GOAW :: Volume #19

#1843: Niú Hàn Sān secret

The cow sits in home, calamity from space. 牛在家中坐,祸从天上来。 Niú Hàn Sān, only remaining hemp/numb Mapi want to say now. 牛汉三,现在只剩下一句麻麻批想说。 The Heavenly Law will, was given the crumb by this big demon palm unexpectedly. 天道意志,居然被这大魔头一掌给捏碎了。 Does this also hit? 这还怎么打? According to the range estimate of Niú Hàn Sān, this completely is not a match of level. 按照牛汉三的目测,这完全不是一个层次的对手。 Coming up that if Niú Hàn Sān does not fear death, feared that is must be killed by the second instantaneously. 牛汉三若是不怕死的上去,怕是瞬间就要被秒杀。 The Tianyuan Great World Heavenly Law will adds body, the Niú Hàn Sān strength can be the ordinary Chaos sage level probably, this is because Tianyuan Great World was the Bu Fang's reason. 天元大世界天道意志加身,牛汉三的实力大概可以达到普通的混沌圣人层次,这还是因为天元大世界原本属于步方的原因。 However...... 但是…… Even if so, to this demon, was hit to explode simply easily accomplished. 就算是如此,对上这魔头,简直摧枯拉朽就被打爆了。 Niú Hàn Sān is holding Small Eight, trembles. 牛汉三抱着小八,瑟瑟发抖。 Hits? 怎么打? This wants the rhythm of dead cow. 这是要死牛的节奏啊。 Therefore Niú Hàn Sān ran away, plan without hesitation runs away. 所以牛汉三逃了,毫不犹豫的打算逃走。 Soul God defeated/carrying, crumb Heavenly Law will buffalo and cow horns, like whisking off dust general relaxedness. 魂神负着手,捏碎了天道意志所化的牛角,就像拂去了尘埃一般的轻松。 A scarlet vision revolution, line of sight suddenly falls in the log cabin in distant place. 猩红的目光一转,视线顿时落在远处的木屋中。 Slightly crooked head. 微微歪过脑袋。 In soul God scarlet eyes, erupts some Gods light. 魂神猩红的眼眸中,爆发些许神光。 Goes.” “去。” The soul God lifts the hand, is at the position that toward log cabin, a finger/refers, said gently. 魂神抬起手,朝着木屋所在的位置,轻轻一指,道。 Above a big Soul Demon Lord body the black air/Qi lingers, moves instantaneously. 一尊大魂主身躯之上黑气萦绕而起,瞬间而动。 As if flickered to move appears in that log cabin entrance generally. 仿佛瞬移一般出现在了那木屋门口。 Creaking. 嘎吱。 A clear sound. 一声清脆声响。 The gate of log cabin, opened slowly. 木屋的门,缓缓的打开了。 A meatball rolls from the log cabin. 一个肉丸子从木屋中滚动而出。 Fell before the sole of that big Soul Demon Lord. 落在了那大魂主的脚掌之前。 This big Soul Demon Lord, some doubts, as if do not understand this meatball slightly are anything. 这尊大魂主,微微有些疑惑,似乎不太懂这个肉丸子是什么。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 An explosion! 一声爆炸! In that beef meatball, is coercing as if lit Heavenly Law will, blasts out suddenly. 那牛肉丸中,裹挟着仿佛被点燃的天道意志,陡然炸开。 energy fluctuation swept across...... 能量波动席卷…… Is centered on the log cabin, a surrounding area several hundred miles range, all changed to stretch of ruins. 以木屋为中心,方圆数百里范围,皆是化作了一片废墟。 Mist and dust billowing. 烟尘滚滚而过。 This big Soul Demon Lord exploded crawled from the ground slowly...... 这尊大魂主被炸的从地上缓缓的爬了起来…… The might that although explodes is very fearful, but...... Has not made him die. 虽然爆炸的威力很可怕,但是……并没有让他死亡。 After all is big Soul Demon Lord of big perfection sage level. 毕竟是一尊大圆满圣人层次的大魂主 Good familiar strength...... This precisely belongs to the strength of my heart!” “好熟悉的力量……这就是属于我的心脏的力量!” The vision of soul God narrows the eyes slightly, some bosom Burma said. 魂神的目光微微眯起,有些怀缅道。 The explosion, causing the surroundings to change to ruins. 爆炸,导致周围化作了废墟。 The water of rivers turbulent, in which life insane runs toward the ashore. 河流的水汹涌了起来,其中的生灵疯了似的往岸上跑。 