GOAW :: Volume #14

#1319: Was defeated? 【Fourth! 10,000 before down is new, asks the monthly ticket!!!】

20% success ratio. 百分之二十的成功率。 In other words, precisely has 80% failure rates, precisely means, the failure probability reaches as high as 80%. 换言之,就是有80的失败率,也就是意味着,失败几率高达八成。 The failure rate is four times of success ratio. 失败率是成功率的四倍。 The average men hear this failure rate, definitely is closes one's eyes chooses to reject mission. 常人听到这个失败率,肯定是闭着眼睛都选择拒绝任务 However, the system really has not thought, Bu Fang will choose to accept this mission unexpectedly, moreover is very simple, is not loathsome. 不过,系统还是真的没有想到,步方居然会选择接受这个任务,而且是很干脆,不拖泥带水。 Once this mission accepts, precisely cannot terminate, once terminates, on same must suffer the system eliminate. 这个任务一旦接受,就是不可以终止的,一旦终止,也就一样要遭受到系统的抹杀 The Bu Fang's choice, let the system ignorant has compelled one. 步方的选择,让系统都是懵逼了一阵。 For a long time, is the opens the mouth. 许久之后,才是开口。 As before is the serious and earnest words sound. 依旧是严肃而认真的话语声。 host accepts mission, the mission execution starts, now starts to provide menu of three cups of God perishing chickens, asking host to start to receive.” 宿主接受任务,任务执行开始,现在开始发放三杯神殒鸡的菜谱,请宿主开始接收。” Buzz...... 嗡…… The words of system fall. 系统的话语落下。 Bu Fang's eyes is one vanishes erratically. 步方的眼眸便是一阵幻灭不定。 The next quarter, stands in same place, during was lost in thought. 下一刻,站在原地,陷入了沉思当中。 In the mind, there are dense and numerous information to emerge in his mind. 脑海中,有密密麻麻的信息涌入他的脑海之中。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 Golden Divine Dragon, Vermillion Bird , Black Tortoise, White Tiger is raising the head, as if somewhat panic-stricken looked that to void appeared, but books. 黄金神龙,朱雀,玄武,白虎都是不由的抬起头,似乎有些惊骇的看向了虚空中浮现而出的一本书籍。 That is golden books, by spiritual energy condense, above is dissipating the turbulent fluctuation completely unceasingly. 那是一本金色书籍,完全由精神能量凝聚,其上不断的逸散着汹涌的波动。 This fluctuation spreads, lets in Bu Fang Spiritual Sea the spirits felt that a heart is startled. 这波动扩散开来,让步方精神海中的器灵们都是感到一阵心惊。 „Is this God of Cooking menu?!” “这是厨神菜谱?!” What? How small did host such already contact God of Cooking menu?” “什么?小宿主怎么这么早就接触到厨神菜谱了?” System this is the plan compels small host, God of Cooking menu such quickly laid out......” “系统这是打算将小宿主往死里逼啊,厨神菜谱这么快就捣弄出来了……” The spirits are shock extremely. 器灵们都是震撼万分。 Divine Dragon and Vermillion Bird are chirp keeping saying. 神龙朱雀更是叽叽喳喳的说个不停。 Snort...... System this is must do the matter, small host second stage of Lesser Saint does cultivation base, want the dish in culinary arts God of Cooking menu, the success ratio high? 10%? Also or 20%? No matter what, this success ratio was too low.” “哼……系统这是要搞事情,小宿主不过二转小圣修为,想要烹饪厨神菜谱中的菜,成功率有多高?一成?亦或是两成?不管怎么说,这成功率都太低了。” White Tiger proud-lovable ahem, said. 白虎傲娇的哼唧了一声,说道。 This is not we can worry...... We completed our labors of duty to be good.” “这不是我们能够操心的……我们做好我们的本职工作就好了。” Black Tortoise has opened the mouth, entire Spiritual Sea is silent. 