GE :: Volume #14

#1304 Part 2: Holds the day to lean ( 1 )

The dream has the fond dream, has the nightmare. 梦有美梦,亦有噩梦。 The formation of fond dream, originates the happiness and desires in ten thousand spirit heart, but that nightmare is actually the Dream World original appearance. 美梦的形成,来源于万灵心中的美好和愿望,但那噩梦其实才是梦界本来的模样。 Under the corrosion of Nightmare Disaster, Imaginary Dream World meets a little bit/bit by bit to return to the initial stance. Nowadays, except Four Oceans Mountain peripheral area, Huaiwo World other places, had been covered by Nightmare Disaster, was separated from the illusion shape, returned to the nightmare shape. 魇灾的侵蚀下,幻梦界一点点回归最初的姿态。现如今,除四溟山周边区域,淮涡世界的其他地方,都已被魇灾笼罩,脱离了幻梦形态,回归到了梦魇形态。 Imaginary Dream World is exist(ence) Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, cultivator can borrow law from Heaven and Earth, supplements Magic Force continuously, but nightmare World cannot so. 幻梦界存在天地灵气的,修士可以从天地借法,源源不断补充法力,但梦魇世界不会如此。 This world does not have the day not to have, the Spiritual Qi not Su, Beginning, Nirvana, and Desolate Three Qi's does not save, ground wind Water and Fire is the chaotic disorder, eight sides fill the air only has Nightmare Qi and Qi of Primal Chaos. 此世无天无地,灵气不苏,始涅荒三气不存,地风水火皆是混乱无序,八方弥漫的只有魇气混沌之气 Nightmare Qi all entering corrosion to have a nightmare, Qi of Primal Chaos will decompose all within range into ground wind Water and Fire. 魇气会将一切擅入者侵蚀为魇,混沌之气则会将范围内的一切分解为地风水火 cultivation base insufficient, including cannot achieve in this place short survival, do not say this place also exist(ence) many dangerous and attacks. 修为不足者,连在此地短暂存活都做不到,更不要说此地还存在更多的凶险和袭击了。 Therefore on accompanies Ning Fan to enter nightmare World outwardly, only has Wu Xian and Wuzhiqi ; in the hidden place peer, then also several thousand Huaiwo cultivator. They hide in Wu Xian law Treasure Space, to survive because of being not only able long time in Nightmare Qi and Primal Chaos air/Qi. So long as Wu Xian has the command, these people can go out of law Treasure Space to go to momentarily confidently. 故而明面上陪同宁凡进入梦魇世界的,只有巫咸无支祁于暗处同行的,则还有数千名淮涡修士。他们藏身于巫咸的法宝空间之中,只因无法长时间存活于魇气混沌气之中。但只要巫咸有令,这些人随时可以走出法宝空间坦然赴死。 The Huaiwo person is not real greedy for life, afraid of death, formerly could not see any hope, but now..., although wanted is still uncertain, but at least had direction at risk of life, so the body died even if, all will have the significance. 淮涡人又不是真的贪生怕死,从前不过是看不到任何希望,而现在...虽然希望仍旧渺茫,但至少有了拼死的方向,如此纵然身死,一切也会拥有意义。 This is very important. 这很重要。 The significance that after all died, can defeat the death the fear. 毕竟死亡的意义,可以战胜死亡的恐惧。 These several thousand people, are almost the Huaiwo survivors was complete, only then a small number of old and weak and sick and wounded without/has not peer, was placed by Wu Xian in Four Oceans Mountain. 这数千人,几乎是淮涡幸存者的全部了,只有少数老弱和伤患没有同行,被巫咸安置在了四溟山 With the Wu Xian words, the trip is ten dies not fresh bureau, peer must have the dead will, becomes this trade goes to the war. 巫咸的话来说,此行乃是十死无生之局,同行者皆需心存死志,将此行当成是赴死之战。 But does not need everyone to go. success rate of trip is unable to guarantee, the civilized lights must last, need some people to keep Four Oceans Mountain, the civilized hope will retain to the next disaster. 但不必所有人赴死。此行的成功率无法保证,文明的灯火还需存续,需要有人留在四溟山,将文明的希望保留至下一灾。 This makes Ning Fan slightly feel accident/surprise, he thought cold blood and selfish that end lifeform under world can display, but performance of these Huaiwo person actually very accident/surprise unity and courage. 