GE :: Volume #14

#1306 Part 1: Free on star Fuyao soul

Dao Sense games not just has a form, particularly has Dao Sense games of Beginning Saint participation, the form is more complex. 道念不止有一种形式,尤其是有始圣参与的道念,形式更加复杂。 And, fight Dao Sense games are most direct, actually also most spends the time, from beginning to end will be both sides slaughters, hits one dozen, outside world may pass 10 years 100 years and even is longer, only if Dao Sense of some side can end the to subdue|grams other side. 其中,战斗型道念是最直接的,却也是最费时间的,从头到尾就是双方厮杀,打一打,外界可能会过去十年百年乃至更久,除非某一方的道念能完克另一方。 Ji Chen by no means plan so , he although does not know that what Fu Li is, but actually could feel that Ning Fan has the restraint of steamroll nearly to him. 稷辰并不打算如此,他虽不知扶离为何物,但却感觉得到宁凡对他有着近乎碾压的克制。 If direct Dao Sense slaughters, being defeated can be oneself, and in extremely in a short time disastrous defeat. 倘若直接道念厮杀,落败的一定会是自己,且会在极短时间内惨败。 except fight, quite common also Dao discussion, decides Life and Death at the Dao Enlightenment height. 除却战斗型,比较常见的还有论道型,以道悟高低来决生死 But Ji Chen equally did not feel oneself can surpass Ning Fan at the Dao Enlightenment incident. 稷辰同样不觉得自己能在道悟一事超过宁凡 He once was Heaven and Mortal sent the disciple, in the gate to have the Heaven and Mortal Cultivator gentleman, but opened Heaven and Mortal Third Gate like Ning Fan was actually also without/has not, Bao Kuo (including) Heaven and Mortal sends Building Sect Leader desolate Ancestor! 他曾是天人派门徒,门中多有天人修士,但像宁凡这样打开天人第三门的却是一个也没有,包括天人掌门老祖 But he himself, Heaven and Mortal First Gate is not even able to open, Dao Enlightenment average he, once was Profound Bird annoyed the innumerable taunts... 而他自己,则连天人第一门都无法打开,道悟平平的他,一度为玄鸟惹来无数嘲讽... Opening Dao discussion Dao Sense games takes Dao of Death, he so will not be careless! 论道道念乃是取死之道,他绝不会如此草率! Fortunately he is Beginning Saint, but can also open some more special Dao Sense games. 幸而他是始圣,还能和人开一些更加特殊的道念 Ji Chen opens, after is he seizes a bitter collection extinguished the strength of say/way, self-created the war of Dao Sense games —— lane changing! 稷辰开的,是他窃夺了一丝苦集灭道之力后,自创道念——换道之战! He once depended on this technique en to take the Yin Mountains hundred clans, made between hundred clans and Huaiwo the mutual understanding the pain, thus established the merit of salvation, was Profound Bird won the innumerable reputations. 他曾凭此术恩服了阴山百族,令百族和淮涡之间互相理解了痛楚,因而立下救世之功,为玄鸟赢得了无数美誉。 But now, he actually attempted with once the method of salvation, killed person of the salvation... 但现在,他却试图用曾经救世的手段,杀一个救世之人... Sorry... 对不起... In the heart of Ji Chen, there is a guilt of split second, is not guilty about Ning Fan, but to Profound Bird... he knows all that oneself make, will only disappoint Profound Bird. Even if he resurrected finally Profound Bird, making the tree of fate grow the new possibility, but... that by no means was the story of Profound Bird anticipation. 稷辰的心中,有了一瞬间的愧疚,并非是对宁凡愧疚,而是对玄鸟...他知道自己所做的一切,只会让玄鸟失望。哪怕他最终复活了玄鸟,令宿命之树长出新的可能,但...那并不玄鸟期待的故事。 The obstinate flowers will never remove the color because of the rainstorm, that is the person and matter that Profound Bird likes... 