GE :: Volume #14

#1304 Part 1: Holds the day to lean ( 1 )

Huaiwo Country once was the place in world geomancy convergence. 淮涡国曾是世间风水汇合之地。 The wind angle, Divination, seven luminaries and Origin Energy, six days 70%, meets to occupy the recuspine and day and ting, moment, this solitary one empty, to look at cloud Shengqi, to tire of the he monster auspicious... many Dao Lineage to spread in this specially. 风角、遁甲、七曜、元气、六日七分、逢占逆刺、日者、筳专、须臾、孤虚、望云省气、厌劾妖祥...诸多道统在此流传。 Five Elements and geomancy, construct to eliminate, Ji Chen and experience death anniversary and Heaven and Mortal, too one... innumerable Sect to contend in this. 五行、堪舆、建除、稷辰、历忌、天人、太一...无数门派在此争鸣。 Results in geomancy, may intercept the number of days, tampers with heaven's fate. 得风水者,可截取天数,篡改天运 However goes too far is as bad as not far enough, the water is full , then overflows. If not limit, overflow heaven's fate must initiate disaster hardship. 然而过犹不及,水满则溢。倘若不加限制,泛滥的天运亦必引发灾厄。 In long Samsara, whether there is to perform, wind, water and fire to gather in this, aiding the Huaiwo monster national destiny is prosperous, making in the country be born many to endure powerful lifeform that spirits. 漫长的轮回中,有无尽地、风、水、火于此汇聚,护佑着淮涡妖蛮国运昌隆,令国中诞生出诸多堪比古灵的强大生灵 When the Huaiwo national destiny achieves prosperously, once by monster Barbarian God toward posing as, the disrespecting day, disrespected, only revered Mountains and Seas, only presented ancient spirit. 淮涡的国运达到鼎盛,一度以妖蛮神朝自居,不敬天,不敬地,只尊山海,只奉古灵。 Therefore, the water is full that day that , then overflows arrives finally. 于是,水满则溢的那一日终于到来。 The water deity altogether labor in this become a Saint, broken completely protects the geomancy at the same time, annoyed the Immeasurable water tribulation, only this One Tribulation, then sank to the deep sea World 7/10. 水神共工在此成圣,破尽护界风水的同时,亦惹下了无量水劫,只此一劫,便将世界的十分之七沉入深海。 Follows, Nightmare Disaster arrives. 紧随其后,魇灾降临。 In 1st Disaster, fire god God of Fire lowers ten to fly high Yang, the ignition mixes, empty, buddhist and emperor Four Oceans spatial sea at the same time, burnt down people of Huaiwo the road of Samsara being reborn in paradise. 第一灾中,火神祝融降下十阳凌空,点燃混、虚、梵、帝四溟空海的同时,亦焚毁了淮涡之民的轮回往生之路。 In 2nd Disaster, tiger Tongbo summons the Mountains and Seas evil spirit, making Undying/not dead bury after sweeping across, killed in lifeform hundred not to lose one. 第二灾中,山君桐柏召出山海恶灵,令不死葬经席卷界内,杀得界内生灵百不遗一。 In 3rd Disaster, Monster Bow glow Yi shoots down the arrow of end of the month, kills Destiny Profound Bird at the same time, made a connection with the Primal Chaos opening, causing Primal Chaos to arrive at the world. 第三灾中,妖弓芒羿射落月终之矢,射杀天命玄鸟的同时,亦打通了混沌的裂口,致使混沌降临人世。 Then is 4th, 5th and 6th Disaster... 而后是第四第五第六灾... When 7th Disaster disaster Huaiwo, arrives on Ning Fan, this time Huaiwo, only remains Four Oceans Mountain and peripheral has not destroyed. 第七灾祸乱淮涡,恰逢宁凡到来,此时的淮涡,只剩四溟山及其周边尚未毁灭。 When Dragon Monarch Ying Xuan should tribulation to become Yan, the Saint prestige covers, all living things all accept fate desperately, only has Wuzhiqi dead to fight does not draw back. 