GOAW :: Volume #19

#1810: The world is very big, goes to have a look

Bird master? 鸟爷? Bu Fang somewhat is truly surprised. 步方确实有些惊讶。 The bird master, very remote person of this in memory, unexpectedly appeared at present this time in his front. 鸟爷,这个在记忆中都很久远的人,居然在如今这个时候出现在他的面前。 Distant place. 远处。 Officers food is greedy, the lively banquet scene, the fragrance of food, the taste of dish, spreads unceasingly. 官兵们吃的满嘴流油,觥筹交错,食物的香味,菜品的滋味,不断地蔓延。 However, all these, as if became the nihilities. 然而,这一切,仿佛都成为了虚无。 Only remaining Bu Fang, with bird master...... 只剩下了步方,和鸟爷…… Even if the head of bird master dim in fog, cannot see through, is not fully correct, but Bu Fang can feel the vision that the opposite party jumps shoots to come. 即使鸟爷的脑袋朦胧在雾中,看不穿,猜不透,但是步方能够感受到对方迸射而来的目光。 He is looking at himself. 他在看着自己。 Bu Fang is very tranquil, nodded toward bird master. 步方很平静,朝着鸟爷点了点头。 The surrounding officers as if have not discovered the bird master, latter directly walks toward Bu Fang. 周围的官兵似乎都没有发现鸟爷,后者径直的朝着步方行走而来。 Arrived in front of Bu Fang's. 来到了步方的面前。 You hide unexpectedly here.” “你居然躲在这里。” The bird master has smiled pale. 鸟爷淡笑了起来。 Bu Fang still remembers, initially in Ancient Heavenly God Ancient Ruin, the bird master and his wine-tasting, ate the dish together the picture. 步方还记得,当初在上古天神遗迹中,鸟爷和他一起品酒,吃菜的画面。 This person, as if has own original view regarding cuisines. 这个人,对于美食似乎有着自己的独到见解。 Very uncommon. 很不凡。 However, who bird master is, Bu Fang is not fully correct. 不过,鸟爷是谁,步方猜不透。 Before cultivation base, was not fully correct, now cultivation base does not have. 之前修为在的时候,就猜不透,如今修为全无。 Bu Fang does not have any possibly was fully correct. 步方更没有任何的可能猜透了。 Has suppressed the top big demon soul God in universe, unexpectedly hid here, you were very actually free and easy.” “镇压了宇宙中的顶级大魔头魂神,居然躲在了这儿,你倒是很洒脱啊。” The bird master walks. 鸟爷行走而来。 His aura is very ordinary, in other villagers with village is the same. 他的气息很平凡,就跟村子里的其他村民一样。 Naturally, covers the mist in top of the head except for that. 当然,除了那笼罩在头顶上的雾气。 Bu Fang strange looked at a bird master. 步方古怪的看了一眼鸟爷。 Bu Fang does not certainly think that bird master also cultivation base all lost, this person from appears starts, mystically extremely. 步方当然不会认为鸟爷也修为全失了,这个人从一出现开始,就神秘万分。 Bu Fang once thinks that this fellow can be Mu Hong that fellow, but...... The latter present is accompanying Xia Tian, the loafing universe. 步方曾经以为这家伙会不会是木鸿子那家伙,不过……后者如今正陪着夏天,游荡宇宙。 Should not have the leisurely mood to seek for him. 应该没有闲心来寻找他吧。 Therefore, this bird master, Bu Fang could not completely understand. 因而,这个鸟爷,步方还是看不透。 Did not need to think, knew you here, only then I.” “不用想了,知道你在这儿的,也就只有我。” Bird master indifferently said. 鸟爷淡淡道 You are you to do.” “你做你该做的。” The bird master said. 鸟爷道。 Bu Fang stares, is disinclined to pay attention to him. 步方一愣,也懒得理会他。 How even if the bird master did find him? 就算鸟爷找到他又如何? He can only suppress soul God at most in 1000, after 1000, by the body of Bu Fang present mortal, early was possibly decayed. 他顶多只能镇压魂神1000年,1000年之后,以步方如今的凡人之躯,可能早已经腐朽。 Changes to the dust to turn over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth. 化作尘归尘,土归土。 