GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5150: Manages!

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The inner court five elders truly want them to constrain to revolt toward with the Saint Court army, is the Saint Court expert is so strong, if they have not supported, really by others city breaking through. 内朝的五位长老确实只是要他们去拖住叛朝和圣朝的大军,可是圣朝的高手那么强,万一他们没撑住,真的被人家把城池给攻破了。 That may not act in a play when the time comes, but really must make war. 那到时候可就不是在演戏了,而是真的要开战了。 Fights the Saint Court expert, what result can that be? This is the matter that they really do not dare to imagine. 圣朝的高手打起来,那会是什么结果?这可是他们真的不敢想象的事情。 Has saying that Great Elder this saying actually gave to say everyone was shocked. 不得不说,大长老这话却是把所有人都给说愣住了。 Yes, if only these revolts toward the army, that naturally also does not have any to be good to be afraid. 是啊,如果只是那些叛朝大军,那自然也没有什么好害怕的。 But there definitely has the Saint Court expert! 可是那里肯定有圣朝的高手啊! Has the Saint Court expert , will that matter be so simple? 圣朝的高手在,那事情还会那么简单吗? They want to constrain the Saint Court several thousand experts, so will be really easy? 他们想要拖住圣朝数千高手,真的会那么容易吗? That wants the deceased person, their does here meet a matter? 那可是要死人的,他们这边会一点事情都没有? Heart question marks made their complexions immediately heavy. 心底这一个一个的问号顿时让他们的脸色变得沉重起来了。 That what to do? If we do not borrow the soldier, that can also be a very troublesome matter.” The people started to be somewhat hurried. “那怎么办?咱们若是不借兵的话,那也会是一件很麻烦的事情。”众人开始有些慌了。 Really the incorrect words, we cannot with their dying war. So long as the city were about to break, we withdrew from the city directly, did not make war with them directly!” Kamikaze Outer King pondered some little time, said finally. “实在不行的话,那咱们就不能跟他们死战。只要城池快破了,咱们就直接退出城池,不跟他们正面开战!”神风外王沉思了好一会儿,最后开口说道。 But can this constrain them? Can after they see we run away, returns to the supreme headquarters to go? In that case, the inner court five elder assembly has not to return!” Third Elder said. “可是这样能够拖住他们吗?他们会不会看到我们逃走之后,就回到大本营去了呢?那样的话,内朝的五位长老会有去无回啊!”三长老说道。 They what relations, if has not to return to? If they die , in hand that revolts toward with Saint Court, I thought that perhaps is a good deed. “他们要是有去无回有什么关系?若是他们死在了叛朝和圣朝的手上,我觉得或许还是一件好事。 When the time comes exalted lord is in a rage, could change the situation directly. ” Five elders said. 到时候主上一怒之下,可能就要直接扭转局势了。”五长老说道。 This is all well and good, but do we have two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator there? If their five died, our that 2000 soldiers can also come back?” Third Elder said. “话是没错,但咱们还有两千渡劫期修士在那里呢?他们五个要是死了,我们那两千战士还能回来吗?”三长老说道。 Loses 2000 soldiers, if can make Royal Court take back the situation, why not? Moreover, our that 2000 soldiers are not bring death, but for their five people of expert who leads away the supreme headquarters. “损失两千战士若能够让王朝收回局势,那又有何不可呢?而且,我们那两千战士也不是去送死的,只是为了他们五人引开大本营的高手而已。 Their five people could die in the supreme headquarters, but even if our these 2000 soldiers really have the loss, is still insufficient to be annihilated? 他们五个人可能会死在大本营里面,而我们这两千战士就算真的有损失,也不至于全军覆没吧? Moreover, their Saint Court altogether set out 2000 experts. Since they must attack a city, most experts are definitely attacking a city, supreme headquarters definitely incessantly eight people, but should absolutely not be many, how otherwise do they attack a city? 另外,他们圣朝一共才出动了两千高手。既然他们要攻城的话,肯定大部分的高手都在攻城的,大本营肯定不止八个人,但是应该也绝对不会太多,要不然他们如何攻城呢? Because even if we ran away, the Saint Court expert drew back from the battlefield, at that time, our that 2000 soldiers have not known that escaped? ” Five elders argued. 就算因为我们逃走了,圣朝的高手从战场上退回去了,那个时候,我们那两千战士难道还不知道逃吗?”五长老争辩道。 