GOAW :: Volume #19

#1841: Little Yōu ascends the throne

What had?” “发生了什么?” Lord Dog walked come, inquired Bu Fang. 狗爷走了过来,询问了一下步方 The accident of city of nihility, they can induce, but they is a face ignorant compel to the present, does not know that had anything. 虚无之城的变故,他们都能感应到,可是他们到现在都是一脸懵逼,不知道发生了什么。 Distant place. 远处。 The small incantation is cheering. 小咒在欢呼雀跃着。 Because she had own body, before, she was the replicas of queen, but now, she became a living dignified person. 因为她拥有了属于自己的身体,在之前,她一直都是女王的复制体,而现在,她成为了一个活生生的体面人。 Cursed the queen and God of Cooking some minor matters.” “诅咒女王和厨神的一些小事。” Bu Fang defeated/carrying, light saying. 步方负着手,淡淡的说道。 Regarding Lord Dog, Bu Fang has not concealed anything actually. 对于狗爷,步方倒是没有隐瞒过什么。 Universe that the city of nihility is, is the deathly stillness universe. 虚无之城所在的宇宙,本来是个死寂的宇宙。 Innumerable years ago, already , when soul God war, thorough deathly stillness. 早在无数年前,就已经在与魂神大战的时候,彻底的死寂。 Has only left behind one float the city in universe, the city of nihility. 只留下了一座悬浮在宇宙中的城市,虚无之城。 Became major universes the places of exile. 成为了各大宇宙的放逐之地。 Originally, a notch big universe, is impossible very big massacre, is unable the multiplication vitality. 原本,豁大的一个宇宙,是不可能生灵涂炭,无法繁衍生机。 But... 可是… After soul God war, cursed the queen to lose hope, her strength of curse spread the entire universe, caused all the stars of dying out, lost restored the vitality the possibility. 与魂神一战之后,诅咒女王心死,她的诅咒之力蔓延了整个宇宙,使得所有寂灭的星辰,失去了恢复生机的可能性。 Why this is also nihility universe these many years, reason that only then the city of nihility has the life. 这也是虚无宇宙为何这么多年,只有虚无之城有生灵的原因。 Moreover, here life, majority came from other universes. 而且,这儿的生灵,大多数都是来自于其他的宇宙。 Is born in nihility universe life truly... 真正诞生于虚无宇宙的生灵… Only has, the queen of city of deep sleep nihility, three big dukes, as well as all previous Cursed Heaven Female. 唯有,虚无之城沉睡的女王,三大公爵,以及历届的诅咒天女 Little Yōu was born in the nihility universe. 小幽出生于虚无宇宙。 Here is the Little Yōu place of birth, but passes through this time matter. 这儿是小幽的出生地,而经过这一次的事情。 The nihility universe no longer is a deathtrap, along with untying that cursing the queen heart ties, in the future the nihility universe the birth innumerable lives, will restore beforehand prosperous and prosperity. 虚无宇宙将不再是一个死地,随着诅咒女王心结的解开,未来虚无宇宙将诞生无数的生灵,重新恢复之前的繁荣与昌盛。 But the city of nihility, no longer is the place of exile. 而虚无之城,也不再是放逐之地。 Naturally, the following point, is the Bu Fang leadership. 当然,后面一点,是步方主导的。 Ding City the person of exile, under the Bu Fang's will, was put to the city of nihility. 丁城区的放逐之人,都在步方的意志下,被放离了虚无之城。 Let them to restore in the vitality life stars wanderingly one by one. 让他们流离到各个恢复了生机的生命星辰中。 These stars, did not have the winding of strength of curse, then can breed life. 这些星辰,没有了诅咒之力的缠绕,便是可以孕育生命 Regarding the people of these exiles, in fact, is a gracious gift. 对于这些放逐之人而言,实际上,也是一种恩赐。 They had violated once crime, was sent into exile to the city of nihility, but now, they can through breeding life, scrub these responsibility for an offense. 他们都曾经是犯了罪过,被放逐到虚无之城,而如今,他们可以通过孕育生命,来洗刷这些罪责。 The front door of Ding City opens loudly. 