GE :: Volume #14

#1305 Part 3: Holds Candle Fire to open Dao Sense

Therefore Heaven and Mortal azure light flashes is bright, instantaneous understanding. Once by lock Heart Seal, needing such as to treat the war of Dao Sense to be the same, defeats mind Master, so can from opposite party mind break free. 于是天人青芒闪烁,瞬间理解。一旦被关入心之封印,需要如对待道念之战一般,将心神主人击败,如此才能从对方心神脱困 As for this mind World Master, unexpectedly is 6th Disaster, Ji Chen. 至于此心神世界主人,居然是第六灾,稷辰 so that's how it is, is Ying Xuan my mind, goes bad my good deed.” 原来如此,是应玄封我心神,坏我好事。” Ji Chen gaze ice-colder. 稷辰目光更加冰冷了。 Matter that he most wants to handle at this moment, suppresses Wuzhiqi, seizes its fight to fight Bloodlines, the extinction its Innate lifeform dignity. 他此刻最想做的事情,是镇压无支祁,夺其斗战血脉,绝灭其先天生灵的尊严。 Ying Xuan is booing, oneself can be victorious enemy, shuts in others' mind World the enemy, compelling others to break through. 应玄倒好,自己打不过敌人,就把敌人关进别人的心神世界,逼别人来解围。 But, why he must help Ying Xuan cope with this butterfly! 可,他凭什么要帮应玄对付此蝶! He to the Ying Xuan without/has not favorable impression, is only uninteresting about this acquired Bloodlines Butterfly, he only to hunting and killing Innate lifeform is interested! 他对应玄没有好感,对这只后天血脉蝴蝶也毫无兴趣,他只对猎杀先天生灵有兴趣! Depends on Nightmare King to have the command, with this Butterfly, extinguishes without the amnesty! Fast take action, extinction butterfly, otherwise Nightmare King with your agreement, becomes invalid instantly!】 【就凭魇王有令,遇此蝴蝶,灭无赦!速速出手,绝灭此蝶,否则魇王与你的约定,即刻作废!】 A sound in the mind World echo of Ji Chen, eliminated the disaffection in Ji Chen heart. 一个声音在稷辰心神世界回响,打消了稷辰心中的不满。 Was, Nightmare King had the command, must exterminate this butterfly, if did not comply with, then the agreement became invalid... 是了,魇王有令,必灭此蝶,若不遵从,则约定作废... Then, one side then can only place Battle Saint Ape, gives priority to making of Nightmare King! 那么,便只能将斗战圣猿放在一边,以魇王之令为重! Nightmare Technique, arrests the spirit!” 魇术,拘灵!” Nightmare Technique, spirit prison!” 魇术,灵狱!” Ji Chen launched arrested the technique of spirit, arrested full Physique Battle Saint Ape Divine Ability sufficiently, actually cannot arrest Ning Fan, instead backlash must arrest some spirit technique out-of-control. 稷辰展开了拘灵之术,足以拘动满体质斗战圣猿神通,却没能拘得动宁凡,反而反噬得拘灵术有些失控。 Ji Chen summoned five prison Punishment Mountain, but is unable the Ning Fan town/subdues under the mountain, his five Punishment Mountain to circle sky over Ning Fan similarly, does not dare to fall, trivial Punishment Mountain resembled unexpectedly is fearing anything. 稷辰召唤出了五狱刑山,但同样无法将宁凡镇于山下,他的五座刑山宁凡上空盘旋,迟迟不敢下落,区区刑山竟似在恐惧着什么。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? This butterfly obviously is only ordinary butterfly with the foot, why must be hard to restrict compared with full Physique Battle Saint Ape! 此蝶明明只是凡蝶跟脚,为何比满体质斗战圣猿还要难以拘束! Then is Beginning Saint by this prison technique, when also damages the 70% magical skill temporarily, this butterfly Saint is not, Saint Ring borrows the thing of her person, why can immovability under the having a nightmare prison! 便是始圣受此狱术,也当暂损七分道行,此蝶连圣人都不是,圣环不过是借用她人之物,凭什么能在魇狱之下不动如山! Is this strength that the mortal can hope to attain? 这是凡人可以企及的力量吗? „It is not able to understand that your Punishment Mountain does not dare the town/subdues my fact.” “无法理解吗,你的刑山不敢镇我的事实。” Ning Fan will not explain with Ji Chen, but by no means minds says a word slightly, attacks Ji Chen Dao Sense. 