GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5295: Spent force?

Although «Saint Sovereign God Secret art» can cut the immortal, however consumption the strength of immortal spirit is also enormous. If compared with cultivator of the world of mortals, he naturally has nothing to be worried. 《圣皇神诀》虽然可以斩仙,但是消耗的仙灵之力也极大。如果只是跟下界的修士相比,他自然是没什么好担心的。 But compared with the immortal, he may not get the advantage, even absolute is in an inferior position. 可是跟仙人相比,他可就一点都不占优势了,甚至绝对的处于劣势。 Therefore like this consumes is longer, is more disadvantageous to him. 所以这样耗的越久,对他就越不利。 Without a sufficient immortal Yuan strength, he were very difficult with so many immortals maintains confronts for a long time. 如果没有了足够的仙元之力,他就很难与这么多的仙人保持长久的对峙了。 But opposite 12 immortals also not anxiously making a move, because they their fights made them not take any advantage a moment ago, even somewhat is passive. 而对面的十二个仙人也并没有急着出手,因为他们刚才他们的交手让他们没有占到任何便宜,甚至还有些被动。 However they also look is very clear, the Cheng Yu's strength again is also only a mortal. 不过他们也都看的很明白,程宇的实力再强也只是一个凡人。 Moreover they fought a moment ago, Cheng Yu has been using an immortal Yuan strength, this regarding a mortal, is especially important. 而且他们刚才交手的时候,程宇一直都在使用仙元之力,这对于一个凡人来说,尤为重要。 In this world of mortals, their these immortals do not dare to spend freely an immortal Yuan strength recklessly. 在这下界,就连他们这些仙人都不敢肆意的挥霍仙元之力。 Although they think that a Cheng Yu's immortal Yuan strength should not be many, but looks that ten Cheng Yu add on a God Tree imposing manner, this made them somewhat lack self-confidence. 虽然他们认为程宇的仙元之力应该不会很多了,可是看着十个程宇加上一棵神树的气势,这又让他们心里有些没底了。 Because they also truly looked, this Holy City's later generation was very unusual. 因为他们也确实看出来了,这圣城的后人果然很不平常。 Therefore where they cannot determine this Cheng Yu's bottom. 所以他们也不敢确定这程宇的底到底在哪里。 Again on addition ginger peace-keeping cypress letter/believes unexpectedly by the opposite party grasping, this let their dread. 再另上姜维和柏信竟然被对方给抓了,这就让他们的更加的忌惮了。 Their people have not arrived in full, if arrived in full, they believe how so many immortals can kill the opposite party again. 要知道,他们的人还没有到齐,如果到齐了,他们相信那么多的仙人再怎么样都可以弄死对方。 But Cheng Yu is really capable of massacring and seizing the immortal, then they have to consider for themselves. 程宇竟然有能力杀掉和抓走仙人,那么他们就不得不为自己考虑一下了。 Since some people have not arrived in full, why they do want to go all out ahead of time here? 既然还有人没有到齐,他们为什么要提前在这里拼命呢? If by some chance the life defeating, other immortals saved the funnel directly, they do owe very much? 万一他们把命给拼掉了,其他仙人直接就来捡漏子,那他们岂不是很亏? Therefore they are also only a face vigilant looks at opposite ten Cheng Yu, at the same time path protection in rear area. 所以他们也只是一脸警惕的看着对面的十个程宇,与此同时将通道保护在后方。 So long as this channel safe/without matter, then they are having the absolute advantage, in their hearts also has the energy. 只要这通道无事,那么他们就占着绝对的优势,他们心中也有底气。 If the channel were ruined, they will not have the helper to come again, they do not even know how must go back. 要是通道被毁掉了,他们就不会再有帮手过来了,他们甚至都不知道要怎么回去。 Therefore this weaponry they can not hit temporarily, but this channel actually must assure the security in any event. 所以这场仗他们暂时可以不打,但是这通道却无论如何都要保证安全。 But was in exalted lord of channel place to be shocked by the fight thoroughly. 而身在通道处的主上早就已经被刚才的战斗彻底的震惊了。 Because his heart the thorough acknowledgment Cheng Yu present strength above him, had heard particularly Cheng Yu also caught two immortals, this may make him shock. 因为他心底已经彻底的承认程宇现在的实力已经在他之上了,尤其是听说程宇还抓了两个仙人,这可就更加让他震惊了。 