GOAW :: Volume #19

#1811: Steams the winter-picked mushroom fish

The bird master left to disappear. 鸟爷离开消失了。 The Bu Fang's life restored original design. 步方的生活又恢复到了原样。 Early rising, sunset, but breath. 日出而作,日落而息。 culinary arts pure natural cuisines, enjoys the delicacy that the nature brings. 烹饪纯天然的美食,享受大自然所带来的美味。 Pure and is not artificial. 单纯而不做作。 The Whitey mechanical eye is dim, as if became clumsy. 小白机械眼黯淡,似乎都变得笨拙了许多。 Small Eight will occasionally crawl to the Whitey's head on, rotates nimble and resourceful chicken head, giggle cries out several, occasionally also will sway the chicken buttocks to go into the field, is pursuing the insect. 小八偶尔都会爬到小白的脑袋上,转动灵动的鸡头,咯咯的叫唤几声,偶尔也会摇晃着鸡屁股跑到田野里,追逐着虫子。 Very uncommon 8 Treasure Chicken, actually becomes such as wild pheasant on mountain. 原本非常不凡的八珍鸡,却是变得如山上的野山鸡似的。 Bu Fang is very satisfied, or enjoys this salt fish general life very much. 步方很惬意,或者说很享受这种咸鱼一般的生活。 He is bored time will study various cuisines. 他无聊的时候会去研究各种美食 The research to cuisines, became in this days the only pleasure. 美食的研究,成为了他这段日子里唯一的乐趣。 Outside the mountain, is in Disorderly World. 山外,处于乱世 All kinds of chaos caused by war unceasing occurrences, frigid battle, causes flames of war. 各种各样的战乱不断的发生,惨烈的厮杀,导致烽火连天。 In the mountain does not have the livelihood. 山中无日月。 Spring , summer , fall and winter continuous change. 春夏秋冬连续变化。 He very long had not descended the mountain, has not gone to the village to trade the meter/rice. 他很久没有下山了,也没有去村里换米。 Rustle the white snow flutters from the space, fell the ground before log cabin, the earth has covered the first level thick cotton-wadded jacket. 簌簌的白雪从天上飘飞而下,落在木屋前的地上,大地盖上了一层厚厚的棉袄。 Whitey sits in the courtyard, is in a daze, seemed built the snowman by the white snow. 小白坐在院子里,发着呆,仿佛被白雪堆砌成了雪人。 On Small Eight top/withstand is removing snow, dashes in the snowy area. 小八头上顶着一撮雪,在雪地里飞奔。 Bu Fang wears the thick cotton-wadded jacket, shouted white clouds. 步方穿着厚厚的棉袄,呼了一口白气。 Gū lū Gū lū. 咕噜咕噜 flame little leaps, the hot water in pot braves to leap the steam. 火焰少腾,锅内的热水冒腾着热气。 Bu Fang took the teacup, sprinkles next several wisps of the burned black tea leaves of frying. 步方取了茶杯,洒下几缕炒的焦黑的茶叶。 This tea leaves is the special product on mountain, the output are extremely few, is Bu Fang stumbled upon. 这茶叶是大山上的特产,产量极少,是步方偶然之间发现。 The boiling water pours into the teacup. 开水倒入茶杯。 The tea leaves was infiltrated, tea fills the air fragrant, lingering of curling. 茶叶被浸润,本身的茶香弥漫开来,袅袅的萦绕。 The tea leaves in the cup, spins. 茶叶在杯子里,打着转。 The color of tea from transparent, gradually turned into the aquamarine. 茶水的颜色从透明,逐渐的变成了碧绿色。 It seems very enjoyable. 看上去非常的舒心。 Bu Fang both hands are holding the cup, is throwing over the cotton-wadded jacket, sat on the chair, was looking at outside snow white white snow. 步方双手捧着杯子,披着棉袄,坐在了椅子上,望着外面的皑皑白雪。 Day day-by-day, how long Bu Fang has not known him in this mountain. 日子一天天的过,步方也不知道他在这大山中过了多久。 . 嗤嗤。 Drank tea, the warm feeling has scattered the coldness of body. 喝一口茶,暖意驱散了身体的寒冷。 Sits on the chair for a long time. 坐在椅子上许久。 Bu Fang is returns to the room, took the hoe to climb mountains, although ingredient on winter Heavenly Mountain has been short, but he did not care. 步方才是回到屋里,取了锄头上山,虽然冬天山上的食材少了很多,不过他也不在乎。 Found ingredient is the reason. 找到食材便是缘。 Whitey followed peacefully. 小白安静的跟了上来。 a person and a puppet climbed mountains. 一人一傀儡上了山。 