GOAW :: Volume #19

#1815: Little Hua and Niú Hàn Sān

Seeks the immortal star, becomes incomparable fiery / popular. 寻仙星,变得无比的火爆 Moving into of many immortals, making this originally tiny to at all not paid attention the stars in the great antiquity universe, all of a sudden fiery / popular. 诸多仙人们的入驻,让这颗原本渺小到在洪荒宇宙中根本不被注意的星辰,一下子火爆了起来。 Increase of expert, increased quickly the step of this stars development. 强者的增多,也增快了这颗星辰发展的步伐。 World spiritual energy day-by-day rich, this is affects by the strengths of many Great Expert. 天地灵气一天天的浓郁了起来,这是由诸多大能者的实力所影响的。 As the immortal, their aura affect a development of stars, does not have the big difficulty actually. 作为仙人,他们的气息影响到一颗星辰的发展,倒是没有多大的难度。 Because of increase of immortals, 200 years of time, the immortal impossible to practice in this spiritual energy deficient stars, therefore in the bored years, they looked for some interesting matters to do, was regarded as kills the time. 因为仙人们的增多,200年的时光,仙人也不可能在这灵气匮乏的星辰中修行,所以无聊的岁月里,他们就找了些有趣的事情来做,当做是打发时间。 If not practice, several hundred years of time, pours also is really long. 如果不修行,几百年的时光,倒还真的算是漫长。 The immortals have established Sect, school, various influences. 仙人们建立了宗门,门派,各种势力。 The seeking immortal star that the mortal will lead, gave to make into the immortal leadership all of a sudden. 将原本凡人主导的寻仙星,一下子给弄成了仙人主导。 Some immortals, were alternate interesting joining to establishment of mortal dynasty. 有的仙人,更是有趣的加入到了凡人王朝的建立与更迭中。 The feeling of that leadership, making many immortals feel interesting. 那种主导的感觉,让不少仙人都是感到有趣。 Naturally...... 当然…… Can such bored immortal, cultivation base not too be basically high. 能够这么无聊的仙人,基本上修为都不算太高。 Such as Immortal King, immortal emperor, the class of Great Dao sage...... 诸如仙王,仙帝,大道圣人之流…… They are such as the mortal are common, walks in the world. 他们都是如凡人一般,行走于世 Great Dao to Jane/simple, sometimes, said is so. 大道至简,有的时候,说的便是这般。 Around Bu Fang's restaurant, more and more immortal gatherings. 步方的餐馆周围,越来越多的仙人汇聚。 The restaurant also becomes fiery / popular. 餐馆也变得十分的火爆 However, again how fiery / popular, the management of business, follows the Bu Fang's regard. 不过,再怎么火爆,生意的经营,也都是跟随步方的心意。 If he closes, even if the immortals kneel to ask to be useless. 他若是关门,就算仙人们跪求都没有用。 Although present Bu Fang is only a mortal, culinary arts dish, is only the ordinary dish, does not contain any spiritual energy. 虽然如今的步方只是个凡人,烹饪的菜品,也只是普通的菜品,不蕴含任何的灵气 But...... Immortals actually food with great interest. 可是……仙人们却都吃的津津有味。 Yang Jian and Howling Celestial Dog as if settled down around the Bu Fang's restaurant. 杨戬和哮天犬仿佛定居在了步方的餐馆周围。 Every day finished eating the food in the Bu Fang's restaurant, brings Howling Celestial Dog to slide the circle. 每天在步方的餐馆吃完饭,就带着哮天犬去溜圈。 He resigned from the heavy responsibility of protection immortal courtyard with the God, arrived at around the restaurant, such lives, lived for 200 years. 他跟天帝辞去了守护仙庭的重任,来到了餐馆周围,这么一住,就住了200年。 200 years sweep off day of vicissitude noise, making Erlang Shen as if also comprehend anything. 200年扫去浮沉喧嚣的日子,让二郎神似乎也领悟到了什么。 