GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#575: Principle weapon( 37)

Goes.” “去吧。” . 咻。 Quiet, has completed miniaturized radiation weapon, flashes passes, vanished in the front of Chen king. 悄无声息,已经完成小型化的辐射武器,一闪即逝,在辰王的面前消失了。 After several seconds . 几秒中后。 As is full of the Relo attraction control style together the strength of collapse, prosperous, as if the heart explodes, along with the glare of pupil deep place, explodes the core place, tens of thousands of cannot escape from the destruction range the lifeform, in the glare shock-wave covers, by the steam raising, was only left behind a shadow in the ground suddenly. 随着一道充满雷洛引力控制风格的塌缩之力,“隆”的一声,仿佛心脏爆炸,伴随着瞳孔深处的强光,爆炸核心处,数以万计没能够逃出毁灭范围的生物,在强光冲击波笼罩中,瞬息间被气化蒸发,仅在地面留下了一道黑影。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Under the terrifying shock-wave, the flaming hot wave shoots up to the sky. 恐怖冲击波下,熊熊火浪冲天而起。 Is sweeping across the fearful radiation beam storm, the soil twinkling plow within surface several meters range, the shock-wave was tearing into shreds all along the way. 席卷着可怕的辐射射线风暴,将地表几米范围内的泥土瞬息犁了一遍,冲击波撕碎着沿途的一切。 Rumble rumble rumble. 隆隆隆隆隆隆。 The terrifying high temperature, will explode the core place to melt a diameter several hundred meters astonishing falling pit, under the cosmical physics principle, 10 grams of loss radiate the national capital material quality, the terrifying energy of transforms, gathered a diameter to achieve 100 meters fireball in Sky impressively! 恐怖高温,将爆炸核心处熔出了一个直径数百米的惊人陨坑,宇宙物理法则下,亏损的十克辐射京华物质质量,所转化的恐怖能量,赫然在天空汇聚成了一个直径达到100米的火球! It as if newborn Sun, and still , the volume was inflating over time unceasingly. 它仿佛初生的太阳,并且仍在随着时间的流逝,体积不断膨胀着。 The steam that the high temperature evaporates, is fusing various beams, in a higher vacancy, formed fearful mushroom cloud gradually, the dangerous radiation dust, will proliferate to a more remote distance. 高温蒸发的水蒸气,融合着各种射线,渐渐在更高空处,形成了一道可怕的蘑菇云,将危险的辐射尘埃,扩散至更加遥远的距离。 This!!! Not......” “这!!!不……” Just crawled the Human-faced Spider mother in devil's lair, is screaming hysteric. 才刚刚爬出魔窟的人面蛛母,歇斯底里尖叫着。 Its trying one's best starts the strength of decayed demon god, but in this cosmical physics principle prestige can , the flaws that the black smoke of body was almost then punctured instantaneously thoroughly, is wailing in the flaming flame. 竭尽所能发动腐朽魔神之力,但在这宇宙物理法则威能下,身体的黑烟几乎瞬间便被刺透的千疮百孔,在熊熊火焰中哀嚎着。 Juliana, Mom, the surface world is quite fearful, wū wū wū wū......” 库丽安娜,妈妈,地表世界好可怕,呜呜呜呜……” In the wailing sound, this strength endures compared with the Human-faced Spider mother of Legend lifeform, has not insisted in the explosion core place for several seconds, then under that newborn star terrifying energy burst, combustion completely. 哀嚎声中,这个实力堪比传奇生物的人面蛛母,在爆炸核心处还未坚持几秒,便在那初生恒星般的恐怖能量爆发下,燃烧殆尽了。 The fearful super death storm, devastated to tear into shreds all along the way, included in that skeleton altar main hall, decayed temple that as well as has not completed. 可怕的超级死亡风暴,摧残撕碎了沿途的一切,包括于那座骸骨祭坛大殿,以及还未建成的腐朽神殿。 Really such as previously guessed. 果然如先前所猜测的。 Seemingly large-scale decayed temples, because has not completed, without the asylum of strength of principle, and approaches the fission level principle weapon explosion core, was destroyed at the scene. 看似规模庞大的腐朽神殿,由于还未建成,没有法则之力的庇护,且更加靠近裂变级法则武器的爆炸核心,当场就被摧毁了。 