He thought initially the barriers under these immortal cloths are hard to break open conveniently, but Cheng Yu actually catches the immortals now exactly, was the disparity of this strength too also big? 他当初觉得这些仙人随手布下的屏障都难以破开,可是现在程宇却连仙人都活抓了,这实力的差距也太大了吧? His the strength even also wanted Cheng Yu several points in the past strongly, therefore Cheng Yu will run away initially. 要知道,当年他的实力可是甚至还要强过程宇几分,所以当初程宇才会逃走。 But so many years passed by, his strength as if has no progress, even is still marking. 可是这么多年过去了,他的实力似乎并没有什么长进,甚至还在原地踏步。 However present Cheng Yu actually distant leaves behind him, he has not even been able to become the Cheng Yu's opponent now again, this may really be makes him somewhat dismal. 然而如今的程宇却已经远远的将他甩在后面,他现在甚至都已经无法再成为程宇的对手了,这可真的是让他有些悲凉。 Are oneself doing in these years? 自己在这些年都在干什么? Let alone leaves after Cheng Yu these years, in fact his strength as if stopped in this level does not know for several hundred years. 别说就程宇离开后的这些年了,实际上他的实力似乎停在这个层次已经不知道几百年了。 In other words, he is not only only these year of no progress, actually he several hundred years does not have any had progressed, how this does not make him sad! 也就是说,他不仅仅只是这些年没什么长进,其实他已经几百年都没有什么长进了,这如何不让他悲伤呢! Moreover what is more important, present Cheng Yu can actually branch out nine clone to come, moreover each strength is as good as an immortal. 而且更加重要的是,现在的程宇竟然能够分出九个分身来,而且每一个的实力都不亚于一个仙人。 Because both sides had fought a moment ago, is only both sides is evenly matched, will therefore turn into the present deadlock condition. 因为刚才双方已经战斗过了,只是双方势均力敌,所以才会变成现在的僵持状态。 Obviously these more than ten immortals have no assurance, otherwise their Huining to confront is not being willing to act on own initiative? 显然这十几个仙人也没有什么把握,要不然他们又怎么会宁可对峙着也不肯主动出手呢? They had not seen the Cheng Yu's time before, in the middle of their words may full be to disdaining of Holy City later generation. 要知道,他们之前还没有见过程宇的时候,他们的话语当中可满是对圣城后人的不屑。 As if so long as a Holy City later generation appearance, they can the taking opposite party easily. 仿佛只要圣城后人一出现,他们就可以轻易的拿下对方。 However now Cheng Yu really comes, although he branches out nine clone now, may in fact arrive here only has a Cheng Yu person. 然而现在程宇真的来了,虽然他现在分出了九个分身,可实际上来到这里的还是只有程宇一个人。 Such thinks, Cheng Yu refuses to compromise with more than ten immortals by a person of strength now unexpectedly, this strength, really does not know how this/should must describe! 这样一想,程宇现在竟是以一人之力与十几个仙人僵持不下,这实力,真的是不知道该要如何来形容了! Is it possible that this is the reason of Holy City bloodlines? Really has the powerful bloodlines to be able truly to have the strong strength, this at all is not can achieve diligently!” exalted lord is staring at Cheng Yu, remembers the Cheng Yu's status, in the brain flashes through a thought suddenly. “莫非这就是圣城血脉的原因吗?果然拥有强大的血脉才能够真正拥有强大的实力,这根本不是努力就能够达到的!”主上盯着程宇,想起程宇的身份,脑中突然闪过一个念头。 But if so, he will never possibly achieve Cheng Yu such strength radically. 可如果是这样的话,他根本永远都不可能达到程宇这样的实力。 At this moment, he became from the shock somewhat envies. 这一刻,他不由从震惊变得有些嫉妒起来了。 He such cultivation diligently, was the hope one day can also obviously like past Holy City expert, achieved to cut the immortal the situation. 他明明这么努力的修炼,就是希望有一天也能够像当年的圣城强者一样,达到斩仙的地步。 However now looks like, he lost to the Holy City later generation finally. 但是现在看来,他最终还是败给了圣城后人。 He even wants to open the mouth to make these immortals massacre Cheng Yu, how can he allow under also to have the so powerful person to exist on this day? 他甚至很想开口让这些仙人将程宇杀掉,他怎么能够允许这天下还有如此强大的人存在? No wonder his ancestor must in the past with Immortal World, even the demon union removed Holy City together. 