GE :: Volume #14

#1305 Part 2: Holds Candle Fire to open Dao Sense

Profound Bird gave the youngster all, youngster actually in frightened, was worried oneself meet the becoming Profound Bird life the biggest stain... 玄鸟给了少年一切,少年却在恐惧,担心自己会成为玄鸟此生的最大污点... Makes me have a look, is who is crying, Aiyaya, is our Five Grains Great Emperor was crying, this may some difficult offices, see you to burst into tears, I will be sad! Therefore, telling me is good, how can coax happily you? My dear five ~ valley ~ greatly ~ Emperor!” “让我看看,是谁在哭鼻子,哎呀呀,原来是我们五谷大帝在哭鼻子,这可有些难办呢,看到你流泪,我可是会伤心的!所以,告诉我好吗,要怎样才能把你哄开心呢?我亲爱的五~谷~大~帝!” Then youngster, considered is only rebuking oneself aggrieved, forgot to ask Profound Bird unexpectedly, why knows own diary content. 当时的少年,只顾着哀怨自责,竟都忘了问玄鸟,为何会知道自己日记的内容。 Five Grains Great Emperor obviously is the youngster to the goal and reign-title that oneself set, because the trivial Nascent Soul wishful thinking the reign-title will be then laughable in the future, this matter by youngster Seal in the diary of black history, was not shown finally, no one will care about the thing that he writes. But why Profound Bird knows, could it be did peep the diary? 五谷大帝明明是少年给自己定下的目标与帝号,但因为区区元婴便痴心妄想未来帝号过于可笑,此事最终被少年封印在了黑历史的日记之中,绝不示人,也没人会在意他所写的东西。可玄鸟为何会知道,难道是偷看了日记? Afterward... 后来呢... Afterward to vent anger for the youngster, that only Profound Bird intruded the glacier, by the strength of oneself punched entire Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan. 后来为了替少年出气,那只玄鸟闯入冰河,以一己之力将整个朝月龙族揍了个遍。 The world only said that after this is the Profound Bird prestige is damaged, gives the Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan small disciplinary punishment. 世人只道这是玄鸟声誉受损后,给予朝月龙族的小小惩戒。 The youngster also think that therefore rebukes oneself: She cares about oneself reputation, he will only make her be shamed. Like people like him, was born in this World, really good... 少年也是这么认为的,所以更加自责:她那么在乎自己的名声,他却只会令她蒙羞。像他这样的人,出生在这个世界,真的好么... Hi, thinks that I, guess I go to Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan, brought back to anything to be delicious to you ~ “嗨,想我了吗,猜猜我去朝月龙族,给你带回了什么好吃的~” Aiya, had vented anger for you obviously, how is still crying, every idea of cultivating, is really unreadable.” 哎呀,明明已经替你出气了,怎么还在哭鼻子呢,凡修的想法,真是难以理解呢。” Therefore, you should not suspect own exist(ence) significance? I have without/has not to guess right ~ “所以,你该不会是在怀疑自己存在的意义吧?我有没有猜对~” Do not lower the head ~ raised the head, looks at I, listening to me to say. You are I and most important banquet partner, if without/has not you accompany me to eat the wind cake together, drinks the dew to ferment together, I will be lonely! You know, I most fear was lonely ~ “别低着头嘛~抬起头,看着我,听我说。你可是我最最最最、最最最最重要的宴会伙伴,若是没有你陪我一起吃风糕,一起喝露水酿,我可是会寂寞的!你知道,我最怕的就是寂寞了~” I will not make you lonely, my Only... without/has not that self-confidence. 我不会让你寂寞的,我只是...没有那个自信。 Even if you do not believe yourself, even if entire World does not believe you, but I believe you, I anticipated your becoming Five Grains Great Emperor that day very much ~ I want becoming Five Grains Great Emperor, making the matter of year of hungry food person vanish from Time River. Aiya, how grand and heroic pledge, regardless of looks many times, will feel the incomparable sparkle ~ “就算你不相信自己,就算全世界都不相信你,但我相信你呀,我可是很期待你成为五谷大帝的那一天呢~【我要成为五谷大帝,令岁饥食人之事从时光长河消失】。