GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5149: What to do kills to enter a city?

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Kamikaze Outer King does not need to be worried, we will not borrow, so long as gave us two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator enough!” Great Elder said. “神风外王不用担心,我们不会借很多,只要给我们两千渡劫期修士就够了!”大长老说道。 He also knows that this request somewhat was truly excessive. 他也知道这个要求确实有些过分了。 After all others hope their inner court can dispatch troops to give support, the result has not thought that now must borrow the soldier from them. 毕竟人家本来就希望他们内朝能够派兵前来支援,结果没有想到现在还要向他们来借兵。 However he also because considers this issue, will therefore first find an excuse a moment ago, this is not helping inner court, but is helping them. 不过他也正是因为考虑到这个问题,所以刚才才会先找了个理由,这可并不是在帮内朝,而是在帮他们自己。 Actually this does not calculate to deceive them, if they can catch Saint Court that wounded person, where then asked the Saint Court den. 其实这也并不算欺骗他们,若是他们能够抓到圣朝的那个伤员,然后问出圣朝的老巢在哪里。 That this Saint Court also escapes? 那这圣朝还逃的了吗? When the time comes Holy Lord goes into action personally, this Saint Court was finished inevitably, isn't this means of getting it over and done? 到时候圣主亲自出马,这圣朝必然完蛋,这不就是一劳永逸的办法吗? Truly yes! 确实是! Two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator?” The kamikaze Outer King complexion was actually more and more ugly/difficult to look at. “两千渡劫期修士?”神风外王的脸色却是越来越难看了。 Really treated as the cabbage Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, this period of time revolted toward unceasingly attacked a city to seize territory in his kamikaze outer court, he had lost many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator. 真把渡劫期修士当作白菜了,这段时间叛朝不断的在他神风外朝攻城略地,他已经损失了不少渡劫期修士了。 By the present, he does not dare to send Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to go to guard the city again. 到现在,他都不敢再派渡劫期修士前往镇守城池了。 Because cultivates Crossing Tribulation Stage to send either completely outer court 10,000, otherwise, such few Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator send, gives others completely the stops up gap between teeth. 因为要么就把外朝的一万修渡劫期全部派出去,否则的话,这样少量的渡劫期修士派出去,完全就是给人家塞牙缝的。 Now inner court does not dispatch troops to help their anti- enemies even, but must come to borrow two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator with him. 现在内朝不派兵帮助他们抗敌就算了,还要来跟他借两千渡劫期修士 He estimates these two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, once borrows, that basically had not to return. 他估计这两千渡劫期修士一旦借出去,那基本上是有去无回了。 Regarding altogether only has ten thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator kamikaze outer court, these two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator absolutely are not a small number. 对于一共只有一万渡劫期修士的神风外朝来说,这两千渡劫期修士绝对不是一个小数目。 The status of these people are somewhat special, this is really not good to reject. 只是这几个人的身份有些特殊,这还真是不好拒绝。 Words that but does not reject, he must build two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage experts to go out, these fellows too were not the things. 可是不拒绝的话,他就得搭两千渡劫期高手出去,这几个家伙真的太不是东西了。 He even somewhat suspects duty of getting it over and done now they said. 他现在甚至有些怀疑他们所说的一劳永逸的任务了。 Won't their duties come the pit specially he? 他们这任务不会是专门来坑他的吧? Several elders, our kamikaze outer court strength is not powerful, moreover this period of time with revolting toward contest, lost many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator. “几位长老,我们神风外朝的实力并不强大,而且这段时间跟叛朝较量,也损失了不少渡劫期修士 My kamikaze outer court now already not remaining how many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, if loans 2000, feared that will be disadvantageous to my kamikaze outer court security? ” Kamikaze outer court Great Elder sees the Outer King embarrassed rejection, therefore he stands to say. 