怪不得当年他的先祖要与仙界,甚至还有魔界联合一起除掉圣城了。 Has such expert to exist in this world, will they have the security sense? 有这样的强者存在于这个世界,他们又怎么会有安全感呢? After all general cultivator is impossible to achieve to cut the immortal, but in this world has had cuts the immortal hearsay is also only Holy City's these experts. 毕竟一般的修士根本就不可能做到斩仙,而这世上有过斩仙传闻的也就只有圣城的那些高手。 This in other words, since the ancient times, only then the Holy City's talent can cut the immortal. 这也就是说,自古以来,只有圣城的人才能斩仙。 But where will this world have the immortal everywhere? 可是这个世界又哪会到处都有仙人呢? If no immortal and demon clan appear here world, no one can be the Holy City's opponent. 所以如果没有仙人和魔族出现在这个世界上的话,那根本就没有人会是圣城的对手。 This is how dreadful matter. 这是多么可怕的事情。 If this they have not been able to remove the Holy City's words time, then later this world did not need to think, will fall into on Holy City's absolutely. 如果这一次他们还不能除掉圣城的话,那么以后这世界也不用想了,绝对会落入圣城的手上的。 Moreover they do not even have the means to revolt with it. 而且他们甚至都没有办法与之反抗。 Others can cut the immortal, their who can? 人家可是能够斩仙的,他们的谁能呢? Therefore he was afraid, was really afraid, in any event does not hope that Cheng Yu lives. 所以他害怕了,真的害怕了,无论如何都不希望程宇活下来。 However he also knows, oneself when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, he must make these immortals massacre Cheng Yu now, these immortals absolutely are impossible to listen his. 不过他也知道,自己人微言轻,他现在要让这些仙人去杀掉程宇,这些仙人也绝对不可能听他的。 Therefore he also only hopes that these immortals can begin to be good. 因此他也只希望这些仙人能够自己动手才好。 However he not, when the immortal acts, has not actually thought that Cheng Yu first acted on the contrary. 然而他并没有等到仙人出手,却是没有想到程宇反倒是先出手了。 Sees only ten Cheng Yu to have the move suddenly, everyone long sword illness/quick wields, the innumerable sword shades fly to shoot to go toward these immortals like the raindrop generally. 只见十个程宇突然出招,每个人长剑疾挥,无数剑影如同雨点一般朝着这些仙人飞射而去。 Meanwhile, ten Cheng Yu diving postures, followed then to rush toward these 12 immortals after these sword shades. 与此同时,十个程宇飞身而起,跟在这些剑影之后便朝着这十二个仙人奔了过去。 both sides battled again in one, this time Cheng Yu and nine clone not excessive use immortal Yuan strength. 双方再次激战在了一起,不过这个时候的程宇和九个分身都没有过分的使用仙元之力。 After all this gadget is extremely precious, consuming for one point are few point, does not dare to waste casually. 毕竟这玩意儿太过珍贵,消耗一分就少一分,也不敢随便浪费。 Although Cheng Yu also wants like the spirit strength of his within the body the optional consumption, but an immortal Yuan strength is he is actually not able to achieve the infinite supply. 程宇虽然也想要像他体内的灵力一样随意消耗,可是仙元之力却是他无法做到无限供应的。 Therefore present he and clone are at a restraint condition. 所以现在的他和分身都处于一种克制状态。 „The immortal Yuan strength of this fellow should soon consume!” But Wuqi they actually also discovered before this time Cheng Yu offensive not, was so violent, immediately in heart joyful. “这个家伙的仙元之力应该快要消耗完了!”而乌齐他们却也发现了此时的程宇攻势并没有之前那么猛烈了,顿时心中欣喜不已。 Eventually is only a mortal, even Cheng Yu immortal Yuan strength are more than common mortal, but how many not possible to compare with their such immortals again. 终究只是一个凡人,就算程宇身上的仙元之力比一般的凡人要多,可是再怎么多也不可能与他们这样的仙人相比。 Now Cheng Yu does not dare again an many use immortal Yuan strength, although can fight with them, but the strength is obviously not as before. 现在程宇不敢再过多的使用仙元之力,虽然还是能够与他们交手,可是实力明显大不如前。 If Cheng Yu could not kill them, that was they instead kills the Cheng Yu's good opportunity. 程宇若是杀不了他们,那就是他们反杀程宇的好机会了。 Exalted Immortal, do not make him escape, otherwise no end of trouble for the future!” Saw with own eyes them to hit, protected exalted lord of channel loudly to exclaim immediately. “诸位上仙,千万不要让他逃了,要不然后患无穷!”