GE :: Volume #14

#1304 Part 4: Holds the day to lean ( 1 )

Yao Gu leaves, the resistance the without/has not significance, why has opened World Protection Arrays to kill one another, disciple to increase again disappointedly...” Some person desperate say/way, protect opening need the sacrificial offering, death is near at hand, actually must personally the offering sacrifices compatriot obviously before dying, somewhat is really cruel. 尧骨既出,反抗已没有意义,何必再开护界阵法自相残杀、徒增失望...”一些人绝望道,护界阵的开启是需要祭品的,明明死到临头,却还要在死前亲手献祭同胞,实在有些残忍。 No, meaningful! Yao Gu is invincible, but I this time open, non- to defeat Yao Gu, but wants to rescue from the Ying Xuan abdomen Ni Fan and Wuzhiqi!” Wu Xian sincere say/way. “不,有意义!尧骨不可战胜,但我此番开阵,非是为了战胜尧骨,而是想将逆樊无支祁应玄腹中救出!”巫咸正色道。 Even if rescues, can, not be how impossible to defeat Yao Gu depending on them...” Some people hesitated, resembled the recollection and Wuzhiqi friendship and passing. “即使救出,又能如何,凭他二人也不可能战胜尧骨...”一些人犹豫了,似回想起了和无支祁的交情、过往。 Yao Gu is invincible, therefore I want to ask Ni Fan Fellow Daoist to carry off Wuzhiqi, will carry over Huaiwo Samsara... Wuzhiqi and I and others was different, he is Innate lifeform, and inherited Far Ancient Ten Spirits complete Bloodlines, by no means by ruins of rule limit Immeasurable. If there is a Ni Fan help, can carry over Huaiwo Samsara, by no means must and others deadlock with me together in Huaiwo Samsara, does not need again die in the hand of Yao Gu. This is this matter's significance, is I as Huaiwo Great Shaman Division, second until now only selfishness...” 尧骨不可战胜,所以我想请逆樊道友带走无支祁,将之带出淮涡轮回...无支祁和我等不同,他是先天生灵,且继承了远古十灵的完整血脉,并不无量之墟规则限制。若有逆樊帮助,是可以被带出淮涡轮回的,并不必与我等一同锁死在淮涡轮回,亦不必再度陨落尧骨之手。这便是此事的意义,亦是我身为淮涡大巫司,两世至今唯一的私心...” Wu Xian has a plan from the beginning. 巫咸从一开始就有一个计划。 His by no means believes firmly that Ning Fan really can save Huaiwo, actually rescues Wuzhiqi to be very confident to Ning Fan. 并不确信宁凡真能拯救淮涡,却对宁凡救走无支祁很有信心。 Although one hear of World will destroy again, but the civilized fire seed also reserved hope, everyone was silent. 一听世界虽然会再度毁灭,但文明的火种却还有保留的希望,所有人都沉默了。 Hateful, why I and others damn here, why Wuzhiqi has the hope of going on living, the fate is how unfair! 可恶,凭什么我等就该死在这里,凭什么无支祁就有活下去的希望,宿命何其不公! But... 但... Extension of Huaiwo god towards, is more important! 淮涡神朝的延续,更重要! Monster Barbarian Text that the generations create is bright, cannot kill in me the hand and other... 列祖列宗所创造的妖蛮文明,不可断送于我等之手... I do not like Wuzhiqi, but I am willing becoming Four Oceans to protect a sacrificial offering, always feels better dead on Yao Gu!” “我不喜欢无支祁,但我愿成为四溟护界阵的祭品,总好过死在尧骨手上!” Snort! Great Shaman Division your plan, is really selfish, making me disappointed, but... I will carry out your order, until finally, after all my life, only remained to fulfill duty to fulfill responsibility a merit.” “哼!大巫司你的计划,着实自私,令我失望,但...我会执行你的命令,直到最后,毕竟我这一生,也只剩尽职尽责一个优点了。” Wants is not futile, this matter my without/has not opinion!” “只要不是徒劳无功,此事我没有意见!” My itself/Ben is the serious injury dying person, if needs the sacrificial offering, takes me as the sacrifice, does not need to worry about the former friendship. My non- gives self up to for Wuzhiqi, but is decides to sacrifice for the country, in the entire civic morality monster square.” “我本就是重伤垂死之人,若需要祭品,以我为祭,不必顾念旧情。