这让宁凡略感意外,他本以为末世下的生灵会表现的更加冷血和自私,但这些淮涡人却很意外的表现出了团结和勇气。 Has established the ancient civilization of monster Barbarian God towards worthily, the hearts of hearts of these people are the exist(ence) belief, personality and civic morality, that indeed can defeat the humane Evil Sense thing. 不愧是建立过妖蛮神朝的古老文明,这些人的内心深处是存在信仰、人格和国格的,那正是可以战胜人性恶念的东西。 Fellow Daoist wants to go to the Nightmare Disaster core, must pass through 7 Layers nightmare World that forms by seven Nightmare Disaster. Present glacier World, is Dream World that in 7th Disaster Ying Xuan corrodes, is away from Four Oceans Mountain recent dream Nightmare World. Because Fellow Daoist suppressed Ying Xuan fast, Nightmare Qi of this place corrodes relatively thin, Qi of Primal Chaos is also situated between dispensably. Resembles me and other exist(ence), even if not equip any guard, may still disregard this world to corrode and decompose, because Fellow Daoist suppressed the method of Ying Xuan use to be special at that time, I and other this time entered 7th Nightmare World, should not meet Ying Xuan awaken, enemy who needs to deal with, most is also only Nightmare Monster of some young living period and mature period, words too many of old student period, this world will be not the most also only then 2-3 nothing more, will not have as for reincarnation period one, after all 7th Disaster passed counted 100 years...” 道友欲前往魇灾核心,须穿越由七次魇灾所形成的七重梦魇世界。眼前的冰河世界,是第七灾应玄所侵蚀的梦界所化,亦是距离四溟山最近的梦魇界。因道友快速镇压了应玄,此地的魇气侵蚀相对稀薄,混沌之气也介于可有可无之间。似我等存在,即使不装备任何护身之器,也可无视此界侵蚀、分解,又因当时道友镇压应玄使用的手段特殊,我等此番入第七魇界,应不会遇到应玄苏醒,需要应对的敌人,最多也只是一些幼生期、成熟期的魇妖,老生期的话则不会太多,此界最多也只有2-3只而已,至于转生期则一只都不会有,毕竟第七灾才过去了数百年...” Wu Xian grasps the alpine yarrow, the divination with the yarrow plant is occupying the 7th Nightmare World information, confirmed after the technique of monsoon the information is true, informs Ning Fan the Divination result. 巫咸手持蓍草,筮占着第七魇界的情报,又以候风之术确认了信息属实后,才将占卜结果告知宁凡 Ning Fan actually shakes the head saying that your Divination, is not accurate. Although this place Nightmare Qi is thin, actually also disturbs heaven's fate sufficiently, making your survey present the careless mistake. I am different, this place Nightmare Qi could not disturb me, therefore my eyes, can confirm that something... had two matters, you were disturbed by Nightmare Qi, therefore without/has not surveyed. First, in that Nightmare Qi most deep place, terrifying exist(ence) awaken ; its two, Honorable Man Zhi left behind some subsequent hand in this place ahead of time, once by Ying Xuan that I and Wuzhiqi suppressed, will arrive again, obstructing me and others to go forward.” 宁凡却摇头道,“你的占卜,不准。此地魇气虽然稀薄,却也足以干扰天运,令你的测算出现纰漏。我则不同,此地魇气干扰不了我,所以我的双眼,可以确认一些东西...有两件事,你受魇气干扰,故而没有测算到。其一,在那魇气最深处,有一尊恐怖存在提前苏醒其二,满智道人在此地留下了某种后手,曾经被我和无支祁镇压的应玄,会再度降临,阻挠我等前进。” How can so!” “怎会如此!” Wu Xian complexion changed. 巫咸面色一变 His without/has not suspected authenticity that Ning Fan words, in fact, he when conducting survey, truly figured out two groups of huge and fuzzy Karma, because actually Nightmare Qi disturbs, is unable to figure out the specific content. 没有怀疑宁凡话语的真实性,事实上,他在进行测算时,确实算出了两团巨大而模糊的因果,却因魇气干扰,无法算出具体内容。 Actually originally, that two groups of Karma, are corresponding these two matters! 却原来,那两团因果,对应着这两件事! One was to control Nightmare Disaster World Will ahead of time awaken! 