GOAW :: Volume #19

#1849: Big result ( 4 )

What a pity world...... Only needs God of Cooking. 可惜世间……只需要一位厨神 The light words, resound through in world, just like Great Dao Hong sound, unceasing circulation rumbled. 淡淡的话语,响彻在天地之间,就犹如大道洪音,不断的流转轰鸣 The years as if on the old man, start to remove like the water. 岁月仿佛在耄耋老者身上,开始如水般褪去。 The old man old facial features, all of a sudden become young. 老者原本苍老的面容,一下子就变得年轻。 Boundless powerful heartbeat, lingering world! 磅礴有力的心跳声,萦绕天地! God of Cooking set spirit float before the body of old man. 厨神套装的器灵悬浮在老者的身躯之前。 As the golden light surges, God of Cooking set, suddenly changed to the flowing light, has charged into God of Cooking. 随着金色的光涌动起来,厨神套装,顿时化作了流光,冲向了厨神 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, Black Tortoise Pot, White Tiger Heaven Stove, Qi Tianshao, Bird Feather Robe...... 龙骨菜刀,玄武锅,白虎天灶,麒天勺,雀羽袍…… Appearance that God of Cooking Bird Feather Robe, presents, is different from Bu Fang's. 厨神身上的雀羽袍,呈现出的模样,和步方的不一样。 Bu Fang's is the red and white interaction, but God of Cooking Bird Feather Robe, is the dark red interaction. 步方的是红白相间,而厨神身上的雀羽袍,则是黑红相间。 God of Cooking set starts, God of Cooking has closed the eye slowly. 厨神套装入手,厨神缓缓的闭上了眼。 Bird Feather Robe of Bu Fang red and white interaction has not retreated actually, but, Bu Fang can feel, in Bird Feather Robe spirits, vanishes to disappear...... 步方身上红白相间的雀羽袍倒是没有退去,但是,步方可以感觉到,雀羽袍中的器灵,消失不见了…… You are...... God of Cooking?” “你是……厨神?” However, Bu Fang actually not shocking. 不过,步方倒是没有多震惊。 Light looks at the opposite to put on dark red Bird Feather Robe God of Cooking. 只是淡淡的看着对面穿着黑红雀羽袍厨神 Guarantees exchange if not genuine......” “如假包换……” God of Cooking chuckle, his vision somewhat complex looks at Bu Fang. 厨神轻笑,他的目光有些复杂的看着步方 Hundredth host, some people have succeeded finally, final moment that although is born in the soul God...... However, no matter how, was eventually successful.” “百世宿主,终于还是有人成功了,虽然是在魂神出世的最后关头……不过,不管如何,终究是成功了。” God of Cooking said. 厨神道。 I should thank you...... Therefore, I will give the opportunity that you answer questions, you definitely very much have doubts now, is very confused.” “我应该感谢你……所以,我会给你答疑的机会,你现在肯定很疑惑,很迷茫吧。” Bu Fang withdrew one, narrowed the eye. 步方后撤了一幕,眯起了眼。 He is staring at God of Cooking. 他盯着厨神 At this moment, atmosphere some are not quite right. 此时此刻,气氛有些不太对。 Resurrecting of God of Cooking, before soul God , the words that spoke, make Bu Fang somewhat have doubts now. 厨神的复活,还有魂神之前所说的话语,都让步方现在有些疑惑。 You...... Is God of Cooking, together then with cursing queen vanishes is who?” “你……是厨神,那跟诅咒女王一起消失的是谁?” Bu Fang asked. 步方问道。 This issue is Bu Fang most has doubts. 这个问题是步方最疑惑的。 Also is I...... However, that is...... Feeling emotion God of Cooking.” “也是我……不过,那个是……有情的厨神。” God of Cooking said, his vision is profound. 厨神道,他的目光深邃。 