GOAW :: Volume #14

#1320: Principle aura 【First! Asked the monthly ticket!】

Blood-color eyes. 血色的眼眸 And is flooding, is the rich blood-color, capillaries densely covered above eyeball, as if there is hemoglutination passes. 其中充斥着的,是浓郁的血色,一根根血丝密布在眼珠子之上,仿佛有凝血在其中流转。 Bu Fang's spiritual force in this moment, divulged pinnacle. 步方的精神力在这一刻,宣泄到了极致 In Spiritual Sea, the whirlpool in unceasing revolving, as if incautiously, will explode general. 精神海中,旋涡在不断的旋转,仿佛一不小心,就会崩炸开来一般。 Once blasts out, then means the Bu Fang's culinary arts thorough failure. 一旦炸开,便是意味着步方的烹饪彻底的失败。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 The spirits are the facial color are complex. 器灵们都是面色复杂。 20%, even only has 10% success ratios, regarding Chef, the risk is really too big. 两成,甚至只有一成的成功率,对于一个厨师而言,风险实在是太大。 What is most important, this will also increase the burden in psychology, the burden is oversized, the person is more tense, is anxious, is then easier to make the mistake. 最重要的是,这还会增加心理中的负担,负担过大,人就越紧张,越是紧张,便是越容易出现失误。 When Bu Fang's eye thorough hyperemia, the spirits then know, their this generation of host were very possible to be failed. 步方的眼睛彻底充血的时候,器灵们便是知道,他们这一代的宿主很可能要失败了。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Yellow Spring Small Shop. 黄泉小店 In kitchen. 厨房之内。 The Bu Fang's corner of the eye has the blood-color to flow under. 步方的眼角有血色流淌而下。 In his eyes, present kitchen stove degenerated into the blood-color, as if has covered first level blood fog. 在他的眼中,眼前的灶台都是沦为了血色,仿佛蒙上了一层血雾似的。 In Spiritual Sea the fierce fluctuation, flame in kitchen stove is also flashes on and off erratically, explained that the Bu Fang spiritual force fluctuation at this moment is big. 精神海中剧烈的波动,灶台中的火焰也是明灭不定,说明步方此刻的精神力起伏波动非常大。 This is not a good news, fluctuating of spiritual force is bigger, explains control of Bu Fang to spiritual force emaciated. 这并不是一个好消息,精神力的起伏越大,说明步方精神力的控制越加的孱弱。 Bu Fang is shivering. 步方手在颤抖。 He grabs three cups of chicken last cup of seasonings, precisely that dark red soy sauce. 他抓着三杯鸡最后一杯调味料,也就是黑红酱油 soy sauce muddy, installs in the blue and white porcelain Cup, Bu Fang grips, shivers gently, ripples burst out in soy sauce, collide in one. 酱油浑浊,装在青花瓷杯中,步方握住,轻轻颤抖,一圈圈的涟漪在酱油中迸发,碰撞在了一起。 Can be defeated? 要失败了么? Bu Fang this moment innermost feelings are also somewhat confused. 步方此刻内心也是有些迷茫。 He can feel, oneself strength as if in this moment thorough has found time. 他可以感觉到,自己身上的力气仿佛在这一刻被彻底的抽空了似的。 In heart exhausted as if momentarily must fall face down to sleep. 心中疲惫的就仿佛随时要趴下睡觉。 But Bu Fang does not dare to rest, in heart the tight that string does not dare collapse broken easily, once collapse broken, then means that all finished. 可是步方不敢睡,心中紧绷的那根弦也不敢轻易的崩断,一旦崩断,便是意味着一切都结束了。 Any God of Cooking dream, anything in the future, becomes the nihility. 什么厨神梦,什么未来,都将成为虚无。 In Farmland world. 田园天地中。 