GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5146: Owed in a big way!

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I thought that you gave to put me directly, like this you can also live departure, otherwise you died.” The flower old said with a smile. “我看你还是直接把我给放了,这样你还可以活着离开,要不然你死定了。”花老笑着说道。 At this time weather already greatly bright, behind is pursuing the clarity that the person looks, this distance, Third Elder wants to run away, is almost not possible. 此时天色已经大亮,后面追着的人看的清清楚楚,就这点距离,三长老想要逃走,几乎是不可能的。 Snort! Even if I cannot run away, must draw you to front the back!” Third Elder turn head looked at one, these fellows pursue is truly tight, making his respite the opportunity not have. “哼!就算我逃不出去,也要拉着你垫背!”三长老回头看了一眼,这些家伙追的确实挺紧,让他连个喘息的机会都没有。 Why is that? Throws down my you to maintain a livelihood, why wants us to perish together? Let alone my life may not have your valuable, this business is not worthwhile!” The flower always said. “那又是何必呢?丢下我你就可以活命,为何要咱俩同归于尽呢?更何况我的命可没你的值钱,这买卖可不值当!”花老说道。 Snort!” Third Elder does not want to continue to break off with him pulls this issue, what now is most important gets rid of tracing of these six people. “哼!”三长老不想跟他继续掰扯这个问题,现在最重要的是摆脱这六个人的追踪。 Also does not know that Great Elder their side situations how, his here was really troubles in any case. 也不知道大长老他们那边的情况怎么样,反正他这里是真的麻烦了。 Six fellows die to pursue do not put, wants to lead the captive to withdraw matter that may really not be easy. 六个家伙死追不放,想要带着俘虏脱身可真不是一件容易的事情。 Really can bleed off this captive?” Saw that the following six people more overtook near, he was also burning with impatience. “难道真的要把这俘虏放掉?”看到后面的六个人越追越近了,他也是心急如焚。 But this captive actually grasps with great difficulty, if put, was somewhat a pity. 可是这俘虏却是好不容易才抓到手的,若是就这么放了,着实有些可惜了。 And for this captive, Great Elder their four people are thrown into jail now, if he to maintain a livelihood to let loose this captive, how when the time comes he does explain to four elders? 而且为了这个俘虏,大长老他们四个人现在都身陷囹圄,如果他为了活命而放开这俘虏,到时候他怎么跟四位长老交待呢? Clenches teeth, raises the flower always to continue crazily proceeds to rush. 咬咬牙,提着花老继续疯狂的往前奔去。 However spends the old present, although is seriously injured, pours is also insufficient to be incapable of moving, he naturally must look for a trouble to Third Elder, makes his speed slow as far as possible. 不过花老现在虽然受了重伤,倒也不至于无力动弹,他自然也要给三长老找点麻烦,尽量的让他的速度慢下来。 How long the result has not run away, Third Elder eventually by six people catching up. 结果没有逃多久,三长老终究还是被六人给追上了。 Had told you, your cannot escape, hurried to put me, I made them put your horse!” The flower always saw that own companion pursued finally, in the heart felt relieved immediately. “早就跟你说了,你这样是逃不掉的,赶紧放了我,我让他们放你一马!”花老看到自己的同伴终于追上来了,心中顿时放心多了。 However at this time Di Laoliu individual encircled Third Elder all of a sudden, does not seem to want to let off the meaning of Third Elder. 不过此时狄老六个人一下子就将三长老围了起来,似乎并没有想放过三长老的意思。 This is a big fish, the inner court chancellor elder walks in unexpectedly on own initiative, is such good deed abdicable? 这可是一条大鱼,内朝的主事长老竟然主动找上门来,这样的好事怎可放弃呢? If can take this big fish, they can definitely take undeserved credit with this Third Elder whereabouts Cheng Yu, perhaps can also trade to king product cultivates god pill! 若是能够拿下这条大鱼,那他们完全可以用这三长老去向程宇邀功了,说不定还可以换到一颗王品修神丹呢! If crane old that side successful also takes that four elders together, perhaps Cheng Yu will give them several is not uncertain. 如果鹤老那边成功的将那四个长老也一同拿下的话,说不定程宇会给他们好几颗都不一定。 Therefore present Third Elder may not only be only the inner court chancellor elder in their eyes, is Medicinal Pill(s) that they wish for earnestly! 所以现在的三长老在他们的眼里可不仅仅只是内朝的主事长老了,更是他们求之不得的丹药啊! Does not give Third Elder any opportunity of escaping, six people look at each other then to rush directly. 不给三长老任何逃脱的机会,六个人相视一眼便直接冲了上去。 