丁城区的大门轰然开启。 The people of innumerable exile, went crazy ran out of the city of nihility. 无数的放逐之人,发疯了似的冲出了虚无之城。 They changed to meteors, crashes the life stars. 他们化作了一颗颗流星,坠落生命星辰。 They had finished in the numb life of city of cloudy total darkness nihility, started the brand-new future. 他们结束了在虚无之城阴暗无天日的麻木生活,开始了全新的未来。 In the Bu Fang eye. 步方眼中。 He as if saw full of vitality of piece of nihility universe. 他仿佛看到了一片虚无宇宙的生机勃勃。 Naturally, compares in the great antiquity universe and Chaos Universe. 当然,相比于洪荒宇宙和混沌宇宙 The nihility universe can only be the newborn baby. 虚无宇宙只能算是新生的幼儿。 All, make a fresh start. 一切,都重新开始。 ... Little Yōu became the queen in city of nihility. 小幽成为了虚无之城的女王。 Under three dukes' escorts, sat the queen throne. 在三位公爵的护航下,坐上了女王宝座。 The aristocrats in city of nihility, to her line of big rituals, excited incomparable. 虚无之城的贵族们,都对她行大礼,激动无比。 Because there are queen, the city of nihility was equal to having a soul, this soul most was hard to substitute. 因为有了女王,虚无之城就等于有了一股灵魂,这种灵魂是最难以替代的。 Bu Fang, Lord Dog, Hades and the others, below, looked at Little Yōu the ritual of ascending the throne. 步方,狗爷,冥王尔哈等人,都在下面,看了小幽的登基之礼。 Inexplicable somewhat gratified. 莫名的有些欣慰。 Once the ignorant Netherworld female, now unexpectedly grows for a universe ruler. 曾经懵懵懂懂的幽冥女,如今居然成长为了一个宇宙的统治者。 This feeling, is makes the person cherish Burma seriously. 这种感慨,当真是让人怀缅。 The small incantation said good-bye with Bu Fang and the others, she obtained the approval of Little Yōu, the plan vagrant nihility universe. 小咒跟步方等人辞别,她得到了小幽的准许,打算流浪虚无宇宙。 Naturally, cultivation base of small incantation is not weak, after all once cursed the replica of queen, the walk universe was enough. 当然,小咒的修为不弱,毕竟曾经是诅咒女王的复制体,行走宇宙足够了。 She knows, although had the body of person, but, she after all is a newborn person, she needs experience more things, supplement more emotions. 她知道,虽然拥有了人的身体,但是,她毕竟算是一个新生的人,她需要见识更多的东西,补充更多的情感。 Only has this, she can grow into a genuine plentiful person. 唯有这样,她才能成长成为一个真正丰满的人。 Looks that the small incantation is stepping on spirit boat, vanishes in the universe starry sky, some Bu Fang inexplicable feelings. 看着小咒踩着灵舟,消失在宇宙星空中,步方莫名的有些感触。 The universe is boundless, world big thousand. 宇宙无垠,世界大千。 No matter heartless feels emotion, everybody is growing. 不管无情还是有情,大家都是在成长着。 Mu Hong innertube Xia Tian, bringing background music, the city of nihility strolling. 木鸿子带着夏天,自带背景音乐,把虚无之城给逛了一遍。 The city of present nihility, growth has filled complicated/many flower/spend and green leaf, too beautiful to behold, although the architectural style maintains is cursing queen that gloomy style as before. 如今的虚无之城,生长满了繁花和绿叶,美不胜收,虽然建筑风格依旧保持着诅咒女王那阴暗的风格。 However, at least is also an experience place. 但是,至少也是一处经历的地方。 The city of ancient float in universe, is having the story of vicissitudes. 古老的漂浮在宇宙中的一座城池,拥有着沧桑的故事。 Perhaps, the city of nihility, becomes the nihility universe, eternal legend. 或许,虚无之城,会成为虚无宇宙,永恒的传说。 ... Finished has ascended the throne the grand ceremony. 结束了登基大典。 Bu Fang and the others should also depart. 步方等人也就该离去了。 They should go to Earth. 他们该前往地球。 