GOAW :: Volume #19

#1844: Bu Fang in mirror

Un? 嗯? The Bu Fang's words, let present all people fiercely to stare. 步方的话,让在场所有人都是猛地一愣。 „The heart of soul God where?” Tongtian Jiaozhu frowned, his innermost feelings are somewhat anxious, is really drags was too long. “魂神的心在哪里?”通天教主皱起了眉头,他的内心有些焦虑,实在是拖的太久了。 The innermost feelings have an inexplicable restlessness. 内心有种莫名的不安。 The soul God makes anything in this period of time, they do not know. 魂神到底在这段时间内做什么,他们一点都不知道。 This plants, enemy in hidden place, they in public stresses the blind feeling. 这就有种,敌人在暗处,他们在明处的抓瞎感。 The Bu Fang facial color is actually very indifferent, he has taken down the bamboo hat. 步方面色倒是很淡然,他取下了斗笠。 Lets the army set.” “让大军集合吧。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Presents many people to stare. 在场许多人都是一愣。 Set army...... It seems like that the position of Bu Fang really very definite soul God. 集合大军……看来,步方是真的很确定魂神的位置了。 Otherwise is impossible to let army set first. 否则不可能先让大军集合的。 Tongtian Jiaozhu looks at Bu Fang, not hesitant, he tells immediately, lets the army set. 通天教主看着步方,没有犹豫,他立刻吩咐下去,让大军集合。 The immortal sound lingers. 仙音萦绕。 Ancestor's on-board immortals shoot up to the sky in abundance...... 祖星上的仙人们纷纷冲天而起…… Gathered a neat and ordered army on the vault of heaven. 在天穹上汇聚出了一支整齐而有序的大军。 In the present ancestor star, practice is not secret, the people raise head, are looking at the seven pink clouds light on vault of heaven, reveals the exclamation. 在如今的祖星,修行已经不是什么秘密了,人们仰着头,望着天穹上的七彩霞光,都是流露出了惊叹。 Bu Fang takes off the bamboo hat, removed rain clothes. 步方摘下斗笠,褪去了蓑衣。 Slowly is walking. 缓缓的行走着。 Continuously by the issue that he neglects, lets him is to think now. 一个一直被他忽视的问题,让他现在才是想起来。 In fact, soul God precisely God of Cooking, even if God of Cooking has laid aside the heart of soul God, dark, always an induction. 实际上,魂神就是厨神,就算厨神真的藏起了魂神的心脏,冥冥中,总是会有一种感应的。 Therefore, if soul God's heart, really in ancestor on-board, that soul God is impossible the ancestor star. 所以,若是魂神之心,真的在祖星上,那魂神不可能会不来祖星。 But from ancestor on-board uneventful situation. 而从祖星上风平浪静的情况来看。 Soul God's heart not here. 魂神之心不在这儿。 Bu Fang sighed. 步方叹了一口气。 Incautiously was given cloudy one wave by God of Cooking. 一不小心被厨神给阴了一波。 The Bu Fang facial color is somewhat complex. 步方面色有些复杂。 The efficiency of immortal army is quick, built up all of a sudden. 仙人大军的效率很快,一下子就集结了起来。 However, Bu Fang has not waited for them. 不过,步方没有等待他们。 Little Fox and Small Pi fall on the Bu Fang's shoulder. 小狐小皮落在步方的肩头。 Bu Fang looked to behind partners, nodded. 步方看向了身后的伙伴们,点了点头。 The next quarter, aura fills the air, one step treads, the white luminous spot before his body, changed to a channel. 下一刻,气息弥漫,一步踏出,白色的光点在他的身躯之前,化作了一个通道。 In a flash, they have then stepped into the universe starry sky, vanishes the disappearing form. 一瞬间,他们便是踏入了宇宙星空之中,消失不见了身影。 Lord Dog, Little Yōu, Hades and the others also rapidly followed. 