GE :: Volume #14

#1304 Part 3: Holds the day to lean ( 1 )

Does not need to consider thoroughly, this place Speech Spirit Seal, actually only seals that two characters that you said that other, have not achieved to seal sound transmission Rank. Speech Spirit Seal is only a pretence, the Man Zhi true goal is to make your me frightened, subsequently chooses silent, and perishes in the silence. So long as for a long time remains silent at this place, will trigger extinguishes to print, that is the Man Zhi deep layer subsequent hand, naturally extinguishes silent Seal as before is only the pretence, after that also... considers as finished, one by one explained very troublesome, you only need know, Man Zhi remained in the 7th Nightmare World 12 layout, had all driven out by me in secret. The broken 12 layout requires the time continually, slightly delays, this harmed in Fellow Daoist Speech Spirit Seal, was my is not right.” “无需多虑,此地言灵封印,其实只封了你所说的那两个字,并无其他,亦未达到能封传音级别言灵封印只是一个幌子,满智的真正目的,是要让你我恐惧,继而选择沉默,并于沉默中灭亡。只要在此地长时间保持沉默,就会触发灭默法印,那才是满智的更深层后手,当然灭默封印依旧只是幌子,其后还有...算了,一一解释十分麻烦,你只须知道,满智留于第七魇界十二布局,皆已被我暗中驱除。只是连破十二布局需要时间,略有耽搁,这才害得道友中了言灵封印,却是我的不对了。” ? 啊? The Wu Xian person was silly. 巫咸人傻了。 What situation! Man Zhi did Saint suppose the 12 layers layout in this place unexpectedly? If complete triggering, how could it not be I do not remain the fur/superficial knowledge... 什么情况!满智圣人居然在此地设下了十二重布局?若是全部触发,我岂非连皮毛都不剩了... So the closely linked with one another layout, actually put in an appearance by Ni Fan Fellow Daoist one broken completely, he when broken bureau, has not seen his take action obviously... wait a minute/etc.! Is sound wave Illusion Technique! Although Ni Fan Fellow Daoist take action, has not been speaking! 如此环环相扣的布局,却被逆樊道友一个照面破尽了,他到底什么时候破的局,明明没看到他出手...等等!是声波幻术逆樊道友虽未出手,却一直在说话! Man Zhi takes sound wave Illusion Technique as the beginning, launched offensive ; Ni Fan Fellow Daoist also to respond by sound wave Illusion Technique, during the seemingly ordinary dialogue, has broken completely the Man Zhi layout! 满智以声波幻术为开端,展开了攻势逆樊道友也以声波幻术回应,于看似普通的对话之中,已然破尽了满智的布局! Other Saint Level fighting method is so complex! 圣人级别的斗法如此复杂吗! I am also Quasi-Saint, had to plant the feeling of burden unexpectedly... 我好歹也是准圣,竟有种成了累赘的感觉... Ant Lord: Quasi-Saint is anything, this Palace Master solemn Saint, in these Heart Eye strange front same is a burden! 蚁主:嘁,准圣算什么,本宫堂堂圣人,在这些心眼怪面前一样是个累赘! Saw with own eyes that Wu Xian was raised the line puppet to play tricks on by Man Zhi, Ant Lord felt better actually, in the heart ridiculed the loss of self-control of Wu Xian secretly. 眼见巫咸满智提线木偶般戏弄,蚁主倒是好受了一些,心中暗暗嘲笑起巫咸的失态。 Compared with Wu Xian, these that oneself eat, is not owes radically! this Palace Master worthily is Saint, with Quasi-Saint is completely not Rank! 巫咸一比,自己吃的那些,根本都不算亏!本宫不愧是圣人,和准圣全然不是一个级别 Also lowered scale nothing more compared with Man Zhi and Ning Fan slightly, is not in the way! 也就比满智宁凡稍稍低了一个档次而已,不碍事! Master you listen to the Ni Fan Big Brother words, goes back quickly! Your too vegetable/dish, had you to follow, I do not dare to brandish the club full power, for fear that your arm leg rubbing, me did not think deceive the Master and betray the Ancestors, after all I was the monkey that world most honored the teacher and respected his teachings!” 师父你就听逆樊大哥的话,快回去吧!