GOAW :: Volume #14

#1321: God of Cooking supernatural power bubble 【Second! Asked the monthly ticket!】

Bu Fang from kitchen. 步方从厨房中走了出来。 His that pale complexion gives to have a scare Little Yōu, Little Fox of Little Yōu bosom also had a scare. 他那惨白的脸色把小幽给吓了一跳,还有小幽怀里的小狐也是被吓了一大跳。 Their first time sees Bu Fang's condition dispirited such. 他们第一次见到步方的状态这么的萎靡。 However, even if the complexion is very ugly, Bu Fang displays as before is not having any expression face. 不过,就算脸色很难看,步方依旧是表现着丝毫没有任何表情的脸。 Was placed three cups of god perishing chickens on the dinner table, an ordinary dish, the fragrance was not rich, only had the boundless essence to dissipate. 将三杯神殒鸡摆在了餐桌上,平淡无奇的一道菜,香味并不浓郁,唯有磅礴的精气在逸散。 Is this dish of Bu Fang cooking? 这是步方烹饪的菜? A moment ago, Bu Fang did precisely make this meal in the kitchen? 刚才,步方就是在厨房中做这道菜? Some Little Yōu doubt looked at Bu Fang one, as if some doubts, is Bu Fang is preparing food really? 小幽有些狐疑的看了步方一眼,似乎有些疑惑,步方真的是在做菜么? Why prepared food will make feeling of death? 为什么做菜会做出死亡的感觉? Preparing food...... Is could it be that so dangerous inadequately? 做菜……难道还这么危险不成? Eats, does to you specially.” “吃吧,专门给你做的。” Bu Fang pulled a chair to sit, saw the whole face doubt Little Yōu, suddenly light saying. 步方拉了条椅子坐了下来,看到满脸狐疑的小幽,顿时淡淡的说道。 Does to oneself specially? 专门给自己做的? Little Yōu has blinked the eye, looked at Bu Fang one. 小幽眨巴了一下眼睛,看了步方一眼。 Then has taken up the chopsticks. 尔后拿起了筷子。 ...... …… But saw that Little Yōu prepares to eat the dish, the Bu Fang's spirit is also thorough relaxes. 而看到小幽准备吃菜,步方的精神也是彻底的放松下来。 whole body, sitting of dispirited on chair. 整个人,萎靡的坐在椅子上。 Starts to ponder all that had a moment ago. 开始思考刚才所发生的一切。 That great misfortune calculated on was the biggest disaster that he came across until now, only missed one, must face directly dead. 刚才的那场大劫算的上是他迄今为止遇到的最大的劫难,只差一丝,就要直面死亡了。 But that was also the Bu Fang first distance death is so near. 而那,也是步方第一次距离死亡那么近。 This death crisis, not from invincible expert, does not come from the fearful enemy. 这种死亡危机,不是来自无敌强者,也不是来自可怕敌人。 Instead came from with the most intimate system. 反而是来自和自己最亲密的系统。 Therefore, Bu Fang starts to ponder that since system the origin, the origin of system has let Bu Fang doubts and curiosity. 所以,步方就开始思考系统的来历了,一直以来系统的来历都让步方十分的疑惑和好奇。 Now, Bu Fang discovered that in this netherworld world, as if also had system once host. 如今,步方发现,这个冥墟世界中,似乎还有系统曾经的宿主 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Bu Fang often thinks of this, will feel body ice-cold. 步方每每想到这,都是会感到身躯一阵冰冷。 The system is not friendly stubble, perhaps he will help you move toward peak, if you were defeated, will then be by heartlessly abandonment. 系统并不是什么善茬,或许他会帮助你走向巅峰,但是一旦你失败了,则是会遭受到无情的抛弃。 Perhaps, oneself should correct to the mentality of system. 或许,自己该端正对系统的心态了。 Beforehand Bu Fang, to the system is to have the psychology of dependence, although this psychology is not strong. 以前的步方,对系统都是存在着依赖的心理,虽然这种心理并不强。 However...... At least exists. 但是……至少是存在的。 But now the system in his eyes, seems hoodwinking first level sincere fog. 而如今系统在他的眼中,仿佛蒙着一层厚重的雾似的。 System diligently must train into God of Cooking generations of host...... Why is that this? 系统努力的要把一代代的宿主培养成为厨神……那这又是为什么呢? Bu Fang is also not the fool, the world does not have the white food lunch, has to pay has the repayment. 