龙君应玄应劫成魇,圣威笼罩界内,众生皆绝望认命,唯有无支祁死战不退。 Sees Ning Fan to come suddenly suddenly, and body is passing the Nightmare Cultivation aura, Wuzhiqi without delay, on towards Ning Fan eight stick knock down. 骤见宁凡突然现身,且身上透着魇修的气息,无支祁二话不说,就朝宁凡八棒打落 Under Ning Fan by Death Boundary was actually opportunistic to evade all attacks. 却被灭境下的宁凡取巧躲过了所有攻击。 Wuzhiqi: You will use Inverse King Unequalled Nation unexpectedly! The Nightmare Cultivation five spirits all lock, should not use this technique, you are actually the exception, therefore... you are a friend, is the enemy! 无支祁:你竟然会用逆王持国魇修五灵皆锁,不该用出此术,偏你却是例外,所以...你是朋友,还是敌人! Ning Fan: Now your Samsara is hitting to my Time and Space, this is the Honorable Man Zhi writing skill. Although I having no intention dispute, but if you are the Man Zhi subsequent hand, then I can be your enemy. 宁凡:如今你的轮回正撞向我的时空,此乃满智道人的手笔。我虽无意纷争,但若你是满智的后手,则我会是你的敌人。 Wuzhiqi: Man Zhi? Originally is you Ni Fan that the Man Zhi mixed wool makes me kill? relax! Under my Wuzhiqi stick does not have the ghost, does not have the weak one, the by no means scraps/condescend slaughter ordinary butterfly, not possible, no matter what that old mixed wool organizes. But if you hinder me to suppress Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan, then even you and I with are the God Child sequences, you can still be my enemy! 无支祁:满智?原来伱就是满智杂毛让我杀的逆樊啊?放心吧!我无支祁棒下既无冤魂,也无弱者,并不屑屠戮一介凡蝶,亦不可能任那老杂毛摆布。但若你妨碍我镇压魇龙应玄,则即便你与我同为神子序列,你也会是我的敌人! Ning Fan: Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan? Refers to this evil... 宁凡:魇龙应玄?是指这只孽物么... Wuzhiqi: He is not evil! He once was my good friend, but now... before he sank to the glacier Four Oceans Mountain, I must kill him! 无支祁:他不是孽物!他曾是我的挚友,但如今...在他将四溟山沉入冰河前,我必须杀了他! Ning Fan: Although your method is strong, but actually kills Undying/not dead to have a nightmare, is unable to suppress it, if protracted battle, instead will trigger Man Zhi some subsequent hands to plan, finally involves Northern Barbarian Samsara... forget it/that's all, then, I, not only will not hinder you, will also help you suppress this dragon, if my sensation is correct, my some methods, must to suppressing this dragon have the effect. 宁凡:你手段虽强,但却杀不死魇,更无法将之镇压,若久战不下,反而会触发满智的一些后手算计,最终牵连北蛮轮回...罢了,接下来,我非但不会妨碍你,还会助你镇压此龙,若我感知无错,我的一些手段,应当会对镇压此龙产生奇效。 Wuzhiqi: the Fellow Daoist intention I led, but you are only ordinary butterfly, is other people, does not need to be involved in this matter, in order to avoid being killed in vain! 无支祁:道友的心意我领了,但你只是凡蝶,更是外人,不必卷入此事,以免白白丧命! Ning Fan: This is not what good intention, but stems from consideration forget it/that's all of if the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold. Jort waits for death in Nightmare Disaster, this place Nightmare Disaster following goal, probably is Samsara that invades me to protect, this is the Man Zhi open intrigue, is beyond control my not take action. 宁凡:这并非是什么好意,不过是出于唇亡齿寒的考虑罢了。