一件是掌控魇灾世界意志提前苏醒了! Another is Honorable Man Zhi will prevent them to defeat Nightmare Disaster! 另一件是满智道人会阻止他们战胜魇灾 Even if World Will continues the deep sleep and Honorable Man Zhi not to disturb, Wu Xian also disliked trip success rate uncertain ; to have more unfavorable factors at present, the trip feared when was more difficult achieved to hope... still, life! 就算世界意志持续沉睡、满智道人不加干扰,巫咸都还嫌此行成功率渺茫眼下有了更多不利因素,此行怕是更难达成所愿了...时也,命也! Oh? Unexpectedly was considered as Old Man arrange the subsequent hand? little friend is really fierce! Does not only know whether little friend figures out, and others stepped into the 7th Nightmare World instance in you, has treadonned into the trap. You had by Starry Sky Magic Eye is stared...” ?居然算得出老夫布下了后手?小友果然厉害!只不知小友可否算出,在你等踏入第七魇界的瞬间,就已经一只脚踏入陷阱了。尔等有被星空法目凝视过么...” The Man Zhi sound, resounds suddenly, reverberates in 7th Nightmare World, made Wu Xian facial expression heavy like water, making Wuzhiqi clench jaws, making Ning Fan... good, Ning Fan complexion was very tranquil, obviously had the expectation to this time all early. 满智的声音,陡然响起,回荡于第七魇界之中,令巫咸面沉如水,令无支祁咬牙切齿,令宁凡...好吧,宁凡面色十分平静,显然对此时的一切早有预期。 This is the Man Zhi reservation in this's sound, because of being the pre- product, therefore this sound and is unable with the Ning Fan exchange, the lines and tone establishes beforehand, in the tone filled the self-satisfaction and self-confidence of foolproof plan, as if guides Ning Fan here, is the result of his perfect computation. 这是满智预留于此的声音,因是预制品,故而此声音并无法和宁凡交流,台词和口气都是事先设置好的,语气之中充满了算无遗策的得意和自信,就仿佛将宁凡一路引导于此处,是他完美计算的结果。 The fact is actually, Man Zhi True Body/this Senior same Ning Fan planned, is busy thus and such and such. Loses Primordial Yang at the same time, was publicized this matter by the Taichu sundial, face lost Time River... 事实却是,满智本尊同样中了宁凡算计,正忙着如此这般。痛失元阳的同时,更被太初日晷公开了此事,颜面丢遍了时光长河... Trades Man Zhi True Body/this Senior to come this speech, is not possible so happily, will only clench jaws and wish one could to Ning Fan to kill quickly then. 满智本尊来此说话,是不可能如此得意的,只会对宁凡咬牙切齿、恨不能杀之而后快。 Therefore, cannot obviously the foolproof plan, the sound under reservation actually also in self-satisfied, such as Man Zhi should True Body/this Senior here, be what kind of digs out the scene of foot awkwardly? 所以啊,明明没能算无遗策,预留下的声音却还在洋洋自得,如满智本尊在此,该是何等尴尬抠脚的场面? Turns over to awkwardly awkwardly, the subsequent hand under Man Zhi reservation is actually real exist(ence). If Ning Fan expects, this person has really schemed to Huaiwo World, otherwise does not need big waste effort and other World to recover Huaiwo World, clearly wants to fish in troubled waters in this Chen Ding case! 尴尬归尴尬,满智预留下的后手却是真实存在的。如宁凡所料,此人果然对淮涡世界有所图谋,否则也不必大费周章淮涡世界等诸世界复苏了,分明是想在此尘定案中混水摸鱼! Almost is the instance that the Man Zhi sound resounds, endless Starlight gathered in Wu Xian and the others the above, was ancient and sacred. 几乎是满智的声音响起的瞬间,无尽星光汇聚在了巫咸等人的上方,古老而神圣。 Wu Xian raised the head, is seeing in various Nightmare Qi and Primal Chaos with amazement, arrived at trim Immemorial Starry Sky directly, hangs above this world, as if rules all! 巫咸骇然抬头,正看到诸魇气混沌之中,直接降临了一整片太古星空,悬于此界之上,仿佛君临一切! No, that is not Starry Sky! 不,那不是星空 That is an eyeball, an eye is then giant like Starry Sky! 那是一个眼珠,一只眼便如星空般巨大! In this Starry Sky Magic Eye passes is extinguishing the world sufficiently cold light, with the unsurpassed prestige, throws down the line of sight toward Wu Xian, indifferent glance. 星空法目之中透着足以灭世的寒芒,携无上之威,朝巫咸投下视线,冷漠一瞥。 