GOAW :: Volume #19

#1809: One no matter what suo Yanyu always

This is newborn life stars, is called to seek the immortal star, because the life stars form late, and limits the fetter by world spiritual energy, when entire stars except for the ancient times has left behind the legend of immortal God. 这是一颗新生的生命星辰,叫做寻仙星,因为生命星辰形成较晚,并且局限于天地灵气的束缚,整颗星辰除了远古之时留下了仙神的传说。 Then again does not have the view of immortal God. 便是再无仙神的说法。 In the stars countless younger generation seek for the immortal road, seeks for the long way out, but eventually is actually not able to seek, helpless passes away. 星辰中无数的后人寻找仙路,寻找长生路,可是却终究无法寻找到,无奈老死。 The younger generation also change name to the nameless stars to seek the immortal star. 后人也就改名无名星辰为寻仙星。 The vast long way out, nowhere does not seek the immortal. 浩瀚长生路,无处不寻仙。 ...... …… Some mountain road mud after rain. 雨后的山路有些泥泞。 The loess under the infiltration of rain water, becomes incomparably moist and mounts the foot, mounts on the sole, making the shoes that just changed dirty. 黄土在雨水的浸润下,变得无比湿润和黏脚,黏在脚掌上,让刚换的鞋都变得肮脏。 On the both sides mountain roads, hangs green leaf, on the leaf is having the insect to eat the food, there is a raindrop in condense. 两侧山路上,挂着绿叶,叶子上有虫子在啃食,也有雨珠在凝聚 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… The rain clothes have stroked the leaf, leaf suddenly shakes. 蓑衣拂过了树叶,树叶顿时一抖。 The clear water drop sprinkles from several under. 晶莹的水珠从数叶上洒落而下。 The small insect is also tightness that frightens grasps the leaf. 小虫子也是吓的紧紧抱住叶子。 Bu Fang carries the hoe, carefully, climbing mountains slowly. 步方扛着锄头,一步一个脚印,慢慢的上山。 Is seeking the immortal star, this mountain is in the remote region. 在寻仙星,这山都处于偏僻的地带。 The ground is very slippery, moist soil, always gives people an impractical feeling, as if will have slightly carelessly, will fall from the mountain. 地面很滑,湿润的泥土,总是给人一种虚浮感,仿佛一个稍有不慎,就会从山上滑落下去似的。 The Whitey's iron sheet flutters, in the mechanical eye does not have the light, peaceful following in Bu Fang's behind. 小白的铁皮翻飞,机械眼中没有光明,安静的跟在步方的身后。 A foot steps on, iron foot gets sucked into in the ground, pulls up, the loess flutters about. 一脚踩下,铁脚深陷入地面中,拔起,黄土纷飞。 Walks slowly.” “走慢点。” Bu Fang looked at somewhat slow Whitey one, the corners of the mouth has curled slightly upwards. 步方看了有些迟钝的小白一眼,嘴角微微一翘。 Took a while road, Bu Fang somewhat has panted. 走了一会儿路,步方就有些气喘吁吁。 Present he, with a mortal not any difference, even if fleshly body, as if also returns to the uncut jade to turn over. 如今的他,跟一个凡人没有任何的区别,就算是肉身,仿佛也返璞归凡。 The mountain is very high, Sun set in the west, Bu Fang does not want again the delaying time. 山很高,太阳已经西斜,步方不想再耽搁时间。 The Whitey hands and feet and using, quick crawled. 小白手脚并用,很快就爬了上来。 In the remote mountain, there is a beast of prey, has the ominous birds and beasts. 深山中,有猛兽,有凶禽。 However, although Bu Fang turns over, however his pressure has not actually vanished, the beast of prey and ominous birds and beasts do not dare to approach him. 不过,步方虽然归凡,但是他的威压却是没有消失,猛兽和凶禽都不敢靠近他。 Crash-bang crash-bang...... 哗啦哗啦…… The mountain stream flows, in the distant place, Bu Fang smelled the water vapor very much. 