GOAW :: Volume #19

#1847: Big result ( 2 )

In log cabin. 木屋之中。 All as if static. 一切仿佛都静止着。 The pale blue light, is shining upon all in log cabin. 淡蓝色的光,映照着木屋中的一切。 Simple log cabin, really with the room not any difference of mortal. 简简单单一个木屋,真的跟凡人的屋子没有任何的差别。 Ordinary wood/blockhead, ordinary table, ordinary furniture and tableware...... 普通的木头,普通的桌子,普通的桌椅和碗筷…… Besides the fine dust does not dye, truly does not have any magical thing. 除了纤尘不染以外,确实没有任何的神奇之处。 Bu Fang frowns, is looking all around all in log cabin. 步方皱着眉头,环顾着木屋中的一切。 In the log cabin, the soul God and God of Cooking form disappears does not see. 木屋内,魂神和厨神的身影都消失不见。 As if, the entire log cabin, only remaining he had. 似乎,整个木屋,只剩下了他一人存在其中。 The starting to walk step, the sound of footsteps, reverberates in the log cabin. 迈开步伐,脚步声,回荡在木屋中。 Bu Fang stares. 步方一愣。 Because, this sound of footsteps, is not only his, other people. 因为,这脚步声,不仅仅是他的,还有其他人的。 Soul God? 魂神? Bu Fang knit the brows, has pulled down eyes, looked around in all directions, still had not seen the trail of soul God. 步方皱眉,压低了眼眸,四处张望,仍旧没有看到魂神的踪迹。 As if, since has stepped into the log cabin, two people place in different dimension. 仿佛,自从踏入了木屋,两人就身处于不同的次元似的。 Sound of footsteps that he can hear the soul God, but the soul God, can hear his sound of footsteps similarly. 他能听到魂神的脚步声,而魂神,同样也能听到他的脚步声。 Bu Fang anchors, the soul God has also anchored the footsteps. 步方停住,魂神也停住了脚步。 In the entire room, dies the general silence. 整个房间内,死一般的寂静。 In this log cabin...... Is depositing the heart of soul God?” “这个木屋中……存放着魂神的心脏?” A Bu Fang brow wrinkle. 步方眉头一皱。 He looks peacefully, light glance. 他安静的看着,淡淡的扫视。 Table, chair, bunk, cabinet...... 桌子,椅子,床铺,柜子…… Each direction, the Bu Fang's vision falls on above, wanted to find the soul God heart of hideaway. 每个方向,步方的目光都落在其上,想要找到隐藏的魂神心脏。 Naturally...... 当然…… Bu Fang also understands, God of Cooking not that conspicuous suspends the heart. 步方也明白,厨神不会那么显眼的把心脏摆出来。 In this simple room. 在这简单的房间中。 Bu Fang induced more than one familiar aura. 步方感应到了不止一股熟悉的气息 That is systematic aura............ God of Cooking menu aura. 那是系统的气息……还有……厨神菜谱气息 After the system since Bu Fang turns over to every, on thorough disappearance. 系统自从步方归凡之后,就彻底的消失了。 Bu Fang thinks, the system does not see really thoroughly. 步方以为,系统真的彻底不见。 However now looks like, the system should appear in this log cabin. 不过现在看来,系统应该是出现在了这木屋中。 Also or has the system existed in this? 亦或者说,系统一直都存在于此? God of Cooking system, in fact...... precisely soul God heart. 厨神系统,实际上……就是魂神心脏所化。 Bu Fang has thought through these, somewhat admires God of Cooking, has been utilizing the strength of soul God, is training is restraining the weapon of soul God. 步方想通了这些,不由的有些佩服厨神,一直运用着魂神的力量,在培养着来克制魂神的武器。 Naturally, these are only the Bu Fang's guesses. 当然,这些只是步方的猜测。 Bu Fang sat cross-legged on the ground. 步方盘坐在了地上。 The ear bank, hears disorderly sound of footsteps, obviously, is unable to seek for the soul God of heart to be somewhat breathless. 耳畔,传来凌乱的脚步声,显然,一直无法找寻到心脏的魂神有些气急败坏。 He as if dashes about wildly in the room, is destroying all in room. 他似乎在房间中狂奔,破坏着屋子中的一切。 Bu Fang peaceful opening eyes, cocks the ears to listen respectfully, just like is listening respectfully to a farce. 步方安静的睁开眼,侧耳聆听,犹如在聆听一场闹剧。 For a long time. 许久之后。 Suddenly thorough peaceful. 突然彻底的安静了下来。 Bu Fang narrows the eyes to focus. 步方眯着眼。 Bang! 轰! space suddenly like water vibration. 空间陡然如水般抖动起来。 In the pale blue brilliance, a pitch-black color/look face appears suddenly in his front. 