Beforehand he, radiance sparkles, such as the most radiant stars, must tear the world. 以前的他,光华闪耀,就如最璀璨的星辰,要撕裂天地。 He is the talent evildoer/monstrous talent in immortal courtyard, cultivation base, exceedingly high thorough. 他是仙庭中的天才妖孽,一身修为,通天彻底。 Innumerable immortal every mind guts relative who a three sharp double-edged sword, kills. 一把三尖两刃刀,杀的无数仙凡心神胆戚。 However, the precipitation of 200 years of time, when around Bu Fang, making killing that Yang exterminates reserved, every action and every movement mortally. 然而,200年光阴的沉淀,待在步方周围,让杨戬的杀性内敛,一举一动都如凡人般。 Howling Celestial Dog possibly forgot oneself were a God dog. 哮天犬可能都忘记自己是一只神犬了。 Daily has eaten resting, has rested eating. 天天吃了睡,睡了吃。 The body fat get lost/rolled a fist. 身躯都肥滚了一拳。 Before does not have again , the heroics of immortal courtyard first God dog. 再也没有以前仙庭第一神犬的英勇。 However, Howling Celestial Dog is glad so. 但是,哮天犬乐得这般。 Must know, is no one can eat the step God of Cooking dish daily. 要知道,可不是谁都能天天吃到步厨神的菜品。 ...... …… In restaurant. 餐馆中。 The curling smoke from kitchen chimneys lingers. 袅袅炊烟萦绕而起。 Bu Fang peaceful sitting on the rush cushion in restaurant. 步方安静的坐在餐馆中的蒲团上。 In the restaurant is planting a young tree, this young tree was in the past his travelling stars, met in rugged place. 餐馆中种植着一棵小树,这小树是当年他游历星辰,在一处嶙峋之地遇到的。 That was one has covered entirely the life vanishing region of rugged ferocious stone. 那是一处布满了嶙峋狞石的生命绝迹地带。 Is the rocky mountain, the weather daytime is everywhere burning hot, in the evening ice-cold...... 到处都是石山,天气白天炎热,晚上冰冷…… That place, even if Bu Fang felt that is very uncomfortable. 那种地方,就算是步方都感觉很难受。 However...... 然而…… This young tree actually difficultly grew in the rugged two big stones. 这棵小树却是在嶙峋的两块大石之中艰难的生长了起来。 Its rhizome climbs in the stone, rhizome quick withered, almost must border on dead certainly. 它的根茎攀在石头上,根茎都快干枯,几乎要濒临死绝。 If not for meets Bu Fang, how unyielding resistance even if it to the destiny again, eventually is the mighty force of anti- nature. 若不是遇到步方,就算它对命运再怎么不屈的抗争,终究是抗不过大自然的伟力。 At that time, Bu Fang had deep feeling. 当时,步方深有感触。 Great of life, is attacking him. 生命的伟大,冲击着他。 Therefore, he has carried off the young tree, if not carry off, shortly afterward, the strong small seedling also will thoroughly vanish again. 因此,他将小树带走了,如果不带走,再过不久,坚强的小树苗也会彻底绝迹。 Now, this small seedling grows in the Bu Fang's restaurant. 如今,这棵小树苗生长在步方的餐馆中。 The luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, drags, as if on whether there is accumulated. 枝繁叶茂,摇曳之间,仿佛有无上道蕴。 This seedling, followed Bu Fang several hundred years, seeped Bu Fang's to say. 这棵树苗,跟随步方几百年了,渗透了步方的道。 huā lā lā. 哗啦啦 Sitting alone in boredom Bu Fang has opened the eye. 枯坐的步方睁开了眼。 He sets out, rickets back. 他起身,佝偻着背。 Even if this fleshly body, 200 years of years, cleanness that also wears down his life strength. 就算是这具肉身,200载岁月,也将他的生命力消磨的干干净净。 The people were old, thing of ponder are also many. 人老了,思考的东西也多了。 Bu Fang now precisely so. 步方现在就是如此。 He sometimes, will suspect the road that oneself take is right. 他有的时候,会怀疑自己走的这条路是不是对的。 