GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5147: How many armies came?

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Although the flowered old wound for a short time was, but this has not affected everyone continues to attack a city to seize territory. 虽然花老的伤一时半会儿是好不了的,但是这并没有影响到大家继续攻城略地。 But the flower old has treated in the rear camp recreation. 只不过花老一直待在后方的营地休养。 However had the previous experience, they do not dare to keep the rear camp flowered old one person, but is among them eight people defends the flower to be old in the camp. 但是有了上次的经验,他们也不敢把花老一人留在后方营地,而是他们当中的八人在营地守着花老。 After all the strength no small matter of that five person, the average person may be unable to block. 毕竟那五个人的实力非同小可,一般人可挡不住。 Even if the camp also has other garrison troops, but the strength is ordinary, surely does not have the means protection flower to be old. 就算营地还有其他守军,但是实力都一般,肯定是没有办法保护花老的。 Therefore to provide against contingencies, leaving behind eight people are safest. 所以为了以防万一,留下八人是最保险的。 Even if rear area that five people really dare to sneak attack, even if eight people cannot massacre or hold these five people, but the protection flower old absolutely does not have the issue. 哪怕那五个人真的敢来偷袭后方,八个人就算不能杀掉或者抓住这五个人,但是保护花老完全没有问题。 However they have not really thought mistakenly, inner court five chancellor elder also really some want to sneak attack their rear supreme headquarters. 不过他们还真没有想错,内朝五个主事长老还真的有些想偷袭他们的后方大本营。 Saint Court after seizing river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, they had attacked and occupied two cities, they had not actually acted. 只是圣朝这边在继占领了江月城之后,他们已经又攻占了两座城池了,他们却一直都没有行动。 Damn, these fellows do not give us the opportunity, has sent so many people to defend!” In the middle of the shrubbery of distant place, Third Elder stares at outside the distant place flower old tent to sit eight people, in the heart really indignantly. “该死的,那些家伙根本不给我们机会,一直派着那么多人守着!”远处的灌木丛当中,三长老盯着远处花老的营帐外坐着八个人,心中着实气愤不已。 They had tracked for almost two months, but had not found the opportunity to start continuously, is really enough provoking. 他们已经跟踪了差不多两个月了,但是一直都没有找到机会下手,真的是够让人生气的。 Is forced to spend always to throw down previous time, but their several also raised several days of wounds, after the wound is good, they then wheel around and strike at the pursuer, followed these armies secretly. 上一次被迫将花老丢下,而他们几个也养了几天的伤,等到伤好之后,他们便杀了个回马枪,偷偷地跟上了这些大军。 However these revolt toward the army obviously are not their goals, even if caught is not useful. 不过那些叛朝大军显然并不是他们的目标,就算抓到了也没有什么用。 After all revolts towards these person and Saint Court will be only the cooperation, Saint Court will definitely not tell them own den merely. 毕竟叛朝的这些人与圣朝也仅仅只是合作关系,圣朝也肯定不会把自己的老巢告诉他们。 Therefore caught these people not only not to have the significance, instead alerted the enemy. 所以抓了这些人不仅没有意义,反而是打草惊蛇了。 It seems like they have known our goals!” Five elders somewhat said reluctantly. “看来他们已经知道我们的目的了!”五长老有些无奈地说道。 Initially spent old, although the heaviness of wound, but should unable dead. They also know in the middle of these people, spends should better to grasp old. 当初花老虽然伤的重,但是应该死不了。他们也知道那些人当中,还是花老最好抓。 After all is a wounded person, so long as there is an opportunity, even is impossible the resistance, grabs can run away. 毕竟是一个伤员,只要有机会,甚至连反抗都不可能,抓着就可以逃走。 However must stress others to be difficult, first did not say that they are powerful, moreover does not complete the order form, this makes them be hard to go well. 但是要抓其他人可就难了,先不说他们实力强大,而且根本不落单,这让他们非常难以得手。 However now the flower always their stretcher patients, the people of their these guards also keeps close, they still had no opportunity to start, this to really somewhat to suffer the person. 