狗爷,小幽,冥王尔哈等人也飞速跟了上去。 Tongtian Jiaozhu shoulders executes the immortal four swords, steps into teleportation formation. 通天教主背负诛仙四剑,踏入传送阵法中。 However, he gave the immortal the army to leave behind the clue. 不过,他给仙人大军留下了线索。 Follows Bu Fang to go. 跟随步方而去。 ...... …… In boundless starry sky, as if stream of light, rapid twinkle. 无垠的星空中,仿佛有一道流光,飞速的闪烁而过。 Has spanned the expansive sky. 横亘过了长空。 Here is...... Great antiquity universe?” “这里是……洪荒宇宙?” Tongtian Jiaozhu followed the Bu Fang's step. 通天教主跟上了步方的步伐。 Looks that periphery flies the boundless starry sky that unceasingly goes , the opens the mouth inquiry said. 看着周围不断飞逝而去的无垠星空,不由的开口询问道。 Bu Fang nodded, truly is great antiquity universe. 步方点了点头,确实是洪荒宇宙。 Tongtian Jiaozhu has not spoken. 通天教主没有说话了。 Hasn't the heart of soul God hidden in the ancestor star, could it be that hides in the corner of some corner? 魂神的心脏没有藏在祖星,难道藏在某个旮旯的角落? This makes him somewhat have doubts and puzzled. 这让他有些疑惑和不解。 However he believes the Bu Fang's judgment, if in the world, who can know that the trail of soul God, except for Bu Fang, should not have other people. 不过他相信步方的判断,如果说天地间,谁能知道魂神的踪迹,除了步方,应该没有其他人了。 Bang!! 轰! The flowing light has delimited the horizon, just like walks in the universes. 流光划过天际,犹如在宇宙间行走。 expert on the scene, cultivation base unusual formidable, crosses the starry sky, is not difficult. 在场的强者,修为都非常的强悍,横渡星空,并不难。 The star territories were surmounted by them. 一个个星域被他们跨越。 Un? 嗯? Finally, Tongtian Jiaozhu frowned for a long time. 终于,在许久之后,通天教主皱起了眉头。 He felt a formidable incomparable fluctuation. 他感觉到了一股强悍无比的波动。 That fluctuation, let his vision is suddenly dignified. 那波动,让他的目光都是陡然凝重了起来。 Really......” “果然……” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 He pulled recently, the speed erupts once again. 他最近一扯,速度再度爆发。 Around his body, the space speed of flow is quick, one step treads, as if surmounted in 10 million remote. 在他的身躯周围,空间流速非常快,一步踏出,仿佛跨越了千万里之遥。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Finally, to a bleak star territory. 终于,到了一片荒凉的星域。 The Bu Fang's speed has reduced speed. 步方的速度减慢了下来。 In fact, even if no Bu Fang's to direct, the people on the scene can also the disparity to present unusual. 实际上,就算没有步方的指引,在场的众人也能差距到眼前的不同寻常。 Distant place. 远处。 Has seven stars. 有七颗星辰。 Peaceful float. 安静的悬浮着。 The distribution of stars, generally speaking, under organizing of Heavenly Law will, forms some rule. 星辰的分布,一般而言,都是在天道意志的摆布下,形成某种规律。 But present seven stars, actually by formidable strength forcefully removal come. 而眼前的七颗星辰,却是被强大的力量强行搬移过来 Bu Fang has anchored the step, is looking at the seven stars of distant place. 步方停住了步伐,望着远处的七颗星辰。 Revolves later around seven stars, then has piece of continent...... 在七颗星辰围绕之后,则是有一片大陆…… That continent, the surroundings are hazy the mysterious fog. 大陆,周围迷蒙着神奇的灰雾。 Eh? This feeling...... Is the Farmland world?” “咦?