GOAW :: Volume #19

#1842: I, Niú Hàn Sān, invincible!

The soul God does not have the sound, peacefully to letting the person somewhat feels nervous. 魂神没有动静,安静到让人有些发慌。 However, Bu Fang has not cared actually. 不过,步方倒是没有多在意。 He cursing the queen remembers that place described, making everybody seek. 他把诅咒女王记忆中的那个地方描绘了出来,让大家去寻找。 Earth is so big, but that is compared to the mortal, regarding the immortal God on the scene, circles Earth, how long could not spend. 地球那么大,但那是相对于凡人而言,对于在场仙神而言,绕地球一圈,都花不了多长时间。 Naturally, must seek for a small place carefully, is quite difficult. 当然,要细致的寻找一个小地方,还是颇为困难的。 However at least, the immortal Gods had objective. 但是至少,仙神们有了目标 The entire ancestor star as if must be turned come, these immortal Gods are seeking unceasingly. 整个祖星仿佛都要被翻了过来似的,这些仙神们不断的寻找着。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, yuan shi tian zun and other expert, joined the ranks of seeking. 通天教主,元始天尊等强者,都加入到了寻找的行列。 Said that is digs three chi (0.33 m) not to be overrated. 说是掘地三尺都不为过。 During this period. 在这期间。 Bu Fang actually very leisurely and carefree is swaying in Earth. 步方倒是很悠闲的在地球中晃荡着。 He is bringing Little Yōu Whitey, visits has treated the flint person sovereign in vault cave. 他带着小幽小白,去拜访了独自一人待在穹顶山洞中的燧人皇。 Has taken away Roast Meat and good wine, discusses really happy. 带去了烤肉和美酒,相谈甚欢。 After visiting, goes to the ancestor star each region to walk. 拜访完之后,又去祖星的各地走走。 The speed that the time passes is quick. 时间流逝的速度很快。 For half a month the time passed by. 半个月时间过去了。 The immortal Gods in ancestor star, have achieved nothing. 祖星中的仙神们,一无所获。 Simply had not found the place that Bu Fang described. 根本没有找到步方所描述的地方。 Tongtian Jiaozhu somewhat worries, he sought to sit Bu Fang in small boat. 通天教主有些着急,他寻找到了坐在一叶扁舟中的步方 The time drags is longer, in Tongtian Jiaozhu innermost feelings even more restless, if made the soul God collect the heart, then regarding expert on the scene, was the disaster. 时间拖的越久,通天教主内心中则就越发的不安,若是真的让魂神收集到了心脏,那对于在场的强者而言,都是灾难。 Couldn't find?” “找不到么?” Bu Fang is grasping the fishing pole, motionless. 步方握着鱼竿,一动不动。 The fish is motionless, he is motionless. 鱼不动,他不动。 Whitey and Little Yōu sit in the distant place, peaceful looks. 小白小幽坐在远处,安静的看着。 Tongtian Jiaozhu frowns, deep sighing. 通天教主皱着眉头,深深的叹了一口气。 Should not, God of Cooking bring back to the ancestor star the heart of soul God, normally, should hide in has buried the place of bone, was impossible unable to find......” “不应该啊,厨神把魂神的心带回了祖星,正常情况下,应该是藏在了埋骨之地,不可能会找不到……” „Have you looked for ancestor star Secret Territory?” “你们找过祖星的秘境了么?” Bu Fang inquired. 步方询问道。 The fishing pole moved, Bu Fang has shaken, as if brushed in the sea level. 鱼竿动了一下,步方手一抖,仿佛抽打在了海面上。 A fat fish then flew from his fishing pole. 一只肥鱼便是从他的鱼竿中飞了出来。 The Bu Fang fishing pole pulled out, brushes on the body of fish. 步方鱼竿一抽,抽打在了鱼的身上。 Whitey extends make a move, held fish, threw in the bucket of under foot. 小白出手,抓住了鱼,扔到了脚下的水桶里。 Has looked...... Simply does not have the trail, could not find!” “都找过了……根本没有踪迹,根本找不到!” Tongtian Jiaozhu knits the brows to say. 通天教主皱眉道。 In ancestor star should have Secret Territory that they have sought, is...... Still did not have any mentality. 祖星中该有的秘境,他们都寻找过,可是……仍旧是没有任何的思路。 Ancestor's on-board Soul Demons was been clean by the thorough elimination, is...... Still did not have the trail and news of soul God. 