不过现在花老是他们的重伤员,他们这些看守的人也是寸步不离,他们也仍然没有任何机会下手,这可真的是有些折磨人了。 We had waited nearly for two months, if drags again, the wound of that fellow feared that was better, when the time comes we did not have the opportunity to start!” Shen Xiulin has been driven beyond the limits of forbearance, wishes one could to clash now, takes away. “咱们都已经等了快两个月了,若是再拖下去的话,那个家伙的伤怕是都要好了,到时候咱们就更没有机会下手了!”沈修林早就已经忍无可忍了,恨不得现在就冲进去,将人带走。 Or do we directly clash to snatch the person? That fellow the heaviness of wound, catches the person to run in any case now, others helped shield on the line!” vermilion Yuheng proposed. “要不咱们直接冲进去抢人?反正那个家伙现在伤的重,抓到人就可以跑,其他人帮着掩护一下就行了!”朱羽恒提议道。 I feel feasible!” Shen Xiulin at present one bright, very has a fervor actually. “我觉得可行!”沈修林眼前一亮,倒是挺有一股激情。 „ It is not good, this was too risky, here is their supreme headquarters. Besides that eight experts, some scattered experts are defending the camp. “不行,这太冒险了,这里是他们的大本营。除了那八个高手,还有一些零零散散的高手守着营地。 We clash like this, definitely will be surrounded by them, where has the opportunity to go to snatch the person? 我们这样冲进去,必然会被他们包围的,哪里有机会进去抢人呢? Moreover leads a wound that heavy person, how do we have the opportunity to escape? ” Five elders actually shook the head, refuted this proposition. 而且带着一个伤的那么重的人,我们怎么有机会逃?”五长老却是摇摇头,反驳了这个提议。 But they clarified were guarding against us, was impossible to give us this opportunity, we have defended for two months, if there is an opportunity, has the opportunity. “可是他们摆明了在防着我们,根本就不可能给我们这个机会,我们都已经守了两个月了,要是有机会,早就有机会了。 If we drag again like this, possibly that fellow really injured is better! ” Some vermilion Yuheng unwilling hearts said. 咱们若是再这样拖下去,可能那个家伙就真的伤都要好了!”朱羽恒有些不甘心地说道。 Where has that easily good, that fellow injures is so heavy, does not have one year or so, is impossible to recover!” Five elders said. “哪有那么容易好,那个家伙伤的那么重,没有个一年半载,根本不可能痊愈!”五长老说道。 „The meaning of that five Martial Uncle is, do we want to wait for one year or so here?” Right now lets vermilion Yuheng to accept. “那五师叔的意思是,我们要在这里等个一年半载?”这下子更让朱羽恒不能接受了。 Here must consume one year or so, isn't this wasting the time purely? 在这里就要耗个一年半载,这不纯粹是在浪费时间吗? Of course not, I said his wound will not that restore quickly, therefore we have the opportunity.” Five elders answered. “当然不是,我只是说他的伤不会那么快恢复,所以我们还是有机会的。”五长老解释道。 But didn't we wait for two months? Has not waited till any opportunity!” vermilion Yuheng some too do not approve said. “但是咱们不也等了两个月了吗?并没有等到任何机会!”朱羽恒有些不太认同地说道。 This, we wait several days to look again, even if the real strategic place goes to snatch the person, must wait till their front army to be good in attacking a city! “这样吧,我们再等个几天看一看,就算真的要冲进去抢人,也要等到他们前方大军在攻城的时候才行吧! Otherwise, they may come back to rush to rescue anytime. 否则的话,他们随时都有可能回来驰援。 Are our five people, where capable of coping with so many experts? ” Five elders answered again. 咱们就五个人,哪里有能力对付那么多高手呢?”五长老再次解释道。 Right that five elders said that even if the strategic place goes to snatch the person, must a good time be first good, cannot casual clash randomly.” Great Elder approves the person of same belief. “五长老说的对,就算要冲进去抢人,也得先个恰当的时机才行,不能随便乱冲。”大长老赞同道。 Or we first greeted with these cities, making them coordinate us. So long as they can constrain these people, we were only then easier to do after!” Third Elder thinks to say. “要不咱们跟那些城池先打个招呼,让他们配合一下我们。只要他们能够拖住那些人,我们在后方可就好办多了!”三长老想了想说道。 You thought that which city so many military coordinates us? These cities were occupied by them attack are sooner or later things, how they possibly dare to go out of town to constrain these people , helping us?” Five elders shake the head to say. “你觉得哪座城池有这么多的兵力来配合我们呢?