The blood lobster is brandishing the claw, speedily on visible trace of running. 血龙虾挥舞着爪子,一溜烟就跑的看不见踪影。 Looks the ingredient life that a big pile is running away...... 望着一大堆逃遁走的食材生灵…… The soul God as well as big Soul Demon Lord do not know that should say anything. 魂神以及诸位大魂主都是不知道该说些什么。 Niú Hàn Sān is holding Small Eight, is riding 3 Eyes Violent Lion, dashes in Great World. 牛汉三抱着小八,骑着三眼狂狮,飞奔在大世界中。 3 Eyes Violent Lion after moistening of innumerable world spiritual energy, early grew the unusual level, he runs, just like the wind is ordinary. 三眼狂狮经过无数天地灵气的滋润,早已经成长到了不同寻常的层次,他奔跑起来,犹如风一般。 On Niú Hàn Sān forehead densely covered beads of sweat. 牛汉三额头上密布汗珠。 The soul God gave his pressure to be too big, he can only hybridize the making beef meatball to shield him to run away with him. 魂神给他的压力太大了,他只能用他杂交制作的牛肉丸来掩护他逃走。 As for killed that big Soul Demon Lord with the beef meatball, Niú Hàn Sān did not think that can achieve. 至于,用牛肉丸来炸死那大魂主,牛汉三并不觉得能够做到。 If Owner Bu because of were good.” “如果步老板在就好了。” In Niú Hàn Sān heart that fearful and apprehensive. 牛汉三心中那个心惊胆颤。 He only thinks leisurely and carefree an easy life, why these demons will have walked. 他只想悠闲的过个小日子,为何这些魔头会找上门来。 Niú Hàn Sān is very clear, once he falls into these demon hands, he must die without doubt. 牛汉三很清楚,一旦他落入这些魔头手中,他必死无疑。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Back, the fearful fluctuation comes turbulently. 背后,可怕的波动汹涌开来。 The Niú Hàn Sān mind slightly shivers. 牛汉三心神都是微微颤抖。 He makes 3 Eyes Violent Lion go following the Tianyuan Great World end. 他让三眼狂狮顺着天元大世界的尽头而去。 Tianyuan Great World, is in fact different from the stars of sphere. 天元大世界,实际上跟球形的星辰并不一样。 Niú Hàn Sān carefully had analyzed the Farmland world. 牛汉三曾经仔细的分析过田园天地。 Most starts, the Farmland world is just a region of dice, but the surroundings are the hazy dense fog. 最开始,田园天地只不过是一个小方块的区域,而周围都是迷蒙的迷雾。 Along with the growth of Bu Fang cultivation base, spiritual energy enters in the Farmland world, the surrounding dense fog and spiritual energy unceasing fusion, had an unusual change, built a day and place. 随着步方修为的增长,灵气度入田园天地中,周围的迷雾与灵气不断的融合,发生了一种奇特的变化,营造出了一片天和地。 Tianyuan Great World is not the spherical formation, but is the crosswise development, likely is a checkerboard, blocks have composed the region. 天元大世界不是球状形成,而是横向发展,像是一个棋盘,一个个方块组成了区域。 Along with the function and combination of spiritual energy and dense fog, are pile up one on top of another block to be ordinary likely, pile up one on top of another Great World. 随着灵气和迷雾的作用和组合,像是堆叠方块一般,堆叠出一个大世界 In the end of world, is hazy the innumerable dense fog. 在世界的尽头,都是迷蒙着无数的迷雾。 These dense fog regions, Niú Hàn Sān had explored one time. 那些迷雾地带,牛汉三曾经去探索过一次。 At that time, he was ignorant ignorant, was just caught in the Farmland world by Bu Fang. 那时候,他还懵懂无知,刚刚被步方抓到田园天地中。 In breaking in dense fog that he acts recklessly, underwent an unusual change. 他不知死活的冲入迷雾中,经历了一场奇特的变化。 In these dense fog is having the incomparably fearful strength. 那些迷雾中拥有着无比可怕的力量。 Let him lose. 让他迷失在了其中。 Afterward, Niú Hàn Sān does not know how to come out. 后来,牛汉三也不知道是如何出来的。 However, is survived, must have happiness in old age. 但是,大难不死,必有后福。 After this, Niú Hàn Sān regarding processing of ingredient, had the special understanding. 从此之后,牛汉三对于食材的处理,就有了特殊的理解。 