GOAW :: Volume #19

#1814: Walks road that should take

Clears ostentatiously, remaining precisely are lonely. 浮华散尽,剩下的就是寂寥。 Bu Fang sat well in the restaurant. 步方端坐在了餐馆中。 Very peaceful, is very tranquil, the liquor fluid sways in the cup, flood the ripples, are proliferating. 很安静,很平静,酒液在杯子中晃荡,泛着涟漪,一圈圈扩散开去。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled hangs down the head, the vitality is not having. 独孤无双低垂着脑袋,生机全无。 Although he is the sword God, is the cultivator. 他虽然是剑神,是修行者。 However is seeking the immortal star, becoming an immortal, is not, life always has to come to the end finally one day. 但是在寻仙星,不成仙者,终为凡,生命总有走到尽头的一天。 But now, follows the Bu Fang 300 years, his life, has come to the final end. 而如今,跟随步方300年,他的生命,走到了最后的尽头。 The oil lamp is completely dry, a final wisp of wick. 油尽灯枯,最后的一缕灯芯。 Also was changed to brilliant sword intent by him, bloomed void. 也被他化作了绚烂的剑意,绽放在了虚空中。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled thinks is very simple, even if were dying, he must in this world, leave behind last wisp of shocking. 独孤无双想的很简单,就算要死了,他也要在这世间,留下最后一缕惊艳。 But he truly achieved. 而他确实做到了。 His sword, caused entire sought the vibration of immortal star. 他的一剑,引起了整个寻仙星的震动。 Innumerable expert exclaimed in surprise. 无数的强者为之惊叹。 Many martial arts peak, are absolutely terrified. 许多武道巅峰者,都是毛骨悚然。 Because from this sword, they felt the tearing void invincibility and loneliness. 因为从这一剑中,他们感受到了撕裂虚空的无敌和寂寞。 This sword...... It is not weak in the sword of immortal! 这一剑……不弱于仙人之剑! However. 然而。 This shocking sword, is actually only a start. 这惊艳的一剑,却只是个开始。 All people on star raised the head, look up to the starry sky. 星球上的所有人都是抬起头,仰望星空。 With amazement discovery. 骇然发现。 Outside the starry sky, meteors sprinkle. 星空外,一道道的流星洒落。 A vast meteor shower, shocks world. 一场浩瀚的流星雨,震骇世间 When all people think this is only a meteor shower, all people made a mistake. 在所有人都以为这只是一场流星雨的时候,所有人都错了。 The flame diverges. 火光散去。 Reveals unexpectedly is the step and walk in the sky person's shadows. 流露出的居然是一尊尊踏空而行的人影。 Immortals! 仙人! Entire star boiling. 整个星球沸腾 All people kneel to bend down in the place. 所有人跪伏于地。 Innumerable martial arts expert, long for the startled roar. 无数武道强者,渴望到惊吼。 Seeks the immortal star, has been seeking the immortal. 寻仙星,一直都在寻仙。 However, the ten thousand years years do not see the immortal, actually saw the immortal in legend today! 然而,万载岁月都不见仙,却是在今日见到了传说中的仙人! Immortals arrive. 一尊尊仙人降临。 Countless people are excited, they kotow kneel to bend down, hope heaven. 无数人为之激动,他们叩首跪伏,祈求苍天。 ...... …… Houtu vision somewhat complex under looks at the mortal. 后土目光有些复杂的看着底下的凡人。 This stars, were too backward, spiritual energy density, even cannot compare great antiquity 1%. 这颗星辰,太落后了,灵气的浓度,甚至比不上洪荒的1。 That man...... Does precisely hide here? 那个男人……就是躲在这里么? Houtu sighed. 后土叹了一口气。 From that war, in the past already more than 300 years. 距离那次大战,过去已经300多年了。 That man disappears also for more than 300 years. 那个男人消失也300多年。 Although more than 300 years, the universe world has been very quiet. 虽然这300多年,宇宙天地一直都很平静。 But, this type tranquil , the undercurrent that has is turbulent, makes people uncomfortable. 可是,这种平静之下,存在的暗潮汹涌,却是更让人难受。 That time, all people think that the world end must arrive. 那一次,所有人都以为天地末日要降临。 After all, supreme, endured arrives compared with the great antiquity Heavenly Law soul God...... 毕竟,至高无上的,堪比洪荒天道的魂神降临了…… But, all people have not thought. 可是,所有人都没有想到。 Formidable soul God, was actually suppressed by that man, seal. 强大的魂神,却是被那男人镇压,封印。 