这些城池被他们占攻是早晚的事情,他们怎么可能敢出城拖住那些人,来帮助我们呢?”五长老摇头道。 Since these cities cannot defend, we first look for kamikaze Outer King, making them dispatch troops to coordinate. “既然这些城池守不住的话,那咱们就先找一找神风外王,让他们派兵来配合一下。 This actually also helps he himself, otherwise, his kamikaze outer court will certainly be swallowed by Saint Court. ” Third Elder said. 这其实也是帮他自己,否则的话,他神风外朝必将被圣朝吞下。”三长老说道。 Un, this idea, is definitely cannot help by the garrison troops of these cities actually. If can shout that kamikaze Outer King, pouring really somewhat is credible!” Great Elder said. “嗯,这倒是个主意,靠这些城池的守军是肯定不能帮上忙的。若是能够把神风外王喊过来的话,倒还真有几分靠谱!”大长老说道。 This estimate will not be smooth!” Five elders actually as if do not favor this idea. “这个估计也不会那么顺利!”五长老却似乎并不看好这个主意。 Five elders thought where isn't good?” Great Elder asked. “五长老觉得哪里不行呢?”大长老问道。 Constrains the front army for us is definitely favorable, the garrison troops issue of main issue this supreme headquarters but we face now. “将前方的大军拖住对我们肯定是有利的,但是我们现在面临的最主要的问题还是这大本营的守军问题。 Even if the front army does not have the means to support for a while, may light/only be these experts in supreme headquarters, sufficed us to eat a pot. 就算前方大军一时没有办法来支援,可光是大本营的那些高手,就够我们吃一壶了。 Therefore we snatch who is not necessarily able to succeed! ” Five elders hesitated a while, said own worry. 所以我们还是未必能够成功的将人抢出来!”五长老迟疑了一会儿,把自己的顾虑说了出来。 „Isn't this simple? Since we must look for kamikaze Outer King, that makes them use to us taking advantage of some experts simply again.” Third Elder is not serious said. “这还不简单么?既然我们都要去找神风外王了,那就干脆再让他们借一些高手给我们用一用。”三长老毫不当回事地说道。 Feared that kamikaze Outer King is not natural, wants to be used to deal with these people, must borrow the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert to be good.” “就怕神风外王没有那么大方,想要用来对付那些人,必须借渡劫期的高手才行。” Should not be a problem, didn't I say a moment ago? This is not only helping us, is helping he himself. “应该不成问题,我刚才不是说了吗?这不仅仅是在帮我们,也是在帮他自己。 So long as is Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, population many point also same can give to block these experts of camp, our duties are to go to snatch the person. ” Third Elder felt oneself as if had seen oneself successfully the picture that the person snatched, the anticipation said. 只要是渡劫期修士,人数多一点也一样可以将营地的那些高手给挡住,我们的任务就是进去抢人。”三长老感觉自己仿佛已经看到自己成功将人抢过来的画面了,非常期待地说道。 Big senior martial uncle and five Martial Uncle, I feel the idea of three senior martial uncle am good, perhaps we really should first go to kamikaze outer court to run, comes to be good taking advantage of the person!” Shen Xiulin said. “大师伯、五师叔,我觉得三师伯的这个主意还是不错的,咱们或许真的应该先去神风外朝跑一趟,借点人来才行!”沈修林说道。 We do not have the means to clash to snatch the person in any case now, or we first go to kamikaze outer court to walk one!” Great Elder thinks, thought this also truly is means. “反正现在咱们也没有办法冲进去抢人,要不咱们就先去神风外朝走一趟吧!”大长老想了想,觉得这也确实是一个办法。 Now they only have five people, the things of many danger are not truly easy to do. 现在他们只有五个人,很多危险的事情确实不好办。 Said actually not their five people fear death, but their five people, even if not fear death, to finished cannot complete the task, what significance does that have? 倒不是说他们五个人怕死,可是他们五个人就算不怕死,冲进去了却不能完成任务,那又有什么意义呢? Was builds on the contrary in vain own life, this obviously not Profitable. 反倒是白白把自己的性命搭进去了,这显然是不划算的。 Since here is the kamikaze Outer King domain, that naturally must ask him to move the reinforcement. 这里既然是神风外王的地盘,那自然要去找他搬救兵了。 Five people decide, then withdrew from the shrubbery quietly. 五人打定了主意,便悄悄地从灌木丛中撤走了。 Half a month later! 半个月之后! Five people have then presented outside the kamikaze outer court station. 五人便已经出现神风外朝的驻地外。 