Under this glance, 7th Nightmare World all Cold Qi was all transferred, changes to type Cold Eye Freezes the Heavens the technique of Saint, the desire kills the people directly frozen! 更在这一瞥之下,第七魇界的所有寒气皆被调动,化作一式寒目冻天圣人之术,欲将众人直接冻杀! Purple Grass Technique!” 紫草之术!” Wu Xian knew in the heart that relied on own strength, cannot block the glance of Starry Sky Magic Eye, then must offer a sacrifice to Secret Treasure of purple clothes straw man without delay, was actually pressed to stop by Ning Fan, cannot successfully offer a sacrifice to the straw man. 巫咸心知凭自己的实力,挡不住星空法目的一瞥,二话不说便要祭出一个紫衣草人的秘宝,却被宁凡按住了手,没能将草人成功祭出。 Do not fear, the present all, all are Illusion Technique, actually and has nothing destructive. The Man Zhi true attack, is not Cold Eye Freezes the Heavens, but hides Extinguishing Law Seal in Illusion Technique... anything do not do, whatever means that at this time uses, can by its Seal.” “不要怕,眼前的一切,皆是幻术,却并无任何杀伤性。满智真正的攻击,并非寒目冻天,而是藏于幻术中的灭法封印...什么都不要做,此时所使用的任何手段,都会被其封印。” Whatever Starry Sky Magic Eye throws down the cold light glance, Ning Fan does not make any resistance, no matter what cold light near body, then... cold light powder. 任由星空法目投下寒芒一瞥,宁凡不做任何抵抗,任寒芒临身,而后...寒芒散。 Sure enough, this strikes by no means to have any aggressivity, is only Illusion Technique. 果不其然,这一击并不具备任何攻击性,只是幻术 This is sound wave Illusion Technique, is triggered by the sound of Man Zhi reservation. 此为声波幻术,由满智预留的声音所触发。 After cold light disperses, Starry Sky Magic Eye also dissipates, during dissipation, one sheet Golden talisman paper appears, the the name Extinguishing Law Saint symbol, may type Divine Ability temporary Seal of enemy, but this is the Man Zhi true intention. 寒芒散后,星空法目亦消散,亦在消散的同时,一张金色符纸浮现而出,其名灭法圣符,可将敌人的一式神通临时封印,而这才是满智的真正意图。 If Ning Fan does not prevent Wu Xian, Wu Xian will use Purple Grass Technique surely for three people of life saving, then, this technique by Seal, following is not then able to use at the scene... 倘若宁凡不阻止巫咸,巫咸必定会用出紫草之术替三人保命,如此一来,此术便会被当场封印,后续再无法使用了... that was close! Almost must by to seal/confer drop Purple Grass Technique! Many thanks Fellow Daoist take action prevents!” Wu Xian lingering fear. 好险!差一点要被封掉紫草之术了!多谢道友出手阻止!”巫咸后怕不已。 This technique is most powerful Life Saving Technique that he cultivates, but not only the life of guarantee oneself, may guarantee Wuzhiqi and Ning Fan life. 此术乃是他所修的最强保命术,不仅可保自己的命,更可保无支祁宁凡的命。 Mainly guarantees the latter two people. 主要是保后二人。 These two people, one is his love disciple, one is the hope of Huaiwo, which not damn in Nightmare Disaster. 这二人,一个是他的爱徒,一个是淮涡的希望,哪一个都不该死在魇灾 Cannot think that just stepped into 7th Nightmare World, oneself nearly lose most powerful Life Saving Technique... the Wu Xian lingering fear at the same time, was full of the gratitude to Ning Fan, the trust also increased. 想不到才刚刚踏入第七魇界,自己就险些失去最强保命术...巫咸后怕的同时,亦对宁凡充满感激,信任也增加了一些。 Actually unexpectedly, Wu Xian just said that many thanks nothing more, the mutation gets up. 却不料,巫咸才刚刚说完多谢而已,异变又起。 The Man Zhi reservation appeared in this's 2nd sound! 满智预留于此的第二道声音出现了! Aiyaya, hid Extinguishing Law Seal unexpectedly, was how lucky, but if Extinguishing Law Seal back also Speech Spirit Seal, how your excellency should deal!” 哎呀呀,居然躲掉了灭法封印,何其幸运,但若灭法封印的背后还有言灵封印,阁下又该如何应对呢!” what! is how possible! 什么!怎么可能! Wu Xian complexion changes, at the same time, blood-color rune appears on the face of Wu Xian together, is in the performance of Speech Spirit Seal. 