这种感觉……是田园天地?” Mu Hong surprised say/way. 木鸿子惊疑道。 He had the Farmland world, therefore naturally can feel. 他曾经拥有过田园天地,所以自然能够感觉的到。 Immortal Kitchen Realm precisely his Farmland world, all previous God of Cooking candidates have the Farmland world. 仙厨界就是他的田园天地,历届厨神的候选者都有田园天地。 At present this unslaked lime misty world, gives his feeling, such as Immortal Kitchen Realm is ordinary with his relations. 眼前这块灰蒙蒙的天地,给他的感觉,就如仙厨界跟他的关系一般。 Right...... precisely Farmland world.” “没错……就是田园天地。” Bu Fang's vision somewhat complex looks. 步方的目光有些复杂的看着。 This is belongs to my Farmland world......” “这是属于我的田园天地……” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The Mu Hong index light shrinks. 木鸿子目光一缩。 could it be that...... 难道…… But should not, each generation of host have the Farmland world, why God of Cooking the soul God's heart, will hide in the Bu Fang's Farmland world. 可是不应该啊,每一代的宿主都拥有田园天地,那为什么厨神会将魂神之心,藏在步方的田园天地之中。 Bu Fang has not explained the doubts of Mu Hong. 步方并没有解释木鸿子的疑惑。 In fact, Bu Fang is also only a little idea. 实际上,步方也只是有一点想法。 However, he is unascertainable. 但是,他并不能确定。 However...... 但是…… What without a doubt is, the heart of soul God, hides in his Farmland world surely...... 毫无疑问的是,魂神的心,必定藏在他的田园天地中…… This, coming out that can look at from the present seven stars. 这点,从眼前的七颗星辰就可以看的出来。 The Tongtian Jiaozhu vision concentrates. 通天教主目光一凝。 Therefore...... Soul God's heart, on conceal in that Great World?” “所以……魂神之心,就藏在那大世界中?” The Tongtian Jiaozhu vision narrows the eyes. 通天教主目光一眯。 Then, back execution immortal four sword suddenly moved. 尔后,背后的诛仙四剑顿时动了起来。 Comes out of the sheath instantaneously, has torn backdrop. 瞬间出鞘,撕裂了天幕。 His aura vicissitude, the foot steps on the starry sky, explodes to plunder, speeds away to go toward the seven stars of distant place rapidly. 他的气息浮沉,脚踩星空,爆掠而出,朝着远处的七颗星辰飞速疾驰而去。 Bang! 轰! Really. 果然。 In flash that he begins. 在他动手的一瞬间。 In seven stars, pure presses up to energy of strength of big crime turbulently. 七颗星辰中的一颗中,一股精纯的直逼大罪之力的能量汹涌而出。 The Pride big Soul Demon Lord vision is ice-cold. 傲慢魂主目光冰冷无情。 Executes the immortal four swords to change to formation, the crush under. 诛仙四剑化作阵法,碾压而下。 Pride big Soul Demon Lord also loudly erupts radiant aura, light beam, as if likely must tear the backdrop! 傲慢魂主也是轰然爆发出璀璨的气息,一道光束,似乎像是要撕裂天幕! A pitch-black color/look lance and formation hit together. 一把漆黑色的长矛与阵法撞击在一起。 Belongs, aura collide of big perfection sage level, loudly eruption. 属于,大圆满圣人层次的气息碰撞,轰然爆发。 Four execute the immortal sword to jump rapidly shoots to return, lingers around the Tongtian Jiaozhu body. 四把诛仙剑飞速迸射而回,萦绕在通天教主的身躯周围。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, the foot steps on the stars, Daoist robe flap flap makes noise in the wind. 通天教主,脚踩星辰,身上的道袍在风中猎猎作响。 