山溪流淌,在很远处,步方就闻到了水汽。 Is bringing Whitey come. 带着小白过来 The water in mountain stream, chilly incomparable, this is the clear water after rain, reveals the fresh tasting. 山溪中的水,清冽无比,这是雨后的清水,更显甘冽。 Bu Fang took out an clay jar, Gū lū has packed the water. 步方取出了一个陶罐,咕噜的装满了水。 Shook shaking, the water quality very chillily, does not have any soil precipitation. 晃了晃,水质十分的清冽,都没有任何的泥土沉淀。 Bu Fang is very satisfied , to continue upward, he must seek for tonight supper ingredient. 步方很满意,继续往上,他要去寻找今晚晚餐的食材 On the tree, has been covered with the dried mushrooms, some dried mushrooms are virulent, Bu Fang selected the growing trend to be good, and non-toxic dried mushrooms, threw in the back back-basket. 树上,长满了菌菇,有的菌菇是有毒的,步方选取了长势好,并且无毒的菌菇,扔到了背后的背篓中。 Continues to crawl toward the mountain on. 继续往山上爬。 Finally, he and Whitey, arrived at a bamboo grove. 终于,他和小白,来到了一片竹林。 The pillar in bamboo grove, reach to the sky, crash-bang, has sent out the leaf rustle the stroking gently sound. 竹林中的柱子,一根根高耸入云,哗啦之间,发出了树叶沙沙的摩挲声。 The ground fell completely the bamboo leaves, some bamboo leaves were rotten, in addition had just had rain, therefore, the spoiled taste was very rich. 地上落满了竹叶,有的竹叶腐烂,加上刚下了一场雨,所以,腐味很浓郁。 Whitey has not moved, sits in one side. 小白没有动,坐在了一边。 Bu Fang becomes accustomed, is carrying the hoe, has stepped into the bamboo grove. 步方习以为常,拎着锄头,踏入了竹林。 He is in the bamboo grove not anxiously not slow seeking, quick, the spring bamboo shoots that had found cropping up, a hoe gets down. 他在竹林中不急不缓的寻找,很快,找到了一处冒头的春笋,一锄头下去。 Spring the bamboo shoots will dig out from the earth. 将春笋从大地之中挖出。 Ripped awake song the soil, Bu Fang has patted the racket, spring the bamboo shoots will throw in the basket. 剥去惺忪的泥土,步方拍了拍,就将春笋扔到了篓子里。 Naturally, he does not have like this to be satisfied , to continue to seek for spring the bamboo shoots. 当然,他没有就这样满足,继续寻找春笋。 The mushroom growth of this season, is the bamboo shoots best time, delicacy that culinary arts leaves, is most attractive. 这个时节的雨后春笋,是笋最好的时候,烹饪出的美味,才是最诱人。 Looked for several bamboo shoots continuously. 连续找了好几个笋。 Some Bu Fang asthmas, by bamboo, took out a canteen, has filled water. 步方有些气喘,靠在竹子上,取出了一个水壶,灌了一口水。 The fresh tasting water, floods into within the body following the throat, lets his exhausted whole body, seemed more comfortable has resembled. 甘冽的水,顺着喉头涌入体内,让他疲惫的浑身,似乎都舒服了许多似的。 The weather is gradually late. 天色渐晚。 Bu Fang has not continued to seek. 步方没有继续寻找。 Is bringing Whitey, descends the mountain. 带着小白,下山去。 Accompanies the mountain to live on the mountain, cuisines of huge mountain interior , is actually very colorful. 伴山吃山,大山里的美食,其实也很丰富多彩。 The humming ballad, Bu Fang brings Whitey to descend the mountain. 哼着歌谣,步方带着小白下了山。 On the mountain road is difficult to walk, road that however descends the mountain, is very good. 上山路难走,但是下山的路,却很好走。 Bu Fang's ballad snort/hum is very jerky, very desirably. 步方的歌谣哼的很生涩,很刻意。 Perhaps is Bu Fang thought, on this type of alone road, no snort/hum a song, always thinks strange. 或许是步方觉得,这种孤寂的路上,不哼首歌,总觉得怪异。 Returned to the house. 回到了房子中。 The weather became dim. 