执拗的花朵永远不会因暴雨而褪去颜色,那才是玄鸟喜欢的人和事... What a pity, my color has removed, could not look again... 可惜,我的颜色已经褪去,再也找不回来了... without/has not your World, me, but loses the color day and night to alternate, black and white to rotate, I... anything could not have felt... 没有你的世界,于我而言,只是失去颜色的昼夜更迭、黑白轮转,我已经...什么都感受不到了... Regardless of pays many prices, I must receive in exchange you, after all this is a mortal can achieve, most selfish matter... 无论付出多少代价,我都要将你换回,毕竟这是一个凡人能做到的,最自私的事情了... In the Ji Chen eye flows off the tears of red wax, slowly close your eyes. 稷辰眼中流下更多红蜡之泪,缓缓闭上眼。 The following Dao Sense games, Ning Fan meets Incarnation for him, experiences his Samsara passing. 接下来的道念,宁凡化身为他,经历他的轮回过往。 But he meets Incarnation Ning Fan, experiences all, destroys all... 而他则会化身宁凡,经历一切,毁灭一切... The opposite party Samsara memory thing of destruction in treasuring, making opposite party Dao Sense collapse, this was the win way of war of lane changing! 将对方轮回记忆中的珍视之物毁灭,令对方道念崩溃,这才是换道之战的取胜方式! This is very brutal, but has a nightmare the conduct, will always achieve to hope with the fiercest method! 这很残酷,但魇行事,向来会用最酷烈的手段达成所愿! This is also very despicable! In the lane changing war of Ji Chen construction, the Ning Fan opening is only a mortal, the fundamental without/has not strength destroys Profound Bird that he cares about, but he opening is Beginning Saint! He has the sufficient strength and time to destroy all of opposite party! 这同样很卑鄙!在稷辰构建的换道战中,宁凡开局只是凡人,根本没有力量毁灭他所在乎的玄鸟,而他开局便是始圣!他有足够的实力、时间毁灭对方的一切! But, your I all am the person of pure love, therefore I will not destroy the clear reputation of your important person, even if she at this moment, is only 1st Stage memory in your heart. I to her a happiness, this will experience personally the final charitable disposition that the Profound Bird blessings can defend for me, to you with for every gracious gift of cultivating.” “但,你我皆是纯爱之人,故而我不会毁你重要之人的清誉,哪怕此刻的她,只是你心中的一段记忆。我会给她一個痛快,此为我身受玄鸟赐福所能守住的最后善念,也是对你同为凡修的恩赐。” But I will take her life, she in you memory will destroy, only by doing so, can your Dao Sense crushing...” “但我会取走她的生命,将伱记忆中的她毁灭,唯有如此,才能将你道念击碎...” by no means that or, my trip must kill only then a person, your obsession so heterogeneous, cared by no means only has one person after all...” “又或者,我此行要杀的并不只有一人,毕竟你的执念如此驳杂,在乎的并不只有一人...” Ji Chen opens the eyes slowly, killing intent exposes. 稷辰徐徐睁开双眼,杀意展露。 But heaves in sight, is actually not the Ning Fan most beloved female. 但映入眼帘的,却并非是宁凡最心爱的女子。 But is the chrysanthemum monster who is singing, farming and sunning, whole body was covered with the chrysanthemum, actually cannot see is the person is the ghost. 而是一个唱着歌、种着地、晒着太阳的菊花妖怪,全身上下长满了菊花,看不出究竟是人是鬼。 You are small of father small Dao Fruit, how father plant you not to dislike many...” The chrysanthemum monster is singing cheerfully, the singing sound has an inexplicable lethality, lets the Ji Chen eardrum slightly pain unexpectedly. “你是老子的小呀小道果,老子怎么种你都不嫌多...”菊花妖怪欢快歌唱着,歌声有种莫名杀伤力,竟让稷辰耳膜微痛。