GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#574: Principle weapon( 36)

Once Crescent Lake, has been dried up. 曾经的月牙湖,已经干枯了。 After the seal was destroyed, the lake water then along the devil's lair channel of opening, flowed in the bottom world gradually. 在封印遭受破坏后,湖水便沿着开启的魔窟通道,渐渐流入到了地底世界。 Thousands of demon, are bustling about every day, they made use of local materials, constructed two style different giant temples. 数以万计的魔物们,每日都在忙碌着,它们就地取材,修建了两座风格迥异巨型神殿。 Appearance that and a building, has been close to finishing. 其中一座建筑,已经接近完工的样子。 That is a more than 30 meters in height giant skeleton altar, the altar diameter is close to hundred meters, by being hard to be counted skeleton splicing that the skeleton is not only human, various wild animals and Demon Beast, even innumerable demon. 那是一座高30余米的巨大骸骨祭坛,祭坛直径足足接近百米,由难以计数的骸骨拼接而成,骸骨不光是人类的,还有各种野兽与魔兽,甚至还有数不清的魔物。 The skeleton spliced mutually, accumulates in one, at first sight was grand exceptionally, is much gloomier. 骸骨相互拼接,累积在了一起,乍一看乃是雄伟异常,却还阴森得可怕。 The altar center, is sending out the light principle remaining prestige demon fire, flaming is burning. 祭坛中央,散发着淡淡法则余威的魔火,熊熊燃烧着。 Regarding the altar, rich Strength of Belief, almost formed a mighty current. 围绕着祭坛,浓郁的信仰之力,几乎形成了一道洪流。 „, Not......” “啊,不……” That is the pitiful yell sound of human, stared at the past, impressively by human that many demon drove away, sent out the desperate pitiful yell, was taken the living specimen sacrificial offering, killed in groups in the altar edge. 那是人类的惨叫声,凝望过去,赫然是被诸多魔物们驱赶的人类,发出绝望的惨叫,被作为活体祭品,成群杀死在了祭坛边缘。 The dead corpse rotten speed is quick, seemed being absorbed by the place altar of this living specimen. 死者尸体的腐烂速度很快,似乎在被这活体的座祭坛吸收着。 Quick, skeleton that they only remain, then became a part of altar. 很快,它们仅剩的骸骨,便成了祭坛的一部分。 Many godhood demon after offering sacrifices, sends out exciting roaring, the land bottom world language is exchanging, the demon fog that in Sky condenses is also getting more and more cloudy. 许多神职魔物在献祭过后,发出兴奋的咆哮,用地底世界语言交流着,天空中凝聚的魔雾也随之越来越阴沉。 That side several prison cells, I looked that at least also detained tens of thousands people, does your majesty, rescue does not rescue?” “那边的几个牢房,我看至少还关押了几万人,陛下,救还是不救?” People of ambush. 潜伏的众人。 Corleone lowered the sound, the side pupil looked that asked to Chen king. 柯里昂压低了声音,侧眸看向辰王问道。 Even he, after facing so many people, original having a heart of stone still soft. 即使是他,在面对如此多人后,原本的铁石心肠也不禁软了下来。 Although in the rationality he told himself, even if these people rescued still is very perhaps difficult to live, but the perception is telling him, if did not try to rescue, what oneself also did have to distinguish with these demon? 虽然理性上他告诉自己,这些人即使救了恐怕也很难活着走出去,但感性却在告诉他,如果不试着去营救,自己与这些魔物又有什么区别? Finally, he gave Chen the king the decision-making power. 最终,他把决定权交给了辰王陛下。 Rescues!” “救!” Hiss...... 嘶…… Deeply inhales cold air, is another Imperial Academician sound, Thunder my giant beast Cady. 深吸一口凉气,是另一位皇家院士的声音,【雷吾巨兽】卡迪。 He said low and deep densely: Your majesty, by our manpower, got down these people even forcefully, once the start radiates weapon, the dead end, do not die in these wild demon hands finally, dies in the radiation pollution.” 他低沉森森道:“陛下,以我们的人手,就算强行就下了这些人,一旦启动辐射武器,他们也终将死路一条,不是死在那些狂暴的魔物手中,就是死在辐射污染中。” This only attacks squad, is less than 1000 people merely. 这只突击小队,仅仅不到一千人。 But these 1000 people, are actually the mainstay of this Grand Duchy regiment, their goals, are to pay the minimal cost by duchy, achieves the success of this war. 但这一千人,却是此次格兰公国军团的中流砥柱,他们的目标,乃是以公国付出最小代价,获得此次战争的胜利。 