天色已经变得昏暗。 Small Eight is upon the jump around the house, giggle straight crying out. 小八在房子周围跑来跑去,咯咯的直叫唤。 Bu Fang has rubbed the head of little fellow, is carrying ingredient, entered in the room. 步方揉了揉小家伙的脑袋,就拎着食材,进入了房间里。 Whitey peaceful sitting in one side, the mechanical eye does not glitter. 小白安静的坐在一边,机械眼不闪烁。 Small Eight runs come, as if has exchanged one with Whitey, then thought this iron sheet is somewhat senseless, turned the chicken buttocks to run away. 小八过来,似乎跟小白交流了一阵,尔后觉得这铁皮有些无趣,又扭着鸡屁股跑走了。 Bu Fang goes out from the house again, in the courtyard, has built simple kitchen stove. 步方重新从房子中走出,在院子里,搭建了一个简易的灶台 Yesterday will divide the good fuel to burn, smoke from kitchen chimneys rise of slowly in the dim dim light of night. 将昨天劈好的柴火烧起,炊烟在朦胧夜色中缓缓的上升。 Small Eight runs come, squats side Bu Fang's, is staring at the flame. 小八过来,蹲在步方的身边,怔怔的盯着火光。 It is not Divine Fire, is not one reads can flame of destruction world. 不是神火,也不是什么一念可以毁灭天地的火焰 Ordinary fire of this precisely simple fuel ascension. 就是简简单单的柴火升腾的平凡的火。 However in this fire, Small Eight was actually feels one to palpitate, that was born palpitation in soul. 但是在这火中,小八却是感受到了一股悸动,那是诞生于灵魂中的悸动。 Bu Fang has not cared actually. 步方倒是没有在意。 He has licked the fuel, mountain in night, the thermal drop, he feels somewhat coldly. 他舔了舔柴火,大山的里的夜晚,温度急剧下降,他感到有些寒冷。 Only has in the culinary arts time, the temperature that the feeling flame brings, will appear warm. 唯有在烹饪时候,感受火光带来的温度,才会显得暖和。 Whitey sits in the distant place, under producing an inverted image of flame, appears somewhat dull sprouts. 小白坐在远处,在火光的倒映下,显得有些呆萌。 Bu Fang shook the head. 步方摇了摇头。 Has roasted a while fire. 烤了一会儿火。 Took out the spring bamboo shoots that climbs mountains to pick. 就取出了上山采摘下来的春笋。 Spring the bamboo shoots present anomalous back taper shape, removes outside bamboo shoots skin, first level first level, looks like bares the ingredient clothes. 春笋呈现不规则的倒锥形,将外面的笋皮剥掉,一层一层,就像是剥开食材的衣裳。 White and tender bamboo shoots meat vividly at present. 白嫩的笋肉跃然于眼前。 After Bu Fang cleans once again, spring the bamboo shoots will have slivered the small fragment. 步方再度清洗后,将春笋切成了小小的碎块。 The hot pot, the hot water, clear water, gets down ingredient, stir-fries. 热锅,热水,焯水,下食材,翻炒。 Before long. 不一会儿。 Spring the bamboo shoots became have been sending out the fragrant flavor/smell dish. 春笋就变为了一道散发着喷香味道的菜品。 Besides the spring bamboo shoots, Bu Fang has also made one bowl of dried mushrooms soup. 除了春笋,步方还做了一碗菌菇汤。 The slightly viscous dried mushrooms soup, in addition the radish silk, presents a red color/look. 略显粘稠的菌菇汤,加上萝卜丝,呈现一种赫红之色。 Turns on the steamer. 打开蒸笼。 The steaming hot air wave upwells. 热腾腾的气浪上涌。 Bu Fang has hit one bowl of food. 步方打了一碗饭。 Is moving the bamboo table, the bamboo chair, sits down. 搬着竹桌,竹椅子,坐下。 On the table is suspending a dish, one bowl of soup, rice. 桌子上摆着一道菜,一碗汤,一份米饭。 Simple, simple. 简单,朴实。 Small Eight cluck cries out, frisked and scampered to run. 小八咕咕叫唤一声,就撒欢奔跑走了。 Whitey does not need to eat food, is in a daze in distant place. 小白不需要进食,在远处发着呆。 Bu Fang has raised corners of the mouth lightly. 步方淡淡的扬了扬嘴角。 