Faced with the death, was individual will fear. 面临死亡,是个人都会恐惧。 Passing away that especially this type, does not stand still slowly. 特别是这种,缓慢而不停歇的老死。 That type waited for that life comes to the end the fear, if the endless nightmare, must swallow all of person. 那种等待生命走到尽头的恐惧,就如无尽的梦魇,要吞噬人的一切。 Bu Fang stood up, has hung waist. 步方站起身,垂了垂腰。 His setting out, made sat cross-legged in the restaurant alone the lofty one unparalleled open the eye. 他的起身,让盘坐在餐馆中的独孤无双睁开了眼。 Step is old.” “步老。” Alone the lofty one unparalleled walked come, is supporting by the arm Bu Fang. 独孤无双走了过来,搀扶着步方 Today can also start doing business? Your physical condition......” “今天还要开业么?您的身体状况……” Alone the lofty one unparalleled heavyhearted looks at Bu Fang. 独孤无双忧心忡忡的看着步方 Small Eight lies on the Whitey's head, listless. 小八趴在小白的脑袋上,无精打采。 Bu Fang beckoned with the hand, the eyelid opens slightly. 步方摆了摆手,眼皮微微睁开。 Might as well, opens the door the business.” “无妨,开门营业吧。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Then, slow walks toward the kitchen. 说完,就缓慢的朝着厨房中走去。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled sighed. 独孤无双叹了一口气。 Present he, is called the alone the lofty one sword immortal, as if under the Bu Fang's infection, cultivation base soars, to be away from Immortal King now also on the one pace. 如今的他,被称为独孤剑仙,似乎在步方的感染下,修为直线攀升,如今距离仙王也就一步之遥。 His sword, may cut heaven fearfully, the might. 他的剑,可斩苍天,威力非常的可怕。 Even if Yang Jian, has commended his sword. 就算是杨戬,都称赞过他的剑。 200 years, alone the lofty one unparalleled have used a sword. 200年,独孤无双就出过一次剑。 Inflation Heavenly Immortal that time, is acting recklessly, must let Bu Fang culinary arts. 那一次,是一尊不知死活的膨胀天仙,要让步方烹饪 Was rejected after by Bu Fang, but also is unforgiving. 步方拒绝后,还不依不饶。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled without delay. 独孤无双二话不说。 Uses a sheath sword. 出鞘一剑。 Then that Heavenly Immortal kill[ed], the sword bloodstained, a Heavenly Immortal Yuan God was not cut broken. 便是将那天仙斩杀,剑不染血,天仙的元神都被斩碎。 After that time. 那一次之后。 Entire sought the immortal star to know the fearfulness of alone the lofty one sword immortal! 整个寻仙星都知道了独孤剑仙的可怕! Therefore, nobody dares to continue to disturb. 因而,无人敢继续打扰。 Bu Fang was also more pure. 步方也清净了很多。 Although said that beforehand Bu Fang, overawes the universe, suppresses the soul God. 虽然说以前的步方,威震宇宙,镇压魂神。 However, present Bu Fang is only a mortal, immortal God who many swords walk the slant, even wants to be inherited from Bu Fang, obtains the practicing law of higher level. 但是,如今的步方只是个凡人,许多剑走偏锋的仙神,甚至想要从步方身上得到传承,得到更高层次的修行法。 Naturally, these immortal Gods, are the idiots. 当然,这些仙神,都是蠢货。 cultivation base mean that. 修为低微的那种。 True formidable immortal God, deep knows the Bu Fang's terrifying. 真正强大的仙神,深深的知道步方的恐怖。 Not is only Bu Fang, that iron-covered eversion, the body rusted Whitey. 不仅是步方,还有那铁皮外翻,身躯生锈了的小白 Right. 没错。 Whitey rusted. 小白生锈了。 Bu Fang's dies of old age, Whitey is also as if decayed. 步方的老去,小白似乎也跟着腐朽。 In his iron sheet, has covered entirely the rust, that rusty stain stained rust, making Whitey just like person old as, has deteriorated. 