GE :: Volume #14

#1305 Part 1: Holds Candle Fire to open Dao Sense

A personality of person, is his Fate. 一个人的性格,就是他的命运 The experience of youth, accomplished the Ji Chen character. 少时的经历,造就了稷辰的性格。 But this character, eventually caused him to hold candle to become Yan Fate. 而这份性格,最终导致了他衔烛成魇的命运 Bloodlines and with the foot that Wuzhiqi shows, making Ji Chen envy, but the fire of this envy, is not lit at this moment, but before the innumerable years, has planted, is not exposes to Wuzhiqi one person, but holds the same envy to world all Innate lifeform. 无支祁展现出的血脉和跟脚,让稷辰嫉妒,但这份嫉妒之火,并非是由此刻点燃,而是在无数岁月以前,就已种下,更不是对无支祁一人展露,而是对世间所有先天生灵抱有同等嫉妒。 Ordinary people, the mountain spirit wild animal, all needs to be separated from every body through the acquired cultivation line, this is acquired lifeform. 凡夫俗子,山精野兽,皆需要通过后天修行才能脱离凡躯的,此为后天生灵 But these since birth are the Eternal Life types, does not need cultivation to be able the looking disdainfully world, is Innate lifeform. 而那些生来就是长生种,无需修炼便可睥睨天下的,则是先天生灵 Ji Chen is unable to approve, why has life to come to be possible Expert 1st Rank, but he... actually can only be abandoned by the ordinariness! 稷辰无法认同,为何有人生来就可高人一等,而他...却只能以平凡而遭人遗弃! Flame of envy burns in the heart of Ji Chen, making his be holds the huge body of dragon of candle to be covered by Flame. 嫉妒的火焰稷辰的心中燃烧,令他那身为衔烛之龙的庞大身躯皆被火焰覆盖。 When Flame covers to is most abundant, Flame of heart together burns, his was corroded and sinks to dark mind World by Nightmare Qi, had again luminously because of the flaming flame. 而当火焰覆盖至最盛之时,心之火焰一同燃烧,他那被魇气侵蚀、沉入黑暗的心神世界,因熊熊火光再度有了光亮。 A youngster stands in Flame, the gaze nihility is empty. 一个少年站在火焰中,目光虚无而空洞。 He is Ji Chen the I consciousness, but this I consciousness, had been corroded and controlled by Nightmare Disaster, the main body does not know that was Ji Chen oneself or Nightmare Disaster Will. 他是稷辰的本我意识,但这本我意识,已被魇灾侵蚀、掌控,主体早已不知是稷辰本人还是魇灾意志了。 Innate lifeform... Battle Saint Ape... I as if know him..., but, is unclear...” 先天生灵...斗战圣猿...我似乎认识他...但,已经记不清了...” But I actually remember, Battle Saint Ape is very powerful Bloodlines, being worth me paying a price plundering...” “但我却记得,斗战圣猿是十分强大的血脉,值得我付出代价掠夺...” Before then, I need to know, who I am...” “只是在此之前,我需要知道,我是谁...” I, who am...” “我,是谁...” Youngster in Flame vacant. 少年于火焰中茫然。 By the heart resounded another sound, is infinite Nightmare Qi sends out. 直到心中响起了另一个声音,是无穷魇气所发出。 You are I.】 【你就是我。】 You are, abandons...】 【你是,弃...】 Abandoned... 弃... This is, my name... 这是,我的名字吗... The youngster as if remembered anything, broken mind World, was also filled up by this time painful emotion. 少年似乎想起了什么,本就残破的心神世界,亦被此时的痛苦情感所填满。 Therefore Flame in heart was more blazing, and in various Flame, appears the picture that vice- he is not willing to remember. 于是心中的火焰更炽烈了,并于诸火焰中,浮现出了一副副他本不愿想起的画面。 Your Blood Awakening failure, body no least bit Bloodlines with the foot, does not match to continue to treat in my Earth Giant God Step City, when abandons it!】 【你醒血失败,身无半点血脉跟脚,不配继续待在我地巨神足城,当弃之!】 Was, when was young, he because of being not once able to awaken the Earth Giant Blood lineage/vein, but was abandoned by the parents. 是了,年少之时,他曾因无法觉醒地巨血脉,而遭父母遗弃。 Father en mother Ci, he has never realized, therefore loses all even, he does not know that should face with what expression. 父恩母慈,他从未体会过,故而即使失去一切,他都不知道该用什么表情去面对。 He hates the parents who have treated unkindly unkindly, but hates small and weak ordinary. 他憎恨过刻薄寡恩的父母,但更憎恨弱小平凡的自己。 