GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5145: Heavenly Dao samsara!

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In the flowered old heart the regret, after he just discovered the real status of these people, has not thought that they will be surprised, even there is short being out of sorts. 花老心中遗憾不已,他刚刚发现了这些人的真实身份之后,也并没有想到他们会如此惊讶,甚至有过短暂的失神。 Has saying that he had also tried hard very much, uses such a while, almost ran out of the tight encirclement. 不得不说,他也已经很努力了,利用这么一会儿,差点就冲出重围了。 However pitifully, these people's responses are not slow, that then responded merely all of a sudden, finally he cannot escape eventually. 但是可惜,这些人的反应也并不慢,仅仅就那么一下子便反应过来了,结果他终究还是没能逃脱出去。 Snort! To escape is not easy.” A Third Elder palm repels it, five people surrounded him again. “哼!想逃可没有那么容易。”三长老一掌将其击退,五人再次将他包围了起来。 Also not fast fast is captured? Do you really want to be massacred by us?” Great Elder shouted. “还不快速速就擒?难道你真想被我们杀掉吗?”大长老喝道。 Although their status divulged, but there is no relations. 他们的身份虽然泄露了,但是这并没有什么关系。 Even if makes the Saint Court person know how they did come? 就算让圣朝的人知道他们来了又如何? Reason that must hide the identity before, nothing but does not want kamikaze outer court to discover, they finished do not lead the reinforcements, will make kamikaze outer court think that inner court is not amiable, was equivalent completely gave up them. 之所以之前要隐瞒身份,无非就是不想让神风外朝的人发现,他们来了却不带援军,会让神风外朝觉得内朝太不仁义了,完全相当于放弃了他们。 Then has to hide the identity. 这才不得不隐瞒身份。 As for was discovered by Saint Court, this is unimportant. 至于被圣朝发现了,这根本就不重要。 But now makes them feel embarrassed only, is this fellow dies to fight does not fall, this may very be uncomfortable. 而现在唯一让他们为难的,就是这个家伙死战不降,这可就很难受了。 Because of their lenient, were several times makes the flower always give the wound on the contrary. 好几次因为他们的手软,反倒是让花老给伤了。 Must kill then kills, to be why wordy!” Spends Boss to drink is flushing away toward Great Elder. “要杀便杀,何必啰嗦!”花老大喝着朝着大长老冲去。 Do not say so many, whole-heartedly, plays carries off remnantly!” Five elders shouted. “不要说那么多了,全力以赴,打残带走!”五长老喝道。 How the flower old said again is also in the middle of Crossing Tribulation Stage expert, wants to cut to kill definitely is not that easy matter. 花老再怎么说也是渡劫期当中的强者,想要斩杀肯定不是那么容易的事情。 If they have shrunk like this, feared that will never possibly take this fellow. 如果他们一直这样畏畏缩缩的,怕是永远都不可能拿下这个家伙。 Hits simply independently, so long as does not strike to kill, keeps the one breath also, they have the means to revive. 干脆放手去打,只要不是一击必杀,留着一口气还在,他们就有办法将人救活。 Is irretrievable as for the reviving later strength, this is not in their consideration scopes. 至于救活之后实力还不能恢复,这根本就不在他们的考虑范围之内。 They want can inquire the news of Saint Court station from his mouth, so long as is hanging his life enough, other do not need to consider. 他们要的就是能够从他的口中打探到圣朝驻地的消息,所以只要吊着他的命就够了,其它都不用考虑。 As the matter stands, five people obviously intended to be smoother, did not use that the fraught with uncertainty. 这样一来,五个人明显出手顺畅多了,再也不用那么畏首畏尾的了。 Really, in such a case, the flower old quick must unable to support. 果然,在这样的情况下,花老很快就要支撑不住了。 ! 噗! An old blood blowout, was struck to fly again far away. 一口老血喷出,再次被击飞老远。 It seems like today really cannot escape!” In flowered old heart desperate. “看来今天是真的逃不掉了!”花老心中绝望不已。 Also without coming and thinks, by five people capturing alive. 还没来的及多想,就被五人给活捉了。 Has made you surrender, otherwise where can receive this pain?” Third Elder raises the flower to be old, said with a smile. “早就让你投降了,要不然哪里要受这份苦呢?”三长老提着花老,笑着说道。 Rubbish, one crowd of expert aura are approaching to us, we must leave immediately!” Great Elder hurries to shout. “别废话了,有一群强者气息正在向我们靠近,我们必须立即离开!”