他的铁皮上,布满了铁锈,那锈迹斑斑的铁锈,让小白犹如人老似的,衰败了许多。 Small Eight several years has not eaten thing. 小八已经好几年没有吃东西了。 It possibly induced anything. 它可能感应到了什么。 Listless. 无精打采。 Every day lies on the Whitey's head, is staring at the restaurant. 每天都只是趴在小白的脑袋上,怔怔的盯着餐馆。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled sighed. 独孤无双叹了一口气。 Has gotten to the entrance, opened the obsolete wooden door, wooden frame, opening. 走到了门口,打开了老旧的木门,将木架子,一个个的撑开。 The gate of restaurant opens. 餐馆的门打开。 Attracted the innumerable immortal Gods to pay attention instantaneously. 瞬间就吸引了无数的仙神注意。 Outside, flowing light jump shoot, the immortal changes to radiance to speed along. 外面,一道道的流光迸射,仙人化作光华飞驰而来。 Rushes to be first, they competition speed. 争先恐后,他们都在比赛速度。 For fear that fell behind, anything could not eat. 生怕落后了,就什么都吃不到了。 Many immortals, track down Bu Fang's cuisines now, no longer for cultivation base. 很多仙人,如今追寻步方的美食,不再是为了修为 But for Realm. 而是为了境界 During 200 years, once knew how things stand an immortal, have eaten Bu Fang's cuisines, said accumulated to promote, in an instant breakthrough Realm. 200年间,曾有数位仙人,吃了步方的美食,道蕴提升,一念之间突破境界 Even has the immortal, read Immortal King. 甚至有仙人,一念成仙王 This lets reputation fiery / popular of restaurant even more, therefore countless immortals rush to from each region of great antiquity universe to this remote, distant restaurant. 这让餐馆的名声越发的火爆,因而无数的仙人从洪荒宇宙的各地赶赴到这颗偏僻,又悠远的餐馆。 Lines up according to the order...... Today only receives ten diners.” “按秩序排队……今天只接待十位食客。” Alone the lofty one not bistatic in the entrance, the view hangs down, light say/way. 独孤无双站在门口,眼帘低垂,淡淡的道。 His 200 years of not sword, but, his aura is actually terrifying even more. 他200年没有出剑了,不过,他的气息却是越发的恐怖。 The immortals fall. 仙人们落下。 They peaceful, orderly lining up. 他们安静了下来,有秩序的排队。 Yang Jiandai Howling Celestial Dog has been stepping into the restaurant. 杨戬带着哮天犬踏入了餐馆。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled nodded toward Yang Jian. 独孤无双朝着杨戬点了点头。 Unparalleled...... Your mood was too sharp, wanted clearly, this can be stronger, just changed/easy fold/break.” Yang Jian said with a smile. “无双啊……你的心境还是太锋锐了,要圆润点,这样才能更强,过刚易折。”杨戬笑着说道。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled respectful cuping one hand in the other across the chest. 独孤无双恭敬的拱手。 Yang Jian sits in the restaurant, is waiting for peacefully. 杨戬坐在餐馆中,安静的等待着。 He is the daily first diner, for 200 years, all are so. 他是每天第一位食客,200年来,皆是如此。 He must work as first, who dares to reject? 他就要当第一个,谁敢拒绝? The immortals naturally do not dare to reject. 仙人们自然不敢拒绝。 In the kitchen, the curling fragrance flutters. 厨房中,袅袅香味飘荡而来。 The alone the lofty one unparalleled cold sharp look, has swept under immortal one. 独孤无双冷锐的眼神,扫了底下的仙人一眼。 500 years ago, he is very respectful to immortal, he desires the immortal. 500年前,他对仙人很恭敬,他欲求仙。 But follows the Bu Fang 500 years, so-called immortal, mediocre. 而跟随步方500年,所谓的仙人,不过如此。 Just asks the cruel fate person in long way out. 都只不过是求长生路上的苦命人。 In the kitchen spread dingdong the sound. 