I once chose to feel emotion saying that what a pity failed...... fleshly body is decayed.” “我曾经选择有情道,可惜失败了……肉身腐朽。” „After that time, I understood, only has the heartless say/way to step to strong Realm truly!” “那一次后,我明白了,唯有走无情道才能真正踏上至强的境界!” God of Cooking narrows the eyes to focus, deeply takes a breath, as if after the feeling re-enters the world happiness. 厨神眯着眼,深深吸一口气,仿佛是在感受重回天地间后的美好。 You wait/etc....... I am a little chaotic, you analyze to me.” “你等等……我有点乱,你给我分析一下。” Bu Fang wrinkled under the brow, he was circled by God of Cooking is a little chaotic. 步方皱了下眉头,他被厨神绕的有点乱。 Surrounding expert also reports the breath. 周围的强者们也都是禀住了呼吸。 They feel that reappears the person's shadow, aura, seems somewhat fearful! 他们感觉到,那重新出现的人影,气息之强,似乎有些可怕! Tongtian Jiaozhu, the yuan shi tian zun frowned. 通天教主,元始天尊等都是皱起眉头。 Lord Dog, Little Yōu , etc. were anxious. 狗爷,小幽等都是紧张了起来。 Because they also realize, situation is not quite right. 因为他们也察觉到,态势不太对。 Soul God at the same time dry aged. 魂神在一边干涸老迈。 But at present this fills with boundless vitality, aura the incomparably formidable fellow...... Actually gives them an even more ice-cold feeling. 而眼前这个充满磅礴生机,气息又无比强大的家伙……却是给他们一种越发冰冷的感觉。 At present this fellow, as if likely is together the ice-cold cold ice, he does not have any emotion, although eyes is nimble and resourceful. 眼前这个家伙,仿佛像是一块冰冷寒冰,他没有任何的情感,眼眸虽然灵动。 However looks at all...... Is ice-cold heartless. 但是看一切……都是冰冷无情。 Simple point said...... Feels emotion to say God of Cooking, the soul Gods are I, but, they separate from me.” “简单点说……有情道厨神,魂神都是我,只不过,他们都是从我身上分离出去的。” God of Cooking said with a smile. 厨神笑着说道。 His defeated/carrying, slowly proceeds. 他负着手,缓缓的往前走。 Every time walks one step, his aura rises dramatically. 每走一步,他的气息就飙升许多。 Bu Fang withdraws, brow tight wrinkle. 步方后撤,眉头紧皱。 All that I arrange...... Including training you, for...... Breaks through the fetter, achieves unsurpassed Realm.” “我所布置的一切……包括培养你,都是为了……冲破束缚,达到无上的境界。” Broken then stood, has buried the seven emotions, purified the evil, my heart...... Really was heartless.” “破而后立,埋葬了七情,净化了罪恶,我的心……就真的无情了。” Now...... The heartless say/way is true perfection.” “现在……无情道才算真正圆满。” God of Cooking said. 厨神说道。 He lifts the hand, the heart powerful beat, has formed a boundless strength. 他抬起手,心脏有力的跳动,形成了一股磅礴的力量。 Bu Fang deeply takes a breath. 步方深吸一口气。 All these are planning of God of Cooking. 这一切都是厨神的算计。 Any heartless say/way is a Lord, feels emotion for auxiliary, is the fraud. 什么无情道为主,有情道为辅,都是骗局。 The soul God is not God of Cooking reading of evil, soul God radically precisely another God of Cooking. 魂神也不是什么厨神的罪恶之念,魂神根本就是另一位厨神 No wonder innumerable years ago, soul empathize was suppressed, cut off the body, has stripped the heart...... But the heart, is the true key. 难怪无数年前,魂神会被镇压,被斩断身躯,剥离了心脏……而心脏,才是真正的关键。 That time soul God, had ancestor Divine Realm cultivation base spatially, but did not have to say perfection Realm heartlessly. 那时候的魂神,空有祖神境修为,但是却没有无情道圆满境界 Therefore has the flaw. 