But scale relatively small swallowing temple, as a result of the asylum of principle Strength of Belief, and far away from devil's lair access radiation weapon explosion core, in shock-wave, although the damage is serious, actually survived temporarily, godhood demon, are staring at all around all unbelievable, the belief principle remaining prestige of dependence temple surviving, is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence under the light of radiation fireball. 而规模相对较小的吞食神殿,由于法则信仰之力的庇护,且远离魔窟出入口的辐射武器爆炸核心,在冲击波中虽然损毁严重,却暂时残存了下来,神职魔物们,难以置信凝望着四周发生的一切,依靠神殿残存的信仰法则余威,在辐射火球之光下苟延残喘着。 This is the strength! Let strength that these ancient civilizations vanished!” “这就是力量!让那些古代文明消失的力量!” The immersion in every second of this destructive strength, Chen king can not help mutter. 沉浸于这股毁灭性力量的每秒钟,辰王情不自禁喃喃着。 Comes under the influence of principle weapon, here connects the surface world and devil's lair channel of place bottom world, has collapsed to vanish impressively thoroughly, the surface layer even because of the fearful high temperature, formed firm glass crystalline lens. 受到法则武器的影响,这里连接地表世界与地底世界的魔窟通道,赫然已经彻底垮塌消失,表层甚至因为可怕的高温,形成了一层坚固的玻璃晶状体。 Your majesty, we succeeded.” “陛下,我们成功了。” The gratified color, Corleone is muttering, actually discovered startled, in the hand of this moment Chen king, had/left brand-new radiation weapon impressively. 欣慰之色,柯里昂喃喃着,却又愕然发现,此刻辰王的手中,赫然又多出了一枚全新的辐射武器 „Is this?” “这是?” He puzzled color looks to Chen king. 他不解之色的看向辰王。 Devil's lair channel had been destroyed, the remaining that temple spatial arrangements are also very only difficult to preserve again completely, your is......” “魔窟通道已经被摧毁,仅剩下的那座神殿空安排也很难再保存完整,您这是……” I am thinking, Relo Academician perhaps said right!” “我在想,雷洛院士也许说的没错!” ? 呃? Corleone calmly looks to Chen king, in the seemingly tranquil double pupil, shows a crazy Chen king. 柯里昂静静看向辰王,看似平静的双眸中,透出一丝疯狂的辰王。 He said slowly: We have the unequalled strength obviously, actually in fraught with uncertainty, however this/should fear, should be my enemy is right, making them feel the true fear!” 他缓缓道:“我们明明拥有则无与伦比的力量,却总是在畏首畏尾,然而该害怕的,应该是我的敌人才对,让它们感受到真正的恐惧!” In Chen king Yan, that deducts in the benevolence of people, was swallowed by the hope of power unexpectedly. 辰王眼中,那一抹对于人民的仁慈,竟然被权力的渴望吞噬了。 Bang! 轰! The broad explosion, as if opens in Chen king heart power to long for thoroughly, escaped the swallowing temple that evaded temporarily facing that tens of thousands of demon, in the temple that under the fire of radiation melted unceasingly, the principle belief remaining prestige dissipates unceasingly, on being difficult to sustain temple, Chen king released the second fission level to radiate weapon shortly unexpectedly immediately. 恢弘的爆炸,似乎彻底打开了辰王心中的权力渴望,面对那座数以万计魔物们逃亡暂避的吞食神殿,在辐射之火下不断融化的神殿,法则信仰余威不断消散,眼看就难以为继的神殿,辰王竟然当即释放了第二颗裂变级辐射武器 Bang...... 轰…… The world was peaceful. 世界安静了。 Dies the general silence. 死一般的寂静。 Actually before is the violent storm short tranquil, the next quarter, is the end destruction attack. 却不过是狂风暴雨前的短暂宁静,下一刻,便是末日般的毁灭来袭。 Trembles, crawls, died under my unsurpassed dignity!” “颤栗吧,匍匐吧,在我的无上威严下死亡吧!” Stared at this moment permits some hysteric crazy Chen king, Corleone was feeling strange, the instinct detected that some were not right, seemed like awakening of another personality. 凝望着此刻许些歇斯底里疯狂的辰王,柯里昂感到了陌生,本能察觉到了一些不对劲儿,就好像另一个人格的觉醒。 But the rationality told Corleone, the body of Chen king, seems to be having certain dreadful matter. 但理性告诉柯里昂,辰王的身上,似乎正在发生某些可怕的事情。 