祖星上的魂魔都已经被彻底的清除干净,可是……却仍旧没有魂神的踪迹和消息。 This to them, is not a good news. 这对于他们而言,并不是个好消息。 Bu Fang sets out, is carrying the bucket, is stepping on the small boat, left the sea level. 步方起身,拎着水桶,踩着扁舟,离开了海面。 The group disembarked, walks on the remote island. 一行人下了船,行走在偏僻的小岛上。 Secret Territory of ancestor star has also looked, any corner has also looked......” “祖星的秘境也找过了,任何角落也找过了……” Bu Fang frowned to be lost in thought slightly. 步方微微皱起眉头陷入了沉思中。 Before they returned to the log cabin on island. 他们回到了小岛上的木屋前。 The wind on island is very warm, the sunlight shines, very genial. 小岛上的风很温暖,阳光照耀下来,十分的和煦。 Bu Fang has placed on the cutting board the fat fish that in the bucket fished, grabbed the kitchen knife to start to process the fat fish. 步方将水桶中钓上来的肥鱼放在了案板上,抓着菜刀开始处理肥鱼。 Tongtian Jiaozhu was saying at the same time. 通天教主在一边说着。 Bu Fang is ponder while culinary arts fat fish. 步方则是一边思考一边烹饪肥鱼。 Naturally, although was pondering, however his movement is not slow. 当然,虽然在思考,但是他的动作却不慢。 chī chī chī...... 嗤嗤嗤…… The fish puts into the pot, the suddenly steaming steam braved to leap, the billowing thick smoke and meat filled the proliferation fragrant. 鱼下锅,顿时腾腾的热气冒腾了起来,滚滚的浓烟和肉香弥漫扩散。 Tongtian Jiaozhu moves the nose, the vision fell on the fish in pot. 通天教主动了动鼻子,目光落在了锅里的鱼肉上。 „The heart of could it be that soul God...... Not in ancestor star?” 难道魂神的心……不在祖星?” Bu Fang has as if thought of anything. 步方似乎想到了什么。 But, quick, he shook the head, because of the heart of soul God in the ancestor star, where can't? 可是,很快,他又摇了摇头,因为魂神的心脏不在祖星,能在哪里? In the past God of Cooking took the heart of soul God, left the war center, the precisely ancestor star of return, and returned to native place. 当年厨神取了魂神的心脏,离开大战中心,回归的就是祖星,并且归隐了起来。 That old man, is feels emotion the soul God, will not be will walk the heartless say/way general extreme likely. 那位耄耋老者,是有情道的魂神,不会像是走无情道一般的极端。 Therefore...... 所以…… Bu Fang stares suddenly. 步方突然一愣。 The movement in hand stops. 手中的动作一停。 Fragrance surges. 香味一阵涌动。 Can be misled...... The heart of soul God, perhaps really not in ancestor on-board.” “会不会被误导了……魂神的心,或许真的不在祖星上。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 The Tongtian Jiaozhu corners of the mouth pull out, can't? 通天教主嘴角一抽,不会吧? If in Earth, where can't? 如果不在地球,会在哪里? Sought for the immortal Gods in place to return, each had achieved nothing. 寻找地点的仙神们都回归了,各个都是一无所获。 Their expressions are very regrettable. 他们的表情很遗憾。 Had not found that place, means that the danger had still not vanished. 没有找到那地方,就意味着危险仍旧未曾消失。 The fear that the soul God brings, still lingered above their hearts. 魂神所带来的恐惧,仍旧萦绕在他们所有人的心头之上。 ...... …… Tianyuan Great World. 天元大世界 This is a newborn world, float Great World in great antiquity universe. 这是一个新生的世界,悬浮在洪荒宇宙中的一个大世界 Is flooding boundless world spiritual energy. 充斥着磅礴的天地灵气 The day is gray, wild boundless...... 天苍苍,野茫茫…… The wind blows the grass lowly...... Sees Niú Hàn Sān. 风吹草低……见牛汉三 A log cabin, in boundless lawns partly visible. 一间木屋,在无垠草地间若隐若现。 The big trees of shooting up to the sky, break in the clouds. 一棵棵冲天而起的大树,冲入云霄。 On Immortal Tree, Immortal Energy winds around. 仙树上,仙气缭绕。 Gurgling in the running water, blood lobsters are jumping da. 淙淙流水中,一只只血龙虾在蹦跶着。 Because is newborn Great World, life that breeds, very scarce. 因为是新生的大世界,其中所孕育出的生命,非常的稀少。 Has , is also in the ignorant Mang Huang condition. 有也,都还处于懵懂莽荒的状态中。 