GOAW :: Volume #19

#1813: Snapping fingers years such as ostentatious

Village 300 people, does not remain...... 全村300口人,一个不留…… Alone the lofty one unparalleled said these words time, was quite heavy. 独孤无双说出这句话的时候,颇为沉重。 Disorderly World human life such as worthless, truly so. 乱世人命如草芥,确实如此。 Looks that by deserted village that the snow white white snow covers, perhaps once the habitation curled, but now, is actually damaged. 看着被皑皑白雪覆盖的荒村,或许曾经人烟袅袅,但是如今,却是破败不堪。 In Disorderly World, all people were seeking the survival, but was most pitiful, was these mortals. 乱世中,所有人都在求生存,而最凄惨的,莫过于这些凡人。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled was silent. 独孤无双沉默了。 It is not he does not want to speak, but is he cannot speak, is born the fear in innermost soul, making him pant for breath, becomes difficult. 不是他不想说话,而是他说不出话,一股诞生于灵魂深处的恐惧,让他连喘息,都变得困难。 Dingdong. 叮当一声。 Treasured sword falling ground. 宝剑掉落地上。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled sits on the ground, the pupil opens, panic-stricken is staring at Bu Fang. 独孤无双一屁股坐在地上,瞳孔睁大,惊恐的盯着步方 This flash, this mortal, as if really such as Heavenly God terrifying like that. 这一瞬间,这个凡人,仿佛真的如天神那般的恐怖。 Immortal Master......” “仙师……” Alone the lofty one unparalleled opens mouth, in the throat has made the sound difficultly. 独孤无双张开嘴,喉咙中艰难的发出了声音。 As if the hand, seized his throat. 仿佛有一只手,掐住了他的喉咙似的。 Suddenly. 突然。 aura of that terrifying vanished. 那恐怖的气息消失了。 His whole body loosen, in heavy snow day, the whole body was actually given the infiltration by the cold sweat, on the forehead the beads of sweat rolling falls. 整个人一松,大雪天里,浑身却都是被冷汗给浸润,额头上汗珠滚滚而落。 This time, he looks to Bu Fang, did not suspect really...... 这一次,他看向步方,真的是毫无怀疑…… Bu Fang sighed. 步方叹了一口气。 Moved. 怅然若失。 Is looking at a white deserted village, the mood is somewhat complex. 望着一片白茫茫的荒村,情绪有些复杂。 That flickered a moment ago, he incautiously revealed the mood, making the alone the lofty one unparalleled face panic-stricken. 刚才那一瞬,他一不小心流露出了心境,让独孤无双一脸惊恐。 Bu Fang had achieved after all once existence of universe peak, the Chaos sage, where puts is supreme. 步方毕竟曾经达到了宇宙巅峰的存在,混沌圣人,放哪里都是至高无上。 Even if present Bu Fang, the strength does not have, solely is only the mood, revealing of wisp of thought that sufficiently makes people feel the fearful pressure. 就算如今的步方,实力全无,单单只是心境,一缕意念的流露,就足以让人感到可怕的压力。 Camel of skinny is big, exactly this truth that said. 瘦死的骆驼比马大,说的正是这个道理。 In the world, the snowflake is dancing in the air. 天地间,雪花在飞舞。 The space and time as if becomes very peaceful. 时空似乎都变得十分的安静。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled sits on the ground, gasping for breath in gulps. 独孤无双坐在地上,大口大口的喘着气。 The sound that as if remaining he has only gasped for breath, can be heard. 似乎只剩下了他喘气的声音,能够被听见。 Ease within, wipes the sigh, making him feel innermost feelings incomparable shock. 悠然间,一抹叹息,让他感觉到内心无比的震撼。 You look for only the pheasant to come.” “你去找只野鸡来。” The Bu Fang light sound resounds through. 步方淡淡的声音响彻而起。 An alone the lofty one unparalleled suddenly whole body loosen, such as Mongolian pardon. 独孤无双顿时浑身一松,如蒙大赦。 He has complied with one, tumbling goes toward the distant place wilderness. 他应了一声,连滚带爬的就朝着远处荒野而去。 Bu Fang sits cross-legged on the ground, vision complex is looking at the deserted village...... 步方盘坐在地上,目光复杂的望着荒村…… The voice and face smiling face of village person as if also appears in his front. 