玄武开口了,整个精神海都是寂静下来似的。 But at this moment, Bu Fang naturally does not know matter that in Spiritual Sea has. 而此刻,步方自然是不知道精神海中所发生的事情。 God of Cooking menu content that in start reading and understanding mind of he at this moment early concentrated on emerge. 他此刻早已经全神贯注的开始阅读和了解脑海中涌入的厨神菜谱的内容。 Three cups of God perishing chickens. 三杯神殒鸡。 Bu Fang deep breath, in eyes as if there is golden trace to past. 步方深吸了一口气,眼眸中仿佛有金色的纹路在流转。 Three cups of God perishing chickens, this is leaves the womb on Earth is called the dish of three cups of chickens together. 三杯神殒鸡,这是脱胎于地球上一道叫做三杯鸡的菜品。 Bu Fang naturally is not strange. 步方对此自然不陌生。 After reading the culinary arts way on menu, the Bu Fang's complexion first time becomes somewhat ugly. 在阅读了菜谱上的烹饪方式之后,步方的脸色第一次变得有些难看。 No wonder the system said that he only has 20% success ratios, said that his 20% success ratios, was the system favors his situation to get down. 难怪系统说他只有两成的成功率,说他有两成的成功率,都是系统看好他的情况下了。 If makes Bu Fang estimate, even a entirely succeed does not have continually. 如果让步方自己来预估,甚至连一成都没有。 Difficult...... 难…… Too difficult. 太难了。 Bu Fang can induce to his Spiritual Sea in has books, that should precisely system so-called God of Cooking menu. 步方能够感应到他的精神海中有一本书籍,那应该就是系统所谓的厨神菜谱 However he actually cannot change the books now, even shut off with the spirit relation. 不过他现在却是根本翻动不了书籍,甚至跟器灵的联系都是被切断了。 Bu Fang frowned. 步方皱起了眉头。 Turned around, has walked into the kitchen. 转身,走入了厨房中。 Bu Fang stood before kitchen stove. 步方站在了灶台之前。 His deep breath, the radiance in eyes flashes on and off erratically, carefully ponders the detail that in menu was describing. 深吸了一口气,眼眸中的光华明灭不定,仔细的思考着菜谱中所描述的细节。 Detail decision success or failure, no matter handles any matter, the detail is most important, culinary arts is so. 细节决定成败,不管是做什么事情,细节最重要,烹饪更是如此。 A fine powder detail in culinary arts, even can decide the lining dish the taste. 烹饪中的一个微末般的细节,甚至能够决定整道菜的口味。 As Chef, must pay great attention to the consciousness of detail. 身为一个厨师,必须要有注重细节的意识。 Three cups of chickens, or are three cups of God perishing chickens. 三杯鸡,亦或者说是三杯神殒鸡。 Reason that calls three cups, because of the main seasoning of this dish, precisely only has three cups, one cup of soy sauce, one cup of sesame oil, one glass of rice wines. 之所以称之为三杯,是因为这道菜的主要调味料,就是只有三杯,一杯酱油、一杯香油、一杯米酒。 Only then with three cups of seasonings, assigns out together the dish. 而只有用三杯调味料,调出一道菜品。 Difficulty naturally very big. 难度自然十分的大。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Stands before kitchen stove, naked eye obvious, on kitchen stove appeared ingredient. 站在灶台前,肉眼可见,灶台上浮现出了一份份的食材 These ingredient...... Ordinary, without any spiritual energy and Immortal Energy, as if precisely previous world buys in the food market, that type of ordinary not wonderful dish. 这些食材……平凡至极,没有任何的灵气仙气,仿佛就是前世在菜市场中买到的,那种平凡无奇的菜品。 