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? According to rule that he sets, Butterfly memory that this time appears, should present in the Butterfly heart the most important that woman to be right. 按照他所定下的规则,此番浮现的蝴蝶记忆,是该出现蝴蝶心中最重要的那个女人才对。 Why appears can be a chrysanthemum monster! And why this monster does not know, to the feeling of Ji Chen danger, only depending on the sound of crying babies noisy singing sound, can pass through his both ears unexpectedly extremely unexpectedly, making his eardrum want to crack. 为何出现的会是一个菊花妖怪!且这妖怪不知为何,竟给稷辰极其危险之感,只凭呕哑嘈杂的歌声,竟都能贯穿他的双耳,令他耳膜欲裂。 The technique of this could it be Saint Level other Demon Sound? 难道是圣人级别的魔音之术? Is the rule has problems, is that butterfly up to mischief? 是规则出了什么问题,还是那只蝴蝶在搞鬼? Also or, the present all, are only Butterfly Illusion Technique, tries to make the resistance to my lane changing war, preventing me to kill the person of his treasuring? 又或者,眼前的一切,只是蝴蝶幻术,试图对我的换道战做出反抗,阻止我杀他珍视之人? Really has the feeling of Illusion Technique. Has not thought, takes the bitter collection to extinguish for World that four big sources construct, unexpectedly also by Illusion Technique infection invasion... Butterfly! Your Illusion Technique, I approved! But in the bitter collection extinguishes in front of the say/way, in front of my eye, all Illusion Technique, is all insignificant!” “确实有幻术的感觉。只是没想到,以苦集灭道为四大之源所构造的世界,居然也会被幻术感染入侵...蝴蝶!你的幻术,我认可了!但在苦集灭道面前,在我这双眼睛面前,一切幻术,皆无意义!” Gives me, Extinguish! 给我,灭! Ji Chen opened Candle Fire to set upright the pupil, killing intent fully opened, Beginning Saint cultivation base toward at first sight averagely not wonderful chrysanthemum monster steamroll under. 稷辰睁开了烛火竖瞳,杀意全开,一身始圣修为朝着乍一看平平无奇的菊花妖怪碾压而下。 The 12 Arrow Book color light unfolds in Heaven and Earth, changes to the 12 color arrow to shoot down! 十二箭书的彩光在天地间铺开,化作十二彩箭射落! The Profound Bird light wing also opens, the World anchor, does not give the chrysanthemum monster any possibility of fleeing! 玄鸟光翼同样张开,将世界锚定,不给菊花妖怪任何逃离的可能! The day and night starts to alternate at the extremely quick speed, was holds the candle to set upright the pupil to emit pupil technique World Candle Fire, the fever to Sea of Consciousness of chrysanthemum monster! 昼夜开始以极快的速度更迭,是衔烛竖瞳放出了瞳术世界烛火,烧向了菊花妖怪的识海 Earth Giant Inugami lance also transformation, and was promoted by Ji Chen for the muddy dragon God Extinguishing spear/gun forcefully, toward chrysanthemum monster ruthlessly discarding! 地巨犬神矛亦幻化而出,并被稷辰强行升格为浊龙灭神枪,朝菊花妖怪狠狠投落! Hey, this blew what wind, unexpectedly had only small Earth Giant to enter my Dreamland to kill me, and 2nd God King Dao Law without/has not that used used completely right.” “嘿,这是吹了什么风,居然有只小地巨进我梦境杀我,且所用的第二神王道法完全没有用对。” Young tree does not repair straight, small Earth Giant, your does life, certainly owe maintain very much? Some had without/has not been beaten mercilessly by World ruthlessly?” “小树不修不直溜,小地巨,你的人生,一定很欠修理吧?有没有世界狠狠毒打过?” Ji Chen installs to compel quickly, the chrysanthemum monster hits the face to be quicker! 