我神风外朝现在已经没剩下多少渡劫期修士了,若是借出两千的话,怕是会对我神风外朝的安全不利啊?”神风外朝大长老外王不好意思拒绝,于是他站出来说道。 Relax, our plans are not dangerous, but needed everyone to coordinate together on the line!” Five elders answered. “放心吧,我们这一次的计划并不危险,只是需要大家一起配合一下就行了!”五长老解释道。 Also please five elders say this plan in detail!” Kamikaze outer court Great Elder said. “还请五长老详细说说这一次的计划!”神风外朝大长老说道。 Plan is such......”, therefore five elders said the entire plan. “计划是这样的......”于是五长老把整个计划都说了一遍。 Heard this matter not only needs to borrow two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator from their here, but also wants them to go to the battlefield to help in the fighting personally, this made everyone silent unavoidably. 听说这件事情不仅需要从他们这里借走两千渡劫期修士,而且还要他们这些人亲自前往战场助战,这不免让大家沉默了。 Actually wants us to draft is not, after all we constrain their armies, this should be not difficult. “其实要我们亲征也不是不可以,毕竟我们只是拖住他们的大军,这应该是不难的。 That follows your two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, actually must help you attack their supreme headquarters, this feared that was some are extremely dangerous. ” Kamikaze Outer King said. 只是那跟随你们的两千渡劫期修士,却是要帮你们突袭他们的大本营,这怕是有些太过危险了。”神风外王说道。 Yes, there not only then a Saint Court wounded person, many Saint Court experts are definitely also guarding the camp. “是啊,那里不仅仅只有一个圣朝的伤员,肯定还有不少圣朝高手在镇守营地。 Like this kills, feared that is even two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, is still not necessarily able to succeed. 这样杀进去,怕是就算有两千渡劫期修士,也未必能成功啊。 Moreover even the success, it is estimated that the loss still was very big! ” Kamikaze outer court several elders also took a stand. 而且就算真的成功了,估计损失也很大!”神风外朝的几位长老们也纷纷表态道。 A little loses definitely is very normal, but you this passive waiting they have swallowed the kamikaze outer court city now, haven't you lost? “有一点损失肯定是很正常的,但是你们现在这样一直被动的等待他们吞下神风外朝的城池,难道你们就没有损失吗? So long as this planned successfully, what relations lost a person also to have? When the time comes these cities that they swallow must spit completely. 只要这个计划成功了,损失一点人又有什么关系?到时候他们吞下的那些城池全部都得吐出来。 If Saint Court were really eradicated by us, your kamikaze outer court is the biggest merit, when the time comes let alone is such several cities that they swallow, these outer court that their these year of institutes occupy, must apportion you. 要是圣朝真的被我们连根拔起了,那你们神风外朝就是最大功劳,到时候别说是他们吞掉的这么几座城池,就连他们这些年所占据的这些外朝,都要分给你们。 You calculate again, 你们再算一算, This does lose you unable to withstand? ” Five elders seduce to say. Really can also apportion us other outer court?” Several elders really came the interest all of a sudden. 这点损失你们还承受不起吗?”五长老诱惑道。“真的可以将其他外朝也分给我们?”几位长老果然一下子就来兴趣了。 Their kamikaze outer court domain is not big, therefore the strength naturally cannot call strongly. 他们神风外朝的地盘并不算大,所以实力自然也称不上强。 Even if they want to swallow other outer court, this is almost the unlikely matter. 就算他们有心要吞掉其他的外朝,这都几乎是不太可能的事情。 But if inner court really removes Saint Court, revolts the domain in towards to apportion them these, does not need too many, to be able even 2-3, this kamikaze outer court no longer was present kamikaze outer court. 内朝若是真的除掉圣朝,把那些叛朝的地盘分给他们,不需要太多,就算能够得到2-3个,这神风外朝都不再是现在的神风外朝了。 If this bought and sold successfully, lost a Crossing Tribulation Stage expert but actually also truly to withstand. 若是这笔买卖成功了,损失一点渡劫期高手倒也确实是可以承受的。 But does Saint Court that wounded person really know the Saint Court den? Even if knows, his still not necessarily agrees did say?” Kamikaze outer court is also at present one bright, knows that this truly is an enormous opportunity. “可是圣朝的那个伤员真的知道圣朝的老巢吗?