Can be called the wisdom only, perhaps only had Niú Hàn Sān. 唯一称得上智慧的,或许只有牛汉三了。 Present Niú Hàn Sān is long-drawn-out incomparable mingling among this Tianyuan Great World. 如今的牛汉三悠哉无比的混迹在这天元大世界中。 His Niú Hàn Sān...... In this Great World, precisely genuine God. 牛汉三……在这个大世界中,就是真正的神。 Tianyuan Great World, is by the Bu Fang's Farmland world. 天元大世界,是由步方的田园天地所化。 The Farmland world is the system provides to Bu Fang's. 田园天地是系统所提供给步方的 When Bu Fang strips own Divine Awareness main body suppresses the soul God, this Farmland world then by Bu Fang delivering, changed to full of vitality Great World. 步方剥离自身神识本体镇压魂神的时候,这田园天地便是被步方给送出去,化作了一个生机勃勃的大世界 This Great World, but Bu Fang develops from cuns (2.5 cm) small Farmland . 这个大世界,可是步方从一寸寸的小田园发展来的。 Initially was just a narrow and small botanical garden. 当初只不过是个狭小的园林。 However, along with the growth of Bu Fang strength, Farmland space becomes more and more greatly, all also become even more rich. 但是,随着步方实力的增长,田园空间变得越来越大,一切也都变得越发的丰富。 Any plant and treasure can plant to live here. 任何的植物和宝贝在这儿都能种活。 And...... 而且…… Along with the appearance of Niú Hàn Sān, the Farmland world became a secret in Bu Fang heart. 随着牛汉三的出现,田园天地更成为了步方心中的一个秘密。 However...... 不过…… Since Bu Fang stepped into has felt emotion saying that even if restored cultivation base, he has not taken back the Farmland world. 自从步方踏入了有情道,就算恢复了修为,他也没有将田园天地收回。 Instead is whatever he develops. 反而是任由他发展。 It looks like in Bu Fang, in the future the Farmland world even can change to a Tianyuan universe. 步方看来,未来田园天地甚至能够化作一个天元宇宙。 Leaves a universe, regarding the life between world, is a big good deed. 多出一个宇宙,对于天地间的生灵而言,是一件大好事。 Bu Fang will certainly not prevent such good deed occurrence. 步方当然不会阻止这样的好事发生。 Therefore, whatever Niú Hàn Sān tossed about. 所以,就任由牛汉三去折腾了。 In present Tianyuan Great World, really only remaining Niú Hàn Sān. 如今的天元大世界中,真的只剩下一个牛汉三在。 Bu Fang's apprentices, is unable to enter the Farmland world, in Bu Fang thousand turn over to every time. 步方的学徒们,也无法进入田园天地了,在步方千归凡的时间里。 But Niú Hàn Sān is life of being carefree and content in the Farmland world, is enjoying as the honor of God. 牛汉三则是悠然自得的生活在田园天地,享受着作为神的荣光。 He does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, eternal life. 他不死不灭,永恒的生活着。 Millenniums time, he except for initially left the Farmland world, after running to seek the immortal star is Bu Fang has cried, basically stays here. 千年的时光,他除了当初离开田园天地,跑去寻仙星为步方哭了一阵后,基本上就呆在了这儿。 Niú Hàn Sān very long has not studied the hybrid. 牛汉三已经很久没有学习杂交技术了。 It is not he not study, but since Bu Fang has separated the Farmland world, the ability that he hybridizes also vanished. 不是他不学,而是自从步方分离了田园天地后,他杂交的能力也消失了。 The warm wind, sways. 温暖的风,吹拂而来。 Niú Hàn Sān has had a yawn lazy. 牛汉三慵懒的打了个哈欠。 He sits on the deck chair before log cabin, the deck chair makes the sound that creaks. 他坐在木屋前的躺椅上,躺椅发出嘎吱嘎吱的声响。 He can control the Tianyuan Great World Heavenly Law will. 他可以操控天元大世界天道意志。 Therefore he can act in a self-serving manner here, controls the forces of nature. 所以他可以在这儿为所欲为,呼风唤雨。 Small Eight runs on the lawn, 3 Eyes Violent Lion, eight precious ingredients pig wait/etc. old friends leisurely and carefree are living. 小八在草地上奔跑,三眼狂狮,八宝猪等等老朋友都在悠闲的生活着。 The blood lobster in river, sea-monster wait/etc., crossed is very carefree. 河里的血龙虾,游鱼等等,过的很无忧无虑。 Niú Hàn Sān is very satisfied. 牛汉三很满足。 