On heavy snow day mountain, is covering the snow white white snow. 大雪天的山上,覆盖着皑皑白雪。 A piece white, wants to seek for good food ingredient, is truly difficult. 一片白茫茫中,想要寻找到好吃的食材,确实很困难。 Distant place. 远处。 A varying hare is jumping. 一只雪兔在蹦跳着。 Bu Fang saw, has not actually moved. 步方看到了,却没有动。 He carries the hoe, peaceful with the varying hare, the varying hare beats. 他扛着锄头,安静的跟着雪兔,雪兔一路跳动。 Quick was drills in nest, in the nest several small rabbits were crowding around, lovable small head turning round revolutions. 很快便是钻到了窝里,窝里几只小兔在簇拥着,可爱的小脑袋滴溜溜的转。 Bu Fang shows a faint smile. 步方微微一笑。 Looked at one from afar, is carrying the hoe, strolls in the snow to go. 远远的看了一眼,就拎着锄头,踏雪而去。 On the snowy mountain, besides the varying hare, ingredient also has. 雪山上,除了雪兔,食材还有很多。 The winter-picked mushroom is one type. 冬菇便是一种。 The small winter-picked mushroom attaches on bough, rustle the white snow exposes , seems the flowers that in a white glow blooms. 小小的冬菇附着在树干上,簌簌的白雪抖落而下,就仿佛是一片白芒中绽放的花朵。 Bu Fang happy is picking the winter-picked mushroom. 步方开心的采摘着冬菇。 Puts in the basket. 放入篓子中。 In the winter of every year, he can pick winter-picked mushroom, this time winter-picked mushroom growing trend person. 每年冬天,他都会来采摘冬菇,这时候的冬菇长势最可人。 After Bu Fang has picked, under the sunlight, will season the winter-picked mushroom, paves, spare. 步方采摘了之后,会在阳光下,把冬菇晒干,铺就开来,备用。 Naturally, winter-picked mushroom direct culinary arts is also the unusual delicacy. 当然,冬菇直接烹饪也是非常的美味。 Has picked the winter-picked mushroom. 采了冬菇。 Bu Fang directly has not departed actually. 步方倒是就没有直接离去。 He walks on the mountain, quick, hungry anxious the wild wolf stared at Bu Fang. 他在山上行走,很快,一只饿急了的野狼盯上了步方 Has swooped come toward Bu Fang. 朝着步方飞扑了过来 The wild wolf was hungrily anxious. 野狼饿急了。 Bu Fang hungrily was also anxious. 步方也饿急了。 Although Whitey was clumsier. 小白虽然笨拙了很多。 However a palm of the hand gets down, that wild wolf cannot crawl. 但是一巴掌下去,那野狼也就爬不起来。 Bu Fang cheerful tied up the wild wolf, throws in the back-basket, because the back-basket was heavier, made Whitey carry. 步方乐呵的将野狼捆绑,扔到了背篓中,因为背篓沉重了许多,就让小白背着。 The harvest is many, Bu Fang has not planned to go back. 收获颇丰,步方还不打算回去。 He arrived at the pond in mountain. 他来到了山中的池塘。 Pond wrap up first level thick ice layer. 池塘包裹一层厚厚的冰层。 The winter fish, is the lushest time. 冬天的鱼,才是最肥美的时候。 Bu Fang naturally cannot let off such delicacy. 步方自然不会放过这样的美味。 He in ice knocks out a hole, before long, several threw the lush fish of corner to fall into the basket. 他在冰上凿出一个孔洞,不一会儿,几只扑棱的肥美的鱼就落入了篓子中。 Was content Bu Fang, left the pond. 知足了的步方,离开了池塘。 The stamping the feet and singing the line, in snow white white snow, the humming song, left the mountain. 踏歌而行,在皑皑白雪中,哼着歌,离开了大山。 Has saying that Bu Fang snort/hum these many year of songs, the level still did not have anything to grow perceptibly. 不得不说,步方哼了这么多年歌,水平仍旧没有什么见长。 Returned to the room. 回到了屋里。 Daytime of winter, always very short. 冬日的白天,总是非常的短暂。 The day was quickly black, temperature even more cold. 天很快就黑了,温度越发的寒冷。 Bu Fang has burnt the fire, is clean fish processing, the lush fish, one was patted by Bu Fang. 步方烧了火,将鱼处理干净,肥美的鱼肉,被步方一顿轻拍。 From the room, the winter-picked mushroom that takes out the collection does, this is the preparation that in the past he made. 从房间里,取出珍藏的冬菇干,这是往年他做的准备。 After seasoning the winter-picked mushroom, unique fragrances, took the winter-picked mushroom, puts on fish that in has processed. 