Is...... the ultra body person!!!! 难道是……超体人!!!! Damn!” “该死!” Corleone of bold guess, associated to Relo immediately, that crazy man, that was almost similar to Wizard general, hid is making him worry with the frightened infinite ambition man, Roller's husband! 大胆猜测的柯里昂,顿时联想到了雷洛,那个疯狂的男人,那个几乎如同巫师一般,隐藏着令他担忧和恐惧的无限野心男人,萝拉的丈夫! Once he had a liking , is that crazy of Relo, but looking back now, this crazy start has made itself also frightened unexpectedly. 曾经他所看上的,便是雷洛的那一丝疯狂,但现在看来,这一丝疯狂竟然已经开始让自己也恐惧了。 The cold sweat is dripping. 冷汗淋漓。 The pair of eyes corner of the eye that Corleone size varies, flowed off cold sweat on forehead. 柯里昂大小不一的双眼眼角,流下了一颗额头上的冷汗。 His innermost feelings, have been believing Grand Duchy can defeat these bottom world lifeform, can defeat Holy See, can front surface all difficulties, because this is he loyal love great state. 他的内心,一直坚信着格兰公国能够打败这些地底世界生物,能够战胜教廷,能够迎面一切困难,因为这是他所忠爱的伟大国度。 However that crazy man, actually wants entire Land of Star Curtain, completes him to vainly hope for that the terrifying paradise, degenerates into death Vortex that here everyone, all civilizations evade it less than! 但是那个疯狂的男人,却想要将整个星幕之地,建成他梦想中的恐怖乐园,将这里沦为所有人、所有文明都避之不及的死亡旋涡 At the appointed time, all invasion civilizations, the bottom world lifeform, destroyed the Land of Night Veil unknown civilization, unknown civilization that as well as other possibly can present, even the human influence of Wizard and Holy See, will fall into to the ultra body person arrives with the destruction attack of human own radiation weapon no difference cataclysm , the Land of Star Curtain transformation was unprecedented terrifying death spent clay! 届时,所有的入侵文明,地底世界生物、毁灭了夜幕之地的未知文明,以及其他可能会出现的未知文明,甚至于巫师、教廷的人类自身势力,都将陷入到超体人降临与人类自己的辐射武器无差别灾变的毁灭打击中,将星幕之地转化为一片空前恐怖的死亡废土! But the final victor of this end spent clay, person who only then lives. 而这片末日废土的最后胜利者,只有活下来的人。 Damn, damn, damn!” “该死,该死,该死!” Corleone as if had seen that old mans role in yuan drama day scene, that was once infinite happy Land of Star Curtain, 10000.00000002 trillion lives in the end that the big cataclysm heavy hysteric wails desperately. 柯里昂仿佛已经看到了那副末日情景,那是曾经无限美好的星幕之地,亿亿万万生灵在大灾变重歇斯底里绝望哀嚎的末日。 ...... …… . 咻。 Dodges the sharp light arc that passes. 一闪即逝的锐利光弧。 dí dí dí. 嘀嘀嘀 Suddenly, intense principle induction, by this in flight vehicle sensation of Land of Star Curtain high-speed flight. 突然,强烈的法则感应,被这艘正在星幕之地高速飞行的飞行器感知到。 The territory foreign visitors in flight vehicle, are discussing discovery of this entirely different lands and lifeform intensely. 飞行器内的域外来客们,正在激烈讨论着这片截然不同土地与生物们的发现。 High-frequency principle ripple, that direction very likely is having the large-scale temple war!” “高频率法则波纹,那个方向很可能正在发生大规模的神殿战争!” The small sunspot life analysis said. 小黑点生命分析道。 Destroys to kill these giant lives, preventing them to threaten to hide the homeland in death storm, was this black dead civilized end destruction squad responsibility is. 摧毁杀死这些巨型生命,防止它们威胁到隐藏在死亡风暴中的家园,是这只黑死文明末日毁灭者小队的职责所在。 But copes with these ‚the big world, the most direct method is to seek for the agglomeration, making the virus spread, cleans up. 而对付这些‘大型世界’,最直接的方法就是寻找聚集地,让病毒蔓延,进行清理。 So, this should go forward, seeks for the human agglomeration pale to Aurora central Great Empire, if the unexposed arc, unexpectedly an extreme turn, then to the Grand Duchy direction drives! 如此,这支本该向欧洛拉中央大帝国前进,寻找人类聚集地的淡若不见光弧,竟一个急转弯,转而向格兰公国的方向驶去! . 