The bird master makes him cope with the soul God, is impossible. 鸟爷就算让他去对付魂神,也不可能了。 Bu Fang has not paid attention to the bird master, had found the village head, wants to trade a meter/rice. 步方没有理会鸟爷,找到了村长,想要换点米。 However, rare was given the rejection by senior village head. 不过,罕见的被老村长给拒绝。 Also is not the rejection, Lao Village long sighed, said that was the village does not have the meter/rice, these officers have been stationed for several days in the village, has had several days of food, the meter/rice that in the village stockpiled finished eating. 也不算拒绝吧,老村长叹了口气,说是村子没有米了,这些官兵在村子驻扎了好几天,已经吃了好几天的饭了,村子里储备的米都被吃完了。 The senior village head said that the world outside mountain, had the chaos caused by war, died many people, the grain is insufficient. 老村长说,大山外的世界,发生了战乱,死了不少人,粮食都不够用了。 Bu Fang nodded, does not trade, he does not trade. 步方点了点头,换不到,他也就不换了。 Looked at distant place one group of food luxurious officers, the Bu Fang corners of the mouth has cast aside. 看了一眼远处一群吃的正酣的官兵,步方嘴角一撇。 Is carrying bamboo basket, turns around then to walk. 拎着竹篓子,转身便走。 In Bu Fang mouth humming song. 步方口中哼着歌。 Natural and enjoyable, present he, is different from beforehand him completely. 潇洒而写意,如今的他,跟以前的他完全不同。 That is one type the feeling of layer upon layer shackles releasing. 那是一种从层层枷锁中释放出来的感觉。 Beforehand he, stretches too tightly, diligently wants to rush to higher Realm, toward the God of Cooking objective unceasing effort. 以前的他,绷得太紧,努力的想要冲上更高的境界,往厨神目标不断的努力。 Constantly is practicing culinary arts, or was pondering how to promote cultivation base. 无时无刻都在练习厨艺,或者在思考如何提升修为 On completing the system mission road unceasing rushing about. 或者是在完成系统任务的路上不断的奔波。 But now, is peaceful, discovered that this type can really very be good by the feeling of heart. 而如今,安静下来,发现这种能够事事由心的感觉是真的很不错。 Trades less than the meter/rice, that does not trade. 换不到米,那就不换了。 Bu Fang carries the basket, walks toward mountain on again. 步方背着篓子,重新往山上走。 In mouth humming song, although accent, but he is glad. 口中哼着歌,虽然不着调,但是他乐意。 The bird master follows peacefully in his, not anxiously not slow. 鸟爷安静的跟在他的身后,不急不缓。 Bu Fang returned to the house on mountain. 步方回到了山上的房子里。 Whitey still sat well in the entrance, the mechanical eye is gloomy. 小白仍旧端坐在门口,机械眼晦暗无比。 Small Eight in the courtyard, pursues an insect to run. 小八在院子里,追着一只虫子一直跑。 As if hears the sound of footsteps that Bu Fang comes back. 似乎听到步方回来的脚步声。 Small Eight has lifted the head, is swaying the chicken buttocks, dashes toward the position that Bu Fang is. 小八抬起了脑袋,摇晃着鸡屁股,朝着步方所在的位置飞奔而来。 Was approaching the Bu Fang's time. 在靠近了步方的时候。 Chicken feet in a ground racket, the air wave flutters about. 鸡爪子在地上一拍,气浪纷飞。 Throws the corner the wing to swoop toward Bu Fang. 扑棱着翅膀就朝着步方飞扑而来。 However in approaching the Bu Fang's time, after by Bu Fang has pressed firmly between the fingers the neck, has raised. 不过在临近步方的时候,被步方捏住了后脖子,提了起来。 Do not make, today has guest.” “别闹,今天有客人。” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 Small Eight one dull. 小八一呆。 Some guests have the guest...... Did you why emphasize? could it be that do you want to butcher entertaining a guest Small Eight?! 有客人就有客人……你何必强调?