晒干后的冬菇,有一种独特的香味,取了冬菇,摆在了处理好的鱼上。 Puts in the pot to steam together. 一起放入锅中蒸煮。 The steaming steam upward braves to leap in the mountain. 腾腾热气在大山中往上冒腾。 ...... …… Crash-bang crash-bang! 哗啦哗啦! The white snow was stepped on broken. 白雪被踩碎。 Sharp light unceasing exploding shoots. 锋锐的光不断的爆射。 Rustle rapid sprinkling of white snow from bough under. 簌簌白雪从树干之上飞速的洒落而下。 Fearful Blade Energy able to move unhindered in jungle, innumerable trees cut disintegrations...... 可怕的刀气纵横在密林中,无数的树木被斩的崩碎…… Fierce respite sound resounds through. 剧烈的喘息声响彻。 The person's shadow, put on the bloodstained together armor, on the shoulder the notch big opening starts from the back together, spreads the waist. 一道人影,穿着染血的铠甲,肩上一道豁大的口子从背部开始,蔓延到了腰部。 Warm-blooded unceasing sprinkling. 热血从中不断的洒落。 Sprinkled in the snow white snowy area, making the snow melt. 洒在了皑皑雪地上,使得雪都是融化。 Has hair dishevelled, face whiten. 披头散发,脸色苍白。 This person in snowy area difficult is climbing up. 这人在雪地中艰难的攀爬着。 Often in the future will look, has the pursuing troops to chase down him. 不时的往后望,身后有追兵在追杀着他。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Arrow arrows, the arrow is sending out the cold glow, such as seizes the arrow of life in the dark night. 一根根的箭矢,箭头散发着寒芒,在黑夜中如夺命之箭。 Follows to go toward the severely wounded man who that climbs up fast. 朝着那快速攀爬的重伤的男人追随而去。 pū chī pū chī! 噗嗤噗嗤 Arrow arrows jumped shoot on the ground. 一根根的箭矢迸射在了地上。 White snow fluttering. 白雪翻飞。 The man pupil shrinks suddenly. 男人瞳孔陡然一缩。 Stature one volume, huge strength, from the snowy area , the body revolves. 身躯一卷,巨大的力道,从雪地中冲起,身躯旋转。 An arrow arrow howls, pastes his facial skin to speed along. 一根箭矢呼啸而过,贴着他的脸皮飞驰而过。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled...... You cannot run away! In vain you are called the empire ten big swordsman's heads, such as running away of stray cur, is degrading the prestige!” “独孤无双……你逃不了了!枉你被称为帝国十大剑客之首,如丧家之犬的逃,有辱威名!” The light sound resounds through. 淡淡的声音响彻而起。 Then, in the man behind jungle. 尔后,男人身后的密林中。 Black clothes assassins, stroll in the snow the line. 一道道黑衣刺客,踏雪而行。 On these assassins is erupting True Energy. 这些刺客身上爆发着真气 The speed is extremely fast. 速度极快。 The severely wounded man spat a blood. 重伤男人啐了一口鲜血。 coldly snorted , to continue to proceed to crawl. 冷哼了一声,继续往前爬。 The treasured sword in his hand, wields fiercely. 他手中的宝剑,猛地挥起。 Sharp Sword Energy, blasts out together loudly, these assassins toward distant place cuts...... 一道锋锐的剑气,轰然炸开,朝着远处的那些刺客斩去…… Several also put out a hand at this moment, one falls into the sword their hands. 几位此刻同时伸手,一把把剑落入他们手中。 The sword end raises, pū chī! 剑端扬起,噗嗤 The sword flower has torn the snowflake. 剑花撕裂了雪花。 With Sword Energy loudly collide that cuts. 与那斩来的剑气轰然碰撞 The sword blade is curving, huge strength ball opens. 剑身弯曲,巨大的力道弹开。 Made several assassin bodies withdraw several steps...... 使得几位刺客身躯后撤了数步…… The sword leaves traceless, cultivation base of these assassins are also quite wise. 剑出无痕,这些刺客的修为也相当高明。 Man after all severe wound, is the stimulation of movement, aura is the dispirited. 那男人毕竟重伤,越是催动,气息就越是萎靡。 The assassins approach. 刺客们逼近。 Fights in the remote mountain with him, fights the startled world. 与他在深山中大战,一战惊天地。 The ground full is the bloodstain, the innumerable trees were cut by Sword Energy for the nihility. 地上满是血痕,无数的树木被剑气斩为了虚无。 The remote mountain seems vibrating! 深山仿佛都在震动! collide of sword and sword, unceasing makes the sonorous sound. 