就算知道,他也未必肯说吧?”神风外朝也是眼前一亮,知道这确实是一个巨大的机会。 But fears feared, this matter feared is not easy. 但怕就怕,这件事情怕是并没有那么容易。 Do not be a double loss when the time comes, that loss may be big. 别到时候赔了夫人又折兵,那损失可就大了。 Relax, even if we cannot ask that anything comes, to give exalted lord, can still certainly ask!” Great Elder confident saying. “放心吧,就算我们问不出什么来,交给主上,也一定能够问出来的!”大长老胸有成竹的说道。 To be honest, his does not dare to have the warranty at heart, but becomes with inadequate, must first try. 说实话,他的心里也并不敢打保票,但是成与不成,总要先试一试。 In any case loses is not their inner court person, but if takes the kamikaze outer court person, finally actually really helped him make this duty, that exalted lord that side they were also have to explain. 反正损失的又不是他们内朝的人,但若是拿着神风外朝的人,结果却是真的帮他做成了这个任务,那主上那边他们也算是有个交待了。 Gives the commitment of kamikaze outer court as for them, to be honest, if this matter really completed, this commitment are few, won't exalted lord possibly agree? 至于他们给予神风外朝的承诺,说实话,若是这件事情真的办成了,这点承诺都算少的,主上怎么可能会不同意? Elder, this matter is important, we want to discuss again whether?” Kamikaze Outer King thinks, this as if to kamikaze outer court is advantageous, is only at once actually some being in doubt ideas. “诸位长老,这件事情事关重大,我们想要再商量一下可否?”神风外王想了想,这似乎对神风外朝还是有利的,只是一时之间却有些拿不准主意。 Sure, but everyone best quickly, we hope then to be able next year. The time too long words that because drags, the injury of that wounded person possibly really must heal, wants to hold him again, but was difficult.” The Great Elder reminder said. “当然可以,不过各位最好快一点,我们希望明年便能够出发。因为拖的时间太长的话,那个伤员的伤势可能就真的要愈合了,再想要抓住他,可就难了。”大长老提醒道。 Good, I first arrange to rest a evening in Bi towards/dynasty, we will surely give answer tomorrow!” Kamikaze Outer King said. “好的,那我先安排诸位在鄙朝休息一晚,我们明天一定给各位答复!”神风外王说道。 Great Elder and the others nod, left under aide's leadership. 大长老等人点点头,在侍从的带领下离开了。 Everyone, this matter you looked, we should make a move?” In the main hall is only left over kamikaze outer court several elders, kamikaze Outer King asks. “各位,这件事情你们看,我们该不该出手呢?”大殿内只剩下神风外朝的几位长老,神风外王问道。 Outer King, I thought that we feared did not have other choice. The inner court five chancellor elders borrow the soldier personally, can we not borrow? Isn't that queers? 外王,我觉得咱们怕是也没有别的选择了。内朝五位主事长老亲自来借兵,咱们能不借吗?那不是得罪人吗? Really must offend inner court, we might as well turn to revolt toward now consider as finished! ” Kamikaze Second Elder said. 真要得罪了内朝,那咱们还不如现在投靠叛朝算了!”神风二长老说道。 Right, although inner court seems like the potential to be weak now, but inner court also, exalted lord also. So long as exalted lord acts personally, this loss can reverse sooner or later. “没错,虽说现在内朝看起来势弱,但是内朝还在,主上还在。只要主上亲自出手,这败势早晚都能逆转过来。 Therefore I felt, perhaps we should not offend inner court! ” 所以我觉得,咱们或许还是不应该得罪内朝!” Actually I also think that I worried inner court does not act, is actually intentionally for it!” Listened to the words of two elders, kamikaze Outer King to nod, spoke the words in own heart. “其实我也是这么想的,我担心内朝之所以不怎么出手,其实是故意为之!”听了两位长老的话,神风外王点点头,把自己心中的话说了出来。 Outer King was worried that exalted lord and these chancellor elders are probing our loyalty?” Great Elder asked. 外王是担心主上和这些主事长老在试探我们的忠诚吗?”大长老问道。 Does not know, I have this guess. If so, do not look these revolt toward the present noisily very happy, seized so many domains. “不知道,我只是有这个猜测。若真是如此,别看这些叛朝现在闹的挺欢,占领了这么多的地盘。 May really want, when exalted lord acting seriously time, they should be hapless. Their domain is even big, the person are many, can fight exalted lord? 可真要等到主上动真格的时候,他们就该倒霉了。他们就算地盘再大,人再多,能够斗的过主上吗? When the time comes exalted lord can take carry back the domain that these lose with ease completely . Moreover the thorough cleaning up gateway, kicks the Royal Court general situation all not loyalty! ” Kamikaze Outer King said. 