淡蓝色的光辉之中,一张漆黑色的脸陡然浮现在他的面前。 The eye of that face opens, the vicissitude of innumerable evil mood in the eye, as if must be involved in whirlpool the soul of person, swallows all! 那张脸的眼睛睁开,无数的罪恶情绪在眼中浮沉,仿佛一个要把人的灵魂卷入其中的旋涡,吞噬一切! Found you!” “找到你了!” Soul God ice-cold say/way. 魂神冰冷道。 He punctures the wall barrier of dimension the log cabin has built stiffly, appeared in front of Bu Fang's. 他硬生生的打穿了木屋所营造的次元的壁障,出现在了步方的面前。 Bu Fang light opening eyes, looks at the soul God. 步方淡淡的睁开眼,看着魂神。 How found me? I have not hidden...... You found me, did not represent you to find the heart.” “找到我又如何?我从来就没有隐藏过……你找到我,不代表你找到心脏。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The Bu Fang's words are very light, exactly this light, making the soul God be in an uncontrollable rage! 步方的话语很平淡,正是这种平淡,让魂神怒不可遏! Heart in this room, where!” “心脏就在这个房间里,到底在哪里!” The soul God roared. 魂神咆哮了起来。 He is Seven Deadly Sins wicked integration body, he is very tyrannical, his very ominous offense. 他是七大罪恶的统合体,他很暴虐,他很凶戾。 However, Bu Fang like this lightly visits him. 然而,步方就这样淡淡的看着他。 Calm and crazy, has formed the sharp contrast. 淡定与疯狂,形成了鲜明的对比。 Bang! 轰! The wall bonds by thorough tearing. 壁障被彻底的撕裂。 Bu Fang present pale blue thorough removing. 步方眼前的淡蓝色彻底的褪去。 Originally peaceful incomparable room, at this moment, thorough changed to the ruins. 原本安静无比的房间,在此刻,彻底的化作了废墟。 All are torn to pieces, was given the destruction by soul God. 一切都支离破碎,被魂神给破坏。 Bu Fang looked at one, the damaged room, shook the head. 步方看了一眼,破败不堪的房间,摇了摇头。 Soul God scarlet eyes of erupts the infinite anger. 魂神猩红的眼眸爆发无穷的愤怒。 Lifts the hand fiercely, pats toward Bu Fang. 猛地抬起手,朝着步方拍来。 Terrifying aura, suddenly eruption. 恐怖的气息,陡然爆发。 However, before approaching the Bu Fang facial features, actually gradual diverges...... 不过,在逼近步方面容之前,却是逐渐的散去…… It seems like...... This room starting from this moment, with the ability that once Whitey has is the same, is at bans the law condition.” “看来……这房间从这一刻开始,就跟曾经的小白所拥有的能力是一样,处于禁法状态。” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth on select slightly. 步方嘴角微微上挑。 Lifts the hand, has blocked one move of soul God. 抬起手,挡住了魂神的一招。 Bu Fang that calm calm appearance, making the soul God very angry. 步方那从容淡定的模样,让魂神很愤怒。 Bu Fang surprised, Whitey, the ability had not come from the system very much before, but this makes Bu Fang determine, system in this room. 步方并没有很意外,以前小白,能力来自于系统,而这更让步方确定,系统就在这间屋子中。 Whitey is the carrier of God of Cooking will, initially seal soul God. 小白厨神意志的载体,当初封印了魂神。 The system vanishes with the God of Cooking will together. 系统跟厨神的意志一起消失。 Whitey is killed by weapons, Bu Fang together was also killed by weapons. 小白兵解的时候,步方也一起兵解了。 But after Bu Fang resurrecting, earliest the person of contact is the bird master. 步方复活后,最早接触的人是鸟爷。 The bird master is actually the God of Cooking will split, therefore...... The system was most likely to be brought back to here by bird master. 鸟爷却是厨神的意志分体,所以……系统最有可能被鸟爷带回了这儿。 God of Cooking has created the place of system, eventually also returned to here. 厨神创造了系统的地方,最终也回归到了这里。 Perhaps, all these, are the dark fates. 或许,这一切,都是冥冥中的定数。 You think that all these can surround me?” “你以为这一切能困住我?” Soul God coldly smiles, in scarlet eyes is flowing the tyrannical meaning. 魂神冷冷一笑,猩红的眼眸中流淌着暴虐之意。 Even if all these are God of Cooking that old thing arrangement, but...... By my present strength, how long could not be stranded my......” “即使这一切都是厨神那老东西布置的,但是……以我如今的实力,困不了我多久……” The soul God vision is fierce! 