GOAW :: Volume #19

#1848: Big result ( 3 )

The soul God would rather die than surrender. 魂神宁死不屈。 He cannot absolutely food! 他是绝对不会吃的 The Bu Fang's dish, making him feel the crisis. 步方的菜品,让他感觉到了危机。 cuisines to him, is toxicant, little wears down the strength of his big crime! Weakens the strength of soul God. 美食对他而言,是毒药,会一点点的消磨他的大罪之力!削弱魂神的力量。 This is the God of Cooking snare, is copes with his solution effectively! 这是厨神的圈套,也是最有效的对付他的办法 Soul God zi wants to crack, shuts up tightly. 魂神目眦欲裂,紧闭着嘴。 He has not believed that he who shuts up tightly, Bu Fang is difficult to be inadequate, but can also squeeze in his mouth the dish inadequate? 他还就不信了,紧闭着嘴的他,步方难不成,还能把菜品塞入他的口中不成? Bu Fang light looks at the soul God. 步方淡淡的看着魂神。 That vision, is very tranquil. 那目光,很平静。 Food Formation surges...... 美食阵法涌动起来…… The strength of pitch-black color/look big crime on the soul God collapse and scattered opens, in this moment, was suppressed unexpectedly unceasingly. 魂神身上崩散而开的漆黑色的大罪之力,在这一刻,居然被不断的压制了下去。 The soul God vision shrinks. 魂神目光一缩。 Damn God of Cooking will...... 该死的厨神意志…… He will not submit. 他是不会屈服的。 Bu Fang sighed. 步方叹了一口气。 In present this room, God of Cooking is invincible, even if the soul God once touched ancestor Divine Realm. 在如今这个房间内,厨神是无敌的,即使魂神曾经触摸到了祖神境 However, he did not have the heart, but his heart was used by God of Cooking, now anti- come suppresses him. 但是,他没有了心脏,而他的心脏又被厨神所利用,如今反过来压制他。 Perhaps, after the soul God adapted to the heart strength gradually, can call the heart. 或许,等魂神逐渐适应了心脏力量后,可以唤回心脏。 However, at this moment, the soul God can only obediently was being suppressed. 不过,此刻,魂神只能乖乖的被压制着。 The soul God body is shivering, raising the head slowly, has opened the mouth slowly...... 魂神身躯颤抖着,缓缓的抬起头,缓缓的张开了嘴…… His eyes contraction. 他的眼眸紧缩。 Bu Fang grabs spoon, dish, one spoon of one spoon of scooping up of into the mouth of soul God. 步方抓着勺子,把菜品,一勺一勺的舀入了魂神的口中。 In the world, many people incomparably anticipate his dish. 天地间,有多少人无比期待他的菜品。 What a pity, only person is the exception, that precisely soul God, his disgusting to dish, that proceeds from the soul God deep place. 可惜,唯有一个人是例外,那就是魂神,他对菜品的恶心,那是发自灵魂神深处的。 The dish entrance, soul Divine Feeling thinks that own soul trembles. 菜品入口,魂神感觉自己的灵魂都颤栗起来。 The strength of big crime seems unable to control...... 大罪之力似乎都无法控制…… Bang! 轰! The suppression of Food Formation was struggled. 美食阵法的压制被挣扎开来。 The soul God withdraws several steps continuously, was covering the head, single knee on the ground. 魂神连续后撤数步,捂着脑袋,单膝跪在了地上。 Above his body, seven faces appear, each face is twisting...... 他的身躯之上,七张脸浮现而出,每一张脸都是在扭曲着…… That is seven big crimes. 那是属于七宗大罪。 Bu Fang must do, on precisely persuasion soul God seven big crimes. 步方要做的,就是感化魂神身上的七宗大罪。 This is the God of Cooking layout. 这是厨神的布局。 Now...... 