眼见他们打起来了,守护着通道的主上顿时大吼道。 Before both sides had not started, he naturally does not dare to shout randomly. 之前双方没开打,他自然也不敢乱喊。 But now both sides, since had made war, then he must certainly remind these immortals. 可是现在双方既然已经开战了,那么他肯定要提醒一下这些仙人。 Before his strengths to these immortals felt relieved very much, but experiences after now Cheng Yu's was fearful, he to these immortals has not actually felt relieved. 以前他对这些仙人的实力还是很放心的,可是现在见识到了程宇的可怕之后,他对这些仙人其实也没有那么放心了。 In the front of Holy City later generation, even immortal still not necessarily reliable. 圣城后人的面前,即便是仙人也未必就可靠。 At least now Cheng Yu has first stressed two, if these immortals do not handle well, they not necessarily have the good end. 起码现在程宇就已经先抓了两个了,如果这些仙人不好好处置的话,他们也不一定就有好下场。 Moreover now was to truly hold or massacres the Cheng Yu's best time. 而且现在确实是抓住或者杀掉程宇的最好时机了。 If these made Cheng Yu escape time again, Cheng Yu definitely does not rush to here that was possible to walk into a trap again to come. 如果这一次再让程宇逃掉了,程宇肯定不可能再自投罗网的跑到这里来了。 If Cheng Yu then hid since then, these immortals were also not necessarily able to look. 要是程宇自此之后便躲起来了,这些仙人也未必就能够找的到。 He also knows, although these immortals come the help from Immortal World, but they are impossible to stay here to help him cope with Holy City. 他也知道,这些仙人虽然是从仙界过来帮忙的,但是他们也不可能一直都留在这里帮他对付圣城 Therefore this they came to fight a battle to force a quick decision time, Holy City extinguishing. 所以这一次他们来了就要速战速决,将圣城给灭了。 Otherwise Cheng Yu hid, this turned into a protracted war, but these immortals will unable to consume sooner or later, returning to Immortal World to go. 要不然程宇躲起来了,这就变成了一场持久战,而这些仙人早晚会耗不起,回到仙界去的。 But by Cheng Yu now such fearful strength, if these immortals went back, he can be the Cheng Yu's opponent? 可是以程宇现在这样可怕的实力,如果这些仙人回去了,他能是程宇的对手? At that time, his Royal Court really to destruction time. 那个时候,他王朝就真的到了毁灭的时候了。 Royal Court replaced Holy City later several tens of thousands of years, he does not think, when this generation made Holy City replacing, he may really be the Royal Court criminal. 王朝取代圣城之后数万年之久了,他可不想在自己这一代的时候又让圣城给取代了,那他可就真的是王朝的罪人了。 How however these immortals do not know that Cheng Yu truly is a disaster. 不过这些仙人又如何不知道程宇确实是一个祸患呢。 Even if no reminder of exalted lord, these immortals do not want to let off Cheng Yu today like this. 所以就算没有主上的提醒,这些仙人今天也不想就这样放过程宇 They were confronting a moment ago, where they did not know the Cheng Yu's bottom line, did not know some of his also many immortal Yuan strength. 刚才他们对峙着,他们不知道程宇的底线到底在哪里,也不知道他到底还有多少仙元之力。 Now but they have felt that obviously the Cheng Yu's strength is not powerful a moment ago, an immortal Yuan strength does not dare to use like before again, this made them see the opportunity. 可是现在他们已经明显感觉到了程宇的实力没有刚才那么强大,仙元之力也不敢再像之前那样使用了,这就让他们看到了机会。 How they possibly miss such good opportunity. 他们又怎么可能错过这么好的机会。 Cheng Yu weakens, that is they grows stronger. 程宇变弱,那就是他们变强的时候了。 At once, these immortals also start to release oneself immortal Yuan strength massively, immediately makes Cheng Yu feel the great stress. 一时之间,这些仙人也开始大量的释放自己的仙元之力,顿时让程宇感觉压力巨大。 Really fights the protracted war with these fellows disadvantageously to me very!” Cheng Yu is clenching teeth, has not actually run away directly. “果然与这些家伙打持久战对我非常的不利!”程宇咬着牙,却并没有直接逃走。 Sees only the main body while with the crevice that the opposite party fights, suddenly charged into that side the channel, then emitted one group of demon clan soldiers all of a sudden!? 只见本体趁着与对方战斗的空隙,突然冲向了通道那边,然后一下子放出了一堆魔族战士!?
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