GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5294: Was defeated!

But Cheng Yu's these six do clone possibly make their two people rush to the channel place to break through? 可是程宇的这六个分身怎么可能让他们二人赶到通道处解围呢? Six clone put forth " Saint Sovereign God Secret art » last move of Saint sovereign in abundance cuts. 六个分身纷纷使出了《圣皇神诀》的最后一招圣皇斩。 This Saint sovereign cuts, but in the middle of the Saint sovereign god secret art can cut existence that kills the immortal truly, in the immortal has in the situation of preparation, perhaps wants to cut the immortal to have the difficulty. 这圣皇斩可是圣皇神诀当中真正可以斩杀仙人的存在,不过在仙人有准备的情况下,想要斩仙或许有难度。 But six clone put forth the Saint sovereign to cut now simultaneously, even if this is used to deal with two immortals, but an immortal must withstand the strength that three times of Saint sovereigns cut simultaneously, what happened anyone not to know. 可如今六个分身同时使出圣皇斩,即便是这用来对付两个仙人的,但是一个仙人要同时承受三倍圣皇斩的力量,会发生什么事情谁都不知道。 Like this time ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes, they, although the first time is saw this style, but they have felt the terrifying power of implication. 就像此时的姜维和柏信,他们虽然是第一次见到这招式,可是他们已经感觉到其中的蕴含的恐怖力量了。 „Is this possible? Can they actually put forth the so fearful strength?” Two people all are the complexion big changes. “这怎么可能?他们竟然能够使出如此可怕的力量?”两人皆是脸色大变。 At this moment, they had forgotten oneself must go to the channel that side to break through. 此时此刻,他们早已经忘记了自己还要前往通道那边去解围。 Because they have met now troubled greatly, only hopes that some people come to break through well for them, their where also has the time to give others to break through? 因为他们现在都已经遇到大麻烦了,只希望有人来为他们解围都好,他们哪里还有时间去给别人解围? Could not draw back, must be then good!” Although Bai letter/believes does not know why they can display to make the immortal frightened strength, but he is very clear. “退不了了,必须接下来才行!”柏信虽然不知道他们为什么可以发挥出令仙人恐惧的力量,但是他很清楚。 If they these one do not strike to keep off now, they may die under this strikes. 如果现在他们不将这些一击挡下来的话,他们有可能会死在这一击之下。 Because they face three Saint sovereigns to cut at this time simultaneously. 因为他们二人此时都同时面临着三个圣皇斩。 But the fearful aura that they feel only a Saint sovereign cuts to release. 而他们所感受到的可怕气息只是一个圣皇斩所释放出来的。 Therefore three similar styles hit, they naturally know that this does not crack a joke. 所以三个同样的招式打下来,他们自然知道这不是开玩笑的。 They do not dare to feel oneself were the immortal looks at the non- opposite party, because they, if could not receive this to strike, they have the possibility really to fall from the sky here. 他们再也不敢觉得自己是仙人就看不对方了,因为他们如果接不下这一击的话,他们有可能真的会在这里陨落。 Although they know that the past Holy City war died many immortals, what their time faces is the Holy City later generation. 虽然他们知道当年的圣城大战死了很多仙人,可是他们这一次所面对的是圣城后人。 They do not think that present Holy City can also compare with past Holy City, the situation of because from exalted lord reporting, they do not feel this Holy City fearful. 他们并不认为如今的圣城还能与当年的圣城相比,因为从主上所汇报的情况来看,他们也不觉得这圣城有多可怕。 But is Royal Court is unable to resist. 只不过是王朝无法抵挡住而已。 Therefore although they come to carry out the task, but has not thought will unable to go back. 所以他们虽然过来执行任务,但是从来没有想过自己会回不去。 Even if Cheng Yu's these clone had displayed before powerful with the immortal to fighting strength, but they are unable to take down their lives eventually, most gets certain winning side by the numerical advantage. 哪怕之前程宇的这些分身已经表现出了与仙人强大的对战实力,可是他们终究无法取下他们的性命,最多以数量优势占据着一定的上风。 However present all start made them flustered, how they think that these fellows really also had so fearful killing to incur, the body emitted a lot of cold sweat all of a sudden. 