村子人的音容笑貌似乎都还浮现在他的面前。 The simple and honest villagers, are quite profound to the impression that Bu Fang makes. 淳朴的村民,给步方留下的印象颇为深刻。 Aunt, Uncle, senior village head...... 大婶,大伯,老村长…… Person's shadows as if have fluttered his facial features. 一个个人影仿佛飘过他的面容。 Bu Fang puts out the one breath. 步方吐出一口气。 The dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to earth, perhaps the fate of this precisely mortal. 尘归尘,土归土,或许这就是凡人的宿命吧。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled quick returned. 独孤无双很快就归来了。 In his hand is raising a pheasant. 他手中提着一只野鸡。 He has given Bu Fang the pheasant, on the face full is respectful and disturbed. 他将野鸡递给了步方,脸上满是恭敬和忐忑。 If before , he guessed that Bu Fang is the immortal Master, that a moment ago that instantaneous...... In an instant, as if lets him, if dropped the feeling of death, making him understand. 如果之前他只是猜测步方是仙师,那刚才那瞬间……一念之间,仿佛让他如堕死亡的感觉,让他明白。 Bu Fang certainly is the immortal Master. 步方一定是仙师。 Moreover is that super fierce immortal Master. 而且是那种超级厉害的仙师。 Seeks the immortal to seek the immortal, his homing not precisely this immortal? 寻仙寻仙,他寻的不就是这仙? Bu Fang received the pheasant. 步方接过了野鸡。 In alone the lofty one unparalleled surprised vision, direct processing. 在独孤无双惊讶的目光中,直接处理了起来。 Bu Fang turned out one to contaminate dust black pot from the deserted village. 步方从荒村中翻出了一口沾染了灰尘的黑锅 After being clearly clean, in village, has built a pot directly. 清晰干净后,直接在村子里,架起了一口锅。 flame ascension, periphery cold has scattered. 火焰升腾而起,将周围的寒冷都是驱散了许多。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled does not know that Bu Fang must make anything. 独孤无双不知道步方要做什么。 Bu Fang makes him look for another chicken monkey, he peaceful sitting cross-legged in the distant place, waited for the Bu Fang's instruction. 步方让他找另一只鸡猴,他就安静的盘坐在了远处,等待步方的吩咐。 However, Bu Fang has not told him. 不过,步方并没有吩咐他。 But selfish is doing own matter. 而是自顾自的做着自己的事。 The pheasant was processed, the chicken feather was dug up up, after boiling of hot water, body gradual congealing reality...... 野鸡被处理了,鸡毛被扒光,经过热水的滚沸,皮肉逐渐的凝实…… But the Bu Fang's movement does not reduce, was still is dealing with ingredient. 步方的动作不减,仍旧是对食材进行着处理。 Not only has the pheasant, fat fish that Bu Fang prepares. 不仅仅有野鸡,还有步方所准备的肥鱼。 Goes to the scale, cuts open the belly, removes internal organs, Bu Fang's a series of movements, moving clouds and flowing water. 去鳞,剖腹,去除内脏,步方的一系列动作,行云流水 Bu Fang at this moment, seems a simple and honest chef, in earnest culinary arts dish. 此刻的步方,就仿佛是一位淳朴的厨子,在认真的烹饪着菜。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled does not dare to alarm Bu Fang. 独孤无双不敢惊动步方 Only can look peacefully. 只能安静的看着。 The Bu Fang's movement is quick, in the air filled a fragrance. 步方的动作很快,空气中弥漫出了一股香味。 ...... 只是…… Is smelling this fragrance, in alone the lofty one unparalleled eyes was actually reveals to wipe the sad meaning. 嗅着这香味,独孤无双眼眸中却是流露出了一抹悲戚之意。 In his heart in great surprise, at the sword intent exciting body. 他心中大惊,以剑意刺激身躯。 „Can fragrance affect the state of mind unexpectedly?” “香味居然能影响神志?” Alone the lofty one unparalleled panic-stricken, even more thought that Bu Fang is mystical. 独孤无双惊恐不已,越发的觉得步方神秘。 Two dishes quick completed on culinary arts. 两道菜很快就烹饪完成了。 A golden yellow roast chicken, together fragrant bouillabaisse...... 一只金黄的烧鸡,一道喷香了蒸鱼…… A Bu Fang action a dish, was placed two dishes in the snowy area. 步方一手端着一道菜,将两道菜摆在了雪地之中。 