By the bamboo chair, chair has made the sound of creaking. 靠在竹椅上,椅子发出了嘎吱嘎吱的声音。 The surroundings of room, the insect whining noise, the leaf strokes gently the sound, lingering on faintly. 屋子的周围,虫鸣声,树叶摩挲声,不绝于耳。 Although noisy, but otherwise can actually let think annoyed. 虽然吵闹,但是却不然能够让觉得心烦。 This pure feeling, making Bu Fang extremely satisfied. 这种清净的感觉,让步方万分的惬意。 In sky, reason that because has rained, stars sparkle, a star light is blinking to focus. 天空上,因为下过雨的缘故,星辰闪耀,点点星光在眨巴着眼。 Sits under the starry sky, is having the satisfied food, this life, Bu Fang before, could not imagine. 坐在星空下,吃着惬意的饭,这种生活,步方在以前,根本想象不到。 The chopsticks fall, pick together spring bamboo shoots. 筷子落下,夹起一块春笋。 Spring bamboo shoots white and tender, the entrance, bites, crisp extremely, taste of proliferation fresh tasting in mouth. 春笋白嫩,入口,咬下,酥脆万分,甘冽之味扩散在口中。 Bu Fang narrows the eye, the corners of the mouth selects. 步方眯眼,嘴角一挑。 Although is only simple spring bamboo shoots, but the flavor/smell actually seeps into the Bu Fang's heart, that is one type dish that is different from beforehand culinary arts culinary arts. 虽然只是简单的一道春笋,但是味道却渗透入步方的心田,那是一种有别于以前厨艺烹饪的菜品。 Perhaps present he, did not have exceedingly high place cultivation base, but mood actually even more steady. 如今的他,或许没有了一身通天地的修为,但是心境却是越发的平稳。 He even thought, such day, has, is good. 他甚至觉得,这样的日子,过下去,也挺好。 Experience world that has swept off the floating dust, calming the mind. 扫去了浮尘,静心的体会天地。 Ordinary, sees the true meaning. 平凡中,见得真意。 The satisfaction and free and easy of Zhuzhangmangxie light victory horse. 竹杖芒鞋轻胜马的惬意与洒脱。 No matter what suo Yanyu calm always. 一蓑烟雨任平生的淡定。 Perhaps precisely Bu Fang mentality at this moment. 或许就是步方此刻的心态。 A few years ago, Bu Fang by oneself cultivation base, God of Cooking preserved in addition in the will as well as the false God of Cooking of dish Whitey within the body. 几年前,步方以自己一身的修为,加上厨神留存在小白体内的意志以及伪厨神菜品。 The seal the soul God of birth, has suppressed the soul God in 1000. 封印了出世的魂神,镇压魂神1000年。 This is pinnacle that Bu Fang can achieve, he is not God of Cooking, he on a young chef who becoming the God of Cooking road runs unceasingly. 这已经是步方所能做到的极致,他不是厨神,他只是在成为厨神的路上不断奔跑的一个小厨子。 He has offered sacrifices own cultivation base, has paid all. 他献祭了自身修为,已经付出了所有。 However, actually, many people do not understand. 不过,其实,很多人都不懂。 Why Bu Fang must achieve this step. 步方为何要做到这一步。 The soul God is born, for example great antiquity top expert, in fact can live, so long as they leave the universe, avoids in the nihility in universe, the nihility is endless, even if were the soul God how them. 魂神出世,比如洪荒的顶级强者,实际上还是能活的,他们只要离开宇宙,躲避到宇宙中的虚无中,虚无漫漫,就算是魂神也奈何不了他们。 Because soul God impossible, in basis could not find in the nihility of boundary, spends the innumerable time to seek for them. 因为魂神不可能在根本找不到边际的虚无中,花费无数的时间去寻找他们。 Many immortal Gods have prepared this. 很多仙神都做好了这个准备。 If the soul God has an accident, evades into the nihility. 若是魂神真的出事,就逃避入虚无。 Bu Fang actually. 步方其实也可以。 Even if the soul God hates Bu Fang, he also makes such choice. 即使魂神非常的痛恨步方,他也做出这样的选择。 However, the final result is, Bu Fang choice seal soul God. 