Owner Bu your soul in heaven...... Should very be happy, old ox...... Has not disappointed your expectation. 步老板你在天之灵……应该会很开心,老牛……没有辜负你的期望。 In the Niú Hàn Sān heart thinks. 牛汉三心中想到。 Does not have mighty waves sea level fishing Bu Fang in Earth, why did not know, has had a yawn suddenly. 远在地球毫无波澜的海面钓鱼的步方,不知道为什么,突然打了个哈欠。 Who in incantation he. 谁在咒他。 Bu Fang expressionlessly is looking at the boundless sea level, thinks. 步方面无表情的望着无垠的海面,想到。 ...... …… hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Outside Tianyuan Great World. 天元大世界外。 Starts distortion slowly void. 虚空开始缓缓的扭曲。 The sound of footsteps resounds through. 脚步声响彻而起。 Person's shadow of wrap up in black robe, walks. 一尊包裹在黑袍中的人影,从中行走而出。 But his side, air/Qi swept across black, quick, then changed to seven forms. 而他的身边,黑气席卷,很快,便是化作了七道身影。 aura of these seven forms were too strong, the facial features seem basically consistent. 这七道身影的气息太强了,面容看上去基本上一致。 Float outside Tianyuan Great World. 悬浮在天元大世界外。 The black robe raises slowly. 黑袍缓缓扬起。 Has revealed pair of scarlet eyes under black robe. 露出了黑袍下的一双猩红的眼眸 Found......” “找到了啊……” The hoarse sound resounds through. 沙哑的声音响彻而起。 In the expression of soul God, was disclosing excitement that excited and is hard to be depressing. 魂神的语气中,透露着兴奋和难以压抑的激动。 By the God of Cooking seal, he had not been given up. 厨神封印,他没有放弃。 By the Bu Fang seal, he had not been given up...... 步方封印,他也没有放弃…… Now, he finally found! 如今,他终于找到了! Looks at the distant place, beautiful such as picture Tianyuan Great World, the soul God has spread out both hands slowly...... 看着远处,美丽如画的天元大世界,魂神缓缓的摊开了双手…… He has thought his heart before by the seal in Earth. 他之前一直以为他的心脏被封印在地球。 However...... 然而…… He made a mistake! 他错了! God of Cooking is misleading him. 厨神在误导他。 He thinks in Earth, when he rushes to Earth, sought secretly for a long time. 他以为在地球,可是当他赶到地球,暗自寻找了许久。 Simply had not actually found. 却是根本没有找到。 Wrath he scolded God of Cooking that Stupid maliciously, even if the latter died. 暴怒的他狠狠的骂了厨神老匹夫一顿,即使后者已经死了。 But...... Even if died, why also wants the pit his wave. 可是……就算死了,为什么还要坑他一波。 Then...... 尔后…… Ponder that he starts to go crazy. 他就开始发了疯的思考。 He has thought of the prairie, has thought of the log cabin...... 他想到了草原,想到了木屋…… Has thought of the blue sky, lazy spirit beast...... 想到了蓝天白云,慵懒的灵兽…… Soul Divine Feeling should arrive. 神感应到了。 He is God of Cooking, God of Cooking precisely he. 他是厨神,厨神就是他。 The soul God grinned, has shown the excited incomparable smiling face...... 魂神咧嘴,露出了兴奋无比的笑容…… God of Cooking that Stupid , wants to bury his heart...... 厨神老匹夫,想要埋藏他的心脏…… But, he hides?! 可是,他藏的了么?! ...... …… Niú Hàn Sān lies down before the log cabin, is having the snoring. 牛汉三躺在木屋前,打着呼噜。 Suddenly, is startled suddenly, felt that whole body feels cold. 忽然,陡然惊起,感觉浑身一阵发冷。 He raised the head to wait and see all around, only thought that world as if in this moment, becomes pitch-black extremely. 他抬头观望四周,只觉得天地似乎都在这一刻,变得漆黑万分。 This......” “这……” Niú Hàn Sān is startled. 牛汉三一惊。 What had?! 发生了什么?! He looks at the vault of heaven, in billowing dark clouds is filling one, lets his mind is the fearfulness of contraction. 他看着天穹,滚滚的黑云中弥漫着一股,让他心神都是紧缩的可怕。 That strength, making him unable to live any thoughts of resistance...... 那种力量,让他生不起任何的抵抗的心思…… damn? 尼玛 Has the big demon to invade? 有大魔头入侵? In Niú Hàn Sān heart one startled, he turned over/stood up to drop the deck chair, has fired into the log cabin rapidly. 