若尔等死于魇灾,此地魇灾接下来的目标,大概就是入侵我所守护的轮回吧,此乃满智阳谋,由不得我不出手 Wuzhiqi: Although listens not to understand, but seems like, Fellow Daoist also has difficulties that has to fight! In view of this, Fellow Daoist hides, in the rear area assists me, to/clashes by me in the forefront... wait a minute/etc.! Does your boy to do quickly! Of Nightmare Dragon, your can't puny butterfly be a worthy opponent...? 无支祁:虽然听不太懂,但看起来,道友也有不得不战的苦衷啊!既如此,道友且躲在后方辅助我,由我冲在最前面...等等!你小子冲这么快干嘛!魇龙之强,非你小小凡蝶可以匹敌...啊? Wuzhiqi: Unexpectedly blocked the 12 moon/month to make Dawn's Moon spit the breath? 无支祁:居然挡住了十二月令朝月吐息? Wuzhiqi: Oh? This claw dragon Yuesi day even Unequalled Nation lives to extinguish may tear into shreds, did you only skin a skin unexpectedly? 无支祁:?这一爪龙月撕天连持国生灭都可撕碎,你居然只蹭破了一点皮? Wuzhiqi: By ordinary butterfly with the foot, can so cultivate/repair the strength unexpectedly? 无支祁:以凡蝶之跟脚,居然也能修得如此实力? Wuzhiqi: Do you strike puts on Ying Xuan Dragon Scales unexpectedly? 无支祁:你竟击得穿应玄的太一龙鳞 Wuzhiqi: Fierce! Fellow Daoist strength, my Wuzhiqi approval! Fellow Daoist has such strength, I can let loose hands and feet full power took action, does not need to be worried to affect you again! 无支祁:厉害啊!道友的实力,我无支祁认可了!道友既有如此实力,我便可放开手脚全力出手了,再不必担心波及到你! Ning Fan: Improper, Fellow Daoist restrains some good, your attack nearly hits I. 宁凡:不妥,道友还是收敛些的好,你的攻击险些打中我了。 Wuzhiqi: Hahaha, this has not projected on! Then projects on, lives to extinguish the technique depending on your Monster, decides is also insufficient to lack arm few legs! relax relax! I have the discretion! 无支祁:哈哈哈,这不是还没打到吗!便是打到,凭你那怪物般的生灭术,定也不至于缺胳膊少腿的!放心放心!我有分寸! Ning Fan: Also hits, in view of this, my full power take action was also good, after all, I have the discretion. 宁凡:还打是么,既如此,我也全力出手好了,毕竟,我也有分寸。 Wuzhiqi: Wonderful! Fellow Daoist puts forth the full power although, does not need to take into consideration in me! The must know my within the body still had 8 million god bean body protection, Saint difficult Extinguish! then to be affected by your Divine Ability, will not have any... aiyu the good pain! How you tumble the thing! Loses unexpectedly Innate Spirit Treasure and Innate Supreme Treasure, and this quantity somewhat were rather many! wait a minute/etc.! Fellow Daoist sees clearly and hits again, your struck almost hits my skull! I with foot, although also assembles, but if were hit by so crowded Magical Treasure mighty current, can be painful! 无支祁:妙极!道友尽管使出全力,不必顾及于我!须知我体内尚有八百万神豆护体,圣人灭!便是被你神通波及,也不会有任何...哎呦好痛!你怎么乱丢东西!丢得居然还是先天灵宝先天至宝,且这个数量未免有些多了吧!等等道友且看清楚再打啊,你这一击差一点就打中我的脑壳了!我跟脚虽还凑合,但若被如此密集的法宝洪流打中,也是会痛的! Ning Fan: Was counted ten items High Grade and Peak Grade Innate Magical Treasure Yu Wei to affect, unexpectedly can be painful, is really Monster... 宁凡:被数十件上品极品先天法宝余威波及,居然只是会痛么,真是一个怪物... Wuzhiqi: Hahaha, and you too, again come! Meets my stick! Ying Xuan! 无支祁:哈哈哈,彼此彼此,再来!接我一棒!应玄 Finally, Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan suppresses by Wuzhiqi and Ning Fan jointly, side Bingjie who its lowers, cannot freeze Four Oceans Mountain finally. 最终,魇龙应玄无支祁宁凡联手镇压,其所降下的一方冰界,最终未能将四溟山冻结。 It is a pity that suppresses the Nightmare Dragon incident, and without/has not makes Huaiwo cultivator trust Ning Fan, trusts Ning Fan only, only then brain not too easy-to-use Wuzhiqi. 