He had the unusual strength and ingredient fuses in together ability. 他拥有了把奇特力量与食材融合在一起的能力。 Henceforth, his Niú Hàn Sān in the Farmland world, has stepped onto peak, obtained the Owner Bu's recognition. 从此,他牛汉三田园天地中,就走上了巅峰,得到了步老板的赏识。 Helped Bu Fang study Death Cuisine, fusion of all kinds of ingredient and energy. 帮助步方研究出了死亡食器,各种各样的食材能量的融合。 In the time of present this crisis. 在如今这个危机的时刻。 Niú Hàn Sān thought, perhaps only has these dense fog...... Can save him. 牛汉三觉得,或许唯有那些迷雾……才能拯救他吧。 Although Niú Hàn Sān has known, in that dense fog surely danger, he , if entering, does not know coming out that can also walk. 虽然牛汉三一直都知道,那迷雾中必定十分的危险,他若是在进入其中,不知道还能不能走的出来。 But...... He has no alternative. 可是……他别无选择。 The soul God was too strong. 魂神太强了。 His unable to defeat. 打不过 Including Owner Bu because of soul God, but fallen. 步老板都因为魂神而陨落 How his is Niú Hàn Sān victorious? 牛汉三如何打得过? Quick!! Again a bit faster!!” “快!!再快点!!” Niú Hàn Sān is patting 3 Eyes Violent Lion under buttocks, making him accelerate unceasingly. 牛汉三拍着屁股下的三眼狂狮,让他不断的加速。 3 Eyes Violent Lion as if also understood the gravity of matter, the long neck hair unceasing float, the speed fast. 三眼狂狮似乎也明白了事情的严重性,鬃毛不断的漂浮,速度飞快。 However...... 不过…… In his side, eight precious ingredients pig swayingly is running, unknowingly has surmounted 3 Eyes Violent Lion. 在他的身边,八宝猪晃晃悠悠的跑着,不经意间就超越了三眼狂狮 Niú Hàn Sān shot a look at an eight precious ingredients pig, looked at surmounted 3 Eyes Violent Lion, suddenly is somewhat speechless. 牛汉三瞥了一眼八宝猪,又看了一眼被超越的三眼狂狮,顿时有些无语。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The strength of fearful evil, changed to Black Dragon swept across. 可怕的罪恶之力,化作了一条黑龙席卷而来。 Unceasing blackening of Tianyuan Great World under the impact of strength of this evil. 天元大世界在这罪恶之力的冲击下不断的黑化。 Niú Hàn Sān felt that absolutely terrified, he only thinks the back, transmits ice-cold aura. 牛汉三感觉一阵毛骨悚然,他只觉得后背,传来冰冷的气息 damn......” 尼玛……” Day spirit spirits, the earth deities spirit, Owner Bu manifests a spirit quickly, if you have mystical powers in the day, please bless old ox I to save skin......” “天灵灵,地灵灵,步老板快显灵,如果你在天有灵,请保佑老牛我安然逃脱……” Niú Hàn Sān put the palms together before one, said. 牛汉三双手合十,道。 Small Eight emits a head. 小八冒出个脑袋。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Big Soul Demon Lord falls suddenly. 一尊大魂主陡然落下。 A palm pounds on the ground, almost thorough changing nihility that smashes the ground. 一掌砸在地上,差点将地面都砸的彻底的化作虚无。 3 Eyes Violent Lion exuded one to roar, leapt fiercely. 三眼狂狮发出了一声咆哮,猛地一跃。 Changed to stream of light, broke in the hazy boundless gray mist. 化作了一道流光,冲入了迷蒙无垠的灰色雾气之中。 Big Soul Demon Lord approaches, looks at that fog, only felt that a fearful crisis approaches. 魂主逼近,看着那灰雾,只感觉一阵可怕的危机逼近。 Therefore, this big Soul Demon Lord gave up continue pursue, then returned to side the soul God. 所以,这尊大魂主就放弃了继续追逐,转而回到了魂神身边。 The whole body steps come slowly. 浑身缓缓踏步而来。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord follow in his. 七尊大魂主跟在他的身后。 Stands continuously around the gray mist in Great World...... 站在连绵在大世界周围的灰色雾气…… The soul God corners of the mouth pull slightly. 魂神嘴角微微一扯。 Here.” “在这里呢。” Soul shintoism. 魂神道。 His scarlet eyes reveals a hope. 他猩红的眼眸流露出一丝渴望。 You...... Set up formation, for my Protector.” “你们……布阵,为我护法。” Soul shintoism. 