所以有破绽。 But that flaw, then causes the soul God to be carried by the seal innumerably...... 而那破绽,便导致魂神被封印无数载…… The Bu Fang vision concentrates. 步方目光一凝。 Bang! 嘭! The Bu Fang's sole steps on the ground fiercely, figure rapid exploding shoots. 步方的脚掌猛地在地面上一踩,身形飞速的爆射。 However, puts on dark red Bird Feather Robe God of Cooking with a smile to shake the head. 不过,穿着黑红雀羽袍厨神只是笑着摇了摇头。 perfection that I said that does not have any flaw, I like the Heavenly Law will of great antiquity universe, only do not have say perfection heartlessly, like once soul God, did not have cultivation base spatially...... I am true perfection!” “我所说的圆满,是没有任何破绽,我不像洪荒宇宙的天道意志,仅有无情道圆满,也不像曾经的魂神,空有修为……我是真正的圆满!” Invincible perfection!” “无敌的圆满!” Even can call...... Above ancestor God!” “甚至可以称之为……祖神之上!” God of Cooking grins slowly. 厨神缓缓地咧嘴。 He lifts the hand. 他抬起手。 A finger ball. 手指一弹。 Almost must explode to project log cabin range Bu Fang, suddenly feels a huge pressure. 原本几乎要爆射出木屋范围的步方,顿时感觉到了一股巨大的压力。 Radically pressure irresistibly. 根本无法抵抗的压力。 Bang...... 轰…… Bu Fang was compelled, float in the God of Cooking front. 步方被逼了回来,悬浮在了厨神的面前。 God of Cooking is getting more and more young, he from the youth, became young man. 厨神越来越年轻,他已经从青年,变为了一个少年 The facial features become incomparable perfect. 面容变得无比的完美。 Truly such as God of Cooking said, present he, is true perfect. 确实如厨神自己所说,如今的他,是真正的完美。 Hand of God of Cooking, gently is touching the Bu Fang's face. 厨神的手,轻轻的抚摸着步方的面庞。 Is some are not cruel enough to start really...... You are most outstanding one that in my hundredth host selects, you are my masterpiece.” “真的是有些不忍心下手……你可是我百世宿主中选出的最杰出的一位,你是我的杰作。” God of Cooking said with a smile. 厨神笑着说道。 Outside log cabin. 木屋外。 expert were in a tumult. 强者们都是骚动了起来。 Damn!” “该死!” Tongtian Jiaozhu and the others, understood at this moment, all these, are at present the snare of this fellow. 通天教主等人,此刻也明白了,这一切,都是眼前这个家伙的圈套。 The general situation of related to innumerable carrying? 涉及无数载的一场大局? This fellow...... Seriously is fearful! 这个家伙……当真是可怕! Tongtian Jiaozhu, yuan shi tian zun and other expert, in heart a coldness. 通天教主,元始天尊等强者,心中一阵寒冷。 Was a pity, what you walk is feels emotion saying that one type is unable to arrive at feeling emotion of head to say eventually, I failed a road.” “可惜,你走的是有情道,一种终究无法走到头的有情道,我都失败了的一条路。” God of Cooking said. 厨神道。 God of Cooking lifts the hand, the finger gently in void. 厨神抬起手,手指轻轻在虚空中一点。 suddenly, as if there is ripples to proliferate quietly. 顿时,仿佛有涟漪悄然扩散开来似的。 God of Cooking set, automatic culinary arts. 厨神套装,自动烹饪 ingredient flutters, the blade light, the culinary arts sound, all resounds through. 食材翻飞,刀光,烹饪声,皆是响彻。 Then...... 尔后…… A stream of dishes of blooming innumerable radiance, is appears. 一道绽放无数光华的菜品,便是浮现而出。 That is dumpling, fine dumpling extremely. 那是一个饺子,精致万分的饺子 God of Cooking read can culinary arts leave together the God of Cooking dish. 