GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5296: Has the thoughts respectively!

This sudden accident is also lets opposite immortal and exalted lord has not thought. 这突如其来的变故也是让对面的仙人和主上都没有想到。 Especially exalted lord, what because Cheng Yu they hit with 12 immortals is the intense time. 尤其是主上这边,因为程宇他们本身与十二位仙人打的正是激烈的时候。 He has not thought that Cheng Yu will emit lots of demon clan soldiers to come out suddenly, moreover these demon clan soldiers come toward his behind channel. 他万万没有想到程宇会突然放出大量的魔族战士出来,而且这些魔族战士正是朝着他身后的通道而来的。 Sees this situation, he arranged a barrier immediately, resists these demon clan soldiers outside. 见此情形,他立即布置了一道屏障,将这些魔族战士抵挡在外。 However the barriers of his barriers and compared with beforehand these immortals, but is not powerful. 不过他的屏障与之前那些仙人的屏障相比,可就没有那么强大了。 Cheng Yu to break this channel, these was also ready for any sacrifice time, put completely the remaining more than 18,000 demon clan soldiers. 程宇为了打破这通道,这一次也是豁出去了,把剩下的一万八千多个魔族战士全部都放出来了。 Although the demon clan soldiers are important, but he knows that the channel is more important. 魔族战士虽然重要,可是他知道通道更为重要。 In such crucial time, if can ruin the channel, even if more than 18,000 demon clan soldiers sacrificed completely, that is also worth. 在这样关键的时刻,如果能够毁掉通道,哪怕这一万八千多个魔族战士全部牺牲了,那也是值得的。 The demon clan soldiers who therefore now exalted lord faces are more than nine times of numbers to come the beforehand 2000 demon clan soldiers. 因此现在主上所面对的魔族战士本身就比之前的两千魔族战士多出九倍之数来。 But his strength is far less than these immortals, therefore under the impacts of so many demon clan soldiers, he had felt obviously own barrier becomes extremely unstable, as if there is broken risk anytime. 而他的实力又远不如那些仙人,所以在这么多的魔族战士的冲击下,他已经明显感觉到自己的屏障变得极为不稳定,似乎随时都有被破开的风险。 But he leads to the Immortal World channel behind. 可是他身后就是通往仙界的通道。 However regarding Royal Court and him, this and is only a channel is not so only simple, concerns the Royal Court life and death. 但是对于王朝和他来说,这并不仅仅只是一条通道那么简单,更是关乎王朝的生死。 If his defense were broken through, then this channel definitely could not preserve. 如果他的防御被攻破了,那么这条通道肯定是保不住了。 Without this channel, he then not possible to Immortal World request reinforcements. 没有了这条通道,他便再也不可能向仙界请求援军了。 Now he also experiences to the Cheng Yu's terrifying strength, without coming from the Immortal World reinforcements, then he and Royal Court possibly fights Cheng Yu? 现在他也见识到程宇的恐怖实力了,如果没有来自仙界的援军,那么他和王朝又怎么可能斗的过程宇呢? Therefore at this moment, even if difficult, he does not dare to have slight relaxation, in addition whole-heartedly holds the barrier, only hopes that can resist these demon clan soldiers outside. 所以此时此刻,哪怕再艰辛,他都不敢有丝毫的放松,全力以赴的加持着屏障,只希望能够将这些魔族战士抵挡在外。 Also hopes that these immortals can massacre or hold Cheng Yu, earlier ended the fight to support him. 也希望这些仙人能够将程宇杀掉或者抓住,早点结束战斗来支援他。 Must otherwise, under the impacts of so many demon clan soldiers, he unable to support sooner or later. 要不然的话,在这么多魔族战士的冲击下,他早晚会撑不住的。 However at this time Wuqi they see so many demon clan soldiers time, is not only only shocking, were more several points of excitement. 不过此时乌齐他们看到这么多魔族战士的时候,不仅仅只是震惊,更是多了几分兴奋。 Because before these demon clan soldiers are them, these live puppet that sees. 因为这些魔族战士正是他们之前所见到的那些活傀。 These live puppet are really his, the technique of his live puppet, will grasp lives!” Was still abundant also to respond, immediately loudly shouted. “那些活傀果然是他的,他会活傀之术,抓活的!”尚丰也已经反应过来了,顿时大呼道。 But that side exalted lord hears this saying, almost been mad spitting blood at the scene. 主上那边听到这话,差点被气的当场吐血。 His here person must unable to insist that that side is actually also thinking obtains the technique of that live puppet. 