The rich fragrance rolling spreads. 浓郁的香味滚滚扩散。 However as if brings to let the person depressing sadness. 但是却仿佛带着让人压抑的悲伤。 Bu Fang sits before two dishes, he has not eaten the dish. 步方坐在两道菜之前,他没有吃菜。 He is pondering. 他沉思着。 He returns to native place this stars, returns to the life of mortal, but the mortal must belong to the dust eventually. 他归隐这颗星辰,回归凡人的生活,但是凡人终究是要归于尘土。 Does his Bu Fang following road this walk? 那他步方后面的路该怎么走? The bird master has asked Bu Fang, if several hundred years later, his Bu Fang degenerates into bei loess, how? 鸟爷问过步方,若是几百年后,他步方沦为一柸黄土,那又如何? Before free and easy of Bu Fang reply. 之前步方回答的洒脱。 Now, looks at the deserted village, a lonely feeling spreads suddenly. 现在,看着荒村,一种寂寥之感陡然蔓延。 The death was lonely. 死亡是寂寥的。 If he dies, how these old friends should? 若是他死,那些老朋友该如何? Little Yōu that closes up, Lord Dog, Hades...... 闭关的小幽,狗爷,冥王尔哈…… How should they? 他们又该如何? If they had known his death, should very be sad. 他们如果得知了他的死,应该都会很悲伤吧。 The destruction of villagers, lets Bu Fang at this moment filled with grief, let alone other. 村民们的覆灭,都让步方此刻悲怆不已,那别说其他的了。 Bu Fang lifts the hand, is covering chest...... 步方抬起手,捂着胸口…… His heart hurts. 他的心脏微疼。 This hurting, seems born in the innermost soul. 这种疼,仿佛诞生于灵魂深处。 Soul God, great antiquity Heavenly Law had proven the heartless road can step peak...... But I actually wallow in the emotion, was one lost the direction fish likely.” “魂神,洪荒天道都证明了无情路才能踏上巅峰……而我却沉迷于情感中,像是一只迷失了方向的鱼。” The Bu Fang vision is confused. 步方目光迷茫。 Bu Fang also wants to walk the heartless say/way, but he discovered that oneself cannot get away. 步方也想走无情道,但是他发现自己走不了。 He has no way to achieve heartlessly. 他没法做到无情。 Even if the living in seclusion remote mountain several years, emotion also still existed. 就算隐居深山数载,情感也仍旧存在。 Perhaps he from the beginning, precisely artificial person. 或许他从一开始,就是个矫情的人吧。 Although he does not like smiling, does not like speaking, facial paralysis face. 虽然他不爱笑,不爱说话,面瘫脸。 However...... The feeling of heart, could not deceive people. 但是……心的感觉,是骗不了人的。 If he is really heartless, side him, could not leave behind that many old friends. 若他真的是无情,那他身边,也就留不下那么多的老朋友了。 Great antiquity Heavenly Law, the soul God, is alone in the world, their invincible world, is actually lonely in the universe. 洪荒天道,魂神,都是孑然一身,他们无敌天地,却是寂寞在宇宙。 But Bu Fang is very lucky, his side has many people. 步方很幸运,他的身边有很多人。 Lord Dog, Small Pi, Little Yōu, Whitey, Xiao Xiaolong, Xiao Yanyu...... 狗爷,尔哈,小皮,小幽,小白,肖小龙,肖烟雨…… Waits for the familiar name to float heart. 等等熟悉的名字浮上心头。 Bu Fang shook the head. 步方摇了摇头。 The complexion is bitter and astringent. 脸色苦涩。 He stands up, deserted village as before, unmanned breath. 他站起身,荒村依旧,了无人息。 Bu Fang put the palms together before one, bends down slightly, was says goodbye with once villagers. 步方双手合十,微微一俯身,算是跟曾经的村民们道别了吧。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled behind Bu Fang's, stared in a big way the eye. 独孤无双在步方的背后,瞪大了眼。 He noticed that in the deserted village glittered suddenly the essence bright ray. 他看到荒村中突然闪烁起了点点精亮的光芒。 On the vault of heaven, person's shadows appear, walking, bustling about. 天穹上,一道道人影浮现,行走着,忙碌着。 Deserted village busy picture of disappearance, suddenly another appearance. 消失的荒村忙碌景象,突然又一次的出现。 As if a wisp of projection in time river. 仿佛是时间长河中的一缕投影。 For a long time. 许久之后。 All vanish. 一切都消失。 The deserted village is as before ruined, the heavy snow has flapped the dust of history. 