我非是为了无支祁舍身,而是决定以身殉国,以全国格妖格。” Mudd! Wuzhiqi must walk, his collection turned over to me, without opinion!” “玛德!无支祁都要走了,他的收藏品归我了,没意见吧!” You were insane! Died obviously about, actually also looked that type of book wastes qi and blood!” “你疯了!明明行将死去,却还看那种书浪费气血!” I tread the horse to decide that dies for Wuzhiqi, how crisp one was crisp with his thing, ate your family rice?” “我踏马都决定为了无支祁去死,拿他东西爽一爽怎么了,吃你家大米了?” Trough! You eat my rice, the Wuzhiqi book, robbed from my hand, that was my, inside cartography, all was my wife, cannot you look...” “槽!你就是吃我大米了,无支祁的书,是从我手上抢走的,那本来就是我的,里面的绘图,全是我老婆,不许你看...” But I have looked ahead of time, has saying that your wife is really terrific...” “可我已经提前看过了啊,不得不说,你老婆真棒...” Hehe... 呵呵... Wu Xian shows the gratified smile. 巫咸露出欣慰的笑容。 Gratified when is not the whole nation destruction, likes the disciple also fresh hope. 欣慰的不是举国覆灭之际,爱徒还有生的希望。 Gratified, is last time Huaiwo destroys in Nightmare Disaster, all living things is all waiting for death, but this time... even is only a tiny selfish reason, the people are actually determined dead to fight finally. 欣慰的,是上一次淮涡毁于魇灾,众生皆在等死,而这一次...即使只为一个渺小自私的理由,众人却决意死战到最后。 But this, is the Huaiwo god toward generation Inheritance Will, so long as this Will were not destroyed, even if Huaiwo does not save, civilization forever lonesome, has 1 day finally, will have some civilized anyone, inherits Huaiwo Will, lights the civilized again the lights. 而这,便是淮涡神朝世代传承意志,只要此意志不被毁灭,则即使淮涡不存,文明永寂,终有一日,会有某个文明的什么人,继承淮涡意志,再度点燃文明的灯火。 ... ... On Four Oceans Mountain, the Huaiwo person all changes the stance that makes to go to generously, the scene must solemnly and stirringly solemn and stirring. 四溟山上,淮涡人皆变作慷慨赴死的姿态,场面要多悲壮有多悲壮。 But in the belly of Ying Xuan, Ning Fan actually and Wuzhiqi incautiously, dispersed... 而在应玄的肚子里,宁凡却和无支祁一不小心,走散了... Only blames these two people strangely is first time is eaten by Ying Xuan, in terrain by no means familiar ; in addition this place Qi of Primal Chaos to his belly is in flood, the potential of geomancy is also fast changing, walks one step carelessly, possibly by Teleportation to several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) beyond somewhere, the previous second you still resist the sea of scarlet acid in the stomach of Ying Xuan, the latter second you by Teleportation to the rectum of Ying Xuan, are probably needed to Kuita beast altogether... 怪只怪这二人是第一次应玄吃掉,对其肚子内的地形并不熟悉加之此地混沌之气泛滥,风水之势亦是瞬息万变,胡乱走一步,就可能就会被传送到数万里之外的某处,前一秒你还在应玄的胃里对抗赤酸之海,后一秒你可能就被传送应玄的肛肠之内了,需要对抗田共之兽... Ning Fan is not possible to wander about aimlessly in the strange place. 宁凡是不可能在陌生之地乱走的。 But Wuzhiqi is not obviously intelligent, is just now eaten in the Ying Xuan belly, wants to break the belly of Ying Xuan with the club, where finally was arrived by Teleportation... 无支祁显然没那么聪明,才刚被吃到应玄肚子里,就想拿棒子把应玄的肚子打破,结果就被传送到什么地方了... Ning Fan Heaven and Mortal azure glow flashes, peeped some Wuzhiqi Karma fortunately. 幸而宁凡天人青芒一闪,窥到了些许无支祁因果 By Teleportation to field altogether Clan Lair, was really pitiful...” “是被传送至田共一族巢穴了么,真是可怜...” By the great strength of Wuzhiqi, is not possible in the field beast by Ying Xuan belly to be killed, the wound could not injure a point. 无支祁的强大,是不可能被应玄肚子里的田共兽打死的,伤都伤不了一点。 Although hits Undying/not dead Wuzhiqi, the Wuzhiqi whole body that but can hit is the excrement, indifferently like Ning Fan, felt a sympathy about Wuzhiqi. 