魂神目光狰狞! wait for me breaks this deteriorated house, found the heart...... First kills...... precisely your this smelly chef!” 等我破开这破房子,找到心脏……第一个杀的……就是你这个臭厨子!” Soul God ice-cold say/way. 魂神冰冷道。 He to Bu Fang, hates really! 他对步方,是真的恨! The Soul Demons universe planted flowers with the grass, the Soul Demons army by the seal, including Seven Deadly Sins wicked Soul Demon Lord also by seal...... 魂魔宇宙被种花和草,魂魔大军被封印,连七大罪魂主也被封印…… Bu Fang everywhere opposes with him, simply likely is a fishbone in his throat, stem he, uncomfortable extremely! 步方处处跟他作对,简直像是他喉咙中的一根鱼刺,梗的他,难受万分! Therefore...... You also acknowledged that you were surrounded.” “所以……你也承认你被困住了。” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly. 步方嘴角微微一扯。 Ponders looks at the soul God. 玩味的看着魂神。 The soul God stares. 魂神一愣。 You look...... Now in room, only then you and I...... Will that God of Cooking died.” “你看……现在房间里,只有你和我……还有厨神已经死去的意志。” Therefore......” “所以……” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Therefore you do want to do?!” “所以你想干嘛?!” The soul God vision stares, inconceivable is staring at Bu Fang. 魂神目光一瞪,不可思议的盯着步方 This smelly chef...... What wants to make to him? 这个臭厨子……想对他做什么? I am the soul God!” “我是魂神!” In I knock the hemp! 我敲里麻! The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out, but, he is disinclined to pay attention to the Wrath soul God, raised the head, looks to all around. 步方嘴角一抽,不过,他懒得理会暴怒的魂神,抬起头,看向了四周。 Your to never revere, you thinks that what I do want to make to you?” “你个为老不尊的,你以为我想对你做什么?” Bu Fang showed the whites of the eyes. 步方翻了个白眼。 God of Cooking creates the environment that makes us live alone intentionally, precisely wants with the aid of my hand, removes you......” 厨神故意创造让我们独处的环境,就是想要借助我的手,除掉你……” Bu Fang stood up, has patted Bird Feather Robe fold, said. 步方站起身,拍了拍身上雀羽袍的褶皱,道。 Removes me? Depending on you?” “除掉我?就凭你?” After the soul God listened, while relaxing, is laughs. 魂神听了之后,在松一口气的同时,也是嗤笑不已。 I acknowledged, your this chef in 1000 years, grew much...... However, you do walked has felt emotion saying that you know what was feels emotion to say? You know why God of Cooking that Stupid will choose to be primarily said heartlessly?” “我承认,你这厨子在1000年的时间里,成长了不少……但是,你作死的走了有情道,你知道什么是有情道么?你知道厨神老匹夫为什么会选择以无情道为主么?” precisely, because...... He once walked the feeling emotion say/way to be defeated!” 就是因为……他曾经走有情道失败了!” „Because is defeated...... Therefore had me! Only then my heartless say/way can step true peak!” “正因为失败……所以才有了我!只有我的无情道才能踏上真正的巅峰!” Your walks to feel emotion saying that cannot escape the fate of failure, but present you...... unable to defeat I!” “你一个走有情道的,逃不开失败的下场,而现在的你……打不过我!” In this room, you with me, bans the law, is difficult to be inadequate...... Do you also want to fight hand-to-hand with me?” “在这个屋子里,你跟我,都禁法,难不成……你还想跟我肉搏?” The soul God sneers. 魂神冷笑不已。 He is soul God, he is the combination of evil mood, although is tyrannical, although manic, but...... He is not silly. 他是魂神,他是罪恶情绪的组合,虽然暴虐,虽然狂躁,但是……他不傻。 Bu Fang has rubbed the fist. 步方揉了揉拳头。 I am Chef, how will I handle that boorish matter?” “我是厨师,我岂会做那么粗野的事情?” Bu Fang expressionlessly. 步方面无表情 Bang! 嘭! Next quarter. 下一刻。 Bird Feather Robe whirls around. 雀羽袍翻卷。 A Bu Fang fist is pounds, pounded on the face of soul God. 步方一拳便是砸出,砸在了魂神的脸上。 A soul God pounded face compels ignorant, retroceded directly 2-3 steps. 魂神被砸的一脸懵逼,直接后退了两三步。 I choose certainly...... Persuades you with culinary arts, this also exactly God of Cooking wants.” “我当然是选择……用厨艺来感化你,这也正是厨神所想要的。” Otherwise you think stands here can be I? If fights hand-to-hand, present Whitey compared with me more suitable...... Punches you.” “不然你以为站在这儿的会是我?