宁凡自不会和稷辰多做解释,但并不介意稍稍言语,打击一下稷辰道念 After all this time the war of mind, the war of shape with Dao Sense, Ning Fan saw opposite party Dao Sense is not steady, has an opportunity, therefore aims at the opposite party weakness to do intentionally this word. 毕竟此番心神之战,形同道念之战,宁凡一眼就看出了对方道念不稳,有机可乘,故而才针对对方弱点故作此言。 Ji Chen five prison Punishment Mountain do not dare to suppress Ning Fan, for two reasons. 稷辰的五狱刑山之所以不敢镇压宁凡,原因有二。 First, five prison Punishment Mountain is a need Nightmare Qi crystal core can activates Divine Ability, in other words , when Ji Chen uses this technique, the Nightmare Qi crystal core in within the body will shift to Punishment Mountain. 其一,五狱刑山是一种需要魇气晶核才能催动神通,换言之,当稷辰施展此术时,体内的魇气晶核会转移到刑山之内。 What is Nightmare Monster? Nightmare Monster is Nie Li similar exist(ence)! 魇妖是什么?魇妖是和孽离差不多的存在 Who Ning Fan is! Ning Fan is Fu Li Monster Ancestor, is the Nie Li difficult adversary, and just still ate tens of thousands Yaksha in the Ying Xuan belly, making Ancestral Blood strive one drop again. 宁凡是谁!宁凡乃是扶离妖祖,是孽离的克星,且刚刚还在应玄肚子里吃了几万夜叉,令祖血再度精进了一滴。 The prestige of Fu Li Monster Ancestor, was stronger! 扶离妖祖之威,更强了! Facing Ning Fan, Nightmare King Yao Gu that even World Will Incarnation became afraid, only five prison Punishment Mountain, how did not fear Ning Fan. 面对宁凡,连世界意志化身成的魇王尧骨都感到了恐惧,区区五狱刑山,如何不惧宁凡 If five prison Punishment Mountain can say a word, wants unstated criticism own Master Ji Chen surely. 倘若五狱刑山能够言语,定要腹诽自己的主人稷辰 Master Master, you pound this only Butterfly with me, delivers toward the opposite party mouth own crystal core simply? Has not seen Nightmare Lord that has given for nothing! Even Ying Xuan knows that must protect the good crystal core, cannot be eaten by Butterfly, you do not have the protection to this matter unexpectedly, whether is proud! 主人主人,你拿我去砸这只蝴蝶,简直就是将自己的晶核往对方嘴里送啊?没见过这么白给的魇主!连应玄都知道要保护好晶核,不可被蝴蝶吃掉,你竟对此事毫无防备,是否过于自负! Second, in five prison punishment mountain natures are the Barbarian God Punishment Mountain variant, Punishment Mountain this type of thing, Ning Fan within the body also has, and quantity are more. 其二,五狱刑山本质上是蛮神刑山的变种,刑山这种东西,宁凡体内也有,且数量更多。 Ji Chen five prison Punishment Mountain only then, Barbarian God Punishment Mountain of Ning Fan within the body has the 36 place! 稷辰的五狱刑山只有一座,宁凡体内的蛮神刑山则有三十六座! According to a few non- town/subdues most limits, if only has Punishment Mountain, is unable to suppress Ning Fan, only if breaks the rule in the special method. 根据少数不镇多数的限制,若只出一座刑山,无法镇压宁凡,除非以特殊手段打破规则。 Has these two reasons, five prison Punishment Mountain do not dare, unable to suppress Ning Fan. 有这两个原因在,五狱刑山自是不敢、不能镇压宁凡 Opens Heaven and Mortal Magic Eye Ning Fan, can understand this matter instantaneously. 开启天人法目宁凡,瞬间就能理解此事。 But by unconscious Ji Chen that Nightmare Qi corrodes, actually cannot detect this matter. 但被魇气侵蚀的神志不清的稷辰,却没能察觉此事。 Sees with own eyes Ning Fan ordinary butterfly with the foot, unexpectedly can achieve so scary thing, in the eye of Ji Chen, burns new envy Flame, but emotion of this envy, will then bring the continuous strength for him. 眼见宁凡不过凡蝶跟脚,居然能做到如此骇人之事,稷辰的眼中,燃烧起新的嫉妒火焰,而这嫉妒的情感,则会为他带来源源不断的力量。 Ying Xuan Nightmare Technique of heart can the butterfly be effective obviously, Nightmare Technique of I more powerful prison, on the contrary regarding this butterfly is unscathed inadequate... for some reasons the technique law by to subdue|grams?” “明明应玄的心之魇术都能对此蝶奏效,我更强大的狱之魇术,反倒对此蝶毫发无损了不成...