The matter of city of nihility is solved, genuine thorny matter in Earth. 虚无之城的事情解决完,真正棘手的事情在地球。 The soul God ran up to Earth, seeks his heart, if made him find, regarding all people, was the nightmares. 魂神跑到了地球,去寻找他的心,如果真的让他找到,对于所有人而言,都是噩梦。 When the time comes, no matter the great antiquity universe, Chaos Universe, is the nihility universe, finally will exist under the shadow of soul God. 到时候,不管是洪荒宇宙,混沌宇宙,还是虚无宇宙,最终都会存在于魂神的阴影之下。 Since had known the soul God is born in the God of Cooking evil will unexpectedly. 自从得知了魂神居然诞生于厨神的邪恶意志。 Bu Fang feels a strangeness. 步方就感到一阵古怪。 Strict sense, soul God also precisely God of Cooking... 严格意义上来说,魂神也就是厨神 The soul God possibly only knows his heart, in Earth. 魂神可能只知道他的心,在地球。 However... 但是… Specifically where, the soul God is not possibly clear. 具体在哪里,魂神可能也不清楚。 God of Cooking had initially torn the heart of soul God, has brought back to Earth, no one knew the Daoist canon where. 厨神当初撕裂了魂神的心,带回了地球,谁也不知道藏在了哪里。 In fact, soul God is also a poor man. 实际上,魂神也是个可怜人。 Person who he is one does not have the soul. 他是一个没有灵魂的人。 Has cut off the seven emotions, did not have six sexual attractions, he is actually similar to the puppet. 斩断了七情,没有了六欲,他其实跟傀儡差不多。 No... 不… Compared with the puppet, he is more awful. 比起傀儡,他更糟糕。 Like Whitey, although is a puppet, happy that very but he crosses... 小白,虽然是个傀儡,但是他过的很欢乐 Without any comparability. 没有任何的可比性。 Should go to Earth.” “该去地球了。” Bu Fang said this idea. 步方说出了这个想法。 Has not thought that Lord Dog, Hades, Small Pi Little Fox said unexpectedly must go together. 没有想到,狗爷,冥王尔哈,小皮小狐居然都说要一起去。 The Bu Fang whole face is strange. 步方满脸古怪。 You, no matter Chaos Universe?” “你们不管混沌宇宙了?” Four present age Heavenly God, what governs is Chaos Universe all. 四尊当代天神,掌管的是混沌宇宙的一切。 They like this depart... Really good? 他们就这样离去…真的好么? All right... Doesn't have similar Yatou in? The day falls lets greatly in this person, must first painstakingly its will...” “没事…不是有肖丫头在么?天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志…” Hades grins to say with a smile: Wants into Samsara Heavenly God , these are the matter of this experience.” 冥王尔哈咧嘴笑道:“想要成为轮回天神,这些都是该经历的事情。” Rare, Lord Dog these time has not refuted Hades unexpectedly, instead earnest nod. 罕见的,狗爷这一次居然没有反驳冥王尔哈,反而认真的点了点头。 Bu Fang always felt, these fellows in pit Xiao Yanyu. 步方总感觉,这些家伙在坑肖烟雨 Does not know, recommended into Samsara Heavenly God Xiao Yanyu is a correct decision. 不知道,把肖烟雨举荐成为轮回天神是不是一个正确的决定。 Those who let Bu Fang surprised is, Mu Hong child and Xia Tian has also joined one ranks of Earth... 步方意外的是,木鸿子和夏天也加入了一起到地球的行列… Mu Hong sighed, the feeling of whole face. 木鸿子叹了一口气,满脸的感慨。 Too many years had not gone back, background music, should renew...” “太多年未曾回去了,背景音乐,也该更新了…” Bu Fang regarding this, can only express speechless. 步方对此,只能表示无语。 Bang! 轰! Hit a sound to refer. 打了个响指。 Around the Bu Fang body, white luminous spot starts to reappear. 步方身躯周围,白色的光点开始浮现。 Covered all old friends. 笼罩住了所有的老朋友。 Distant place. 远处。 Little Yōu raises is symbolizing is cursing the noble lower hem of queen long gown, dashes about wildly... 小幽提着象征着诅咒女王袍服的高贵衣摆,一路狂奔而来… Buzz! 嗡的一声! The flowing light surges. 流光涌动。 