GOAW :: Volume #19

#1845: Suppression soul God Seven Deadly Sins

In the log cabin has the person? 木屋里面有人? Niú Hàn Sān had a scare, the body that wanted to run away was stiff in same place. 牛汉三被吓了一跳,原本想要逃走的身子都是僵在了原地。 The distant place, the soul is an excellent likeness simply not to note Niú Hàn Sān. 远处,魂神似乎根本没有注意到牛汉三 Scarlet eyes is staring at the log cabin, the movement not anxiously not slow, his starting to walk step, walks toward the log cabin. 猩红的眼眸盯着木屋,动作不急不缓,他迈开步子,朝着木屋走去。 On the Niú Hàn Sān tight forehead the sweat must flow. 牛汉三紧张的额头上汗水都要流下来了。 This looked that has probably left uncultivated in the log cabins of innumerable years, unexpectedly some people will push the door, who is? 这个一看就好像荒废了无数岁月的木屋中,居然会有人推门而出,到底是谁? Suppresses fearful pressure that soul God creates. 强忍住魂神所带来的可怕压力。 Niú Hàn Sān turning the head slowly, saw in the log cabin to walk, but form. 牛汉三缓缓的转头,看到了木屋中行走而出的身影。 In the log cabin arranges obsoletely, going out is on a head is hoodwinking form of one group of dense fog. 木屋之内陈设老旧,走出是个脑袋上蒙着一团迷雾的身影。 That dense fog, somewhat resembles with the fog of Farmland world actually. 那迷雾,和田园天地的灰雾倒是有些相像。 The same mysticalness, the same letting person cannot see through. 同样的神秘,同样的让人看不穿。 This is...... 这是…… Niú Hàn Sān stared in a big way the buphthalmo, he did not recognize this form. 牛汉三瞪大了牛眼,他并不认得这道身影。 Naturally, if Bu Fang here, can definitely recognize. 当然,如果步方在这儿的话,肯定是能够认出来的。 Because of this form, Bu Fang is not strange. 因为这道身影,步方并不陌生。 The soul God sees this form lightly. 魂神淡淡的看着这道身影。 The head is hoodwinking the form of dense fog, looks at the soul God. 脑袋蒙着迷雾的身影,也是看着魂神。 They, as if are using the look to exchange. 两人,仿佛在用眼神交流。 Niú Hàn Sān is holding Small Eight, slowly walks toward the dense fog outside, bit by bit, moves quietly. 牛汉三抱着小八,缓缓的往迷雾外走去,一点一点的,悄悄挪动。 He hopes that soul God has not noted him. 他希望那魂神没有注意到他。 However, clearly, he wants. 不过,很明显,他想多了。 In his footsteps almost must take the instance outside dense fog, the soul God lifts the hand, strength of instantaneous spread the black big crimes, twined his arm, the sole. 在他的脚步几乎要迈出迷雾之外的瞬间,魂神抬起手,一股股的黑色大罪之力瞬间蔓延而起,缠绕住了他的手臂,脚掌。 As if presented a shackles, gave the thorough blockade Niú Hàn Sān. 仿佛出现了一个牢笼,把牛汉三给彻底的封锁在了其中。 Perfectly round that the Niú Hàn Sān buphthalmo stares. 牛汉三牛眼瞪的滚圆。 Was fettered in same place. 被束缚在了原地。 „Did main body ask you to leave?” “本尊让你走了么?” Soul God indifferently said. 魂神淡淡道 His words, without any emotion. 他的话语,没有任何的情感。 Niú Hàn Sān wants to cry but have no tears. 牛汉三欲哭无泪。 Your big shots fight, why can involve this lowly person thing? 你们大佬打架,为何要牵扯上他这个小人物? However, soul God has not killed Niú Hàn Sān, but gives after him the seal got up, again facing stands before log cabin the form. 不过,魂神并没有杀牛汉三,只是把他给封印了起来之后,就重新面对站在木屋前的身影。 Soul God corners of the mouth twisting the mouth sidewise slowly. 魂神嘴角缓缓的咧开。 That head is hazy the form of dense fog, top/withstand the huge pressure to walk. 那道脑袋迷蒙着迷雾的身影,顶着巨大的压力行走而出。 With soul God face-to-face. 跟魂神面对面。 God of Cooking that old fogy, hides my heart here...... Thinks that I couldn't discover?” 