你太菜了,有你跟着,我都不敢全力挥舞棒子,生怕把你胳膊腿给蹭掉了,我可不想欺师灭祖,毕竟我可是世间最尊师重道的猴子!” Reveres your head! You dare to say the Master vegetable/dish unexpectedly!” The Wu Xian illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, knocked a Wuzhiqi skull directly, flies to knock, because Wuzhiqi was too high. “尊你个头!你居然敢说师父菜!”巫咸气结,直接敲了无支祁一脑壳,飞起来敲的,因为无支祁太高了。 This knocked with fully the strength, actually without/has not hit to hurt Wuzhiqi, instead shakes Wu Xian to hurt, smiled to the Wu Xian air/Qi. 这一敲用足了力气,却没有无支祁打疼一点,反而震得巫咸手疼,给巫咸气笑了。 The silly monkey of such iron, which stupid person is teaches! Oh is I, that was all right... 这么头铁的傻猴子,到底是哪个蠢驴教出来的啊!是我自己,那没事了... Wuzhiqi: Why Master you hit me aiyu, I told the facts! Right hit me not to make an effort too in a big way, hurt me also to dig a pit yourself buries to you.” 无支祁:“哎呦师父你干嘛打我,我只是实话实说啊!对了打我别用力太大,把你自己疼死了我还得挖个坑给你埋了。” Wu Xian: Your this macaque! Dares to talk nonsense again, Old Man went back to give the fever the story-telling script that you hid! What «Mt. Huaguo Quiet Dream», «proud Laiyan Matter», «Beautiful Monkey Mother»... all burnt to you!” 巫咸:“你这猢狲!再敢胡言乱语,老夫回去就把你藏起来的话本给烧了!什么《花果山幽梦》、《傲来艳事》、《美猴娘》...全给你烧了!” Wuzhiqi: You dare! If you burnt my treasure(d), I your «Star group consisting of four stars in draco Daoist scripture», «Daytime Ascending», «Wu Shan cloud and rain/sexual intercourse» entire fever!” 无支祁:“你敢!你若烧了我的宝贝,我就把你的《御女真经》、《白日飞升》、《巫山云雨》全烧了!” Wu Xian: Idiot! Fools! Master's these are not the colorful clear story-telling scripts, but is the Dual Cultivation technique that the Immemorial person king hands down, inside one sheet astringent chart without/has not! Not vulgar!” 巫咸:“蠢货!笨蛋!师父的这些不是艳晴话本,而是太古人王传下的双修术,里面一张涩图都没有!一点也不下流!” Wuzhiqi: I do not believe! You daytime, your also not vulgar! Where can not give money...” 无支祁:“我不信!你都白日了,你还不下流!哪能不给钱呢...” Wu Xian: „... It is not good, is aggravated by the Speech Spirit Seal corrosion that you are mad, then without/has not two 30 days could not untie Seal. Disciple, Master taught you many to be inferior, daytime was not that meaning, was during the daytime, white Heavens! sought your much study to be literate, only practiced Mortal Body and strength does not have the future!” 巫咸:“...不行了,被你气的言灵封印侵蚀加重了,这下没有三十日是解不开封印了。徒儿啊,师父教过你很多次了,白日不是那个意思,是白天,白天啊!求求你多学些识文断字吧,只练肉身和力量没前途啊!” Wuzhiqi: During the daytime? Daytime proclaimed incessant rain vulgar!” 无支祁:“白天?白日宣霪岂不是更下流!” Wu Xian: You won, Seal launches a psychological attack for the master now, really could not support, returns to Four Oceans Mountain for master this, ok? If you do not return to the Four Oceans Mountain recuperation with me together, I boost for you on the mountain...” 巫咸:“你赢了,为师现在封印攻心,实在撑不住了,为师这就回四溟山,行了吧?你们若不和我一同回四溟山休整,我就在山上为你们助力...” After a master kind child filial piety, Wuzhiqi was urged Four Oceans Mountain by Seal heavy injury Wu Xian finally. 一番师慈子孝后,无支祁终于把被封印重创巫咸劝回了四溟山 As for Ning Fan. 至于宁凡 He and without/has not pays attention to this to the little theater that Master and Disciple loves for one another, but while this dialogue time, domineering take action, killing Nightmare Monster Nightmare Beast of innumerable attack, left behind the skeleton like the mountain. 他并没有关注这对师徒相亲相爱的小剧场,而是趁着这点对话时间,强势出手,击杀了无数来袭的魇妖魇兽,留下了尸骨如山。 Here Nightmare Monster Nightmare Beast, each is Nie Li, each killing Nightmare Monster, Ning Fan can absorb some pure Nightmare Qi from the opposite party. 这里的魇妖魇兽,每一只都算是孽离,每击杀一只魇妖,宁凡就能从对方身上吸收一些精纯魇气 Nightmare Qi that all around fills heterogeneous, middle was more promiscuous Qi of Primal Chaos, is not suitable to swallow refining, Nightmare Qi that but killing Nightmare Monster plundering comes, can actually make Ning Fan Fu Li cultivation base slightly strive. 