GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#571: Principle weapon( 33)

. 咻。 Relo flashes passes, appears one side of eight snake True Body that in the wild flame turbulent flow swings. 雷洛一闪即逝,出现在狂暴火焰乱流中摇摆的八头蛇真身一侧。 In Profound Truth True Body, Antonio holds up magic wand, the turbulent flow edge is supporting True Body difficultly, preventing the structure to collapse. 奥义真身内,安东尼奥举起魔杖,乱流边缘艰难支撑着真身,防止结构崩溃。 Master, inside situation how?” 大师,里面情况怎么样?” In the middle of wild turbulent flow, swallowing demon god situation that even Relo is unable the sensation beckoning star meteor technique to strike how, but according to these days swallowed all sorts of information of demon god, the degree attack, has not so achieved to exceed the fission level to radiate the weapon qualitative change obviously the level, natural is also very difficult to this demon god, created the destructive attack. 狂暴乱流当中,即使雷洛也无法感知招手星陨术一击的吞食魔神情况如何,但根据这几天吞食魔神的种种情报来看,如此程度攻击,显然还远未达到超越裂变级辐射武器质变的层次,自然也就很难对这位魔神,造成毁灭性攻击了。 His leaning pupil looks to Relo. 他侧眸看向雷洛 This technique indeed has reached the 4th Order level.” “这个术的确已经达到四级层次。” He first did definitely sent greetings, said: „To create the irreversible destruction attack to it, the intensity also misses much, this technique also has big room for improvement!” 他先是做了肯定传音,紧接着却又道:“不过想要对它造成不可逆转毁灭打击,强度还差不少,这个术还有很大提升空间!” Relo clearly knows, the tremendous room for improvement of star meteor technique. 雷洛自是清楚知道,星陨术的巨大提升空间。 Now he leads the fragment by the synchronized axle floating island that the attraction structure attempt affects, but is some diameter 20-30 and 40-50 meters small-scale fragments, this also is almost his limit, the large-scale synchronized counselling fragment, by the attraction intensity that he can create, was very difficult to reduce its speed to the speed range of Star Screen World attraction hauling. 如今他以引力结构尝试影响的同步轨浮岛导碎片,不过是一些直径20-30、40-50米的小型碎片罢了,这也差不多是他的极限,再大型的同步辅导碎片,以他所能创造的引力强度,就很难将其速度降低至星幕世界引力牵引的速度范围内了。 But the fragment of this scale, once close to Star Screen World, first then natural regular atmosphere protection combustion by this world more than half. 而这种规模的碎片,一旦靠近星幕世界,首先便会被这个世界的自然规则大气层保护燃烧过半。 A small part that only remains, crashes this world to have the hit, causes the large explosion, after the energy of produces the natural energy offsets, quite a small part. 仅剩的一小部分,坠落这个世界发生撞击,引起大爆炸,所产生的能量不过是被自然能量抵销后,相当一小部分而已。 But if can inspire some diameters to surpass hundred meters large-scale fragment to crash this world, even is the diameter surpasses a kilometer super fragment, at the appointed time causes the energy burst, the result that the formula obtains, will be exponential order tens of thousands of time of promotion, even looked like ancient times side the ultra body star to hit, created causes the ecological environment change of the whole world sufficiently! 但若是能够引动一些直径超过百米的大型碎片坠落这个世界,甚至是直径超过千米的超级碎片,届时所引起能量爆发,计算公式所得到的结果,将是指数级成千上万倍的提升,甚至于像远古超体星侧面撞击,造成足以引起整个世界的生态环境变化! Knew.” “知道了。” Relo is looking keenly at the roaring flame numerous core eruption region, the sensation inside situation, is diligently low and deep: At least broke its strength of swallowing.” 