GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#576: Principle weapon( 38)

! 咔嚓! The warm current storm of burning hot, Relo in laboratory plastic isolation clothing/taking looks up, impressively is in the upper air wipes the brilliance. 炙热的暖流风浪,实验室塑料隔离服内的雷洛抬头望去,赫然是高空中的一抹光耀。 Just started, but also is only the insignificant luminous spot, as if came under strength of influence this space swallowing, unceasingly being defeated and dispersed, the next quarter, this is wiping the brilliance then to follow the full heat wave, appeared in front of Relo. 刚开始,还只是微不足道光点,似乎受到这片空间吞噬之力影响,不断溃散着,下一刻,这抹光耀便伴随着铺天盖地热浪,出现在了雷洛面前。 The heat wave that the front surface throws, making Relo isolation clothing/taking soften gradually. 迎面扑来的热浪,让雷洛身上的隔离服渐渐软化。 In the flame, impressively is Antonio! 火焰之中,赫然是安东尼奥 At this moment, on his body, has tied completely the strange black ice crystal impressively, the overflow intermittent cold air/Qi, forms the striking contrast with flame great snake True Body that is. 只是此刻,他的身体上,赫然已经结满了诡异的黑色冰晶,溢出阵阵冷气,与所在的火焰巨蛇真身形成鲜明对比。 Once had submerged the death abyss, has met Frost cult tactic guest, Relo then recognizes this moment Antonio black solid ice, has the black ice of wall shadow demon aura impressively! 曾潜入过死亡深渊,会见过【冰霜邪术客】,雷洛一眼便认出此刻安东尼奥身上的黑色坚冰,赫然是具有壁影魔气息的黑冰! He really already by wall shadow demon pollution, but depends upon a layer upon layer snake skin. 他果然已经被壁影魔污染,只是依靠一层层蛇皮而已。 Master! You......” 大师!你……” Although since Frost cult tactic guest In the mouth has known, Antonio had once entered the death abyss, even had guessed under his layer upon layer snake skin, may be very hiding there secret, but the fact is placed in the front, Relo still somewhat was unbelievable. 虽然从【冰霜邪术客】口中得知过,安东尼奥曾进入过死亡深渊,甚至于猜测过他一层层蛇皮下,很可能隐藏着那里的秘密,但事实摆在面前,雷洛却仍然有些难以置信。 Antonio all around flame, was by his ancient times snake head True Body, but in this mysterious space, even Antonio principle True Body, is still defeated and dispersed unceasingly, was being swallowed, degenerated into here space most foundation the energy. 安东尼奥四周的火焰,乃是由他的一条远古蛇头真身所化,但在这神秘空间内,即使是安东尼奥的法则真身,也正在不断溃散,被吞噬着,沦为这边空间最基础的能量。 ...... 滋滋…… Relo notices, front seems like that the military might tyrannical True Body flame great snake head withstand/top the corner, fuses the True Body conductor that builds carefully by mithril with certain unknown higher magic material, as if silver paper general True Body structure, by naked eye obvious speed evaporation. 雷洛注意到,面前这条看似威武强横真身火焰巨蛇头顶犄角,由秘银与某些未知高等魔导材料融合精心打造的真身导体,仿佛锡箔纸一般的真身结构,正在以肉眼可见速度蒸发。 So, takes a broad view at the entire great snake, then presents the scene that melts unceasingly collapses in this space! 如此,放眼整条巨蛇,便是在这片空间呈现出不断融化崩溃的景象! Even these so higher magic material, is unable to withstand this space the strength. 连这些如此高等魔导材料,也无法承受这片空间的力量。 In other words, even if Relo photostar True Body enters this space, where finally perhaps still very to goes. 换而言之,即使是雷洛的星体真身进入这片空间,结果恐怕也好不到哪去。 Naturally. 当然。 The premise is the opposite party really can swallow that diameter already over 200 meters, is sending out the astonishing light and hot fearful heavenly body. 前提是对方真的能够吞噬掉那颗直径已经超过两百米,散发着惊人光与热的可怕天体。 Went out to say again!” “出去再说!” In the Antonio roaring sound, takes in Relo hot snake True Body that oneself collapse unceasingly, here as if comes under the ambient pressure influence, the flame world that is collapsing unceasingly, is using final energy protection these two, flees outside that to swallow all darkness. 