牛汉三心中一惊,他翻身落下了躺椅,飞速的冲向了木屋之中。 Small Eight, 3 Eyes Violent Lion , etc. are also one startled, has hidden. 小八,三眼狂狮等也是一惊,纷纷躲藏了起来。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Above vault of heaven. 天穹之上。 Eight person's shadow falling slowly. 八道人影缓缓的落下。 The warm wind, becomes very sharp, just like the blade, shears above their cheeks. 温暖的风,都变得十分的犀利,犹如刀,割在他们的脸颊之上。 The soul God deeply inspired, has opened both hands...... 魂神深吸一口气,撑开了双手…… This aura...... Just likes the familiar feeling in the blood sending out.” “这气息……犹如血液之中散发出来的熟悉感觉。” Breath of soul God Greed. 魂神贪婪的呼吸着。 In log cabin. 木屋中。 Niú Hàn Sān is frightened extremely. 牛汉三惊悚万分。 Is staring at that outside soul God, does not know that should say anything. 盯着那外面的魂神,不知道该说些什么。 Fellow...... Is the soul God?! 那家伙……是魂神?! Such fearful aura...... 这么可怕的气息…… Is fearful compared with great antiquity universe these big shots! 比起洪荒宇宙那些大佬都要可怕! Niú Hàn Sān does not dare to make any sound. 牛汉三不敢发出任何的声音。 Small Eight ran, shrinks to his bosom, moves does not dare to move. 小八跑了进来,缩到他的怀里,一动不敢动。 Niú Hàn Sān now the heart is somewhat chaotic. 牛汉三现在心有些乱。 However, he had not been at a loss actually. 不过,他倒是没有乱了方寸。 His eye one bright. 他眼睛一亮。 The mind moves...... 心神一动…… He now is the leader in Farmland world, he grasped Farmland world the strength of Heavenly Law. 他现在是田园天地的主导者,他掌握了田园天地的天道之力。 What does he fear? 他怕什么? Invades the Farmland world...... Must receive the pursuit of Heavenly Law will!” “入侵田园天地……就要受到天道意志的驱逐!” Niú Hàn Sān excited say/way. 牛汉三兴奋道。 Then, he is controlling the Heavenly Law will of Farmland world, suppresses to go toward soul God one line. 尔后,他控制着田园天地的天道意志,朝着魂神一行人镇压而去。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The soul God stands and waits for a long time above the lawn. 魂神伫立在草地之上。 The black robe under swaying of wind, flap flap makes noise. 黑袍在风的吹拂下,猎猎作响。 Un? 嗯? Soul God sudden eyebrow selects, looks up the day. 魂神突然眉毛一挑,抬头望天。 Entire vault of heaven, outbreak great change. 整个天穹,突然发生巨变。 A huge good demon appears in void, has sent out an angry cow toward them moo the sound! 一头巨大的牛魔浮现在虚空中,朝着他们发出了一声愤怒的牛哞声! Then, the buffalo and cow horns fall suddenly, toward soul God one line of roller compactions! 尔后,牛角陡然落下,朝着魂神一行人碾压而来! This is present Tianyuan the Great World Heavenly Law will. 这是如今天元大世界天道意志。 Very fearful. 非常的可怕。 Is coercing the world will! 裹挟着世界意志! In log cabin. 木屋中。 The Niú Hàn Sān vision is sending out the golden light! 牛汉三目光散发着金光! His Niú Hàn Sān...... 牛汉三…… Unmatched in the world! 天下无敌! Moo!!! 哞!!! The buffalo and cow horns fall. 牛角落下。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Entire ground, suddenly collapse...... Explosion! 整个地面,陡然崩溃……爆炸! However. 然而。 After a while, the mist and dust rolling diverges. 一会儿之后,烟尘滚滚散去。 The soul God lifts the hand, light held that buffalo and cow horns...... 魂神抬起手,轻飘飘的抓住了那牛角…… Heavenly Law will? Laughable......” 天道意志?可笑……” The soul God corners of the mouth pull, then...... 魂神嘴角一扯,尔后…… Makes an effort suddenly. 陡然用力。 Kā cā. 咔擦 Heavenly Law will buffalo and cow horns...... suddenly fiercely...... Crumb! 天道意志所化的牛角……顿时被猛地……捏碎! Niú Hàn Sān in log cabin, suddenly has sent out a pitiful yell. 木屋中的牛汉三,顿时发出了一声惨叫。 Invincible...... Your younger sister Ah! 无敌……你妹啊!
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