遗憾的是,镇压魇龙一事,并没有淮涡修士信任宁凡,唯一信任宁凡的,只有脑筋不太好使的无支祁 Until this time, Ning Fan claimed that wants to take the Nightmare Disaster core, and tone that has confidence very much, the attitude of Huaiwo person changes. 直到这一次,宁凡声称想要取走魇灾核心,且一副很有把握的口气,淮涡人的态度才有所改变。 They trusted Ning Fan actually not finally, but is 8th Disaster approaches, can only two evils choose the lesser, turned to any doctor one can find when critically ill. 倒不是他们终于信任了宁凡,而是第八灾临近,只能两害取其轻,病急乱投医了。 Nightmare Disaster is invincible, is the Imaginary Dream World general knowledge. 魇灾不可战胜,乃是幻梦界的常识。 Nightmare Cultivation is fly-by-night, is cognition after the heavy price. 魇修不可信任,亦是惨重代价后的认知。 But to placing certainly the people of deep pool, even the lie, they are still willing to have believe one time by luck... 但对身处绝渊之人而言,即使是谎言,他们也愿意心怀侥幸地相信一次... ... ... Only has World Will, does not dare to have any leaving things to chance! 唯有世界意志,不敢有任何侥幸心理! In that endless Nightmare Disaster most deep place, Heaven and Earth was shattered, Dao Law is on the wane, Black Fate covers, Primal Chaos arrives. 在那无尽魇灾的最深处,天地破碎,道法凋零,黑运笼罩,混沌降临。 The innumerable Ancient Cultivator corpses float in Primal Chaos, was decomposed by Qi of Primal Chaos a little bit/bit by bit, returns to the ground wind Water and Fire condition, even the Quasi-Saint corpses escape by luck the ; actually thing difficultly, was not added the wound by the Primal Chaos least bit. 无数古修士的尸身漂浮于混沌之中,被混沌之气一点点分解,回归到了地风水火的状态,连准圣尸身都难幸免却有一物,不受混沌半点加伤。 That is one great such as the universe black cocoon, or by no means is the cocoon, but breeds the egg of disaster hardship, middle deep sleep a white bones giant. 那是一个巨如宇宙的黑茧,又或者并不是茧,而是孕育灾厄的蛋,当中沉睡着一尊白骨巨人。 That black cocoon, is firmer than Desolate Saint Side World, Black Fire that will never extinguish burns above, the Fate silk thread weaves above, the ten Inextinguishable/not exterminates azure copper seals carve above , seven marks had been lightened, three marks are gloomy. 那黑茧,比荒圣一方界还要坚固,永不熄灭的黑火在其上燃烧,命运的丝线在其上编织,更有十道不灭青铜印刻于其上,其中,七道印记已被点亮,三道印记黯淡无光。 Ten marks combine in together, formed one mie character. 十道印记组合在一起,形成了一個“烕”字。 mie, extinguishes. Represents the fire dead of the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches, Yang Qi to the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches completely, extinguishes and perishes finally. 烕者,灭也。意指火死于戌,阳气至戌而尽,最终熄灭、灭亡。 The black cocoon to fulfill the will of destruction lives, but its destruction, not stemming from malicious, but stems from the well-meaning protection of World. 黑茧是为践行毁灭之志而生,但它的毁灭,并非是出于恶意,而是出于对世界的善意守护。 The white bones giant in cocoon, is Huaiwo World Will Incarnation. When Imaginary Dream World was destroyed by ten thousand spirit civilized corrosion completely and about, extinguishes to bestow extinction ten seal at your convenience, gives the World resistance civilization Will and strength. 茧中的白骨巨人,则是淮涡世界意志化身。当一处幻梦界被万灵的文明侵蚀殆尽、行将毁灭,灭尊便会赐下绝灭十印,给予世界反抗文明的意志和力量。 The significance that the giants are born is to become extinct the Huaiwo ten thousand spirits, and uses the corpses of ten thousand spirit as the nutrient, restores at first healthy condition when Huaiwo World. 