四周弥漫的魇气过于驳杂,当中更混杂了混沌之气,不适合吞服炼化,但击杀魇妖掠夺而来的魇气,却能让宁凡扶离修为略有精进。 Limited that what a pity strives, only because of attack Nightmare Monster mostly is only the young living period, adult stage not too many, within the body basic without/has not many pure Nightmare Qi. 可惜精进的有限,只因来袭的魇妖大都只是幼生期,成年期都不太多,体内根本没有多少精纯魇气 „? Such time, Big Brother did you kill so many Nightmare Beast? Really fierce, compared with my Master too many! My Master will only hold back!” Wuzhiqi. “啊?才这么点时间,大哥你就杀了这么多魇兽?真厉害啊,比我师父太多了!我师父就只会拖后腿!”无支祁 You care about your Master actually.” Ning Fan said with a smile. “你倒是关心你的师父。”宁凡笑道。 Care? I have to care that my Master, I don't remember? Only remembers that probably was mad him half dead...” Wuzhiqi denied. “关心?我有关心我师父吗,我怎么不记得?只记得好像把他气了个半死...”无支祁否认道。 You are noticed that he plans to use Purple Grass Technique, decided that can urge Four Oceans Mountain him? In the surface is shuts out his strength to be insufficient, was worried actually he for dying to lose one's life.” Ning Fan. “你是看到他打算使用紫草之术,才决定要把他劝回四溟山吧?表面上是嫌弃他实力不足,实则是担心他替死送命。”宁凡 Oh? Does Big Brother know Purple Grass Technique unexpectedly?” Wuzhiqi is surprised the different way. 大哥居然知道紫草之术?”无支祁诧异道。 My this eye, can understand many things and Karma, some Bao Kuo (including) unknown things.” “我这双眼睛,可以理解许多事物和因果,包括一些不为人知的东西。” Purple Grass Technique, was one type takes the straw man as the substitute person, circumvention death Secret Technique, only had cultivating of inborn purple life cultivate successfully. 紫草之术,是一种以草人为替身,规避死亡的秘术,唯有天生紫命之修才可修成 If 1st step cultivator learns this technique, only need beforehand enclosed Nascent Divinity above the purple clothes straw man, can for dead one time: Can attach own Nascent Divinity, price light ; may also attach others Nascent Divinity, the price is slightly heavy, but also in acceptable range. 若是第一步修士习得此术,只需事先在紫衣草人之上附上一丝元神,便可替死一次:可以附自己的元神,代价较轻也可附他人元神,代价略重,但还在可接受的范围。 But if 2nd step cultivator for dying, price heavy many, must follow a life to trade a life the principle, with other people life, trades by a technique life. 但若是为第二步修士替死,代价则会沉重的多,须遵循一命换一命的原则,用他人一命,来换受术者一命。 After all A dying person is an extinguishing lamp, the immortal dies such as reads the powder, in varying degrees for dying, the price is entirely different. 毕竟人死如灯灭,仙死如念散,不同程度的替死,代价截然不同。 If Ning Fan without/has not misreads, above Wu Xian purple clothes straw man, establishment only had two people by technique: He and Wuzhiqi. 宁凡没有看错,巫咸的紫衣草人之上,设置的受术者只有二人:他和无支祁 for sacrificial offering of dying, then established dozens, lowly is Huaiwo Country Immortal Venerable, highest also Wu Xian oneself even. 用于替死的祭品,则设置了数十名,最低都是淮涡国仙尊,最高的甚至还有巫咸本人 Resembles Ning Fan so to approach becoming Emperor, actually to fight Beginning Saint Monster, at least needs to pay a Immortal Venerable Rank sacrificial offering, may for dead one time, this be Wu Xian cultivates extremely high Realm this technique, changes method bad use technique, at least needs to use other Immortal King Level sacrificial offering. 宁凡这般临近成帝、却可一战始圣怪物,至少需要付出一名仙尊级别的祭品,才可替死一次,这还是巫咸将此术修到了极高境界,换个手段差些的施术者,至少需要动用仙王级别的祭品。 About the sacrificial offering choice of Purple Grass Technique, a also severe request: The sacrificial offering must willingly would rather for dying, as long as forces, Nascent Divinity is unable to be attached to above the purple clothes straw man... 