但是,最终的结果是,步方选择封印了魂神。 Drops this world, degenerates into a mortal. 跌落凡尘,沦为一介凡人。 He jumped out Samsara, actually re-entered Samsara. 他原本跳出了轮回,却又重新进入了轮回 The birth and death, the four seasons alternates. 生老病死,四季更迭。 He gave up broad all, has chosen the ordinary mortal life. 他放弃了恢弘的一切,选择了平凡的凡人生活。 Perhaps, he wants to precipitate the impetuous innermost feelings. 或许,他只是想要沉淀自己浮躁的内心。 The system, erupts the God of Cooking will to dissipate along with Whitey now. 系统,如今随着小白爆发厨神意志而消散。 Bu Fang now is really only a mortal. 步方如今真的只是一个凡人。 Spiritual Sea and Divine Awareness entity has been separated from fleshly body, has chosen the suppression soul God. 精神海神识实体脱离了肉身,选择了镇压魂神。 Present he, is unable to use spiritual force, stronger compared with the mortal except for fleshly body, all various illnesses do not invade outside, does not have anything to distinguish. 如今的他,无法动用精神力,除了肉身比起凡人要强,百病不侵以外,也没啥区别。 He will be tired, he will perspire, he also had the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures of mortal. 他会累,他会流汗,他也有了凡人的七情六欲。 Small Eight this little fellow, Bu Fang does not know how to appear. 小八这小家伙,步方也不知道怎么出现的。 Because he is unable to open the Farmland world, how therefore did not know the Farmland world. 因为他无法打开田园天地,所以不知道田园天地到底如何了。 Naturally, the Farmland world will not be destroyed. 当然,田园天地不会被毁。 Because Bu Fang after releasing cultivation base, infiltrated the universe to be void the Farmland world. 因为步方在释放了修为之后,将田园天地打入了宇宙虚空。 The present Farmland world, should change to the life stars. 如今的田园天地,应该重新化作了生命星辰。 Even, is fearful compared with the general life stars. 甚至,比起一般的生命星辰都要可怕。 Compares Chaos Universe Great World. 比拟混沌宇宙大世界 However, why can't Bu Fang master Small Eight to appear? 不过,步方还是搞不懂小八为何会出现? Cannot think through, Bu Fang does not think that this little fellow, appears here, Bu Fang will not have any heavenly materials earthly treasures to eat to him. 想不通,步方也不想了,这小家伙,出现在这儿,步方也不会有什么天材地宝给他吃。 Small Eight can food, only then ordinary rice. 小八吃的,只有平凡的大米。 Speaking of the rice...... 说到大米…… Bu Fang returns to the room, turned on the rice jar, inside meter/rice saw the bottom. 步方回到屋子里,打开了米缸,里面的米已经见底了。 Also did not have the meter/rice, this little thing appetite really big.” “又没有米了啊,这小东西食量是真的大。” Bu Fang shook the head. 步方摇了摇头。 Tidied up the tableware on table. 收拾好了桌子上的碗筷。 Returns to the room, sleeps. 回到屋里,睡觉。 Present Bu Fang, except for eating, the biggest hobby, precisely rested. 如今的步方,除了吃,最大的爱好,就是睡了。 Next day. 第二天。 Bu Fang wears the rain clothes, is bringing bamboo hat, left the house. 步方穿着蓑衣,带着斗笠,离开了房子。 He has not brought Whitey. 他没有带小白 Solitarily, arrived in a pond in mountain. 只身一人,来到了大山中的一处池塘中。 Sits in meditation one in the morning. 静坐一早上。 Fat fish that in basket, were many several jumping for joy. 篓子里,多了几只活蹦乱跳的肥鱼。 Is carrying the basket, the road that Bu Fang recklessly and free and easy trend descends the mountain. 拎着篓子,步方肆意而洒脱的走向下山的路。 Quick. 很快。 He arrived in the village under mountain. 他来到了山下的村子里。 This village, is remote. 这个村子,也算偏僻。 Bu Fang arrives, many people gave regards with him, several years, people of Bu Fang in village mixed ripe. 