GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#572: Principle weapon( 34)

In his hand, is glass reagent. 他的手中,是一根玻璃试剂。 Seemingly ordinary reagent. 看起来普普通通的试剂。 The star meteor technique prestige energy, still cannot to swallowing the demon god creates the subversive destruction attack, even higher method that then Relo can resort, besides the world still unknown photostar True Body, only then the succinct spring of this maximum dosage, or ultra body star war weapon trajectory mark medicinal preparation. 星陨术威能,尚不能对吞食魔神造成颠覆性毁灭打击,那么雷洛所能动用的更高等手段,除了世人仍然未知的星体真身外,就只有这最大剂量的精粹之泉,或者说超体星战争武器弹道标记剂了。 His eyes, then looked to the East. 他的双眼,则看向了东方。 That is the Crescent Lake direction, one of the many connection bottom world devil's lair channels, break into the Grand Duchy demon front door. 那是月牙湖方向,诸多连接地底世界的魔窟通道之一,入侵格兰公国魔物们的大门。 Ok, since has not detonated...... that to wait again!” “算了,既然还没有引爆……那就再等等吧!” Relo took back the arm. 雷洛收回了手臂。 He has solved the strengths of these god level lifeform intuitively. 他已经更加直观解到了这些神级生物的力量。 To the intensity of this clone, can achieve at this moment, can escape from some low god level lifeform hands at most, will soon stride in the higher Spiritual God as for this type, even if assists from side, must face the huge danger, even is very difficult to achieve the self-preservation. 以此刻自己这具分身的强度,所能做到的,至多也就能够从一些低等神级生物手中逃脱罢了,至于这种即将跨入高等的神灵,即使只是从旁辅助,也要面对巨大的危险,甚至很难做到自保。 Enters to the unknown space. 进入到未知空间内。 The surrounding ray is getting more and more dark, the atmosphere also becomes more and more strange, looked like arrived at another world. 周围的光线越来越暗,氛围也变得越来越奇怪,就像是来到了另一个世界。 Although outside Relo can also through the crack, see the intense fight picture fuzzily, but actually could not hear any sound. 雷洛虽然还能通过裂缝,模糊看到外面激烈的战斗画面,但却听不到任何的声音了。 His split vision, looked that was drawn this mysterious space to the body side together the metal fragment. 他的余光,看向身侧一同被吸进这个神秘空间的金属碎片。 The common metal fragment, in entering the flash of this space, has then disintegrated, but this metal fragment obviously is some magic item after exploding, magic material that leaves behind, can insist now, gradually from edge flying ash as if slowly, disintegrating. 普通金属碎片,在进入这片空间的一瞬间,便已经瓦解了,而这块金属碎片显然是某件魔器自爆后,留下的魔导材料,才能坚持到现在,正逐渐从边缘处慢慢的仿佛飞灰般,自我瓦解着。 Un......” “嗯……” Painful hesitation. 痛苦的沉吟。 He looks to oneself arm. 他看向自己的手臂。 The attraction principle here, turned into a pure energy unexpectedly, is pulling out from own within the body little leaves, pulls out to the speed the main body True Body transmission is much quicker. 引力法则在这里,竟然变成了一种单纯的能量,正在从自己体内一点点抽离,抽离的速度远比本体真身传递的要快得多。 When it drew out completely completely, perhaps was the Relo most essential energy, the biological cell can. 而当它全部抽光时,恐怕就将是雷洛最本质的能量,生物细胞能了。 In this space, all so strange, even the energy induction talent of scholar instinct, was being weakened unceasingly, his perception area continuously reduces. 在这片空间里,一切都是如此的陌生,甚至连学者本能的能量感应天赋,都在被不断削弱,他的感知范围不断降低。 At this moment he can only the sensation to the surrounding several meters scopes. 此刻他只能感知到周围几米的范围了。 But this space, is actually such darkness, so vast, so profound, infinite unknown. 而这片空间,却是如此的黑暗,如此的辽阔,如此的深邃,无限的未知。 As is unceasingly thorough, that invisible swallows to disintegrate the strength is also becoming stronger and stronger, as if must returns the material and energy decomposition to the most initial state, was absorbed the use by the opposite party again, Relo more and more can feel own limit. 随着不断深入,那股无形的吞噬瓦解力量也正变得越来越强,似乎要将物质与能量分解回归到最原始状态,再被对方吸收利用,雷洛越来越能够感受到自己的极限。 Looks at own palm again. 再看自己的手掌。 Once twisted the surrounding light dark attraction, although at this moment pulled out by this space unceasingly leaves, has been twisting own body impressively, the marginal texture as if child of palm draws unexpectedly, was the irregular distortion condition. 