Five elders said is also reasonable, our people will not be silly, clear(ly) knows that doesn't beat must support by hard and stubborn effort? “五长老说的也有道理,咱们的人也不会那么傻,明知道不敌还要硬撑吗? We make them help the inner court five elders cover, does not make them bring death. 我们是让他们去帮助内朝的五位长老打掩护的,又不是让他们去送死的。 The situation changes, they can remove momentarily, does not need dead to resist! How does Outer King feel? ” Six elders also approve the person of same belief. 情况有变,他们随时都可以撤出来,没有必要死抗!外王觉得如何?”六长老也赞同道。 This as if, we currently speaking, even if lends their two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, we still have eight thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator. So many experts, so long as not dying war, losing should not be big! “这样似乎也可以,我们目前来看,就算借给他们两千渡劫期修士,我们也还有八千渡劫期修士。这么多高手,只要不是死战的话,损失应该不会太大! Moreover, even we really withdrew, they must certainly continue to seize the city, but will not return the supreme headquarters directly. 另外,就算我们真的撤走了,他们肯定是要继续占领城池的,而不会直接退回大本营去。 Therefore these two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator should compares the security, even if you want the Saint Court expert to withdraw the supreme headquarters completely, it is estimated that is still unlikely! ” Kamikaze Outer King thinks to say. 所以这两千渡劫期修士应该是比较安全的,就算你们想要圣朝高手全部撤回大本营,估计也不太可能!”神风外王想了想说道。 Actually compares in borrowing that two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, he is worried about this side them. 其实相比于借出去的那两千渡劫期修士,他更担心他们自己这一边。 After all they must attract their attacking a city armies, that really danger. 毕竟他们是要去吸引他们的攻城大军的,那才是真的危险。 Said, Outer King has thought that do we want to dispatch troops?” Great Elder said. “这么说,外王已经想好了,我们一定要派兵了?”大长老说道。 That is natural, does not dispatch troops is absolutely incorrect, inner court we cannot stir up, cannot bet. However since we to attract their armies, that does not need to go out all disciples belts. “那是自然的,不派兵是绝对不行的,内朝我们惹不起,也赌不起。不过我们既然只是为了吸引他们的大军,那也没有必要将所有弟子都带出去。 This we only send ten thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to go to battle time, 这一次我们只派一万渡劫期修士出战, The situation to does not run away directly. ” Kamikaze Outer King said. Right, sees us to have eight thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator in the battlefield, enough has caused their attention. Moreover the person few words, we retreat will also be easier!” The elders nod, truly should do that. 形势不对就直接逃。”神风外王说道。“没错,看到我们有八千渡劫期修士在战场上,已经足够引起他们的注意力了。而且人少的话,我们撤退也会更加容易!”众长老点点头,确实应该这么做。 If leads hundreds of thousands of armies to push in the city, if when the time comes the city were really revolted toward broke through with Saint Court, they retreated without enough time. 如果带着数十万大军挤在城中,到时候若是城池真的被叛朝和圣朝攻破了,那他们连撤退都来不及了。 The people are too many, presses together completely, such will only increase the senseless sacrifice. 人太多,全部挤在一起了,那样只会增加无谓的牺牲罢了。 Since made the decision, the people also no longer said anything. 既然做出了决定,众人也不再多说什么。 This matter must complete earlier, otherwise really like inner court several elders said that if when the time comes Saint Court that wounded person the wound were good, that may be finished, the person has not caught, but also in vain oneself building. 这件事情必须要早点完成,要不然真就像内朝几位长老说的,到时候圣朝的那个伤员若是伤都好了,那可就完蛋了,人没抓到,还白白把自己给搭进去了。 Therefore several people hurry to go back to mobilize soldiers respectively, this matter is sooner rather than later. 于是几人赶紧各自回去调兵,此事宜早不宜迟。 Next day, Great Elder they noticed that kamikaze Outer King is really tactful, in the heart also is really satisfied. 第二天,大长老他们看到神风外王果然识趣,心中也甚是满意。 Looks at this ten thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, no matter how the strength, can be this level, the strength will not be at least weak. 