I, if cannot live departure, he does not want to live!” Third Elder knows oneself do not have the means to bring the flower always to leave again, such being the case, that for a penny and for a pound, massacred simply directly said again. “我若不能活着离开,他也别想活下来!”三长老知道自己已经没有办法再带着花老离开了,既然如此,那就干脆一不做二不休,直接将人杀掉再说。 Sees only a Third Elder palm to pat toward the flowered old head. 只见三长老一掌朝着花老的脑袋拍去。 However spends to guard against Third Elder old, even prepares to find the opportunity to run away at any time. 不过花老一直都在提防着三长老,甚至随时准备找机会逃走。 At this moment saw that Third Elder acts to oneself, how he possibly sits waiting for death, wants not to want also a palm to move forward to meet somebody. 此刻看到三长老向自己出手,他又怎么可能坐以待毙,想都不想也一掌迎了上去。 ! 噗! The flower initial capital has been injured, even if at this time has prepared, where can be the Third Elder opponent, immediately was struck to fly by his palm, the blood direct injection, falls on the landlord faints. 花老本就已经受伤,此时就算有所准备,哪里又会是三长老的对手,当即被其一掌击飞,鲜血直喷,倒在地主昏死过去。 Since you want to court death, I help you.” Third Elder may, no matter so many, the flower always received this palm, did not die is also no better. “既然你们想找死,那我就成全你们。”三长老可不管那么多,花老受了这一掌,不死也好不到哪里去了。 But he does not have the flowered old this burden now, can definitely fight with these six Saint Court experts independently. 而他现在没有了花老这个负担,完全可以放手跟这六个圣朝高手交手。 He eventually is a person, moreover escaped was so long, the consumption was also big. Meanwhile facing six experts, this pressure is nothing less than big. 只是他终究是一个人,而且逃了这么久,消耗也不小。同时面对六个高手,这压力不可谓不大。 Third Elder had not insisted how long time, he had been encircled by six experts, wanted to encircle tightly prominently is more difficult. 三长老并没有坚持多久的时间,他就已经被六个高手团团围住了,想要突出重围更加困难了。 However is good because of being stranded in Third Elder not long, Great Elder they also caught up. 不过好在就在三长老被困没有多久,大长老他们也赶上来了。 Saw that Third Elder was sphered, without delay, hurried, broke the tight encirclement of Di Laoliu person. 看到三长老被围住了,二话不说,赶紧冲了上来,打破了狄老六人的重围。 Great Elder they know that behind also eight expert pursue, at this time was not suitable to hit again with these six people. 大长老他们知道身后还有八个强者追击,此时不宜再跟这六人打下去了。 Third Elder, are you all right?” vermilion Yuheng asked. 三长老,你没事吧?”朱羽恒问道。 All right, but captured cannot carry off.” Third Elder shakes the head, saw that pours is old in Di their behind flowers, in the heart is very unwilling. “没事,不过那俘虏是带不走了。”三长老摇摇头,看到倒在狄老他们身后的花老,心中十分不甘。 If we had known everyone comes is so quick, he should delay next time a moment ago. 早知道大家来的这么快,他刚才就该拖延一下时间的。 In this case, when they come up, everyone can run away together. 这样的话,等到他们上来,大家就可以一起逃走了。 Finally now the captive does not have, they were also injured, was really owes in a big way. 结果现在俘虏也没有了,他们自己也受伤了,真的是亏大了。 Moreover taking off/escaping that now can escape is a matter! 而且现在能不能逃的脱都是一回事! So many, the following eight experts must pursue leave alone quickly, we must leave here immediately!” Great Elder has not seen that captive, knew the plan fail. “别管那么多了,后面八个高手很快就要追上来了,我们必须立刻离开这里!”大长老没有看到那个俘虏,就知道计划失败了。 But at this moment, everyone's life is important, where attended to does on capture? 可是此时此刻,大家的性命要紧,哪里顾的上俘虏呢? So long as everyone is also living, later will have the opportunity! 只要大家还活着,以后还会有机会的! Several people nod, their six people does not pester with this Di, fast after fighting several rounds, seized the chance to escape toward the distant place. 几人点点头,也不跟这狄老他们六人纠缠,快速的交手几个回合之后,趁机就朝着远处逃了。 Di Laoliu person with pursued a while again, but these fellows flee escaping, moreover they have gathered the same place, even if pursued is still very difficult to massacre them. 狄老六人再次跟上去追了一会儿,但是这些家伙亡命般的逃跑,而且他们已经聚到一起了,就算追到了也很难杀掉他们。 Moreover the flowered old injury seems serious, they do not dare to pursue is too far, if came one to lure the enemy out of his stronghod by them, that may be bad. 