At a cultivation base price, seal soul God! 以一身修为的代价,封印了魂神! Under, countless mortals are worshipping on bended knees. 底下,无数的凡人在跪拜。 Houtu can feel to surge, but energetic thought. 后土可以感受到一股股涌动而起的精神意念。 That is mortal's belief. 那是凡人的信仰。 Houtu sighed. 后土叹了一口气。 Why does Bu Fang hide in this stars? 步方为何躲在这颗星辰? Because only this stars are backward? 只因为这颗星辰落后么? could it be that he wants peacefully passes away in this stars? 难道他想要安静的在这个星辰中老死么? The mortal unceasing asking immortal on this stars. 这个星辰上的凡人不断的求仙。 But...... 可是…… Where they know, a genuine big shot actually hides in them only. 他们哪里知道,一尊真正的大佬却是隐藏在他们只中。 In the bustling place is the immortal. 红尘中为仙。 Perhaps also only had coming out that man made. 或许也唯有那个男人做的出来了吧。 ...... …… Houtu falls. 后土落下。 Her body changes, unadorned, not having the mortal to recognize him. 她的身躯一变,朴实无华,没有凡人认出了他。 A stream of light flashes. 一道光闪烁 Yang Jian wears plainclothes to appear. 杨戬穿着一袭便衣出现。 Howling Celestial Dog follows in his side. 哮天犬跟在他的身边。 Houtu nodded with Yang Jian, both also turned head, look to that restaurant direction. 后土跟杨戬点了点头,两者同时扭头,看向了那餐馆方向。 In restaurant...... They induced familiar aura. 在餐馆中……他们感应到了一股熟悉的气息 That exactly Bu Fang's aura. 正是步方的气息 Just, this aura, feeble incomparable, weak extremely. 只不过,这道气息,衰弱无比,微弱万分。 As if momentarily must die out. 仿佛随时要寂灭了似的。 Bu Fang...... 步方…… Houtu and Yang Jian sighed. 后土和杨戬叹了一口气。 Howling Celestial Dog has chanted in a low voice. 哮天犬低吟了一声。 The three step into the restaurant. 三者踏入餐馆。 The restaurant is very comfortable, one type lets person mind stable aura. 餐馆很闲适,有一种让人心神安定的气息 In the restaurant, plants every grass, in the air is fluttering the light fragrance. 餐馆中,种植着凡草,空气中飘荡着淡淡的馨香。 A Whitey gloomy mechanical eye revolution, falls, in has stepped into Houtu and on Yang in Jian restaurant. 小白黯淡无光的机械眼一转,落在了踏入餐馆中的后土和杨戬身上。 Then, is not paying attention. 尔后,便是不在关注。 Small Eight worn out lying on the ground, saw has stepped into other people in room, has turned the head slightly. 小八有气无力的趴在地上,看到了踏入屋内的其他人,微微扭过了脑袋。 The mood of little fellow is very depressing. 小家伙的心情很压抑。 Out of the door, more and more great antiquity immortal God arrived. 门外,越来越多的洪荒仙神降临了。 To them, 300 years are time in a flash. 对于他们而言,300年不过是弹指之间的时间。 The Bu Fang's given name, still liked thunder reverberating in one's ears. 步方的大名,仍旧如雷贯耳。 God of Cooking of suppression soul God, this reputation, making them not dismiss in 10 million, must rush to this stars. 镇压魂神的厨神,这个名头,让他们不辞千万里,也要赶赴这颗星辰。 To experience the step God of Cooking appearance. 就为了见识一下步厨神的面目。 Houtu saw Bu Fang. 后土看到了步方 suck in a cold breath. 倒吸了一口冷气 She covered the mouth, in eyes full was incredible. 她捂起了嘴巴,眼眸中满是不可置信。 Bu Fang present appearance...... 步方如今的模样…… full head white hair lets fall gray, worn-out long gown wrap up on body. 满头白发苍苍垂落,一席破旧长袍包裹在身上。 On face, gully able to move unhindered, faintly visible initially that facial paralysis face. 脸上,沟壑纵横,依稀可见当初那张面瘫脸。 But, has been short of many sharpness, were many many precipitations. 可是,少了许多的锋锐,多了诸多的沉淀。 Does Bu Fang become so senile? 步方怎么会变得如此老态龙钟? Yang Jian facial color is complex. 杨戬面色复杂。 300 years of years, regarding the mortal are the limit. 300载岁月,对于凡人而言已经是极限了。 If not for Bu Fang's fleshly body is uncommon, possibly in 200, died. 若不是步方的肉身不凡,可能在200年的时候,就已经死亡。 However, although Bu Fang changes into the mortal, is...... He is impossible experienced like this. 不过,步方虽然化为凡人,可是……他不可能会老成这样。 So long as he practices slightly, by his beforehand foundation, achievement Immortal King, obtains the immortal at all not ask topic. 