如今…… Finally must arrive at last. 终于要走到最后一步了。 Bu Fang withdrew one step, has withdrawn by White Tiger Heaven Stove, light looks at the soul God. 步方后撤了一步,撤回了白虎天灶旁边,淡淡的看着魂神。 The soul God is covering the head, as if the headache wants to crack, the pupil reduces, the body shivers. 魂神捂着脑袋,仿佛头疼欲裂,瞳孔紧缩,身躯颤抖不已。 He has sent out shouting, raised the head fiercely, scarlet eyes as if in little lax. 他发出了嘶吼,猛地抬起头,猩红的眼眸似乎都在一点点的涣散。 Bu Fang culinary arts dish. 步方烹饪的菜品。 Is God of Cooking specifically is used to cope with seven evils menu. 厨神所著的专门用来对付七宗罪恶的菜谱 Altogether seven dishes, correspond seven crimes. 总共七道菜,对应七宗罪。 But Bu Fang, only needs to come out seven dish culinary arts, can the thorough persuasion soul God, cut off his strength. 步方,只需要把七道菜品烹饪出来,也就能够彻底的感化魂神,削灭他的力量。 Bang!! 轰! The soul God has sent out the long and loud cry. 魂神发出了长啸。 Such as the Black Dragon general strength has struggled from his body, unceasing distortion, collapse and scattered of bang in void. 一道如黑龙一般的力量从他的身躯中挣扎了出来,不断的扭曲,轰的一声崩散在了虚空中。 Thorough vanishes does not see. 彻底的消失不见。 This is a soul God crime, collapse to extinguish. 这是魂神一宗罪,崩灭。 The Bu Fang facial color is indifferent gradually. 步方面色逐渐冷漠。 He has opened the God of Cooking menu second page. 他翻开了厨神菜谱第二页。 Above described a dish...... 其上描述一道菜…… Takes out ingredient, Bu Fang not anxiously not slow processing ingredient...... 取出食材,步方不急不缓的处理食材…… Perhaps, God of Cooking trained successor, precisely for present all. 或许,厨神培养继承人,就是为了如今的一切。 The God of Cooking goal, needs culinary arts of successor, can culinary arts leave cuisines in God of Cooking menu, only by doing so, can have the opportunity to eliminate the soul God. 厨神的目的,是需要继承人的厨艺,能够烹饪厨神菜谱中的美食,只有这样,才能有机会消灭魂神。 But all these...... 而这一切…… Bu Fang can achieve now! 步方如今能够做到了! Bu Fang puts out the one breath. 步方吐出一口气。 Jolts the pot, another culinary arts together dish. 颠锅,又一次的烹饪一道菜品。 The rich fragrance, as if changed to golden Divine Dragon in room. 浓郁的香味,仿佛在房间中化作了一道道的金色的神龙 Gold Dragon circles, is confronting and roars with Black Dragon that the strength of soul God big crime forms mutually, is worrying mutually. 金龙盘旋,与魂神身上大罪之力所形成的黑龙在互相对峙和咆哮,互相撕咬着。 The soul God kneels to bend down on the ground, the body is sealed to bundle by the chains that Food Formation forms. 魂神跪伏在地上,身上被美食阵法所形成的锁链所封捆着。 Bu Fang does not look askance, his concentration, completely on dish. 步方目不斜视,他的专注力,全部都在菜品上。 The dish difficulty on God of Cooking menu is not big, but needs to concentrate on emotion, is really too many. 厨神菜谱上的菜品难度并不大,但是需要投注其中的情感,实在是太多。 Also stepped on present Bu Fang has felt emotion saying that had the opportunity to try. 也就如今的步方踏上了有情道,才有机会一试。 If there is changed other people, possibly simply does not have the opportunity to try all these. 如果换了其他人,可能根本没有机会尝试这一切。 chī chī chī...