The entire Farmland world in this moment, was having the huge change. 整个田园天地都在在这一刻,发生了巨大的变化。 On the vault of heaven, changed to the blood-color, the pressure that rolling surges, making the Farmland world momentarily want destruction. 天穹上,化作了血色,滚滚涌动的威压,让田园天地随时要覆灭似的。 Niú Hàn Sān goes out from the log cabin, vision complex looks void. 牛汉三从木屋中走出,目光复杂的看着虚空。 Small Eight is curling upwards the chicken buttocks, lay on the ground, the chicken wing grasped the head, buried the body on the ground. 小八翘着鸡屁股,趴在地上,鸡翅膀抱住了脑袋,将身躯埋在了地上。 The eight precious ingredients pig also lies on the ground is motionless, trembles. 八宝猪也是趴在地上一动不动,瑟瑟发抖。 Dāng one. 哐当一声。 Jing Yuan was just taking the wooden barrel of thinking of milk also fell on the ground, the cream milk has sprinkled. 景鸢刚刚提着的装着牛奶的木桶也是掉在了地上,乳白色的牛奶洒满了地。 A rich milk fragrance spreads in this moment. 一股浓郁的奶香在这一刻扩散开来。 What had? 发生了什么? No matter Niú Hàn Sān, is Jing Yuan, felt that in this moment the Farmland world as if momentarily wants collapse and scattered. 不管是牛汉三,还是景鸢,在这一刻都感觉到田园天地似乎随时要崩散似的。 This feeling, unusual is not good. 这种感觉,非常的不好。 Just likes the end is imminent. 犹如末日临头。 Perhaps is, Owner Bu...... Presented any surprised, now can only place hopes in Owner Bu, can pass this disaster.” “或许是,步老板……出现了什么意外了吧,现在只能寄希望于步老板,能够度过这次劫难。” Niú Hàn Sān sighed. 牛汉三叹了一口气。 Vision even more profound. 目光越发的深邃。 ...... …… In restaurant. 餐馆中。 The Little Yōu complexion blanch, Little Fox of her arms also searches the head. 小幽脸色发白,她怀里的小狐也是探起了脑袋。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 The sound that the chair moves resounds through, Little Yōu stands up from the position, walked come in the direction of kitchen fast. 椅子移动的声音响彻,小幽从位置上站起身,朝着厨房的方向快速的走了过来 Her vision fell in kitchen. 她的目光落在了厨房中。 However, has not waited for her to step into the kitchen, Whitey that boundless body then appears, the mechanical eye twinkle, has blocked her body. 不过,还未等她踏入厨房中,小白那磅礴的身躯便是出现,机械眼闪烁,挡住了她的身躯。 Little Yōu is startled. 小幽一怔。 In the Whitey mechanical eye Zhen's blue ray is dissipating, his head swung swinging, hints Little Yōu do not go. 小白机械眼中湛蓝色的光芒在逸散,他的脑袋摇了摇,示意小幽不要进去。 Little Yōu looked at Whitey one, looked in the kitchen. 小幽看了小白一眼,又看了看厨房中。 However this, actually cannot see the scene in kitchen. 但是这一眼,却是根本看不出厨房中的情景。 Therefore she quite somewhat is also helpless. 所以她也颇有些无奈。 However she thought oneself feeling a moment ago not wrong. 但是刚才她觉得自己的感觉是没有错的。 ...... …… In kitchen. 厨房中。 Just liked experienced a long resistance. 犹如经历了一场漫长的抗争。 The bandage in his hand dissipates. 他手中的绷带逸散开来。 This is the system to his test, but must step the road of God of Cooking, a difficulty that must face. 这是系统对他的考验,而也是要踏上厨神之路,必须面对的一个难关。 Bu Fang cannot pour in this closes. 步方不能倒在这一关上。 Bang...... 轰…… flame has burnt. 火焰燃烧了起来。 The bandage lets fall, in flame by kitchen stove was burnt down the directly-burning. 绷带垂落而下,被灶台中的火焰焚烧直接燃烧。 