厨神那老家伙,把我的心藏在这儿……以为我发现不了么?” Soul God coldly smiles. 魂神冷冷一笑。 Sends your such thing to protect my heart?” “就派你这么个东西守护我的心?” The person's shadow as if sent out has smiled pale. 人影似乎发出了淡笑。 The latter lifts the hand, has made one gesture, neither arrogant nor servile. 后者抬起手,做出了一个起手式,不卑不亢。 God of Cooking early expects you to look, therefore keeps me to block you here.” 厨神早料到你会找来,所以留我在这儿拦你。” The light sound, resounds through in environment. 淡淡的声音,响彻在环境中。 Niú Hàn Sān gave up struggling. 牛汉三已经放弃挣扎了。 Since cannot struggle, that peacefully watches the performance of big shots. 既然挣扎不出去,那就安静的看大佬们的表演吧。 Bang! 轰! The soul God ice-cold smiles, lifts a hand, raises along with his hand. 魂神冰冷一笑,抬起一只手,随着他的手扬起。 Static the log cabins of innumerable years started the disintegration, the sod flutter, trees collapse broken. 原本静止了无数岁月的木屋开始崩碎,草皮翻飞,树木崩断。 Just likes by the darkness cancelling. 就犹如被黑暗给抹去似的。 The Niú Hàn Sān heart as if must stop beating...... 牛汉三心脏似乎都要停止跳动…… That pressure, greatly is unable to describe in the spoken language to him. 那种压力,巨大到他无法用言语来形容。 The earth-shattering is. 天崩地裂都为过。 The form before that log cabin, was still maintaining the movement, did not hide does not evade. 那道木屋前的身影,仍旧保持着动作,不躲不避。 Instantaneous, by that infinite darkness swallowing. 瞬间,就被那无穷的黑暗给吞噬。 Bang...... Blows up thoroughly. 嘭的一声……彻底炸毁。 Niú Hàn Sān is dumb as a wooden chicken. 牛汉三呆若木鸡。 Was this solved? 这就被解决了? Thinks is a King, finally unexpectedly is a bronze! 原本以为是个王者,结果居然是个青铜! Suddenly. 忽然。 The Niushan three breath stagnate. 牛山三呼吸一滞。 He discovers in that darkness, lightens the light to reappear quietly, just like the glow brilliance, flutters in the world. 他发现那黑暗中,一点亮光悄然浮现而出,犹如萤火的光辉,在天地间飘动。 The darkness wells up to return instantaneously but actually. 黑暗瞬间倒涌而回。 On that head is hazy the form of mist, lifts the hand slowly. 那道脑袋上迷蒙着雾气的身影,缓缓抬起手。 God of Cooking will split?” 厨神的意志分体?” The soul God narrows the eye, light looks that say/way is sending out the radiant brilliance form. 魂神眯起眼,淡淡的看着那道散发着璀璨光辉的身影。 No...... My precisely I, different smoke and fire.” “不……我就是我,不一样的烟火。” Please call me...... Bird master.” “请叫我……鸟爷。” Person's shadow indifferently said. 人影淡淡道 Then...... 尔后…… The hand wields, innumerable radiant radiance swept across are dark, goes toward the soul God turbulently. 手一挥,无数的璀璨光华席卷黑暗,朝着魂神汹涌而去。 In this moment, as if was really God of Cooking arrived. 在这一刻,仿佛真的是厨神降临了似的。 ...... …… In black hole. 黑洞中。 Bu Fang looks that seven give to surround in him together mirror. 步方看着七面把他给包围在一起的镜子。 The look on face is somewhat strange. 脸上的神色有些古怪。 Bu Fang in these mirrors, make all kinds of gestures. 这些镜子中的步方,做出各种各样的姿态。 Perhaps, ugly surface that the mirror of this precisely evil, discovers everyone innermost feelings. 或许,这就是罪恶之镜,找出每个人内心的丑陋之面吧。 Evil with feeling emotion. 罪恶与有情。 Is the natural dispositions of person, if suppressed feeling emotion, the emotion of cutting off, that evil side by infinite enlargement. 都是人的本性,如果压制了有情,斩断的情感,那罪恶的一面就会被无限的放大。 