难道你想把小八宰了待客?! The Small Eight suddenly chicken feather blasts out, the unceasing throwing corner, toward being far away from the Bu Fang's direction flies. 小八顿时鸡毛炸开,不断的扑棱,往远离步方的方向飞去。 Small Eight can never forget, his chicken wing of Bu Fang to the evil that makes! 小八永远都忘不了,步方对他的鸡翅膀做出的罪恶! Looks that swoops Small Eight that walks, the Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out, this little fellow feared that let the imagination run wild. 看着飞扑而走的小八,步方嘴角一抽,这小家伙怕是胡思乱想了。 My humble home simple and crude, please at will.” “寒舍简陋,请随意。” Bu Fang said to behind bird master. 步方对身后的鸟爷道。 The bird master has laughed. 鸟爷大笑了起来。 „Did you live in seclusion?” shoulders, the bird master strolled in the Bu Fang simple and crude room some little time. “你这是隐居了?”背负着手,鸟爷在步方简陋的屋子中逛了好一会儿。 Goes out of the courtyard, looks busy Bu Fang in the courtyard, said. 才是走出院子,看着在院子中忙碌的步方,道。 Bu Fang takes out the fat fish that had not changed into the meter/rice, the fat fish according to the cutting board, went to the scale, cuts open the belly...... 步方取出了没有换成米的肥鱼,将肥鱼按在了案板上,去鳞,剖腹…… You prepare surplus stays here for a lifetime? You know...... Although you lost cultivation base, however your foundation also, you, if practices, although not being able to achieve beforehand altitude, but is also insufficient to lack the strength to truss up a chicken.” “你准备剩余的一辈子都呆在这儿?你知道的……虽然你失去了修为,但是你的根基还在,你若是修行,虽然达不到之前的高度,但也不至于手无缚鸡之力。” The bird master said. 鸟爷道。 „Lacking strength to truss up a chicken? Do not speak irresponsibly......” “手无缚鸡之力?你可不要乱说……” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull, said. 步方嘴角一扯,道。 Lifts the hand, beckons toward Small Eight, Small Eight rises with a spring, was being taken the head by Bu Fang. 抬起手,朝着小八招了招手,小八一跃而起,被步方提着脑袋。 After front of the bird master has swayed a wave, loosened the hand, making Small Eight play. 在鸟爷面前晃荡了一波之后,就松开了手,让小八自己玩去。 The bird master is hoodwinking the facial features as if twitching corners of the mouth of fog. 鸟爷蒙着雾的面容似乎抽了抽嘴角。 Also does not speak. 也不说话了。 Peaceful looks at Bu Fang culinary arts. 就安静的看着步方烹饪 Lost cultivation base, lost divine strength, Bu Fang can culinary arts also can only not have any spiritual energy ordinary ingredient. 失去了修为,失去了神力,步方能够烹饪的也就只能是没有任何灵气的普通食材 This fat fish precisely grows the pond on mountain, is not heavenly materials earthly treasures. 这肥鱼就是生长在山上的池塘,不是什么天材地宝 Gū lū Gū lū. 咕噜咕噜 The water in pot starts to boil. 锅里的水开始滚沸。 God of Cooking set follows the Bu Fang's Divine Awareness entity, suppressed the soul God. 厨神套装伴随步方的神识实体,镇压住了魂神。 Present Bu Fang, it can be said that is alone in the world. 如今的步方,可以说是孑然一身。 Is using ordinary Kitchen Tools, is using ordinary ingredient, cannot see completely, that distance God of Cooking only then one pace top Divine Kitchen graceful bearing. 用着普通的厨具,用着普通的食材,完全看不出,那种距离厨神只有一步之遥的顶级神厨风姿。 Has put in some ingredient toward the water of boiling, muddy that color suddenly of pot slightly changes. 往滚沸的水里放入了一些食材,锅的颜色顿时微微变的浑浊 The fish that will process has put in the pot. 将处理好的鱼放入了锅中。 Covers the pot cover, peaceful waiting. 盖上锅盖,安静的等待。 Bu Fang has fished three fish, he has made the dishes of three fish. 步方钓了三条鱼,他就做了三道鱼类的菜品。 Boils in its own broth without soy sauce fish soup together. 