雷洛紧盯着烈焰重重核心爆发区域,努力感知着里面的情况,低沉道:“至少打断了它的吞噬之力。” You have brought to its attention now successfully, then you are careful, protect yourself good, fight with god level lifeform, but the degree of hazard is not these low level lifeform can place on a par, therefore should better not to leave me is too far, first found the way to spend tonight, awaited the good news of your majesty that side.” “你现在已经成功引起了它的注意,接下来你要小心,保护好自己,与神级生物的战斗,可危险程度可不是那些低层次生物所能相提并论,所以最好不要离开我太远,先想办法度过今夜,等候陛下那边的好消息。” Un!” “嗯!” Silently after the response, the Relo body surface surrounding distortion light is dark, restores the foundation Vortex structure again, dark green rune on end cape, gradually is also gentle. 默默回应后,雷洛体表周围的扭曲光暗,再次恢复基础旋涡结构,末日斗篷上的墨绿色符文,也随之渐渐平缓下来。 Rumble rumble prosperous...... 隆隆隆隆隆…… Wild energy that the star meteor technique core explosion place has, although is unable like radiating weapon, the energies of consecutively several hour glass time fall in torrents, is prolonged just like a small Sun, but after also continued for about a half minute, reaches the peak, gradually is immediately gentle. 星陨术核心爆炸处产生的狂暴能量,虽然无法像辐射武器一样,连续几个沙漏时间的能量倾泻,宛如一颗小太阳般经久不息,但也足足持续了半分钟左右后才达到巅峰,随即渐渐平缓下来。 So, close to Relo and Antonio of explosion core region, lead sensation to inside some aura. 如此,最靠近爆炸核心区域的雷洛安东尼奥,也率先感知到了里面的一些气息。 But both take the lead to induce, is not the life aura. 但两者率先感应到的,并非是生命气息。 But just like storm eye gathering Strength of Belief! 而是宛如暴风眼正在聚集的信仰之力 Really! Be careful!” “果然!小心!” Reminder of Antonio, made Relo also react immediately. 安东尼奥的提醒,也让雷洛也在第一时间做出了反应。 The surrounding air pressure, almost promoted dozens times suddenly. 周围的空气压力,几乎是骤然间提升了几十倍。 In people's eyes, Relo seems like is not all around different, but in has contacted in the Relo eye of strength of principle, the silk threads principle line between world, the density had had the entirely different change, hundreds and thousands of representatives the silk thread of strength of inexplicable unknown principle, they are slight just like the spider's silk, indistinctly, is gathering around the body, twists one, formed just like the silk cocoon thing, oneself will twine the imprisonment. 在一般人眼中,雷洛周遭看起来并无不同,但在已经接触到法则之力的雷洛眼中,天地间的丝丝缕缕法则线条,密度已经发生了截然不同变化,正在有成百上千代表着莫名未知法则之力的丝线,它们宛如蛛丝般细微,影影绰绰,正在自己身体四周汇聚,拧成一股,形成了宛如丝茧般的东西,将自己缠绕禁锢。 Bad.” “糟了。” Relo regarding the use of principle, still in the quite primary stage, the instinct by him who the attraction principle conducted the resistance, encouraged this silk cocoon unexpectedly in the body surrounding gathering speed, the unknown silk thread that the body twined were getting more and more. 雷洛对于法则的利用,仍处于相当初级的阶段,本能以引力法则进行对抗的他,竟助长了这股丝茧在身体周围的汇聚速度,身上缠绕的未知丝线越来越多。 „Is this principle essence of strength of its swallowing?” “这是它吞噬之力的法则本质?” As gathering the strength of principle are getting more and more, around Relo, the affected energy also starts embodiment gradually, formed a hell devil claw image unexpectedly, his grasping stubbornly in claw. 而随着汇聚的法则之力越来越多,雷洛周围,受到影响的能量也渐渐开始具象化,竟然形成了一只地狱鬼爪形象,将他死死的握在爪中。 Un...... 嗯…… Hesitates. 一声沉吟。 Relo attempts to work loose the surrounding oppression strength unceasingly, is actually not able to work loose by the brute force. 雷洛不断尝试挣脱周围的压迫力,却根本无法凭借蛮力挣脱。 The fearful oppression strength, wants to rely on the brute force resistance, must promote several times to have the possibility baseless, almost Relo completes ultra body, still had the considerable big disparity! 