曾经扭曲周围光暗的引力,此刻虽然被这片空间不断抽离,赫然已经在扭曲自己的身体,手掌的边缘结构竟仿佛儿童画般,呈不规则扭曲状态。 Loses in weak, Relo sighs unexpectedly. 迷失于虚弱,雷洛竟叹了口气。 If Antonio cannot rescue itself, then this clone, must be attracted the thorough digestion. 如果安东尼奥不能营救自己,那么这具分身,恐怕就要被吸彻底消化了。 However. 不过。 Also in this time, after the surrounding space swallows the suction to arrive to Relo is also hard to support a short time limit, suddenly, the space seemed to have arrived at its profoundest region, no longer descended unexpectedly, the under foot is a swamp region of distortion. 也正在这时,在周围空间吞噬吸力抵达到雷洛也难以支撑一时半刻的极限后,突然,空间似乎已经到达了它最深邃地带,竟然不再降落了,脚下是一片扭曲的沼泽地带。 This swamp does not have the water. 只是这片沼泽没有水。 The thing that one type is similar to the energy digesting fluid, it can accelerate to digest the absorbed energy, the Relo station here, moves every time, is accelerating own energy to drain, accelerates own death advancement, chronic suicide that motionless must die. 只是一种类似于能量消化液的东西,它能够加速消化吸收能量,雷洛站在这里,每动一下,便在加速自己的能量流失,加速自己的死亡进程,不动则是必死的慢性自杀。 Has the person?” “有人吗?” The energetic sensation lost the potency, Relo restored the instinct of human unexpectedly, is shouting with the mouth. 精神感知失去了效力,雷洛竟恢复了人类的本能,用嘴巴喊着。 But is very obvious, in this in space that was full of the strength of swallowing, and does not have any function, he has not had any hope. 但很显然,在这片充满了吞噬之力的空间内,并没有任何作用,他本身也没有抱任何希望。 However...... 不过…… gua. 呱。 Cluck gua, cluck quack, cluck gua quack. 咕咕呱,咕咕咕呱呱,咕咕咕呱呱呱。 A frog, from far to near, jumped jumps out of now the Relo front. 一只青蛙,由远及近,一跳一跳出现在了雷洛的面前。 If not personally sees, Relo seeing cannot believe own eye. 若非亲眼所见,雷洛见之不敢相信自己的眼睛。 This person of high frog, conducts the back two faces, a sadness, a joy, surprised strange color looks to Relo. 这只一人高的青蛙,背上有两张面孔,一张悲伤,一张喜悦,惊奇诡异之色的看向雷洛 Relo cannot believe own eye simply. 雷洛简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” gua quack, who you are, you are, you are who......” “呱呱呱,你是谁,你是谁,你是谁……” Frog talking bird is repeating the Relo words repeatedly. 青蛙鹦鹉学舌一遍遍重复着雷洛的话。 But with the words of opposite party, an invisible dark ripple starts to spread gradually, the place visited, Relo can also resist strength of some time body swallowing, starts to give birth to the irregular sunspot unexpectedly, seems like getting moldy and spoil, one type...... decayed! 而随着对方的话语,一道无形的黑暗波纹渐渐开始蔓延,所过之处,雷洛本来还能抵御吞噬之力相当一段时间的身体,竟然开始生出不规则的黑点,看起来就像是一种霉变,一种……腐朽! This is...... the decayed strength!!” “这是……腐朽之力!!” Relo is staring at own body, the double pupil pupil shrinks suddenly. 雷洛凝望着自己的身体,双眸瞳孔骤然一缩。 This strength, compared with Relo had contacted the strength of corrupting, is more like the branch of some time principle, it let once certain compactly structured materials again, degenerated into the loose sand limeclast gradually, let once the fine gorgeous thing, gradually became mediocre ruined. 这种力量,比起曾经雷洛接触过的腐烂之力,更像是某种时间法则的分支,它再让曾经某些结构紧密的物质,渐渐沦为散沙灰屑,让曾经精致华美的东西,渐渐变得平庸破败。 It in the strength of auxiliary swallowing, accelerates by the decomposition absorption process of devourer! 它在辅助吞噬之力,加速被吞噬者的分解吸收过程! Hand that shivers slightly, that is weak that the energy too quick outflow causes. 微微颤抖的手,那是能量过快流失导致的虚弱。 Broadminded, in talking bird of strange frog endlessly repeats, Relo took out clothes unexpectedly, special clothes, with a newest material quality of named plastic, made laboratory isolation clothes! 豁然,在诡异青蛙的鹦鹉学舌不断重复中,雷洛竟然取出了一件衣服,一件特殊的衣服,用一种名为塑料的最新材质,做成的实验室隔离衣! This is some Grand Duchy high-level laboratory, scholar, experiences for many years to study, brand-new material that accidentally creates. 这是格兰公国某个高级实验室,一位学者,经历多年研究,偶然间创造出的全新材料。 It is not the magic thing, even is one of the most splendid insulators, has many marvelous characteristics. 