哎呀,多么豪壮的誓言,无论看多少次,都还是会觉得无比闪耀呢~” She really looked at the diary, when is young that ashamed diary that writes down, was seen unexpectedly... 她果然看了日记,年少时写下的那么羞耻的日记,居然被看到了... Do not be ashamed for own charitable disposition, this/should ashamed, can it be is not these damages the world, but benefits a person of selfish person? Your such fool, I likes very much ~ when because is only young had realized the pain of having an empty stomach, was vainly hoping for becomes enlightened by Five Grains, comes among root Peerless all hungers, so good pure Dao Sense, if the without/has not audience applauds for you, you also certainly lonely ~ can I becoming your audience and supporter?” “不要为自己的善念感到羞耻,该羞耻的,难道不是那些损天下而利一人的自私之人吗?你这样的傻瓜,我很喜欢呢~只因为年少时体会过饿肚子的痛苦,就梦想着以五谷成道,来根绝世间所有饥饿,如此善良纯真的道念,若没有观众为你鼓掌,你也一定会寂寞的吧~我可以成为你的观众和支持者吗?” Do you really... believe me? 你真的...相信我吗? Do you really anticipate my becoming Five Grains Great Emperor? 你真的期待我成为五谷大帝吗? Such base and low dream, does not have domineering aura title, you will also anticipate... 这么卑微的梦想,如此毫无霸气可言的称号,你也会期待吗... Anticipation! Anticipated compared with the anticipation morning dew and night breeze! Compared with you anticipated that I was anticipating you anticipated! Really wants to taste Five Grains that plants by your Spirit Plant technique to be the what kind of taste ~ “期待!比期待朝露与晚风更加期待!比你期待我期待着你更加期待!真想尝尝由你灵植术种出的五谷会是何等滋味~” Deceiving people, you are Destiny Profound Bird, cannot food human world fireworks, how expect the Five Grains flavor... 骗人,你是天命玄鸟,不可食人间烟火,怎会期待五谷的味道... But even your small lie, I still hope, for this matter uses all... 但就算是你的小小谎言,我也愿为了此事倾尽一切... If you want to eat Five Grains, actually may not eat limited to Profound Bird Bloodlines, I then planted gods touchable Five Grains is also good! 你若想吃五谷,却限于玄鸟血脉不可食,我便种出神明也可食用的五谷好了! This was right! The obstinate flowers will never remove the color because of the rainstorm, that is the person and matter that I most like.” “这就对了!执拗的花朵永远不会因暴雨而褪去颜色,那才是我最喜欢的人和事。” Therefore do not put on a long face again, do not forget today is what day ~ guessed right, today is the 1100 year commemoration day that we meet by chance! I think thinks, finally thinks must give you what gift, gives a new name by me for you ~ you think, when Five Grains Great Emperor, but the millet is Mr. of hundred valley. From now on, then called you millet, how ~ “所以不要再哭丧着脸,别忘了今天是什么日子~猜对了,今天是我们相逢的一千一百年纪念日!我想了又想,终于想到要送你什么礼物了,由我为你起一个新名字吧~你想当五谷大帝,而稷则是百谷之君。从今往后,便叫你稷,如何~” Abandons this name, takes to the youngster only has the pain. 弃这个名字,带给少年的只有痛苦。 Therefore Profound Bird gave the youngster the new name, the millet. 于是玄鸟给了少年新的名字,稷。 That time youngster, by no means knew this matter to mean anything. The name does not have the significance him, if she shuts out his name is not good, he is willing to change to world any name for her. 那时的少年,并不知晓此事意味着什么。名字于他而言毫无意义,若她嫌弃他的名字不好,他愿意为她改成世间任何一个名字。 What may make the youngster unexpected is, changed a name merely, his cultivation natural talent becomes rapid progress unexpectedly. 可让少年意想不到的是,仅仅是改了一个名字,他的修行资质居然变得一日千里 Then youngster by no means knew, this was the Profound Bird life one time blessings. 