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Falls the dish. 将菜品倾倒而出。 Also is perfect delicacy delicacies. 又是一份完美的美味佳肴。 Bu Fang deeply smelled the one breath, the rich fragrance lingers in his mind. 步方深深嗅了一口气,浓郁的香味萦绕在他的心中。 The Bu Fang vision concentrates. 步方目光一凝。 Is carrying the dish, arrived at the front of soul God. 端着菜品,来到了魂神的面前。 Revolt that the soul God still would rather die than surrender. 魂神仍旧宁死不屈的反抗着。 Bu Fang one spoon of one spoon of scooping up of into he is unable to resist, mouth that opens slowly...... 步方一勺一勺的舀入他无法抗拒,缓缓睁开的嘴巴…… Also the dish gets down together. 又一道菜品下去。 The soul God blue vein is densely covered, as if must blow out from the blood vessel under flesh. 魂神身上的青筋密布,仿佛要从肌肤下的血管中爆出似的。 That picture, extremely fierce. 那种画面,万分的狰狞。 The soul God retrocedes continuously several steps, on him together the strength of evil starts unceasing collapse and scattered! 魂神连续后退数步,他身上又一道罪恶之力开始不断的崩散 The blood-color pupil of soul God changes in unceasing increasing is small, is reducing unceasingly. 魂神的血色的瞳孔在不断的变大变小,不断的紧缩着。 That is the pain that species promotes and constrains mutually. 那是一种属性相生相克的痛楚。 Damn chef......” “该死的厨子啊……” The soul God was roaring. 魂神咆哮着。 The whole body is flowing the pitch-black color/look bubble, is sending out the odor. 浑身都是流淌着漆黑色的液滴,散发着恶臭。 Bu Fang puts out the one breath. 步方吐出一口气。 Withdraws to kitchen stove near. 后撤到灶台边上。 Extends make a move, another opening menu, turns one page once again. 出手,又一次的翻开菜谱,再度翻一页。 Also is a dish. 又是一道菜。 culinary arts completes. 烹饪完成。 Bu Fang feeds the soul God to eat up the dish. 步方将菜品喂魂神吃下。 The strength of soul God evil another was stripped, collapse and scattered. 魂神身上的罪恶之力又一次的被剥离,崩散 Angry and despair that the soul God pain extremely, in eyes reveals. 魂神痛楚万分,眼眸中流露出的愤怒和绝望。 His time...... Must be given to be cloudy really by God of Cooking that old thing! 他这一次……真的要被厨神那老东西给阴死了! Bu Fang, precisely God of Cooking that old thing stays behind, biggest plot! 步方,就是厨神那老东西留下的,最大的阴谋! A dish. 一道菜。 Two dishes...... 两道菜…… Three dishes...... 三道菜…… Altogether seven dishes. 总共七道菜。 Bu Fang not anxiously not slow culinary arts. 步方不急不缓的烹饪着。 However...... 不过…… This culinary arts is not relaxed, each dish needs to spend Bu Fang huge spiritual force. 烹饪也没有那么轻松,每一道菜都需要花费步方庞大的精神力 Bu Fang occasionally culinary arts ends a dish, will put out the one breath. 步方偶尔烹饪完一道菜,会吐出一口气。 Not is only spiritual force, even the emotion will divulge. 不仅仅是精神力,甚至情感都会宣泄许多。 The God of Cooking dish, does not have that easy culinary arts. 厨神的菜品,没有那么容易烹饪 In room, system peaceful float in distant place. 房间中,系统安静的悬浮在远处。 Since has just liked continuously test. 就犹如一直以来的考验似的。 System calm and peaceful is waiting and seeing Bu Fang, inspects Bu Fang's all. 系统冷静而安静的观望着步方,考核步方的一切。 This feeling, Bu Fang is very familiar. 这种感觉,步方很熟悉。 