巫咸面色又变,与此同时,一道血色符文出现在巫咸的脸上,是身中言灵封印的表现。 In certain words that he spoke, there are triggering word that Man Zhi establishes beforehand, once said this words and expressions, Speech Spirit Seal will then add the body shortly. 他所说的某些话语之中,有满智事先设置的触发词,一旦说出此词语,言灵封印顷刻便会加身。 This is the Honorable Man Zhi method! 这就是满智道人的手段吗! You think broke his 1 Layer to plan, actually unexpectedly this person planned 1st stratum to wrap/sets of 1st stratum, was strangely difficult to guard! 你自以为破掉了他一重算计,却不料此人的算计一层套着一层,诡异难防! Does not only know that which the triggering word is... 只不知触发词是哪些... Yes many thanks! You were rescued by Ni Fan, needs the expression of gratitude of hypocrisy, how simple inference!” A Man Zhi 3rd sound resounds, resembles to dispel doubt, resembles happily. “是多谢啊!你被逆樊解救,自是需要虚情假意的道谢,多么简单的推理!”满智第三道声音响起,似解惑,似得意。 Wu Xian is critical situation immediately, after all Man Zhi each one time spoke, no good deed, his planned somewhat feared, really some sound of wind crane cries. 巫咸则立刻如临大敌起来,毕竟满智一次说话,都没什么好事,他被算计的有些怕了,着实有些风声鹤唳。 Cannot plan again! He is gives the Ni Fan Fellow Daoist help, is not holds back! Then just entered Nightmare World, he quickly by planning of Man Zhi killing! This is what Heaven Collapse opening! 不能再中算计了!他是来给逆樊道友帮忙的,可不是来拖后腿的!这才刚进魇界,他都快被满智的算计给干掉了!这是什么天崩开局! What fortunately at this moment is only Speech Spirit Seal, breaking is not difficult, nothing but consumes some Magic Force forget it/that's all. What only trouble is, in Nightmare World is unable to restore Magic Force, if in this place broken unseal seal, Magic Force consumes spatial Medicine Pill to restore in addition, fears insufficient Seal Breaking..., therefore, can return Four Oceans Mountain to regroup after a defeat temporarily? 10 days! Only must recuperate 10 days, I then can break the unseal seal, again becoming Ni Fan Fellow Daoist helps... 幸而此刻中的只是言灵封印,破之不难,无非是耗费些法力罢了。唯一麻烦的是,魇界之内无法恢复法力,若在此地破解封印,一身法力耗空外加丹药恢复,怕都不够破封的...所以,要暂时退回四溟山重整旗鼓么?十日!只需休养十日,我便能破解封印,再度成为逆樊道友的臂助... Sorry, my without/has not 10 days waiting. Fellow Daoist at this time Seal, and returns the Four Oceans Mountain recreation, as for the Fellow Daoist intention, as well as various Huaiwo Fellow Daoist intention, I remembered.” Ning Fan said. “抱歉,我没有十日等待。道友此时中了封印,且退回四溟山休养吧,至于道友的心意,以及诸淮涡道友的心意,我记下了。”宁凡道。 Wu Xian complexion is anxious, shakes the head again and again, does not dare sound transmission. 巫咸面色紧张,连连摇头,连传音都不敢了。 Does not dare sound transmission is to Speech Spirit Seal wariness, for fear that this is sound transmission enters densely can Seal most high-ranked Seal. 不敢传音是对言灵封印过于忌惮,生怕这是传音入密都能封印的最高级封印 Shaking the head is opposed that Ning Fan makes him return Four Oceans Mountain alone. 摇头是反对宁凡让他独自退回四溟山 The anxiety is this place has Man Zhi reservation Speech Spirit Seal obviously, triggering word very possible not just many thanks one, decides also other! So under the situation, how Ni Fan Fellow Daoist may ignore, starts talking at will! If by some chance even Ni Fan Fellow Daoist Speech Spirit planned... wait a minute/etc.! What Man Zhi said is the truth, is the lie! 紧张是此地明明有满智预留的言灵封印,触发词很可能不止“多谢”一个,定还有其他!如此情形之下,逆樊道友怎可熟视无睹,随意开口说话!万一连逆樊道友都中了言灵算计...等等满智说的是真话,还是谎言! I no doubt Speech Spirit Seal, but I said the language, by no means only then many thanks two characters, also other, if triggered the word is other... 我固然中了言灵封印,但我所言所语,并不只有多谢二字,还有其他,倘若触发词是其他...
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