一道是清炖鱼汤 A stream of is the red-roast fish. 一道是红烧鱼。 A stream of is the grilled fish. 一道是烤鱼。 Three dishes, have various characteristics respectively. 三道菜,各有各的特色。 When Bu Fang carries three dishes separately is putting on table that in the bamboo has made. 步方将三道菜分别端着摆在了竹子做的桌子上的时候。 The bird master is also originally ripe sat. 鸟爷也是自来熟的坐了下来。 Not unnecessary chair. 没有多余的椅子。 The bird master does not care, the hand wields, divine strength condense, gathered the chair, ease sitting down. 鸟爷不在意,手一挥,神力凝聚,汇聚出了椅子,悠然的坐下。 Is very fragrant.” “很香。” The bird master said. 鸟爷道。 Very long has not eaten the dish of this mortal.” “很久没有吃这种凡人的菜品了。” Bu Fang looked at bird master one eyes. 步方看了鸟爷一眼。 Scooped up cooked rice to give him, the rice that this was with only saved the meter/rice that steams. 舀了一份白米饭递给他,这是用仅存的米蒸出来的米饭。 Bird master is grasping chopsticks, is holding the rice. 鸟爷一手握着筷子,一手捧着米饭。 Please, my humble home simple and crude, only then these, the entertainment inconsiderately, please have excused me.” “请,寒舍简陋,只有这些了,招待不周,请见谅。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Bird master chuckle. 鸟爷轻笑了起来。 They no longer said a word. 两人不再言语。 The bird master grabs the chopsticks, looks at three dishes, in fair rice with hand, sighing. 鸟爷抓着筷子,看着三道菜,和手中白皙的米饭,不由的叹了一口气。 Bu Fang has scooped up fish soup. 步方舀了一份鱼汤 Chilly fish soup, chilly transparent, is sending out light fragrant and sweet, above is floating several grains of Chinese matrimony-vine, seems very simple and elegant. 清冽的鱼汤,清冽透明,散发着淡淡的甜香,上面漂浮着几粒枸杞,看上去十分的素雅。 Gū lū. 咕噜 fish soup enters the abdomen. 一口鱼汤入腹。 The body seems to be warm. 身体似乎都暖和起来似的。 The heat flow surges in the body, the stomach has transmitted the sense of hunger. 热流涌动在身躯,胃部传来了饥饿感。 Bu Fang has dug up rice, eats soup, eats a fish...... 步方扒了一口米饭,喝一口汤,吃一口鱼肉…… The fish of red-roast fish is soft, Sauce seeped into the fish, let flavor/smell delicacy even more. 红烧鱼的鱼肉软嫩,酱汁渗透入了鱼肉中,让味道越发的美味。 The crucial moment of grilled fish grasps unusual is good. 烤鱼的火候掌握的非常好。 At least, fragrant in fish, making the bird master sigh with emotion extremely. 至少,鱼肉中的喷香,让鸟爷感慨万分。 The bird master is eating the dish. 鸟爷吃着菜。 In heart some palpitations. 心中不由的有些心悸。 Bu Fang's did culinary arts regress? 步方的厨艺退步了么? To be honest, regressed. 说实话,退步了。 Is inferior to the Bu Fang peak time, even difference is too far. 不及步方巅峰时候,甚至差的太远。 However...... That is because of ingredient and equipment reason. 但是……那是因为食材装备的原因。 If insisted saying that the bird master even thought that some Bu Fang's culinary arts small breakthrough. 如果硬要说,鸟爷甚至觉得,步方的厨艺有些小突破 That is breakthrough on mentality. 那是一种心态上的突破 Major rises, basically cannot stand firm mentality...... You also somewhat are actually mysterious.” “大起大落者,基本上稳不住心态……你倒是也有些神奇。” The bird master said with a smile lightly. 鸟爷轻笑道。 „Do you also eat?” “你还吃不吃?” Has not paid attention to the words of bird master, Bu Fang raised the head, looks at the latter, said. 没有理会鸟爷的话,步方抬起头,看着后者,道。 The bird master is startled. 鸟爷一怔。 Looks start sweeping that Bu Fang resembles like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, the corners of the mouth pull out. 看着步方风卷残云似的开始扫荡,嘴角一抽。 