步方又不是傻子,天下没有白吃的午餐,有付出才有回报。 Beforehand Bu Fang has thought that he earns origin crystal for the system, deep crystal, immortal crystal , but systematic provides the resources to oneself, helping oneself grow, this is the fair exchange of equal value. 以前的步方一直都以为,自己替系统赚取元晶,冥晶,仙晶,而系统给自己提供资源,帮助自己成长,这是公平的等价交换。 However now looks like...... It is not what is all about. 但是现在看来……并不是这么一回事。 Deeply inspires. 深吸一口气。 In the oral cavity is filling a smell of blood. 口腔中弥漫着一股血腥味。 Bu Fang has narrowed the eye. 步方眯了眯眼。 This time, if were not condensed Yin-Yang primal chaos Spiritual Sea, perhaps were also possible such as previous generation host to get rid by the system generally, by system eliminate. 这一次,如果不是自己凝聚了阴阳太极精神海,或许自己也可能如上一代宿主一般被系统抛弃,被系统抹杀 The Yin-Yang primal chaos, the appearance of this thing, has perhaps stemmed from the anticipation of system. 阴阳太极,这玩意的出现,或许出乎了系统的意料。 Therefore snatched the vigorous sign of life to oneself. 所以才给自己抢得了一片生机。 That issue came. 那问题就来了。 Yin-Yang primal chaos...... This came from , but previous world world, could it be that previous world...... What connection also has to be inadequate with the system? 阴阳太极……这来自的可是自己前世的世界啊,难道前世……和系统还有什么瓜葛不成? Narrows the eyes to focus, the Bu Fang dependence on chair, was lost in thought. 眯着眼,步方依靠在椅子上,陷入了沉思。 But distant place. 而远处。 Little Yōu grabs the chopsticks, has picked chickens in three cups of chicken. 小幽则是抓着筷子,夹起了一块三杯鸡中的鸡肉。 Three cups of god perishing chickens, this is a dish in God of Cooking menu. 三杯神殒鸡,这是厨神菜谱中的一道菜。 Is leading Jiang Wei, garlic taste, a as if ordinary dish. 带着姜味,蒜味,仿佛普普通通的一道菜。 Hears aroma, in the dish status with God of Cooking menu is very incompatible. 香气,跟厨神菜谱中的菜品身份很不符。 However, exactly this dish, actually nearly wanted the Bu Fang's life. 但是,正是这一道菜,却是险些要了步方的性命。 Little Yōu looks at this presents the brown red chicken nugget, has opened the pale lip, squeezes in the chicken the mouth. 小幽看着这呈现褐红色的鸡块,张开了苍白的嘴唇,将鸡肉塞入口中。 The tooth linking, first bursts out in the oral cavity, is an oil juice flavor. 牙齿咬合而下,首先在口腔中迸发而出的,是一种油汁的味道。 The chicken oil used juice has exploded first, making moisture content be separated, in putting in the pot stir-fries, such chicken is fragrant, is flooding the elasticity. 鸡肉先用油汁炸过,使得其中的水分都是脱离,在放入锅中翻炒,这样的鸡肉喷香无比,充斥着弹性。 Bites, seems rubbing tooth, lets Little Yōu at present is one bright. 一口咬下,仿佛在摩擦着牙齿似的,让小幽眼前都是不由的一亮。 Moreover, what is most important is. 而且,最重要的是。 Has bitten open the flesh lump. 咬开了肉块。 rich fragrance of meat, mellowly to Little Yōu whole body is thorough wrap up. 浓郁的肉香,醇厚到将小幽整个人都是彻底的包裹在其中。 She even including pondering the ability did not have, only remaining to the affection of this dish. 她甚至连思考的能力都没有了,只剩下了对这道菜的喜爱。 Unceasing outstretch chopsticks, pick chopsticks, unconscious finished eating the lining dish. 不断的伸出筷子,夹起筷子,不知不觉的将整道菜都是吃完了。 The boundless essence emerged in her body. 磅礴的精气涌入了她的身躯之中。 The Little Yōu pale complexion, flash is to become red, even the red tender and beautiful desire drops. 小幽原本苍白的脸色,一瞬间便是变得通红,甚至红的娇艳欲滴。 Psst...... 吱吱…… Little Fox squats in one side, somewhat suffering from injustice looks that Little Yōu finished eating the lining dish. 小狐蹲在一边,有些委屈的看着小幽将整道菜都是吃完。 Although the fragrance of this dish is not rich, but Little Fox felt that an unusual feeling, that is the hope. 