GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#573: Principle weapon( 35)

Hu-hu, hu-hu, hu-hu...... 呼哧,呼哧,呼哧…… The fierce respite sound, the heart almost soon explodes, this is not only only weariness after the strenuous exercise, fear that blots out the sky! 剧烈的喘息声,心脏几乎快要爆炸,这不仅仅只是剧烈运动后的疲倦,还有那铺天盖地的恐惧! An ordinary soldier. 只是一位普普通通的士兵。 Since Grand Duchy initiated counterattacks in self-defense post-war, he then registered immediately, joins in this great war, expected that under the great grand victory, obtained the infinite honor. 自从格兰公国发起自卫反击战后,他便在第一时间报名,加入到了这场伟大的战争中,期望在伟大的格兰胜利下,获得无限荣光。 Demon of blotting out the sky, has not beaten his faith. 铺天盖地的魔物,没有击垮他的信念。 The brutal death, has not made him flinch. 残酷的死亡,没有让他退缩。 However, over the two days gradually started to happen all sorts of strange, made him be somewhat hard again keeps once was tranquil. 但是,这两天渐渐开始发生的种种诡异,却让他有些难以再保持曾经的平静了。 ...... …… Before several minutes . 几分钟前。 The remote Sky bellow, Sky under flares, the tumbling demon flashes before several have delimited high-speed demon in the clouds from time to time, with the elite Sky Knight Regiment fierce battle, the ground forces can still enjoy the short tranquility temporarily. 遥远天空的轰鸣声,天空在一颗颗照明弹下,翻滚魔云中时而闪现出几只高速划过的魔物,与精锐的天空骑士团激烈战斗,地面部队暂时仍能够享受着短暂的平静。 This is the battlefield fringing field. 这是战场的边缘区域。 Compares is being in the fierce battle the central battlefield, the edge soldiers relatively were idle, at least without discovering large-scale demon, here is responsible for guarding the soldiers in ground, but can also have own some leisure times, prayed or completes some private things heartily. 相较于正处于激烈战斗的中心战场,边缘处的士兵们则相对清闲了许多,至少在没有发现大规模魔物的时候,这里负责驻守地面的士兵们,还能有自己的一些闲暇时间,尽情祈祷或者完成一些私人事情。 Short dizziness. 短暂眩晕。 Felt that own body, appeared again weak. 感觉自己的身体,恍惚间再次浮现了一阵虚弱。 Since radiated after on that day weapon explodes, body ill then starts to appear gradually. 自从那天辐射武器爆炸后,身体的不适便开始渐渐出现。 Just started is only some skin rashes and losing sleep, now has had the anemia and dizziness symptom gradually, he set firm resolve, once sufficiently collected the military exploit that needed, must go to High Tower to look for there Adviser Magician to see a doctor. 刚开始只是一些皮疹和失眠,现在已经渐渐出现贫血和眩晕症状,他下定决心,一旦凑够所需的军功,一定要前往高塔寻找那里的魔法师顾问看病。 And...... 而且…… This weak phenomenon, incessantly oneself! 这种虚弱现象,不止自己! The especially those the soldiers from radiating the weapon explosion frontline live by luck, heard that the situations of some people are more serious, even had been in the situation of hematuria. 尤其是那些从辐射武器爆炸前线侥幸活下来的士兵们,听说有些人的情况更加严重,甚至已经到了尿血的地步。 The fear has started to spread in the floor soldier. 恐惧已经开始在底层士兵中蔓延。 But lets, if autumn attention is, noble Adviser Magician in this guarding team, was actually as if worrying for another matter over the two days. 但让若秋注意的是,这支驻守队伍中的高贵魔法师顾问,这两天却似乎在为另一件事担忧着。 This is an age likely over 100-year- old aristocrat. 这是一位年纪很可能超过100岁的老贵族。 