关于紫草之术的祭品选择,还有一个严苛要求:祭品必须心甘情愿替死,但凡有一丝胁迫,元神都无法附在紫衣草人之上... In which meaning, Ning Fan must know. 其中的含义,宁凡不可能不知晓。 Wu Xian dozens Huaiwo Expert, when embarking, then completed for the decision that he died, even these people do not trust him, actually all gambling on his body. 巫咸在内的数十名淮涡强者,早在出发之际,便做好了替他死亡的决定,即便那些人根本不信任他,却还是将一切赌在了他的身上。 Wuzhiqi is also because does not endure Master for dead die, this drove away Wu Xian intentionally. 无支祁也是因为不忍师父替死陨落,这才故意气走了巫咸 Wu Xian was not really driven away, but understands Seal travelled together also the without/has not significance. 巫咸也不是真的被气走的,而是明白中了封印的自己同行也没有意义。 From the beginning, he wants to shout that Ning Fan returns to the Four Oceans Mountain recuperation, but Ning Fan stated clearly that without/has not that time consumes in this place. 一开始,他是想喊宁凡四溟山休整的,但宁凡言明没有那个时间耗在此地。 Therefore Wu Xian will agree to return to Four Oceans Mountain alone, and after return , to continue to assist Ning Fan to capture the Nightmare Disaster core in other methods... 所以巫咸才会同意独自返回四溟山,并在返回之后,以其他手段继续协助宁凡攻取魇灾核心... I come Huaiwo twice, but only then, experiences the character of Huaiwo person truly, good. But you are not necessary so, this matter me, dangerous that and without/has not you imagine, does not need to bet anybody's life for this reason.” Ning Fan calmly said. “我来淮涡两次,但直到此时,才算真正见识到了淮涡人的风骨,挺不错的。但你们大可不必如此,此事于我而言,并没有你们想象的那么凶险,亦不必为此赌上任何人的性命。”宁凡平静道 But you actually bet your life! Actually I understand, Big Brother this act, non- for me, non- for Huaiwo, non- stems from reading of salvation. But the gentleman discussed the mark regardless of the heart, why regardless of Big Brother attempted, on the fact, all that you made, is saving World that this side can submerge momentarily! The en of salvation, not thinks the report, must by a life also it!” Wuzhiqi earnestly said. “但你却赌上了自己的性命!其实我明白,大哥此举,既非是为了我,也非是为了淮涡,更非是出于救世之念。但君子论迹不论心,无论大哥所图为何,就事实而言,你所做的一切,都是在拯救这方随时都会沉没的世界!救世之恩,无以为报,必以一命还之!”无支祁认真道 Hehe... 呵呵... Ning Fan thinks otherwise, his Devil, calculates the gentleman of hammer. 宁凡不以为然,他一介魔头,算个锤子的君子。 The remote place hears the laughter similarly, actually sneers, laughter sometimes sometimes near, is ridiculing the incomprehensible nonsense of Wuzhiqi opinion. 遥远之地同样传来笑声,却是冷笑,笑声时远时近,嘲笑着无支祁言论的狗屁不通。 Met, monkey, as well as... Butterfly!” “又见面了,猴子,以及...蝴蝶!” This sound does not know that transmits from where, in all directions is this sound. 这声音不知是从何处传来,四面八方都是此声。 As for Master of sound, Ning Fan is very familiar, Wuzhiqi is more familiar! 至于声音的主人,宁凡很熟悉,无支祁更加熟悉! That once was by the sound that Ning Fan and Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan of Wuzhiqi suppression makes!, 那是曾经被宁凡无支祁镇压的魇龙应玄所发出的声音!, But Wuzhiqi does not understand, Ying Xuan had been suppressed obviously, why can also recover again! 无支祁不理解,应玄明明已经被镇压,为何还能再度复苏! And, Wuzhiqi can hear the Ying Xuan sound obviously, is actually not able to discover the Ying Xuan hiding place, this matter was strange. 且,无支祁明明听得到应玄的声音,却无法找出应玄的藏身之处,此事过于古怪了。 Therefore the opening fire eyes golds eyeball, searches for the Ying Xuan hiding place, this observation, Wuzhiqi is complexion is ugly. 于是开启火眼睛,四下搜寻应玄的藏身之地,这一观察,无支祁却是面色难看起来。 It seems like you had understood, is not I reveals only part of the truth intentionally, but was you... is all swallowed the belly by me! You, have are met the stomach of God Spirit of recent antiquity to digest infinitely...” “看来你已经明白了,并非是我故意藏头露尾,而是你们...