Big perfection big Soul Demon Lord...... Really, soul God really here!” “大圆满魂主……果然,魂神真的在这儿!” In the Tongtian Jiaozhu vision erupts radiantly, murderous aura soars to the heavens! 通天教主目光中爆发璀璨,杀气冲天! Found! 找到了! Finally found soul God the hiding place of! 终于找到魂神的藏身之处了! Tongtian Jiaozhu sent out the long and loud cry, in the hand has been grasping azure duckweed sword, coerced to execute the immortal four swords to kill. 通天教主发出了长啸,手中握着青萍剑,裹挟诛仙四剑杀了过去。 With the Pride big Soul Demon Lord war in one. 傲慢魂主大战在了一起。 Phenomenon that this war, fights, gloomy. 这一战,战的惊天动地,天昏地暗。 All around innumerable stars attacked explodes broken...... 周遭无数的星辰被冲击的爆碎…… But big Soul Demon Lord on other six stars, still sat cross-legged, motionless. 而其他六颗星辰上的大魂主,仍旧盘坐,一动不动。 What are they making?” “他们在做什么?” Some Lord Dog doubts, inquired Bu Fang, 狗爷有些疑惑,询问步方, Bu Fang shook the head, he does not understand. 步方摇了摇头,他也弄不懂。 This Seven Deadly Sins wicked big Soul Demon Lord, to protect the soul God, making the soul God complete the gain of heart. 七大罪恶大魂主,是为了守护魂神,让魂神完成心脏的获取。 Therefore, they cannot waste the time. 因此,他们不能在浪费时间。 Begins......” “动手……” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The words fall. 话语落下。 He took the lead, one step trod. 他率先动了,一步踏出。 Just likes the meteor, charges into the Farmland world. 犹如流星,冲向田园天地。 Initially turned over, Bu Fang to strip the Farmland world, the present Farmland world, to be honest, does not have the big relations with him. 当初归凡,步方就剥离了田园天地,如今的田园天地,说实话,跟他没有多大的关系。 However, some of his also many old friends in the Farmland world...... 不过,他还有许多老朋友在田园天地中…… Therefore...... 所以…… He must kill! 他必须要杀进去! Bu Fang moves. 步方一动。 Lord Dog, Hades, Whitey, Little Yōu also moved. 狗爷,冥王尔哈,小白,小幽也都动了。 expert, change to flowing light to charge into the Farmland world...... 一尊尊强者,化作流光冲向田园天地…… However. 然而。 Along with their impacts. 随着他们的冲击。 Sits cross-legged remaining six big Soul Demon Lord on the dry lonesome stars, then has opened simultaneously eyes. 盘坐在枯寂星辰上剩下的六尊大魂主,则是同时睁开了眼眸 The expressions on their face are various, the body in the flash, has exhibited the unusual appearance. 他们脸上的表情各不相同,身躯在一瞬间,摆出了奇特的模样。 Bang! 轰! Soaring to the heavens strength of winding of evil in one. 一道道冲霄的罪恶之力缠绕在了一起。 Bang, changed to huge demon phantom. 轰隆一声,化作了一尊庞大的魔头虚影 That phantom, incomparable huge. 虚影,无比的庞大。 Also is being the vision concentrates with Pride big Soul Demon Lord of Tongtian Jiaozhu war, withdraws suddenly. 正在和通天教主大战的傲慢魂主也是目光一凝,陡然后撤。 Returned to above the stars. 回归到了星辰之上。 The strength of evil changes to Black Dragon, breaks in the clouds. 罪恶之力化作黑龙,冲入云霄。 Seven Black Dragon circles. 七尊黑龙盘旋。 Changes to fearful incomparable formation. 化作可怕无比的阵法 This formation appearance. 这个阵法一出现。 The facial colors of all people changed. 所有人的面色都变了。 Bang!! 轰! As if changed to boundless black hole, in a flash...... 仿佛化作了一个无垠的黑洞,一瞬间…… Has inhaled in which all people. 把所有人都吸入了其中。 No matter Bu Fang, is Little Yōu, is Tongtian Jiaozhu, was inhaled. 