而且花老的伤势似乎很严重,他们也不敢追的太远,万一被他们来了一个调虎离山,那可就糟糕了。 Therefore pursued a while, six people came back. 于是追了一会儿,六人又回来了。 At this time the crane was old they also to pursue. 这时鹤老他们也追上来了。 Escaped?” The crane always sees, only then their six people, and injured flower is old, somewhat disappointed asking. “逃了?”鹤老见只有他们六人,以及受伤的花老,有些失望的问道。 Yes!” Di nods. “是的!”狄老点点头。 Escaped escaped, how was the flower old?” The crane is old, although is very disappointed, but does not have the means. “逃了就逃了吧,花老怎么样?”鹤老虽然觉得很失望,但是也没有办法。 These five people are the inner court chancellor elders, particularly three people, that strength truly is very strong. 这五个人是内朝的主事长老,尤其是其中三人,那实力确实很强。 Although their here 14 people had confidence that takes these five people, but if so, their 14 people are really impossible scatheless, therefore does not dare to wrestle by the fate with the opposite party. 他们这里十四个人虽然有把握拿下这五个人,可若是真的如此,他们十四个人也不可能毫无损伤,所以也不敢跟对方以命相搏。 Everyone is so many years brothers, if to catch these people, folded own brothers, they felt, even if cultivates god pill to trade with king product, is unworthy. 大家都是这么多年的兄弟,要是为了抓这几个人,把自己的兄弟折了一个,那他们觉得就算用王品修神丹来换,都不值得。 Therefore pours does not have to think again, how has a look at the flower to be old. 所以倒也没有再多想,还是看看花老如何。 Also living, however wound was somewhat heavy, to restore to fear that was some difficulties!” Di always inspected an injury for the flower, although saved the life to make him relax, but this injury was makes one feel heavy. “还活着,但是伤的有些重了,要想恢复怕是有些困难了!”狄老为花老检查了一下伤势,虽然保住了性命让他松了一口气,但是这伤势却是让人备感沉重。 Present flower old also really on the remaining one breaths. 现在的花老也真的就剩下一口气了。 With this trying.” The crane old also looked, puts out Young Master to leave their Spirit Water to come, always fed one bottle to get down to the flower. “用这个试试。”鹤老也看了看,拿出少爷留给他们的神水来,给花老喂了一瓶下去。 This thing is really fierce, wound is so heavy, made his aura unexpectedly all of a sudden steady, it seems like drank several bottles should soon to restore!” In a while, they discovered that the flowered old condition obviously changed, immediately is joyful, the Spirit Water that also gives to Cheng Family exclaims. “这东西果然厉害,伤的这么重,竟然一下子就让他的气息变得平稳了,看来多喝几瓶应该用不了多久就可以恢复了!”没过多久,他们就发现花老的状态明显发生了变化,顿时欣喜不已,也对程家给的这神水惊叹不已。 „The thing on Young Master is not really simple, this thing may compared with what pill of immortality efficacious medicine effective many. This gets rid of one bottle all of a sudden, some of my heart pain!” The crane is always looking at the marine on hand, has not thought the liquid medicines of this bottle so will be unexpectedly fierce. 少爷手上的东西果然都不简单,这玩意可比什么仙丹灵药都管用的多啊。只是这一下子就干掉一瓶,我都有些心痛了!”鹤老看着手上的空瓶,也是没有想到这一瓶子的药水竟然会这么厉害。 Cheng Yu altogether gave them two bottles, before they poured also and do not care, because they also had many therapy Medicinal Pill(s). 程宇一共就给了他们一人两瓶,之前他们倒也并不在意,因为他们自己也有不少的疗伤丹药 Therefore has not been serious this liquid medicines, now saw that this liquid medicines are so fierce, gets rid of one bottle all of a sudden, how to be grieved? 所以也并没有把这药水当回事,现在看到这药水这么厉害,一下子就干掉一瓶,如何不心痛呢? If we had known this, should take to give the flower always own therapy Medicinal Pill(s) to use. 早知道这样,就该把自己的疗伤丹药拿出来给花老用了。 All right, when the flower always awoke, making him compensate your one bottle!” Di said with a smile. “没事,等花老醒了,让他赔你一瓶!”狄老笑着说道。 Their has two bottles in any case, moreover this liquid medicines also used in the flower old, when the time comes spent always to make up one bottle also to him should be. 反正他们一人有两瓶,而且这药水本身也是用在了花老身上,到时候花老给他补一瓶也是应该的。 Flowered old injury is so serious, fears when the time comes his two bottles insufficiently!” The sea old said with a smile. “花老的伤势这么重,就怕到时候他自己那两瓶都不够!”海老笑着说道。 This has the possibility actually!” Crane old immediately a complexion pain, sea old this saying speaking of idea on. “这倒是有可能!”