Possibly was too old, his gray beard seemed like withered like that the hollow both eyes as if dead fish eye under cape, in the hand used not the well-known plant manufacture magic wand, then became his walking stick, sat in meditation the ponder under the protections of two soldiers. 可能是年纪太大了,以至于他花白的胡子看起来都是那般的干枯,斗篷下的凹陷双目仿佛死鱼眼,手中用不知名植物制作的魔杖,则成了他的拐杖,在两名士兵的保护下静坐沉思。 The kerosene lamp that his vision, as if dries up, looks into the distance to the distant place. 他的目光,仿佛枯竭的煤油灯,眺望向远方。 Generally speaking. 一般而言。 The team every 200 people, will provide a Adviser Magician, these noble Magician are often grasping some average men difficult and insight and wisdom, helping the soldiers solve the question. 每200人的队伍,才会配备一位魔法师顾问,这些高贵的魔法师们往往掌握着一些常人难及的洞察力与智慧,帮助士兵们解决疑问。 But recently some people were spreading being haunted repeatedly matter, flustered anxious, soldier long already this situation, reported that gave Adviser Magician of squadron, but actually cannot be explained. 而最近频频有人流传着‘闹鬼’的事,人心惶惶不安,士兵长们已经将这个情况,报告给了中队的魔法师顾问,但却始终未能得到解答。 Does not believe that the so-called ghost gods and ghosts discussed. 并不太相信所谓的鬼神怪谈。 The frigid war slaughters, he has too for a long time had not prayed, atheism of Grand Academy of Natural Science, has become many 's beliefs, making these people earliest one batch to dare to pursue the free person, even gradually developed the egotist. 惨烈的战争杀戮,他已经有太久没有祷告了,格兰自然科学院的无神论,也已经成为了很多人的信仰,让这些人成为了最早一批敢于追逐自由的人,甚至逐渐发展成了利己主义者。 One of them! 正是其中之一! He only believes himself. 他只相信自己。 Rumble, rumble, rumble...... 咕噜,咕噜,咕噜…… Team leader, I must go to the bathroom!” “队长,我要去方便一下!” The team leader is a tall and strong man, is usually good with the relations, once was Goddess of Wisdom believer, in recent years came under the duchy atmosphere influence, gave up own belief gradually. 队长是个魁梧汉子,平时和关系不错,曾经是智慧女神信徒,近些年受到公国风气影响,也渐渐放弃了自己的信仰。 He looked, corner of the eye fierce scabs, see are , the face appears wipes the smile. 他看了过来,眼角一条狰狞伤疤,看到是后,面庞浮现一抹笑容。 Do not run far, the solution, here has not cleaned up a bit faster cleanly, careful do not become the dessert of bone demon.” “别跑远了,快点解决,这边还没清理干净,小心别成了骨魔的点心。” Knew!” “知道了!” The tumbling of stomach, the intermittent pain, pulls back the reality from the train of thought him. 肠胃的翻滚,间歇性的痛楚,将他从思绪拉回现实。 Slightly runs, he arrived at this quite remote gloomy hillock, the squatting down body solved oneself problem. 一阵小跑,他来到了这处较为偏僻的阴暗小坡,蹲下身子解决自己的问题。 The excretion was very good, making his anxious depressing mood slightly good, but the intermittent pain of endo-abdominal has not actually stopped. 排泄很舒畅,让他充满担忧的压抑心情稍稍好了一些,但腹内的间歇性痛楚却没有停止。 During the war, will not treat it lightly. 处于战争期间,绝不会掉以轻心。 He noticed not far away, is turning is looking for anything person's shadow. 他注意到了不远处,一个正在不停翻找着什么东西的人影。 Observed some little time, confirmed the opposite party truly is the humanoid form, relaxed slightly, gripped tightly the right hand of hilt to relax slightly. 观察了好一会儿,确认了对方确实是个人形身影,稍稍放松了一些,紧握刀柄的右手稍稍松弛了一些。 The person's shadow somewhat anxious appearance, from far to near, turning seems to be looking, changes these to start rotten corpse. 