Once also made the desire to the sky of gods no response: If world without/has not Innate lifeform, everyone is ordinary people, that should good. 还曾对神明无应的天空许下愿望:要是世间没有先天生灵,人人都是凡夫俗子,那该有多好。 He all alone, steals food the fodder of Barbarian Cow horse in the narrow lane, only strove for living on dishonorably in the world, was actually detected by beast of burden Master, pursued him goes out of town, has to sleep in the mountain forest. 无依无靠的他,于隘巷中偷吃蛮牛蛮马的草料,只求苟活于世,却被牛马主人察觉,将他驱逐出城,只得宿于山林。 He hides in the wooded mountains, fights for food with the wild animal, was actually pursued by one flock of snow vultures, finally escapes to the glacier. 他躲藏在山林之间,与野兽争食,却又被一群雪鹫追赶,最终逃至冰河。 The glacier is Dawn's Moon Dragon clan land, he requested that can seek asylum in the glacier slightly. 冰河是朝月之龙族地,他请求能在冰河之中稍稍避难。 But was actually thrown the trash to throw the glacier boundary by patrolling river Yaksha finally. 可最终却被巡河夜叉丢垃圾般扔出了冰河地界。 Today is seven Crown Prince Xuan Full Moon Ritual, presents the command of Dragon Monarch Dragon Consort, in the territory rejoices, does not see bloody glow, you are injured blood-stained, can not step into the glacier!” “今日是七太子玄满月之礼,奉龙君龙妃之令,域内同庆,不见血光,尔受伤染血,不得踏入冰河!” Dragon Crown Prince Xuan, is really the good luck. 呵,龙太子玄,真是好命啊。 Trivial Full Moon Ritual, wants in the territory to rejoice unexpectedly, this is the love of what kind of parents, because only... he is Innate lifeform... 区区满月之礼,竟要域内同庆,这是何等的父母之爱,只因为...他是先天生灵吗... Envy that envying that the youngster could not say, could not say. 少年说不出的羡慕,亦说不出的嫉妒。 Whitest segments, everywhere snowslide. 数九寒冬,漫天雪落。 The youngster such as a corpse lie in the snowy area, gradually was buried by the snow depth. 少年如一具死尸趴在雪地之中,渐渐被雪深埋。 But he cannot feel any coldly, when borders on to freeze to death, will only feel cozy. 但他感觉不到任何寒冷,因为濒临冻死之际,只会觉得温暖。 Also or him, the world really has the indifference of too many, the death became the final warmth on the contrary. 又或者于他而言,人世实在有太多的冷漠,死亡反倒成了最后的温暖。 Several snow vultures circle in the wind and snow, pursues from the mountain forest hence, after the patience waits for the youngster was dying truly, again him eats. But this death, the dead end of indeed mortal. 几只雪鹫在风雪中盘旋,一路从山林追至此地,耐心等待着少年真正死亡之后,再将他分食。而这份死亡,正是凡人的末路。 Ate me... at least between you and me, can have one to eat to the full the belly, does not need to endure the hunger again painstakingly...” “吃了我吧...至少你我之间,能有一個吃饱肚子,不必再忍受饥饿之苦...” The youngster died about, however in the heart read, unexpectedly was not the hatred to the parents, but is the snow vulture because of eating oneself eats to the full the belly, this was really, good... 少年行将死去,然而心中所念,竟不是对父母的憎恨,而是雪鹫会因分食自己吃饱肚子,这真是,太好了... He is seeking for the significance for oneself death. 他是在为自己的死亡寻找意义。 But actually he understands, own birth and death, to anybody without/has not significance. 但其实他明白,自己的出生和死亡,对任何人都没有意义。 He perhaps is only in world unnecessary person, therefore was abandoned, therefore is... abandons... 他或许只是世间多余之人,所以才被遗弃,所以才是...弃... If the life stops, then he can only abandon. 倘若生命到此为止,则他只会是弃。 But, world will not be only the pain, Great Dao 50, evolution 49, exist(ence) one of the running away. 可,世间不会只有痛苦,大道五十,天衍四十九,亦存在着遁去之一。 In the wind and snow, Profound Bird drops from the clouds, she expelled circled in this's snow vulture, with the warm and giant wing, what grasping never knew warm is youngster. 风雪中,一只玄鸟从天而降,她赶走了盘旋于此的雪鹫,用自己温暖而巨大的羽翼,抱住了从不知温暖为何物的少年。 Also at that time, the youngster obtained his lifetime redemption. 也在那时,少年获得了他一生的救赎。 