On the gluttony arm, Yin-Yang two air/Qi are pasting, the Yin-Yang fish that changes, in gentle circling. 饕餮臂上,阴阳两气在流转,化作的阴阳鱼,在柔和的盘旋。 Bu Fang is startled, is staring at own arm earnestly looks. 步方一怔,盯着自己的手臂认真的看着。 The primal chaos lives two meters, two meters live four elephants...... 太极生两仪,两仪生四象…… Bu Fang's eyes slightly shone radiance. 步方的眼眸微微的亮起了光华。 In the mind, as if has any thing broken shell, but. 脑海之中,仿佛有什么东西破壳而出似的。 spiritual force was still pasting, ingredient in pot was also the braving fragrance that incited. 精神力仍旧是在流转,锅内的食材也是在滋滋的冒着香味。 That is a mellow fragrance...... 那是一种醇厚的香味…… But always has missed a true flavor. 可是总是差了一丝真正的韵味。 Bu Fang is looking at the Yin-Yang two air/Qi in hand. 步方看着手中的阴阳二气。 The corners of the mouth pull suddenly. 嘴角突然一扯。 As if is smiling. 仿佛是在笑。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 The spirits can know the Bu Fang at this moment joyful feelings. 器灵们能够感受到步方此刻愉悦的心情。 Ended...... Small host insane.” “完了……小宿主疯了都。” A despair of Golden Divine Dragon face. 黄金神龙一脸的绝望。 At this time, small host had cried is the correct opening way, what ghost is smiling? 都这个时候了,小宿主哭出来才是正确的打开方式,笑是什么鬼? The dish culinary arts failure in God of Cooking menu, must by eliminate, but also smiles Ah? 厨神菜谱中的菜烹饪失败,要被抹杀了,还笑呢啊? However other spirit has not actually paid attention to Golden Divine Dragon at this moment. 不过其他的器灵却是并没有理会此刻的黄金神龙 Some of their suddenly anticipations. 他们忽然有些期待。 Because in this moment, as spirits, they can feel the self-confidence on Bu Fang transmitting. 因为在这一刻,身为器灵,他们能够感受到步方身上传来的自信。 This lets their true changing countenance self-confidently. 这股自信让他们真正的动容。 Right...... 没错…… Changes countenance. 是真的动容。 Self-confidence where small host comes? 宿主哪里来的自信? Who gives his self-confidence? 谁给他的自信? Bang! 轰! Suddenly. 忽然之间。 The facial color of spirits all changes. 器灵们的面色皆是一变。 That sits cross-legged Divine Sense phantom in two spiritual vortex, has stood up slowly the body. 那盘坐在两个精神漩涡中的神念虚影,缓缓的站起了身子。 Is centered on Divine Sense phantom, almost wanted dry Spiritual Sea to revolve unexpectedly once again. 神念虚影为中心,几乎要干涸的精神海居然再度运转了起来。 Was insane! Really was insane!” “疯了!果然是疯了!” „Is this plans to be on site breakthrough? This crazy behavior...... Once is defeated, could blast out including the soul! Will never be reincarnated Ah! “这是打算临场突破么?这种疯狂的行为……一旦失败,可能连灵魂都要炸开!永不超生啊! This time, no matter Golden Divine Dragon or Vermillion Bird , or Black Tortoise had a scare. 这一次,不管是黄金神龙还是朱雀,亦或是玄武都是被吓了一跳。 The Bu Fang's action was really too crazy. 步方的举动实在是太疯狂了。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 In Spiritual Sea had earthshaking change. 精神海中发生了惊天动地的变化。 Is centered on Divine Sense phantom, whirlpool unceasing revolving, along with revolving, has been divided into two unexpectedly directly. 神念虚影为中心,旋涡在不断的旋转,随着旋转,居然是径直的分成了两份。 Just likes affectionate couple pot in hot pot. 犹如火锅中的鸳鸯锅似的。 This...... 