Is coercing Little Yōu figure thoroughly vanishes does not see. 裹挟着小幽身形彻底的消失不见。 Three big duke faces compel ignorant. 三大公爵一脸懵逼。 Cursed the queen... Ascends the throne the second day, slid?! 诅咒女王…登基第二天,就溜了?! ... Earth. 地球。 When Bu Fang and the others arrived here. 步方等人降临到这儿的时候。 Entire Earth already thorough changed to the battlefield... 整个地球已经彻底的化作了战场… Soul Demons goes through in Earth, the gifted generals and Soul Demons in immortal courtyard are fighting. 魂魔穿行在地球之中,仙庭的天兵天将与魂魔们大战着。 These Soul Demons, are the soul God remaining influences , the speed that they multiply was too fast, gives their enough time, they will then change to a big piece. 这些魂魔,都是魂神残余的势力,他们繁衍的速度太快了,给他们足够的时间,他们便是会化作一大片。 Bu Fang appears here, takes a fast look around the audience. 步方出现在这儿,扫视全场。 The war is always brutal and bloody. 战争总是残酷而血腥的。 Naturally... 当然… The premise does not have Bu Fang's to join. 前提是没有步方的加入。 Facing many Soul Demons. 面对诸多魂魔 Bu Fang at the scene culinary arts a dish. 步方当场烹饪了一道菜。 The fragrance of dish spreads, lingered the entire ancestor star. 菜品的香味扩散开来,萦绕了整个祖星。 Ancestor's on-board Soul Demons, are in abundance the deglaciation snow friendly vanishes does not see. 祖星上的魂魔们,便是纷纷冰消雪融般消失不见。 Sound from out of the blue resounds through to go. 破空之声响彻而去。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, yuan shi tian zun and other expert, flickered move to appears side Bu Fang's. 通天教主,元始天尊等强者,瞬移般出现在了步方的身边。 Is holding dish Bu Fang, visits them lightly. 捧着一道菜的步方,淡淡的看着他们。 Soul God disappears to disappear with seven big Soul Demon Lord... Could not find, they have not revealed the trail to the present.” “魂神跟七尊大魂主消失不见了…根本找不到,他们到现在都没有露出过踪迹。” The Tongtian Jiaozhu complexion is extremely serious. 通天教主的脸色万分严肃。 Some ordinary Soul Demons, were solved. 一些普通的魂魔,被解决了。 But the genuine trusted friend big trouble is the soul God. 可是真正的心腹大患是魂神。 But after the soul God since arrives at Earth, again has not appeared. 而魂神自从降临地球之后,就再也未曾出现过。 This to them, is not a good news. 这对于他们而言,并不是个好消息。 After all, soul God big demon, if had been found the heart by him, gathered fleshly body. 毕竟,魂神这尊大魔头,若是真的被他找到了心脏,聚集起了肉身 Achievement unsurpassed ancestor Divine Realm, they are not his match. 成就无上祖神境,那他们谁都不是其对手。 Do not be anxious, the soul God had not found the heart... He does not know where actually Dao Heart is dirty, he is also seeking.” “别急,魂神还没有找到心脏…他其实也不知道心脏在哪儿,他也在寻找。” Bu Fang defeated/carrying begins to say. 步方负着手道。 However, Bu Fang frowned. 不过,步方皱起了眉头。 Soul God precisely God of Cooking, must say found the heart, only has soul God, most had the possibility to find. 魂神本质上来说就是厨神,要说找到心脏,唯有魂神自己,是最有可能性找到的。 Because, he possibly most understands the God of Cooking person. 因为,他可能是最了解厨神的人。 Even if Bu Fang, even cursed the queen, did not have understanding God of Cooking that the soul God came. 就算步方,甚至诅咒女王,都没有魂神来的了解厨神 Therefore, where the heart, really did not say certainly. 因此,心脏到底在哪里,真的说不准。 Bu Fang also had been pondering actually, has been guessing. 步方其实也一直在思考,一直在猜测。 He in the soul God by the millenniums of seal, had arrived at Earth. 他在魂神被封印的千年里,就来到过地球。 But does not have any clue. 可是没有任何的头绪。 