噗。 Along the way, it passed over gently and swiftly at low altitude, penetrated a body of wild animal again, gains the supplies at the same time, to this world the lifeform, is conducting the microscopic analytic hierarchy of cell domain. 沿途,它低空掠过,再次穿透了一头野兽的身体,获取补给的同时,也在对这个‘世界’的生物,进行着细胞领域的微观层次分析。 dí dí dí. 嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀。 Quick, finally came out, is one makes one feel the frightened terrifying result. 很快,结果出来了,又是一个令人感到惊悚的恐怖结果。 In cell deep layer heredity, is hiding a terrifying antibody factor, once regains consciousness, will have the intense fatal factor regarding us, according to the experimental result, the recovery probability of this sample cell is 0.08!” “细胞深层遗传中,隐藏着一种恐怖的抗体因子,一旦苏醒,将是对于我们具有强烈致命的因子,按照实验结果,这个样本细胞的复苏概率是0.08!” „Does that type of thing, actually really exist?” “那种东西,竟然真的存在?” The black dead antibody, is one science fiction class thing in black dead civilized end imagination. 黑死抗体,本来是黑死文明末日想象中的一种科幻类东西。 The individual of black dead civilization, was too tiny, stands in them of cell angle level survival, although has been able by oneself strength, to control some large-scale lifeform to take own greenhouse homeland, the motion city, creates own civilization. 黑死文明的个体,实在太渺小了,站在细胞角度层次生存的他们,虽然已经能够凭借自身力量,控制一些大型生物作为自己的温室家园,移动的城市,创造自己的文明。 Their individuals, would hardly come under the influence of large-scale lifeform, but their civilizations, are very firmly easy to be attacked by the outcomer. 它们的个体,几乎不会受到外界大型生物的影响,但它们的文明,确很容易遭受到外来者的打击。 After all, the lifeform of these surprise death storm oases, who won't eat food? 毕竟,这些意外发现死亡风暴绿洲的生物们,又有谁不会进食一番? But regarding these lifeform, often several small lifeform of optional hunting, is actually the city destruction of black dead civilization. 但对于这些生物们而言,往往随意狩猎的几只小生物,却是黑死文明的城市覆灭。 Perhaps is only the large-scale lifeform that 1-2 intrude accidentally/surprisingly, will then easily destroy the city civilization that they establish laboriously, therefore has to make the black dead civilization consistently maintain the extreme hostility regarding the outside world. 也许只是1-2意外闯入的大型生物,便会轻易毁灭掉它们辛苦建立的城市文明,因此不得不让黑死文明对于外界始终保持着极端的敌意。 But in this strange civilized once imagination...... 但在这个诡异文明曾经的想象中…… Makes the black dead civilization since the end frightened truly, is actually another thing, named black dead antibody factor. 真正让黑死文明进入末日恐惧的,却是另一种东西,名为黑死抗体的‘因子’。 The black dead civilization found, even the cell, still has food chain relations of nature, therefore the black dead civilization has to have the suspicion, perhaps in the infinite vast endless world, has one type perfectly in view of the thing that the black death evolves, that is the black death true natural enemy. 黑死文明发现,即使是细胞层次,仍然存在着大自然界的食物链条关系,因此黑死文明不得不产生怀疑,也许在无限辽阔的无尽世界中,就存在着一种完美针对黑死病所进化出的东西,那是黑死病的真正天敌。 So, black dead civilization name, for black dead antibody. 如此,黑死文明将之命名为了黑死抗体。 This is a thing of science fiction nature, had never been proven the thing, is similar the thing in terrifying, however in this discovered completely new world, is determined as the vast season of suitably occupying, suddenly in the archaeology vestige of cell, discovered this type of thing had had trace!!? 这是一种科幻性质的东西,从未被证明过的东西,类似于恐怖中的东西,但是在这片被发现的全新世界,被定性为宜居的辽阔时节,竟然在细胞层次的考古遗迹中,发现了这种东西曾经存在过的痕迹!!? Is the terrifying, becoming the reality? 恐怖,正在成为现实?
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