasible, this lets the major discovery of Inverse Saint awaken sufficiently ~ or, you actually and without/has not swallows in the tea the entrance, the tea that but will drink loaded into Vidyakara Space, therefore has not killed by poison...” 姬扶摇:“我才是更开心的那一方呢~茶中的荒之气息几乎是致死量,竟没把你这只小鸟毒死,看来用麒麟茶的方式化解天荒古境的荒之诅咒,真的可行,这可是足以让逆圣苏醒的重大发现呢~又或者,你其实并没有把茶水吞入口中,而是将喝下的茶水装进了持明空间,所以才没毒死...” Profound Bird: Oh no! Family's good fortune furnace forgot to close the fire...” 玄鸟:“糟糕!家里的造化炉忘记关火了...” Profound Bird is streaming with sweat, flees to the wilderness. 玄鸟汗流浃背,落荒而逃。 The Ji Fuyao corners of the mouth raise, without/has not stops, the back that static looks at Profound Bird departs, does not know that is thinking anything. 姬扶摇则嘴角一扬,没有阻拦,静静看着玄鸟离去的背影,不知在想些什么。 Expelled the bird that this was only in the way finally. 总算赶走这只碍事的小鸟了。 Then observation that youngster had what difference to locate... 接着观察那个少年有何异处好了... Does not look fortunately, this looked, on face that Ji Fuyao originally smiles, direct duplicate filled the cold frost. 可不看还好,这一看,姬扶摇原本笑眯眯的脸上,直接覆满了寒霜。 Earth Giant Clan, dares so... 地巨族,竟敢如此... ... ... Earth Giant Clan, God Step City. 地巨族,神足城 A Blood Awakening ceremony is held. 一场醒血仪式正在举行。 Wants Blood Awakening, must first measure Blood Awakening natural talent, this is the tradition of Earth Giant 5th branch. 醒血,必须先测醒血资质,此为地巨第五分支的传统。 Earth Giant Clan Inheritance before Immemorial, passes on to the present, there are six big branches: Heavenly Eye, Heavenly Ear, his heart, fate, God Step and laying to rest all worries by divine wisdom. 地巨族传承太古之前,传至如今,共有六大分支:天眼天耳、他心、宿命、神足、漏尽。 Huaiwo Earth Giant is 5th branch God Step Lineage, has own custom. 淮涡地巨第五分支神足一脉,有着自己的规矩。 clansman to the 12 year, then needs to measure Blood Awakening natural talent, to participate the Blood Awakening ceremony. 族人到了十二岁,便需要测醒血资质,以参加醒血仪式。 Blood Awakening natural talent is divided into Mortal, Remnant, True, King, and Ancestral 5th Rank. 醒血资质分为凡、残、真、王、祖五等 Only has to achieve True Blood natural talent clansman, was allowed to enter Earth Giant Blood Awakening Pond, awakens Earth Giant Blood. 唯有达到真血资质族人,才被允许进入地巨醒血池,觉醒地巨血 Remnant Blood does not have into the pond qualifications, otherwise was purely wastes Blood Awakening resources ; but still to keep in the clan, acted as the bottom level janitor and Monster Soldier, many uses. 残血者不具备入池资格,否则纯属浪费醒血资源但仍可留在族中,充当底层杂役和妖兵,多少有些用处。 Mortal Blood was not allowed to keep in God Step City, after all the Huaiwo Earth Giant consistent position, is the eugenics optimal, too little better than toomuch. When person in clan, but must share certain extent clan's fate, even few of Bloodlines low differential, that will still let need clan's fate cultivation talents clan's fate to reduce, outweighs the advantage in the tribe multiplication shortcoming. 凡血者则不被允许留在神足城中,毕竟淮涡地巨一贯的主张,就是优生优选,宁缺毋滥。待在族内的人,可是要共享一定程度族运的,就算血脉低微分的少,那也会让需要族运修行的天才们族运减少,于族群繁衍一事弊大于利。 You are unable to accuse the eugenics optimal are the wrong idea, that only if you were optimized... 你无法指责优生优选是错误理念,除非你是被优化掉的那一个... Once Ji Chen, was then expelled Earth Giant Clan, five Blood Awakening, five failure, highest one time, detected Mortal Grade 3-stars Bloodlines natural talent... 曾经的稷辰,便被逐出了地巨族,五次醒血,五次失败,最高的一次,也不过测出凡品三星血脉资质... Each Huaiwo Earth Giant altogether has Blood Awakening opportunity entire life five times, from the 12 year, to 16 years old, may every year Blood Awakening one time. If for successive five times were Mortal Blood, will then be pursued. 每个淮涡地巨一生共有五次醒血机会,从十二岁,到十六岁,每年可醒血一次。若连续五次都是凡血,则会遭到驱逐。 Abandoning that Ning Fan acts at this moment, is participating in the final one time Blood Awakening test of 16 years old. 宁凡此刻扮演的弃,正参加着十六岁的最后一次醒血测试。 Mortal Grade, fragmentary!” 凡品,零星!” When the test result appears, everyone was shocked! 当测试结果出现,所有人都震惊了! What situation! 什么情况! This boy 2-stars was not close to 3-stars Bloodlines last year! 这小子去年不还是二星接近三星血脉么! This year how Bloodlines does not increase instead reduces, this did the matters of many seething discontent among the people, made Immemorial Starry Sky take back him originally the blood of thin ancient spirit! 