这…… Even if experienced Black Tortoise is also slightly stares. 就算是见多识广的玄武也是微微的一愣。 Gentle, while wild, both blend, unexpectedly erupts the fearful angular force. 一边平和,一边狂暴,两者交融,居然是爆发出了可怕的旋转力。 Revolving of growing continually, originally withered spiritual force, unexpectedly a wisp of spread. 生生不息的旋转,原本干枯的精神力,居然从中一丝一缕的蔓延而出。 Divine Sense phantom as the center of this Yin-Yang fish. 神念虚影则是作为这阴阳鱼的中心。 Starts slowly becomes must stagnate. 开始缓缓的变得凝滞。 Unexpectedly at this time, presented the enhancement and breakthrough. 居然是在这个时候,出现了增强和突破 Along with condense carries on, quick, Divine Sense phantom tyrannical. 随着凝聚的进行,很快,神念虚影越加的强横。 Initially entered Divine Sense spiritual force, has been the full degree in this moment unexpectedly. 原本只是初入神念精神力,在这一刻居然是达到了饱满程度。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… spiritual force in Spiritual Sea such as silk such as wisp of spread. 精神海中的精神力如丝如缕的蔓延而出。 The next quarter, four great talent spirits also change countenance. 下一刻,四大器灵同时动容。 Because they discovered, the Bu Fang's thought spreads in Spiritual Sea. 因为他们发现,步方的意念在精神海中扩散。 Make their blooming invincible might in Spiritual Sea. 让他们不由的在精神海中绽放神威。 Is built on Spiritual Sea various ends separately. 分别立于精神海的各端。 Remote faces one another. 遥而相望。 What is this? 这又是什么? The spirits are dumb as a wooden chicken. 器灵们呆若木鸡。 No matter the appearance of Yin-Yang fish Spiritual Sea, is their force component in the four pole, mysterious fluctuation that forms, counter-resonance Divine Sense in Spiritual Sea. 不管是阴阳鱼精神海的出现,还是他们分力于四端,形成的玄奥波动,反哺精神海中的神念 Is an extremely mysterious method! 都是一种极度玄奥的手段! The Black Tortoise muddy vision is opening slightly. 玄武浑浊的目光都是微微的睁大。 This is...... Principle aura?” “这是……法则气息?” Black Tortoise is panic-stricken. 玄武惊骇。 Even if by his long life, in present picture by Bu Fang Spiritual Sea shocking. 就算以他悠长的寿命来看,都是被步方精神海中如今的景象给震惊住了。 Four two-pole Spiritual Sea, have Principle aura likely unexpectedly! 四象两极精神海,居然有种法则气息 This small does host do? 这小宿主怎么搞出来的? Small does host know these? 宿主又是怎么知道这些的? Has not paid attention to the mind shock of spirits. 未曾理会脑海中器灵们的震撼。 Bu Fang has opened the eye. 步方睁开了眼。 Smiling face divergence of his corners of the mouth slowly. 他嘴角的笑容缓缓的散去。 The complexion as before is becomes that indifferent. 脸色依旧是变得那么的淡然。 Almost wanted collapse to extinguish spiritual force to rise suddenly suddenly. 原本几乎要崩灭的精神力陡然暴涨。 Bang!!! 轰!!! In kitchen stove. 灶台之中。 flame greatly rises, the flame is turbulent, as if must shoot up to the sky. 火焰大盛,火光汹涌,仿佛要冲天而起似的。 Bu Fang grabs the hand of blue and white porcelain Cup also to stand firm. 步方抓着青花瓷杯的手也是稳住。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… soy sauce sprinkled into the pot. 酱油泼入了锅内。 Grabs the spatula, spiritual force such as the silk such as a wisp of winding. 抓着锅铲,精神力如丝如缕的缠绕而出。 Bang Bang Bang! 轰轰轰! In Black Tortoise Pot, the flame soars to the heavens, jolts the pot along with Bu Fang's, ingredient beats in the flame. 