可怕的压迫力,想要凭借蛮力对抗,恐怕要凭空提升几倍才有可能,几乎雷洛完成超体化,仍然有相当大差距! Is good has extremely astonishing defensive nature because of the end cape, even if these swallow imprisonment the strength of principle, suddenly is still hard to break through its protection. 好在末日斗篷具有极其惊人的防御性质,即使这些吞噬禁锢的法则之力,一时间也难以突破它的保护。 „, Tries this!” “那么,试试这个!” Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump...... 咚,咚,咚,咚,咚…… The beat of heart, as if star center of the earth. 心脏的跳动,仿佛星球的地心。 That is from the beat of 1000000 km away main body True Body, in this clone on to simulate, is based on the attraction high pressure, loses money own material quality, is releasing photostar the strength of most foundation principle continuously, Relo star the strength of radiation flame! 那是距离1000000公里外本体真身的跳动,在这句分身上模拟出来,以引力高压为基础,亏损自身的物质质量,源源不断释放着星体的最基础法则之力,雷洛星的辐射火焰之力! Is based on this, the number by trillion lives, will radiate the flame to take the life source, the multiplication lives, creates the infinite possibility, casting its complete natural principle. 以此为基础,数以亿万生灵,将辐射火焰作为生命源泉,繁衍生息,创造无限的可能,铸造它完整的自然法则。 ...... 呼…… In a twinkling, the light of distortion and was scattered secretly, formed a purest fireball, the terrifying high temperature, is twisting the surrounding air, the thin body because of the energy of unceasing eruption, called unexpectedly the end cape, even that pair of livelihood pupil was affected by it, gradually becomes scarlet. 霎时间,扭曲的光与暗被驱散,形成了一颗最纯粹的火球,恐怖的高温,扭曲着周围的空气,原本消瘦的身体竟因不断爆发的能量,将末日斗篷称起,甚至连那双日月瞳孔受之影响,也渐渐变得赤红起来。 But this eventually is the representation energy. 但这终究不过是表象化的能量罢了。 In Relo eye, silk cocoon of body gruel material winding, as if candle of ignition, although starts to melt gradually, but wants to work loose by this speed, at least requires 1-2 hour glass time to have the possibility. 雷洛眼中,身体粥料缠绕的丝茧,仿佛引燃的蜡烛般,虽然渐渐开始融化,但想凭借这种速度挣脱,至少要1-2沙漏时间才有可能。 But when if first discovers exceptionally, perhaps in this method as the resistance, has also withdrawn, will not at least seem like now distressed, now said that anything, Relo lacked strength the research about principle to experience late, he opened this leaf of front door merely, stepped forward one step, faces the demon god let alone at this moment, but he, as soon as has the projection clone. 但若是最先发现异常时,以此手段作为抵抗,说不定也已经脱身,至少不会像现在般狼狈,现在说什么也晚了,雷洛还是太缺少关于法则之力的研究经验了,他仅仅只是推开了这扇大门,跨出了一步,更何况此刻面对魔神的,只是他一具投影分身而已。 Bang! 轰! In the falling pit, is sweeping across the monster of flaming roaring flame, goes out from inside gradually. 陨坑中,席卷着熊熊烈焰的巨物,渐渐从里面走出。 The black smoke and scarlet flame of winding around are intertwining mutually, the hell devil claws of tens of thousands of distortion assume the painful stance, the skinny rugged, many devil claws have scorched impressively, losing plant condition. 缭绕的黑烟与赤红火焰相互纠结着,数以万计扭曲的地狱鬼爪呈痛苦姿态,枯瘦嶙峋,不少鬼爪赫然已经烧焦,枯死状态。 Dirty worm, you stole should not be your strength......” “肮脏的蠕虫,你窃取了不该属于你的力量……” Demon language of roaring, this is among bottom world certain species the special language, is sending out demon of irritating the nose burnt taste, is urging tens of thousands of hell devil claws, after one opens layer upon layer, opened the center jet black space in this impressively, the release fearful attracting pulled the strength of swallowing! 