Keeps to me......” “给我留点……” After one sates the appetite, on dinner table only remaining a piece of fish bone in confusion. 一顿饱饭之后,餐桌上只剩下了一片狼藉的鱼骨头。 Bu Fang by bamboo chair, creaking sound penetrating. 步方靠在竹椅子上,嘎吱声响彻。 The bird master also feels the belly, is exhaling. 鸟爷也是摸着肚子,在呼着气。 Although is very ordinary dish, but eats, unexpectedly the rare appetite opens with greatly enjoyably. 虽然是很平凡的菜品,可是吃起来,居然难得的胃口大开和舒心。 How did you find here?” “你是怎么找到这里的?” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Intuition.” “直觉。” The bird master is lazy. 鸟爷慵懒无比。 Bu Fang has scoffed at one, boundless universe is inexhaustible, can you find life stars, on the stars have me?” 步方嗤了一句,“茫茫宇宙无穷无尽,你能找到一颗生命星辰,星辰上恰好有我?” The bird master shook the head with a smile, has not replied Bu Fang. 鸟爷笑着摇了摇头,没有回答步方 The bird master did not say, Bu Fang does not know should say anything, his precisely was not good at the conversation. 鸟爷不说,步方也不知道该说什么了,他本来就是不善于言谈。 „Do you want not to lead a pious life? I can pass on your cultivation method...... Millennium, should suffice you to restore some cultivation base.” “你要修行不?我可以传你功法……千年时间,应该够你恢复些许修为。” Useful? Millenniums later the soul God is born, I do not have idea.” Bu Fang shook the head. “有用么?千年后魂神出世,我也没辙。”步方摇了摇头。 Without the God of Cooking will, depends on Bu Fang only, cannot achieve. 没有了厨神的意志,单靠步方,做不到。 Therefore, restores cultivation base and has not restored cultivation base, what difference also there is? 所以,恢复修为和没有恢复修为,又有什么不同? But lives some days? 只不过是多活一些日子? However, Bu Fang does not want like this, he to think the live happiness. 然而,步方并不想这样,他想活的痛快。 These years day in mountain village, he cross are very happy. 这些年在山村中的日子,他过的很开心。 The bird master is silent. 鸟爷沉默。 You do not lead a pious life...... Most 200 years later, you died.” “你不修行……最多200年后,你就死了。” The bird master said: „Don't you fear?” 鸟爷道:“你不怕么?” Live again long, is not happy, there is what using?” Bu Fang indifferently said. “活的再久,不痛快,又有何用?”步方淡淡道 The weather is gradually late, he stood up, looks to the vault of heaven. 天色渐晚,他站起身,看向了天穹。 Shaking the head. 摇了摇头。 Night, should rest.” “夜已深,该睡了。” In the Bu Fang's words, pointed to the door. 步方的话语中,下了逐客令。 The bird master stagnates, stands up, has not said anything. 鸟爷一滞,站起身,没有说什么。 He as if somewhat understands road that Bu Fang tracks down. 他似乎有些明白步方所追寻的路了。 Light smiling. 淡淡的笑了笑。 Interesting.” “有意思。” Owner Bu...... The world is very big, goes to have a look.” 步老板……世界很大,出去看看。” Bird master I waited for that day of Owner Bu return, when the time comes...... Your I am drinking together.” “鸟爷我等待步老板回归的那一天,到时候……你我在一起喝酒。” Hahahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” The bird master is laughing, turned around then to vanish in the remote mountain dim light of night. 鸟爷大笑着,转身便是消失在了深山夜色中。 The big laughter, was startled the bird in remote mountain. 大笑声,惊起了深山中的鸟雀。 Bu Fang looks back that bird master vanishes, silent half sound. 步方看着鸟爷消失的背影,沉默了半响。 „The world is very big, goes to have a look......” “世界很大,出去看看……” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly. 步方嘴角微微一翘。 Perhaps...... Should have a look.” “或许……真的该出去看看了。” Limited life, ought to look for a matter to do.” “有限的生命,总该找点事情做。”
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