只要他稍微修行,以他以前的基础,成就仙王,获得长生根本不是问题。 could it be that was Bu Fang gave up practicing. 难道步方自己放弃了修行。 Howling Celestial Dog saw Bu Fang, fled rapidly, has licked licking on the Bu Fang's face. 哮天犬看到了步方,飞速的窜了上来,在步方的脸上舔了舔。 In the dog eye also reveals the color/look of changing countenance. 狗眼中也是流露出动容之色。 Bu Fang has rubbed the Howling Celestial Dog dog head, looks at Howling Celestial Dog, always meets unconscious remembering Lord Dog. 步方揉了揉哮天犬的狗头,看着哮天犬,总是会不自觉的想起狗爷 Regarding Lord Dog and Little Yōu them, perhaps, 300 years snap fingers. 对于狗爷小幽他们而言,或许,300年只是弹指。 However regarding Bu Fang, almost surmounted the life. 但是对于步方而言,差不多跨越了一生。 The vision is different, is also different to the sensitivity of time. 眼界不同,对时间的敏感性也不同。 If he is the immortal, 300 years of ostentatiousness, will not care. 他若为仙,300载浮华,不会在意。 But if the mortal, 300 years, is three lives third. 但若是凡人,300载,已经是三生三世了。 You......” “你……” Houtu opened mouth, wants to say anything. 后土张开嘴,想要说些什么。 However, Bu Fang has lifted the withered hand, laid out. 然而,步方抬起了枯槁的手,摆了摆。 Was needless to say......” “不用说……” Help me.” “帮我个忙。” Bu Fang raised the head, the eye of muddy, looked to Houtu. 步方抬起头,浑浊的眼睛,看向了后土 Houtu stares. 后土一愣。 Bu Fang has referred to the distant place, is hanging down the head alone the lofty one unparalleled, said: This boy follows my 300 years, if 100 years ago, he uses the sword to cut void, has the opportunity to become an immortal, what a pity he let go that opportunity , to continue to follow me...... Now, I think that you help me revive him.” 步方指了指远处,低垂着脑袋的独孤无双,道:“这个小子跟随我300年,若是100年前,他出剑斩虚空,是有机会成仙的,可惜他放弃了那个机会,继续跟随我……现在,我想你帮我把他救活。” Yang Jian and Houtu vision fell on the alone the lofty one unparalleled body. 杨戬和后土的目光落在了独孤无双的身上。 The vision slightly changes. 目光微微一变。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled, although already withered and dies, sword intent that but leaves behind, is extremely terrifying. 独孤无双虽然已经枯槁而死,但是身上所遗留下来的剑意,却万分恐怖。 Can the mortals also achieve such fearful sword intent?! 凡人也能达到这么可怕的剑意么?! Can follow side Bu Fang, really is not quite ordinary. 能跟随在步方身边,果然都不太一般。 Houtu nodded. 后土点了点头。 By the Bu Fang's status, this request is not excessive. 步方的身份,这个要求并不过分。 Seeks the immortal star life also to be in great antiquity Samsara, Houtu naturally can retrieve. 寻仙星的生命也处于洪荒轮回之中,后土自然能够救回。 She lifts the hand, the supernatural power circulation. 她抬起手,法力流转。 In void light, such as picks flying leaf like lightly. 在虚空中轻点,如轻摘飞叶似的。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled just died. 独孤无双不过是刚刚死。 His soul has not diverged. 他的灵魂还未散去。 Given Houtu supernatural power, quick was condense. 后土的法力牵引下,很快便是凝聚了出来。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled, although is sword God, but in their eyes, with mortal not different. 独孤无双虽然是剑神,但是在他们眼中,跟凡人无异。 Yang Jian lifts the hand. 杨戬抬起手。 Counts on the fingers a ball. 屈指一弹。 suddenly supernatural power circulation, fell on the sword God alone the lofty one unparalleled body together. 顿时一道法力流转,落在了剑神独孤无双的身上。 The latter old body, starts to restore at the naked eye obvious speed. 后者苍老的身躯,以肉眼可见的速度开始恢复。 Quick, restored the young and impetuous time. 很快,就恢复到了年轻气盛的时期。 As if the time reverses for 300 years. 仿佛时光倒转300年似的。 Naturally, Yang Jian the method, does not reverse the time, but helped him restore the vitality, let the physical body again blooming vitality. 当然,杨戬的这手段,并不是倒转时光,只是帮助他恢复了气血,让肉体重新绽放生机。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Soul homing, in addition physical body vitality rumbled. 