他这边一个人本就要坚持不住了,那边竟然还想着得到那活傀之术。 If his behind channel were ruined, even if they did attain the technique of live puppet is also useful? Can they also return to Immortal World to go? 如果他身后的通道被毁掉了,他们就算拿到了活傀之术又有什么用?难道他们还能回到仙界去吗? They may be different from these fly upwards to go to Immortal World cultivator. 要知道,他们可不同于那些飞升前往仙界修士 Therefore although they have achieved the boundary of immortal, but actually cannot again through flying upwards to enter Immortal World. 所以他们虽然已经达到了仙人的境界,可是却并不能再通过飞升进入仙界的。 Therefore this channel is almost they returns to the Immortal World means only. 因此这通道几乎是他们唯一回到仙界的办法。 But these people do not seem to care about the security of channel, does not care about itself to go back, wholeheartedly thinks to the live puppet technique. 可这些人似乎一点也不在乎通道的安全,也不在乎自己能不能回去,一心想着要得到活傀术。 Actually he will have such idea but actually also normally, because he from oneself and Royal Court interest. 其实他会有这样的想法倒也正常,因为他是从自己和王朝的利益出发的。 So long as can maintain the Royal Court security, can destroy completely Holy City, even if these immortals died, how also or was this channel is destroyed. 只要能够保住王朝的安全,能够灭掉圣城,哪怕这些仙人死完了,又或者是这条通道被毁了又如何。 However he actually does not understand these immortal ideas. 然而他却并不明白这些仙人心里的想法。 The world of mortals cultivator everyone yearns for Immortal World. 下界修士人人都向往仙界 But lives truly in the Immortal World talent understands, happiness that Immortal World they have not imagined. 可是只有真正活在仙界的人才明白,仙界并没有他们想象的那么美好。 Although there truly is the cultivation heaven, but also similarly is the hell of cultivation. 虽然那里确实是修炼的天堂,但是也同样是修炼的地狱。 Present world of mortals cultivator thought that everywhere is the air/Qi of immortal spirit is a very happy matter, is the air/Qi of this immortal spirit is very precious regarding world of mortals cultivator, is regarding the immortal, this is like Spiritual Qi of their world of mortals. 现在的下界修士觉得到处都是仙灵之气是一件非常幸福的事情,可是这仙灵之气对于下界修士很珍贵,可是对于仙人来说,这就跟他们下界的灵气一样。 These things have everywhere, that was not the rare thing. 这些东西到处都有,那就不是什么稀有的东西了。 But likely live puppet technique such powerful secret technique, even in Immortal World, is still very rare. 可是像活傀术这么强大的秘术,即便是在仙界,也是非常少见的。 But obtains such precious technique law in Immortal World, there competition by far compared with this world of mortals more frigid many. 而在仙界得到这么珍贵的术法,那里的竞争远远要比这下界更为惨烈的多。 Therefore each Immortal World treasure hunts, immortal who that falls from the sky really like raindrop, is not completely valuable. 所以每一次仙界寻宝,那陨落的仙人真的就像雨点一样,完全不值钱。 Furthermore, after do not look they arrive at this world of mortals, exalted lord to them is respectful. 再者,别看他们来到这下界之后,主上对他们恭恭敬敬的。 But they in the Immortal World most inferior immortal, radically there is no position. 可是他们在仙界不过只是最下等的仙人罢了,根本就没有什么地位可言。 If the technique of live puppet appears in Immortal World, can say the qualifications that they fight for do not have. 如果活傀之术出现在仙界,可以说他们连去争抢的资格都没有。 Because reveres the Immortal Monarch front in these immortals, they close to have not unravelled. 因为在那些仙尊仙王的面前,他们还没有靠近就已经灰飞烟灭了。 Moreover the live puppet technique advantage is big, especially regarding their like this inferior immortal, if can learn this secret technique, later will have many depending on Immortal World. 而且活傀术优势非常大,尤其对于他们这样的下等仙人来说,如果能够学会这种秘术,以后在仙界就会拥有更多的倚仗。 So long as they can find the complete skeleton, no matter the opposite party is what cultivation base boundary, they can make survival puppet it, and completely controls them. 只要他们能够找到完整的尸骨,不管对方是什么修为境界,他们都可以将其做成活傀,并且完全控制他们。 Thinks to look, if an inferior immortal can find one even to have the Immortal Monarch skeleton, what scene that can be? 