I am the king in this country, how I can look at my people helplessly, desperate death in me at present?” “我是这个国家的王,我怎能眼睁睁看着我的子民,绝望的死在我眼前?” Facing the loud and clear Chen king, Tikka swallowed the words, silent sigh. 面对掷地有声的辰王,迪卡咽下了话语,无声叹息。 This makes Corleone many people nod quietly, the innermost feelings are more admiring and center regarding this Chen king, this is in their hearts the ideal kingdom, making them be willing for the king who it pays with the life. 这一幕却让柯里昂在内的很多人悄然点了点头,内心对于这位辰王陛下更加钦佩与中心,这才是他们心中理想的王国,让他们肯为之付出生命的国王。 Another building, then must grander many! 另一座建筑,则要更加宏伟的多! It was situated in the summit of mountain peak, the mountain peak is bevelled part, was situated just like a giant bird nest. 它坐落在山峰之巅,山峰被削平了一部分,宛如一个巨大的鸟巢坐落。 Until now, as if only constructed less than half, but from the grand degree, the scale at least was also over one time of skeleton altar. 到现在为止,似乎只修建成了不到一半,但从宏伟程度来看,规模至少也是骸骨祭坛的一倍以上了。 That should be the decayed demon temple.” “那应该就是腐朽魔神殿了。” The Corleone skinny finger grasps a dust from the ground, the dust points at the slit to sprinkle from him, flutters under the setting sun afterglow. 柯里昂枯瘦手指从地面抓起一把灰尘,灰尘从他手指缝隙洒落,在夕阳余晖下飘扬。 He said with a smile low and deep: Jie Jie Jie Jie, our luck are good, although the scale of this temple is huger, because actually has not condensed the principle and Strength of Belief, is easier to go well! Because it is very near from the devil's lair, has the emergency case the words, if arrives at some superior powerful lifeform from that devil's lair, is not impossible.” 他低沉笑道:“桀桀桀桀,我们的运气不错,这座神殿的规模虽然更加庞大,但却因为还没有凝聚法则和信仰之力,更容易得手!只是因为它距离魔窟很近,发生紧急情况的话,万一从那魔窟中降临一些超常强大生物,也不是不可能。” After Chen king is slightly silent, is low and deep: Regarding Relo Academician, detonates principle weapon, best in the domain of enemy, I deeply was also pondering this possibility over the two days. Since these demon can invade our surface world, we can similarly instead the aggression in the past, even if did not say like Relo Academician, causes there ecology big cataclysm, but at least can form the deterrent, boosts the morale, learns to develop principle weapon thoroughly, did you say?” 辰王稍稍沉默后,低沉道:“对于雷洛院士所述,引爆法则武器,最好是在敌人的领域,我这两天也在深入思考这个可能性。既然这些魔物能够入侵我们地表世界,那我们同样可以反侵略过去,就算不像雷洛院士所说,引起那里的生态大灾变,但至少可以形成威慑,提升士气,学会深入开发法则武器,你们说呢?” May not!” “不可!” Does not may!” “万万不可!” Your majesty thinks!” “陛下三思啊!” People in great surprise. 众人大惊。 Grand Duchy principle weapon, runs for king, in place bottom world detonation principle weapon, to say must thoroughly the bottom world? 格兰公国法则武器,为国王一人掌管,在地底世界引爆法则武器,岂不是说要深入地底世界? In there, not the steerable factor were too many. 在那里,不可控制的因素实在太多了。 Because these were extremely limited in the great strength temporarily, is similar to the terrifying lifeform of decayed demon god, everywhere! 那些因为太过于强大而被暂时限制,类似于腐朽魔神的恐怖生物们,比比皆是! Human regarding the use of principle weapon, merely is the preliminary exploration stage, is far from being the cataclysm civilized levels in these legends, solely depends upon principle weapon, can make some powerful temple civilizations and gods be the civilization does not fight bursts, just like spraying pesticide equally simply cancels the low civilization. 人类对于法则武器的利用,仅仅是初步的探索阶段而已,远没有达到那些传说中的灾变文明层次,仅仅依靠法则武器,就能够让一些强大的神殿文明、神系文明不战自溃,宛如喷洒杀虫剂一样简单的抹去低等文明。 Finally, Chen king chose conservatively. 最终,辰王选择了保守。 This is also in the rationality, safest choice. 这也是理性之中,最稳妥的选择。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰!轰!轰!轰…… While the setting sun final afterglow, rescues fight opening. 趁着夕阳的最后余晖,救援战斗开启。 