厨神只是一念就可以烹饪出一道厨神菜品。 The Bu Fang vision shrinks. 步方目光一缩。 Brow tight wrinkle. 眉头紧皱。 God of Cooking is actually the chuckle, has picked dumpling. 厨神却是轻笑着,夹起了一个饺子 The Bu Fang's mouth in slowly sends. 缓缓的步方的口中送来。 Finally...... Thorough has squeezed in the Bu Fang's mouth. 最后……彻底的塞入了步方的口中。 Delicious?” “好吃么?” God of Cooking asked Bu Fang. 厨神步方 Bu Fang chewing dumpling, was shocked. 步方咀嚼饺子,愣住了。 Because...... 因为…… Really very delicious! 真的非常的好吃! No matter the crucial moment, is processing of ingredient, or the adjustment between flavor/smell and flavor/smell is perfect, to the reassignment of sense of taste, has exceeded the Bu Fang's imagination...... 不管是火候,还是食材的处理,亦或是味道与味道之间的调整都是完美的,对味觉的调动,更是超出了步方的想象…… Too perfect! 太完美了! This precisely God of Cooking dish? This precisely Bu Fang continuously anticipation Realm? 就是厨神的菜?这就是步方一直期待的境界 Bu Fang vision slightly dumbfound. 步方目光微微呆滞 Suddenly, his innermost feelings started the vacillation, firm feeling emotion has said, vacillated in this moment. 一时间,他的内心开始了动摇,一直坚定的有情道,在这一刻动摇了起来。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly. 突然。 Distant place. 远处。 A Whitey's mechanical eye twinkle, the golden light is radiant. 小白的机械眼一阵闪烁,金光璀璨。 The soil of ground blasts out. 地面的泥土炸开。 Whitey changed to golden light, flushed come instantaneously. 小白化作了一道金光,瞬间冲了过来 The rush-leaf fan hand grasps, changes to the gigantic fist, presses up to God of Cooking. 蒲扇般的手掌握起,化作硕大的拳头,直逼厨神而来。 It examines Bu Fang to have the danger, must rescue Bu Fang. 它检测到步方有危险,要救步方 In instance that Whitey begins, other people have also reflected come...... 小白动手的瞬间,其他人也是反映了过来…… Damn!” “该死!” Lord Dog criticized one, in the dog eye also had the anger to surge! 狗爷暗骂了一句,狗眼中也是有怒火涌动! The exquisite dog claw rumbles instantaneously. 玲珑狗爪瞬间轰出。 Terrifying divine strength ripples instantaneously like the mighty waves...... 恐怖的神力瞬间如波涛般荡漾起来…… The Little Yōu eye changed to pitch-black all of a sudden, the black skirt whirls around, runs out instantaneously! 小幽眼睛一下子化作了漆黑,黑裙翻卷,瞬间冲出! Killed to God of Cooking! 杀向了厨神 Lets loose Bu Fang......” “放开步方……” Little Yōu chilly saying. 小幽清冷的说道。 Bang! 轰! Surges to pinnacle the strength of curse pure, changes to together the straight black column, pounds down maliciously. 精纯到极致的诅咒之力涌动,化作一道笔直的黑柱,狠狠地砸下。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, yuan shi tian zun and other expert also began, has stimulated to movement divine tool, the supernatural power is dreadful! 通天教主,元始天尊等强者也动手了,催动了神器,法力滔天! Five big perfection Chaos sage instantaneous make a move, it can be said that world most top collaborates...... 五尊大圆满混沌圣人瞬间的出手,可以说是世间最顶级的联手…… The place that the entire log cabin is, blasts out instantaneously!!! 整个木屋所在的地方,瞬间炸开!!! The Farmland world shakes, the turbulent air wave rolling starts. 田园天地一震,汹涌的气浪滚滚而开。 Niú Hàn Sān and the others, in ground swayed tumbling one week, panic-stricken extremely. 