厨房中传出了叮当声响。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled hurries into. 独孤无双赶忙入其中。 Carried the steaming hot dish to walk, was placed in Yang Jian front. 端了热气腾腾的菜品走了出来,摆在了杨戬的面前。 The Howling Celestial Dog claw rise with a jump, falls on the table. 哮天犬爪子一跃而起,落在了桌子上。 Yo, today is the fried rice.” “哟,今天是炒饭啊。” Yang Jianmi has narrowed the eye, the chuckle. 杨戬眯了眯眼,轻笑了一句。 He works on spoon, has not said anything, opens directly eats. 他抓起勺子,没有说什么,直接开吃。 It is not Egg Fried Rice, is the fried rice. 不是蛋炒饭,是炒饭。 In the simple fried rice, was disclosing is extraordinary. 简单的炒饭中,透露着不平凡。 ingredient is varied, is ingredient is rich, has not covered the grain of rice essence. 食材多姿多样,可是食材再丰富,都没有掩盖米粒的精华 Now the diners will not request to eat anything. 如今食客们都不会要求吃什么。 They arrive in the restaurant. 他们到餐馆中。 Bu Fang makes anything, they eat anything, even if Yang Jian, is so. 步方做什么,他们吃什么,就算杨戬,也是如此。 A fried rice entrance, fragrant of grain of rice, the embellishments of other ingredient, the entrance as if has experienced in addition the ostentatiousness of humans affair. 一口炒饭入口,米粒的喷香,加上其他食材的点缀,入口仿佛体验了世事的浮华。 Yang Jian closes one's eyes, peaceful is eating. 杨戬闭上眼,安静的吃着。 One after another, ate for a long time, sighing. 一口一口,吃久了,不由的叹了一口气。 Bu Fang's culinary arts, was getting stronger and stronger. 步方的厨艺,越来越强了。 If beforehand Bu Fang, culinary arts cuisines, but makes people feel shocking, transferred the appetite of person. 如果说以前的步方,烹饪美食,只是让人感到惊艳,调动了人的食欲。 However now, a Bu Fang dish...... Even if simple, gets down, meets the soul to palpitate, changes countenance incomparably. 但是如今,步方一道菜……就算再简单,一口下去,也会灵魂悸动,动容无比。 This does precisely progress? 就是进步么? But this progressive price...... 可是这种进步的代价…… Can accept really? 真的能够接受么? Yang Jian opens the vision, in eyes full is confused. 杨戬睁开目光,眼眸中满是迷茫。 The heartless say/way, feels emotion to say. 无情道,有情道。 Initially that war. 当初那一战。 The soul God alarms the universe the words, being silent of great antiquity Heavenly Law, in fact has given great antiquity immortal God many expert fierce soul impacts. 魂神惊动宇宙的话语,还有洪荒天道的沉默不语,实际上给了洪荒仙神许多强者剧烈的灵魂冲击。 Must step universe supreme peak, must cut the seven emotions, breaks the six sexual attractions, not read heartlessly, only then achievement? 要踏上宇宙至高无上的巅峰,必须斩七情,断六欲,无情无念,方可成就? Like soul God, Seven Deadly Sins wicked Soul Demon Lord, sacrifice without hesitation, even if admires him to the pinnacle flatter soul, does not have any rejection of recall. 像魂神,七大罪魂主,毫不犹豫的牺牲,就算爱慕他到极致的阿魂,也没有任何留恋的舍弃。 If great antiquity Heavenly Law. 如洪荒天道 Even if the great antiquity bitter experience extinguishes the world crisis, aloof...... 就算洪荒遭遇灭世危机,也无动于衷…… These are seek to want really? 这些真的是求道者所想要的么? A fried rice entrance, simple dish. 一口炒饭入口,简简单单一道菜。 Was makes Yang Jian mood fluctuate suddenly. 却是让杨戬心境陡然波动了起来。 ...... …… Seeks outside immortal star, several tens of thousands miles. 寻仙星外,数万里。 stream of light speeds along. 道流光飞驰而过。 A python has spanned the stars, the next quarter, changes to the green light, became a shallot lively young girl. 