玄武锅中,火光冲天,随着步方的颠锅,食材在火光中跳动。 Clear burst out above ingredient. 点点晶莹在食材之上迸发而出。 Joins final ingredient, stir-fries together, after embellishing. 加入最后的食材,共同翻炒,点缀一番之后。 Since this Bu Fang until now, has made a debut, a culinary arts most difficult dish, then finally completes. 这道步方迄今为止,出道以来,烹饪的最为艰难的一道菜,便是终于完成了。 fancy blue patterned porcelain tray is placed on the table. 青花瓷盘摆在桌上。 as stable as Mount Tai grabbing Black Tortoise Pot, falls the dish in pot. 稳如泰山似的的抓着玄武锅,将锅内的菜品倾倒而出。 The juice poured into the pot, suddenly spread the entire bowl. 汁液倒入了锅内,顿时蔓延住了整个碗。 The dish in bowl seems dissipating flowing light. 碗内的菜品仿佛都在逸散着流光似的。 Has not used any top ingredient, the use most common material, makes most top cuisines. 没有使用任何顶级的食材,使用最普通的料,做出最顶级的美食 Perhaps this precisely God of Cooking formidable is. 这或许就是厨神强悍所在吧。 Buzz...... 嗡…… As the chicken enters the tray finally together. 随着最后一块鸡肉入盘子。 The lining dish sublimated suddenly. 整道菜陡然升华了起来。 Myriad flowing light escapes. 万千流光逸散。 The terrifying essence, just like mushroom growth unceasing braving from that tray leaps. 恐怖的精气,犹如雨后春笋似的从那盘子中不断的冒腾而出。 If the source water of spring, Gū lū Gū lū braves outward. 如清泉的源头水,咕噜咕噜的往外冒。 Finally, filled the entire room, all of a sudden the entire room was thorough has covered. 最后,弥漫到了整个房间,一下子将整个房间都是彻底的覆盖了起来。 This feeling, is extremely terrifying! 这种感觉,极度恐怖! As if faces is not a dish, but has the terrifying vitality ominous beast together. 仿佛面对的不是一道菜,而是一道拥有恐怖生机的凶兽。 The Bu Fang facial color is complex, although his condense Yin-Yang Spiritual Sea, although he uses to work, matched four to look like formation. 步方面色复杂无比,尽管他凝聚了阴阳精神海,尽管他用器灵,搭配出了四象阵法 Nearly dry spiritual force will get so far as the flower to open forcefully. 强行将近乎干涸的精神力给重新弄到花开。 However, this after all is a method of overdrawing. 然而,这毕竟是一种透支的手段。 Completes this dish, in the Bu Fang's nostril has the blood to lie down. 做完这道菜,步方的鼻孔中都是有鲜血躺下。 The blood threads in eyes starts the rapid retreat, eyes was also becomes clear and bright. 眼眸中的血丝开始飞速的退去,眼眸也是变得清明了起来。 The retreat that the body staggers, leans on above the cabinet, gasping for breath in gulps. 身躯踉跄的后退,倚靠在橱柜之上,大口大口的喘着气。 The entrance, is boundless essence. 入口,都是磅礴的精气。 Succeeded?” “成功了么?” The whole body was given percolation by the sweat, Bu Fang is caressing own forehead, has flung the head, in a soft voice twittering. 浑身都是被汗水给浸透,步方抚着自己的额头,甩了甩脑袋,轻声呢喃了一句。 Three cups of God perishing chickens, the dish in God of Cooking menu. 三杯神殒鸡,厨神菜谱中的菜品。 Bu Fang stands up, feels the void in within the body, is fear. 步方站起身,感觉到体内的空虚,也是不由的一阵后怕。 Actually he almost calculates on failed. 其实他几乎算的上是失败了。 If were not condense Yin-Yang Spiritual Sea, Divine Sense read breakthrough at the final moment. 如果不是凝聚了阴阳精神海,还有神念在最后时刻一念突破 At this moment waits for his, possibly precisely wipes to extinguish. 