稷辰装逼很快,菊花妖怪打脸更快! The arrow rain that Ji Chen shoots down, cannot break a soft body hair of chrysanthemum monster Nine Revolutions Profound Art. 稷辰射落的箭雨,破不开菊花妖怪九转玄功的一根毫毛。 Can bury into the Return to Ruins God Extinguishing spear/gun myriad things, actually cannot stand off the seven chi (0.33 m) demon of opposite party to plant, the invincible might completely loses. 能将万物葬入归墟灭神枪,却敌不过对方的七尺魔种,神威尽失。 Burns through Great Thousand World Candle Fire sufficiently, burns does not break the Eight Immortals of opposite party to protect sea immortal Spiritual Sense. 足以烧穿大千世界烛火,亦烧不破对方的八仙护海不朽神识 Then the old man offered a sacrifice to the Black Fire big cauldron, pounded continually three toward Ji Chen! 而后老者祭出了黑火大鼎,朝着稷辰连砸三下! Only pounds the Ji Chen wing to be stave, the vertical pupil fire is out, lost the strength to hit back at the scene! 直砸得稷辰光翼破碎,竖瞳火灭,当场就失去了还手之力! Subsequently was suppressed in Black Fire flaming One Qi Sealing Immortal Cauldron, was burnt complains constantly, fearful and apprehensive! 继而就被镇压进了黑火熊熊的一气封仙鼎之中,被烧得叫苦不迭,心惊肉跳! Actually this evildoer/monstrous is who! 妖孽究竟是何人! Lifts the hand to suppress, is commonplace Desolate Saint cannot achieve, when this person compares most flourishing unexpectedly Nightmare King Yao Gu also wants to be fiercer! 抬手就能将自己镇压,便是等闲荒圣都做不到,此人竟比全盛时的魇王尧骨还要厉害许多! I have not made an effort, you dropped down...” “我还没用力,你就倒下了...” Sees Ji Chen 2-3 to be killed, the chrysanthemum monster feels somewhat bored: What a pity was a pity, if newcomer is the true Butterfly boy, rather than this person of lane changing, will decide will not only punch three on the belch fart? Too vegetable/dish! 稷辰2-3就被干掉,菊花妖怪不免感到有些无聊:可惜啊可惜,若来者是真正的蝴蝶小子,而不是此换道之人,定不会只揍三下就嗝屁吧?太菜了! But this no wonder this small Earth Giant, after all his Beginning Saint cultivation base, but depends Nightmare Qi to seize to come, not real Saint, does not have Mountains and Seas, Saint Heart by far without/has not is also complete. 但这怪不得这只小地巨,毕竟他的始圣修为,只是仗着魇气窃夺而来,并非真圣,既无山海,圣心也远远没有无缺。 Is impossible! This is Dao Sense games that I originally create, middle all are all controlled by me! Even if Butterfly moved some hands and feet, should not present your this kind of fierce role to be right! Resembles the generation of your so exceedingly high penetrating place, actually why to appear in the trivial lane changing war!” Ji Chen is unwilling to say. “不可能!此乃我独创的道念,当中一切皆由我所掌控!就算蝴蝶动了些手脚,也不该出现你这等厉害角色才对!似你这般通天彻地之辈,究竟为何会出现在区区换道战中!”稷辰不甘道。 Who knows that was you angered that boy probably, therefore he changed to this kind of cultivation base me! I should by the body of Dream World serious injury, appear before you, was lifted the hand to extinguish by you kills, who makes me have a good apprentice? He is bent on having to prevent all, even if you really killed my Dream World body, will not have the least bit damage in my Real World body. The boy surface is indifferent, inside hides shortcomings, if you slaughter with him directly, perhaps he also spoke some fair morality and justice with you, but you were bent on having to cheat in first, and plan killed his one's favorite, hey, only said the courage, you were among Heaven and Earth alone one! Ten Thousand Saint Mountains various Saint gathers together matter that does not dare to handle, you actually dare to do, really flamboyant ah... chrysanthemum monster digs the nose excrement, while Yin-Yang strange gas channel/angrily said. “谁知道呢,大概是你惹怒了那小子,故而他才把我改成了这等修为吧!