若是肉搏,现在的小白比我更适合……揍你。” Bu Fang has flung the palm, indifferently said. 步方甩了甩手掌,淡淡道 The soul God crawls, the scarlet eyeball almost must burst out flame. 魂神爬起来,猩红的眼珠子几乎都要迸发出火焰 You calculate the bird chef especially!” “你特么算个鸟厨子!” The soul God shouted abuse. 魂神破口大骂。 His precisely such crabby, but this does not blame him, his originally precisely evil mood joint entity. 就是这么一个暴脾气,但这也不怪他,他本来就是罪恶情绪的结合体。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Bu Fang coldly has pulled corners of the mouth. 步方冷冷的扯了扯嘴角。 Then...... 尔后…… The mind moves. 心神一动。 God of Cooking set, reappearing slowly. 厨神套装,缓缓的浮现而出。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, Qi Tianshao, Black Tortoise Pot, White Tiger Heaven Stove, Bird Feather Robe...... 龙骨菜刀,麒天勺,玄武锅,白虎天灶,雀羽袍…… In this room, God of Cooking set is actually unhindered. 在这房间里,厨神套装倒是不受阻碍。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Summoned the God of Cooking set instance in Bu Fang. 就在步方召唤出厨神套装的瞬间。 aura in room suddenly changes. 房间中的气息陡然一变。 Each corner of room. 房间的各个角落。 formation appear. 一个个阵法浮现而出。 Each formation, as if likely is a flower of being in full bloom. 每一个阵法,似乎都像是盛开的一朵花。 Has lit up each corner in room...... 照亮了房间中的每一个角落…… The earnest and serious sound, resounds suddenly. 认真而严肃的声音,陡然响起。 My host, congratulations Bu Fang, stimulation last test ‚the God of Cooking long-cherished wish, completes the test, the road of your long-awaited God of Cooking, thorough perfection.” 恭喜宿主步方,激发最后一道考验‘厨神的夙愿’,完成考验,你梦寐以求的厨神之路,将彻底圆满。” The system said. 系统道。 Bu Fang looks, Daoguang gathered together, changed to one person's shadow that became by the line combination. 步方看着,一道道光汇聚,化作了一道由线条组合而成的人影。 That person's shadow...... Then is the system. 那人影……便是系统。 From starting to accompany the Bu Fang present system...... 从开始陪伴到步方如今的系统…… Brings Bu Fang to step the system of road of God of Cooking. 步方踏上厨神之路的系统。 The God of Cooking menu gathering, a Dī Dī God of Cooking divine strength bubble falls. 厨神菜谱汇聚而出,一滴滴厨神神力液滴落下。 Made God of Cooking menu into the essence...... 使得厨神菜谱变成了实质…… God of Cooking long-cherished wish: The matter that God of Cooking most laments, has then created the soul God, the soul God because of his sin, but he actually cannot support the elimination soul God time, has hoping to change to the long-cherished wish, reposes in his inheritance. Completes the God of Cooking long-cherished wish, on the God of Cooking road opens ten thousand flowers, thorough perfection.” 厨神的夙愿:厨神最悔恨的事情,便是缔造了魂神,魂神因他罪孽而起,可他却撑不到消灭魂神的时候,只好把希望化作夙愿,寄托于他的传承者。完成厨神的夙愿,厨神路上将万花开,彻底圆满。” System serious and earnest saying. 系统严肃而认真的说道。 Bu Fang puts out the one breath. 步方吐出一口气。 The vision mood is complex. 目光情绪复杂。 God of Cooking menu changed to ancient worn-out books, falls on Bu Fang's. 厨神菜谱化作了一本古老破旧的书籍,落在步方的手上。 Bu Fang opening slowly. 步方缓缓的翻开。 In God of Cooking menu altogether only then seven dishes, as if are corresponding Seven Deadly Sins of soul God, the above writing, works wholeheartedly. 厨神菜谱中总共就只有七道菜,仿佛正对应着魂神的七大罪,上面的文字,一个个都是呕心沥血。 Bu Fang as if sees an old man, grasps to set pen to paper under the dim oil lamp, shivering, character by character writes down this menu. 步方仿佛看到一个耄耋的老者,在昏暗的油灯下握着笔,颤抖着,一个字一个字的写下这本菜谱 Is this must persuade the soul God with the dish? 这是要用菜品来感化魂神? A dish...... Wears down a soul God evil? 一道菜……消磨掉魂神一宗罪恶? The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out. 步方嘴角一抽。 