然而眼前的一切开始让他们慌张起来了,他们如何会想到这些家伙竟然还有如此可怕的杀招,身上一下子冒出了大量的冷汗。 All come is too quick, moreover they are the plan withdraw go to that side the channel, the style that six clone display again in addition is not as they expected, they release the show/unfolds similarly powerful style to resist radically without enough time. 一切来的太快,而且他们本身是打算撤走前往通道那边的,再加上六个分身所施展的招式出乎他们二人的意料,他们根本就来不及释展同样强大的招式来抵挡。 In this hurried, two people stand, both hands rapid knot seal. 在这匆忙之下,二人站在一起,双手迅速结印。 A blue sphere barrier appears outside two people, wrapped completely them. 一个蓝色的球形屏障出现在二人身外,将他们完全包裹起来了。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Six Saint sovereigns cut chop simultaneously above this sphere barrier. 六道圣皇斩同时劈在这球形屏障之上。 Bam! 啪! This sphere barrier accordingly broken, cannot block six Saint sovereigns to cut. 这球形屏障应声而破,根本挡不住六道圣皇斩。 Puff! 噗噗! But these two immortals are also the instantaneous blood spurt crazily, just like the kite of broken line, flew directly. 而这两个仙人也是瞬间鲜血狂喷,犹如断线的风筝,直接就飞了出去。 And clone ejected Immortals and Demons Pagoda suddenly, was struck the immortal who flies to flush away toward two. 其中一个分身突然抛出了仙魔塔,朝着两个被击飞的仙人冲去。 Stop!” “住手!” Bang! 砰! But at this time, that ten was arranging the immortal of seal to complete the seal unexpectedly, suddenly then acted to six people. 可就在这个时候,原本那十个正在布置封印的仙人竟然完成了封印,突然便向六人出手了。 Six people resist in a hurry, was struck to fly, six people are wounded directly. 六人匆匆抵挡,纷纷被击飞了,六人直接负伤。 After all was the immortal acted, where can achieve when hurried resists full power? 毕竟是仙人出手了,在匆忙之际哪里能够做到全力抵挡呢? Just attacked ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes to be the same with them, has not responded all of a sudden. 就跟他们刚刚袭击姜维和柏信一样,一下子根本就没有反应过来。 However is good because of Immortals and Demons Pagoda has Soul Suppression, moreover the ginger peace-keeping cypress letter/believes two people to be cut to divide by six Saint sovereigns, injury very serious. 不过好在仙魔塔镇魂在,而且姜维和柏信两人被六道圣皇斩劈中,伤势非常的严重。 Although does not have to be killed violently directly, but has no battle efficiency at this time. 虽然没有直接毙命,但是此时已经没有任何战斗力了。 Therefore even six people cannot control Immortals and Demons Pagoda, Soul Suppression still success gave the suppression two immortals. 所以即便六人没能控制仙魔塔,镇魂也成功的将两个仙人给镇压了。 Sees this situation, clone receives Immortals and Demons Pagoda, where also dares with these ten immortal wars, to sneak off toward the distant place immediately. 见此情况,其中一个分身收起仙魔塔,哪里还敢与这十个仙人大战,当即就朝着远处溜去。 Damn! Ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes was seized by them! Your four go to the channel, our six pursue!” Still saw with one's own eyes two people to be suppressed by the opposite party abundantly, they naturally not possible, no matter, hurried to order to others. “该死!姜维和柏信被他们抓走了!你们四个前往通道,我们六个去追!”尚丰亲眼看到两人被对方镇压了,他们自然不可能不管,赶紧对其他人下令道。 Do not look that they have been arranging the seal, matter that but has before them they completely clear. 别看他们一直都在布置封印,可是在他们面前所发生的事情他们全部都清清楚楚。 Therefore they also know that ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes to save them is injured. 所以他们也知道姜维和柏信为了救他们而受了伤。 Now they were seized, they naturally if also wants the means to save to be good. If really made these people seize, two people feared that basically did not have the means of livelihood. 如今他们二人被抓走,他们当然也要想办法把人救回来才行。真要是让那些人抓走了,两人怕是基本上没有活路了。 Therefore four immortals hurried to hurry to the direction of channel. 于是四个仙人赶紧朝着通道的方向赶去了。 But still abundant and other people pursued Cheng Yu's six clone. 而尚丰等六人则是追着程宇的六个分身去了。 Channel place! 通道处! Here has been having the intense war. 