Like God of Cooking, has chosen the heartless say/way, therefore his evil infinitely was enlarged at the same time then, became Seven Deadly Sins...... 就如厨神,选择了无情道,所以他的罪恶一面便被无限放大,变为了七大罪…… Has formed the soul God. 形成了魂神。 Although Bu Fang now walks to feel emotion saying that but he has not become enlightened truly, therefore the mirror, has discovered his Seven Deadly Sins. 步方如今虽然行走有情道,但是他还没有真正成道,所以镜子,找出了他的七大罪 It seems like that wants to cope with Bu Fang with Seven Deadly Sins. 看来,是想要用七大罪来对付步方 Looks in seven mirrors, who stance varies. 看着七面镜子中,姿态各异的自己。 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly. 步方嘴角微微一扯。 In mirror. 镜子中。 Seven Bu Fang are having the different stances, slowly walks. 七位步方带着不同的姿态,缓缓的从中行走而出。 The mirror surface, as if the wave ripples, quick, seven forms on float side Bu Fang's. 镜子面,仿佛水波荡漾,很快,七道身影就悬浮在了步方的身边。 In everyone innermost feelings seven evils, looked whether you can suppress heart reading of evil. 每个人内心中都有七宗罪恶,就看你能否压制住心中的罪恶之念。 Bu Fang light looks. 步方淡淡的看着。 His mind moves. 他心神一动。 White Tiger Heaven Stove, Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, Black Tortoise Pot and other God of Cooking set appeared. 白虎天灶,龙骨菜刀,玄武锅厨神套装浮现而出。 Lights Divine Fire. 点燃神火 Starts culinary arts. 开始烹饪 Seven evil Bu Fang nearness gradually, but Bu Fang not only not anxious, instead even more is calm and calm. 七尊罪恶步方一步一步的靠近,但是步方不仅没有紧张,反而是越发的淡定与从容。 Then started culinary arts of heart non- distracting thoughts. 转而开始了心无杂念的烹饪 Along with Bu Fang's culinary arts. 随着步方的烹饪 Seven evil Bu Fang, once approaches, will then discover that own body starts like the granule dissolution. 七尊罪恶步方,一旦靠近,便是会发现自己的身躯开始如粒子般溶解。 In culinary arts, Bu Fang simply does not have any evil distracting thoughts. 烹饪的时候,步方根本没有任何的罪恶杂念。 As if real achievement has felt emotion. 仿佛真的成就了有情道似的。 Naturally, this condition also only has in culinary arts. 当然,这种状态也唯有在烹饪的时候。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Other regions in black hole. 黑洞中的其他区域。 War in unceasing eruption. 大战在不断的爆发。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, by an enemy seven. 通天教主,以一敌七。 Reading of the person's to fighting own seven evil. 一个人对战自己的七宗罪恶之念。 Pitch-dark that this war, fights. 这一战,战的昏天黑地。 Lord Dog, Hades, Little Yōu wait/etc. is fighting. 狗爷,冥王尔哈,小幽等等都在战斗。 Naturally...... 当然…… Has an exception. 有一个例外。 That precisely Whitey. 就是小白 Whitey's mechanical eye twinkle, is looking at seven it in mirror. 小白的机械眼闪烁,望着镜子中的七个它。 Uphold hand, touches the round head. 不由的抬起手,摸了摸圆嘟嘟的脑袋。 Although in the mirror is producing an inverted image he, but has not looked like other people like that to present Seven Deadly Sins wicked reading. 虽然镜子中倒映着他,但是并没有像其他人那般出现七大罪恶之念。 After all, Whitey is only the puppet, is Bu Fang with the puppet that stars source condense comes out. 毕竟,小白只是傀儡,是步方用星辰本源凝聚出来的傀儡。 He does not have reading of evil, even said that does not have the emotion. 他没有罪恶之念,甚至说没有情感。 Naturally, he can breed the emotion, but at least, at this moment, Whitey does not have Seven Deadly Sins wicked reading. 当然,他可以孕育情感,不过至少,此时此刻,小白是没有七大罪恶之念的。 Therefore. 因此。 After according to a while mirror Whitey, could not find the outlet. 