剑与剑的碰撞,不断的发出铿锵声响。 For a long time. 许久之后。 The war ended. 大战结束。 Has only left behind ground several assassin corpses of changing beyond all recognition. 只留下了地上的几道面目全非的刺客尸体。 The footprint that the depth varies toward jungle deep place, the gradual proliferation goes. 深浅不一的脚印朝着密林深处,逐渐的扩散而去。 The wind and snow sway. 风雪吹拂。 Makes the footprint be submerged under the white snow. 使得脚印被淹没在白雪之下。 ...... …… Gū lū Gū lū. 咕噜咕噜 Bu Fang is pinching the time, has closed the fire. 步方掐着时间,关了火。 He turns on the steamer, the suddenly billowing steam surges from the steamer. 他将蒸笼打开,顿时滚滚的热气从蒸笼中涌动而起。 That steam in dark night, as if origin energy ball of trundle, gradual divergence. 那热气在黑夜中,仿佛滚动的元气弹,逐渐的散去。 Quite fragrant.” “好香。” Bu Fang smelled the fragrance in air. 步方嗅了嗅空气中的香味。 Winter-picked mushroom dry fragrance mixed fish fragrant, soft tender fish wrap up under fish skin of lubrication, is appearing very delicious. 冬菇干的香味混合着鱼肉喷香,软嫩的鱼肉包裹在滑润的鱼皮之下,显得非常的可口。 Besides this bouillabaisse, Bu Fang has also stir-fried a winter-picked mushroom piece. 除了这道蒸鱼,步方还翻炒了一道冬菇片。 The slightly viscous pouring juice falls, the winter-picked mushroom piece seems dodging the light. 略显粘稠的浇汁落下,冬菇片仿佛闪着光。 The fresh winter-picked mushroom and winter-picked mushroom do are the completely different flavors/smells. 新鲜的冬菇和冬菇干是完全不同的味道。 Bu Fang was placed the dish on table. 步方将菜品摆在了桌子上。 Turned around to return to the log cabin. 转身回到了木屋里。 From the making good cave, took the one jar liquor. 制作好的地窖中,取了一坛酒。 This is the Bu Fang brewing liquor, has fermented for several years...... 这是步方酿制的酒,酿了好几年…… Satisfied time, will drink one. 惬意的时候,才会喝一口。 The delicacy of this liquor, making Bu Fang immerse. 这酒的美味,让步方沉醉。 His brewing many liquor, can say, regarding the good wine, Bu Fang deeply has the attainment. 酿制过很多酒,可以说,对于美酒,步方深有心得。 However...... 但是…… It looks like in Bu Fang, the beforehand wine-making, comes brewing with the unique brewing technique. 步方看来,以前的酿酒,都是用独特的酿制手法来酿制 But in fact, the wine-making needs paving of emotion. 而实际上,酿酒是需要情感的铺就。 The intensity of this emotion, depends on the person of wine-making. 这种情感的强烈,取决于酿酒之人。 Beforehand Bu Fang, regarding emotion of wine-making, what are more is flows in the surface. 以前的步方,对于酿酒的情感,更多的是流于表面。 Naturally, even if only the technique, that also very astonishing. 当然,即使只是手法,那也是非常的惊人。 The one jar liquor is not big. 一坛酒不大。 Similar fist size. 差不多一个拳头大小。 Bu Fang delighted racket sealing. 步方乐滋滋的拍开了封盖。 The rich wine proliferated...... 浓郁的酒香就从中扩散了开来…… ...... …… Alone the lofty one unparalleled is very tired, he thought own blood flows were too many...... 独孤无双很累,他觉得自己的血流淌的太多了…… He almost must faint. 他几乎要晕厥过去。 Seeks the immortal road, the stamping the feet and singing line...... 寻仙路,踏歌行…… He alone the lofty one unparalleled also had to come to the verge of death the time. 他独孤无双也有濒临死亡的时候啊。 Sighed, he is very helpless. 叹了一口气,他很无奈。 One generation of sword Gods, can could it be that die in this no sign of human life remote mountain now? 一代剑神,难道如今要死在这渺无人烟的深山中了? Alone the lofty one unparalleled forced smile. 独孤无双苦笑。 Perhaps many years later, the younger generation will name Wushuang Shan to this remote mountain...... After all on this mountain, lying down corpse his unparalleled sword God. 或许多年后,后人会给这座深山取名无双山……毕竟这山上,躺尸着他无双剑神。 Distant place. 远处。 Ignition light is steaming. 一点火光腾腾起。 Circulation slowly. 慢慢的流转。 