虽然这道菜的香味并不浓郁,但是小狐还是感觉到了一股奇特的感觉,那是渴望。 Right, precisely one type lets person the hope that is hard to reject. 没错,就是一种让人难以拒绝的渴望。 Facing this hope. 面对这渴望。 Little Fox special wants to eat. 小狐特别的想吃。 However, Little Yōu...... Actually was the one breath completely finished eating. 然而,小幽……却是一口气全部吃完了。 This makes Little Fox very suffering from injustice. 这让小狐很委屈。 Little Yōu looked at Little Fox, looked at fancy blue patterned porcelain bowl, in the eye revealed the inconceivable color. 小幽看了一眼小狐,又看了一眼青花瓷碗,眼中流露出了不可思议之色。 This dish...... As if has special charm! 这道菜……仿佛有特殊的魔力似的! Simply inconceivable! 简直不可思议! Is this dish that Bu Fang makes? 这是步方做出的菜么? Completely to be how different from the beforehand dish, completely is not a scale. 怎么和之前的菜完全不同了,完全不是一个档次。 The beforehand dish, the fragrance flutters ten li (0.5km), the color fragrance is complete. 以前的菜,香飘十里,色香味俱全。 However this dish, the fragrance only has tasted personally the talented person to know. 但是这道菜,香味唯有亲自品尝过的人才能够知道。 Looked at one, the distant place sits in Bu Fang that on the chair ponders, in Little Yōu eyes as if there is flowing light to past. 看了一眼,远处坐在椅子上沉思的步方,小幽眼眸中似乎都是有流光在流转。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Suddenly. 忽然。 Above Little Yōu body. 小幽的身躯之上。 As if there is strange fluctuation to proliferate. 仿佛有奇异的波动扩散开来似的。 Quick, her greyish-green hair is then vanishing at the naked eye obvious speed. 很快,她那灰绿色的发丝便是以肉眼可见的速度在消失。 Finally, thorough changed to the pitch-black color, pitch-black sharp, once again restored the beforehand that luster. 最后,彻底的化作了乌黑之色,乌黑亮丽,又一次恢复了以前的那种色泽。 And...... 而且…… hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The body of Little Yōu, aura starts vigorous increasing. 小幽的身上,气息开始雄浑的攀升。 This increasing, if makes other people see that must be shocked absolutely. 这种攀升,如果让其他人看到,绝对是要惊呆了。 Because Little Yōu just had drunk Top Grade Yellow Springs Helplessness Wine couple days ago, has promoted cultivation base. 因为小幽前几天才刚刚喝了极品黄泉奈何酒,提升了修为 But now...... 可是如今…… Has eaten one with the dish of extremely ordinary ingredient cooking, unexpectedly then starts breakthrough. 只是吃了一盘用极度普通的食材烹饪的菜品,居然便是开始突破了。 Bang Bang Bang!! 砰砰砰! As if chain explosion. 仿佛连环爆炸似的。 Little Yōu aura unceasing increasing. 小幽身上的气息不断的攀升。 From second stage of Lesser Saint, easily accomplished impact nine revolutions of Lesser Saint degrees! 二转小圣,一路摧枯拉朽的冲击到了九转小圣的程度! A dish, instant to peak...... 一道菜,一念之间到巅峰…… Even if distant place ponder Bu Fang is startled. 就算是远处沉思的步方都是被惊起。 Looked at come fiercely. 猛地看了过来 Then is discovered cultivation base that Little Yōu that increases rapidly. 便是发现小幽那飞速攀升的修为 This nine revolutions of Lesser Saint? 这就九转小圣了? Bu Fang stayed. 步方呆了呆。 A face compels ignorant. 一脸懵逼。 „Not right...... Possibly is not the reason of dish!” “不对……不可能是菜的原因!” Bu Fang deep frowning. 步方深深的皱起了眉头。 Although three cups of god perishing chickens are good, could strengthen Little Yōu cultivation base. 三杯神殒鸡虽然不错,或许能够增强小幽修为 However...... Is absolutely impossible to let Little Yōu in flash, is breakthrough that many. 但是……绝对不可能让小幽在一瞬间,便是突破那么多。 The average men practice for several hundred years to be able from second stage of Lesser Saint to nine revolutions of Lesser Saint. 常人修行数百年才能从二转小圣到九转小圣 If a dish can achieve, that also went against heaven's will. 