怎么今年血脉不增反减,这是干了多少天怒人怨之事,才让太古星空收回了他本就稀薄的古灵之血! Since Earth Giant Inheritance, which clansman but also never has to detect so mean Bloodlines, small Earth Giant that even after all the Remnant Blood parents give birth, possibly is not fragmentary Bloodlines! 地巨传承至今,还从未有哪个族人测出过如此低微的血脉,毕竟就算是残血父母生下的小地巨,也不可能是零星血脉吧! This is any inborn disabled person! 这是什么天生废人! Renovated the Earth Giant Clan lower limit simply! 简直刷新了地巨一族的下限! Is makes God Step King feel that face completely loses! 更是让神足王感到颜面尽失! He is Earth Giant God Step Lineage Patriarch, is the abandoned father! 他是地巨神足一脉族长,亦是弃的父亲! His woman are many, the children are more, can obtain him to love, only then these since birth are the children above True Blood, but resembles to abandon so inferior natural talent, made him detest and reject, simply was his lifetime stain! 他的女人很多,子女更多,能得到他宠爱的,只有那些生来就是真血之上的子女,而似弃这般低劣资质,着实令他厌弃,简直是他一生的污点! But, the fiercest tiger does not eat its cub. 但,虎毒不食子。 Even if hated abandoned mediocre incompetent, he will not kill the child, but will follow the God Step Lineage custom, removed from the clan it, making it run its own course. 即使恨极了弃的平庸无能,他也不会杀子,而是会遵循神足一脉的规矩,将其从族中除名,令其自生自灭。 Your Blood Awakening failure, body no least bit Bloodlines with the foot, does not match to continue to treat in my Earth Giant God Step City, when abandons it!” “你醒血失败,身无半点血脉跟脚,不配继续待在我地巨神足城,当弃之!” As God Step King orders, the Ning Fan main line plot successfully promotes, he can leave this place, under conducted the First Stage plot. 随着神足王一声令下,宁凡的主线剧情成功推动,他可以离开此地,进行下一阶段的剧情了。 But his without/has not leaves immediately, but is gaze has swept God Step King, finally falls one in God Step King countless women. 但他没有立刻离开,而是目光扫过神足王,最终落在神足王身旁无数妇人中的一个。 The woman is the abandoned mother, saw with own eyes that the son will be pursued, the woman as to abandon speaks some words of praise, but after opening the mouth, finally actually silent. 那女人是弃的母亲,眼见儿子将被驱逐,女人似乎想为弃说些好话,但张开口之后,最终却还是沉默。 Her by no means dares to revolt against the order of God Step King, the matter that God Step King sets, does not allow anybody to question and oppose. 并不敢反抗神足王的命令,神足王定下的事情,绝不容任何人质疑、反对。 Even if abandoned Bloodlines such low is actually for different reasons, she does not dare to abandon the speech, otherwise... she is also good, abandons also well, only meets the fate more miserable. 即使弃的血脉如此之低其实另有原因,她也不敢为弃说话,否则...她也好,弃也好,只会下场更惨。 Things have gotten to this point, has no alternative, this all blames her! 事已至此,无可奈何,这全都怪她! Is she should not steal into the God Step restricted area when pregnancy, steps on the restricted area secretly the giant Far Ancient God Spirit footprint... 是她不该在怀孕之时偷入神足禁地,偷偷去踩禁地中巨大的远古神灵脚印... Abandoning should not be so Bloodlines, was that God Spirit footprint seized all... 弃本不该是如此血脉,是那神灵脚印夺走了一切... From the beginning, she should not believe the Jiang Shui Daoist nonsense! She by Jiang Shui Daoist deceiving! 从一开始,她就不该相信姜水道人的鬼话!她被姜水道人给骗了! So long as anything steps on the restricted area footprint, then can make this child have Immortal Emperor Fate Standard... to deceive people! 什么只要踩一踩禁地脚印,便能让此子拥有仙帝命格...全都是骗人的! She with steps on the footprint to child's happy blessing. 她是怀着对孩子的美好祝福去踩脚印的。 But finally, actually harmed him... 可最终,却害了他... Oh, how I felt, I captured the hidden plot probably...” Ning Fan gaze narrows the eyes slightly, under Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye, saw unexpectedly abandoned not the matter of knowing. ,我怎么感觉,自己好像攻略出了隐藏剧情...”宁凡目光微微一眯,天人法目之下,竟是看到了弃都不曾知晓之事。 The abandoned life, as if by no means is that simple... 弃的一生,似乎并不是那么简单呢... Ning Fan is interested in Ji Chen passing by no means, but if has the Man Zhi layout, then deep cuts back Karma, indeed attacks the Man Zhi Dao Sense best way... 宁凡稷辰的过往并不感兴趣,但若其中有满智的布局,则深挖背后的因果,正是打击满智道念的最好方式... Very harmful Man Zhi! The abandoned life, is the good deed that you do! 害人不浅啊满智!弃的一生,原来是你干的好事!
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