人影似乎有些焦急的样子,由远及近,不停的翻找着,翻动着那些已经开始腐烂的尸体 Hey, you are looking for anything, here only has corpse.” “喂,你在找什么,这里只有尸体。” The black robe form has not spoken, anxious respite sound. 黑袍身影却没有说话,只有焦急的喘息声。 Detected some not right raised the pants, gripped tightly the hilt again, is fixing the eyes on the nearness person's shadow, had slightly to then does not meet first launches the attack. 察觉到有些不对劲的提好了裤子,再次紧握住刀柄,紧盯着靠近的人影,稍有不对便会第一时间发动攻击。 ! 噗! Suddenly, he acted. 蓦然,他出手了。 The vigilance of war makes him not slightly loathsome, hunts for the demon long blade to submerge the crafty shadow body, this is he uses military exploit receiving in exchange high-level magical item, under the demon graceful, even highest level demon, can still cause the considerable damage. 战争的警觉性让他没有丝毫拖泥带水,猎魔长刀没入诡影身体,这可是他用军功换取的高级魔导道具,魔帅之下,即使是最顶级魔物,也能够造成可观的伤害。 Said with a smile ferociously: Ahem, since does not like speaking, do not say!” 狞笑道:“哼哼,既然不喜欢说话,就不要说了!” At this time, frightened strange appeared. 这时,令人惊悚的诡异一幕出现了。 The person's shadow lifted the head, under the gown is unexpectedly empty, is only left over wisp of black shredded tobacco, he wept: I, I, I am looking for my face, you saw my face, wū wū wū wū......” 人影抬起了头,袍子下竟然空荡荡的,只剩下一缕黑色烟丝,他啜泣道:“我,我,我在找我的脸,你看到我的脸了吗,呜呜呜呜……” Sound gloomy quiet slow, probably the rotten swamp air bubble of dead wood grave. 声音阴沉幽慢,像是枯木坟地的腐烂沼泽气泡。 The cold and gloomy cool feeling, from the heel spreads to the back instantaneously, flood goosebumps, the hand is shivering, because in his gaze, this unknown terrifying lifeform, the black smoke fluctuates unceasingly, actually appears gradually five senses outline. 森冷的凉意,瞬间从脚跟蔓延至后背,泛起一身鸡皮疙瘩,的手在颤抖着,因为在他的注视中,这个未知的恐怖生物,黑烟不断变幻,竟然渐渐浮现出自己的五官轮廓。 He tries hard to pull out the going hunting demon to fight the blade, actually instead spreads an astonishing attraction from the opposite party within the body, will fight the blade to attract to pull its body little. 他努力想要拔出猎魔战刃,却反而从对方体内传出一股惊人的吸引力,将战刃一点点吸扯进它的身体。 Wū wū, was inferior, you give me your face, is good......” “呜呜呜,不如,你把你的脸给我,好不好……” !!!! 啊!!!! The short rapid desperate cry, causes nearby value to defend the soldier vigilance. 短暂急促的绝望叫声,引起附近值守士兵警觉。 When two when the soldier who wears heavy armor runs to investigate, has restored usual accompanies to say with a smile: Over the two days does not know that ate anything, possibly does not have the rest to be good, just had diarrhea, really excuse me.” 当两名身披重甲的士兵跑来探查时,已经恢复如常的陪笑道:“这两天也不知道吃了什么,可能是没有休息好,刚刚拉肚子,实在不好意思。” Draws a belly also to call loudly, you have a child!” “拉个肚子也叫着么大声,你生孩子啊!” Snort!” “哼!” Two people inquired about after neighbor at will, has not discovered the difference, uncomfortable snort/hum, went far away gradually. 两人在附近随意探寻了一番后,没有发现异样,不爽的哼了一声,渐渐远去。 Gloomy, compensates to smile, the face expression is gradually indifferent. 阴暗中,赔笑的,面庞表情渐渐冷漠下来。 He first looked at oneself body, very curious appearance, as if detected what difference, after knitting the brows pondered a while, notices just excreta. 他先是看了看自己的身体,十分好奇的样子,紧接着似乎察觉到什么异样,皱眉思考了一会儿后,注意到了刚刚的排泄物。 