The flame gradual proliferation in his eyes, he was somewhat dizzy. 火光逐渐的在他眼中扩散,他有些头昏眼花了。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled coughed blood, a blood in the fair snow surface, dyed the blood-color plum blossom. 独孤无双咳出了鲜血,点点鲜血在白皙的雪面上,染出了血色的梅花。 Plop. 扑通。 He knelt to bend down on the ground. 他跪伏在了地上。 The whole piece face buried in the snow. 整张脸埋在了雪中。 The disorderly hair shop disperses on his face, he can only hear oneself respite with the sound of heart beat. 凌乱的发丝铺散在他的脸上,他只能听到自己的喘息和心脏跳动的声音。 Was dying...... 要死了啊…… Alone the lofty one unparalleled sighed. 独孤无双叹了一口气。 Suddenly. 突然。 A lush chicken throws corner the wing, strolls in the snow. 一只肥美的鸡扑棱着翅膀,踏雪而来。 That chicken as if somewhat curiously observed a while he. 那鸡似乎有些好奇的观察了一会儿他。 Transferred around his body. 在他的身躯周围转了一圈。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled cannot move, fat chicken that but can actually jump for joy the sensation to that. 独孤无双动弹不得,但是却能感知到那活蹦乱跳的肥鸡。 Suddenly. 突然。 A that fat chicken chicken feet stepped in the head, unexpectedly arrived in his body to jump to jump madly randomly...... 那肥鸡一鸡爪踩在了脑袋上,居然到他的身躯上乱蹦乱跳…… Alone the lofty one unparalleled almost does not have the one breath to be irritated. 独孤无双差点没有一口气被气死。 The eye turns. 眼睛一翻。 Finally could not bear. 终于是忍不住了。 Small Eight...... Do not make.” 小八……别闹。” The thin person's shadow, walks from flame together. 一道消瘦的人影,从火光中行走而出。 The light sound resounds through. 淡淡的声音响彻。 The alone the lofty one unparalleled consciousness is fuzzy, finally can only feel ice-cold tacks in the sole to fall, such as carries chicken his body has carried. 独孤无双意识模糊,最后只能感受到一冰冷的铁掌落下,把他的身躯如拎小鸡似的拎了起来。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled with the consciousness of formidable, opens eyes. 独孤无双凭着强悍的意识,睁开眼。 suddenly...... 顿时…… An iron lump of whole body iron sheet eversion enlarges in his eyes. 一浑身铁皮外翻的铁疙瘩在他眼中放大。 Alone the lofty one unparalleled had a scare, fainted directly. 独孤无双被吓了一跳,直接昏死了过去。 ...... …… Whitey, you frightened person.” 小白,你吓到人了。” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out. 步方嘴角一抽。 The big evening, on this remote mountain some people run unexpectedly. 大晚上的,这深山上居然有人跑来。 Looked at this whole body is the wound person, Bu Fang actually has not seen somebody in danger and done nothing. 看了一眼这浑身都是伤的人,步方倒是没有见死不救。 Let Whitey bring back to the hut this person. 小白将此人带回了小屋里。 Threw in the courtyard. 扔在了院子中。 Bu Fang sat on the chair, has rubbed rubbing hands, put out white clouds. 步方坐在了椅子上,搓了搓手,吐出一口白气。 The preparation starts to eat meal. 准备开始吃饭。 Steams the good fish absolute delicacy with the winter-picked mushroom. 用冬菇蒸好的鱼肉绝对美味。 Bu Fang has clamped chopsticks softly, fish tender fragrant. 步方夹了一筷子,鱼肉软嫩喷香。 Entrance instantaneously with juice melts...... 入口瞬间跟汁水似的化开…… A fish, good wine. 一口鱼肉,一口美酒。 The chilly good wine enters the abdomen, such as one group of fires, let the Bu Fang whole body pore are the diastole come. 清冽的美酒入腹,如一团火,让步方浑身毛孔都是舒张开来。 Small Eight is swaying around Bu Fang's, asked to eat. 小八步方的周围晃荡着,求吃。 After Bu Fang has thrown a fish, to Small Eight. 步方小八扔了一块鱼肉后。 But actually one glass of liquor. 就倒了一杯酒。 Has arrived at side that severely wounded critically-ill man. 走到了那重伤垂危的男人身边。 Looks at the latter pitiful appearance, sighed. 看着后者凄惨的模样,叹了一口气。 Poured into the liquor fluid the mouth of this person...... 将酒液倒入了此人的口中……
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