The sixth dish. 第六道菜。 On Bu Fang forehead densely covered beads of sweat, by his present cultivation base, as if somewhat cannot endure. 步方额头上密布汗珠,以他如今的修为,似乎都有些吃不消。 After culinary arts ends, withdrew one step, sat on the ground. 烹饪完后,后撤了一步,坐在了地上。 The dish was being controlled by the invisible strength, float to the front of soul God. 菜品被无形的力量控制着,悬浮到了魂神的面前。 Soul God at this moment also in gasping for breath in gulps. 此刻的魂神也在大口大口的喘着气。 He has eaten up a dish once again. 他又一次吃下了一口菜品。 On the soul God, the pitch-black color/look retreated. 魂神身上,漆黑色已经退去了许多。 pitch-black such as the body of black ink, turned into the grey. 原本漆黑如墨的身躯,变成了灰色。 The facial features also gradually become clear, is no longer fuzzy. 面容也逐渐变得清晰,不再模糊。 The soul God falls down, fierce is panting for breath. 魂神倒在地上,剧烈的喘息着。 He opened mouth, has sent out roaring of pain. 他张开嘴,发出了痛苦的咆哮。 In the seven orifices, the black air/Qi spreads, changes to Black Dragon, was given tearing by Gold Dragon of dish. 七窍之中,黑气蔓延开来,化作黑龙,被菜品的金龙给撕裂。 host keep it up/add oil, only remaining last dishes.” 宿主加油,只剩下最后一道菜了。” The system serious and earnest keep it up/add oil sound resounds through. 系统严肃而认真的加油声响彻而起。 Bu Fang looked at system one, the corners of the mouth has pulled slightly. 步方看了系统一眼,嘴角微微一扯。 However he is not anxious, he needs the rest little while. 不过他不急,他需要休息会儿。 Last dish, is the most essential dish...... 最后一道菜,也是最关键的一道菜…… Bu Fang culinary arts gets up, is not relaxed, by his present condition...... 步方烹饪起来,也不轻松,以他如今的状态…… His spiritual force almost must approach to dry up. 他的精神力几乎要逼近枯竭。 aura also becomes very weak. 气息也变得十分的微弱。 Breathed heavily a while air/Qi. 喘了一会儿气。 Bu Fang slowly stands, before arriving at White Tiger Heaven Stove. 步方缓缓的站起来,来到了白虎天灶前。 God of Cooking menu peaceful float. 厨神菜谱安静的悬浮着。 Bu Fang extends make a move, has opened the last page. 步方出手,翻开了最后一页。 The golden writing bursts out radiantly. 金色的文字迸发璀璨。 The Bu Fang vision is complex extremely. 步方目光复杂万分。 Last dish...... 最后一道菜了…… Bu Fang light twittering. 步方淡淡的呢喃了一句。 The road of God of Cooking walked was so long, as if finally to the end. 厨神之路走了这么久,似乎终于到头。 Inexplicable, the Bu Fang innermost feelings have a moved feeling, this feeling is very uncomfortable. 莫名的,步方内心有一种怅然若失的感觉,这种感觉很难受。 Puts out the one breath. 吐出一口气。 Bu Fang ingredient, equally same extraction. 步方食材,一样一样的取出。 However, ingredient are actually not many. 不过,食材其实不多。 Last dish, ingredient, only then rice and an egg. 最后一道菜,食材只有米饭和一个蛋。 Egg Fried Rice? 蛋炒饭么? A Bu Fang vision haziness. 步方目光一阵迷蒙。 He starts from Egg Fried Rice, can end from Egg Fried Rice? 他从蛋炒饭开始,又要从蛋炒饭终结? Shaking the head. 摇了摇头。 Bu Fang lifts the view slowly, looked at to the distant place soul God, this looked...... 步方缓缓抬起眼帘,看向了远处的魂神,这一看…… Bu Fang suddenly stagnates slightly. 步方顿时微微一滞。 