The determination is the persuasion...... Isn't disgusting? 确定是感化……不是恶心? Soul Demons repugnant cuisines, the source feared that precisely starts from soul God here. 魂魔讨厌美食,源头怕就是从魂神这儿开始的吧。 work harder, host, you leave successfully, only then one pace! Happy tomorrow, is waiting for you!” 加油吧,宿主,你离成功,只有一步之遥!美好的明天,在等待着你!” System serious and earnest expression that uses him to be in sole possession, spoke the Bu Fang very familiar chicken soup. 系统用着他独有的严肃而认真的语气,讲了步方很熟悉的鸡汤。 Very long has not drunk the system the chicken soup, some Bu Fang rare acids are crisp. 很久没有喝到系统的鸡汤了,步方难得有些酸爽。 Such being the case...... 既然如此…… Bu Fang looks to the vision of soul God, was gentler. 步方看向魂神的目光,就温柔了许多。 We are Chef, uses the Chef way to solve......” “咱们都是厨师,就用厨师的方式来解决吧……” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 The soul God scarlet vision of shrinks. 魂神猩红的目光一缩。 He wants to run away, but the Food Formation strength lets fall, changed to ice-cold chains, the handcuffs lived in his body. 他想要逃遁走,可是美食阵法的力量垂落而下,化作了一个个冰冷的锁链,铐住了他的身躯。 Keep the soul God from struggling log cabin! 让魂神无法挣扎出木屋! But Bu Fang, held Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife. 步方,抓住了龙骨菜刀 put out a long breath. 吐出了一口气 Takes out knitting wool, ties up hair. 取出一根绒绳,捆绑住发丝 Rolling up the sleeves cautiously. 小心翼翼的挽起袖子。 Just likes is carrying on Zhuang Zhou's banquet dish culinary arts. 就犹如在进行一场庄周的宴会菜品烹饪 Just...... This banquet, prepares for the soul God. 只不过……这场宴会,是为魂神准备的。 Also participates in funeral ceremony for the soul God! 也是为魂神而送葬的! It can be said that the soul uncanny prediction was in history the most comfortable villain. 可以说,魂神算是史上最舒服的反派了。 Because of his cause of death, livingly was not possibly killed by the protagonist. 因为他的死法,可能不是被主角给活生生打死。 But by protagonist...... With cuisines, gives to support stiffly. 而是被主角……用美食,硬生生给撑死。 The soul God is in an uncontrollable rage, he especially...... Also God of Cooking that old cloudy ratio snare! 魂神怒不可遏,他特么的……又中了厨神那老阴比的圈套了! He suspected, because of the strength of evil, he really becomes somewhat silly! 他不禁怀疑,是不是因为罪恶之力,他真的变得有些傻! I am soul God Ah!!!” “我是魂神啊!!!” The soul God was roaring. 魂神咆哮着。 chī chī chī...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Has not used divine strength, has not used the special skill. 没有用神力,也没有用特殊的技巧。 Bu Fang is peaceful, dish culinary arts in light basis God of Cooking menu. 步方安安静静,平平淡淡的根据厨神菜谱中的菜品烹饪着。 The fragrance lingers. 香味萦绕而起。 The soul God nose that roared moves, suddenly shut up, the direct stomach tumbles! 正在咆哮的魂神鼻子一动,顿时闭上了嘴,直接胃部翻滚! The strength of big crime, changes to the pitch-black Black Dragon, starts slowly struggles...... 大罪之力,化作漆黑的黑龙,开始缓缓的挣扎…… Is resisting with the Food Formation strength. 美食阵法的力量对抗着。 Bu Fang looked at one, the culinary arts speed sped up. 步方看了一眼,烹饪的速度加快。 Once makes the soul God struggle, that was really not possibly good to cope. 一旦让魂神挣扎开来,那可能就真的不好对付了。 Jolts the pot, stir-fries, the spatula flutters, fragrance overflowing. 颠锅,翻炒,锅铲翻飞,香味四溢。 fancy blue patterned porcelain tray preparation. 青花瓷盘准备。 Bu Fang pours the dish in pot, in pouring cooking liquor. 步方将锅中的菜品倒出,浇上汤汁。 Then, arrived at the front of soul God. 尔后,来到了魂神的面前。 The chopsticks are clamping the dish, expressionlessly was nodding to the soul God...... 筷子夹着菜品,面无表情的对着魂神点了点头…… Clever...... Opens mouth,” “乖……张嘴,啊” The soul God eyeball stares in a big way. 魂神眼珠子瞪大。 As a big villain, he must have dying of dignity!!! 作为一个大反派,他要有尊严的死去!!!
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