荒村依旧破败,大雪漫卷了历史的尘埃。 Bu Fang crossed the hands behind the back, left the village. 步方负手,离开了村子。 Gradually, returned to the mountain. 一步一步,回到了山上。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled deeply takes a breath, in his heart shocks incomparably, does not have the slight hesitation, turned head to follow the Bu Fang's step. 独孤无双深吸一口气,他的心中震撼无比,没有丝毫的犹豫,扭头跟上了步方的步伐。 Returns to the mountain road, duplicate has suffused the snow. 回山的路,覆盖满了积雪。 They one deep one shallow returned to the room in halfway up the mountainside. 两人一深一浅的回到了半山腰的屋子里。 Night. 夜已深。 The light in Bu Fang room went out, goes to sleep. 步方屋子里的灯光熄灭,睡下了。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled in firewood room, actually for a very long time cannot be calm. 独孤无双在柴房中,心情却久久不能平静。 He knows, his immortal reason appears, he must hold. 他知道,他的仙缘出现,他必须要抓住。 Cannot hold, he forever will just miss with the immortal reason. 抓不住,他将永远跟仙缘失之交臂。 That night. 这一夜。 Quick on the past. 很快就过去了。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled opened eyes, heard xi xi su su sound. 独孤无双睁开眼,听到了门外窸窸窣窣的声音。 He works on the treasured sword, runs out hastily. 他抓起宝剑,连忙冲出。 In courtyard. 院子中。 Bu Fang at the back of thick travel bag. 步方背着厚厚的行囊。 The fat chicken was filled by Bu Fang in the chest, can only reveal a chicken head. 肥鸡被步方塞在了胸口中,只能露出一个鸡脑袋。 Whitey also carries the travel bag, mechanical eye is dim, stands side Bu Fang. 小白也背着行囊,机械眼黯淡,站在步方身边。 Is this must take a long journey? 这是要远行? Alone the lofty one unparalleled is startled. 独孤无双一惊。 He works on snow, has wiped a face, making oneself more sober. 他抓起一把雪,抹了一把脸,让自己清醒很多。 „Is immortal Master this wants?” “仙师这是要?” He asks. 他开口询问。 Goes out for a walk...... Can you with?” “出去走走……你要跟着么?” Bu Fang looked at one alone the lofty one unparalleled. 步方看了一眼独孤无双。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled is startled. 独孤无双一怔。 Must with,......” “要跟着,就跟着吧……” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Then, has shoved open the stockade of room. 说完,就推开了屋子的栅栏。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled with coming out, Bu Fang locks the stockade, grabs the whanghee, is stepping on the snow, departs quietly. 独孤无双跟出来,步方将栅栏锁好,抓着竹杖,踩着雪,悄然离去。 Whitey carries the travel bag, following of blindly following suit in Bu Fang's behind. 小白背着行囊,亦步亦趋的跟在步方的身后。 Small Eight emits the exquisite head in the Bu Fang's bosom. 小八步方的怀里冒出小巧的脑袋。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled not hesitant, grabbed the treasured sword to follow. 独孤无双没有犹豫,抓着宝剑跟了上去。 Three forms, disappearance slowly in heavy snow boundless remote mountain. 三道身影,缓缓的消失在大雪茫茫的深山。 ...... …… Seeks the immortal star, is not big. 寻仙星,并不大。 However walks on foot, spends the innumerable years sufficiently. 但是徒步行走,也足以花费无数的岁月。 Bu Fang, Whitey, has followed alone the lofty one unparalleled. 步方,小白,还有一直跟随的独孤无双。 Three people stroll above the entire stars. 三人漫步在整颗星辰之上。 They take the remote mountain as the beginning, sets out to the entire world. 他们以深山为起点,向全世界进发。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled, seems the personal guard, is protecting Bu Fang, a lot will help. 独孤无双,就仿佛是贴身的侍卫,守护着步方,很多事情都会帮忙。 Bu Fang has not rejected, has tacitly consented to his behavior. 步方也没有拒绝,默许了他的行为。 The time circulation, ten years of time flies. 时间流转,十载光阴飞逝而过。 