魂神道。 Finally to final time, this time...... He will not make the smelly chef break him again. 终于到最后时刻了,这一次……他不会让臭厨子再打断他。 He will not make the smelly chef destroy his good deed again. 他也不会再让臭厨子破坏他的好事。 He must let the Soul Demons army...... Once again soldier near various day of universes. 他要让魂魔大军……再度兵临诸天宇宙。 His soul God...... Must tread ancestor Divine Realm again, invincible in Zhutian ten thousand boundary! 他魂神……要再踏祖神境,无敌于诸天万界! Bang!!! 轰!!! In instance that his words drop. 在他话语落下的瞬间。 Seven big Soul Demon Lord suddenly facial colors concentrate. 七尊大魂主顿时面色一凝。 Their tip of the toe place, toward the rear area that flies also to resemble rapid slides. 他们脚尖点地,飞也似的朝着后方飞速的滑去。 The Seven Deadly Sins wicked strength surges from their bodies. 七大罪恶之力从他们的身躯中涌动而出。 Pride, Envy, angry, Sloth, Greed, **, Gluttony...... 傲慢,嫉妒,愤怒,懒惰,贪婪,**,暴食…… Strength of unceasing circulations seven evil. 七种罪恶之力不断的流转。 Changed to formation, breaks above the vault of heaven instantaneously. 化作了一个阵法,瞬间冲入天穹之上。 As if became a huge barrier, gave the blockade the entire Farmland world in...... 仿佛变为了一个巨大的屏障,把整个田园天地给封锁在了其中…… Seven evil big Soul Demon Lord, soar. 七尊罪恶大魂主,腾空而起。 Bows to sit, occupies in void, to boundless starry sky. 屈膝而坐,盘踞在虚空中,正对着无垠星空。 They are the soul God firmest protector...... 他们是魂神最坚定的守护者…… Farmland world. 田园天地。 The soul God has torn the black robe. 魂神撕裂了黑袍。 His pitch-black such as the body of black ink appears, chest actually unceasing changes to the Chaos nihility. 漆黑如墨的身躯浮现而出,胸口却是不断的化作混沌虚无。 He has been short of the heart, he is incomplete. 他少了心,他是不完整的。 Otherwise, he should rule the world, in the posture of ancestor God. 否则,他该君临天下,以祖神之姿。 But now. 而现在。 He stood in the front of his heart. 他站在了他心脏的面前。 Only needs the heart that took out seals the dust innumerable carrying, thorough fusion. 只需要取出封尘了无数载的心脏,彻底的融合。 True soul God, thorough return. 真正的魂神,将彻底的回归。 Is looking at that grey dense fog. 望着那灰色的迷雾。 In soul God scarlet eyes, suddenly revealed to wipe the anticipation the light. 魂神猩红的眼眸中,顿时流露出了一抹期待的光。 God of Cooking that Stupid ...... Unexpectedly misleads me, making me think that the heart in the Human Race ancestor star, in fact actually hides here......” 厨神老匹夫……居然误导我,让我以为心脏在人族祖星,实际上却是藏在这儿……” Was a pity, you calculate, actually planned own person.” “可惜,你算来算去,却是算计到了自己的人。” God of Cooking stretches out the tongue, has licked the lip. 厨神伸出舌头,舔了舔嘴唇。 In the vision revealed to wipe the excited color/look. 目光中流露出了一抹兴奋之色。 The soul God and God of Cooking is a body, God of Cooking can hide the truth from all people, but actually cannot hide the truth from him. 魂神与厨神本来是一体的,厨神可以瞒过所有人,但是却瞒不过他。 Fault of this precisely God of Cooking...... 就是厨神的失误…… Feels emotion to say the precisely strip mentality, if the day the feeling emotion day is also old, your God of Cooking...... If there is a sentiment, even though cultivation base is exceedingly high, becomes the unsurpassed ancestor God, but...... Also can only be an old man! After passing away, changes into decayed!” “有情道就是条思路,天若有情天亦老,你厨神……若是有了情,纵使修为通天,成为无上祖神,但是……也只能是个老头!老死之后,化为腐朽!” „If immortal, must heartless......” “若想不朽,必须无情……” Soul God coldly said. 魂神冷冷道。 His defeated/carrying, gradually toward the dense fog, the steps goes. 