照了一会儿镜子后的小白,找不到了出路。 In the mechanical eye burst out golden light. 机械眼中迸发出了金光。 The direct fist pounded on mirror. 直接一拳砸在了镜子上。 A terrifying fist, the implication can with the mighty force that the soul God fights. 恐怖的一拳,蕴含可以与魂神一战的伟力。 Directly seven mirrors pounding pulp! 直接把七面镜子给砸的稀巴烂! Dāng in the sound...... 哐当声中…… Innumerable fragment fallen everywhere. 无数的碎片零落满地。 After each mirror, is sitting cross-legged big Soul Demon Lord. 每一面镜子后,都盘坐着一尊大魂主 They stunned and surprised looks at Whitey. 他们错愕又惊讶的看着小白 Whitey crooked a head, the back golden color air wave erupted. 小白歪了一下脑袋,背后金色气浪爆发而出。 Instantaneous and seven big Soul Demon Lord wars in one. 瞬间和七尊大魂主大战在了一起。 Even if by an enemy seven, the Whitey not weak next minute, does not matter! 就算是以一敌七,小白也丝毫不弱下分,丝毫无所谓! Bang!!! 轰!!! Fight eruption. 战斗爆发。 Bu Fang has completed culinary arts. 步方完成了烹饪 But the strength of seven big crime, approached him. 而七尊大罪之力,也是靠近了他。 Bu Fang jolts the pot, rich fragrance lingers. 步方颠锅,浓郁的香味萦绕开来。 Waters seven dishes the pouring juice in pot continuously. 将锅中的浇汁连续浇灌七道菜。 Seven are sending out the dish of splendid light, then by Bu Fang completing...... 七道散发着华光的菜品,便是被步方给完成…… Counts on the fingers a ball. 屈指一弹。 Seven dishes jumped to shoot respectively. 七道菜品分别迸射了出去。 Changes to the flowing light, howls to go in seven directions. 化作流光,朝着七个方向呼啸而去。 Each dish, is very simple, ingredient of use is also ordinary ingredient, but is containing Bu Fang now the understanding to culinary arts, to feeling emotion come to realize. 每一道菜,都很简单,使用的食材也是平凡的食材,但是都蕴含着步方如今对烹饪的理解,对有情道的感悟 The seven emotions, he bred in seven dishes. 七情,他孕育到了七道菜中。 Whitey and seven big Soul Demon Lord wars. 小白正在与七尊大魂主大战。 These seven big Soul Demon Lord, after all each is the big perfection sage level. 这七尊大魂主,毕竟每一尊都是大圆满圣人层次的。 Fights. 战斗起来。 Whitey cannot occupy difference. 小白并不能占据上分。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord, above the top of the head, are staring at the pitch-black color/look crystal stone. 七尊大魂主,头顶之上,盯着漆黑色的晶石。 But in the Whitey's top of the head, as if also appeared the golden stars source. 小白的头顶上,仿佛也浮现出了金色的星辰本源。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly. 突然。 Seven dishes, as if changed to seven stream of light, rapid jumping shoots. 七道菜品,仿佛化作了七道流光,飞速的迸射而来。 Suddenly impact above seven big Soul Demon Lord bodies. 陡然冲击在了七尊大魂主的身躯之上。 These seven big Soul Demon Lord have not thought, these dishes will appear suddenly. 这七尊大魂主万万没有想到,这些菜品会突然出现。 Naturally, even if they have thought that did not resist. 当然,就算他们想到了,也抵挡不了。 Seven dishes, are containing the Bu Fang's seven sentiments. 七道菜,蕴含着步方的七种情。 Each dish, suppresses big Soul Demon Lord. 每一道菜,压制一尊大魂主 Big Soul Demon Lord, rapid withdrawing. 一尊尊大魂主,飞速的后撤。 On their faces revealed unwilling and panic-stricken...... 他们的脸上流露出了不甘和惊恐…… However, actually under the suppression of dish, gradual by seal. 不过,却是在菜品的压制下,逐渐的被封印了起来。 Just likes millennium ago souls is an excellent likeness. 就犹如千年前的魂神似的。 Just. 只不过。 Bu Fang also early is not initial Bu Fang. 步方也早已经不是当初的步方 The seal soul God somewhat is perhaps difficult. 