GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5148: Taking advantage of soldier?

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You determined that only has five people?” Kamikaze Outer King was shocked obviously, how many chancellor elders alone come unexpectedly, doesn't a soldier have the belt/bring? “你确定只有五个人?”神风外王显然愣住了,几位主事长老竟然只身前来,一个兵都没带? Although he knows that the inner court five chancellor elders are strong, but on these five people, as if doesn't have too big using again? 虽然他知道内朝的五位主事长老实力很强大,但是就这五个人,再强似乎也没有太大的用吧? At least others Saint Court set out several thousand experts, hundreds of thousands of armies, their five people even again fierce, should not possible massacre them completely! 至少人家圣朝可是出动了好几千高手,还有数十万大军,他们五个人就算再厉害,应该也不可能把他们全部杀掉吧! Outer King, truly only has five people, really not others!” The disciple definitely said. 外王,确实只有五个人,真的没有别人了!”那弟子肯定地说道。 First please come in them! Ok, we greet personally!” Kamikaze Outer King thinks to say. “先把他们请进来吧!算了,还是我们亲自去迎接吧!”神风外王想了想说道。 No matter they lead troops, the status at least five chancellor elders are placed there, their have no reason to neglect, does not dare to neglect. 不管他们有没有带兵来,至少五位主事长老的身份摆在那里,他们没有理由怠慢,也不敢怠慢。 Kamikaze Outer King led several chancellor elders to have the main hall, hurried to toward the entrance. 神风外王带着几个主事长老出了大殿,往山门赶去。 Quick, they really noticed that outside the entrance is only standing five people, did not have more people again. 很快,他们果然看到山门外只站着五个人,再也没有更多的人了。 „Do they really catch up to rescue?” In kamikaze Outer King heart doubts. “难道他们真的是只身赶来救援?”神风外王心中十分的疑惑。 Since how many chancellor elders come the rescue from inner court, why actually doesn't lead troops? 既然几位主事长老是从内朝过来救援的,为什么却不带兵呢? Said they first come, does the army catch up in behind? 还是说他们先来,大军在后面赶来? Also, these five people he only know three, two youngster he did not know. 还有,这五个人他只认识三个,还有两个年轻人他并不认识。 Second Elder and haven't four elders come?” Kamikaze Outer King has doubts to say again. 二长老和四长老没来?”神风外王再次疑惑道。 Kamikaze does not know that several elders come, have to lose welcome, but also asked elder to excuse me!” Although in the heart has many doubts, but he has not delayed, hurries to go forward the polite regards to say. “神风不知道几位长老前来,有失远迎,还请诸位长老见谅!”虽然心中有不少的疑惑,但是他也并没有耽误,赶紧上前客气的问候道。 Kamikaze Outer King, we come hastily, hasn't disturbed you?” Great Elder said with a smile. “神风外王,我们仓促前来,没有打扰到你们吧?”大长老笑着说道。 Great Elder where words, elder can arrive at my kamikaze outer court to come, that is being honored of my kamikaze outer court, where will disturb!” Kamikaze Outer King is also the smalltalk said. 大长老哪里的话,诸位长老能够到我神风外朝来,那是我神风外朝的荣幸,哪里会打扰!”神风外王也是客套道。 Quick, kamikaze Outer King and did the elder then to have five people to arrive in the middle of the main hall. 很快,神风外王和一干长老便带着五人来到了大殿当中。 Please sit down!” After the people sit down, the maidservant was five people displayed the hot tea. “诸位请坐!”众人落坐之后,侍女为五人摆上了热茶。 Many thanks kamikaze Outer King!” “多谢神风外王!” Great Elder, why Second Elder and haven't four elders come together?” Kamikaze Outer King is probing asking. 大长老,二长老和四长老为何没有一起来呢?”神风外王试探着问道。 Second Elder and four elders, had given their sons their positions due to health reasons, these two are new Second Elder and four elders, this is Second Elder big Young Master vermilion Yuheng, that is big Young Master Shen Xiulin of four elders!” Great Elder with a smile to everyone introduced. 二长老和四长老因为身体的原因,已经把他们的位置让给了他们的儿子,这二位便是新的二长老和四长老,这位是二长老的大公子朱羽恒,那一位是四长老的大公子沈修林!”大长老笑着向大家介绍道。 So that's how it is, two young then can inherit the position of elder, obvious two are also young and promising! Also please two give regards to two fathers for me!” In the kamikaze Outer King heart had doubts again, but has not directly asked. “原来如此,二位年纪轻轻便能继承长老之位,可见二位也是年轻有为!