巨人诞生的意义,是要绝灭淮涡万灵,并以万灵之尸为养分,将淮涡世界修复成最初时的健康状态。 Ten thousand take constructing the civilization as the honor spirit, takes tribe to multiply for the god Saint Envoy life, but all of these, actually establishes to plundering and destruction of World above. 万灵以构建文明为荣,以族群繁衍为神圣使命,但这一切,却是建立在对世界的掠夺和破坏之上。 The civilization and World, always oppose. 文明与世界,从来都是对立的。 The giants live for the destruction, saves for the protection. 巨人为毁灭而生,亦为守护而存。 Ten thousand regard him for disaster hardship spirit, he regards ten thousand spirits like the stubborn illness. 万灵视他为灾厄,他视万灵如顽疾。 Therefore when he destroys ten thousand spirits, cannot hear wailing of tiny lifeform, is also impossible to sympathize with one pile of bacterial viruses, more impossible, for some tiny lifeform awaken, throws down the line of sight ahead of time. 故而当他毁灭万灵时,既听不到渺小生灵的哀嚎,亦不可能同情一堆细菌病毒,更不可能为了某个渺小生灵提前苏醒、投下视线。 But Ning Fan came, and 2nd Tribulation arrives! 宁凡来了,且还是第二次到来! first time comes, although Ning Fan suppressed Nightmare Dragon Ying Xuan, prevented Nightmare Disaster the action of extinguishing world, but Ning Fan comes quickly, walks also quickly, and without/has not stays for a long time in this, therefore World Will, although wariness Ning Fan, actually without/has not choice ahead of time awaken. 第一次前来,宁凡虽镇压了魇龙应玄,阻止了魇灾的灭世之举,但宁凡来得快,走得也快,并没有在此久留,故而世界意志虽然忌惮宁凡,却没有选择提前苏醒 But this time, Ning Fan newcomer is bad, is plans to capture the Nightmare Disaster core unexpectedly, destroys Nightmare Disaster directly! 这一次,宁凡来者不善,竟是打算夺取魇灾核心,直接毁灭魇灾本身! Fulfills the extinction Nightmare Disaster, unexpectedly must be destroyed, is how absurd, how made World frightened, angry! 践行绝灭的魇灾,居然也要遭人毁灭,何其荒谬,何其令世界恐惧、愤怒! If no Ning Fan involvement, the blessings of extinction ten seal, should be divided into three stages. 若无宁凡介入,绝灭十印的赐福,本该分为三个阶段。 A 1st stage, Nightmare Disaster is near initially. 第一个阶段,魇灾初临。 At this time, World Will the deep sleep in the extinction black cocoon, slowly the savings strength, simultaneously in choice suitable square Incarnation is Nightmare Lord, acting extinction ten thousand spirit duties. 此时,世界意志会在绝灭黑茧中沉睡,缓缓积蓄力量,同时选择界内适格者化身魇主,代行绝灭万灵的任务。 The extinction is printed with ten, therefore Nightmare Disaster will also lower ten times, is the disaster tribulations perfection. 绝灭之印有十个,故而魇灾也会降下十次,才算灾劫圆满 Most Imaginary Dream World cross ten disaster tribulations, but some powerful World have also supported ten disaster tribulations finally, still had odd/surplus fire of civilization to preserve. 大多数幻梦界都渡不过十次灾劫,但也有一些强大世界最终撑过了十次灾劫,仍有文明的余火留存。 Therefore Second Stage will start, World Will awaken from the cocoon, will hold bronze Black Fire, personally odd/surplus fire who is put out the civilization. 于是第二阶段会开始,世界意志将从茧中苏醒,持青铜黑火,亲手熄灭文明的余火。 And after destroying all, changes to the 3rd stage: Refining up World ground wind Water and Fire seriously, World order restore to initial appearance. 并在毁灭一切之后,转到第三阶段:重炼世界的地风水火,将世界秩序修复至最初的模样。 