Present kamikaze Outer King originally very worried, since these revolt toward after Saint Court joins up to attack his kamikaze outer court, his kamikaze outer court city is unceasing is reducing. 如今的神风外王本就十分的烦闷,自从那些叛朝与圣朝联合起来攻打他神风外朝之后,他神风外朝的城池可是不断的在减少。 He has also sent out the requesting reinforcements message to other outer court, but not just his kamikaze outer court was suffering such misery at this time, peripheral several outer court were also actually being revolted toward attacks with Saint Court. 他也向其他的外朝发出过求援消息,但是这个时候并非仅仅他神风外朝遭受着这样的苦难,周边的几个外朝其实也都正在被叛朝和圣朝攻打。 Therefore wants peripheral several outer court to support them, that radically is the not possible matter. 所以想要周边的几个外朝来支援他们,那根本就是不可能的事情。 Therefore he sent out the distress message to inner court, what makes his indignant is, has not given him to feed back inner court to the present. 于是他又向内朝发出了求救信息,但让他气愤的是,内朝到现在都没有给他反馈。 „A Ma egg, inner court does not dispatch troops to rescue us, we also turned directly revolted toward consider as finished. This not only can preserve our domains, even can also follow they to swallow others' domain together!” Kamikaze Outer King several chancellor elders said furiously. “玛个蛋,内朝再不派兵来救援我们,我们也直接投靠了叛朝算了。这样不仅可以保住我们的地盘,甚至还能跟着他们一起去吞别人的地盘!”神风外王的几个主事长老纷纷怒不可遏地说道。 Obviously the attitude to inner court are now unsatisfied. 显然他们现在对内朝的态度是非常不满意的。 Others have dug main house gate to come, inner court including not to put, if that is right, do they also hold true by support inner court? 人家都已经打到家门口来了,内朝连个屁都没放出来,若是如此,那他们还有什么理由去支持内朝呢? Kamikaze Outer King stands in the main hall walks slowly and aimlessly, in the heart also some meanings moved. 神风外王站在大殿来踱来,心中也有些意动了。 These years have Outer King that are loyal to inner court much because cannot withstand to revolt the annexation of towards, therefore has to turn revolted toward. 这些年有不少忠于内朝外王都因为承受不起叛朝的吞并,于是不得不投靠了叛朝。 If revolts toward the potential is big, moreover there is Saint Court to assist in the one side, in the future not necessarily cannot replace inner court. 如果叛朝势大,而且还有圣朝在一旁相助,未来未必不能取代内朝 Their these make Outer King is very at heart clear, although now under this day chaotic, but inner court also. 只是他们这些做外王的心里很清楚,现在这天下虽乱,但是内朝还在。 So long as inner court also, on this day under even again chaotic, may return to inner court to come up eventually. If he betrayed inner court, later may very be difficult to want in the hand of inner court to gain what benefit again, perhaps this outer court, must give others. 只要内朝还在,这天下就算再乱,终究还是有可能回到内朝手上去的。他若是背叛了内朝,以后可就很难再想在内朝的手上获取什么利益了,说不定就连这外朝,也得交给别人。 Therefore he really somewhat has not acted bashful at once certainly. 所以他一时之间还真有些拿捏不准。 Outer King, inner court comes the person!” At this time, outside the palace suddenly had the disciple to proclaim the report loudly. 外王,内朝来人啦!”就在这个时候,殿外突然有弟子大声宣报道。 „Did inner court come the person? Is who came?” Hears this news, just also weak kamikaze Outer King came the spirit immediately, worries to ask. 内朝来人了?是谁来了?”听到这个消息,刚刚还犹豫不定的神风外王顿时来了精神,着急地问道。 Is the inner court five chancellor elders!” “是内朝的五位主事长老!” Five chancellor elders?” Right now actually gave kamikaze Outer King and several chancellor elders entire is ignorant. “五位主事长老?”这下子倒是把神风外王和几位主事长老给整懵了。 inner court will send people him to be as expected his very much, but has not thought person unexpectedly chancellor elder, this was too inconceivable. 内朝会派人来他已经很出他的预料了,但是没有想到来的人竟然还是主事长老,这太不可思议了。 How many armies did they bring?” Kamikaze Outer King asked excitedly. “他们带来了多少大军?”神风外王兴奋地问道。 Only then their five people, have not seen their armies!” The disciples return said. “只有他们五个人,没看到他们的大军!”弟子回道。
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