The Bu Fang's facial features were more resolute, in eyes also appeared the vicissitudes. 步方的面容刚毅了许多,眼眸中也浮现了沧桑。 The alone the lofty one unparalleled wear worn-out clothes, at the back of already the best pick of the crop that ten years have not drawn out, the beard on face stretches out. 独孤无双穿着破旧衣裳,背着已经十年不曾拔出的拔尖,脸上的胡子拉碴。 Whitey does not have what change actually, the iron-covered eversion, the mechanical eye was still gloomy. 小白倒是没有什么变化,铁皮外翻,机械眼仍旧黯淡无光。 Small Eight was still exquisite lovably, even if walks on foot, little thing still food plump. 小八仍旧小巧可爱,就算是徒步行走,小东西仍旧吃的圆滚滚的。 ...... …… fifty year. 五十年。 The three continue to walk. 三者继续行走。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled initially had senile. 独孤无双已经初具老态。 The rickets the back, on the arm blue vein is reappearing. 佝偻着背,手臂上青筋浮现。 However he does not have the complaint, still followed side Bu Fang, follows Bu Fang to walk continent. 不过他没有怨言,仍旧跟在步方身边,跟随着步方行走大陆 Followed Bu Fang's these days, alone the lofty one unparalleled ate cuisines, realized that the unprecedented mood changed. 跟随步方的这些日子,独孤无双吃到了美食,体会到前所未有的心境变化。 Former he, was called the empire first sword God, but the empire destruction, the sword God body perished. 从前的他,被称为帝国第一剑神,而帝国覆灭,剑神身殒。 The name of so-called sword God, early vanished in continent. 所谓的剑神之名,早已经消失在大陆 However can be called the sword God, under his sword the ghost, little said myriad. 但是能被称为剑神,他剑下亡魂,少说万千。 However, follows Bu Fang, he as if experienced a baptism of soul. 然而,跟随步方,他仿佛经历了一次灵魂的洗礼。 Although dozens years have not used the sword, but he understanding to the swordsmanship, actually precipitated. 虽然几十年不曾出剑,但是他对剑道的理解,却是沉淀了许多。 ...... …… The 100 th year. 第100年。 continent walked quickly completely. 大陆已经快走尽了。 Seeks the immortal star the polar region, the endless forest, boundless Vast Sea, has left behind their trail. 寻仙星的极地,无尽的森林,无垠的瀚海,都留下了他们的踪迹。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled hair already flood white, whole body became old. 独孤无双头发已经泛白,整个人变得苍老了许多。 The vitality starts dry lonesome, one generation of broad sword Gods, were truly old. 气血开始枯寂,一代恢弘剑神,确实是老了。 The Bu Fang's appearance does not have the sweeping change. 步方的模样没有多大变化。 However the eyes deep place, actually can also see old intent. 但是眼眸深处,却也可以看到老意。 After all, hundred years of time, fleshly body perhaps undefeated, but the soul actually cannot withstand. 毕竟,百年时光,肉身或许不败,可是灵魂却是承受不住。 Present he, the soul is the soul of mortal. 如今的他,灵魂已经是凡人的灵魂。 Bu Fang even more reserved. 步方越发的内敛。 Whitey and Small Eight appearance has not changed. 小白小八模样没变。 ...... …… The 200 th year. 第200年。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled could not walk. 独孤无双走不动路了。 He once stood erect in peak, but he has not sought the immortal road, eventually is only the mortal. 他曾经屹立在巅峰,但是他未寻得仙路,终究只是凡人。 Bu Fang was also old. 步方也老了。 white hair is gray, on the face the wrinkle is densely covered. 白发苍苍,脸上皱纹密布。 Rickets back, old man. 佝偻着背,耄耋老者。 They have not continued to walk continent, the place that because can walk, was walked completely. 他们没有继续行走大陆,因为能走的地方,都被走尽了。 The world is very big, they looked. 世界很大,他们已经看完。 Therefore, Bu Fang has not continued to walk. 因而,步方没有继续行走。 200 years of time, they have seen rising of dynasty, has looked at the destruction of dynasty...... 200年光阴,他们见过王朝的崛起,也看过王朝的覆灭…… Walked until tired, should rest. 走累了,就该歇一歇。 In bustling streets. 闹市之中。 