想想看,如果一个下等仙人能够找到一具甚至多具仙王尸骨,那会是什么样的情景? This is equivalent to an inferior immortal to have one group of guard Immortal Monarch to protect. 这便相当于一个下等仙人拥有一群仙王护卫保护着。 Although live puppet after resurrecting cannot compare with true Immortal Monarch, is one crowd of such Immortal Monarch live puppet, even if might as well before death strength, that strength still be the levers. 虽然复活之后的活傀并不能与真正的仙王相比,可是一群这样的仙王活傀,即便不如生前的实力,那实力也是杠杠的。 From now even if walks sideways in Immortal World is not overrated. 从此以后就算在仙界横着走也不为过。 In the past had a strength very ordinary immortal not to know where caused one crowd of immortals to revere level powerful live puppet, therefore Immortal World, killed the four directions vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered greatly, prestige illustrious. 当年就是有一个实力很普通的仙人不知道从哪里弄出了一群仙尊级别的强大活傀,于是纵横仙界,大杀四方,威名赫赫。 So powerful live puppet expert not only to act as the status of goon and guard, what are more is such expert can help him gain more resources, can guarantee small and weak him in expert such as the Immortal World stable growth of cloud. 如此强大的活傀强者不仅仅只是为了充当着打手和护卫的身份,更多的是这样的强者可以帮他获取到更多的资源,也能够保证弱小的他在强者如云的仙界稳定的成长。 This point is very important. 这一点是非常重要的。 Let alone in Immortal World, in fact even in the world of mortals, many cultivation talents is actually when has not grown was extinguished kills. 别说是在仙界了,实际上就算是在下界,很多的修炼天才其实都是在还没有成长起来的时候就被灭杀了。 In Immortal World is so, there talent is countless. 仙界更是如此,那里的天才更是数之不尽。 But Immortal World always does not lack expert, the innumerable talents similarly before the wing was not very plentiful has fallen from the sky. 可是仙界从来都不缺强者,无数天才同样在羽翼不够丰满之前就已经陨落了。 If can have powerful live puppet to protect itself, by growth that oneself feel relieved, this absolutely is very important. 所以若是能够拥有一支强大的活傀来保护自己,让自己放心的成长,这绝对是非常重要的。 It is for this reason that how are these immortals willing to miss such good opportunity? 正是因为如此,这些仙人又如何愿意错过这么好的机会呢? Even if their time succeeds completed the task, obtained the above praise, then reward still being insufficient makes them true expert in Immortal World. 他们这一次就算是成功的完成了任务,得到了上面的嘉奖,那么点奖励也不足以让他们在仙界成为真正的强者 Compares in this live puppet technique, that rewarded them not to watch. 相比于这活傀术,那点奖励他们早就已经没有看在眼里了。 Even if even if learned the live puppet technique is still not necessarily able to meet the powerful skeleton to be used for system doing work puppet, but the skill has at least learned, if which day also had such luck to make him meet like this powerful skeleton? 哪怕就算学会了活傀术也未必能够遇到强大的尸骨用来制作活傀,但是至少本事已经学到手了,万一哪天又有这样的运气让他遇到了这样的强大尸骨呢? Even if let alone is not the powerful skeleton, is only with the immortal skeletons of their same step, if can like Cheng Yu, make tens of thousands live puppet to come now, even if some expert ran into still enough them to have a headache. 更何况即便不是强大的尸骨,只是与他们同阶的仙人尸骨,若是能够像程宇现在这样,做出几万个活傀来,想必就算是一些强者遇到了也够他们头疼的了。 If nothing else, words that at least they want to protect oneself, the opportunity is very big. 别的不说,起码他们想要自保的话,机会还是很大的。 But if does not have these live puppet, if they met these expert, is almost not the opportunity that is possible to maintain a livelihood. 可如果没有这些活傀的话,他们若是遇到了那些强者,几乎是不可能有活命的机会的。 Therefore this then distinguishes! 所以这便是区别! Now knows that Cheng Yu is that live puppet uses/gives technique, they where will only be regarded as the Holy City later generation to regard them that simply! 如今知道程宇就是那活傀的施术者,他们又哪里只会把他们当作是圣城后人看待那么简单呢! Naturally, even if the Cheng Yu live puppet technique, Holy City does not only present Cheng Yu now, if they want to destroy completely entire Holy City, cannot massacre him directly. 当然了,即便程宇不会活傀术,现在圣城也只出现了一个程宇,他们若是想要灭掉整个圣城,也不能直接就杀掉他。 