Because, he discovered that the soul God at this moment, early did not lose initially that high-spirited appearance. 因为,他发现此刻的魂神,早已经不负当初那意气风发的模样了。 Whole body at this moment, as if changed to an old man. 此刻的浑身,仿佛化作了一位耄耋老者。 The wall of worn out closing right up against log cabin. 有气无力的靠着木屋的墙壁。 In the gray facial features, the flesh changed to the gully, as if the fold on plateau, piling up one on top of another, shocking. 灰色的面容上,肌肤化作了沟壑,仿佛高原上的褶皱,一道道的堆叠,触目惊心。 Blanch hair hangs loose. 发白的发丝披散。 The soul God just like screens out all life strength to be common. 魂神就犹如被抽走了一切生命力一般。 Seven heartless big crimes make him eternal. 七宗无情大罪让他永恒。 However, has eliminated seven heartless big crimes, the soul God is common on such as the mortal, becomes senile. 但是,剥夺了七宗无情大罪,魂神就如凡人一般,变得衰老。 He as if suffocates, is dying. 他似乎奄奄一息,真的快死了。 The Bu Fang vision is complex. 步方目光复杂。 Soul God archenemy, final fate...... Unexpectedly is this. 魂神这尊大敌,最后的下场……居然是这样。 Was deprived the immortal right, passes away livingly. 被剥夺永生的权利,活生生老死。 However, this perhaps was soul God best being out, compared with other party killing evil. 不过,这或许是魂神最好的下场了,比起他造的杀孽。 Bu Fang shook the head, puts out the one breath. 步方摇了摇头,吐出一口气。 Starts culinary arts last Egg Fried Rice. 开始烹饪最后一份蛋炒饭 Kā cā. 咔擦 The egg was cracked open. 蛋被磕开。 The grain of rice enters the pot...... 米粒入锅…… The rich fragrance, rolling surges instantaneously. 浓郁的香味,瞬间滚滚涌动而起。 Egg Fried Rice...... 蛋炒饭…… A familiar dish, making Bu Fang almost subconscious a dish that can culinary arts complete, unexpectedly when is so grave appears. 熟悉的一道菜,让步方几乎下意识的就能烹饪完成的一道菜,居然在这么庄重的时候出现。 Inexplicable makes Bu Fang somewhat strange. 莫名的让步方有些古怪。 Jolts the pot, the flame soars to the heavens, is shining upon the Bu Fang's facial features. 颠锅,火光冲天,映照着步方的面容。 The Bu Fang's movement as if becomes slow. 步方的动作似乎都变得缓慢。 Stir-fries ingredient to flutter, becomes slow. 翻炒中的食材在翻飞中,也变得缓慢。 Distant place, by soul God in wall, forced smile looks in that Black Tortoise Pot to burst out, but flame. 远处,靠在墙壁上的魂神,苦笑的看着那玄武锅中迸发而出的火光。 He as if saw in the flame old. 他仿佛看到了火光中苍老的自己。 The muddy vision, is somewhat absent-minded. 浑浊的目光,有些恍惚。 Peaceful footsteps sound. 安静的脚步声响起。 Bu Fang is carrying the dish, has arrived at the front of soul God. 步方端着菜品,走到了魂神的面前。 Bu Fang's vision, is somewhat complex. 步方的目光,也有些复杂。 Come, eats last.” “来吧,吃最后一顿。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 He uses porcelain spoon, scooped up Egg Fried Rice in fancy blue patterned porcelain tray . 他用瓷勺,舀起了青花瓷盘中的蛋炒饭 The light haze lingers on Egg Fried Rice, causes this bowl of Egg Fried Rice, seems the incomparable fineness. 淡淡的烟气萦绕在蛋炒饭上,使得这一碗蛋炒饭,看上去无比的精致。 Good beautiful......” “好美……” The soul God looks at the grain of rice and liquid egg in porcelain spoon worn out, twittering said. 魂神有气无力的看着瓷勺中的米粒和蛋液,呢喃道。 