鹤老顿时脸色一苦,海老这话说到点子上了。 Although this liquid medicines are fierce, may also be insufficient one bottle to get down on the injury to recover. 这药水虽然厉害,可还不至于一瓶下去就伤势痊愈了。 Then when the time comes we estimated also builds toward in!” Others say. “这么说来到时候我们大家估计也得往里搭!”其他人开口说道。 This matter mentioned everyone to be very injust, but they were more impossible to see somebody in danger and do nothing. 这事说来大家挺冤,可是他们更不可能见死不救。 Therefore although this liquid medicines are precious, but also can only pull out outward. 所以这药水虽然珍贵,但也只能往外掏。 Used to use! We also for the Young Master management, we take several bottles with Young Master after all at the worst when the time comes again!” Di said. “用了就用了吧!咱们毕竟也是为了少爷办事,大不了到时候咱们再跟少爷要几瓶!”狄老说道。 When here war ended, when the time comes they can take up an official post to hold the post of city lord of various cities. 等到这边的战事结束,到时候他们就可以走马上任担任各城的城主了。 Initially Young Master complied to cultivate/repair god pill king product ahead of time to them, such precious thing Young Master delivered, took two bottles of liquid medicines to be anything again. 当初少爷可是答应了提前把王品修神丹给他们,这么珍贵的东西少爷都送了,再多要两瓶药水算什么。 Let alone so many, hurried to go back the flowered old belt/bring. This old boy is also, at that time I made him do not pursue, he insists to pursue. Now was good, wound is so heavy. “别说那么多了,赶紧把花老带回去吧。这老小子也是,当时我就让他不要追,他硬要追。现在好了,伤的这么重。 The promptness that also we come, this old boy must build the life is not possible otherwise! ” The crane old thinks this matter is also angry is not good. 也就我们来的及时,要不然这老小子非得把命搭进去不可!”鹤老一想到这事也是恼怒的不行。 If they caught inner court that several chancellor elders, that but actually also value. 若是他们把内朝的那几个主事长老抓到了,那倒也值了。 The good and evil they can also go to when the time comes enjoy with Cheng Yu, but their person has not caught now, flower old also injure is so heavy, this clearly is brings upon oneself, makes everyone lose in vain seriously. 好歹他们到时候还可以去跟程宇要赏,但是现在他们人没抓到,花老自己还伤的这么重,这分明就是自找的,白白让大家损失惨重。 The point is that they are innocent! 可问题是,他们是无辜的呀! When the crane is old they return to the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, the war of river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate has basically also subsided. 当鹤老他们回到江月城的时候,江月城的战事基本上也已经平息下来了。 River semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate more than 200,000 garrison troops, the death of dying, the wound wound, escaping of escaping, as for have not escaped, became the captive. 江月城二十几万守军,死的死,伤的伤,逃的逃,至于没逃掉的,都成俘虏了。 „Was special envoy, you ambushed? How spends the special envoy to injure is so heavy?” Saw that several people support the flower always to come back, these outer court elders are in the heart are also shocked. “诸位特使,你们难道被人伏击了?花特使怎么伤的这么重?”看到几人撑着花老回来,那些外朝长老们也是心中震惊不已。 They know that these special envoys were chase down the expert to go, but never expected that spent old is actually the wound was so heavy, what expert who were they pursued? 他们知道这些特使是去追杀高手去了,可是没有想到花老却是伤的这么重,他们到底是追的什么高手? Moreover will the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate have expert so? 而且江月城怎么会有这般高手呢? Thinks it over, perhaps will encounter the ambush to have this situation! 思来想去,或许是遭到了埋伏才会出现这种情况吧! Was inner court several chancellor elders comes!” The crane old does not conceal. “是内朝的几位主事长老来了!”鹤老也不隐瞒。 "Ah? inner court how many chancellor elders came? Their present people? ” The people are startled immediately. “啊?内朝的几位主事长老来了?那他们现在人呢?”众人顿时一惊。 In their at heart, the inner court chancellor elder is very scary. 在他们的心里,内朝的主事长老还是非常吓人的。 Relax, they run away!” Di explained simply. “放心吧,他们已经逃了!”狄老简单的解释了一下。 So that's how it is!” The people relax immediately, but also admired to the strengths of these special envoys. “原来如此!”众人顿时松了一口气,但同时对这些特使的实力也更加敬佩了。
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