Aiyaya, small lifeform, why must sleep soundly in the snowy area, does not feel cold, is really a cute young fool ~ 哎呀呀,小小的生灵,为何要在雪地里酣睡,不觉得冷么,真是个可爱的小傻瓜~” Oneself were dying obviously, actually wants to study god Buddha to raise the eagle by the meat, is a good young fool ~ “明明自己都要死了,却想学神佛以肉饲鹰,还是个善良的小傻瓜呢~” But my by no means hateful fool, but, you really decide, can die here?” “但我并不讨厌傻瓜,只是,你真的决定好,要死在这里了么?” Or, are you willing to attend my banquet? Must taste the wind cake that I cook personally ~ drinks one bowl of hot dew to ferment again ~ oh no, the dew ferments, but the liquor, you has not as if arrived at the age of drinking, but if the wind cake, you can want to eat many to eat many Oh ~ why did not speak, was obviously long cute, pays no attention to my me to probably again cry Oh.” “又或者,你更愿意去参加我的宴会?要去尝尝我亲手烹制的风糕吗~再喝一碗热乎乎的露水酿~糟糕,露水酿可是酒,伱似乎还没到喝酒的年纪呢,但若是风糕的话,你可以想吃多少就吃多少~为什么不说话呢,明明长得这么可爱,再不理我我可要哭了。” Cries? Do not deceive people... 哭?别骗人了... I have not seen you to shed tears truly, on your face, is to make one ascertain the airtight smile forever. 我从来就没见你真正流下过眼泪,在你的脸上,永远都是令人捉摸不透的微笑。 I have never understood you truly, never enters your innermost feelings truly... 我从未真正理解过你,更从未真正走进你的内心... Therefore only then, I cannot understand. 所以直到此时,我还是没能明白。 As noble Innate lifeform you, have no time Destiny Profound Bird you, why must rescue as I of contamination mortal... 身为高贵先天生灵的你,身为无暇天命玄鸟的你,为何要救身为污秽凡人的我... Is because emerges for a while... 是因为一时兴起么... If makes me go on living, is your temporary emerging, then I will use to live full power finally, does not lose your anticipation... 倘若让我活下去,是你的一时兴起,则我会倾尽全力活到最后,不负你的期待... ... ... The picture ended for a while. 画面一时结束了。 In flaming Flame mind World, in the eyes of youngster first time had warm and happy expression. 于熊熊火焰心神世界,少年的眼中第一次有了温暖和笑意。 He was once abandoned by World, but still some people regarded him for the treasure. 他曾被世界遗弃,但仍有人视他为宝物。 Therefore his life, should not halt in this. 所以他的人生,不该止步于此。 It is not Innate lifeform might also as well, he decides to start 1st Stage new life, no longer lives for the parental line of sight that can never throw down, he must live for another person. 不是先天生灵也无妨,他决定开始一段新的人生,不再为永远不会投下的父母视线而活,他要为了另一个人而活。 Although he is only an ordinary person, so long as the sufficient effort, has certainly opportunity to stand in the apex of cultivation road. 他虽只是凡夫,但只要足够努力,一定也有机会站在修真路的顶点的。 Only by doing so, he is entitled, stands in behind of that bird, protects warmth that made him be attached to does not abandon! 唯有如此,他才有资格,站在那只鸟儿的身后,守护那令他眷恋不舍的温暖! Destiny Profound Bird. 天命玄鸟呵。 In order to return the anticipation of this honored bird, he is willing toward is not not possible again diligently one time. 为了回报这只尊贵鸟儿的期待,他愿意朝着不可能再努力一次 【, Do you really think like this? Really believes that the mortal can depend on the acquired effort, exceeds Innate exist(ence)?】 【呵,你真的这样认为吗?真的相信凡人能凭后天的努力,超越先天存在?】 You lean the altitude that makes every effort to reach, but is the beginnings of certain people, even possibly does not calculate the beginning. You actually understand, in this unfair world, mortal actually anything cannot achieve! The mountain is uneven, the road is uneven, world was uneven, not exist(ence) any by every Nitian (heaven defying) possibility.】 【你倾尽一切所能达到的高度,不过是某些人的起点,甚至可能连起点都不算。你其实明白,于此不公之世,凡人其实什么都做不到!山也不平,路也不平,世间本就不平,更不存在任何以凡逆天的可能。】 You were never redeemed, never changes, you are envying Innate lifeform in the shadow, curse these noble lives, are having a look passing, which one time that despicably your frustrate was not a mass of cuts and bruises by the Innate lifeform oppression!】 