一头巨蟒横亘过星辰,下一刻,化作绿光,变为了一位青葱活泼的少女。 Side the young girls, an ox head person falls. 少女身边,一位牛头人落下。 They fell above deathly stillness stars. 他们落在了一颗死寂的星辰之上。 Is looking out the distant place, deep blue seeking immortal star. 遥望着远方,碧蓝的寻仙星。 Finally arrived.” “终于到了。” The young girl opens the mouth, the sound such as the big bead bead falls the jade plate. 少女开口,声音如大珠小珠落玉盘。 The ox head person is also in eyes exposes the none remaining. 牛头人也是眼眸中暴露精光。 Owner Bu...... You want to abandon my old ox, old ox does not comply......” 步老板……你想撇下俺老牛,老牛可不答应……” Niú Hàn Sān takes out spirit fruit, squish bites. 牛汉三取出一个灵果,吧唧一声咬碎。 Little Hua shot a look at Niú Hàn Sān one, the vision fell on once again sought the immortal on-board, she clenches teeth. 小花瞥了牛汉三一眼,目光再度落在了寻仙星上,她咬着牙。 Closed up for several hundred years, the date of going out, she has achieved Seven Coloured Heaven Devouring Python pinnacle, even with the help of Niú Hàn Sān, completed the evolution of breakthrough nature. 闭关几百载,出关之日,她已经达到了七彩噬天蟒极致,甚至在牛汉三的帮助下,完成突破性的进化。 Present she, cultivation base was early different from before. 如今的她,修为早已经与以前不同了。 But, when she goes out, all changed. 可是,等她出关,一切都变了。 Seeks immortal on-board, familiar aura, making her vision fluctuate slightly, early the mind of ancient well without ripples is also the fluctuation. 寻仙星上,熟悉的气息,让她目光微微波动,早已经古井无波的心灵也是波动不已。 Walks.” “走。” Little Hua said. 小花道。 Niú Hàn Sān nods. 牛汉三点点头。 The green light speeds along together. 一道绿光飞驰而过。 Little Hua changes to a green python once again, has sped along instantaneously the vault of heaven, toward seeking the immortal star landing goes. 小花再度化作一头绿蟒,瞬间飞驰过天穹,朝着寻仙星降落而去。 Because Niú Hàn Sān as if must find Bu Fang finally. 牛汉三似乎因为终于要找到步方了。 The mood is excited. 心情激动不已。 Bang! 轰! Both toward seeking the Breath level of immortal star go. 两者往寻仙星的大气层而去。 Yang Jian who is eating meal in the restaurant, has opened eyes slightly. 正在餐馆中吃饭的杨戬,微微睁开了眼眸 The brow concentrates. 眉头一凝。 practice to pinnacle Seven Coloured Heaven Devouring Python? very strong aura......” 修炼极致七彩噬天蟒好强气息……” Seeks the immortal on-board immortal Gods, was shocked, raises the head in abundance. 寻仙星上的仙神们,也都被震骇到了,纷纷扬起头。 On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 The terrifying python falls, the world is shocking. 恐怖的巨蟒落下,天地震惊。 Haha! Owner Bu, your Niú Hàn Sān comes back!” 哈哈哈!步老板,你的牛汉三回来啦!” The sound of Niú Hàn Sān laughing, spreads above the entire stars. 牛汉三大笑之声,扩散在整颗星辰之上。 dīng líng líng. 叮铃铃 The curtain of kitchen was lifted. 厨房的门帘被掀开。 Rickets Bu Fang of back, slowly goes out from the kitchen. 佝偻着背的步方,缓缓的从厨房中走出。 Movement not anxiously not slow with the wet arrange/cloth, cleaned water stains on hand. 动作不急不缓的用湿布,擦拭掉了手上的水渍 ...... The old friends also almost should look for come.” “唔……老朋友也差不多该找过来了。” In Bu Fang vision tranquil. 步方目光中平静。 However tranquil, has a turbulent meaning. 但是平静中,却是有一股汹涌之意。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled is startled. 独孤无双一怔。 eyes suddenly one red. 眼眸顿时一红。
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