一道菜若是能够做到,那也太逆天了。 Perhaps in God of Cooking menu top dish can achieve, but these three cups of god perishing chickens cannot achieve absolutely. 或许厨神菜谱中顶尖的菜品能够做到,不过这三杯神殒鸡绝对做不到的吧。 In the Bu Fang heart moves, lifts the hand, in the finger the formation circulation, covered up eyes. 步方心中一动,抬起手,手指之中阵法流转,遮掩住了眼眸 Then, in Bu Fang's eyes. 尔后,在步方的眼眸中。 Then can see, twines in the Little Yōu snake of curse, starts to go toward within the body spread of Little Yōu. 便是可以看到,缠绕在小幽身上的诅咒之蛇,开始往小幽的体内蔓延而去。 Three cups of god perishing chickens as if melted the strength of snake of curse, making it seep into to Little Yōu within the body, strengthened the Little Yōu strength. 三杯神殒鸡仿佛是将诅咒之蛇的力量融化了,使其渗透入到小幽的体内,增强了小幽的力量。 Made Little Yōu be only the flash has then been nine revolutions of Lesser Saint levels. 使得小幽只是一瞬间便是达到了九转小圣的层次。 Moreover, this as if is also not the result. 而且,这似乎还不是结局。 The snake of curse integrates Little Yōu within the body, in its dantian, just like must change to a microcosm. 诅咒之蛇融入小幽体内,在其丹田内,宛若要化作一番小世界。 Naturally, this microcosm wants to take shape has not known how long needs. 当然,这小世界想要成型还不知道需要多久。 Bu Fang has taken back the vision, the brow even more tight wrinkle. 步方收回了目光,眉头越发的紧皱。 The snake and the Little Yōu thorough fusion curse, does not know that this to Little Yōu is the good deed or the misdemeanor. 诅咒之蛇和小幽彻底的融合,不知道这对小幽而言是好事还是坏事。 Buzz...... 嗡…… After Little Yōu finished eating three cups of god perishing chickens. 小幽吃完了三杯神殒鸡后。 In Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea resounded through the sound of system. 步方的精神海中响彻起了系统的声音。 My host, congratulations completes special Reward mission, now starts to provide Quest Reward......” 恭喜宿主完成特殊奖励任务,现在开始发放任务奖励……” Quest Reward? 任务奖励 Bu Fang eyes suddenly one bright. 步方眼眸顿时一亮。 Regarding this is almost mission of a narrow escape, Bu Fang to this Quest Reward is anticipation. 对于这个几乎是九死一生的任务,步方对这任务奖励可是十分的期待啊。 Quest Reward: God of Cooking set's fragment, a God of Cooking menu book, God of Cooking supernatural power bubble three drops.” 任务奖励:厨神套装碎片一枚,厨神菜谱一本,厨神神力液滴三滴。” System serious and earnest words sound penetrating in the Bu Fang's mind. 系统严肃而认真的话语声响彻在步方的脑海中。 God of Cooking set's fragment? 厨神套装碎片么? Bu Fang has narrowed the eye. 步方眯了眯眼。 This mission unexpectedly extra can earn God of Cooking set's fragment. 这次任务居然额外的能够赚取一枚厨神套装碎片 He also four God of Cooking set, in Spiritual Sea have four to work now. 他如今又四个厨神套装,精神海中也有了四个器灵。 Regarding last God of Cooking set he also very curious. 对于最后一个厨神套装他也是十分的好奇。 However, distance exchange last God of Cooking set is somewhat difficult. 不过,距离兑换最后一件厨神套装还是有些困难。 Mainly his present God of Cooking set's fragment collected two, but wants to exchange last God of Cooking set, probably needs five according to the Bu Fang's calculation. 主要他现在的厨神套装碎片才收集了两枚,而想要兑换最后一件厨神套装,按照步方的推算可能需要五枚。 That also precisely said that he also needs to complete three times mission. 那也就是说,他还需要完成三次任务才可以。 Therefore must collect good fragment, has not known how long wants. 所以要收集好碎片,还不知道要多久呢。 As for that God of Cooking menu...... 至于那厨神菜谱…… Should precisely present that golden books in Spiritual Sea. 应该就是出现在精神海中的那本金色书籍了吧。 What is that God of Cooking supernatural power waterdrop? 厨神神力水滴又是什么? This last mission Reward, is makes Bu Fang thorough ignorant compel. 