By human that demon detain, eyes brimming with tears is witnessed all these, but their overwhelming majorities actually most common civilians, even if went well by this sneak attack, rescued majority, because of the slow movement, overwhelming majorities in confusion along the way, was actually rallying together demon that swarms to grasp again, even tore into shreds at the scene. 被魔物们关押的人类,热泪盈眶目睹着这一切,但他们绝大多数却只是最普通的平民罢了,即使被此次偷袭得手,救出了大部分,却因迟缓的动作,绝大多数都在沿途的混乱中,被群起蜂拥的魔物再次抓了回去,甚至是当场撕碎了。 The weather is gradually dark. 天色渐渐黑暗下来。 The strength of demon was stronger, almost grew one section baseless. 魔物们的力量更强了,几乎是凭空增长了一截。 Really such as Corleone guessed, by here influence, in the devil's lair was emitted a lot of demon, even mixed with the fiendish person who the intensity is enduring to compare the Legend lifeform! 果然如柯里昂所猜测的,受这里的影响,魔窟中冒出了大量的魔物,其中甚至夹杂着强度堪比传奇生物的魔王! Ahem, ahem ahem...... 哼哼,哼哼哼哼哼…… The gloomy laughter, is reverberating from the darkness most deep place of devil's lair. 阴森的笑声,自魔窟的黑暗最深处回荡着。 As if came from in the brutal abyss, the frightened nightmare, the person, that has not made the sound that one trembles, actually first step proliferated. 仿佛源自于残酷的深渊,恐惧的噩梦,人未至,那令人颤栗的声音,却先一步扩散开了。 The invisible oppression, seemed brought back the memory in nightmare, many people get up pale. 无形的压迫,仿佛被勾起了噩梦中的记忆,很多人脸色苍白起来。 Zero number?” “零号?” Chen king although has the numerous protections, actually does not feel better, his complexion ugly looks to spouting thousands of demon devil's lair, muttered the inquiry that side situation. 辰王虽然有着重重保护,却也不太好受,他脸色难看的看向喷出数以千计魔物的魔窟处,喃喃自语般询问着那边的情况。 Very strong lifeform, I felt aura of principle, should be an apostle.” “很强的生物,我感受到了一股法则的气息,应该是一位使徒。” The sound in shadow, making Chen king nod silently. 阴影中的声音,让辰王默默点了点头。 Rumble rumble. 隆隆隆隆。 In the devil's lair, stretched out one to be covered with impressively cancels the fierce claw of black thorn, just like the sharpest blade, proliferated the astonishing demon air/Qi. 魔窟之中,赫然伸出了一只长满倒勾黑刺的狰狞爪子,宛如最锋利的刀刃,扩散出了惊人的魔气。 After this only looks as if huge spider lifeform crawls gradually a devil's lair, making many scholar slightly be startled. 紧接着,这只看起来仿佛巨大蜘蛛般的生物渐渐爬出魔窟后,让不少学者都微微一怔。 This...... impressively is a Human-faced Spider mother! 这……赫然是一只人面蛛母! But with the appearance of Human-faced Spider mother, demon that in the devil's lair spouts, by previously the innumerable bat pterygoid bone demon, became dense and numerous Human-faced Spider, hell make the blood boil terrifying scene. 而随着人面蛛母的出现,魔窟中喷出的魔物,也由先前数不清的蝠翼骨魔,变为了密密麻麻人面蛛,地狱般的令人发指恐怖场景。 I came back finally, Holy See, Wizard, everyone, must die!” “我终于又回来了,教廷,巫师,所有人,都要死!” The Human-faced Spider mother is brandishing the claw, is screaming brutally. 人面蛛母挥舞着爪子,残酷尖叫着。 Your majesty, the release radiates weapon, without enough time!” “陛下,释放辐射武器吧,来不及了!” Your majesty!” “陛下!” Every time delays for one second, is equivalent saves several human the lives, actually also emitted more demon. 每延迟一秒,就相当于多拯救几名人类的生命,却也放出了更多的魔物。 Deeply inspires, after Chen king looks all around the general situation, finally deeply inspires, nods silently. 深吸口气,辰王环顾大局后,终于深吸口气,默默点了点头。 He takes out the space installment seriously, took out a fission level to radiate weapon. 他郑重的取出空间装置,从中取出了一枚裂变级辐射武器 This is a 75 cms in diameter jet black metal globe, as if no weight, calmly floats in the palm of Chen king. 这是一颗直径75厘米的漆黑金属球状物,却仿佛没有重量般,静静漂浮在辰王的手掌心。 Imperial Scholar Committee in view of Chen king as the ordinary ordinary person, emitted radiation weapon, designed a series of installments, otherwise at this metal ball 500 kg weight, wants so easily lifts, even for many 3rd Order warriors, is not an easy matter. 皇家院士委员会针对辰王作为普通平凡人,发射辐射武器,设计了一系列装置,否则以这颗金属球足足500kg的重量,想要如此轻而易举的举起来,即使是对于很多三级武士而言,也不是一件容易的事。
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