GFS :: Volume #10

#926: Mouthwatering Chicken

Here evaluation team already started to embark, Yuan Zhou received system cheered, but who system has not told his today's suggestion person is. 这边评选团队已经开始出发了,袁州才接到系统的加油鼓励,不过系统并没有告诉他今天的建议人是谁。 Naturally, Yuan Zhou regarding this is not to care, after all his present strength deals with this competition sufficiently, this he does not doubt. 当然,袁州对于这个是不在意的,毕竟他现在的实力足以应付这个比赛,这点他毫不怀疑。 Compass, how no one does also ask me to work as the suggestion person today?” Wu Hai digs up in the entrance, probably the shiba inu crops up same asking. 圆规,怎么今天还没人叫我去当建议人?”乌海扒在门口,好像柴犬冒头一样的问道。 Because will probably possibly come to my shop today.” Yuan Zhou was saying the sentence of question, the tone actually affirms. “因为今天大概可能会来我店里。”袁州说着疑问的句子,语气却是肯定的。 Today comes? That will definitely lead away many people, is not good I to line up ahead of time, this can surround.” Wu Hai is straight immediately the body, about looks around. “今天就来?那是肯定会引开很多人,不行我得提前排队,这样才能围观一下。”乌海立刻直起身子,左右张望起来。 Also has one hour from the lunch.” Yuan Zhou said speechless directly. “距离午餐还有一个小时。”袁州无语直接说道。 Only had one hour? Should line up.” The nod that Wu Hai pretends to be serious, then really stands there lines up. “只有一个小时了?应该排队了。”乌海煞有介事的点头,然后就真的站在那里排起队来。 Also is really positive.” Yuan Zhou felt oneself cannot keep up with the thought of painter, then also started to prepare the material. “还真是积极。”袁州感觉自己是跟不上画家的思维了,然后也开始准备起材料来。 At noon today is to complete mission, for a long time has not completed to advocate Main Mission to obtain to reward, has the achieving immediate success symbol addition of granny let alone, exerts its utmost. 今天中午是要完成任务的,好久没有完成主线任务获得奖励了,更何况还有老婆婆的马到成功符加成,势在必得。 Is this/should prepares earlier. 是该早点准备。 Then, Yuan Zhou and Wu Hai prepares in the shop, stands outside the shop starts to line up, pouring is very harmonious, the evaluation group arrives at the Yuan Zhou small shop entrance time sees is such a scene. 就这样,袁州乌海一个在店里准备,一个站在店外开始排队,倒还挺和谐的,评选组来到袁州小店门口的时候看到的就是这样一个景象。 Such already some people?” reckless more looks at Wu Hai, is somewhat surprised. “这么早就有人了?”胡越看着乌海,有些惊讶。 Here the person are daily many.” Li Yan natural saying. “这里天天人都多。”李研一理所当然的说道。 Perhaps is because the shop is small.” About Zhang Yan looked, then said: Has not thought the expansion, was too a little small.” “恐怕是因为店小。”张焱左右看了看,然后道:“没想过扩张,有点太小了。” Because the shop is small, therefore other shops have the existing space.” A Li Yan again venomous tongue: Expands again, it is estimated that in less than several days, your association entrance, pair of Sichuan Cuisine Chef will jointly state insanely this shop.” “因为店小,所以其他的店才有生存空间。”李研一再次毒舌:“再扩大,估计用不了几天,你协会门口,就会有一对川菜厨师联合申述疯了这家店。” A Li Yan brain hole is really big, should write the novel. 李研一的脑洞真不小,应该去写小说。 Zhang Yan nods, does not want to quarrel in front of the lens, the key is he, although does not like the talent party, but as the Sichuan Cuisine association president, has fierce Sichuan Cuisine Chef, on his face adds lustre. 张焱点头,也不想在镜头前吵,关键就是他虽说不喜欢天赋党,但作为川菜联会会长,有厉害的川菜厨师,他脸上是增光的。 What he does not like only Zhou Shijie, is very pure. 他不喜欢的只是周世杰而已,很单纯。 Yes, ate knew.” reckless more mediates to say. “是的,吃了就知道了。”胡越打圆场道。 This shop has not eaten me also to hit the ten points.” At this time Zhou Shijie smilingly opened the mouth. “这家店就是没吃我也能打十分。”这时候周世杰笑眯眯的开口了。 „The although Yuan brat rule is wonderful, the facial paralysis face does not ask for happily, but the thing flavor does not have the issue.” Li Yan one first complained, then gave the score of perfect score directly. 虽然小子规则奇多,面瘫脸也不讨喜,但东西味道十分还是没问题的。”李研一先是抱怨了一通,然后直接给出了满分的分数。 Biased.” Zhang Yan said very much earnestly: We are the judges, cannot, because favors with some shop familiar, otherwise the activity of model shop also has what significance.” “偏颇。”