我本该以梦界重伤之身,出现在你面前,被你抬手灭杀,可谁让我有一个好徒弟呢?他偏要阻止一切,哪怕你真的杀死了我的梦界身,于我真界身也不会有半点损伤。那小子表面冷漠,内里可是十分护短的,你若直接和他厮杀,他或许还和你讲些公平道义,但你偏要作弊在先,且还打算杀他的心头肉,嘿,只说勇气,你可是天地间独一份了!万圣山诸圣聚在一起都不敢做的事情,你却敢做,真牛逼啊...”菊花妖怪一边挖鼻屎,一边阴阳怪气道。 And shot in the nose excrement the big cauldron conveniently, kindly gave Ji Chen. 并顺手将鼻屎弹到了大鼎之中,赏给了稷辰 The straight air/Qi resulted in the Ji Chen Three Corpse god violent to jump two corpses, was actually at wit's end, can only bear the shame of this nose excrement! 直气得稷辰三尸神暴跳了二尸,却无计可施,只能硬受了这一鼻屎的耻辱! Hateful, hateful! You should be only 1st step cultivation base, was revised 3rd step by that Butterfly unexpectedly and even is close to the 4th step strength! However borrowed the external force to suppress me by luck, did not do happily! I am the real Saint, all your, are actually fictionalize!” Ji Chen disdains to say. “可恶,可恶!你本该只是第一步修为,竟被那蝴蝶修改出了第三步乃至接近第四步的力量!不过是借了外力才侥幸镇压我,休要得意!我乃真圣,你的一切,却都是虚构的!”稷辰不屑道。 External force? Your my True Body/this Senior could not completely understand, can only see the false appearance of my whole body chrysanthemum, but also felt all right to say oneself were the real Saint, I, you calculated the real Saint of hammer! Deducts 9/10 not to belong to your cultivation base, but is Second Level young child forget it/that's all, and this cultivation base, the Profound Bird Blessings gives to you! Eats big you from the small soft food, really under beats mercilessly! That only Profound Bird, yeah, Profound Bird... also fine, looks in the Profound Bird face, gives you opportunity that has the firm food. Today Old Man then the truth that teaches you to cultivate the behavior: The vegetable/dish practices, do not blame god and man! Today the nose excrement guarantees all one wants to eat, giving me is quite delicious, well introspection!” “外力?呵,你连我本尊之相都看不透,只看得到我满身菊花的假象,还好意思说自己是真圣,我呸,你算个锤子的真圣!扣去十分之九不属于你的修为,不过是个二阶小儿罢了,且这份修为,还是玄鸟赐福送给你的!从小软饭吃大的你,果然还是欠毒打啊!只是那只玄鸟,哎,玄鸟...也罢,看在玄鸟的面子上,给你一个吃牢饭的机会吧。今日老夫便教教你做人的道理:菜就多练,不要怨天尤人!今日鼻屎管饱,给我好好吃,好好反省!” Thereupon, the Ji Chen misery started. 于是乎,稷辰的苦难开始了。 But all of these, starts merely... 这一切,仅仅只是开始... ... ... Abandoned! Today was the day of my clan Blood Awakening, all of age in God Step City, how you still delayed in this place, without catching up with Blood Awakening, you must be revered to punish by flogging and beating by the place!” “弃!今日乃是我族醒血之日,所有适龄者都在神足城,你怎么还在此地耽搁,若没赶上醒血,你又要被地尊责打了!” The companions are urging Ning Fan, Ning Fan actually returned to sentence you first to go, I then, then sent later the opposite party. 同伴催促着宁凡,宁凡却回了句“你先去,我稍后便至”,便把对方打发走了。 In this Dao Sense games, he will experience the Ji Chen life, but he and without/has not goes to Earth Giant Clan and opening main line plot eagerly, but is the plan first confirms something. 