还请二位替我向二位父亲问好!”神风外王心中再次疑惑起来了,但是并没有直接问出来。 The inner court chancellor elder is not everyone can sit below. 内朝的主事长老可不是人人都能够坐的下的。 Moreover strength superior of Second Elder and four elders, if only the general pain, how to give away the position of own elder? 而且二长老和四长老的实力高强,若只是一般的病痛,怎会让出自己的长老之位呢? Even if this seat gave own son, but these two youngster are not necessarily able the control such big influence. 哪怕这位子是让给了自己的儿子,但是这二位年轻人未必就能够掌控的了这么大的势力。 What is more strange, these two people give away the position of oneself elder unexpectedly simultaneously, doesn't this make one have doubts very much? 更加奇怪的是,这二人竟然是同时让出自己的长老之位,这不是让人很疑惑吗? It is estimated that before these two , the elder feared that is not the pain, but is the grief, and possibly is very serious, otherwise they are absolutely impossible easily to give away oneself imperial throne. 估计这二位前长老怕不是病痛,而是伤痛,并且可能十分严重,否则他们绝对不可能轻易让出自己的大位。 Many thanks kamikaze Outer King, I will certainly have your words!” vermilion Yuheng said with a smile. “多谢神风外王,我一定会把你的话带到的!”朱羽恒笑着说道。 Their fathers as the inner court chancellor elder, not only strength, but also the position is high, the power is big. 他们二人的父亲作为内朝的主事长老,不仅实力强,而且地位高,权力大。 However such two people actually died in the hand of Saint Court, if this matter passed on, making these Outer King know, it is estimated that inner court will not really have to be loyal to their outer court. 但是这样的两个人却死在了圣朝的手上,若是这件事情传出去,让这些外王知道的话,估计内朝就真的再也不会有忠于他们的外朝了。 The inner court chancellor elder cannot preserve including own life, how also to guarantee their these outer court? 内朝的主事长老连自己的性命都保不住,又如何保他们的这些外朝呢? Therefore this matter, besides inner court, did not have others to know again. 所以这件事情,除了内朝之外,再也没有别人知道了。 inner court will not make the bystander know. 内朝也不会让外人知道。 However inner court did not say, but does not represent others not to know. 不过内朝不说但并不代表别人不知道。 Because initially Second Elder and four elders died were popular Le city, 因为当初二长老和四长老可是死在了兴乐城, At that time although was not the official war, both sides have not set out the army, but was popular Le city to have the garrison troops. Therefore Second Elder and four elder killed news cannot block completely, was at least disclosed that although passes on are not many, but some people actually heard. 那个时候虽不是正式大战,双方都没有出动大军,但还是兴乐城还是有守军的。所以二长老和四长老被杀的消息并不能完全的封锁,至少还是被人透露出来了,虽然传的不多,可是有些人却还是听说了。 Before kamikaze Outer King, has had hearing, but he does not feel this news real. 神风外王之前就有过耳闻,但是他并不觉得这个消息是真的。 But now his actually some believes at heart most likely. 而现在他的心里倒是有八成相信了。 Naturally, perhaps the hearsay may also be is false. 当然,也许传闻也有可能是假的。 However this Second Elder and four elders, even if had not been massacred by Saint Court, it is estimated that still truly wound was too heavy, otherwise they should not pass to oneself son oneself seat eagerly. 不过这二长老和四长老就算没有被圣朝杀掉,估计也确实伤的太重了,要不然他们应该不会这么急于把自己的位子传给自己的儿子。 Such a thinks, he did not have so many doubts actually, in the heart was also more insightful. 这么一想,他倒是没有那么多的疑惑了,心中也通透了许多。 Great Elder, your arrives at my kamikaze outer court time, should also to revolt toward with the Saint Court matter?” Kamikaze Outer King also no longer beat around the bush, asked directly. 大长老,你们这一次来到我神风外朝,应该也是为了叛朝和圣朝的事情吧?”神风外王也不再拐弯抹角,直接问道。 The inner court five chancellor elders arrive at his kamikaze outer court unexpectedly simultaneously, this has never had the matter. 内朝的五个主事长老竟然同时来到他神风外朝,这是从未有过的事情。 Not just his kamikaze outer court has the war now, several other outer court have the war to happen. 