Naturally, the quality naturally is extremely good. 当然,品质自然是极佳。 Pulled out up the chicken of wool to place in fancy blue patterned porcelain bowl, but this did not finish. 一只拔光了毛的鸡摆放在青花瓷碗中,但是这并不是结束。 Bu Fang also needs to carry on the secondary processing to this chicken. 步方还需要对这只鸡进行二次处理。 Bu Fang not optional beginning. 步方没有随意的动手。 He does not dare optional beginning, once this dish the culinary arts failure, he then can by eliminate. 他也不敢随意的动手,这道菜一旦烹饪失败,那他便是会被抹杀 The system said eliminate, did not have the slight emotion. 系统在说出抹杀的时候,没有丝毫的情感。 Bu Fang can believe that once he is defeated, absolutely by eliminate that the system will be relentless, system not because he will be host is forgiving. 步方可以相信,一旦他真的失败,绝对会被系统毫不留情的抹杀,系统不会因为他是宿主就留情的。 Therefore, Bu Fang does not dare to have any treating it lightly. 所以,步方不敢有任何的掉以轻心。 Close your eyes, puts down homocentric the excited mood. 闭上眼,平复心中的激动情绪。 One second, two seconds, three seconds...... 一秒,两秒,三秒…… Bu Fang has opened the eye. 步方睁开了眼。 The vision is ordinary, without any mood. 目光平淡无奇,没有任何的情绪。 Not because is defeated by the eliminate fear, not to the palpitation of low success ratio. 没有因为失败会被抹杀的恐惧,也没有对低成功率的心悸。 Has...... Only is Chef that to be calm and calm. 有的……只有属于厨师的那份淡定与从容。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… Black Tortoise Pot was placed in White Tiger Heaven Stove. 玄武锅摆在了白虎天灶之中。 flame has drilled into the fire pivot, suddenly has burnt down, the burning hot temperature erupts. 火焰钻入了炉灶中,顿时焚烧了起来,炙热的温度爆发。 Does not have the choice to use the spring water of life, Bu Fang pours into, is water that the system gives him to prepare, this water is chilly, but...... Does not have spiritual energy not to have Immortal Energy! 没有选择使用生命之泉水,步方倒入的,是系统给他准备的水,这水清冽甘甜,但是……没有灵气也没有仙气 Vision light poured into the water of this system preparation the pot. 目光淡淡的将这系统准备的水倒入了锅中。 Water boiling. 沸腾了。 Bu Fang then leaves the vessel for baling out water, puts in the blue and white porcelain basin. 步方便是将水舀出,放入青花瓷盆中。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… Has not lived in the palm with True Energy wrap up, the boiling hot hot water, lets a Bu Fang's brow suddenly wrinkle. 没有用真气包裹住手掌,滚烫的热水,让步方的眉头顿时一皱。 Cautiously wool pull light on chicken, a down does not let off completely. 小心翼翼的将鸡上的毛全部都拔光,一根绒毛都不放过。 After having inspected carefully, Bu Fang catches the chicken, has placed on the cutting board. 仔细检查了之后,步方才是将鸡抓出,放在了案板上。 But at this moment, his hand, already by boiling water hot red. 而此刻,他的手,已经被开水烫的通红。 Bu Fang stares, suddenly has the feeling of return ordinary heart culinary arts. 步方一愣,忽然有种回归平常心烹饪的感觉。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife takes out. 龙骨菜刀取出。 Has rotated after the hand, then fiercely cuts. 在手中转动了一番之后,便是猛地斩下。 Pā pā pā...... 啪啪啪…… Cuts the grandiose powerful chicken leg, after the chicken leg has slivered the block, suspends into the tray to be ready to be used. 斩下壮硕有力的鸡腿,将鸡腿都切成了块后,摆入盘子中待用。 