这场道念中,他会体验稷辰的一生,但他并没有急于前往地巨族、开启主线剧情,而是打算先确认一些事情。 Dao Sense games he has hit many times, particularly protects in Northern Barbarian 1000 years bloody battle, many Ancient Emperor do not beat directly, then wants to be opportunistic to kill him with Dao Sense games, naturally all without/has not succeeds. 道念他已打过许多次了,尤其是守护北蛮千年血战中,许多古帝正面不敌,便想用道念取巧杀他,当然全都没有成功。 Can fight the tie on Dao Sense with him only, named mysterious Great Emperor from beginning to end... 唯一能在道念上和他战成平局的,也只有名为归终的神秘大帝... This time Dao Sense games are different! 这次的道念则不同! this time, Ning Fan first was Ying Xuan Heart Seal, was opened Dao Sense games by Ji Chen. 这一次,宁凡是先中了应玄心之封印,再被稷辰强开道念的。 Is equal therefore was coerced by two Beginning Saint, facilitated this war jointly, the aspect to oneself extremely disadvantageous ; in addition this Dao Sense games is Ji Chen the technique of original creation, all advantages, almost all incline toward Ji Chen. 等同于是被两名始圣裹挟,联手促成了此战,局面对自己极其不利加之此道念乃是稷辰的独创之术,此间一切优势,几乎全部朝着稷辰倾斜。 From the beginning, this war on without/has not any fair, if Ning Fan has stupidly gone to the main line plot, attempts to depend on the normal flow to defeat Ji Chen, will only court destruction! 从一开始,此战就没有任何公平可言,倘若宁凡傻乎乎去过主线剧情,妄图靠着正常流程击败稷辰,只会自取灭亡! When Ning Fan opens Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye, understood this war more details instantaneously. 宁凡开启天人法目,瞬间理解了此战更多细节。 Really, he opening is only the mortal, Ji Chen opening is Beginning Saint, and plan wipes to extinguish Samsara memory of person of his treasuring. 果然,他开局只是凡人,稷辰则开局就是始圣,且还打算将他珍视之人的轮回记忆抹灭。 The opposite party plan to cheat from the beginning, complete without/has not is fair! But this is also very reasonable, you are unable to count on that Nightmare Monster and you said fairly. 对方从一开始就打算作弊,完全没有公平可言!但这也很合理,你无法指望一只魇妖和你讲公平。 If cheated also even, but the opposite party also wants to extinguish Ning Fan Samsara to recall unexpectedly... 若只是作弊也就算了,可对方居然还想灭宁凡轮回之忆... Then, Ning Fan also has wasn't concerned about martial ethics. 如此一来,宁凡也只好不讲武德了。 He is Fu Li, Ji Chen is Nie Li. Because there is Bloodlines to suppress, even if Ji Chen wants to draw support from the rule to deadlock his cultivation base, is still unable to lock in completely. 他是扶离,稷辰孽离。因有血脉压制,即使稷辰想要借助规则锁死他的修为,仍旧无法锁住全部。 This is also Ning Fan can actually open the Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye reason as the mortal. 这也是宁凡身为凡人却能开启天人法目的原因。 But matter that he can achieve, this matter, also are not just more! 但他能做到的事情,并非只有此事,还有更多! For example, this piece of Dao Sense World forcefully recognize the lord, random revision regular... 比如说,将这片道念世界强行认主,任意修改其中规则... If with Qu Ping Dao Sense games, he will not so cheat, cheats at the fair war, will only make Dao Heart stay behind fears fissure of ; war but if the opponent is Ji Chen this cheater, then might as well. 若是和屈平道念,他不会如此作弊,于公平之战作弊,只会令道心留下畏战之裂痕但若对手是稷辰这种作弊者,则无妨。 