安东尼奥咆哮声中,将雷洛摄入到自己不断崩溃的火蛇真身中,这里仿佛一个受到外界压力影响,正在不断崩溃的火焰世界,正在用最后能量保护这两人,逃离外面那吞噬一切的黑暗。 At this time. 这时。 Quack quack, quack quack quack. 呱呱呱呱,呱呱呱呱呱呱。 In all directions, heard the innumerable frog cry. 四面八方,传来了数不清的青蛙叫声。 Master is careful, these are the war slaves in its god country's, is similar to Holy See Radiant angel same war machine!” 大师小心,这些是它神国的战争奴隶,类似于教廷光明天使一样的战争机器!” Relo had not said, this is the slave in decayed god country's. 雷洛没说,这乃是腐朽神国的奴隶。 Antonio that the black ice spreads, at this moment seems like quite fierce distressed, as well as Relo has never seen ruthless severe. 黑冰蔓延的安东尼奥,此刻看起来相当狰狞狼狈,以及雷洛从未见过的狠厉。 God country, Spiritual God belief centralized storage place, is the Spiritual God is used to get rid of the mysterious space of cell life span shackles. 神国,神灵的信仰集中储存地,也是神灵用于摆脱细胞寿命枷锁的神秘空间。 Different from the Spiritual God of surface world human, is familiar with in Jiangshen the country to establish in the atmosphere edge, draws support seeks livehood from the principle fault/chasm that the ancient times war created carelessly, these bottom lifeform founded the god country in own within the body unexpectedly! 不同于地表世界人类的神灵们,习惯于将神国建立在大气层边缘,借助于远古战争造成的法则断层苟且求生,这些地底生物竟是将神国建立在自己的体内! With the stormy frog cry from far to near, only carries the minister the frog of head/number of people, appeared indistinctly. 随着密集的青蛙叫声由远及近,一只只背部长着人头的青蛙,影影绰绰出现了。 Agitated quack cry, as if presses up to the soul noise. 令人烦躁的“呱呱”叫声,仿佛直逼灵魂的噪音。 Even if Relo completed ultra body immediately, the body surface covered an energetic thin film, actually sees on this materialized energetic thin film, exuded the crowded ripple, momentarily possibly appearance of breakage. 即使雷洛在第一时间完成了超体化,体表镀上了一层精神薄膜,却见这层实体化精神薄膜上,泛起了密集的波纹,随时可能破裂的样子。 ...... 滋滋滋…… The flame great snake True Body being defeated and dispersed speed, almost in promoted ten times suddenly suddenly, leading Relo to flee this swallowing places along True Body Antonio, also came under the influence, body in a flash. 火焰巨蛇真身的溃散速度,几乎是在瞬息间骤然提升了十倍,带领雷洛沿着真身逃离开这片吞噬之地的安东尼奥,也同样受到了影响,身体不由一晃。 Saw only Antonio to move magic wand ruthlessly, as the magic wand peak precious pearl was overshadowed, shouting, one group filled the mysterious purple flame, ignites in the left hand that he lifted up high impressively, concentrated the gathering unceasingly, and with „” a sound referred , the purple flame vanished. 只见安东尼奥狠狠会动了一下魔杖,随着魔杖顶端宝珠黯然失色,“呼”的一声,一团充满神秘的紫色火焰,赫然在他高举的左手燃起,不断浓缩汇聚,并随着“啪”的一声响指,紫色火焰消失了。 Is this? 这是? The Relo livelihood double pupil twinkle, the pupil deep place wipes startled accommodates. 雷洛日月双瞳闪烁,瞳孔深处一抹惊容。 This group originally only then several hundred degrees flame, hits the instance that the sound refers to Antonio, unexpectedly centralized at 1 : 00, formed an energy number of degree to press up to 3000 degrees, soybean big or small energy body that even Relo is unable accurately to appraise. 这团原本只有几百度的火焰,在安东尼奥打起响指的瞬间,竟然集中于一点,形成了一颗能量度数直逼3000度,即使雷洛也无法准确评估的黄豆大小能量体。 „The technique of pent-up anger!” “心火之术!” With the soybean big or small energy body of this condensability, changes into an invisible current ripple mark, impressively is in all directions silent, quack the sound also vanished. 伴随着这个凝缩的黄豆大小能量体,化为一道无形波痕,四面八方赫然寂静下来,呱呱声随之消失了。 Walks!” “走!” Along energy True Body of flame great snake, Antonio brings Relo in tandem, through True Body, to being higher than to be flying, attracting in all directions pulls the strength of swallowing to be counter-balanced by True Body unceasingly. 