大长老赶紧喝道。 Several people of brows one tight, really the sensation to having one crowd of expert aura is approaching, without delay, Third Elder raises the flower old then to fly toward the distant place. 几人眉头一紧,果然感知到有一群强者气息正在靠近,二话不说,三长老提着花老便朝着远处飞去。 ! 唰唰唰! But the people have not departed far, innumerable flying sword drop from the clouds, forcing them to stop. 可是众人并没有飞出多远,无数飞剑从天而降,逼迫他们不得不停下来。 Quick, more than ten black robe people then welcomed. 很快,十几个黑袍人便迎了上来。 Never expected that the inner court chancellor elders will appear unexpectedly here, really surprise us!” The crane was old they also to recognize these people from the aura obviously. “没想到内朝的主事长老们竟然会出现在这里,真是让我们意外啊!”鹤老他们显然也从气息上认出了这几个人。 Although among five people have the aura of three people familiar, another two are not familiar, but this is not difficult to guess. 虽然五个人当中只有三个人的气息是熟悉的,另外两个并不熟悉,但是这并不难猜测。 Because the initial five chancellor elders were cut to kill two by Cheng Yu personally, now two strange aura, naturally were the new chancellor elders. 因为当初的五位主事长老被程宇亲手斩杀了两个,现在有两个陌生气息,自然就是新的主事长老了。 However crane old light a few words, are make in Great Elder their hearts shock again. 不过鹤老平平淡淡的一句话,却是让大长老他们心中再次震惊不已。 These fellows recognize them unexpectedly, in their Saint Court the person, does everyone recognize them? 这些家伙竟然都认得他们,难道他们圣朝中人,人人都认得他们? This may really not be a minor matter! 这可真不是一件小事! When everyone knows you, but you actually do not know that completely their existences, this was very fearful. 当每个人都认识你,但你却完全不知道他们的存在,这就很可怕了。 This means that even if the person wants to kill your person, from your process, you actually completely does not know. 这意味着哪怕有一个人想要杀你的人,从你的身边经过,你却全然不知。 Snort! How was recognized by you? Do not forget your companions also in my hand, if you dare to begin, we kill him now!” Great Elder points at the flower is always said by Third Elder is raising. “哼!被你们认出来了又如何?别忘了你们的同伴还在我手上,你们若是敢动手,我们现在就杀了他!”大长老指着被三长老提着的花老说道。 I, killed them leave alone!” The flowered old this time injury is serious, but shouts hoarsely. “别管我,杀了他们!”花老此时伤势严重,但还是声嘶力竭地喊道。 Others see the flower old so distressed, on the face full is angry, this desire begins, was always actually blocked by the crane. 其他人见花老如此狼狈,脸上满是愤怒,本欲动手,却是被鹤老拦住了。 You should be very clear, killed him, you cannot get away absolutely. You are the inner court chancellor elders, not possible to be naturally small with our these pays with life by the life, not Profitable! “你们应该很清楚,杀了他,你们绝对走不了。你们可是内朝的主事长老,自然不可能与我们这些小喽啰以命抵命,不划算 Therefore you put now, we can put you to walk. A life trades five lives, this absolutely Profitable! ” The crane old said with a smile. 所以你们现在把人放了,我们可以放你们走。一条命换五条命,这绝对划算!”鹤老笑着说道。 Fart, you think that the person many can frighten us? Has the skill you on together, having a look at you to have several people able to live!” Third Elder is actually not afraid. “放屁,你们以为人多就能吓唬我们?有本事你们一起上,看看你们能有几个人能够活下来!”三长老却是根本就不害怕。 Designed to catch a Saint Court captive with great difficulty, now actually wants them to bleed off, was this possible? 好不容易才设计抓到了一个圣朝俘虏,现在却要他们放掉,这怎么可能? Your excellency may , to be clear, our Saint Court few person are many, many are not many. You really must for a person, but gambles with own life? “阁下可要想清楚了,我们圣朝少一个人不少,多一个人不多。你们真的要为了一个人而拿自己的性命做赌注? I may tell you, that side the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate also has 2000 experts. If you really want dead, but also really does not have the opportunity to live! ” The crane old reminder said. 那我可告诉你们,江月城那边还有两千高手。若你们真的想死的话,还真没有机会活!”鹤老提醒道。 