It is a pity that the initial World order is the without/has not giant own, therefore the giant refining up World final one step seriously, self- Soldier Melting, returns to in the world it. 遗憾的是,最初的世界秩序是没有巨人自己的,所以巨人重炼世界的最后一步,就是将自我兵解,回归于世界本身。 Did not ask Eternal Life, did not strive for vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, only striving for squaring the World inverted image, but that was Nightmare Disaster destroys the significance of all living things. 不求长生,不求纵横,只求摆正世界的倒影,而那才是魇灾毁灭众生的意义。 This is the correct Nightmare Disaster flow, but the arrival of Ning Fan, awakened World Will ahead of time. 这是正确的魇灾流程,但宁凡的到来,提前唤醒了世界意志 „The Butterfly two degrees approach... want to take my heart...” 蝴蝶二度来临...欲取我心...” This Butterfly... very dangerous...” “此蝴蝶...很危险...” In the black cocoon, the white bones giant opens the eyes slowly, has not constructed in the empty eye socket of flesh and blood, presented Black Fire and deep frost light cluster, takes this as the eye. 黑茧中,白骨巨人徐徐睁开双眼,尚未构造出血肉的空洞眼眶之中,出现了黑火和冥霜的光团,以此为目。 left eye is main, burns Black Fire that will never be extinguishing. 左目主阳,燃烧着永不熄灭的黑火 right eye is main, the cold eye of institute, various heaven freezes. 右目主阴,寒目所向,诸天冻结。 The great humanities should at the 10th disaster awaken, that time he, the strength arrive at peak from now on: left eye will change to black Sun, right eye will change the blood-color moon/month, the four limbs five bodies change to the great antiquity nine mountains, the blood change extinguish eight seas painstakingly, the hair change to the die stars, air/Qi the wind and cloud, the sound is Thunderbolt, under 4th step, extinction all! 巨人本该在第十灾过后苏醒,那时的他,力量才会到达顶峰:左目会化作黑色太阳,右目会化作血色的月,四肢五体化作洪荒九山,血液则化作苦灭八海,头发化作陨落星辰,气成风云,声为雷霆,第四步下,绝灭一切! But awaken, giant without/has not saves the sufficient strength at present ahead of time obviously: The body cannot construct flesh and blood, not being able to urge the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas mighty force ; both eyes Sun, too power of Yin also without/has not to achieve the peak ; die stars also unable to summon... 可眼下提前苏醒,巨人显然没有积蓄足够的力量:身体没能构造出血肉,驱使不了九山八海的伟力双目太阳、太阴之力亦还没有达到顶峰陨落星辰亦无法召唤出来... Strength... by far insufficient...” “力量...远远不够...” But... cannot evade... must this butterfly... certainly Extinguish! “但...不可逃避...必须将此蝶...绝灭! Must... protect World...” “必须...守护世界...” Must... govern extinguishes ten thousand spirit...” “必须...治灭万灵...” Must... fulfill to extinguish the will of revering...” “必须...践行灭尊之志...” Mandate of Heaven becomes extinct... various Yan to obey orders!” “奉天绝灭...诸魇听令!” Butterfly enters has a nightmare... extinguishes without the amnesty!” 蝴蝶入魇...灭无赦!” As World orders, all Nightmare Monster Nightmare Beast in Nightmare Qi, are all receiving to protect World, to put to death the order of Ning Fan at this moment, the undercurrent surges! 随着世界一声令下,魇气内的所有魇妖魇兽,皆在此刻收到守护世界、诛杀宁凡的命令,暗流涌动! At the same time, was regarded as Ning Fan of invader by World, was actually regarded salvation by Wu Xian and the others, escorts, enters nightmare World! 同一时间,被世界视为侵略者的宁凡,却被巫咸等人当成了救世者,一路护送,进入梦魇世界 ... ...
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