看着这一万渡劫期修士,不管实力如何,能够达到这个层次的,至少实力不会弱。 Naturally, the strength also is quite weak, they are only auxiliary, so long as can help them constrain these experts in supreme headquarters, then their goals were achieved. 当然,实力强也好弱也罢,他们都不过只是辅助罢了,只要能够帮他们拖住大本营的那些高手,那么他们的目的就达到了。 Kamikaze Outer King, this plan, if succeeded, exalted lord will certainly not forget your!” Great Elder said with a smile. “神风外王,这一次的计划若是成功了,主上一定不会忘记你的!”大长老笑着说道。 Also must have the work several elders' fine talk several in front of exalted lord is!” Kamikaze Outer King said with a smile. “还得有劳几位长老在主上面前美言几句才是!”神风外王笑着说道。 This is natural, kamikaze Outer King to inner court is loyal we are watches, when the important matter becomes, we naturally cannot treat unjustly kamikaze Outer King!” Great Elder definitely said. “这是当然的,神风外王内朝的忠心我们大家都是看在眼里的,等到大事即成,我们自然不会亏待了神风外王!”大长老肯定地说道。 That little king then first apologized to everyone in this! My outer court ten thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator have built up, whether we can?” Kamikaze Outer King was happier. “那小王便在此先谢过各位了!我外朝一万渡劫期修士都已经集结完毕,我们是否可以出发了?”神风外王更加高兴了。 Since chose followed inner court, that naturally must do one's best , when the important matter completed that moment, that was the advantage is definitely many. 既然选择了追随内朝,那自然就要尽心尽力,真的等到大事完成那一刻,那肯定是好处多多。 „!” Great Elder nods, he is impatient. “出发吧!”大长老点点头,他早就已经迫不及待了。 Although he does not believe that Saint Court that wounded person in such a short time can get back, but he wants the quicker the better, so as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems. 虽说他并不相信圣朝的那个伤员在这么短的时间内就可以恢复过来,但是他还是希望越快越好,免得夜长梦多。 More than 10,000 people left kamikaze outer court like this. 一万多人就这样离开了神风外朝 But the kamikaze outer court remaining these people, in the eye actually full are anxious. 可是神风外朝剩下的那些人,眼中却满是焦虑。 These people may be their kamikaze outer court most powerful strengths, now actually all leaves, this makes they be troubled unavoidably. 这些人可都是他们神风外朝最强大的力量,如今却全部都离开了,这不免让他们内心感到不安。 This means that outside war was getting more and more stern, perhaps these people these went out dead in battle time completely. 这意味着外面的战事越来越严峻了,说不定这些人这一次出去就全部战死了。 If even such expert died in battle, what consequence that will have?, 而若是连这样的高手都战死了,那会有什么样的后果?、 Possibly the next batch were one's turn them. 可能下一批就轮到他们了。 However they cannot change anything, only hopes that these people can also come back, outside this proof is then safe, they were also safe. 但是他们改变不了什么,只期盼这些人还能够回来,这样便证明外面已经安全了,他们也安全了。 Completely is Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, the speed of hurrying along naturally very quick. 全部都是渡劫期修士,赶路的速度自然是非常的快。 Via each region, many people look at space dense piece of Crossing Tribulation Stage to fly, many people who that powerful imposing manner presses cannot breathe. 途经各地,很多人望到天上黑压压一片的渡劫期飞过,那种强大的气势都压的很多人喘不过气来。 Looks direction that they go, everyone basically also guessed, that direction is having the war to erupt, now sets out so many experts all of a sudden, it is estimated that went to the battlefield. 看着他们前往的方向,大家基本上也都猜出来了,那个方向正有大战爆发,现在一下子出动了这么多的高手,估计都是前往前往战场的。 These days, revolted toward has occupied a city with the Saint Court army again. 这段时间里,叛朝和圣朝大军早已经再占一座城池。 Through the inquiry news, their army is going to the water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate now, therefore their present goals in water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate. 通过打探消息,如今他们的大军正在前往水月城,所以他们现在的目标就在水月城。 However at this time they must fan out in two groups. 但是此时他们必须要兵分两路了。 