Bu Fang is startled. 步方一怔。 Good beautiful flower......” “好美的花……” Soul shintoism. 魂神道。 The next quarter, the gully on soul God face beat, old he, has sent out laughing recklessly unexpectedly. 下一刻,魂神脸上的沟壑不由的跳动了起来,苍老耄耋的他,居然发出了肆意的大笑。 The tears that smiles flow out. 笑的眼泪都流出。 Young chef...... You will regret!” “小厨子……你会后悔的!” When I removed the evil...... Some matters truly made me recall.” “当我褪去了罪恶……有些事才真正让我回忆了起来。” The soul God smiles, looks at the Bu Fang's vision, some inexplicable sympathies. 魂神笑着,看着步方的目光,莫名的有些同情。 You with me...... Same, in pit.” “你跟我……一样,都在坑里。” The soul God body strength above of last big crime, starts to shiver. 魂神身躯之上的最后一道大罪之力,开始颤抖。 A Bu Fang brow wrinkle. 步方眉头一皱。 Soul God what meaning? 魂神什么意思? Bu Fang lived, that spoon of Egg Fried Rice, was stiff in the hand, has not fed the soul God to eat. 步方顿住了,那一勺蛋炒饭,则是僵在了手中,没有喂魂神吃下去。 What is heartless...... Can kill itself personally, is heartless.” “何为无情……能够亲手杀死自己,才是无情。” The soul God laughs. 魂神大笑起来。 a wū! 啊呜 Suddenly. 突然。 Bu Fang feels a great action of force in own hand. 步方感觉到一股巨力作用在自己的手上。 That spoon of Egg Fried Rice, were promoted by this strength, has squeezed in the mouth of soul God stiffly...... 那一勺蛋炒饭,被这力量推出,硬生生的塞入了魂神的口中…… The Bu Fang vision shrinks! 步方目光一缩! It is not he! 不是他! Fed the soul God a moment ago...... It is not he! 刚才喂魂神的……不是他! Bu Fang looks fiercely to the side. 步方猛地看向身边。 In his side, by the energy line the system, appearance not making a sound side Bu Fang's, is pushing his hand, fed Egg Fried Rice to the soul God. 在他的身边,由能量线条所化的系统,不声不响的出现在步方的身边,推着他的手,把蛋炒饭喂给了魂神。 Distant place. 远处。 God of Cooking set spirit appears slowly. 厨神套装的器灵缓缓浮现而出。 They change to the person's shadow, peaceful float. 他们化作人影,安静的悬浮着。 Bu Fang deeply takes a breath, looked that to has eaten the Egg Fried Rice soul God. 步方深吸一口气,看向了吃了蛋炒饭的魂神。 In soul God eyes is having sympathy, looks at Bu Fang. 魂神眼眸中带着同情,看着步方 The next quarter, the body starts to be cracked. 下一刻,身躯开始龟裂。 He opens mouth, in mouth...... 他张开嘴,口中…… Black air/Qi from seven orifices turbulently, finally...... 一道道的黑气从七窍中汹涌而起,最终…… Changes to Black Dragon to dissipate thoroughly. 彻底化作黑龙消散。 The strength of seven evil, thorough strips from the soul God body. 七宗罪恶之力,彻底的从魂神身躯中剥离。 But soul God, on remaining a dry body, aged pouring on the ground...... Suffocation. 而魂神,也就剩下了一具干涸的躯壳,老迈的倒在地上……奄奄一息。 Is small...... Kitchen...... Sub-......” “小……厨……子……” Aged soul God, vision muddy looks at Bu Fang...... Discussing speak unhurriedly and clearly. 老迈的魂神,目光浑浊的看着步方……一字一顿的念道。 Bu Fang looks. 步方看着。 Next quarter...... 下一刻…… Suddenly absolutely terrified! 陡然毛骨悚然! Buzz...... 嗡…… As soul God the strength of seventh largest crime was eliminated...... 随着魂神的第七宗大罪之力被剥夺…… Pure energy, is centered on the log cabin...... 一股精纯的能量,以木屋为中心…… Scatters in all directions! 