是因某些原因术法被克了么?” But other my also methods, Nightmare Technique is inadequate, then with other! 但我还有其他手段,魇术不成,便用其他! Ji Chen a thought moves, the 12 color light unfolds in mind World, there is 12 Arrow Book to change to the True Illusion bow arrow, towards Ning Fan shoots down. 稷辰一念动,十二彩光在心神世界铺开,又有十二箭书化作真幻弓矢,朝宁凡射落。 But is actually not able hit Ning Fan. 但却无法命中宁凡 Ning Fan moved what hands and feet actually not, but was the Wuzhiqi purple clothes straw man protected him again, even his actually by no means needed this protection. 倒不是宁凡动了什么手脚,而是无支祁的紫衣草人再度守护了他,即使他其实并不需要这番守护。 12 Arrow Book soon will hit a target the Ning Fan instance, direct Time and Space Teleportation, vanishes without the shadow. 十二箭书即将射中宁凡的瞬间,直接时空传送,消失无影。 Almost is at the same time, is the 24 sound pitiful yell spreads. 几乎是同一时间,又是二十四声惨叫传出。 Wuzhiqi second bloom, suffered the 12 arrow, pain, air/Qi shouting Motherfucker. 无支祁梅开二度,又挨了十二箭,痛苦不已,气的骂娘 Ying Xuan also unlucky suffered the 12 arrow again, after all must shoot Wuzhiqi, first shoots through the belly of Ying Xuan... actually, this arrow is not cannot but actually direct Teleportation to the Ying Xuan abdomen, long jab Wuzhiqi, but this arrow like having mystical powers general, is bent on having to pass through from the belly of Ying Xuan, ten sharing responsibility , can only blame Ying Xuan to have bad luck... 应玄也倒霉的再挨了十二箭,毕竟要射到无支祁,就得先射穿应玄的肚皮...其实,此箭倒也不是不能直接传送应玄腹中,直击无支祁,可此箭如同有灵一般,偏要从应玄的肚皮贯穿一下,十分任性,也只能怪应玄自己倒霉了... Good! It is good! I Butterfly lock your mind, you project 12 Arrow Book to retaliate me again!” Ying Xuan understood all. “好!好得很!我将蝴蝶关入心神,你就再度射出十二箭书报复我是吧!”应玄理解了一切。 Do not make me know that is who is sneak attacking me! Vomits... the one sheet mouth to speak, the attack of this place Nightmare Monster Nightmare Beast will enter in the mouth, the flavor is strange, this is what gadget...” Wuzhiqi was foul-mouthed. “不要让我知道是谁在偷袭我!呕...一张嘴说话,此地魇妖魇兽的攻击就会打进嘴巴里,味道怪怪的,这到底是什么玩意儿...”无支祁骂骂咧咧道。 On Four Oceans Mountain, numerous Huaiwo cultivator the plan went to generously, opens Four Oceans to protect to put together life and death with Ying Xuan, to rescue Ni Fan and Wuzhiqi. 四溟山上,众淮涡修士本打算慷慨赴死,开启四溟护界阵与应玄拼个你死我活,以救出逆樊无支祁 Actually unexpectedly, but also without opens to offer sacrifices with enough time, sees the Ying Xuan pitiful yell day after day, a quickly while still alive killed stance. 却不料,还没来得及开阵献祭,就见应玄惨叫连天,一副快被活活打死的姿态。 I and others have not made an effort, how did you drop down? 我等还没用力,你怎么就倒下了? Holds on a minute! Situation probably and Old Man estimate different... looks at this situation, Ni Fan and Wuzhiqi by no means needs me and other take action, can break free from the Ying Xuan belly, if I and others opened an attack arbitrarily, instead possibly implicates and affects them, making my divination with the yarrow plant occupy, has a look to have a plan for the present so what...” “且慢开阵!情况好像和老夫预估的不同...看此情形,逆樊无支祁并不需要我等出手,也能从应玄肚子里脱困,而若我等擅自开阵攻击,反而可能拖累、波及他们,让我筮占一番,看看为今之计该当如何...” Finally Wu Xian has not figured out concrete, the pitiful yell of Ying Xuan stops. 结果巫咸还没算出个具体,应玄的惨叫就停止了。 Ying Xuan does not call, 6th Nightmare World Nightmare Lord Ji Chen suddenly started to call out pitifully! 