牛汉三等人,在地上被吹拂的翻滚了一周,惊恐万分。 WTF!” 卧槽!” Hades is the complexion is also pallid and ugly. 冥王尔哈也是脸色煞白而难看。 Killed?” “干掉了么?” Hades raised the head, his hairstyle disorderly that the air wave blows, but he early without enough time paid attention to the hairstyle at this moment. 冥王尔哈抬起头,气浪吹的他的发型一片凌乱,可是他此刻早已经来不及关注发型。 He is staring at distant place the place of mist and dust explosion. 他盯着远处的烟尘爆炸之处。 Next quarter, vision contraction. 下一刻,目光紧缩。 The mist and dust diverges. 烟尘散去。 Has revealed inside picture. 露出了里面的画面。 God of Cooking crossing the hands behind the back stands on the spot. 厨神负手站在原地。 Sends lossless. 毫发无损。 Even, even if Whitey is unable to approach in the soul God square inch the slightest. 甚至,就算小白都无法逼近魂神方寸之内分毫。 In you, boundary of the ancestor God? Why wants to save others?” “你们之中,连个祖神之境的都没有?凭什么想救人?” Some God of Cooking as if doubts looks at Little Yōu, Lord Dog and the others. 厨神似乎有些疑惑的看着小幽,狗爷等人。 Then, hit a sound to refer. 尔后,打了个响指。 pā tà! 啪嗒 A resounding. 一声脆响。 A energy shock-wave is centered on God of Cooking, scatters in all directions. 一股能量冲击波以厨神为中心,四散开来。 Instantaneous impact above the body of everyone. 瞬间冲击在了每个人的身躯之上。 The Lord Dog body was attacked by the ripples, whole body divine strength is defeated and dispersed instantaneously, in the mouth spouts the blood. 狗爷身躯被涟漪冲击而过,浑身的神力瞬间溃散,口中喷出鲜血。 Tongtian Jiaozhu and yuan shi tian zun also so, fall down, flying upside down. 通天教主和元始天尊也是如此,倒在地上,倒飞而出。 The Little Yōu body trembles, the strength of curse also irresistibly lives, the instantaneous disintegration, the black skirt whirled around, falls down...... 小幽身躯一颤,诅咒之力也无法抵抗住,瞬间崩碎,黑裙翻卷,倒在了地上…… Whitey bang, kneeling maliciously on the ground. 小白“嘭”的一声,狠狠的跪在了地上。 In the both legs insertion ground, wants to prevent the body to be shot to fly. 双腿插入地面中,想要阻止身躯被弹飞。 But, cannot achieve. 可是,做不到。 Iron sheet flutters, huge strength, causes Whitey such as tumbling iron ball, pours get lost/rolled. 身上铁皮翻飞,巨大的力道,使得小白如翻滚的铁球似的,倒滚而出。 You had not possibly understood that the perfect significance is anything......” “你们可能还不太懂得完美的意义是什么……” precisely not any flaw...... True invincibility.” 就是没有任何的缺陷……真正的无敌。” Bird Feather Robe of God of Cooking dark red interaction flap flap makes noise, is serving as contrast his body, speeds along to go toward the vault of heaven on. 厨神黑红相间的雀羽袍猎猎作响,衬托着他的身躯,往天穹上飞驰而去。 The Bu Fang's body sat on the ground, his vision dumbfound. 步方的身躯坐在了地上,他的目光呆滞 As if fell into infinite self- suspicion. 仿佛陷入了无限的自我怀疑中。 Bu Fang aura is defeated and dispersed, just like is being killed by weapons. 步方身上的气息在溃散,犹如在兵解似的。 God of Cooking defeated/carrying, looks at Bu Fang at this moment, shook the head, in the mouth has exuded the regrettable tut tut sound. 厨神负着手,看着此刻的步方,摇了摇头,口中发出了遗憾的啧啧声。 Walked to feel emotion I of failure like the past years......” “像极了当年走有情道失败的我……” God of Cooking said. 厨神道。 