当时的少年并不知晓,此为玄鸟一生一次的赐福。 By the Profound Bird blessings, his within the body has unexpectedly had Innate Profound Bird with the foot, this is his advancement amazingly quick reason. 借由玄鸟赐福,他的体内竟有拥有了一丝先天玄鸟的跟脚,这才是他进境神速的缘由。 The appearance when he lives finally oneself were young most anticipates also most to hate. 他终于活成了自己年少时最期待也最痛恨的模样。 After that 10 years Divine Transformation, 20 years Void Refinement, 40 years Void Fragmentation, 100 years become Immortal. 此后十年化神,二十年炼虚,四十年碎虚,百年成仙 300 years Crossing Truth, 500 years Shedded Void, 800 years Broken Will, 1000 years Immortal Venerable. 三百年渡真,五百年舍空,八百年碎念,千年仙尊 Merely one Innate with the foot, made his natural talent promoting unexpectedly thousand times of ten thousand times of not just. 仅仅一丝先天跟脚,竟令他的资质提升了千倍万倍不止 Because of Profound Bird blessing, the youngster was bestowed Divine Farmer Title, becomes a lay priest by the agriculture, became the Huaiwo god to cultivate/repair toward most famous Spirit Plant! 更因玄鸟祝福,少年受赐了【神农封号,以农入道,成了淮涡神朝最负盛名的灵植修! Others plant not live Spiritual Root and Undying/not dead medicine, he can plant living! 旁人种不活的灵根不死药,他能种活! But compared with planting these, he is glad to study the Five Grains immortal grain, at solution world hunger bitter at the same time, responds to the anticipation of Profound Bird. 但比起种植这些,他更乐意研究五谷仙粮,以解世间饥苦的同时,亦是回应玄鸟的期待。 If she hopes that looks at him to be sparkling, then he is willing to live the appearance that she anticipates. 若她希望看他闪闪发光,则他愿活成她所期待的模样。 The world are getting more and more to his reputation, satirizing to jeer are getting fewer and fewer. 世人对他的美誉越来越多,讽嘲越来越少。 In Jiang Shui Great Tribulation, he for the Huaiwo god toward making the great merit, bestows to seal/confer Weisi agriculture Immortal Venerable! 姜水大劫之中,他为淮涡神朝立下大功,赐封为司农仙尊 When year sea famine, he strives to turn the tide, by the strength of oneself, the command year sea belongs to constantly! 岁海饥荒之时,他力挽狂澜,以一己之力,令岁海重新归于恒定! The war of even the mountains, his en took the Yin Mountains hundred clans, the name moved the dwelling place of the dead! 连山之战,他恩服了阴山百族,名动九泉! He decoded the secret of god bean, making Ancient Country Spiritual Root revisit the world, some Inverse Saint also people for this matter awaken! 他更破解了神豆之秘,令古国灵根重临人世,逆圣亦有人为此事苏醒 He finally no longer is that by the person of World abandonment, but was crowded around and focuses attention on by entire World. 他终于不再是那个被世界遗弃之人,而是被整个世界所簇拥、瞩目。 But compared with the line of sight of entire World, he only cares about gaze of person. 但比起整个世界的视线,他只在乎一个人的目光 The youngster are unable to put behind forever, Profound Bird said when she anticipates him, that is what kind of earnest look. 少年永远无法忘却,玄鸟说她期待他时,那是何等认真的眼神 Her eye once had bright of split second, enough he uses the life to miss. 她的眼睛曾有一瞬间的明亮,足够他用一生去思念。 Therefore he became Immortal King, became Immortal Emperor, takes Five Grains as the reign-title, completed to the Profound Bird promise. 于是他成了仙王,也成了仙帝,以五谷为帝号,完成了对玄鸟的诺言。 Has the incident, he is unable to achieve. Even if Title Divine Farmer, he cannot plant to let Five Grains that Profound Bird takes, most still only then god bean one type makes Profound Bird taste. 却有一事,他始终无法做到。即使身为封号神农,他还是种不出能让玄鸟服食的五谷,最多也只有神豆一种来让玄鸟品尝。 