You want in the way of lane changing, to peep my Samsara, kills my Samsara to recall is that so... “你想以换道的方式,窥我轮回,杀我轮回是么... Also good, and makes you have a look in my Samsara memory, which has to kill the person, makes you experience me at 100.02 million failure that in various Samsara experiences, after all this is yourself must trade, is beyond control you to renege on a promise.” “也好,且让你看看我的轮回记忆里,到底都有哪些可杀之人吧,亦让你体验一下我于诸轮回中所经历的亿万万次失败,毕竟这道是你自己要换的,由不得你反悔。” 100.02 million failure of that huge can make you experience one time, but middle has the too many secret is not possible to be known. Actually must therefore show what degree to you Samsara memory, was decided by me, rather than by you...” “那庞大的亿万万次失败可以让你体验一次,只是当中有太多秘密不可为人所知。所以究竟要给你展现何种程度的轮回记忆,由我来决定,而非由你...” Lord Recognition Seal makes, the authority of war of lane changing was plundered by Ning Fan in an instant. 认主印打出,换道之战的权柄转眼就被宁凡掠夺。 Under the Heaven and Mortal azure glow, present Dao Sense games World falls in the Ning Fan eye, all turned into data mighty current. 天人青芒之下,眼前的道念世界落在宁凡眼中,俱都变成了数据洪流。 Becoming aware Ning Fan that Dao Intent knows can revise continually, will change the data of some Dao Sense games difficultly, by no means. 连悟道意识界都能修改的宁凡,修改一些道念的数据,并不会有多难。 After a revision, Dao Sense games rule presented the tremendous change, rewrote anything specifically, only then Ning Fan knew. 一番修改之后,道念规则出现了巨大改变,具体都改写了什么,则只有宁凡知道了。 Does not only know how long Ji Chen can support in the Master hand, if he cannot support die, will then judge my Dao Sense games win directly...” “只不知,稷辰能在师父手中支撑多久,若他撑不住陨落,则会直接宣判我道念取胜...” Hopes that Ji Chen do not die early, although after all this place is only Dao Sense World, some things made me care...” “希望稷辰不要死得太早,毕竟此地虽说只是道念世界,却有一些东西令我在意...” The Ning Fan look is dignified. 宁凡神色凝重。 Because of Ji Chen, is not very regrettable, Ji Chen had been finished, at this moment was beaten by Yin-Yang Saint starts merely, then also more societies beat mercilessly to be able the one by one experience. 并非是因为稷辰,很遗憾,稷辰已经完蛋了,此刻被两仪圣殴打仅仅只是开始,接下来还有更多社会毒打可以一一经历。 You want to kill my important person, doesn't that kill nearby my important Zi Dou Master is very reasonable carefully? 你想杀我重要之人,那不小心杀到我重要的紫斗师父跟前也很合理吧? You want to realize my Samsara experience, then by Drifting Kun, Hong Jun, Parting Ancestor, Desolate Ancient and Mountains and Seas Lord pain was beaten is very reasonable in various Samsara in turn 100.02 million times? 你想体会我轮回经历,那么于诸轮回中被混鲲鸿钧离祖荒古山海主轮流痛殴亿万万次也很合理吧? Changes lane, Hehe... courage praise worthy, only this nothing more. 换道,呵呵...勇气可嘉,仅此而已 Makes Ning Fan dignified truly, is this world other things, why this world does not know, seems ten ancient sound reverberations unexpectedly, the average man is unable to detect, but he may with Myriad Things Communication, be able to hear! But the result of hearing, is his Fu Li Monster Blood, has feeling of the transformation sublimation faintly, has to plant the feeling of wanting shape turn into Monster square... 真正让宁凡凝重的,是此界的其他东西,此界不知为何,竟似有十道古老声音回荡,常人无法察觉,但他可与万物沟通,偏能听到!而听到的结果,便是他的扶离妖血,隐隐有种蜕变升华之感,有种要形成妖格的感觉... That is Far Ancient Ten Spirits leaves behind at this's ancient echo! 