Bu Fang and alone the lofty one unparalleled has bought a house, lives in seclusion in this. 步方和独孤无双买了间房子,隐居于此。 Bu Fang returns to the old profession, opened a restaurant. 步方重归老本行,开了一家餐馆。 Just...... This restaurant he opens is very optional. 只不过……这餐馆他开的很随意。 He only depends on mood culinary arts. 他只凭心情烹饪 Alone the lofty one unparalleled does odd jobs in the restaurant, treasured sword early already by him dust-laden. 独孤无双在餐馆中打杂,宝剑早已经被他尘封了起来。 He does not know that now Bu Fang is the immortal Master. 他现在也不知道步方是不是仙师。 But will the immortal Master mortally die of old age? 可是仙师会如凡人般老去么? Haggles over these not to have the significance. 计较这些没有意义。 He only wants to live now peacefully...... 他现在只想安静的生活…… In the bustling place refining up the heart, the present sword God, has one compared with the sword God of prosperous time, stronger sword intent. 红尘中炼心,如今的剑神,拥有一颗比起鼎盛时候的剑神,更强的剑意 ...... …… The 300 th year. 第300年。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled life to the end, he could not walk, could not be the service person in restaurant. 独孤无双的生命到了尽头,他走不动路了,做不了餐馆的服务员。 Bu Fang is also senile, peaceful staying in restaurant. 步方也老态龙钟,安静的呆在餐馆中。 The bustling streets changed changed, the neighbor lead(er) occupied also constantly changes. 闹市变了又变,街坊领居们也不断的变化。 The life end, is always tranquil and graceful. 生命的尽头,总是平静而优雅。 In restaurant. 餐馆中。 Bu Fang but actually one glass of chilly liquor, distant respected one to sit cross-legged in opposite alone the lofty one unparalleled. 步方倒了一杯清冽的酒,遥遥的敬了一番盘坐在对面的独孤无双。 If latter air/Qi fine thread. 后者气若游丝 The muddy vision is staring at Bu Fang, full is the complex mood. 混浊的目光盯着步方,满是复杂情绪。 Whitey and Small Eight treat in restaurant. 小白小八都待在餐馆中。 The atmosphere somewhat sinks to congeal...... 气氛有些沉凝…… For a long time. 许久后。 An ease sigh. 一声悠然叹息。 Immortal Master...... Unparalleled walked one first.” “仙师……无双先走一步了。” Alone the lofty one unparalleled full is the corners of the mouth of wrinkle pulls slightly. 独孤无双满是皱纹的嘴角微微一扯。 In a Bu Fang Yin Jin Cup liquor. 步方一口饮尽杯中酒。 Bang!!! 轰!!! A wisp has swept off ostentatiously, shoots up to the sky to pinnacle sword intent sharply. 一缕扫去了浮华,锋锐到极致剑意冲天而起。 Direct impact clouds. 直冲云霄。 Fearful Sword Energy blooms above the vault of heaven. 可怕的剑气绽放于天穹之上。 This was condense 300 years of sword intent. 这是凝聚了300年的剑意 sword intent, world startled! 剑意一出,天下惊! As if legend sword God, turns over to near the earth. 仿佛传说剑神,重新归临大地。 In restaurant. 餐馆中。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled after releasing this sword. 独孤无双在释放出这一剑之后。 Satisfied lowering the head. 满足的垂首。 Both hands are incapable of letting fall the waist border. 双手无力垂落腰际。 Bu Fang grabbed wine glass, in the cup liquor flood the ripples. 步方抓着酒杯,杯中酒泛起了涟漪。 For a long time , a sigh, quietly release. 许久之后,一声叹息,悄然释放。 Snapping fingers years such as ostentatious. 弹指岁月如浮华。 Void. 虚空中。 The bird master crosses the hands behind the back to step on void appearance. 鸟爷负手踩着虚空出现。 Seeks outside immortal star. 寻仙星外。 Person's shadows, treads the sky comes...... 一道道的人影,踏空而来…… The vision of these person's shadows, are extremely complex. 这些人影的目光,都万分复杂。 Their aura are very vigorous, is the great antiquity universe top big shots. 他们的气息无比雄浑,都乃是洪荒宇宙的顶级大佬。 On this day. 这一日。 The great antiquity top big shot, arrives to seek the immortal star in abundance. 洪荒顶级大佬,纷纷降临寻仙星。 Entire stars boiling. 整颗星辰沸腾
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