它并非魔导物,甚至是最出色的绝缘体之一,却也拥有很多奇妙的特性。 One of them, is its fearful degeneration time! 其中之一,便是它可怕的降解时间! Laboratory preliminary estimate, the degeneration time that even the common plastic products, nature requires, must over 800 years. 实验室初步估计,即使是一般的塑料制品,大自然所需要的降解时间,也要在800年以上。 But the plastic things of some special characteristics, its degeneration time, are almost unquantifiable, this number might surpass the history of Aurora World human! 而一些特质的塑料用品,其降解时间,几乎难以估量,这个数字很可能将超过了欧洛拉世界人类的历史! So. 如此。 After weak Relo put on isolation clothing/taking of this set for laboratory, astonishing appeared, here is almost above disintegrates speed several times the decayed strength, as if lost the potency. 当虚弱的雷洛穿上了这套用于实验室的隔离服后,惊人的一幕出现了,这里几乎是上面瓦解速度数倍的腐朽之力,似乎失去了效力。 The sunspot that the Relo body surface spreads, stopped gradually. 雷洛体表蔓延的黑点,渐渐制止住了。 gua quack, who you are, you are who......” “呱呱呱,你是谁,你是谁……” The frog was still repeating the Relo sound, and created an echo redundant effect. 青蛙仍在重复着雷洛的声音,并造成了一种回音重复的效果。 Weak Relo continuous fighting could not even come to a stop, fortunately has the main body True Body continuous strength supplies, even, in the endo-abdominal of demon god, or is other that he creates what is here mystical in the space, is still unable to be cut off that omnipresent attraction ripple, affect that even their infinite tending to be weak, were still actually duty-bound not to turn back to universe forever end without limits. 虚弱的雷洛甚至连战都站不稳了,所幸有本体真身源源不断的力量供给,即使是在这里,在魔神的腹内,或者是他所创造的其他什么神秘空间内,仍然无法阻隔那无所不在的引力波纹,即使它们无限的趋弱,却仍然义无反顾的波及至宇宙永无止境的尽头。 Some little time, certainly supplemented Relo, stood finally again. 好一会儿后,得到一定补充的雷洛,终于再次站了起来。 Looks at this funny frog, was still studying own words repeatedly, the Relo backhand is a palm of the hand. 看着这个好笑的青蛙,仍在一遍一遍学着自己的话语,雷洛反手就是一巴掌。 ! 啪! The resounding slap in the face, has pulled out from the body surface of its stick-slip. 响亮的耳光,从它粘滑的体表抽过。 This is only close to a person of high frog, 360 degrees revolving, was then interrupted the sound by Relo, is peaceful. 这只接近一人高的青蛙,一个三百六十度旋转,便被雷洛打断了声音,再次安静下来。 The appearance that it has not gotten back one's composure some little time, as if pulled out ignorant/veiled by Relo. 它好一会儿都没有回过神的样子,似乎被雷洛抽蒙了。 This?” “这是哪?” Relo asked again. 雷洛再次问道。 The frog has also gotten back one's composure finally, bears another not by Relo has pulled out the sad face, actually talking bird said again: gua quack, which this is, which this is, which this is......” 青蛙也终于回过神,背上另一个没被雷洛抽过的悲伤面庞,竟然再次鹦鹉学舌道:“呱呱呱,这是哪,这是哪,这是哪……” ! 啪! The space is silent. 空间再次寂静下来。 With the clear sound of body surface plastic isolation clothes, Relo looked at one. 伴随着体表塑料隔离衣的清脆响声,雷洛看了一眼。 Such time, the material quality of this set of higher isolation clothes, had some changes unexpectedly slightly, as if becomes clearer, probably by cryogenic freezing generally, had been destroyed easily. 才这么点时间,这套高等隔离衣的材质,竟然也微微起了一些变化,似乎变得更加清脆,像是被低温冰冻过一般,更容易被破坏。 Knits the brows slightly, Relo has not then continued to pay attention again, he arrives again pulls out side the frog of ignorant/veiled. 微微皱眉,雷洛便没有再继续理会了,他再次来到被抽蒙的青蛙身边。 Who are you? This?” “你是谁?这是哪?” Side is sad, side is joyful. 一面是悲伤,一面是喜悦。 Two faces that the frog conducts the back look to Relo, the school of instinct, will actually see Relo to lift the palm again, the joyful face called out: Is impossible, you how possibly not by decayed strength influence!!” 青蛙背上的两个面庞看向雷洛,正要本能的学舌,却见雷洛再次抬起了手掌,其中喜悦的面庞叫道:“不可能,你怎么可能不受腐朽之力影响!!” Another side. 另一边。 