这里早已经发生着激烈的大战。 Originally Cheng Yu first clone smooth they directed exalted lord and Wuqi, when also had the similar aura in approaching the channel, Wuqi they discovered that is not right. 原来程宇第一个分身顺利的将主上和乌齐他们引走了,可是当又有同样的气息在靠近通道的时候,乌齐他们就发现不对劲了。 Therefore they gave up chasing down first clone immediately, then returned to the channel place directly. 于是他们当即放弃了追杀第一个分身,直接便返回了通道处。 Finally luring the enemy out of his stronghod of Cheng Yu main body has not succeeded, when he just rushes to the channel, massacres five being in the way Protector, is preparing to ruin the channel time, Wuqi they folded. 结果程宇本体的调虎离山并没有成功,当他刚好赶到通道,将五个碍事的护法杀掉,正准备毁掉通道的时候,乌齐他们就折回来了。 But first clone also with. 而第一个分身也跟了回来。 After all no one pursued, what necessity does he have to escape? 毕竟都没人追了,他还有什么必要逃呢? Let alone Cheng Yu, although also two clone, but has not exposed, therefore after this clone comes back, their just right two pairs two. 更何况程宇虽然还有两个分身,但是并没有暴露出来,所以这分身回来之后,他们正好二对二。 The Cheng Yu main body knows that that side is dragging most 12 immortals, therefore him must fight a battle to force a quick decision. 程宇本体知道那边正拖着大部分十二个仙人,所以他这边就要速战速决了。 Especially now the channel at present, him must its destruction not be possible in any event. 尤其现在通道就在眼前,他无论如何都要将其破坏不可。 Therefore that clone then put God Tree without delay. 于是那个分身二话不说便将神树放了出来。 God Tree? How can this? Did not say that God Tree had been ruined?” Wuqi sees this God Tree, immediately the complexion said in great surprise. 神树?这怎么会?不是说神树已经被毁掉了吗?”乌齐看到这棵神树,顿时脸色大惊道。 Although they know about Holy City's very limitedly, but God Tree is one of the Holy City most important symbols. 虽然他们对圣城的了解非常有限,可是神树圣城最重要的标志之一。 Moreover God Tree does not exist is their consensus. 而且神树已经不存在了一直都是他们的共识。 However now this God Tree appears unexpectedly, this is one is important, even is a very serious matter. 但是现在这棵神树竟然又出现了,这可是一件非常重要,甚至是一件非常严重的事情。 Destroyed it!” Jiang Kang da shouts. “毁了它!”江康大喊道。 God Tree relates significantly, in the past Immortal World and demon spent the tremendous strength to ruin God Tree, for this reason both losses were quite serious. 神树关系重大,当年仙界和魔界费了巨大的力量来毁掉神树,为此两界的损失都极为惨重。 But God Tree actually resurrects now, that to ruin God Tree in the past the person of sacrifice to sacrifice in vain. 可如今神树却是又复活了,那当年为了毁掉神树而牺牲的人岂不是白白牺牲了。 God Tree comes out, then instantaneously becomes huge incomparable, wants to cover these two immortals is one of them. 神树一出来,便瞬间变得巨大无比,想要将这两个仙人笼罩在其中。 However under this broad daylight, even if the appearance of God Tree makes them very shocking, but this God Tree wants to surround them obviously is the not possible matter. 但是在这光天化日之下,即便神树的出现让他们很震惊,但是这神树想要困住他们显然是不可能的事情。 Ma! It seems like had troublesome!” Cheng Yu sees God Tree unable to surround them, but he has known that side several clone ten immortals have completed the arrangement of seal, now four immortals are catching up toward them. “玛的!看来有麻烦了!”程宇神树没能困住他们,而他已经知道几个分身那边的十个仙人已经完成了封印的布置,现在四个仙人正朝着他们这边赶来。 God Tree, tries harder, insists again!” 神树,加把劲,再坚持一下!” Arrived with great difficulty this step, moreover had made war with them in any case, if now finished, was hard to go well next time. 好不容易走到了这一步,而且反正已经与他们开战了,现在若就这么结束,下一次就更加难以得手了。 However that four immortals came quickly, Cheng Yu and clone turned all of a sudden facing six immortals, the pressure rose suddenly instantaneously. 然而那四个仙人很快就过来了,程宇和一个分身一下子就变成了面对六个仙人,压力瞬间暴涨。 In such a case, Cheng Yu's six clone have to transfer the direction, racing to come toward channel. 在这样的情况下,程宇的六个分身也不得不调转方向,朝着通道这边奔来。 Even Cheng Yu's another two clone he does not dare to hide again, put directly. 