The god valley has five, is the rice, millet, millet, wheat and beans. 神谷有五,为稻、黍、稷、麦、菽。 The god bean belongs to the beans class, except this also 4 Types Ancient Country god valley annihilation in history. 神豆属于菽类,除此还有四种古国神谷湮灭于历史。 Can make the god bean reappear the human world, the youngster enough Nitian (heaven defying). 能让神豆重现人间,少年已经足够逆天的。 He fully realized that oneself possibly uses the life to be hard Five Grains of god to reappear completely, but if she is still waiting, he has insisted this matter, does not give up. 他深知自己可能倾尽此生都难以将神之五谷全部复现,但若她还在等待,他会一直坚持此事,绝不放弃。 Really wants to taste other god valleys is what flavor ~ “真想尝尝其他的神谷是什么味道呀~” Was sick of eating actually not the beans, that type that but my also wants to eat, good to taste ~ “倒不是吃腻了菽,可我还有更想吃的那一种,好想尝尝~” The youngster asked what Profound Bird most wants to eat is which type, he can study emphatically. 少年问玄鸟最想要吃到的是哪种,他可以着重研究。 Aiya, once the pure young fool, unexpectedly also became sly, wants to deceive me to say these words not good Oh, like this provoked a girl, but must take the consequence ~ 哎呀,曾经单纯的小傻瓜,居然也变得狡猾了呢,想骗我说出那些话可不行,这样撩拨一个女孩子,可是要承担后果的~” Sly? Provokes? 狡猾?撩拨? Only asks that what you want to eat, calculates that sly, provokes? 只问问你想吃什么,也算狡猾、撩拨? The youngster said that is unable to understand. 少年表示无法理解。 That young fool who really I like ~ “果然还是我喜欢的那个小傻瓜呢~” „But if you, have toward 1 day can certainly retrieve these Lost things completely, I have believed in firmly ~ “但若是你的话,有朝一日一定可以将那些失落的东西全部找回,我一直对此深信不疑呢~” The youngster decide secretly, must plant completely God King Five Grains in legend, because she is anticipating. 少年暗下决心,一定要将传说中的神王五谷全部种出,因为她如此期待着。 But afterward, youngster again also without/has not type Five Grains opportunity. 可后来,少年再也没有种出五谷机会了。 The flood and mighty waves, the land turned into sea, innumerable heavenly dwelling World crash into the deep sea, his medicine field, is vanishing into thin air together. 洪水和波涛,将陆地变成海洋,无数洞天世界坠入深海,连带着他的药田,一同化为乌有。 Before a tragedy, everyone has the innumerable desires, after the tragedy, people only have a desire. 在一场悲剧前,每个人都有无数个愿望,而在悲剧发生以后,人们就只剩下一个愿望。 It is a pity that the so tiny desire, he is unable to realize, is unable to protect, is unable to save... 遗憾的是,就连如此渺小的愿望,他都无法实现,无法守护,无法挽救... Hatred, curse, is that person, claims from your side her...】 【憎恨吧,诅咒吧,就是那个人,将她从你的身边夺走...】 Monster Bow, glow Yi!】 妖弓,芒羿!】 You in her behind, actually anything cannot achieve obviously! That because of your small and weak, is not all able being a worthy opponent glow Yi's wild blood!】 【你明明就在她身后,却什么也做不到!那全都是因为你的弱小,无法匹敌芒羿的荒之血!】 True Destiny Profound Bird is not the glow Yi's opponent, resembled you so only to seize Profound Bird Bloodlines, actually must how be able to take revenge!】 【连真正的天命玄鸟都不是芒羿的对手,似你这般仅窃夺了一丝的玄鸟血脉,究竟要如何才能复仇!】 You betrayed the trusts of Yin Mountains hundred clans, seized held the blood of candle, can reincarnation Candle Dragon, change the name Ji Chen!】 【你背叛了阴山百族的信任,窃夺了衔烛之血,得以转生烛龙,更名稷辰!】 But this is far from enough! You also need to seize many Innate with the foot! How otherwise to divulge this to hate!】 【但这远远不够!你还需要窃夺更多的先天跟脚!否则何以宣泄此恨!】 Depends on the bloodline and ancestral merits superior person these lags behind the shrine since birth, steps on into the mud!】 