灵魂归位,加上肉体的气血轰鸣 Alone the lofty one unparalleled quick fiercely has opened the eye. 独孤无双很快就猛地睁开了眼。 His gasping for breath in gulps, on the forehead full is the beads of sweat. 他大口大口的喘着气,额头上满是汗珠。 Did he die? 他死了? No...... 不…… Has not died! 没死! Did he live?! 他又活了?! Did he possibly live? 他怎么可能又活了? The life strength comes to the end, he saw the Samsara river...... 生命力走到尽头,他都看到了轮回长河…… Did he live? 他怎么又活了? Alone the lofty one unparalleled looks at own body, the vital physical body lets his suck in a cold breath. 独孤无双看着自己的身体,充满勃勃生机的肉体让他倒吸了一口冷气 I......” “我……” Alone the lofty one unparalleled opens mouth. 独孤无双张开嘴。 He saw Houtu and Yang Jian. 他看到了后土和杨戬。 Turns head to look, Bu Fang aged sitting cross-legged in distant place. 扭头一看,步方老迈的盘坐在远处。 could it be that is...... Has Bu Fang saved him? 难道是……步方救了他? Immortal Master finally make a move? 仙师终于出手了? Owner Bu, we go back, practices, when the time comes the soul God is born...... Also needs you to suppress.” 步老板,我们回去吧,重新修行,到时候魂神出世……还需你镇压。” Houtu looks at Bu Fang, the vision is earnest. 后土看着步方,目光热切。 Rescues alone the lofty one unparalleled is only matter conveniently. 救独孤无双只是随手的事。 However, making Bu Fang re-enter the great antiquity is the matter of primary importance. 但是,让步方重回洪荒才是最重要的事情。 Yang Jian has not said anything. 杨戬没有说什么。 eyes full is the anticipation looks at Bu Fang. 只是眼眸满是期待的看着步方 Howling Celestial Dog stretches out the tongue, has licked the Bu Fang's face. 哮天犬伸出舌头,舔了舔步方的脸。 All people are waiting. 所有人都在等待着。 Void. 虚空中。 The body of bird master covers in one group of dense fog, looks at Bu Fang, sighed. 鸟爷的身躯笼罩在一团迷雾中,看着步方,叹了一口气。 The body hidden enters once again void, vanishes does not see. 身躯再度隐入虚空,消失不见。 300 years, he has witnessed the Bu Fang's transformation. 300年,他见证了步方的蜕变。 That transformation, is the transformation of soul most deep place. 那种蜕变,是灵魂最深处的蜕变。 He is witnessing Bu Fang's culinary arts, day-by-day growing perceptibly. 他见证着步方的厨艺,一天天的见长。 He has never thought. 他从未想过。 Arrived at Bu Fang this level, culinary arts has also been able to fly upwards at this speed. 到达了步方这个层次,厨艺还能以这种速度飞升。 In Bu Fang culinary arts each dish, is containing to really to the pure emotion. 步方烹饪的每一道菜中,都蕴含着至真至纯的情感。 The bird master sighs with emotion extremely. 鸟爷感慨万分。 Initially in Ancient Heavenly God Ancient Ruin, he once with Bu Fang discussion dish. 当初在上古天神遗迹,他曾跟步方论过菜。 That time Bu Fang, thinking that but also insisted, the ingredient quality, has decided the cuisines quality. 那时候的步方,还坚持的觉得,食材的好坏,决定了美食的好坏。 At that time, the one jar husband and wife Heavenly God liquor, is the bird master brings to refute Bu Fang's. 那时候,一坛夫妻天神酒,是鸟爷拿来反驳步方的 But has not thought. 可是万万没有想到。 Several hundred years passed by. 几百年过去了。 Bu Fang unexpectedly the path that gives up itself once insisting, stepped the feeling emotion kitchen to say. 步方居然放弃了自己曾经一直坚持的道路,踏上了有情的厨道。 Is ordinary on such as the husband and wife Heavenly God liquor. 就如夫妻天神酒一般。 In each dish implements the emotion. 每一道菜中都贯彻情感。 But...... 可是…… The say/way of feeling emotion, is more difficult to walk. 有情之道,更难走。 Almost cannot come to the end. 几乎走不到尽头。 Some sentiments...... Possibly witnesses with the life and death. 有的情……可能得用生死来见证。 300 years. 300年。 The bird master concealment void 300 years, have been protecting Bu Fang. 鸟爷隐匿虚空300年,一直守护着步方 The Bu Fang travelling stars, come to realize feels emotion to say. 步方游历星辰,感悟有情道。 From most starts to the sentiment of village, arrived again afterward travelled for pleasure the sentiment that continent experienced to arrive. 从最开始对村庄的情,再到后来游历大陆所见识到的情。 