Fills the face that conducts the back to scream: I am the decayed demon slave, is responsible for the value defending this piece decayed with swallowing the boundary, here is one of the decayed god country's exits, with swallowing the demon god reaches the agreement because of the great decayed demon god, swallowed the demon god to betray own soul, obtained the part of strengths of decayed demon god, after he dies, the god country of decayed demon god will obtain its soul, regains consciousness in the end that it died!” 充满背上的面庞却尖叫道:“我是腐朽魔奴,负责值守这片腐朽与吞噬的边界,这里是腐朽神国的出口之一,因伟大腐朽魔神与吞食魔神达成协议,吞食魔神出卖了自己的灵魂,获得了腐朽魔神的一部分力量,而在他死后,腐朽魔神的神国将获得它的灵魂,在它死亡的尽头苏醒!” Relo is startled. 雷洛大吃一惊。 This clearly is «Radiant Scripture», the misleading program of devil! 这分明是《光明圣典》中,魔鬼的蛊惑戏码! Has not thought that among the devils, is also misleading unexpectedly mutually each other! 只是没有想到,魔鬼之间,竟然也在相互蛊惑着彼此! Is swallowing the death end of demon god to be reborn, this is not just, will the decayed demon god who the evildoer's disguise said in the god of swallowing die, arrives at the plot of this world to be at? 在吞食魔神的死亡尽头获得重生,这不正是画皮所说的,腐朽魔神将会在吞食之神死亡,降临这个世界的阴谋所在吗? At the appointed time, even if destroys the Crescent Lake decayed temple, is unable to prevent this demon god to arrive at the surface. 届时,即使摧毁月牙湖的腐朽神殿,也无法阻止这位魔神降临地表了。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Obtains Relo of answer, after the experience initial astonishment, the expression becomes strangely is unexpectedly relaxed, wipes the excitement that cannot suppress. 得到答案的雷洛,在经历最初的惊愕后,表情竟然变得诡异轻松起来,一抹抑制不住的激动。 He as if smelled in the air the new student flavor, free flavor, truth and chase flavor! 他仿佛嗅到了空气中新生的味道,自由的味道,真理与追逐的味道! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, your majesty, the grand end has arrived, please open the true war, making me have a look at potential of human scholar under seeking livehood!” “桀桀桀桀桀桀,陛下,格兰的末日已经到来,请开启真正的战争吧,让我看看人类学者在求生下的潜力吧!” Once the decayed demon god completes to arrive...... 一旦腐朽魔神完成降临…… Grand Duchy wants to obtain wins finally, in unlimited tiny possibility, only then can lead to the successful path, will radiate principle weapon to further develop, no difference attack destroyed this piece once to make on the land that one loved, all lifeform! 格兰公国想要获得最终胜利,在无限渺小的可能性中,只有一条能够通往成功的道路,将辐射法则武器进一步开发利用,无差别打击毁灭这片曾经令人挚爱的土地上,所有的一切生物! Perhaps, but must add on the terrifying world that the ultra body person arrives, with creating unknown civilized principle weapon attack of Land of Night Veil destruction. 也许,还要加上超体人降临的恐怖世界,与造成夜幕之地毁灭的未知文明法则武器打击。 At the appointed time, place of grand and even this duchy, even Land of Star Curtain, will become this world's most brutal bad place, all lifeform evaded the blood and death abyss that it was less , the brutal living environment, will surpass everyone's imagination limit! 届时,格兰乃至这片公国之地,甚至于星幕之地,将成为这个世界最残酷的恶劣之地,所有生物都避之不及的血与死亡深渊,残酷的生存环境,将超越所有人的想象极限! When that is compared with the heavenly body birth, more brutal survival, was plowed the place of death the plow destroys by many principle weapon repeatedly. 那是远比天体诞生时,更加残酷的生存局面,被多种法则武器一遍又一遍耕犁摧毁的死亡之地。 On this lands, military force already no longer to high important. 在这片土地上,武力已经不再至高重要。 The lifeform of only then in this ecology big cataclysm spent clay living, is the true control! 只有在这场生态大灾变废土中活下来的生物,才是真正的主宰! „The Radiant Holy See cannot, the temple of bottom lifeform unable, these edge ethnic groups not to mention, even even/including Chao a body native of Singapore will inevitably also be affected, the survival of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, can adapt to this circumstances, and lives tenaciously, certainly only has scholar!” 光明教廷不能,地底生物的神殿不能,那些边缘族群更不用说,甚至连超体星人也将必然将受到影响,苟延残喘的生存,能够适应这片环境并且顽强活下来的,一定只有学者!” In unlimited principle weapon war, infinite photostar essence nourishment supplies. 无限制的法则武器战争中,无限的星体精华养料供给。 That is an adolescence growth leap process of fearful life body! 那将是一个可怕生命体的青年期成长飞越过程!
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