应玄是不叫了,第六魇界魇主稷辰突然又开始惨叫了! Dissolute! I am Nightmare Lord of prison, your secure dares eats uncooked my prison!” The Ji Chen angry sound, in the Huaiwo World reverberation, the desire kills quickly then Ning Fan. “放肆!我乃狱之魇主,你安敢生吃我狱!”稷辰的怒声,在淮涡世界回荡,欲将宁凡杀之而后快。 Is Ning Fan has not actually eaten the Ying Xuan Nightmare Qi crystal core, is very regrettable, therefore backs off, eats the Ji Chen crystal core. 却是宁凡没吃到应玄魇气晶核,十分遗憾,于是退而求其次,来吃稷辰的晶核了。 In Ji Chen mind World, Ning Fan pursues five prison Punishment Mountain everywhere, often catches up, then opens the God Spirit huge mouth, bites one ruthlessly. 稷辰心神世界中,宁凡四处追赶五狱刑山,每每追上,便张开神灵巨口,狠狠咬上一口。 Somewhat hard, some waste teeth, flavor not delicious..., but eats one to count Tribulation Cultivator on rising is, this feeling may be too terrific. 有些硬,有些废牙,味道也不好吃...但吃一口就涨数劫修为,这感觉可太棒了。 Five prison Punishment Mountain want to revolt, is actually incapable of revolting against the restraint of Fu Li Monster Ancestor. 五狱刑山想要反抗,却无力反抗扶离妖祖的克制。 The Ji Chen good and evil also endures compared with Beginning Saint exist(ence), although non- true Saint, has not congealed Mountains and Seas, but Divine Ability achieved might of Saint technique. 稷辰好歹也是堪比始圣存在,虽非真正圣人,未凝山海,但一身神通到底达到了圣人术的威力 But whenever he attacks Ning Fan, all Divine Ability will hit bewilderedly spatially, by Teleportation to other places. 可每当他攻击宁凡,所有神通都会莫名其妙打空,被传送至其他地方。 „! Ji Chen you were blind, why must attack me with the Earth Giant Inugami lance! And hit continually dozens times!” Ying Xuan again and again takes a beating, even more deeply believed that this is the retaliation of Ji Chen. “啊!稷辰你瞎了吗,为何要用地巨犬神矛攻击我!且还连打了数十次!”应玄一次次挨揍,愈发深信这是稷辰的报复。 Good pain! My monkey wool, my precious monkey wool scraped off big by this lance unexpectedly! This is I regards as loves relatives and friends' hair, falls one few one! Actually is, unexpectedly is so vicious, wants to make into the bald person me unexpectedly!” The Wuzhiqi anger exclaimed. “好痛!我的猴毛,我珍贵的猴毛竟然被此矛刮掉了一大把!这可是我视为挚爱亲朋的头发,掉一根少一根!究竟是谁,居然如此狠毒,竟想将我打成秃顶!”无支祁怒吼道。 The head may break, the blood may flow, commander Houzen can be bald! May endure, what else cannot be tolerated! 头可断,血可流,帅猴怎能是秃头!是可忍,孰不可忍! The price of angry roaring, was fed a mouth is not possible by field beast altogether the thing of description. 怒吼的代价,是又被田共之兽喂了一嘴不可描述之物。 Is good because of the number of times more than one, Wuzhiqi some custom flavors, have poured did not think that hard to endure, in the thing after the mouth chews chews to spit, again waves the iron rod, stirs the wind to stir the rain in the Ying Xuan belly. 好在次数一多,无支祁已经有些习惯这个味道了,倒也不觉得有多难忍,将口中之物嚼吧嚼吧吐掉后,再度挥舞铁棒,在应玄肚子里搅风搅雨。 From the beginning, Wuzhiqi without/has not finds out the Ying Xuan inside the stomach Teleportation rule, the action, by Teleportation to the bewildered place, he is wanted to swing the bat each time carelessly attacks Ying Xuan, meets the stick to beat, strength to dispel spatially baseless, is unable to have the effective injury to Ying Xuan. 一开始,无支祁没有摸清应玄腹内传送规则,每次胡乱行动,都会被传送到莫名其妙的地方,他想挥棒攻击应玄,也会棒棒打空、力量凭空消解,无法对应玄产生有效伤害。 But, fished out some ways by the muscle brain of Wuzhiqi over time, finally, he can avoid the rule, pounded the iron rod ruthlessly above the Ying Xuan intestines wall. 可随着时间推移,以无支祁的肌肉大脑也不禁摸出了一些门道,终于,他可以避开规则,将铁棒狠狠砸在应玄肠壁之上了。 Yellowish white thing splash that only hits, the picture is even more inenarrable. 