四散开来! Bang! 轰! The entire Farmland world, as if in this moment, regains consciousness come. 整个田园天地,仿佛都在这一刻,苏醒过来似的。 Innumerable vegetation crazy growth. 无数的草木疯狂的生长。 The white lotus flower that above reaching to the sky Immortal Tree, an originally dries up, blooms quietly. 高耸入云的仙树之上,一朵原本枯竭的白色莲花,悄然绽放。 Many expert were attracted by that white Unfeeling Lotus. 诸多强者都是被那朵白色的忘情莲所吸引。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, the yuan shi tian zun, Lord Dog and other expert can induce. 通天教主,元始天尊,狗爷强者都能感应到。 That log cabin strength of big crime vanished. 那木屋中的大罪之力消失了。 But...... 可是…… No matter Lord Dog, is Hades, is Tongtian Jiaozhu , etc., happy...... 不管是狗爷,还是冥王尔哈,还是通天教主等,都高兴不起来…… Inexplicable...... 莫名的…… As if has to plant a more fearful pressure, oppresses on their bodies. 似乎有种更可怕的压力,压迫在他们的身上。 passes! 噗通! passes, passes! 噗通,噗通! Sound of heart beat resounds through. 心脏跳动的声音响彻而起。 All people look to the log cabin, vision all shrink...... 所有人望向木屋,目光皆是一缩…… Sees only, the log cabin starts disintegration quietly...... 只见,木屋开始悄然的崩碎…… Bu Fang's body, reappearing slowly. 步方的身躯,缓缓的浮现。 Before the Bu Fang's body, peaceful is lying down together the decayed old body. 步方的身前,安静的躺着一道腐朽的苍老身体。 When the log cabin such as the light sand diverges. 而在木屋如轻沙散去的时候。 A stream of person's shadow, peaceful sitting cross-legged in not far away of Bu Fang and old man. 一道人影,安静的盘坐在步方和耄耋老者的不远处。 That similarly is an old man. 那同样是一位耄耋老者。 Old man aura does not have. 老者气息全无。 But in his hand...... 而他的手中…… Grabs a heart. 抓着一颗心脏。 Sky over the heart, the strength of seven big crime are circling. 心脏上空,七道大罪之力盘旋着。 Falling slowly, twined above the heart, integrated...... 缓缓的落下,缠绕在了心脏之上,融入了其中…… Buzz...... 嗡…… The system, five spirit, float in that form front, has blocked the Bu Fang's way...... 系统,五尊器灵,都悬浮在那身影的面前,挡住了步方的去路…… That is sitting cross-legged the old man, the finger moved slightly. 那盘坐着的耄耋老者,手指头微微动弹了一下。 Then...... 尔后…… Raised the head slowly. 缓缓抬起头。 The old men look at Bu Fang, the corners of the mouth are pulling slightly. 老者望着步方,嘴角微微一扯。 The next quarter, that is the heart of soul God, had squeezed in own chest by him...... 下一刻,那颗属于魂神的心脏,被他塞入了自己的胸口…… Congratulates you, perfection took the road of God of Cooking.” “恭喜你,圆满的走完了厨神之路。” The old man, stands up slowly. 耄耋老者,缓缓站起身。 As since he crawls from the ground. 随着他从地上爬起。 His figure starts gradually becomes young, the wrinkle on face also all diverges. 他的身形开始逐渐变得年轻,脸上的皱纹也全部散去。 Finally, changed, in cursing queen remembers has seen ordinary middle-aged person. 最终,化作了在诅咒女王记忆中所见过的平凡的中年人。 The latter grinned, reveals the mouthful white tooth, looks at Bu Fang. 后者咧开嘴,露出满嘴洁白的牙齿,看着步方 Was a pity...... world only needs God of Cooking.” “可惜……世间只需要一位厨神。”
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