甚至就连程宇的另外两个分身他都不敢再隐藏了,也直接放了出来。 God Tree root hair and trunk and branches unceasing extends toward six immortals. 神树的根须和枝干不断的朝着六个仙人伸过去。 God Tree copes with cultivator of the world of mortals is very effective, when deals with the immortal, is not obviously smooth. 神树对付下界的修士是非常有效的,可是在对付仙人的时候,明显就没有那么顺利了。 Although Wuqi their several immortals do not have the means to cut off God Tree these root hair and branches, but this God Tree actually cannot do to them. 虽然乌齐他们几个仙人也同样没有办法斩断神树的这些根须和枝条,但是这神树却也奈何不了他们。 When Cheng Yu's six clone catch up completely, the main body added on nine clone also to arrive in full completely. 程宇的六个分身全部赶过来的时候,本体加上九个分身也全部到齐了。 But another side six clone also pursued, the opposite turned into 12 immortals. 而另外一边的六个分身也追了上来,对面变成了十二个仙人。 Wuqi! Ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes was caught by them!” Comes, was still abundant then shouts greatly. “乌齐!姜维和柏信被他们抓了!”一过来,尚丰便大喊道。 What!” Wuqi they immediately in great surprise. “什么!”乌齐他们顿时大惊不已。 Jiang Wei they are the immortals, unexpectedly by how many mortals grasping? 姜维他们可是仙人,竟然被几个凡人给抓了? They a moment ago after Cheng Yu they fought, although also discovered that Cheng Yu their strength was truly strong, but how they are unable to imagine the opposite party to hold ginger peace-keeping Bai letter/believes. 他们刚才与程宇他们交手之后,虽然也发现程宇他们的实力确实很强,但是他们还是无法想象对方是怎么抓住姜维和柏信的。 However at this time apparently does not have so many time to ask about the specific situation. 不过此时显然没有那么多的时间去询问具体的情况。 Just Cheng Yu emitted two clone came the time, they had known, opposite ten exactly the same people were not with the afterbirth, but was clone. 刚刚程宇放出两个分身来的时候,他们已经知道了,对面十个一模一样的人根本就不是什么同胞胎而是分身 This clone somewhat is really strange, which they cannot distinguish unexpectedly are completely main body which are clone. 只是这分身着实有些古怪,他们竟然完全分辨不出来哪个是本体哪个是分身 Ten Cheng Yu surface in addition God Tree, facing 12 immortals. 十个程宇面外加一棵神树,面对十二个仙人。 Cheng Yu has not been defeated, but he knows that this plan has been defeated. 程宇并没有落败,可是他知道这一次的计划已经失败了。 Now wanted to ruin the channel unable to achieve. 现在想要毁掉通道根本已经做不到了。 He only catches two immortals now, but the opposite 12 immortals, are also not enough to deal with so many immortals by his present strength. 他现在只抓了两个仙人,但是对面还有十二个仙人,以他现在的实力根本就不足以对付这么多的仙人。 Moreover the God Tree strength obviously does not have the means to display, this disappoints him. 而且神树的实力明显没有办法发挥出来,这让他非常的失望。 Although the situation is not very good, perhaps but is you most is also close to their strength now only. “虽然情况不是很好,可现在或许也是你唯一与他们实力最接近的时候了。 If you only walk today, then in the middle of that channel will only have the immortal to come unceasingly. 如果今天你就这样走了,那么那通道当中只会不断的有仙人过来。 But you and their power gaps were also getting bigger and bigger. 而你与他们的实力差距也就越来越大了。 Had today's this matter, believes that your next time was impossible to come again, if you want to be clear. ” Soul Suppression knows Cheng Yu to back down, hurries to make noise the reminder to say. 有了今天这事,相信你下一次也不可能再来了,你要想清楚了。”镇魂知道程宇打起了退堂鼓,不由赶紧出声提醒道。 But I and they have very big disparity eventually, moreover is unable long time to maintain such battle efficiency to make war with them. “可是我与他们终究还是有着很大的差距,而且无法长时间保持这样的战斗力与他们开战。 This way only feared that them, I first stepped! ” Cheng Yu naturally understands that this truth, is the present situation is not very favorable for him, this makes him very awkward. 这样下去只怕没有把他们拖跨,我先跨掉了!”程宇自然明白这个道理,可是现在的情况对他并不是很有利,这让他很为难。 At this moment both sides are confronting, has not acted eagerly!? 此刻双方对峙着,都没有急于出手!?
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