His walk bustling place, saw many emotions. 他行走红尘,见惯了诸多的情感。 He by a stance of observer, all emotions on this star, contained in one. 他以一位旁观者的姿态,将这颗星球上的所有情感,都包含在了一起。 Present Bu Fang, has skimmed ostentatious and dregs, remaining...... Only has essence. 如今的步方,撇去了浮华和糟粕,剩下的……唯有精华 What a pity...... 可惜…… Feels emotion saying that is not eventually simple. 有情道,终究没有那么简单。 ...... …… Bu Fang shook the head, has carried the cup, drank completely the liquor. 步方摇了摇头,端起了杯子,一口喝尽了酒。 He turned head to look alone to the lofty one unparalleled. 他扭头看向了独孤无双。 You became an immortal now, must stay behind, is...... Leaves? The becoming an immortal road opened wide for you.” “你如今已经成仙了,是要留下,还是……离开?成仙路已经为你敞开了。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 His eyes is very light. 他的眼眸很平淡。 That light, lets Houtu and Yang Jian extremely palpitation. 那种平淡,让后土和杨戬万分心悸。 The alone the lofty one unparalleled present somewhat is ignorant, he needs to reorganize the train of thought. 独孤无双现在还有些懵,他需要整理一下思绪。 Did he become an immortal? 他已经成仙了? The mind moves. 心神一动。 Within the body turbulent supernatural power makes his facial color one become flushed fiercely. 体内汹涌的法力让他面色猛地一阵涨红。 He follows the Bu Fang 300 years, sword intent that becomes aware early has been able to cut broken void. 他跟随步方300年,所悟的剑意早已经可以斩碎虚空。 Although he does not have to be so profound, however in the process that Bu Fang becomes aware, Bu Fang occasionally also will dispel doubt for him. 他虽然没有步方悟的那么深刻,但是在过程中,步方偶尔也会为他解惑。 His sword, is not the heartless sword, fused own emotion feeling emotion sword. 他的剑,并不是无情剑,乃是融合了自身情感的有情剑。 Immortal Master...... Unparalleled pledges to fight to the death to follow the immortal Master!” “仙师……无双誓死追随仙师!” Alone the lofty one unparalleled kneels bends down somewhat excitedly on the ground, the mood is staring at Bu Fang. 独孤无双跪伏在地上,情绪有些激动的盯着步方 Bu Fang nodded. 步方点了点头。 Has not said anything. 没有说什么。 He lets Houtu and Yang Jian leaves. 他让后土和杨戬离开。 You walk, should return to me to return, if return not...... All also can only comply with the rule.” “你们走吧,该回归我就会回归,若是回归不了……一切也只能顺应规则。” Mountains and rivers state chart can only suppress the soul God millenniums, if I return, forcefully return, the date of soul God broken sealing...... I cannot block, without any significance.” “山河社稷图只能镇压魂神千年,我若是回归不了,强行回归,魂神破封之日……我也挡不住,没有任何的意义。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Owes has paid off, now...... What I must do, walks road that should take.” “欠的已经还清了,如今……我要做的是,走该走的路。” The Bu Fang's words, making Yang Jian, Houtu and the others cannot help but knit the brows. 步方的话,让杨戬,后土等人不由得皱眉。 They are not fully correct in the Bu Fang heart to think anything. 他们猜不透步方心中在想什么。 Bu Fang's is but stubborn, makes them have no alternative. 可是步方的倔强,却让他们无可奈何。 They left the restaurant. 他们离开了餐馆。 But other immortal Gods unceasingly have actually stepped into, visits Bu Fang. 而其他的仙神却是不断的踏入了其中,拜访步方 Really annoyed being tired. 实在是被惹的烦了。 Bu Fang lets quiet Whitey make a move...... 步方让沉寂的小白出手…… After having dug up several immortal Gods, finally let these seeking novelty psychology very strong small immortal young Gods peaceful. 扒了几位仙神后,终于让这些猎奇心理很强的小仙小神们安静了下来。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled panic-stricken incomparable. 独孤无双惊骇无比。 Originally...... Simple-hearted iron lump Whitey, so is unexpectedly strong! 原来……木讷的铁疙瘩小白,居然这么强! The immortals stayed outside the restaurant. 仙人们在餐馆外住下了。 Years circulation. 岁月流转。 In an instant, is 200 years. 一念之间,又是200年。
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