The soul God old body of pours in one side, body dry ash, his eye stubbornly is staring at God of Cooking in vault of heaven. 魂神苍老的身躯倒在一边,身躯枯灰,他的眼睛死死的盯着苍穹上的厨神 A God of Cooking vision revolution, fell on the body of soul God, became ice-cold and heartless. 厨神目光一转,落在了魂神的身上,变得冰冷而无情。 But at this time, he showed the genuine heartless say/way. 而这时候,他才展现出了真正的无情道。 Counts on the fingers a ball. 屈指一弹。 The vision of soul God frames thoroughly. 魂神的目光彻底定格。 The body, changed has referred to sand, passed to vanish. 身躯,化作了指间沙,流逝消失。 Causes the great antiquity universe, Chaos Universe, the big demon soul God who the city of nihility anxious has carried the years innumerably, such unknown disappearance. 使得洪荒宇宙,混沌宇宙,虚无之城紧张了无数载岁月的大魔头魂神,就这样不为人知的消失了。 The mood of all people are somewhat complex. 所有人的情绪都是有些复杂。 However, now is actually not the complex mood time. 但是,现在却并不是复杂情绪的时候。 Because of one, more fearful existence, is born in the world. 因为一尊,更可怕的存在,诞生于天地间。 God of Cooking float above the upper air of Farmland world. 厨神悬浮在田园天地的高空之上。 His vision sweeps slowly. 他目光缓缓一扫。 As if looked to put on ten thousand boundary. 仿佛望穿了万界。 As said heartlessly perfection God of Cooking, can feel the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures that in ten thousand boundary surges unceasingly...... 身为无情道圆满厨神,可以感受到万界中不断涌动的七情六欲…… Regarding him, these are the laughable mood of useless use. 对于他而言,这些都是没用用处的可笑情绪。 Buzz...... 嗡…… God of Cooking lifts the hand. 厨神抬起手。 God of Cooking set soars to the heavens. 厨神套装冲天。 Transforms spirit. 器灵幻化而出。 Dragon's Roar, the tiger roars, turtle roar, the bird cried, the Qilin ate delicacies...... 龙吟,虎咆,龟吼,雀啼,麒麟啸…… Each spirit as if along with the return of God of Cooking, along with God of Cooking said perfection heartlessly, but became heartless and ice-cold...... 每一尊器灵似乎随着厨神的回归,随着厨神的无情道圆满,而变得无情而冰冷…… Bang! 轰! Each God of Cooking set erupts golden light, breaks in the starry sky. 每一份厨神套装都爆发金光,冲入星空中。 Rapid gathering in starry sky. 在星空中飞速的汇聚。 Then...... 尔后…… Changed to a giant corona. 化作了一个巨大的光轮。 God of Cooking is enchanted is looking at the corona. 厨神迷醉的望着光轮。 As the heartless control, naturally must all between world to immerse in the heartlessness...... Was short of hobbling of feeling emotion, the efficiencies of world all matters will have promoted!” “作为无情的主宰,自然要让天地间的所有人都沉醉在无情中……少了有情的牵绊,世间一切事情的效率都将提升!” „The perfect time of by me being led...... Arrives!” “一个由我主导的完美时代将……降临!” Bang! 轰! As the God of Cooking fearful strength emerges. 随着厨神可怕的力量涌入。 The white corona is radiant extremely, blooms myriad rays. 白色的光轮璀璨万分,绽放万千光芒。 White luminous spot gathering. 白色的光点汇聚。 Before the body of everyone, condense left steaming hot cuisines. 在每个人的身前,凝聚出了一盘热腾腾的美食 That dumpling seems sending out infinite charm. 饺子仿佛散发着无穷的魔力似的。 Let the person unable to bear extend make a move, wants to eat. 让人忍不住伸出手,想要去吃。 No matter the microcosm, Great World, is a microcosm, or big universe. 