咆哮的魔语,这是地底世界某些物种之间特殊语言,散发着刺鼻焦糊味的魔物,驱使着数以万计地狱鬼爪,一层层张开后,赫然在此打开了中心处的漆黑空间,释放出了可怕的吸扯吞噬之力! Singular point technique!” “奇点术!” trying one's best is resisting the fearful attracting customer interest, Relo while with total concentration, the attraction principle accumulation at 1 : 00, formed a distortion space sunspot in the front, toward tens of thousands of creeping motion bone thin rugged arm center, the jet black crack that opens again gradually shoots. 一边竭尽所能抵御着可怕的吸扯力,雷洛一边聚精会神,将引力法则聚集于一点,在面前形成了一颗扭曲空间的黑点,朝着数以万计蠕动骨瘦嶙峋手臂中心处,那个再次渐渐打开的漆黑裂缝射去。 Swallowed up the myriad things, the singular point technique is attracted by the jet black crack, has not caused mighty waves unexpectedly! 鲸吞万物,奇点术被漆黑裂缝吸了进去,竟然没有引起一丝波澜! Its inside, as if infinite broad. 它的里面,似乎无限广阔。 Meanwhile, suffers the imprisoned fetter Relo, is actually hard to attract regarding this again pulls the strength of swallowing, the flaming roaring flame that the body winds around, formed a comet long-tail impressively, twisted to draw a silk thread, was swallowed by the jet black crack. 与此同时,遭受禁锢束缚的雷洛,却再也难以对于这股吸扯吞噬之力,身体缭绕的熊熊烈焰,赫然形成了一条彗星长尾,扭曲着拉成了一条丝线,被漆黑裂缝吞噬。 But it , is uncontrolled, is welling up little to that crack. 而它自己本身,也不受控制,正在一点点向那条裂缝涌去。 Was in this time. 正在这时。 Ancient times eight snake True Body, grasped the strength of head hurricane, put out a hurricane vortex, the eye of wind the Relo imprisonment, attempted to rob Relo, two huge monsters are tearing mutually, disputed the little fellow in eye of wind, the hurricane eye is delaying merely slightly. 远古八头蛇真身,掌握飓风之力头颅,吐出了一个飓风漩涡,风眼将雷洛禁锢,尝试将雷洛抢夺回来,两个庞然巨物在相互撕扯着,争执着风眼内的小家伙,飓风眼仅仅只是稍稍延迟罢了。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰!轰!轰…… In the turbulent wild energy turbulent flow, two huge monsters just like the wild animal, wrestle to tear and bite unexpectedly, ten million devil claws and snake heads tear mutually. 汹涌狂暴的能量乱流中,两个庞然巨物竟宛如野兽般,扭打撕咬着,数以千万的鬼爪与蛇头相互撕扯。 The True Body structure of great snake was destroyed unceasingly, the energy falls in torrents to form the blood splash the afterimage. 巨蛇的真身构架不断被摧毁,能量倾泻形成鲜血飞溅的残像。 But the swallowing demon god of experience star meteor technique attack is more miserable, after each time was attacked, will fall off a lot of losing plant devil claws, seems like the torn into shreds scale. Although the devil claw fell, long the bare arm on body is actually still wriggling, the wound place is inciting the pale-green liquid. 而经历星陨术打击的吞食魔神则更惨,每一次遭受袭击后,都会脱落千百条枯死鬼爪,看起来像是被撕碎的鳞片。鬼爪虽然掉了,长在身体上的光秃秃胳膊却还在蠕动,伤口处滋着淡绿色的液体。 So frigid, Antonio can extract an energy to care about Relo, is the limit. 如此惨烈,安东尼奥能够抽出一点精力顾及雷洛,已是极限。 Roar!” “吼!” Great hand that in the roaring sound, tens of thousands of devil claws compose, a palm of the hand racket to strength of snake head this hurricane, only attempted to rescue the snake head of Relo to entrain this. 咆哮声中,数以万计鬼爪组成的巨手,一巴掌拍向了这条飓风之力蛇头,将这只尝试营救雷洛的蛇头拽了回去。 Insists in inside, I save you to come out immediately!” “在里面坚持一下,我马上救你出来!” Saw Relo already not restrainable to that jet black crack edge, the Antonio roaring sound, preventing Relo to be going the action arm. 雷洛已经无可抑制的到了那条漆黑裂缝边缘,安东尼奥咆哮声,阻止了雷洛已经将要行动手臂。
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