In the excreta, is mixing with a lot of capillaries unexpectedly, under examines carefully, that impressively is the mucous membrane fragment that the internal organs fall off! 排泄物中,竟然夹杂着大量的血丝,细看之下,那赫然是内脏脱落的粘膜碎片! This leather bag watch case, seemed to be polluted by one unknown material, even without me, these pollutant is still destroying his life vigor, moreover these things as if have very tremendous effect on me, it seriously is hindering my mental manipulation terminal,......” “这具皮囊表壳,似乎被一种未知的物质污染了,即使没有我,这些污染物也在破坏着他的生命活力,而且这些东西似乎对于我也有很大影响,它正在严重阻碍我的精神控制末端,哈……” Muttering, he had a yawn wearily. 喃喃自语着,他疲倦的打了个哈欠。 This is not the good news.” “这可不是什么好消息。” Absent-minded, when regains consciousness again, has appeared in a wilderness. 一个恍惚,当再次苏醒时,已经出现在了一处荒野上。 He startled color looks at the surroundings, stood same place had not gotten back one's composure some little time. 他愕然之色的看着周围,原地站了好一会儿也没有回过神。 What just had? 刚刚发生了什么? Oneself feel like sleeping! 自己感觉就像睡了一觉! Probably absent-minded, does not have the ghost from...... that!! 好像一个恍惚,就从……那个无相鬼!! He remembered anything, fierce being so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, panic-stricken looks to the surroundings, the shoulder actually suddenly by a person racket, after his instinct pulls out the going hunting demon fights the blade, actually hears the hitting laughter that the body side transmits the surprise. 他想起了什么,猛的惊出一身冷汗,惊恐的看向周围,肩膀却突然被人一拍,他本能拔出猎魔战刃后,却听见身侧传来诧异的打笑声。 Hey , you should not be will hit the ghost, looks at your pitiful look!” “喂喂,,你该不会是撞鬼了吧,看你那熊样!” Here ghost, refers to «Radiant Scripture», is similar to misleading the weird weird thing of devil. 这里的鬼,是指《光明圣典》中,类似于蛊惑魔鬼的怪诞邪门东西。 Un? 嗯? Is friend blonde Jack, relaxes, conceals said: You hit the ghost, father's blade may, no matter what ghost not ghost!” 是的朋友金发杰克,松了口气,掩饰道:“你才撞鬼了,老子的刀可不管什么鬼不鬼的!” Hahahaha, you stand in this are being cold doing, the team leader said that we must in half hour glass time, rushes to the lookout tower five kilometers away, there is suffering......” “哈哈哈哈,那你站在这冷着干什么,队长说我们必须要在半个沙漏时间内,赶到五公里外的瞭望塔,那里正在遭受……” Bang!! 轰!! Is speaking in two people, towering, beside remote horizon, along with a deafening explosion, horizon just like the early morning newborn Sun, exuded the intermittent red light remotely. 正在两人说话间,突兀的,遥远于遥远地平线之外,伴随着一声震耳欲聋爆炸,地平线宛如清晨初生的太阳,泛起了阵阵红光。 Witnesses this everyone, stopped the footsteps startled. 目睹这一幕的所有人,都不禁愕然停下了脚步。 What had?” “发生了什么?” There Yueliang Bay direction, in the legend Grand Duchy leads to the devil's lair in bottom world to be. 那里正是月亮湾方向,传说中格兰公国通往地底世界的魔窟所在。 Bang...... 轰…… When the second explosion sound wave, is separated by several hundred kilometers distance, the rolling thunder proliferation comes, even made in Sky some small and weak demon have the dizziness, crashed, people returned to the reality in abundance. 紧接着,当第二次爆炸音波,相隔数百千米之距,滚雷般扩散而来,甚至让天空中一些弱小魔物都出现了晕眩,坠落了一些,人们才纷纷回归了现实。 Principle weapon.” “法则武器。” Who does not know is, a character character, muttered makes noise. 不知是谁,一字一字,喃喃出声。
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