封印魂神或许有些困难。 However...... 但是…… Seal seven big Soul Demon Lord, does not have the issue. 封印七尊大魂主,还是没有问题的。 After all, Bu Fang culinary arts dish, almost can compare the false God of Cooking dish. 毕竟,步方烹饪的菜品,也差不多可以比拟伪厨神菜品了。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord, finally irresistibly. 七尊大魂主,终于无法抵抗。 The body changed to the black smoke to vanish, was let fall the golden light attracting under by each dish is included. 身躯化作了黑烟消失,被每一道菜品所垂落下的金光给吸纳入其中。 A stream of the dish, seems a world, suppresses big Soul Demon Lord, suppresses a big perfection Chaos sage level expert. 一道菜品,就仿佛是一个世界,镇压一尊大魂主,镇压一尊大圆满混沌圣人层次的强者 Seven dishes are hanging, under dish, float crystal stone. 七道菜品悬空,菜品下,悬浮一颗晶石。 Under each crystal stone, has the partly visible black air/Qi, black air/Qi once for a while changes to faces. 每一颗晶石下,都有若隐若现的黑气,黑气时不时的化作一张张的人脸。 Whitey touches the round head. 小白摸了摸自己圆嘟嘟的脑袋。 Mechanical eye twinkle. 机械眼闪烁。 Distant place. 远处。 Bu Fang defeated/carrying, walk slowly. 步方负着手,缓缓的行走而来。 Simple and elegant, but is indifferent. 素雅,而淡然。 Experienced one to turn over, Bu Fang present mood transcendence to leave were too many. 经历一场归凡,步方如今的心境超脱出了太多。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord were suppressed. 七尊大魂主被压制。 The black hole then also starts divergence quietly. 黑洞便是也开始悄然的散去。 Form that the people were camouflaged, appears in abundance. 众人被遮蔽住的身影,也纷纷浮现而出。 Everyone is maintaining the stunned condition in war...... 每个人都保持着大战中的愕然状态…… The Tongtian Jiaozhu whole face is stunned. 通天教主满脸愕然。 Little Yōu, Lord Dog , etc. are also astonished extremely. 小幽,狗爷等也是惊异万分。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Lord Dog asked. 狗爷问道。 Bu Fang smiled, has referred to the void float seven dishes...... 步方则是笑了笑,指了指虚空中悬浮的七道菜…… That seven dishes, are seven big Soul Demon Lord. 那七道菜,便是七尊大魂主 This is seven strongest under the hand/subordinate of soul God...... Now, in this dish seal.” “这是魂神的七尊最强手下……如今,都在这菜品封印中了。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 This regarding expert on the scene, actually a good news! 这对于在场强者而言,倒是一个好消息! The black hole diverges. 黑洞散去。 The vision of all people fell in hazily Tianyuan Great World in fog. 所有人的目光都是落在了迷蒙在灰雾中的天元大世界 Regarding Bu Fang, that belongs to his Farmland space. 对于步方而言,那是属于他的田园空间 Even if has stripped now, but aura of that source, Bu Fang will not forget. 就算如今剥离了,但是那种本源的气息,步方还是不会忘记的。 God of Cooking hides the heart of soul God in the Farmland world unexpectedly...... 厨神居然把魂神的心脏藏在田园天地中…… Bu Fang deeply takes a breath. 步方深吸一口气。 He has not thought. 他也真的是万万没有想到啊。 Bang!!!! 轰!!!! Suddenly. 突然。 In Farmland world. 田园天地中。 Had earthshaking collide suddenly. 陡然发生了一场惊天动地的碰撞 The gray dense fog of surroundings the terrifying energy fluctuation, sways turbulently, rolling surges...... 恐怖的能量波动汹涌而出,吹拂的周围的灰色迷雾,滚滚涌动…… Induces to this strength collide. 感应到这股力量的碰撞 expert on the scene, including Bu Fang, the facial color changed. 在场的强者,包括步方在内,面色都是变了。 Really...... Is the soul God!” “果然……是魂神!”
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