He even suspected, the heart of soul God whether really in Earth. 他甚至都怀疑,魂神的心脏是否真的在地球了。 However, gathered good fleshly body from initially the soul God, must swallow the situation of Earth. 不过,从当初魂神聚集好肉身,要吞噬地球的情况来看。 The heart of soul God, percentage hundred in Earth. 魂神的心脏,百分百在地球中。 ... 还有… Why doesn't the soul God choose thorough swallowing Earth now? 魂神现在为何不选择彻底的吞噬地球了? Bu Fang knitting the brows again, perhaps, the soul God regarding heart conceal, had the further guess. 步方再一次的皱眉,或许,魂神对于心脏的藏处,已经有了进一步的猜测。 Therefore, the urgent matter, found the soul God now.” “所以,现在当务之急,是找到魂神。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 God of Cooking returns to native place Earth, where is most likely heart conceal of soul God? 厨神归隐地球,最有可能把魂神的心脏藏在哪里? In fact, the heart of soul God, heart of precisely God of Cooking... 实际上,魂神的心脏,就是厨神的心脏… Bu Fang has thought of anything probably suddenly. 步方好像忽然想到了什么。 He lifts the hand. 他抬起手。 Divine Awareness surges, energy in his front, gathered a picture. 神识涌动,能量在他的面前,汇聚出了一幅画面。 That picture, Bu Fang is not strange. 那画面,步方并不陌生。 The day is gray, wild boundless... 天苍苍,野茫茫… A piece of deep green green grass, a small log cabin... 一片碧绿青草,一栋小木屋… This resembled precisely initially... God of Cooking and cursed place that the queen lived. 这好像就是当初…厨神和诅咒女王生活的地方。 Originally... 原来… Place that they initially lived, in Earth?! 他们当初生活的地方,是在地球?! Bu Fang at present one bright, he caught any important information probably. 步方眼前一亮,他好像捕捉到了什么重要的信息。 What the God of Cooking senile body walks is feels emotion to say. 厨神衰老的身躯走的是有情道。 That also precisely said, God of Cooking arrives, possibly in bosom Burma that all. 那也就是说,厨神到死,可能都在怀缅着那一切。 But he, was most likely to lead into the heart of soul God has buried the place of bone. 而他,最有可能把魂神的心脏带入了埋骨之地。 Also precisely he and cursed the queen has lived the place. 就是他和诅咒女王生活过的地方。 There memory... The impression to the curse queen is profound, similarly is definitely profound to God of Cooking... 那儿的记忆…对诅咒女王而言印象深刻,对厨神而言肯定也同样深刻… Buzz... 嗡… Bu Fang shakes. 步方手一抖。 Let the people carefully look at that picture. 让众人把那画面仔细的看了一遍。 Goes to the ancestor on-board to seek for this kind of place, the soul God definitely is also looking, must catch up to seek before him...” “去祖星上寻找这样一块地方,魂神肯定也在找,一定要赶在他之前寻找到…” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Tongtian Jiaozhu, the yuan shi tian zun and other expert vision are one bright. 通天教主,元始天尊等强者目光都是一亮。 Then told, changed to flowing light to scatter in all directions instantaneously across the universe. 尔后吩咐开来,瞬间化作流光四散到了宇宙各地。 Lord Dog, Hades and the others also helped to seek. 狗爷,冥王尔哈等人也帮忙寻找去了。 Mu Hong is bringing Xia Tian, is seeking for the gap of this place, while convenient under recollection hometown. 木鸿子则是带着夏天,就着寻找这地方的间隙,顺便回忆下家乡。 Little Yōu and Whitey follow side Bu Fang's. 小幽小白跟在步方的身边。 Although had found the mentality. 虽然找到了思路。 However... 但是… Bu Fang actually still frowned, thought where as if there is issue. 步方却仍旧是皱着眉头,觉得似乎哪里有问题。 The soul God was too peaceful, peacefully to somewhat strange. 魂神太安静了,安静到有些古怪。 We hope that was not he wants. 希望不是他想多了吧。
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