沿着火焰巨蛇的能量真身,安东尼奥带着雷洛一前一后,通过真身,向高出飞行着,四面八方的吸扯吞噬之力被真身不断抵消。 How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 As body suddenly one light, Relo left this incomparably jet black god country space, appears in a high-peak current. 随着身体骤然一轻,恍惚间雷洛离开了这片无比漆黑的神国空间,出现在一团电流中。 …… 噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦。 The static electricity interlocks, the electric light interlocks, here impressively was Antonio ancient times another great snake body of hydra, in the body of thunder great snake. 静电交错,电光交错,这里赫然是安东尼奥远古九头蛇的另一条巨蛇身体,雷霆巨蛇之躯内。 On the face of Antonio fierce respite appears to wipe happily. 安东尼奥狰狞喘息的面庞上浮现出一抹欣慰。 That side your majesty, has succeeded.” “陛下那边,已经成功了。” Another side. 另一边。 Placed oneself in Antonio ancient times in the thunder great snake heads of eight snake True Body, Relo is withstanding the static electricity attack in all directions frequently, was good because of under the Antonio control, these static electricity might only had 30 degrees and 50 degrees and appearances between 70 degrees, was not intense. 置身于安东尼奥远古八头蛇真身的雷霆巨蛇头颅中,雷洛正时时刻刻承受着四面八方的静电袭击,好在在安东尼奥控制下,这些静电威力只有30度、50度、70度之间的样子,并不算强烈。 At this moment his vision, noticed the fights between gods and the ancient times eight snakes swallowing. 此刻他的目光,注意到吞食之神与远古八头蛇之间的战斗。 Antonio had opened complete body True Body impressively, became the ancient times hydra! 安东尼奥赫然已经开启了完全体真身,变为了远古九头蛇! Ancient times hydra, eight heads like the wild animal, with swallowing the demon god fought hand-to-hand to tear and bite, only then the flame head sneaked in the hell evil clutches dark crack of god of swallowing, depended upon the strength of True Body, oneself will rescue. 远古九头蛇,其中八个头颅正在像野兽一样,与吞食魔神肉搏撕咬着,只有火焰头颅则钻进了吞食之神的地狱魔爪黑暗裂缝里,依靠真身之力,将自己从中解救出来。 At this moment. 此刻。 This drills into to swallow the flame great snake head in demon god dark crack, gradually is becoming pale, becomes the food of opposite party, was swallowed completely. 这条钻入到吞食魔神黑暗裂缝里的火焰巨蛇头颅,正在渐渐变淡,成为对方的食粮,被吞噬殆尽。 Success?” “成功了?” The Relo vision, looks into the distance to another direction. 雷洛的目光,眺望向另一个方向。 His double pupil then cannot move again. 他的双眸便再也移不开了。 Two, three, four. 一颗,两颗,三颗,四颗。 The horizon end, four small-scale Sun are shining, the glare of sending out, almost must illuminate the entire Dolby province. 地平线的尽头,足足有四颗小型太阳争相辉映着,散发的强光,几乎要将整个杜比特行省照亮。 Less than half Grand Duchy people can in this jet black nighttime sky, notice faintly the horizon end the dark-red is luminous. 小半个格兰公国的人们都能够在这漆黑的夜空,隐隐看到地平线尽头的暗红色光亮。 Antonio is low and deep: Actually although not the clear that side had anything, but your majesty released enough four fission level radiation principle weapon unexpectedly, do not say that there decayed temple, Dolby province, will still degenerate into the unvisited spent clay barren land even in the next several months, I can feel its Strength of Belief to weaken clearly, you looked, its god body has been collapsing!” 安东尼奥低沉道:“虽然不清楚那边究竟发生了什么,但是陛下竟然一口气释放了足足四颗裂变级辐射法则武器,不要说那里的腐朽神殿了,就算是杜比特行省,今后几个月内也将沦为人迹罕至的废土不毛之地,我能够清晰感受到它的信仰之力正在削弱着,你看,它的神体已经在崩溃!” Like last night, demon sneak attacked the grand rear. 就像昨夜,魔物们偷袭了格兰的大后方。 Today, Chen king also surprise attack the rear of opposite party, and obtained the natural success. 今天,辰王陛下也奇袭了对方的大后方,并取得了理所当然的成功。
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