【你从未被救赎,更从未有所改变,你于阴影之中嫉妒着先天生灵,卑劣地诅咒着那些高贵的生命,看看你那些挫败的过往吧,哪一次不是被先天生灵欺压地体无完肤!】 Even so, you can also endure! Endures this inherent unfair, endures arrogant line of sight that these keep aloof!】 【即使如此,你也能忍受吗!忍受这份与生俱来的不公,忍受那些高高在上的傲慢视线!】 The misled sound resounds again, making the smile that the youngster has shortly belong to ice-cold. 蛊惑的声音再度响起,令少年短暂出现的笑容归于冰冷。 More pictures start to emerge. 更多的画面开始涌现。 He was once saved by some only Destiny Profound Bird, for also travels together with it shoulder to shoulder, spells to make every effort. 他曾被某只天命玄鸟所拯救,亦为了与其并肩同行,拼尽一切努力。 May trade, suffering defeat of again and again, was actually a mass of cuts and bruises by these Innate lifeform attack. 可换来的,却还是一次次的败北,被那些先天生灵打击地体无完肤。 He used 10 years opens up Monster Veins, using 50 years to complete Harmonious Spirit, using the 300 remaining years of life to have Monster Core, using the 700 remaining years of life to tie the turn into Monster infant. 他用了十年辟出妖脉,用了五十年才完成融灵,用了三百余年才结出妖丹,用了七百余年才结成妖婴。 Repairs Nascent Soul Stage, he then used the more than 1000 year, but this rescues the result that his bird spares no effort to assist. 仅仅是修到元婴期,他便用了一千多年,而这还是救他的鸟儿不遗余力相助的结果。 If not Profound Bird prolongs life for him, for him in the face, he has become an old man, and yet, was actually still maintaining the youngster stance. 若非玄鸟为他延寿,为他驻颜,他早就成了一介老者,可眼下,却仍旧保持着少年姿态。 In the Profound Bird words, when she likes looking at his youngster sparkling eye. 玄鸟的话说,她喜欢看他少年时闪闪发光的眼睛。 She likes, he can make her youngster ; forever, if her which day greasy this appearance, he may also change for her for world any appearance. 她既喜欢,他可以永远做她的少年若她哪天腻了这副容貌,他也可为她改换为世间任何模样。 Depended on the Profound Bird personal connection, the youngster goes through the motions, entered the Heaven and Mortal faction, cultivated/repaired all was the High Grade sorcery, was actually restricted in the natural talent, the advancement was slow. 靠着玄鸟的人脉,少年走后门,进了天人派,修的全都是上品妖法,却还是限于天资,进境缓慢。 The Profound Bird immortal wind immortal reveal, does not have is not Heaven Supreme Treasure, he ate innumerably, in the end also used 1000 years Nascent Formation, once annoyed to scoff innumerably. 玄鸟的仙风仙露,无一不是天至宝,他吃了无数,到头来也还是用了一千年才堪堪结婴,一度惹来无数耻笑。 He is not willing to acknowledge, actually has to clearly recognize the reality, he is not only acquired lifeform, its cultivation natural talent places in acquired lifeform even, could be the most mediocre that grade. 他不愿承认,却不得不认清现实,他不仅仅是后天生灵,其修行资质就算放在后天生灵之中,都算得上最平庸的那一档了。 This he extremely, how must stand in her behind, keeps out wind and rain for her... presumptuously thinks forget it/that's all... 这样不堪的他,要如何站在她的身后,为她遮风挡雨...只是妄想罢了... In some Heaven and Mortal sends with too school of Sect Grand Competition, he must lose completely face by the opponent steamroll. 更在某次天人派和太一派的宗门大比之中,他被对手碾压得丢尽颜面 Opponent named Ying Xuan, is Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan dragon 7 Crown Prince. 对手名为应玄,是朝月龙族的龙七太子 This name, his lifetime is unforgettable, because of him by the day of Destiny Profound Bird saving, indeed by Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan the day of patrolling river Yaksha humiliation. 这个名字,他毕生难忘,因他被天命玄鸟拯救之日,正是朝月龙族的巡河夜叉欺凌之日。 But that day, was Crown Prince Xuan the day of Manyue(full moon)! 那一日,是太子玄满月之日! When he is a youngster, shortly after Ying Xuan was just born, is younger than him. 当他是一名少年时,应玄才刚刚降世不久,年龄比他更小。 But his self-torture more than 1000 year later, present Ying Xuan is what kind of cultivation base? 