这最后一个任务奖励,却是让步方彻底的懵逼。 Sounds probably is a very good thing. 听起来好像是个很不错的东西。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea. 步方的精神海 Being shocked of four great talent clever bottoms. 四大器灵彻底的惊呆了。 Always steady Black Tortoise, stares in a big way the eye, as if some were incredible. 就连一向稳重的玄武,都是瞪大了眼,似乎有些不可置信。 White Tiger is narrows the eyes to focus, somewhat envies and hope is looking at that float three drops of bubbles above books. 白虎更是眯着眼,有些羡慕和渴望的望着那悬浮在书籍之上的三滴液滴。 The prestige energy that in that bubble spreads, making four great talent almost probably crawl spirit in the place. 那液滴之中扩散出来的威能,让四大器灵几乎要匍匐在地。 My Nicolas Shuai hasn't Dragon, misread? That is really...... That thing?” “我尼古拉斯・帅龙,没有看错吧?那真的是……那玩意么?” Small can host such quickly move this thing?” “小宿主这么快就能碰触到这玩意了?” Perhaps the compensation of this precisely this God of Cooking dish cooking...... After all was impossible to complete by the small host strength, since has completed impossible mission, naturally will obtain impossible Reward!” “或许这就是这次厨神菜品烹饪的补偿吧……毕竟以小宿主的实力本不可能完成的,既然完成了不可能的任务,自然就会获得不可能的奖励!” The spirits are exchanging. 器灵们互相交流着。 But along with reappearing of this supernatural power bubble, they quietly is also having the change to the Bu Fang's mood. 而随着这神力液滴的浮现,他们对步方的情绪也是悄然发生着变化。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 Bu Fang's figure appears. 步方的身形浮现而出。 Four great talent spirit vision simultaneously fell on Bu Fang's. 四大器灵的目光都是同时落在了步方的身上。 Unexpectedly is rare reappeared some awes. 居然是罕见的浮现了些许的敬畏。 This vision, was not completely possible before. 这目光,在以前是完全不可能出现的。 This indicated that the spirits started true approval Bu Fang. 这说明,器灵们已经开始真正的认可步方了。 Naturally, what Bu Fang is more curious is, this float three drops of supernatural power bubbles above God of Cooking menu. 当然,步方更好奇的还是,这悬浮在厨神菜谱之上的三滴神力液滴。 Looks from the spirits to the awe and hope of this bubble, this bubble...... As if not very ordinary. 从器灵们看向这液滴的敬畏和渴望来说,这液滴……似乎很不一般啊。 In Spiritual Sea, the spirits look to the Bu Fang's vision awe and strange. 精神海中,器灵们看向步方的目光敬畏而又奇异。 Divine Sense phantom sits cross-legged in the Spiritual Sea whirlpool center, this Yin-Yang two-pole Spiritual Sea sends out Principle aura unexpectedly. 神念虚影盘坐在精神海旋涡的中心,这阴阳两极精神海居然散发出来法则气息 Even if previous generation host...... 就算是上一代宿主…… Also cannot multiply in own Spiritual Sea, even if Principle aura. 也未能在自己的精神海中滋生出哪怕是一丝的法则气息 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Explained the small host potential! 说明了小宿主的潜力! As God of Cooking set, they naturally are the masters who wants to select the potential. 身为厨神套装,他们自然是想要择有潜力的主人。 But Bu Fang, as if exactly meets condition. 步方,似乎恰恰符合条件。 ...... …… Bang Bang Bang! 轰轰轰! Outside restaurant. 餐馆外。 The fight was still in progress. 战斗仍旧在进行。 Terrifying fight fluctuation swept across all Tian, causes the entire world in boiling, was making noise. 恐怖的战斗波动席卷诸天,引起整个天地都是在沸腾,在喧嚣。 The billowing mist and dust fills the air. 滚滚的烟尘弥漫。 This is fighting of Great Saint rank. 这是大圣级别的交手。 Has not escaped into starry sky battlefield Great Saint expert to fight, once fights, fluctuation that initiates, sufficiently a Destruction Fangcheng pond. 未曾遁入星空战场的大圣强者交手,一旦交手,所引发的波动,足以毁灭一方城池。 The mist and dust covers. 烟尘笼罩中。 