不管是小世界,大世界,还是小宇宙,亦或者大宇宙。 In front of the life between each world, appeared cuisines. 每个天地间的生灵面前,都浮现出了美食 These cuisines have different shapes respectively. 这些美食各有不同的形态。 Possibly is the fried rice, possibly is dumpling, according to cuisines that everyone longs for condense...... 可能是炒饭,也可能是饺子,是根据每个人所渴望的美食凝聚的…… All people cannot help but have eaten up that cuisines. 所有人都是不由自主的吃下了那美食 That is they have eaten the food of most delicacy. 那是他们吃过的最美味的食物。 True God of Cooking dish...... 真正厨神的菜品…… The mind obtained the sublimation, all emotions, suddenly are breaking up...... 心灵得到了升华,所有的情感,都在一刹那之间崩解…… Everybody become heartless. 人人都变得无情。 Farmland world...... 田园天地…… Little Yōu, Lord Dog, in front of Hades and the others is floating cuisines. 小幽,狗爷,冥王尔哈等人面前都漂浮着一份美食 Even if they, is unable to contain own mood, wants to eat this cuisines...... 就算是他们,都无法遏制自己的情绪,想要去吃这美食…… Hades stared in a big way clenching teeth. 冥王尔哈瞪大了咬着牙。 Except for Bu Fang little junior Spicy Stick...... this King will not eat any food!” “除了步方小年轻辣条……本王不会吃任何的食物!” The Hades innermost feelings were roaring! 冥王尔哈内心在咆哮! But his front, appears is also Spicy Stick. 而他的面前,浮现出的也是一份辣条 The Lord Dog dog's paw delimited the trace of rupturing on the ground! 狗爷狗爪子在地上都划出了爆裂的痕迹! Little Yōu full head hair flutters unceasingly! 小幽满头发丝飘飞不断! They have own insistence, is resisting the enticement of God of Cooking...... 他们都有着属于自己的坚持,在对抗着厨神的诱惑…… However...... 然而…… Among the universes, countless people perished after God of Cooking cuisines. 随着宇宙间,无数的人沉沦在了厨神美食中后。 They will unable to resist eventually...... 他们也终究会抵抗不住…… Bu Fang......” 步方……” Little Yōu, Lord Dog is looks at distant place to stay in ground Bu Fang. 小幽,狗爷都是看着远处呆坐在地上的步方 Latter aura in the unceasing escape, as if momentarily must collapse...... 后者身上的气息在不断的逸散,仿佛随时要崩溃…… Since that has been continuously an collapse after insistence disintegration. 那是一种一直以来的坚持崩碎后的崩溃。 Mu Hong is gripping tightly the hand of Xia Tian, deep looked at Bu Fang one. 木鸿子紧握着夏天的手,深深的看了步方一眼。 Sighing. 叹了一口气。 He and Xia Tian has eaten up cuisines. 他和夏天都吃下了美食 Has not resisted actually. 倒是没有多抗拒。 Because, he knows, they did not resist. 因为,他知道,他们抗拒不了。 Sits on the lawn, looks in the Farmland world to put Unfeeling Lotus on Immortal Tree, vision gradual becomes must hazy...... 坐在草地上,望着田园天地中盛放在仙树上的忘情莲,目光逐渐的变得迷蒙…… Suddenly. 突然。 Mu Hong in finally flickers, in the vision that the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures vanish bursts out to wipe the none remaining...... 木鸿子在七情六欲消失的最后一瞬,目光中迸发出一抹精光…… He saw on that Immortal Tree, figure of Whitey iron sheet fluttering stands and waits for a long time above. 他看到了那仙树上,小白铁皮翻飞的身形伫立在其上。 Rush-leaf fan palm fiercely Unfeeling Lotus tearing off! 蒲扇般的手掌猛地将忘情莲给拔下! Bang! 轰! Whitey is holding Unfeeling Lotus, just like shell rapid overran toward Bu Fang. 小白抱着忘情莲,犹如一颗炮弹似的飞速的朝着步方冲了过去。 This is Mu Hong tells Whitey's. 