In his opinion, inner court has not really needed to take risk. 在他看来,内朝还真的没有必要冒这个险。 Even if they are really the Saint Court special envoys, that is unable to compare with the values of five chancellor elders. 哪怕他们真的是圣朝的特使,那也无法与五个主事长老的价值相比。 He really does not think inner court for a special envoy, but ignores the lives of oneself five chancellor elders, how this sees not Profitable. 他是真的不认为内朝会为了一个特使而把自己五个主事长老的性命不顾,这怎么看都不划算 However, the crane old does not know a flower in a big way always to their significances. 但是,鹤老并不知道一个花老对他们的意义有多大。 They may, no matter the flower what status, in their opinion, the flowered old strength is so always strong, definitely knows Saint Court many news. 他们可不管花老是什么身份,在他们看来,花老的实力这么强,一定知道圣朝不少的消息。 So long as brings back to inner court, that absolutely is great merit one. 只要带回内朝,那绝对是大功一件。 Saint Court all mysterious will also unveil the veil. 圣朝的一切神秘也将揭开面纱。 In that case, they destroy completely Saint Court also to be naturally just round the corner. 那样的话,他们灭掉圣朝自然也就指日可待。 If from the position, a flower old cannot certainly compare with their five people merely. 如果仅仅只是从身份地位上来说,一个花老当然不能与他们五个人相比。 But at this time they are not possible always to bleed off the flower that catches with great difficulty absolutely. 但此时他们是绝对不可能把好不容易抓到手的花老放掉的。 „The third child, you lead the person first to walk, we keep off them!” Great Elder makes the decision to say. “老三,你带着人先走,我们挡下他们!”大长老做出决定道。 Leads a captive here, Third Elder does not have the means to display the complete strength, instead is timid and hesitant, is easy to have an accident. 带着一个俘虏在这里,三长老也没有办法发挥出全部的实力,反而束手束脚的,容易出事。 Without extra worries, their four people can definitely adapt to changing circumstances, wants to attack attacks, wants to draw back then draws back! 没有了后顾之忧,他们四个人完全可以随机应变,想攻就攻,想退便退! Your four can be good?” Third Elder also knows that this perhaps is a good way. “你们四个能行吗?”三长老也知道这或许是一个好办法。 Them only then four people, the opposite party has more than ten . Moreover the strength is all good. If has a non- plan, possibly four people will fall to the enemy completely here. 只是他们这边只有四个人,对方却有十几个,而且实力全都不俗。万一要是有个不策,可能四人会全部沦陷在这里。 Relax, you took away him, we can whole-heartedly!” Great Elder shouted. “放心吧,你把他带走了,我们才能全力以赴!”大长老喝道。 Good, you carefully!” Third Elder rubbish, raises the flower old to escape toward the east side. “那好,你们小心点!”三长老也不废话,提着花老就朝着东面逃去。 Your several pursue, cannot make him escape absolutely! Remaining massacres these four people with me together!” The crane always referred to six people saying behind. “你们几个追上去,绝对不能让他逃了!剩下的跟我一起将这四个人杀掉!”鹤老指了身后六个人说道。 That six people never imagined, nods, bypasses four people, pursues toward Third Elder. 那六个人想都没想,点点头,绕过四人,朝着三长老追去。 Where walks!” But how Great Elder possibly makes them pursue, intended to want these six people to keep off directly. “哪里走!”可是大长老怎么可能让他们去追呢,直接出手想要将这六人挡下来了。 However Great Elder their remaining eight people to deal with these four people, is naturally impossible them to keep off that six. 但是大长老他们剩下的八个人本身就是为了对付这四个人的,自然也不可能让他们把那六人挡下来。 Sees only these eight people to act together, tied down with these four people all of a sudden. 只见这八人齐出手,一下子就跟这四人缠住了。 That six people naturally cannot waste this golden opportunity, with pursues toward Third Elder. 那六人自然不会浪费这大好机会,跟着就朝着三长老追去。 This is the advantage in population, although their four people possibly keep off is occupied by others 14 people? 这就是人数上的优势,虽然他们四个人怎么可能挡的住人家十四个人呢? Only if their strengths went far beyond these more than ten people, otherwise, others fan out in two groups, want to block these people, at all not possible matter. 