The underground spring shop looks like in a small boat that in the desert floats. 黄泉小店就像是在瀚海中漂浮的一艘小舟。 Just like momentarily must by destruction. 宛若随时要被覆灭似的。 Bang!! 轰! Cuts together black light. 一道黑光斩下。 Advocates peace Hades to be rumbled to fly on Dragon Yu, falls to the ground fiercely, thoroughly stepped on the ground hollow. 应龙狱主和冥王尔哈皆是被轰飞,猛地落地,将地面踩踏的彻底的凹陷了下去。 Chap trace, unceasing densely covered...... 龟裂纹路,不断的密布…… On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 Black demon of wrap up in black fog, terrifying aura is shocking. 包裹在黑雾中的黑魔,恐怖的气息震天。 He already suppression curse strength, can therefore leap make a move. 他已经镇压下了诅咒的力量,所以可以腾出手来。 After all he has nine revolutions of Great Saint cultivation base, copes with Hades and is not but actually difficult on Dragon Yuzhu. 毕竟他有着九转大圣修为,对付冥王尔哈和应龙狱主倒也不难。 You...... seeking death!!” “你们……找死!!” „The woman carries the source of curse, that is extinguishes the world energy! You harbor this person...... Wants this era also thorough disappearing?!” “那女人身负诅咒之源,那是灭世的能量!你们包庇这种人……是想要这个纪元也彻底的泯灭么?!” In the sound of black demon is flooding the depressing terror. 黑魔的声音中充斥着压抑的恐怖。 Bah...... Shut up, gives up any idea of the shift topic, this King precisely must beat your this clown to compel today!” “呸……闭嘴,休想转移话题,本王今天就是要打烂你这丑逼!” Hades is grasping the Hades halberd, the back scarlet cloak sways in the wind drags. 冥王尔哈握着冥王戟,背后的大红披风在风中吹拂摇曳。 Is leaning on the void eye scepter on Dragon Yuzhu, has lifted the view lightly. 应龙狱主拄着虚空之眼权杖,淡淡的抬起了眼帘。 Old man...... Only takes revenge to come for Sir Tian Cang.” “老夫……只为天藏大人复仇而来。” Lunatic...... both of you lunatic...... Such being the case, I butchered you, again that succuba thorough eliminate of!!!” “疯子……你们两个疯子……既然如此,我就宰了你们,再将那魔女彻底的抹杀!!!” Black demon coldly start to talk. 黑魔冷冷的开口。 The demon air/Qi gathering of everywhere, changed to one ice-cold, but pitch-black dagger. 漫天的魔气汇聚,化作了一把冰冷而漆黑的匕首。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Black demon that and the others confronted stare, turn head to look to the distant place. 正在对峙的黑魔等人都是一愣,扭头看向远处。 That such as in desert in small boat underground spring shop. 那如瀚海中扁舟似的黄泉小店中。 The clear sound of footsteps resounds through. 清晰的脚步声响彻而起。 Together thin and slender form slowly walked. 一道消瘦而修长的身影缓缓的从中走了出来。 Bu Fang looks pale, does not have the scarlet. 步方面色苍白,毫无血色。 Stands in front of restaurant. 站在餐馆门前。 Gained ground, looks to that black demon of distant place. 抬起头,看向了远处的那黑魔。 The next quarter, Bu Fang has lifted the hand. 下一刻,步方抬起了手。 In Spiritual Sea. 精神海中。 A drop of golden supernatural power bubble, then under the Bu Fang's control, starts evaporation slowly...... 一滴金色的神力液滴,便是在步方的操控下,开始缓缓的蒸发…… You said...... Whom do you want to kill?” “你说……你要杀谁?” Bu Fang stands before the restaurant, looks at the black demon of distant place, light start to talk. 步方站在餐馆之前,看着远处的黑魔,淡淡的开口。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 In Bu Fang's Spiritual Sea. 步方的精神海中。 Spirits, when feels a drop of golden bubble to start to evaporate. 器灵们在感受到一滴金色液滴开始蒸发的时候。 Is inconceivable has held down cheeks! 都是不可思议的按住了脸颊! „Is small host this is doing?! This is in violent tie gifts of heaven Ah!!” “小宿主这是在干什么?!这是在暴餮天物啊!!” Kills the chicken...... With oxen knife?!” “杀鸡……用牛刀?!”
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