Otherwise this line breaks, where do they on look for other Holy City later generation? 要不然这条线一断,他们又上哪里去找圣城其他的后人呢? The Cheng Yu's strength is so strong, this also lets their some headaches, wants to catch him to be possible is not that easy matter exactly. 只是程宇的实力这么强,这也让他们有些头疼,想要活抓他可也不是那么容易的事情。 What a pity ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes by Cheng Yu seizing, must otherwise, even is are only many two immortals to come, this result very big difference. 可惜姜维和柏信被程宇给抓走了,要不然的话,即便只是多出两个仙人来,这结果都会很大的不同。 Is good also obviously feels that now because of them the Cheng Yu's strength is weakening. 好在他们现在也明显感觉到程宇的实力在变弱。 Their immortal Yuan strength was insufficient, encircles them!” Jiang Kang saw that Cheng Yu and his clone seemed like some successors to feel weak, immediately was more excited. “他们的仙元之力不足了,将他们围起来!”江康看出程宇和他的分身似乎有些后继乏力了,顿时更加兴奋了。 Although their population also merely are only more than two Cheng Yu, but from fighting the situation of circle, Cheng Yu was truly sphered, is only not obvious. 虽然他们的人数也仅仅只比程宇多出两个来,但是从战圈的情况来看,程宇确实是被围住了,只是没有那么明显罢了。 However Cheng Yu does not worry, because he now no longer is the main force. 不过程宇并不着急,因为他现在已经不再是主力了。 He wants to constrain these immortals, mainly makes these demon clan soldiers break through the defense of exalted lord, that channel ruining. 他只是想要拖住这些仙人,主要还是让那些魔族战士攻破主上的防御,将那条通道给毁掉。 However looks at these immortal somewhat crazy appearances, this somewhat is actually not as he expected. 但是看着这些仙人有些疯狂的模样,这倒是有些出乎他的预料。 These fellows actually know the live puppet technique. 这些家伙竟然知道活傀术。 Obviously they want to attain the live puppet technique from his hand now. 显然他们现在想要从他的手上拿到活傀术。 But their types surrounded his condition also happen to conform to his intention him not to dare positively to use an immortal Yuan strength although now massively, but he was some confidence assures oneself security. 而他们这种积极围堵他的状况也正好符合他的心意尽管他现在不敢大量的使用仙元之力了,可是他还是有信心保证自己的安全的。 Moreover there is God Tree to disturb them, reduced many pressures for him eventually. 而且还有神树一直在干扰他们,终究还是为他减轻了许多的压力。 Otherwise deals with so many immortals, is truly dangerous. 要不然对付这么多的仙人,确实很危险。 The only regret is the goal that God Tree has not achieved itself to expect, must otherwise, this duty should is very smooth time. 唯独的遗憾就是神树并没有达到自己期望的目标,要不然的话,这一次的任务应该会很顺利。 After all here altogether 14 immortals, are actually the best situations that he can think, rather than he has thought quite bad situation, first is several even is one crowd. 毕竟这里一共才十四个仙人,其实已经是他能够想到的最好的情况了,而不是他想过的比较糟糕的情况,一来就是好几个甚至是一群。 Even but if, he only has nine clone and God Tree these helpers, he can achieve still can only arrive this step. 可即便如此,他只有九个分身神树这些帮手,他能够做到的也只能到这一步。 However he saw the demon clan soldier that side situation, in the heart filled with the anticipation. 不过他看到魔族战士那边的情况,心中还是充满了期待的。 So long as these immortals do not help, exalted lord that side quick will unable to support, when the time comes so many demon clan soldiers rush, living impact how that channel possibly bans! 只要这些仙人不去帮忙的话,主上那边很快就会撑不住的,到时候这么多魔族战士冲上去,那条通道又怎么可能禁的住冲击呢! Hope this process can quickly, because he did not determine how long oneself can also insist. 只是希望这个过程可以快一点,因为他不确定自己还能坚持多久。 Moreover he, although does not dare an many consumption immortal Yuan strength, but wants to block the attacks of so many immortals, does not use an immortal Yuan strength is completely not possible. 而且他虽然不敢过多的消耗仙元之力,可是想要挡住这么多仙人的攻击,完全不使用仙元之力是不可能的。 Therefore drags, he feared when the time comes even ruined the channel, he did not have the ability to escape from surrounding of so many immortals!? 所以这么拖下去,他怕到时候就算毁掉了通道,他都没有能力逃出这么多仙人的围堵了!?
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