只打的黄白之物飞溅,画面愈发难以描述。 Then, the Ying Xuan pain doubles directly. 如此一来,应玄痛苦直接加倍。 Not only need deal with Ji Chen to seem the malicious exterior attack, but also needs to deal with the internal attack of Wuzhiqi. 不仅要应对稷辰似有恶意的外部攻击,还需要应对无支祁的内部攻击。 Wants spitting Wuzhiqi, actually also cannot spit, the regret should not only emerge for a while, swallows into Wuzhiqi and Ning Fan the abdomen all. 想要将无支祁给吐出去,却同样吐不出去,只后悔不该一时兴起,将无支祁宁凡尽数吞入腹中。 Hateful Ji Chen! Hateful monkey! If not Heart Seal can only one time Kazuto Seki, I probably surely this monkey together lock Ji Chen mind World.” “可恶的稷辰!可恶的猴子!若非心之封印只能一次关一人,我定要将这猴子一同关入稷辰心神世界。” This time Ji Chen similar pain extremely. 此时的稷辰同样痛苦万分。 Ning Fan each Devour(ing) 1.5 prison Punishment Mountain, then his Nightmare Qi core Devour(ing) some, making him withstand backlash unceasingly, the aura is weakening every time. 宁凡吞噬一点五狱刑山,便会将他的魇气核心吞噬一些,令他不断承受反噬,气息每时每刻都在削弱。 He is not the without/has not counter-attack, but all counter-attack will hit bewilderedly spatially. 他不是没有反击,但所有反击都会莫名其妙打空。 Even if shakes the fist to attack Ning Fan directly, the fist hits on Ning Fan, lethality still bewildered missing, is replaced to withstand all injuries by others. 就算直接挥拳攻击宁凡,拳头打在宁凡身上,杀伤力也会莫名其妙失踪,由他人代替承受所有伤害。 This was very excessive! 这就十分过分了! Even if he hits with Ning Fan normally, is not necessarily victorious, at present Ning Fan also with opening without rival was the same, has a defense to draw full Wuzhiqi to withstand the injury for oneself, with bringing an infinite blood strip was the same. 就算他正常和宁凡打,都未必打得过,眼下宁凡还和开了无敌一样,有个防御拉满的无支祁替自己承受伤害,就和带了一个无限血条一样。 Ji Chen cannot do to the Ning Fan least bit, can only , no matter what Ning Fan wreaks havoc in his mind World, but this also Ning Fan, this only Butterfly was Ying Xuan puts no wonder after all! 稷辰根本奈何不了宁凡半点,只能任宁凡在他的心神世界肆虐,但这也怪不得宁凡,毕竟这只蝴蝶应玄放进来了! Ying Xuan this move of bringing trouble to others, somewhat was really shameless! 应玄这一招祸水东引,着实有些无耻了! All attack butterflies are all invalid, can only such as genuine Dao Sense games be ordinary, attacked this butterfly Dao Sense by my Dao Sense! Although Purple Grass Technique may for dying, but the war of Dao Sense is actually not able to substitute, can only True Body/this Senior meet!” “一切攻击皆对此蝶无效,只能如真正的道念一般,以我道念去冲击此蝶道念了!紫草之术虽可替死,但道念之战却是无从替代的,只能本尊去接!” Saw with own eyes that all methods are not all effective, Ji Chen look on the contrary tranquil, had the resolution. 眼见所有手段皆不奏效,稷辰神色反倒平静了下来,有了决断。 The darkness in eye had the little dissipations, made self-awareness few recoveries, this was to awaken True Body/this Senior crazy Dao Sense, came and Ning Fan fights it out. 眼中的黑暗有了少许消散,令自我意识少量复苏,这是为了唤醒本尊的疯狂道念,来和宁凡一决胜负。 Ji Chen understands, under chaotic Dao Sense depending on Nightmare Qi corrosion, cannot only fight Ning Fan. After all, Incarnation is of having a nightmare, when is not Dao Sense most powerful. 稷辰明白,只凭魇气侵蚀下的混乱道念,是斗不过宁凡的。毕竟,化身为魇的自己,并非是自身道念最强之时。 His say/way, only saves for some only Destiny Profound Bird. 他的道,只为某只天命玄鸟而存。 Therefore was invaded Dao Sense that and knowledge only slaughtered destroys by Nightmare Qi, is far from his Dao Sense most powerful stance. 故而被魇气所侵、只知杀戮毁灭的道念,远非他道念最强姿态。 But if to protect her, then he is willing... to use all for this reason! 但若是为了守护她,则他愿意为此...