而在他苦修一千多年之后,如今的应玄又是何等修为呢? Immortal King! 仙王 1000 years, cultivates to Immortal King! 千年,修至仙王 He saw Ying Xuan, even must shout young master Senior! 他见了应玄,甚至要喊一声少君前辈 And this Ying Xuan usually the custom of without/has not cultivation, usually in only concentrated on making merry, speed becoming that even rare cultivation, not insights Realm bottleneck, Ying Xuan is hard to attain by the mortal keeping aloof Immortal King! 且这应玄素来没有修炼的习惯,平日里只专注于吃喝玩乐,即使罕有修炼,也不感悟境界瓶颈,应玄还是以凡人难以企及的速度成为了高高在上的仙王 This is the Innate lifeform cultivation speed! That at all is not cultivation, that ascends the sky cultivation base simply rinses in your mouth forcefully! 这便是先天生灵修炼速度!那根本不是修行,那简直是上天将修为强行灌进你的嘴巴里! How unfair! 何其不公! How... made one envy! 何其...令人嫉妒! Keeps the youngster from accepting, is look that at that time Ying Xuan nearly shut out. 更让少年无法接受的,是彼时的应玄近乎嫌弃的眼神 How to do! Father Monarch did not say that must make me amaze the world with a single brilliant feat above Huai Sect Great Competition, why arranges the Nascent Soul Stage ants to work as the opponent to me? The opponents are so weak, how to demonstrate my method? Can can it be make my Cold Qi blow this little fellow?” “怎么搞的!父君不是说要让我在淮宗大比之上一鸣惊人吗,为何就给我安排个元婴期蝼蚁当对手?对手这么弱,如何显示我的手段?难道要让我一口寒气把这小家伙吹死吗?” It is not right! It is not right! 不对!不对! Obviously you are a little fellow, you are younger than me, is smaller than me! 明明你才是小家伙,你比我小,比我小! 7 Crown Prince has not to know, although this person weak, but his back backer, actually even Dragon Monarch saw must revere Senior Profound Bird Senior... to beat this person, was equal to announce that my Dawn's Moon Dragon lineage defeated Profound Bird Clan, this shocks the Time River news sufficiently, must be able to make my Dawn's Moon Dragon Clan prestige inspire greatly!” Such as said hand/subordinate. 七太子有所不知,此人虽弱,但他背后的靠山,却是连龙君见了都要尊一声前辈玄鸟前辈...击败此人,便等同宣告我朝月龙裔战胜了玄鸟一族,这可是足以震惊时光长河的消息,必能让我朝月龙族声威大振!”手下如是道。 Damn! Damn! 该死!该死! You shamed my shame I, I can endure, but Jort and others attempted by this matter, shame her prestige, then I then fight valiantly actually this, must make and others pay the price! 尔等羞我辱我,我都可以忍受,但若尔等妄图借由此事,辱她声誉,则我便是拼却此命,也要让尔等付出代价! Oh? This boy is staring me unexpectedly! I had no intention to depend on bully a Nascent Soul young child to inspire my prestige, but look of this Nascent Soul young child made me unhappy, must punch, to the lesson!” The line of sight that Ying Xuan keeps aloof, changes to the bone-chilling cold cold frost finally, only one look, then presses the self-torture of youngster 1000 remaining years of life ruthlessly on the ground, cannot move. ?这小子居然在瞪我!我本无意靠着欺负一介元婴小儿振我声威,可偏偏这元婴小儿的眼神令我不喜,须得揍上一顿,给个教训!”应玄高高在上的视线,最终化作凛冽寒霜,只一个眼神,便将少年一千余年的苦修狠狠压在地上,动弹不得。 Really is senseless, the ants are the ants, the leaning delusion pursues star chasing moon, overreaches oneself.” Ying Xuan shakes the head. “真是无趣,蝼蚁就是蝼蚁,偏妄想追星逐月,不自量力。”应玄摇头不已。 in Wujin ridiculed in the sound, youngster first time felt between acquired lifeform and Innate lifeform, gap that cannot be spanned. 于无尽嘲笑声中,少年第一次感受到了后天生灵先天生灵之间,不可跨越的鸿沟。 If day! If! 如天!如地! huge to is unable to touch, remotely to desperate. 庞大到无法触碰,遥远到令人绝望。 The shame with being unwilling, filled up the innermost feelings of youngster, but are more than these emotions, is laments and rebukes oneself. 耻辱与不甘,填满了少年的内心,但比这些情感更多的,是悔恨和自责。 His incompetent, will implicate her to be ridiculed by the world together... 他的无能,会连累她一同被世人嘲笑么...
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