步方到来,不少人都跟他问好,几年时间,步方跟村子里的人都混熟了。 The village person also knows, on mountain has an odd person. 村子人也都知道,山上有一个怪人。 At the first village people think Bu Fang is an immortal. 起初村子人都以为步方是仙人。 However, when Bu Fang carries several fat fish are descending the mountain to trade the meter/rice starts, the village person knows, Bu Fang with them same is the mortal of food grain. 但是,当步方拎着几只肥鱼下山来换米时开始,村子人就知道,步方跟他们一样都是食五谷的凡人。 Also in the course of contacts, mixed ripe. 一来二去,也就都混熟了。 Opens Eldest Mother, but also there is a meter/rice, did I use just the water leakage fish to trade with you?” “张大娘,还有没有米,我用刚出水的鱼跟你换些?” Bu Fang is carrying the peasant woman of hoe toward the distant place, said. 步方朝远处拎着锄头的农妇,道。 The peasant women look at Bu Fang bamboo basket child in the fish, swallows the saliva, she also wants to trade, huge mountain interior wants to eat the fish not to be easy. 农妇看着步方竹篓子里的鱼,吞了吞唾沫,她也想换,大山里想吃顿鱼可不容易。 However...... 不过…… Step baby, is not good, today the officers enter the village, in the village many rice were gathered by the village head, ate to the officers.” “步娃子,不行咧,今天官兵入村,村子里很多大米都被村长集合起来,给官兵吃食了咧。” Opens Eldest Mother somewhat regrettable saying. 大娘有些遗憾的说道。 Wants the meter/rice the words, Eldest Mother to enter a city to give you to bring another day?” “要米的话,大娘改天进城给你带?” Bu Fang was startled, does not have the meter/rice. 步方一怔,没米了啊。 Opens Eldest Mother, you are busy, I continue to ask......” “张大娘,你忙,我继续问问……” Bu Fang does not care. 步方也不在意。 Always can trade the meter/rice, even if cannot trade, he is not anxious. 总能换到米的,就算换不到,他也不急。 The mentality is gentle, is calm. 心态要平和,要淡定。 Distant place. 远处。 Has the stir-fried dish sound to get up, the fragrance floats. 有炒菜声响起,还有香味飘来。 The Bu Fang brow selects slightly. 步方眉头微微一挑。 That side is the officers eats, step baby, you , if really hungry, in the past said to the village, making the village head leap a position to you.” “那边是官兵们吃食,步娃子,你如果实在饿,过去跟村子说,让村长给你腾个位置。” Opens Eldest Mother to say. 大娘道。 My family baby must go in the city to work as the offical mission attendant with the officers, the step baby do you want to go?” “俺家娃子要跟官兵去城里当官差啦,步娃子你要不要去?” Country dweller precisely will chat. 农村人就是会唠嗑。 Bu Fang returned to several. 步方回了几句。 Walks toward the position of distant place. 就朝着远处的位置走去。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bu Fang stares. 步方一愣。 In the plaza in village. 村子中的大空地上。 Has chocked up the banquet table, the offical mission attendants in the lively banquet scene. 摆满了酒席桌子,官差们在觥筹交错。 Bu Fang is carrying the bamboo basket, knits the brows slightly. 步方拎着竹篓,微微皱眉。 His vision passes through the offical mission attendant that many food have been greedy, looked to that distant place. 他的目光穿过了诸多的吃的满嘴流油的官差,看向了那远处。 There...... 那儿…… A head covers the person's shadow in dense fog stands and waits for a long time there. 一位脑袋笼罩在迷雾中的人影伫立在那儿。 Although cannot see clearly the face. 虽然看不清面孔。 However Bu Fang can look comes out...... The opposite party is smiling toward him. 但是步方可以看的出来……对方在朝着他笑。 Bird master?” “鸟爷?”
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