要知道,如今并非只有他神风外朝有战事,其他几个外朝也都有战事发生。 Therefore he but is actually very curious, if for this war, why five elders will all arrive at his kamikaze outer court merely? 所以他心里倒很是好奇,若仅仅只是为了这战事,五位长老为什么偏偏会全部来到他神风外朝了呢? Other matter? 难道还有别的事情? Kamikaze Outer King really straight talk from a straightforward person, right, now Royal Court is revolted toward deeply with the harm of Saint Court, particularly kamikaze outer court had been swallowed many cities by them, we are impossible to look but not see, sit waiting for death. “神风外王果然快人快语,没错,如今王朝深受叛朝和圣朝的危害,尤其是神风外朝已经被他们吞下了不少城池,我们也不可能视而不见,坐以待毙。 Therefore I and others for this matter arrived at kamikaze outer court! ” Great Elder said. 所以我等正是为了此事才来到了神风外朝!”大长老说道。 That does not know how many armies elder these did lead to come to aid my kamikaze outer court time?” Kamikaze Outer King does not want such false smalltalk to get down, asked directly. “那不知道诸位长老这一次带了多少大军前来援助我神风外朝呢?”神风外王也不想一直这么虚假的客套下去,直接问道。 This is he most curious issue. 这是他最好奇的问题。 Since these five people really come for his kamikaze outer court war, always not possible not to have the belt/bring the soldiers! 这五个人既然真的是为了他神风外朝的战事而来,总不可能连兵都没带吧! Is open about the facts Outer King and fellow elders, our these besides our five people, did not have other armies time again!” Great Elder also does not have any to conceal, said directly. “不瞒外王和各位长老,我们这一次除了我们五人之外,再也没有其他大军了!”大长老也没有什么好隐瞒的,直接说道。 This......” kamikaze Outer King and complexion time really some of kamikaze elders are unattractive. “这......”神风外王和神风长老们的脸色这一次是真的有些不好看了。 Also thinks they kept what covert place the army, after all the army is inappropriate enters the outer court station, this will bring the sense of insecurity to kamikaze outer court. 原本还以为他们把大军留在了什么隐蔽的地方,毕竟大军也不合适进入外朝驻地,这样会给神风外朝带来不安全感。 Now but they actually acknowledge personally, the real soldiers have not brought, this really made people very difficult to accept. 可是现在他们竟然亲口承认,真的一兵一卒都不曾带来,这就真的让人很难接受了。 Does not bring the soldiers, really can by their five people that hundreds of thousands of rebel armies and several thousand Saint Court experts killing? 连兵都不带,难道真的要靠他们五个人把那数十万叛军和数千圣朝高手给杀了? Everyone first do not worry, because our itself/Ben has the secret duty to go out, hears temporarily kamikaze outer court encountered attacking, this catches up anxiously anxiously, therefore also asked kamikaze Outer King to excuse me.” Great Elder also knows that they will have discontentedly, but has not been angry, but patient answered. “各位先不要着急,由于我们这一次本是带着秘密任务外出,也是临时听说到神风外朝遭到了攻打,这才急急赶过来的,所以还请神风外王见谅。”大长老也知道他们会有所不满,但是也并没有生气,而是耐心的解释道。 Actually changed anyone, believes that encounters such situation very is not unsatisfied. 其实换了任何一个人,相信遇到这样的情况都会很不满意的。 After all kamikaze outer court is also the inner court faithful supporter, now they encountered attacking that revolts towards, inner court actually does not send the soldier, who can accept? 毕竟神风外朝也是内朝的忠实支持者,如今他们遭到了叛朝的攻打,内朝却不派一兵一卒,谁能接受呢? That how many elders why did not subpoena inner court, sending some armies to give support? “那几位长老为何不传讯内朝,派一些大军前来支援呢? If we do not have the support of inner court army, even after several elders leave personally, is still not necessarily able to subside this war! 我们如果没有内朝大军的支援,就算几位长老亲自出后,也未必能够平息这场战事! Moreover the Saint Court several thousand experts are not the ordinary expert can compared with, on my kamikaze outer court, destroyed completely them otherwise early. ” Kamikaze Outer King one hear said, felt better at heart actually reluctantly little. 而且圣朝的数千高手可不是平常的高手能够比的了的,要不然就我神风外朝,都早将他们灭掉了。”神风外王一听这么说,心里倒是勉强好受了一点点。 