Gū lū Gū lū. 咕噜咕噜 Bu Fang poured into the oil the pot, hot oil suddenly boiling in pot. 步方将油倒入了锅中,锅内的热油顿时沸腾了起来。 The chicken nugget that will sliver pours into wok with cooking oil. 将切成的鸡块倒入油锅之内。 Bu Fang's spiritual force then suddenly erupts...... 步方的精神力便是陡然爆发…… Then, is this concerns life and death the culinary arts important process...... 接下来,便是这关乎生死的烹饪的重要过程…… Divine Sense suddenly boiling. 神念陡然沸腾 In Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea, spiritual force seems the rapid rotation. 步方的精神海中,精神力仿佛都是快速旋转起来似的。 In the Bu Fang's eye, all speed slowed down. 步方的眼中,一切都的速度都变慢了。 In the wok with cooking oil the boiling oil juice, as if coagulation, leisure spurting thinly comes. 油锅中沸腾的油汁,都似乎凝固似的,慢慢悠悠的喷薄开来似的。 spiritual force such as emerging of silk, can the heat degree of clear seeing oil juice drill into the muscle, can the clear seeing chicken become coagulates. 精神力如丝似的涌入,可以清晰的看到油汁的热度钻入肌肉之中,可以清晰的看到鸡肉变得凝固。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 Spirit as if reported breath. 器灵仿佛都是禀住了呼吸似的。 „A fault cannot appear.” “一个失误都不能出现。” In God of Cooking menu menu culinary arts, must be perfect, is imperfect, is unable to be selected in God of Cooking menu.” 厨神菜谱菜谱烹饪,必须完美,不完美,都无法入选厨神菜谱。” So long as makes a slight mistake, then means the failure, must by eliminate!” “只要出现一个细微的失误,便是意味着失败,要被抹杀!” ...... …… The spirits sigh with emotion extremely. 器灵们感慨万分。 They as worked, experience have been too many. 他们作为器灵,见识过太多了。 They have not thought at this moment is so early. 他们没有想到这一刻来的这么早。 However, this similarly is they regarding a test of host. 不过,这同样是他们对于宿主的一场考验。 If host can through this test...... 若是宿主能够通过这次考验…… That then can obtain them to approve truly! 那便是能够获得他们真正的认可! They assistance Bu Fang wholeheartedly will also step the road of true God of Cooking. 他们也就会全心全意的辅助步方踏上真正的厨神之路。 As spirits, must put to sincerity, is a very discrete matter. 作为器灵,要付诸真心,也是一件十分谨慎的事。 ...... …… huā lā lā. 哗啦啦 The oil juice spatters in all directions, the drop of golden yellow oil juice from the flesh lump splashes, drop in bowl. 油汁迸溅,金黄的油汁从肉块之上滴溅而下,滴在了碗中。 Has shaken shaking, after the oil juice will draining completely does, Bu Fang is starts to prepare other culinary arts processes. 抖了抖,将其中的油汁全部沥干之后,步方便是开始准备其他的烹饪过程。 Dish culinary arts each step had been memorized by him in the heart. 菜品烹饪的每一个步骤都已经被他熟记在了心中。 The dish in this so-called God of Cooking menu, tasteful precisely with most common ingredient, culinary arts leaves highest cuisines...... 这所谓的厨神菜谱中的菜,讲究的就是用最普通的食材,烹饪出最顶尖的美食…… This regarding the test of Chef is very severe. 这对于厨师的考验是十分严苛的。 Only then perfect seizes each opportunity, can dish culinary arts to perfect. 只有完美的把握住每一个时机,才能够将一道菜烹饪到完美。 Outside restaurant. 餐馆外。 The terrifying fight is continuing. 恐怖的战斗在继续。 After breakthrough should Long Yu advocate peace Hades together to fighting the Black Temple black demon. 突破后的应龙狱主和冥王尔哈一同对战黑殿黑魔。 