到时候主上轻轻松松就可以将这些失去的地盘全部拿回来,而且还彻底的清理门户,将所有不忠者踢出王朝大局!”神风外王说道。 Un, Outer King said in the principle, I also thought that present inner court seemed like some is too weak. After a Outer King such saying, this also really might be a bureau that exalted lord suspended intentionally!” The elders think carefully, this also seems very reasonable. “嗯,外王说的在理,我也觉得现在的内朝似乎有些太弱了。经外王这么一说,这还真有可能是主上故意摆的一个局!”众长老仔细一想,这似乎也是很有道理的。 Outer King, the words such being the case, we were more impossible to reject them.” Third Elder said. 外王,既然如此的话,那咱们就更不可能拒绝他们了。”三长老说道。 Rejection truly does not have the means to reject, but that two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage disciple, once borrows, feared that was is very difficult!” Saying that kamikaze Outer King some do not abandon. “拒绝确实是没有办法拒绝的,只是那两千渡劫期的弟子一旦借出去,怕是就很难回来了!”神风外王有些不舍的说道。 Although their plan successes, possibly let full that kamikaze outer court gains, but these two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator really must lose, makes him grieved very much. 虽然他们的计划成功了,可能让神风外朝赚的盆满钵满,可是这两千渡劫期修士真要损失了,还是很让他心痛的。 Let alone now this also merely is a plan, can succeed, he is really indefinite. 更何况现在这也仅仅是个计划而已,能不能成功,他还真不确定。 Even if several chancellor elders vowed solemnly, but he always thought that this matter will not be easy to succeed. 哪怕几位主事长老都信誓旦旦但是他总觉得这事不会那么容易成功。 This really has the possibility, after all attacks the supreme headquarters, there definitely has many Saint Court experts. They said that is guarding on eight Crossing Tribulation Stage experts, I do not believe!” Third Elder said. “这个确实有可能,毕竟是突袭大本营啊,那里肯定有不少圣朝的高手。他们说就八个渡劫期高手在驻守,我是不怎么相信的!”三长老说道。 Actually I do not believe, perhaps they want to make us feel this matter is not very dangerous, is willing to borrow the soldier to their excuse!” Kamikaze Outer King said. “其实我也不怎么相信,或许他们只是想让我们觉得这事不是很危险,愿意借兵给他们的说辞罢了!”神风外王说道。 „Don't we taking advantage of borrow?” “那咱们借还是不借呢?” Taking advantage of! Even if will really lose, but we truly do not have the means to offend inner court. If their plan really successes, we can attain several outer court, pouring is not owes. “借!就算真的会有所损失,但是我们也确实没有办法得罪内朝。如果他们的计划真的成功了,我们能够拿到几个外朝的话,倒也不算亏。 Had the domain to have the resources, naturally can attract and trains more experts come! ” Outer King definitely said. 有了地盘有了资源,自然可以吸引和培养出更多的高手来!”外王肯定地说道。 In fact, he absolutely does not have the means to reject. 实际上,他根本就没有办法拒绝。 Reason that invited everyone to discuss together, but also for by own felt better at heart. 之所以邀请大家一起商议一下,不过也是为了让自己的心里更好受一些。 At least is the matter that everyone agrees with. 起码是大家都同意的事情。 Such being the case, we must start a soldier, tomorrow must follow them. Moreover, do we really also want to go together?” Great Elder asked. “既然如此,那咱们就要开始点兵了,明天就要跟着他们出发了。而且,我们真的也要一起去吗?”大长老问道。 You and Third Elder remain, after all we really do not make war, is not fights a decisive battle. If everyone went, our outer court what to do? “你和三长老就留下来吧,毕竟咱们不是真的去开战,也不是去决战。如果所有人都去了,那咱这外朝怎么办? So long as I and other elders openly made an appearance, revolts will definitely want to mobilize the army to hold or massacre toward that side our, such our duties and goals were also completed even! ” Outer King thinks to say. 只要我和其他长老公开露面了,叛朝那边肯定会想要发动大军抓住或者杀掉我们的,那样我们的任务和目的也就算是完成了!”外王想了想说道。 Outer King, is this really all right? If by some chance they really did kill to enter a city?” Some Great Elder worries asked. 外王,这样真的没事吗?万一他们真的杀进城了呢?”大长老有些担心地问道。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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