However their five people as the inner court chancellor elder, protect the following outer court itself/Ben are their responsibility. 但是他们五人作为内朝的主事长老,保护下面的外朝本就是他们的责任。 Even if they are because conducts the secret task outside, at least should also pass on a letter/believes to inner court, sends dozens over a million army to support to them? 哪怕他们是因为在外进行秘密任务,至少也应该向内朝传个信,给他们派个几十上百万的大军来支援吧? Speaks the truth with you, exalted lord is very unsatisfied regarding world present. We also received the exalted lord secret duty to come out. “跟你说实话吧,主上对于天下现在的局面是很不满意了。我们也正是接取了主上的秘密任务出来的。 The most important thing is, exalted lord has flown into a rage, if our duties cannot be accomplished, then we do not have the means to return to inner court again. 最重要的是,主上已经大发雷霆,我们的任务若是不能完成的话,那么我们是没有办法再回到内朝的。 Therefore we passed on a message to inner court even, still no one will dispatch troops. 所以我们就算向内朝传讯,也没有人会出兵的。 I said, kamikaze Outer King should also be able to realize our difficulties! ” Great Elder half real , half fake saying. 我这么说,神风外王也应该能够体会我们的难处!”大长老半真半假的说道。 Said, exalted lord did ignore our these outer court safety?” “这么说,主上也不顾我们这些外朝的安危了?” Naturally isn't our coming out duty to not safeguard your securities? So long as our duties were accomplished, then we will also get it over and done, safeguards your securities thoroughly, is this unimportant?” Great Elder said. “当然不是我们出来任务不就是为了保障你们的安全吗?只要我们的任务完成了,那么我们也将一劳永逸,彻底保障你们的安全,这难道还不重要吗?”大长老说道。 Does not know how fellow elders do plan to get it over and done?” Kamikaze Outer King curious say/way. “不知道各位长老打算如何一劳永逸呢?”神风外王好奇道。 He does not dare turning easily to revolt toward, because was worried that inner court is probing their loyalty. 他之所以不敢轻易的投靠叛朝,正是因为担心内朝只是在试探他们的忠心。 After world thorough chaos, inner court comes one to bring order out of chaos again, then he does turn to revolt toward brings about own destruction? 等到天下彻底大乱之后,内朝再来一个拨乱反正,那么他投靠叛朝岂不是自寻死路? Now revolts toward is powerful, to the pressure that he creates is also enormous. 只是现在叛朝实力强大,给他带来的压力也是极大。 If inner court does not come the person to support, he cannot withstand this pressure, feared that also really might probably turn to revolt toward. 若是内朝再不来人支援的话,他顶不住这压力,怕是还真有可能要投靠叛朝去了。 But if present inner court really has the means to get it over and done, he has not revolted inner court to be correct now. 可若是现在内朝真的有办法一劳永逸,那他现在没有叛出内朝就是正确的。 This is also I and other trip arrived at the kamikaze outer court goal, wants to achieve to get it over and done, but must kamikaze Outer King help one another is good!” Great Elder said with a smile. “这也就是我等此行来到神风外朝的目的,想要达到一劳永逸,还得神风外王相助才行!”大长老笑着说道。 Whether “Oh? Great Elder said is more detailed, how wants me to do? ” Kamikaze Outer King knits the brows slightly, always felt where has is not right. “哦?大长老可否说的再详细一些,要我如何做呢?”神风外王微微一皱眉,总感觉有哪里不对。 „Very simple, our these comes kamikaze outer court to borrow the soldier time! So long as Outer King can borrow me several thousand soldiers and horses, in addition kamikaze Outer King cheers personally, I think that this duty has succeeded most likely (80%)!” Great Elder said. “很简单,我们这一次是来神风外朝借兵的!只要外王能够借我几千兵马,再加上神风外王亲自助威,我想这个任务就已经成功八成了!”大长老说道。 Borrows the soldier with me?” The kamikaze Outer King complexion changes again and again, heart energy almost fell the cup to curse at people. “跟我借兵?”神风外王脸色一变再变,心底气的差点摔杯骂人了。 I planned that makes you send an army to support them, finally these people are booing, but must to his kamikaze outer court taking advantage of the soldier, this not come the disgusting person intentionally? 我本打算让你们派点大军来支援他们,结果这几个人倒好,还要向他神风外朝借兵,这不是故意来恶心人的吗? Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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