不管是步方,还是小幽,还是通天教主,都被吸入了其中。 After the black hole. 黑洞之后。 Seven evil big Soul Demon Lord are sitting cross-legged. 七尊罪恶大魂主盘坐着。 The strength of their evil, rolling surge. 他们身上的罪恶之力,滚滚涌动。 Above the top of the head, is all circling a black crystal stone. 头顶之上,皆是盘旋着一颗黑色的晶石。 ...... …… Bu Fang frowns, he walks in boundless pitch-black. 步方皱着眉头,他行走在无垠的漆黑之中。 Where is here? 这里是哪里? He by formation that seven big Soul Demon Lord formed inhaling in this boundless black hole. 他被七尊大魂主所组建的阵法给吸入了这个无边的黑洞中。 Is this deliberately is delaying the time? 这是在故意拖延时间么? Bu Fang deeply takes a breath. 步方深吸一口气。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord, delay the time, so long as helped the soul God obtain the heart, that must finish. 七尊大魂主,拖延住时间,只要让魂神获得了心脏,那一切就都要结束了。 It seems like must to pick up the speed. 看来得要加快速度了啊。 Bu Fang expressionlessly. 步方面无表情 Gradually proceeds. 一步一步的往前走。 Boundless black hole...... Broke well. 无边黑洞……打破了就好。 Bu Fang begins slightly supinely. 步方微微仰起头。 The mind moves. 心神一动。 The next quarter, terrifying spiritual force rolling came from his body...... 下一刻,恐怖的精神力就从他的身躯之上滚滚开来…… As if a beacon light, starts to embezzle the innumerable darkness. 仿佛一盏明灯,开始侵吞无数的黑暗。 Unceasing embezzles all. 不断的吞没一切。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Intermittent black air/Qi surges. 一阵阵的黑气涌动而起。 Bu Fang stares. 步方一愣。 He discovered that these black air/Qi vicissitudes, in all around, changed to seven mirrors unexpectedly. 他发现那些黑气浮沉,居然在四周,化作了七面镜子。 Seven mirrors his wrap up among, have sealed off his all outlets...... 七面镜子把他包裹在了正中间,封堵住了他所有的出路…… What is this must make? 这是要做什么? Bu Fang stares. 步方一愣。 His starting to walk step, approached greatly straight the incomparably peak enters the vault of heaven at the same time the mirror. 他迈开步子,靠近了其中一面巨大无比直耸入天穹的镜子。 The mirror is not the Haha mirror, in which Bu Fang figure has not twisted. 镜子不是哈哈镜,其中的步方身形也没有扭曲。 The mirror is producing an inverted image the Bu Fang's form. 镜子倒映着步方的身影。 The background is the boundless darkness, but Bu Fang in mirror, is actually bright incomparable. 背景是无边的黑暗,但是镜子中的步方,却是明亮无比。 In black hole...... Puts in order seven mirrors, what formation is this? 在黑洞中……整出七面镜子,这是什么阵法 Bu Fang lifted the hand, Bu Fang in mirror has also lifted the hand. 步方抬起手,镜子中的步方也抬起了手。 Extends make a move, moves on the mirror. 出手,碰触在镜子上。 The ice-cold feeling, followed mirror to conduct into the Bu Fang's flesh instantaneously. 冰冷的感觉,瞬间顺着镜子传导入了步方的肌肤。 A Bu Fang brow wrinkle. 步方眉头一皱。 A Bu Fang also brow wrinkle in mirror. 镜子中的步方也眉头一皱。 Un? 嗯? Bu Fang horizontally views the vision, stubbornly is staring in mirror. 步方平视目光,死死的盯着镜子中的自己。 Peaceful looks, look. 安静的看着,看着。 Atmosphere, stagnation slowly. 气氛,缓缓的凝滞。 Bu Fang in mirror, is looking at each other...... 镜子中的步方,也对视着…… Suddenly. 突然。 Bu Fang in that mirror, corners of the mouth on select slightly, the head upward raised, has shown a Pride incomparable expression...... 