The noise of fight shocks the four directions. 战斗的喧嚣震撼四方。 Above vault of heaven, under starry sky. 天穹之上,星空之下。 In boundless starry sky battlefield. 无垠的星空战场中。 Several forms, rapid collide, each collide has terrifying energy aura to divulge, all around bombing. 数道身影,飞速的碰撞,每一次碰撞都是有恐怖的能量气息宣泄开来,轰炸四周。 Causes the residual warship that some void floats is disintegrations even more! 引得一些虚空中漂浮的残渣战船都是越发的崩碎! Fighting of Great Saint, incomparable terrifying. 大圣的交手,无比的恐怖。 In restaurant. 餐馆中。 Little Yōu face whiten sitting on chair, the intermittent aching feeling in the body transmitting, makes her brow that is pressed. 小幽脸色苍白的坐在椅子上,身躯中传来的阵阵疼痛感,让她不由的蹙起的眉头。 Little Fox in her bosom, stretches out the tongue, is licking the cheeks of Little Yōu, making her bring the intermittent warm feeling. 小狐在她的怀里,伸出舌头,舔着小幽的脸颊,让她带来阵阵暖意。 The furry tail is stroking on the face of Little Yōu, seems is alleviating Little Yōu ache. 毛茸茸的尾巴在小幽的脸上抚摸着,似乎是在缓解小幽的疼痛似的。 In kitchen. 厨房中。 Bu Fang is with total concentration in culinary arts, his eyeball is stares in a big way, full is the blood threads. 步方则是聚精会神的在烹饪,他的眼珠子都是瞪大,满是血丝。 He does not dare to have slight fault, therefore he must concentrate on. 他不敢有丝毫的失误,所以他必须全神贯注。 If careful looked, can discover Bu Fang is shaking the hand of kitchen knife, in vibration slightly. 如果细心的看,可以发现步方握着菜刀的手,都是在些微的抖动。 Although emphasized oneself must by ordinary heart culinary arts, but to reality...... Bu Fang is hard to caress unemotional trembling. 虽然强调自己要以平常心烹饪,但是到了实际……步方还是难以抚平心中的颤栗。 Incites. 滋滋滋。 In pot, what pours into is the first cup of three cups of chickens, the sesame oil. 锅里,倒入的是三杯鸡的第一杯,香油。 Sesame oil boiling, puts to cut the good scallion segment Hejiang piece. 香油沸腾,放入切好的葱段和姜片。 Stir-fries to start, Bu Fang's spiritual force erupts once again, all as if become in his field of vision very slow...... 煸炒开始,步方的精神力再度爆发,一切似乎都在他的视野中变得十分的缓慢…… After stir-frying the fragrance, Bu Fang will draining to do the oil, escaped the water chicken nugget to put in the pot. 煸炒出了香味之后,步方将沥干了油,脱了水的鸡块放入锅中。 Jolts the pot to stir-fry. 颠锅翻炒。 Jolts the angle of pot, jolts the effort of pot, the speed of stir-frying, has the strict request, any fault...... Will cause the fault of dish. 颠锅的角度,颠锅的力度,翻炒的速度,都是有着严格的要求,任何一个失误……都将导致菜品的失误。 On the forehead, there is a sweat to flow under. 额头上,有汗水流淌而下。 The blood threads in eye as if must give thorough deceiving the eye. 眼睛中的血丝似乎都要将眼睛给彻底的蒙住。 This feeling...... 这种感觉…… Let the Bu Fang whole body is exhausted extremely. 步方浑身都是疲惫万分。 Has stir-fried for almost five minutes, jolts the strike number ten times. 煸炒了差不多五分钟,颠锅数十次。 The color of chicken nugget changed. 鸡块的颜色变了。 But at this time, Bu Fang was pours into three cups of chickens the second cup, the rice wine. 而这个时候,步方便是倒入三杯鸡中第二杯,米酒。 This liquor fluid is ordinary rice wine, presents muddy yellow, but the wine heard, lets Bu Fang thorough unforgettable. 这酒液是普普通通的米酒,呈现浊黄,但是酒香一闻,却是让步方彻底的难忘。 huā lā lā...... 