倾尽一切! At this moment, my non- Ji Chen, but is... the millet! Also because of so, this time me, can feel you and I am similar. Same by every is entered the immortal, same is ordinary with the foot, same... will have no place forever loves... Butterfly, your Dao Sense is very powerful, must make person wariness compared with the strength that you show, but my obsession, above you!” “此刻,我非稷辰,而是...稷!也因如此,此时的我,能感受到你和我是同类。一样的由凡入仙,一样的跟脚平凡,一样的...永失所爱...蝴蝶,你的道念很强大,远比你所展现出的战力要令人忌惮,但我的执念,在你之上!” The youngster of named millet, shuts the eyes slowly, two lines of Blood Tears fall, actually non- genuine blood, but is the red wax. 名为稷的少年,缓缓闭双眼,两行血泪滑落,却非真正的血,而是红蜡。 The wax candle turn to ash tears beginning does. 蜡炬成灰泪始干。 „Others to become Yan, stems from is contrary to convictions, I am only different, 6th Disaster Nightmare Lord should not be I, is I, insisting on Nitian (heaven defying) handling affairs, seized all forcefully.” “旁人成魇,多出于违心,唯我不同,第六灾魇主本不该是我,是我,硬要逆天行事,强行窃夺了一切。” I am willing to tilt World, only changes one person to return, so came to understand, you, without/has not! Because in your heart has the unnecessary emotion, by no means is only one person lives ;, but my heart, only thinks of one person, does not have the vacancy again.” “我愿倾覆世界,只换一人归来,如此觉悟,你,没有!因你的心中有多余情感,并不只为一人而活而我的心,只装一人,再无空处。” Then in I extinguish in the sea of Dao Sense an institute weaves at the bitter collection, changes into the tears of remaining years of life!” “便在我以苦集灭道所编织的道念之海中,化为残烛之泪吧!” The war of Dao Sense, opens! 道念之战,开! Ning Fan is unable to reject, only places mind World of opposite party because of him at this moment, do all rights to speak all in the opposite party mouth, how reject? 宁凡无法拒绝,只因他此刻身处对方的心神世界,一切话语权皆在对方口中,如何拒绝? Then, wants to be opportunistic to depend on the Devour(ing) crystal core to defeat this person, feared that was hard to achieve wishes. Only can one point of victory and defeat in Dao Sense games...” “如此一来,想要取巧靠着吞噬晶核战胜此人,怕是难以如愿了。只能在道念中一分胜负了么...” The mind World scenery flies rapid change to trade. 心神世界的风景飞速变换。 Flame of originally flaming combustion, does not know where vanished, turned into everywhere wind and snow. 原本熊熊燃烧的火焰,不知消失到了什么地方,变成了漫天风雪。 Present scenery, turned into be continuous boundless glacier. 眼前的风景,变成了绵延无际的冰河。 Ning Fan stands in the river bank, the whole body transmits the intermittent pain, as if the body was punished by flogging and beating, still had injury not to recover. But that pain is not real exist(ence), but is Ji Chen Dao Sense, injury also not exist(ence), at most can let the Samsara memory sympathize of Ning Fan to Ji Chen. 宁凡站在河畔,周身传来阵阵痛楚,似乎身上受过责打,仍有伤势未愈。但那痛楚并非是真实存在,而是稷辰道念所化,伤势亦不存在,最多也只能让宁凡稷辰轮回记忆感同身受。 so that's how it is, this time the war of Dao Sense, I need by the Ji Chen status, to experience Ji Chen all Samsara passing. Does not only know, what result needs to achieve, is defeats his Dao Sense...” 原来如此,此番道念之战,我需要以稷辰的身份,来体验稷辰的所有轮回过往。只不知,需要达成什么样的结果,才算战胜他的道念...” Is hesitating, behind heard the urging sound suddenly. 正沉吟间,身后忽然传来了催促声。 Abandoned! Today was the day of my clan Blood Awakening, all of age in God Step City, how you still delayed in this place, if this time were late again, could not catch up with Blood Awakening, you must be revered to punish by flogging and beating by the place!” “弃!今日乃是我族醒血之日,所有适龄者都在神足城,你怎么还在此地耽搁,若这次再迟到,赶不上醒血,你又要被地尊责打了!”
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