【将那些靠着血统和祖荫生来优越之人拉下神坛,踩入泥泞!】 All tears to shreds to the person of death of watching critically Profound Bird, buries for her!】 【将所有对玄鸟之死冷眼旁观之人碎尸万段,为她殉葬!】 【... Extinguish! then creates only to belong to her World world lifeform all certainly!】 【将世间生灵...尽数绝灭!而后去创造一个只属于她的世界!】 mind World was embezzled by Flame thoroughly! 心神世界彻底被火焰吞没! The self-awareness rapid dissipation of youngster, such as in the wind remaining years of life ; his eyes were covered dark, was corroded thoroughly by Nightmare Qi, and in this time, the aura achieved peak. 少年的自我意识飞速消散,如风中残烛其双眼被黑暗笼罩,被魇气彻底侵蚀掉了自我,并于此时,气息达到了顶峰 Yes! He thought! 是了!他想起来了! He does not abandon! Also is not the millet! 他不是弃!也不是稷! He is Nightmare Disaster 6th Nightmare Lord, Ji Chen! 他是魇灾第六魇主,稷辰 Fulfills to extinguish the will of revering, extinction world all Innate lifeform blood, is only one person dies, only waits one person to turn over to! 践行灭尊之志,绝灭世间一切先天生灵血,只为一人殉,只待一人归! Battle Saint Ape! Your Bloodlines, turned over to me! Nightmare Technique, arrests the spirit! Nightmare Technique, spirit prison!” 斗战圣猿!你的血脉,归我了!魇术,拘灵!魇术,灵狱!” I for Nightmare Lord of prison, even if Innate lifeform enters this spirit prison, shape with ordinary person! But I want to imprison the person, nobody may evade me to arrest the spirit!” “我为狱之魇主,纵使先天生灵入此灵狱,亦将形同凡夫!而我欲囚之人,无人可避我拘灵!” Ji Chen launches Nightmare Technique, five prison Punishment Mountain transformation, wants to span Space, arrests Wuzhiqi to directly forcefully at present, town/subdues under mountain. 稷辰展开魇术,将五狱刑山幻化而出,欲跨越空间,直接将无支祁强行拘至眼前,镇于山下。 The technique of his arresting spirit, truly almost arrested Wuzhiqi, has a scare Wuzhiqi. 他的拘灵之术,也确实差点拘来了无支祁,着实把无支祁吓了一跳。 But had the mutation to happen, broke his technique of arresting spirit, deadlocked his mind Space directly. 但却有异变发生,打断了他的拘灵之术,将他的心神空间直接锁死。 And Butterfly, by cross offside, shut in his mind World. 并有一只蝴蝶,被跨越位界,关进了他的心神世界 ... ... Ning Fan slightly frowned. 宁凡微微皱眉 He gobbles up Ying Xuan, almost ate the Ying Xuan Nightmare Qi crystal core quickly. 他一路吞吃应玄,几乎都快吃到应玄魇气晶核所在了。 The delicacy is close at hand, actually unexpectedly that Ying Xuan, for fear that the crystal core loses, recognized unexpectedly instigated, launching as the Nightmare Lord of heart method, shut in somebody's mind World Ning Fan. 美味近在眼前,却不料那应玄唯恐晶核有失,竟然认了怂,展开了身为心之魇主的手段,将宁凡关进了某个人的心神世界 What Nitian (heaven defying) method is this? Unexpectedly can innermost feelings World of person forcefully lock another person? Unthinkable. 这是什么逆天手段?居然能将一个人强行关入另一个人的内心世界?匪夷所思。 When last time suppresses Ying Xuan obviously, the opposite party this kind of method, will not this time have fought again, the opposite party learned so strange Nightmare Technique unexpectedly, somewhat underestimated Ying Xuan actually... 明明上一次镇压应玄时,对方还不会这等手段,此番再战,对方居然习得了如此诡异的魇术,倒是有些小看应玄了... Then the issue came. 那么问题来了。 Who is this place mind World? 此地是何人的心神世界 How should also be able to leave from this world? 又该如何才能从此界离开? Ning Fan tries, discovered that only depends on the military force unable to destroy this world Heart Seal, but needs to abide by the Heart Seal rule to decode. 宁凡试了试,发现只凭武力无法打碎此界心之封印,而是需要遵循心之封印的规则来破解。
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