他负着手,一步一步的朝着迷雾,踏步而去。 Along with his steps. 随着他的踏步。 These dense fog, have as if met the thing of fear, starts to remove in the future. 那些迷雾,似乎遇到了畏惧之物,纷纷开始往后撤。 In dense fog. 迷雾中。 Niú Hàn Sān that relaxed is holding Small Eight. 原本松了一口气的牛汉三抱着小八 The fine hair blasts out suddenly. 陡然汗毛炸开。 „In I knock the hemp, didn't have?!” “我敲里麻,还有完没完了?!” In the Niú Hàn Sān buphthalmo reveals the grief and indignation. 牛汉三牛眼中流露出悲愤。 Along with the drawing back powder of dense fog, is holding Small Eight , to continue to walk toward the dense fog deep place. 随着迷雾的退散,抱着小八,就往迷雾深处继续走去。 He does not want to walk, the dense fog deep place has the danger...... He feared, did not come back. 他不想走啊,迷雾深处有危险……他怕进去了,就回不来了。 But, reviews behind. 可是,反观身后。 The dense fog draws back the powder. 迷雾退散。 As if has together the partly visible form, walk slowly. 似乎有一道若隐若现的身影,缓缓的行走而出。 That feeling...... Seriously is fearful! 那种感觉……当真是可怕! Has not chosen, Niú Hàn Sān can only walk to go toward the dense fog. 没有选择,牛汉三只能往迷雾中行走而去。 As he walks, the dense fog gradually becomes rich, to finally...... As if changed to grains of bubbles float in airborne. 随着他行走,迷雾逐渐变得浓郁,到最后……仿佛化作了一粒粒液滴悬浮在空中。 More toward , the Niú Hàn Sān more feeling is hard to start. 越是往里,牛汉三越感举步维艰。 Time speed of flow, space speed of flow...... As if becomes very slow. 时间流速,空间流速……似乎都变得十分的缓慢。 Here...... Where is?! 这里……到底是哪里?! Owner Bu...... Rescues old ox Ah! quickly 步老板……快来救救老牛啊! ...... …… Earth. 地球。 In Bu Fang that eyes closed fishes, suddenly has opened the eye. 正在闭目垂钓的步方,突然睁开了眼。 In the vision reveals to wipe the surprised uncertain color/look. 目光中流露出一抹惊疑不定之色。 The day is gray, wild boundless...... 天苍苍,野茫茫…… Azure light green grass, simple log cabin. 青葱绿草,朴实的木屋。 In the Bu Fang eyeball, as if there is innumerable pictures in the rapid circulation. 步方眼珠子中,仿佛有无数的画面在飞速的流转。 A moment ago, some instance, he as if heard shouting of Niú Hàn Sān. 刚才,某一个瞬间,他似乎听到了牛汉三的呼喊。 But that type shouted, reminding him of Niú Hàn Sān,...... Farmland world! 而那种呼喊,让他想起了牛汉三,还有……田园天地! Log cabin, running water, green grass...... 木屋,流水,青草…… Lies down in Niú Hàn Sān that on the deck chair whistling rests greatly...... 躺在躺椅上呼呼大睡的牛汉三…… Su holds the corners of the mouth to pull out. 苏扶嘴角一抽。 He has forgotten such familiar picture unexpectedly! 他居然忘记了这么熟悉的画面! If Niú Hàn Sān in picture picking...... 如果把画面中的牛汉三给摘了…… That especially not precisely did God of Cooking and curse the place that the queen lived in seclusion finally?! 那特么的不就是厨神和诅咒女王最后隐居的地方么?! That precisely...... Bu Fang continuously in seeking Farmland ! 就是……步方一直在寻找的田园 Bang! 轰! The Bu Fang's body, erupts formidable aura suddenly. 步方的身躯,陡然爆发出一股强大的气息 In expert that across ancestor star seeks , the vision all shrinks. 在祖星各地寻找的强者们,目光皆是一缩。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, the yuan shi tian zun, Lady Wa, Lord Dog, Hades, Mu Hong and the others, gathered. 通天教主,元始天尊,女娲,狗爷,冥王尔哈,木鸿子等人,纷纷聚集了回来。 Bang! 轰! Sea static sea level, suddenly oppressed downward sinks. 海洋静止的海面,陡然被压迫的往下沉。 Terrifying big shots float in void. 一尊尊恐怖的大佬悬浮在虚空中。 Bu Fang looks at these familiar faces, putting out one breath...... 步方看着这些熟悉的面孔,不由的吐出一口气…… I knew the heart of soul God...... Where.” “我知道了魂神的心……在哪里了。”
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