全都被我吃进了肚子!你们,有被无限接近古之神灵的肠胃消化过么...” In Wuzhiqi dignified gaze, Nightmare Qi changes to the inexhaustible stomach wall and intestines wall, all packages in Nightmare World... 无支祁凝重的目光中,魇气化作无穷无尽的胃壁和肠壁,将魇界内的所有一切包裹在内... last time, Ying Xuan frightened by Ning Fan and Wuzhiqi. 上一次,应玄宁凡无支祁打怕了。 this time, he must play Yin, eats in two people the belly directly, by Qi of Primal Chaos has strengthened stomach, decomposes ground wind Water and Fire to digest two people! 这一次,他要玩阴的,直接将二人吃到肚子里,借由混沌之气强化过的肠胃,将二人分解成地风水火消化掉! ... ... 7th Nightmare World suddenly like living creature creeping motion. 第七魇界忽然如活物般蠕动起来。 Just returned to Four Oceans Mountain Wu Xian to detect with amazement, this time 7th Nightmare World, entire changed into Ice Dragon, the turnover Dawn's Moon is spitting the breath, spat in the breath unexpectedly the strength of divine protection also Primal Chaos, when compared with previous time arrived unexpectedly became fierce many! 刚刚返回四溟山巫咸骇然察觉,此时的第七魇界,整个化为了一头冰龙,正吞吐着朝月吐息,吐息之中竟还有混沌之力加护,竟是比上次降临之时变得厉害了不少! 7th Nightmare Disaster, Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan, arrives unexpectedly again, and strength obtained promoting doubtful, but this is how possible! 第七魇灾,魇龙应玄,竟然再度降临,且实力疑似获得了提升,可这怎么可能! „It is not good! Ni Fan and Wuzhiqi were eaten by Ying Xuan completely!” “不好!逆樊无支祁全部被应玄吃掉了!” Wu Xian enters law Treasure Space several thousand Huaiwo cultivator to emit conceals hastily, the command said. 巫咸连忙将藏入法宝空间的数千淮涡修士放出,令道。 7th Disaster revisits, Ni Fan and Wuzhiqi Life and Death is unclear, was gobbled up into the abdomen by Ying Xuan, Huaiwo extinguishes in the present, fast opens full power mixes, empty, buddhist and emperor Four Oceans to protect!” 第七灾重临,逆樊无支祁生死不明,被应玄吞吃入腹,淮涡灭界就在今朝,速速全力开启混、虚、梵、帝四溟护界阵!” Must pledge to fight to the death a war with Ying Xuan!” Person hand/subordinate asked. “是要与应玄誓死一战吗!”手下之人问道。 „... 7th Disaster is not only the beginning, other town/subdues disaster hardship had feared that must recover one after another, Nightmare King Yao Gu in becoming extinct black cocoon could come to extinguish the world personally, we... without/has not any had hoped...” “不...第七灾只是开端,其他已镇灾厄怕也要接连复苏,就连绝灭黑茧中的魇王尧骨可能都要前来亲手灭世了,我们...已经没有任何希望了...” Nightmare King Yao Gu, that was once Huaiwo cultivator to the name that fulfilling destruction World Will gave. 魇王尧骨,那是曾经的淮涡修士给践行毁灭的世界意志所起的名字。 Once Huaiwo Country, did not extinguish in ten disaster hands, but had the chance, was opportunistic to cross ten disasters. 曾经的淮涡国,并非是灭在十灾手中,而是另有机缘,取巧渡过了十灾。 But finally was destroyed all by Yao Gu personally! 但最终还是被尧骨亲手毁灭了一切! Present Huaiwo Country, but after recovered by Man Zhi World, and after the recovery, according to the fate of fate, needs to experience the one time Nightmare Disaster extinguishing world again. 如今的淮涡国,不过是被满智重新复苏之后的世界,并在复苏之后,依照宿命之定数,需要再度经历一次魇灾的灭世。 Therefore, Wu Xian is also good, numerous Huaiwo cultivator is also good, all clear Yao Gu is what kind of is invincible! 所以,巫咸也好,众淮涡修士也好,全都清楚尧骨何等的不可战胜! World will certainly perish again, only if there is Nirvana Saint Rank exist(ence) to continue the life for Huaiwo Country forcefully... 世界必将再度灭亡,除非有涅圣级别存在淮涡国强行续命... Nightmare King... Yao Gu...” At this moment, Huaiwo cultivator recalled Yao Gu terrifying. 魇王...尧骨...”这一刻,淮涡修士回想起了尧骨恐怖 originally because of the tiny hope that the arrival of Ning Fan has, pinches out directly. 原本宁凡的到来生出的渺小希望,直接掐灭。
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