虽然打不死无支祁,但可以打的无支祁浑身都是米田共,冷漠如宁凡,也不禁对无支祁感到了一丝同情。 „Then, where must start to eat...” “那么接下来,要从哪里开始吃呢...” Obviously was Ning Fan by Ying Xuan eating, but eaten Ning Fan did not have self-knowledge, where in the ponder must the lower jaw, eating on the contrary wipes Ying Xuan dry/does only. 明明是宁凡应玄给吃掉了,但被吃掉的宁凡却毫无自知之明,反倒在思考要从哪里下嘴,把应玄给吃干抹净。 Actually in this time, the sounds of innumerable sneering spreads from the sea of scarlet acid, unexpectedly is the have several ten thousand Xunhai Yaksha broken sea, presents the command of World Will, must extinguish Ning Fan without the amnesty! 却在此时,无数冷笑之声从赤酸之海中传出,竟是有数万巡海夜叉破海而出,奉世界意志之令,要将宁凡灭无赦! Discovery... Butterfly...” “发现...蝴蝶...” Kills, kills, kills...” “杀,杀,杀...” Ate... him...” “吃了...他...” Several tens of thousands of patrolling sea Yaksha, lowly are Life Immortal cultivation base, three Yaksha endure to compare Immortal Emperor. 数万巡海夜叉,最低都是命仙修为,更有三只夜叉堪比仙帝 Does not endure compared with End of Law Era Immortal Emperor, but endures to compare Ancient Emperor! 并非是堪比末法时代仙帝,而是堪比古帝 What a pity, what they meet is Ning Fan, and was held Ning Fan of link by the rich woman forcefully. 可惜,他们遇到的是宁凡,且还是被富婆强行持环的宁凡 Thereupon... 于是乎... After half incense stick . 炷香之后。 Ning Fan ate clean tens of thousands wheting the appetite seafood. 宁凡把几万只开胃海鲜吃光了。 These Yaksha each are the body of Nightmare Monster, within the body all has pure Nightmare Qi, can Incarnation be patrolling sea Yaksha, lowly is the adult stages, but can cultivate/repair to Immortal Emperor, at least was the old student periods. 这些夜叉各个都是魇妖之身,体内皆有精纯魇气,能化身为巡海夜叉之相,最低都是成年期,而能修至仙帝的,至少都是老生期了。 Grade too low patrolling sea Yaksha has no nutrition, but achieves Eternal Realm Yaksha, within the body all formed the Nightmare Qi crystal core. 等级太低的巡海夜叉没什么营养,但是达到万古境界的夜叉,体内皆形成了魇气晶核。 Especially three Immortal Emperor Yaksha, crystal core Grade in within the body is higher, three Immortal Emperor crystal cores put together, the nutrition endured compared with Ning Fan had recruited the ancestor of that only Nie Li. 尤其是三名仙帝夜叉,体内的晶核等级更高,三个仙帝的晶核加在一起,营养堪比宁凡曾经吸收过的那只孽离之祖了。 The difference is, named passed away to Nie Li Ancestor of feudal official is too long, qi and blood has been dried up, the crystal core has dissipated. Is close to 3rd step powerful exist(ence) obviously, only made Ning Fan cultivation base strive the 200 tribulation, Fu Li Ancestral Blood also only increased one drop. 区别在于,名为离臣的孽离老祖去世太久,气血早已干枯,晶核早已消散。明明是接近第三步的强大存在,却只让宁凡修为精进了二百劫,扶离祖血也只增加了一滴。 These three Immortal Emperor Yaksha are only the Six Tribulations level, cultivation base is far less than to leave the feudal official to be powerful, but wins freshly , the Yaksha sashimi understands, although the flavor is not good to describe, the nutrition is actually very sufficient. 这三名仙帝夜叉都只是六劫水平,修为远不如离臣强大,但胜在新鲜啊,夜叉刺身了解一下,味道虽然不好描述,营养却是十分充足。 Then, tens of thousands seafood finished eating, Ning Fan Magic Force strove the 300 tribulation, Ancestral Blood also cultivated/repaired one drop again. 如此一来,几万只海鲜吃完,宁凡法力足足精进了三百劫,祖血也是再度修出一滴。 Once, the Ning Fan absorption to Blood Essence of feudal official, needed 7 days, at this moment held Ning Fan of link, was actually the speed of light digested all. 曾经,宁凡吸收离臣的精血,需要七天,此刻持环的宁凡,却是光速消化了一切。 