张焱很认真的说:“我们是评委,不能因为和某个店熟悉就偏袒,不然示范店的活动还有什么意义。” Li Yan one and Zhou Shijie ate from the beginning has not eaten says one person, how did this also make others play? 李研一和周世杰一开始吃都没吃都说一人十分,这还让别人怎么玩? Knows that this shop is the association president you recommends, but does not use the bias is so obvious.” reckless more is very speechless. “知道这店是会长你推荐的,但也不用偏心的这么明显吧。”胡越心里很是无语。 One side constructing congressmen are very helpless. 就连一旁的建议员都很是无奈。 Come constructing congressman one is Zhao Xin of Shu building, as for the reason is because they know that the Shu building and Yuan Zhou small shop already has exchanged in private, like this has exchanged the shop finds the person to come to see again whether to propose other opinions, this is also very interesting, but this evaluates the idea of group. 来的建议员一个是蜀楼的赵信,至于原因就是因为他们知道蜀楼和袁州小店已经私下交流过,这样交流过的店再次找人来看看能否提出其他的意见,这样也挺有意思的,而这就是评选组的想法。 President Zhou really eccentric, I must eat well, offers an opinion well.” Zhao Xinxin is indignant, a road arrives at the black child. “周会长真偏心,我一定要好好吃,好好提意见。”赵信心里愤愤,一条路走到黑的孩子。 Another from the Sichuan Cuisine hall of magazine election, this is also old shop Sichuan Cuisine, come naturally is also two kitchen horse city. 另一个则是来自于杂志推选的川菜馆,这也是一家老字号川菜,来的自然也是二厨马城。 Originally he is vigilant regarding Yuan Zhou small shop or the psychology, after all Yuan Zhou was too famous in the Sichuan province, the age is also blue, but listened to Zhou Shijie and a Li Yan such saying he instantaneously is worse to the Yuan Zhou's image. 本来他对于袁州小店还是心理警惕的,毕竟袁州在川省实在太有名了,年纪又青,但听周世杰和李研一这么一说他心里瞬间对袁州的形象差了很多。 What this sounds like Yuan Zhou to walk is the back door is ordinary, like this is very unfair to other shops. 这听起来就像袁州走的是后门一般,这样对其他店就很不公平了。 Also without eating on ten points? Too was rather exaggerating.” horse city whispered, after all their shop also ran. “还没吃就十分?未免太夸张了。”马城心里嘀咕,毕竟他们店也是参选了的。 Lifts the person of camera then to look with the racket to the flat head male, is surprised, is about is asking the meaning that needs to trim off. 跟拍举着摄像机的人回头看向平头男,一脸惊讶,大约是问需不需要剪掉的意思。 How did this association president speak?” The flat head male of back door overall plan somewhat were anxious, this saying also said was too full, doing their program has probably the behind-the-scenes plotting to be the same. “这会长怎么这么说话?”后门统筹的平头男都有些急了,这话也说的太满了,搞得他们节目好像有黑幕一样。 All right, having the burst point is good.” Has followed from yesterday to present director Gu actually tone light saying. “没事,有爆点好。”从昨天一直跟到现在的顾总监倒是语气淡淡的说道。 Does not cut, earnest racket.” The flat head male nods immediately. “不剪,认真拍。”平头男立刻点头。 Was biased eats knows, lined up quickly, otherwise one will not be one's turn, right, everyone brought the ID card.” A point that Zhou Shijie smiles does not care about everyone to his question, instead reminded everyone here to line up to need the ID card. “偏颇不偏颇吃了就知道,快去排队,不然一会轮不到,对了,大伙带了身份证吧。”周世杰笑眯眯的一点不在意大家对他的质疑,反而提醒大家这里排队需要身份证。 This approach, is really has 100% confidence to Yuan Zhou, this old man, really very Yuan Zhou, did not fear that affects the reputation of association president. 这做法,真的是对袁州有百分之百的信心,这老头,真的挺袁州,也不怕影响自己会长的声誉。 Arranges in some time already two people who they spoke at Wu Hai behind, came up the basic first batch the person in shop to be similar by their six people. 就在他们说话的功夫已经有两人排在乌海的后面了,是以他们六人一上去基本第一批进店的人就差不多了。 But at this time the person who the photography following nearby continuously, must certainly have the lining up committee member goes on stage to negotiate with the flat head male. 而拍摄的一直跟着边上,当然这时候少不了排队委员的人上场和平头男交涉。 What they negotiated was about cannot affect the diner to dine this, about this, both sides reached an agreement fortunately quickly. 他们交涉的是关于不能影响食客用餐这点,还好关于这点,双方很快就达成了一致。 