此刻等待他的,可能就是抹灭。 After breathing heavily several tones. 喘了几口气后。 Bu Fang relaxed the body and mind. 步方才是放松了身心。 According to the step, has completed this dish finally difficultly. 按照步骤,终于是艰难的完成了这道菜。 Although Bu Fang's strength perhaps really weak. 虽然步方的实力或许是真的弱。 However the dish in this so-called God of Cooking menu, as if not with strength and too many relations. 但是这所谓的厨神菜谱中的菜品,似乎并未和实力与太多的关系。 More, but is a vigor has the relations. 更多的,而是和一种精气神有关系。 Perhaps, 20% success ratios that the system said that breakthrough mouth that precisely just found. 或许,系统所说的两成的成功率,就是自己刚刚所找到的突破口吧。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Buzz the sound of cry resounds through. 一阵嗡鸣之声响彻而起。 As if the system is hesitating. 仿佛是系统在沉吟似的。 In dish analysis......” “菜品分析中……” Analyzes, the God of Cooking menu dish completion appraisal, completion percent fifty one, My host, congratulations completes mission.” “分析完毕,厨神菜谱菜品完成度评价,完成度百分之五十一,恭喜宿主完成任务。” System serious and earnest words sound resounds through in the Bu Fang's mind. 系统严肃而认真的话语声在步方的脑海中响彻而起。 This words, the Bu Fang suddenly muddy body and mind was loose. 这话语一出,步方顿时浑身心都是松了下来。 whole body, as if the flash was found time to resemble. 整个人,仿佛一瞬间被抽空似的。 In heart fear. 心中后怕不已。 Percent fifty completions...... 百分之五十一的完成度啊…… Left 1% merely. 仅仅只是多出了1。 If no this 1%, may be determined by the system for the failure, that waits for his, is eliminate. 若是没有这1,可能会被系统判定为失败,那等待他的,便是一场抹杀 Although the system opened mouth to shut up says eliminate. 虽然系统张嘴闭嘴就说抹杀 However in formerly, after accepting this mission, Bu Fang felt terrifying killing intent from system. 但是在先前,在接受了这个任务之后,步方是真的感受到了一股来自系统的恐怖杀意 exactly this killing intent, lets the Bu Fang's state of mind is becomes is not tranquil. 正是这股杀意,让步方的心绪都是变得不平静起来。 ...... …… In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… Above vault of heaven, that float the golden books changed suddenly slowly, finally stagnated suddenly in one page. 天穹之上,那悬浮着的金色的书籍忽然缓缓的翻动了起来,最后陡然停滞在了某一页。 And...... 并且…… On the blank page of that books. 在那书籍的空白页面上。 Golden writing appeared, describe above the books. 一道道金色的文字浮现,描写在了书籍之上。 Above the blank page of books, spiritual force crazy condense, quick...... Then changed to three drops of golden bubbles. 书籍的空白页上方,精神力疯狂的凝聚,很快……便是化作了三滴金色的液滴。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 The spirits look at three drops of golden bubbles of that condense dull in golden books, suddenly shock extremely, holding breath cold air/Qi! 器灵们呆呆的看着那凝聚在金色书籍上的三滴金色液滴,顿时震撼万分,倒吸冷气! ...... …… dīng líng líng.” 叮铃铃。” The curtain cotton clothing of kitchen lifts, bell in dragging gently. 厨房的帘布被掀开,铃铛在轻轻的摇曳。 On the face does not have blood-color Bu Fang, both hands are holding the tray, gradually, difficult in the Little Yōu vision, walked slowly. 脸上毫无血色的步方,双手捧着盘子,一步一步,艰难的在小幽的目光中,缓缓的走了出来。
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