The digestion too quick result, does not eat the thing to be good, eats hungrily, more eats is hungrier. 消化过快的结果,就是不吃东西还好,一吃就饿,越吃越饿。 Really, only eats the appetizer to be far from enough, can only main course Ying Xuan eating! 果然,只吃前菜远远不够,只能把主菜应玄给吃掉了! Soon. 不多时。 Entire Huaiwo World, reverberates the pitiful yell of Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan. 整个淮涡世界,回响起魇龙应玄的惨叫。 Stop! Stops to me! Is I eats you, is not you eat me! You how dare, how dare...” “住手!给我住手!是我吃你,不是你吃我!你岂敢,岂敢...” Hateful! Cannot spit, why can eat in the belly, is actually not able to spit!” “可恶!吐不出来,为何能吃到肚子里,却无法吐出来!” Saves me! Brother Ji Chen! You have the ancient Dragon Blood lineage/vein, and with me with become extinct Nightmare Lord, how to be cruel enough to stand by, no matter what that five spirit evil violations in me!” “救我!稷辰兄!你也有古龙血脉,且与我同为绝灭魇主,怎忍心作壁上观,任那五灵孽物侵害于我!” Ying Xuan tries to pray for rescue, but replied his, came from 6th Nightmare World endless Yin Wind. 应玄试图求救,但回答他的,是来自第六魇界的无尽阴风 Corrects two matters.” “纠正两件事。” Its one, you for Dawn's Moon, I to hold the candle, live for enemy, dies for the enmity, I and without/has not rescue your duty.” “其一,你为朝月,我为衔烛,生为敌,死为仇,我并没有救你的义务。” Its two, I already took action...” “其二,我已经出手了...” The named Ji Chen disaster tribulation, such as said. 名为稷辰的灾劫,如是道。 Ying Xuan is startled, subsequently detected with amazement, Ji Chen truly already take action! 应玄一怔,继而骇然察觉,稷辰确实早已出手 The 12 color light has unfolded in Primal Chaos, in Zhucai light/only, 12 Arrow Book changes to the True Illusion bow arrow all... 十二彩光早已在混沌之中铺开,于诸彩光中,十二箭书尽数化作真幻弓矢... Aaaaaaah! 啊啊啊啊啊 The 24 sound pitiful yell sends out immediately! 二十四声惨叫随即发出! And the 12 sound belongs to Ying Xuan, after all, the Ji Chen bow arrow needs first to shoot through Ying Xuan Long Qu, can shoot in the Ying Xuan abdomen person- actually also has plan of the direct hit, but Ji Chen by no means plan, for does not injure to Ying Xuan moves unnecessarily. 其中十二声属于应玄,毕竟,稷辰的弓矢需要先射穿应玄龙躯,才能射到应玄腹中人-其实也有直接命中之策,但稷辰并不打算为了不伤到应玄而多此一举。 Moreover 12 sound pitiful yell by no means belongs to Ning Fan, but belongs to Wuzhiqi. 另外十二声惨叫并不属于宁凡,而是属于无支祁 Actually is Wuzhiqi also cultivates Purple Grass Technique, must take itself for dying as Ning Fan, bore the Ji Chen 12 arrow! 却是无支祁同样修有紫草之术,要以自身为宁凡替死,硬受了稷辰十二箭! Sore! Too sore! 疼!太疼了! Wuzhiqi does not remember that the hit broken skin bled is several time's matter, because defended too high, therefore he... feared to hurt! 无支祁已经不记得被打的破皮流血是几岁时候的事情了,因为防御太高,所以他...怕疼! The 12 arrow that even if Ji Chen projects full power, only skinned his skin gently, he was without/has not bears, exuded the painful call! 即使稷辰全力射出的十二箭,只轻轻蹭破了他一点皮,他还是没有忍住,发出了痛呼声! Who is! Is who dares to plot against Ni Fan Big Brother, plots against me!” Wuzhiqi was furious. “是谁!是谁竟敢暗算逆樊大哥,暗算我!”无支祁震怒了。 Ji Chen same complexion is ugly. 稷辰同样面色难看起来。 What situation? 什么情况? The Saint that he projects full power bends/bow the 12 arrow, not only loses accuracy, and only broke open the arrow a little bit/bit by bit skin... 他全力射出的圣弓十二箭,不仅失准,且只破开了中箭者一点点皮... This monkey... is what Monster! 这只猴子...到底是什么怪物 The named Ji Chen disaster tribulation, in the eye burns Ming Huo of envy, he must win this hedgehog hydnum all! 名为稷辰的灾劫,眼中燃烧起嫉妒的冥火,他要夺走这猴头儿的一切!
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