那是远古十灵遗留于此的古老回声! May make suitable square cultivate/repair the monster square, becoming Ancient Monster Spirit! 可令适格者修出妖格,成为远古妖灵 This may come as a surprise to Ning Fan greatly! 这可大大出乎了宁凡的意料! He comes Huaiwo to gather the Nightmare Disaster core, has not thought will become Ancient Monster Spirit in this place from Ancient Monster Cultivator. 他只是来淮涡收取魇灾核心的,从没想过会在此地从一介古妖修远古妖灵 But if really has becoming Ancient Monster Spirit opportunity, Ning Fan does not plan to miss, after all who will dislike the strength to be many? He looks forward becomes stronger, good to hold the innumerable holes the fate! 但若真有成为远古妖灵机会,宁凡自不打算错过,毕竟谁会嫌力量多呢?他巴不得变得更强,好把宿命捅出无数窟窿! This Ancient echo, he needs to investigate 12, to confirm that in the heart thinks! Before then, he hopes that Ji Chen can support a while, do not die too quickly. 远古回声,他需要调查一二,以确认心中所想!在此之前,他希望稷辰能多支撑一会儿,不要死得太快。 Come on, Brother Ji Chen! Please must insist, easily should not be overthrown by brutal Samsara! When only blames just changed the rule to change strangely conveniently, I could not have changed, therefore then wants to reduce for you beats mercilessly, cannot achieve... 加油啊,稷辰兄!请一定要坚持住,不要被残酷轮回轻易打倒!怪只怪刚刚改规则时改得过于随手,我已经改不回去了,所以便是想为你减少些毒打,也做不到... Ant Lord: Deceived people, you could change obviously, you want to retaliate Ji Chen forget it/that's all!” 蚁主:“骗人,你明明就改得回去,你只是想报复稷辰罢了!” Ning Fan: „Do you like my seeking revenge for the slightest grievance?” 宁凡:“那你喜欢我的睚眦必报么?” Ant Lord: this Palace Master likes your head!” 蚁主:“本宫喜欢你个头!” Ning Fan: This, my also wants saying that in my these possibly killed Samsara memory, actually has your, disciplinary punishment Ji Chen, is venting anger for you...” 宁凡:“这样啊,我本还想说,我那些可能被杀的轮回记忆中,其实是有你的,惩戒稷辰,也是在替你出气...” Ant Lord: what! Ji Chen also wants to kill this Palace Master unexpectedly! Why you do not tear to shreds him directly break the bones and scatter the ashes! In a good mood! wait a minute/etc.... Ji Chen must kill is not in your heart the person of treasuring, why will have this Palace Master, this this... do not crack a joke! This joke is not funny! Hey, you spoke! Does not plan and this Palace Master explains! Your anything meaning ah... 蚁主:“什么!稷辰居然连本宫也想杀!那你为什么不把他直接碎尸万段挫骨扬灰啊!好气!等等...稷辰要杀的不是你心中珍视之人吗,为何会有本宫,这这这...你别开玩笑啊!这个玩笑一点也不好笑!喂,你说话啊!不打算和本宫解释一下吗!你到底什么意思啊... Ning Fan: „...” 宁凡:“呵...” Ant Lord: Cannot snicker! this Palace Master is muddleheaded seriously, will nearly believe your nonsense! You is a from head to tail soul are pale! Rascals! Grasshopper! Cockroach! maggot! Ants!” 蚁主:“不许偷笑!本宫当真昏了头,才会险些信了你的鬼话!你就是个彻头彻尾的魂淡!无赖!蚱蜢!蟑螂!蛆虫!蝼蚁!” Ning Fan: You also scolded yourself!” 宁凡:“你把你自己也骂了!” Ant Lord: „The this Palace Master air/Qi, this Palace Master must your hold the link to take back temporarily!” 蚁主:“本宫气了,本宫要暂时将你的持环收回!” You receive actually! 那你倒是收啊! Why also increased the output of Magic Force quietly, was worried that I die in Dao Sense games... 为何还悄悄加大了法力的输出,是担心我死在道念么... Hypocritical. 口是心非。 oh? 嗯?
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