Racket the sound is as far as possible small, but the people of lining up committee are responsible for keeping the order, does not make one disturb, then flat head male is wishes for earnestly, this was also short of many mental efforts. 拍的时候尽量动静小,而排队委员会的人则负责维持秩序,不让人打扰,这下平头男是求之不得的,这还少了许多的心力。 Asked the first 12 diners to pass through the gate to dine.” With the Zhou Jia sound, the first 12 people flooded into Yuan Zhou small shop all of a sudden. “请前十二位食客进门用餐。”随着周佳的声音,前十二人一下子就涌入了袁州小店 Evaluated six people of group to be taken into the shop directly. 就连评选组的六人都被直接带进了店里。 These people also are really the enthusiasms.” reckless more stands firm in the shop, managed slightly managed suit, looked around to look, the repair was refined, does not have, because the shop was small and crude. “这些人还真是热情。”胡越在店里站定,稍微理了理西装,四处看了看,装修雅致,没有因为店小而简陋。 Truly.” Zhang Yan nods, has the experience food market aunt to snatch the vegetable/dish the crowded feeling. “确实。”张焱点了点头,有种经历菜市场大妈抢菜的拥挤感。 Came several times on be used.” A Li Yan hair chaotic, motionless such as sitting down of wind had not said. “多来几次就习惯了。”李研一头发都没乱,不动如风的坐下说道。 Right.” Zhou Shijie also nods, naturally he was also used to it very much, sat down to say. “对对对。”周世杰也点头,当然他也很是习惯了,也是坐下说的。 Other four people observed the situation, sat down. 其余四人环视了一圈,也就坐下了。 Six are good at noon.” Yuan Zhou goes forward to call. “六位中午好。”袁州上前招呼。 The evaluation group six people of sitting positions are the diner let specially, to the kitchen arc long table position, but Yuan Zhou stands in kitchen now, their opposite. 评选组六人坐的位置是食客特意让出来的,正对厨房的弧形长桌位置,而袁州现在就站在厨房里,他们的对面。 Small Boss Yuan carries three dishes that you prepare quickly.” Zhou Shijie first opens the mouth. “小袁老板快端上你准备的三道菜吧。”周世杰首先开口。 If today's was not delicious you not to open a shop.” Li Yan one by one such as formerly does not have the word of praise, unkind saying. “要是今天的不好吃你就别开店了。”李研一一如既往的没有好话,刻薄的说道。 Like this absolutely did not have in the outside boasts Yuan Zhou's appearance. 这样子完全没有了在外面夸袁州的样子。 Please relax, will not have the issue.” Yuan Zhou earnest nod. “请放心,不会有问题的。”袁州认真的点头。 That starts.” Zhang Yan carefully looked at Yuan Zhou, then said directly. “那就开始吧。”张焱仔细的看了看袁州,然后直接道。 Troubled Boss Yuan.” reckless politer saying. “麻烦袁老板了。”胡越客气的说道。 Was troublesome.” horse city and Zhao Xin saying with one voice. “麻烦了。”马城和赵信异口同声的说道。 But Yuan Zhou nods, then said: Good, several please wait a bit.” 袁州点了点头,然后道:“好的,几位请稍等。” Zhao Xin fronts the foot to walk intentionally, wish makes Yuan Zhou notice him, finally still the Yuan Zhou vision swept one on the past, Zhao Xincha selected the air/Qi to cry, good said like this was a little exaggerating. 赵信故意垫着脚走路,想要让袁州注意到他,结果仍旧袁州目光扫一眼就过去了,赵信差点气哭了,好吧这样说有点夸张。 Yes, the Yuan Zhou truly not surprised Zhao Xin appearance, whom should say to him to be presently same. 是的,袁州确实不惊讶赵信的出现,应该说出现谁对他来说都一样。 What first wants on is Yu-Style Sichuan Cuisine representative, the cold dish: Mouthwatering Chicken.” Yuan Zhou said that then turned around to prepare food. “首先要上的是渝派川菜代表,凉菜:口水鸡。”袁州介绍了一句,然后转身做菜去了。 Mouthwatering Chicken? Does Chongqing send the approach? This was also too risky.” reckless more shakes the head. 口水鸡?还是渝派做法?这也太冒险了。”胡越心里摇头。 Is knows, Rong-Style Sichuan Cuisine that his will not prepare food is most traditional, but it by the hot achievement main taste, does not suit most people's sense of taste like Kung Pao chicken generally. 就是他一个不会做菜的都知道,蓉派川菜最为传统,但它并不以麻辣作为主味,就像宫保鸡丁一般适合大多数人的味觉。 But Chongqing sent to be different, the mountain city that side initiated, the Chongqing Faction was fastidious about the losing sense of taste of hemp, spicy carefree, was most Sichuan province people cannot eat is so spicy, how this also promoted. 而渝派就不同了,山城那边发起,渝派讲究麻的失去味觉,辣的畅快,就是大多数的川省人都吃不了那么辣了,这还如何推广。 „, I was a little worried about my chrysanthemum.” reckless more thinks. “啧,我都有点担心我的菊花了。”胡越心里想到。
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