这是木鸿子告诉小白的 Mu Hong said, Unfeeling Lotus is the final hope...... 木鸿子说,忘情莲是最后的希望…… Especially after breeding was so long Unfeeling Lotus. 特别是在孕育了这么久后的忘情莲 The Whitey golden mechanical eye twinkle is uncertain. 小白金色的机械眼闪烁不定。 Holds Unfeeling Lotus to speed away rapidly. 抱着忘情莲飞速疾驰。 Bang! 轰! Whitey pounds to fall to the ground, is holding Unfeeling Lotus, dashes to go in the Bu Fang's direction. 小白砸落地上,抱着忘情莲,往步方的方向飞奔而去。 On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 God of Cooking as if realized. 厨神似乎察觉到了。 The eyebrow selects slightly. 眉毛微微一挑。 Resists stubbornly?” “负隅顽抗?” Although did not think that Unfeeling Lotus can help Bu Fang anything. 虽然并不觉得忘情莲能够帮助步方什么。 Difficult to be inadequate, helps Bu Fang read forgets kindnesses? Achieves with the same level? 难不成,也帮助步方一念忘情?达到跟自己一样的层次? Is impossible...... 不可能的…… God of Cooking shook the head. 厨神摇了摇头。 However, he does not want to make surprised appear. 不过,他也不想让意外出现。 He lifts the hand, distant finger/refers. 他抬起手,遥遥一指。 Whitey's body suddenly just like is sewn is ordinary on ground. 小白的身躯顿时犹如被钉在地上一般。 Bang, definitely is unable to move. 嘭的一声,完全无法动弹。 However, Whitey at the final moment. 不过,小白在最后时刻。 Mechanical eye twinkle. 机械眼闪烁。 The rush-leaf fan arm makes an effort fiercely, flings suddenly Unfeeling Lotus. 蒲扇般的手臂猛地用力,陡然将忘情莲甩出。 The white, holy, spotless Unfeeling Lotus, suddenly has delimited an exquisite curve...... 白色,圣洁,一尘不染的忘情莲,顿时划过了一道优美的弧度…… Flew to...... Little Yōu! 飞向了……小幽 Un? 嗯? God of Cooking stares, Lord Dog and the others on the scene also stare. 厨神一愣,在场的狗爷等人也都是一愣。 A eyes twinkle of Little Yōu pitch-black. 小幽漆黑眼眸一阵闪烁。 The Mu Hong index recovers mixed nod, next quarter, thorough lost the emotion, becomes ice-cold heartless. 木鸿子目光复杂的点了点头,下一刻,彻底的失去了情感,变得冰冷无情。 The entire world, is becomes heartless, God of Cooking becomes controls to high. 整个天地,皆是变得无情,厨神成为掌控一切的至高者。 Little Yōu grabs Unfeeling Lotus. 小幽抓着忘情莲 As if understood the Mu Hong meaning. 似乎明白了木鸿子的意思。 The vision concentrates. 目光一凝。 Then...... 尔后…… Patted God of Cooking cuisines. 拍开了厨神美食 The blood infiltration on palm, causes white holy Unfeeling Lotus in the flash...... 手掌上的鲜血浸润,使得白色圣洁的忘情莲在一瞬间…… Changed to the rank red, red beautifulness. 化作了腥红,红的妖艳。 Rank red Unfeeling Lotus, drags. 腥红的忘情莲,一阵摇曳。 Then...... 尔后…… Torn to pieces. 支离破碎。 Changed to pure essence, emerged in the Little Yōu mouth. 化作了一道精纯的精华,涌入了小幽的口中。 That flavor/smell, a little looks like has the Bu Fang culinary arts Dragon Blood Rice food. 那味道,有点像吃步方烹饪龙血米饭。 Atmosphere flash quiet several seconds. 气氛一瞬间沉寂了几秒。 Lord Dog, Hades, Small Pi, Little Fox, Niú Hàn Sān , etc. were staring at Little Yōu...... 狗爷,冥王尔哈,小皮,小狐,牛汉三等都盯着小幽…… Bang!!! 轰!!! Finally, terrifying aura shoots up to the sky! 终于,一股恐怖的气息冲天而起! As if a deep sleep trillion years of terrifying queen, has opened the eye from the desolateness. 仿佛一尊沉睡了亿万年的恐怖女王,从荒芜中睁开了眼。
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