哗啦啦…… The rice wine enters the pot, the entire pot as if must blast out. 米酒入锅,整个锅都仿佛要炸开似的。 In the pot boiling gets up, the sound of chī chī chī resounds through unceasingly. 锅内沸腾起来,嗤嗤嗤之声响彻不绝。 Cooks in a covered vessel pot a while. 焖锅一会儿。 Bu Fang deep breath. 步方深吸了一口气 Lifts the hand, held has put the last cup of seasonings on kitchen stove. 抬起手,抓住了摆在灶台上的最后一杯调味料。 But, the finger touches has moved that cup the time, Bu Fang's body suddenly one stiff, the gearing cannot move...... 可是,手指碰过碰触到那杯子的时候,步方的身躯陡然一僵,连动都是动不了了…… In his eyes, the blood threads expands suddenly, pū chī...... 他的眼眸中,血丝陡然扩张,噗嗤…… In eyes. 眼眸之中。 Red eyes slowly was closed by Bu Fang, corner of the eye...... Has the blood-color teardrops to flow separately, flows off following the cheeks. 通红的眼眸缓缓的被步方闭上,眼角……分别有血色的泪珠流淌而出,顺着脸颊流下。 , Drop on the ground of kitchen. 吧嗒一声,滴在了厨房的地上。 Immortal Flame in kitchen stove, in this moment fierce vibration, flashes on and off erratically, as if momentarily must die out. 灶台中的仙火,也是在这一刻剧烈的抖动起来,明灭不定,仿佛随时要寂灭似的。 Ended!!” “完了!!” Awful, must be defeated...... Small host present cultivation base is too reluctant, initially enters the Divine Sense rank spiritual force, is really insufficient Ah! “糟糕,要失败了……小宿主如今的修为果然还是太勉强,初入神念级别的精神力,果然是不够啊! Failure is eliminate...... The road of God of Cooking really difficultly extremely, small host eventually cannot insist.” “失败便是抹杀……厨神之路果然艰难万分,小宿主终究是未能坚持下去啊。” In Spiritual Sea, spirits in abundance look changes. 精神海中,器灵们纷纷色变。 Induces to the Bu Fang's condition, has sent out the sigh. 感应到步方的状态,都是发出了叹息。 Even if narcissism like Divine Dragon, vividly like Vermillion Bird , sadly like Black Tortoise, proud-lovable such as White Tiger...... Has sent out their sigh. 就算自恋如神龙,活泼如朱雀,沉闷如玄武,傲娇白虎……都是发出了他们的叹息。 Perhaps...... This was they can leave this generation of host final mood. 或许……这便是他们能够留给这一代宿主最后的情绪了。 Yellow Spring Small Shop. 黄泉小店 Sat the Little Yōu as if heart in restaurant has a feeling, whole body stares, turns head to look to the restaurant. 坐在餐馆中的小幽似乎心有所感,整个人都是一愣,扭头看向了餐馆。 Bosom Little Fox has also lifted the head. 怀里的小狐也是抬起了脑袋。 In starry sky battlefield. 星空战场中。 The hiding the sky and covering the earth giant black dog, in eyes as if the dying out starry sky, slantingly looked at a Earth Prison (hell) Yellow Spring Small Shop direction, in the vision as if myriad mood has been pasting. 遮天蔽日的巨大黑犬,眼眸中仿佛寂灭星空,斜看了一眼地狱黄泉小店方向,目光中似乎有万千情绪在流转。 Farmland world. 田园天地。 Above the vault of heaven changed to blood-color. 天穹之上化作了一片血色。 Before Niú Hàn Sān is built on the log cabin dull, facial color is complex. 牛汉三呆呆立于木屋之前,面色复杂。 In kitchen. 厨房中。 The Bu Fang's body vibrated fiercely. 步方的身躯剧烈抖动了起来。 The sweat on forehead, the bloody water of corner of the eye, as if fusion in one. 额头上的汗水,眼角的血水,仿佛融合在了一起似的。 Then, has opened eyes suddenly. 尔后,陡然睁开了眼眸 A pair of blood pupil, has suddenly presently. 一双血眸,陡然具现。
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