Kamikaze Outer King strips eight thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to go to the moon reflection in the water cities to defend, but the inner court five elders and two thousand Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator must bypass the water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, toward revolting toward goes with the rear area of Saint Court army. 神风外王一路带着八千渡劫期修士前往水月城镇守,而内朝五位长老和两千渡劫期修士则要绕过水月城,朝着叛朝和圣朝大军的后方而去。 Everyone, our time circles to them behind at least also requires eight days, to provide against contingencies, you launch the attack to tempt them to attack a city ten days later.” At a time of the distinction, Great Elder reminded them to say again. “各位,我们此次绕到他们后方至少还需要八天的时间,为了以防万一,你们在十天之后发起攻击引诱他们攻城。”在分别之际,大长老再一次提醒他们道。 Actually comes out from kamikaze outer court, they had been discussing, however for any significance, he wants to remind again. 其实从神风外朝出来的时候,他们就已经在商议了,但是为了不出任何意义,他还是想再提醒一遍。 But we do not know when now they must arrive at the water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, if we have not arrived, or after they arrived, ahead of time initiated attacked a city?” Second Elder asked. “可是我们现在不知道他们要什么时候到达水月城,万一我们还没到,或者他们到了之后提前发起了攻城呢?”二长老问道。 Because ten days of really many, if the army of opposite party is quick enough, perhaps has been ahead of time the water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate. 因为十天的时间真的不少,如果对方的大军够快的话,或许早就提前到了水月城。 But kamikaze Outer King they, because goes to the water semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate directly, most is also three days of time. 而神风外王他们因为直接前往水月城,最多也就是三天时间而已。 If the opposite party launched the attack ahead of time, but Great Elder they also without arriving at the supreme headquarters of opposite party, that absolutely would have no means action program. 如果对方提前发起了攻击,可是大长老他们都还没有到达对方的大本营,那根本就没有办法实施计划了。 If they have not attacked a city ahead of time, then all according to planning to handle affairs, ten days later you start to intend to tempt them. “如果他们并没有提前攻城,那么一切都按计划行事,十天之后你们开始出手引诱他们。 If they attacked a city ahead of time, you escape from the moon reflection in the water city directly, guards toward their next city. 如果他们提前攻城了,那你们就直接逃出水月城,往他们的下一座城池去镇守。 But we also continuously in rear area follows they. ” Great Elder thinks to say. 而我们也会一直在后方跟着他们。”大长老想了想说道。 „, We arrived at the next city in this case, how we know when should initiate tempts?” Second Elder continues to ask. “可是这样的话,我们到了下一座城池,我们怎么知道什么时候该发起引诱呢?”二长老继续问道。 When the time comes we will send out a signal flare in their supreme headquarters, you noticed that the signal flare starts to tempt them!” Great Elder said. “到时候我们会在他们的大本营发出一个讯号弹,你们看到讯号弹就开始引诱他们!”大长老说道。 Like this feared that is inappropriate? If they saw the signal flare, feared that will return the supreme headquarters directly!” Four elders knit the brows to say. “这样怕是不合适吧?他们若是看到了讯号弹,怕是会直接退回大本营了!”四长老皱眉道。 Therefore needs you to coordinate, so long as you dispatched troops at that time, even if they have to think that withdrew the supreme headquarters still without enough time!” Great Elder said. “所以才需要你们配合,只要你们在那个时候出兵了,他们就算是有心想撤回大本营也来不及了!”大长老说道。 This really?” Kamikaze outer court several elders were actually some worries. “这样真的可以吗?”神风外朝的几位长老却是有些担心了。 Relax, our plan in the supreme headquarters will be quick, so long as completes, we will release the signal flare again, you then retreated directly are OK!” Great Elder said confidently. “放心吧,我们在大本营的计划会很快,只要一完成,我们会再次释放讯号弹,你们便直接撤退就可以了!”大长老胸有成竹地说道。 That this, everyone takes care!” Kamikaze Outer King thinks, thought also yes, otherwise, their middle is away from the enemy, how keeps in touch? “那就这样吧,各位保重!”神风外王想了想,觉得也是可以的,否则的话,他们中间隔着敌军,怎么保持联系呢? Only can adopt this method! 只能通过这种方法了! Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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