除非他们的实力远远超过了这十几个人,否则的话,人家兵分两路,想要拦住这些人,根本不可能的事情。 Damn!” Looks that six people pursue toward Third Elder, Great Elder is also in the heart in great surprise. “该死!”看着那六个人朝着三长老追去,大长老也是心中大惊。 Third Elder brings a flower to be old, actually must face six experts simultaneously, this is not an easy matter. 三长老带着一个花老,却要同时面对六个高手,这可不是一件容易的事情。 Said that their here person also only needs to cope with two experts, but Third Elder actually instead must face four, this difficulty could be imagined some are much big. 说起来他们这边一人还只需要对付两个高手,可是三长老却反而要面对四个,这难度可想而知有多大了。 However their is also helpless action. 但是他们这也是无奈之举。 Others more than ten people, the strength differs not in a big way, them altogether five people, but must lead a captive, this was too truly difficult. 人家十几个人,实力都相差不大,他们这边一共才五个人,还要带着一个俘虏,这确实太困难了。 However must make them really throw down the captive, in the heart is also very unwilling. 不过要让他们真的丢下俘虏,心中又很不甘心。 After all comes out is so long, these finally had to harvest time, but is facing such situation, really made one suppress uncomfortable. 毕竟出来这么久,这一次总算是有收获了,但偏偏面临着这样的情况,着实让人憋的难受啊。 For a long time do not fight!” The Great Elder reminder said. “不要久斗!”大长老提醒道。 Originally wants to try to have a look to cut to kill several people, in this case, they can first massacre these eight people, then rescues the flower to be old. 本来想试着看看能不能斩杀几个人,这样的话,他们就可以先把这八个人杀掉,然后再去救花老。 However after these people fought several rounds, discovered that the strengths of these people really compared with the flowered old and weak, do not want to cut to kill them in a pair of two situation, this was really difficult. 但是跟这些人斗了几个回合之后,发现这些人的实力果然都不比花老弱,在一对二的情况下想要斩杀他们,这实在是太困难了。 Since cannot cut to kill, that cannot consume with these people, such is not only they have the danger, particularly spends old, will be more dangerous. 既然不能斩杀,那也不能跟这些人一直耗下去,那样的话不仅是他们有危险,尤其是花老,将会更加危险。 Massacres them!” But is contrary to inner court here situation, the crane is old they to have the absolute advantage. “杀掉他们!”可是与内朝这边的情况相反,鹤老他们可是占着绝对的优势。 The inner court four people do not want to consume, they actually must consume four people. 内朝四人不想耗,他们却偏偏要耗死四人。 After all the strength is placed there, wants to strike to kill these four people are not the easy matter, must wear down them slowly. 毕竟实力摆在那里,想要击杀这四人也不是轻而易举的事情,必须要慢慢的消磨他们。 Their occupies in the superior situation, so long as consumes some time, their advantages will be getting bigger and bigger. 他们人数占优的情况下,只要耗一段时间,他们的优势会越来越大。 In the middle of especially these four also only has the strengths of Great Elder and five elders is actually strongest, vermilion Yuheng and Shen Xiulin after all is the later generation, must miss on many in the strength. 尤其这四个当中实际也就只有大长老和五长老的实力最强,朱羽恒和沈修林毕竟都是后辈,在实力上本就要差上许多。 In such a case, the pressures of Great Elder and five elders were bigger. 在这样的情况下,大长老和五长老的压力就更大了。 Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!” Four people insisted after some time, Great Elder obviously felt vermilion Yuheng and Shen Xiulin somewhat could not insist, but their pressures were actually bigger and bigger, this way they must die without doubt. “撤!快撤!”四人坚持了一段时间之后,大长老明显感觉到朱羽恒和沈修林有些坚持不住了,而他们二人的压力却是越来越大了,这样下去他们必死无疑。 Therefore no longer the waste time, has one with five elder in the direction that Third Elder flees with. 所以不再浪费时间,和五长老一人带着一个就朝着三长老逃离的方向跟去了。 Crane is old, pursues?” The sea always asked. “鹤老,追不追?”海老问道。 Naturally must pursue, flower old also in their hands!” The crane always nods, pursues toward four people! “当然要追,花老还在他们手上呢!”鹤老点点头,朝着四人追去!
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