那镜子中的步方,嘴角微微上挑,脑袋往上扬,露出了一副傲慢无比的表情…… Grinned, has put out a character...... 咧开嘴,吐出了一个字…… Death.” “死。” Pā pā pā Pa! 啪啪啪啪! Each mirror in all around, shines completely. 周遭的每一块镜子中,全部亮起。 In seven mirrors, illuminated seven Bu Fang. 七个镜子中,照出了七个步方 Each Bu Fang's stance varies. 每个步方的姿态都不一。 Some reveal Envy stance. 有的露出“嫉妒”的姿态。 Some reveal Sloth stance. 有的露出“懒惰”的姿态。 As if the Seven Deadly Sins wicked mood, in the incisiveness that this moment displays. 仿佛七大罪恶情绪,在这一刻表现的淋漓尽致。 Bu Fang withdraws one step. 步方后撤一步。 The corners of the mouth pull out...... 嘴角一抽…… Perhaps...... His expression for a lifetime, displayed in these seven mirrors. 恐怕……他一辈子的表情,都在这七面镜子中表现出来了吧。 ...... …… Farmland world. 田园天地。 In hazy fog. 迷蒙的灰雾中。 Soul God walk of slowly, he not anxiously not slow. 魂神缓缓的行走,他不急不缓。 Along with his walk, fog as if unceasing in the future will remove. 随着他的行走,灰雾仿佛不断的往后撤。 However, has the limit eventually. 不过,终究是有极限的。 Removed the place of limit. 撤到了极限之处。 It is not able to continue to withdraw again. 就无法再继续后撤了。 Bang. 嘭的一声。 Fog as if rebound, instantaneously gives to embezzle the soul God, wrap up. 灰雾仿佛反弹似的,瞬间把魂神给吞没,包裹 However, figure of soul God had not been affected by the fog slightly, he is walking slowly. 不过,魂神的身形丝毫没有受到灰雾的影响,他慢慢的走着。 Finally...... 终于…… Arrived at one piece directly before by Farmland that the duskiness covers. 来到了一片径直的被灰蒙蒙所笼罩的田园之前。 The familiar log cabin, familiar sod, even on the familiar young tree has familiar spirit beast...... 熟悉的木屋,熟悉的草皮,甚至熟悉的小树上有熟悉的灵兽…… exactly initially God of Cooking and cursed that place that the queen lived...... 正是当初厨神和诅咒女王生活的那片地方…… Niú Hàn Sān holds Small Eight also to have 3 Eyes Violent Lion, panic-stricken uncertain. 牛汉三抱着小八还有三眼狂狮,惊恐不定。 damn...... 尼玛…… Did the soul God pursue unexpectedly really? 魂神居然真的追进来了? He hides in the fog, unexpectedly can't block the soul God? 他躲到灰雾中,居然都挡不住魂神么? Ended...... 完了完了…… Right now really must be made dried beef...... 这下子真的要被做成牛肉干了…… In Niú Hàn Sān heart that alarmed and afraid. 牛汉三心中那个惊惧啊。 However...... 然而…… The soul God simply has not paid attention to him. 魂神根本没有理会他。 Latter scarlet eyes, peaceful looks at the log cabin in distant place. 后者猩红的眼眸,安静的看着远处的木屋。 The atmosphere, as if the flash, stiffened. 气氛,仿佛一瞬间,僵住了。 Niú Hàn Sān looked at the soul God, looked at a log cabin. 牛汉三看了眼魂神,又看了眼木屋。 Puts out the one breath, he prepares to bring Small Eight , etc. to leave this fog region. 吐出一口气,他准备带着小八等离开这灰雾地带。 However...... 不过…… He just starting to walk step. 他刚刚迈开步子。 Creaking...... 嘎吱…… In that fog as if static log cabin gate...... Was shoved open. 那灰雾中仿佛静止的木屋门……被推开了。 That sound, making Niú Hàn Sān instantaneous...... Absolutely terrified! 那声音,让牛汉三瞬间……毛骨悚然! damn?! 尼玛?! In this log cabin...... Has the person?! 这木屋中……有人?!
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