GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5144: See through!

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The flower always heard the Great Elder shout, however he has not paid attention, this big fish is very important, cannot make him give to escape. 花老听到了大长老的喊声,然而他并没有理会,这条大鱼很重要,可不能让他给逃掉了。 Although his strength difference, so long as can first tie down the opposite party, when the time comes others naturally help. 虽然他的实力差了一些,但是只要能够先缠住对方,到时候其他人自然地来帮忙。 Therefore although Great Elder does not make him pursue, but he actually pursued dutifully. 所以大长老虽然不让他追,可他却义无反顾的追了出来。 This kamikaze Outer King obviously does not have again with the plan that he fights, is rushes toward the east gate unexpectedly. 这“神风外王”显然也没有再与他交手的打算,竟是一路朝着东门奔去。 The north gate has broken, other three city gate where have the garrison troops, this/should escaping escaped, does not run away also and revolts in the city toward army frigid battle. 北门已破,其他三个城门哪里还有守军,该逃的都逃了,不逃的还在城中与叛朝大军惨烈的厮杀。 Therefore they go out of town no one to stop them radically, the relaxedness ran out of the east gate. 所以他们二人出城根本就没有任何人阻拦他们,轻轻松松就冲出了东门。 Especially outside this city also has many military deserters, but kamikaze Outer King actually chose military deserter least directions to escape. 尤其是这城外也有不少的逃兵,而“神风外王”却是选了一个逃兵最少的方向逃去。 The flower old has not actually thought so many, in any case only then such a person, escapes in what direction is the same. 花老却并没有想那么多,反正只有这么一个人,往什么方向逃都一样。 Pursued more than 200 li (0.5 km) probably after crazily, the flower always thought that pursued again cannot catch up, was planning to give up, finally this kamikaze Outer King actually stopped suddenly. 大概疯狂地追了两百多里地之后,花老觉得再追也追不上了,正打算放弃,结果这“神风外王”却是突然停了下来。 Your excellency also really can pursue, pursued my more than 200 li (0.5 km) not to give up!” Kamikaze Outer King looks at the present black robe person, said with a smile. “阁下还真是能追啊,追了我两百多里都不肯放弃!”“神风外王”看着眼前的黑袍人,笑着说道。 Actually his plan was the opposite party pursued 100 li (0.5 km) is also similar, but he has not thought that the opposite party can pursue. 其实本来他的计划是对方追个一百里也就差不多了,但是他并没有想到对方这么能追。 Since this fellow dies to pursue does not put, he naturally must escape is farther, this to him definitely is more advantageous. 既然这个家伙死追不放,他自然要逃的更远一些,这样对他来说肯定是更有利的。 Saw this fellow obvious speed slowed down, has the meaning of giving up, again he also wants certainly to escape is farther. 要不是看到这个家伙明显速度变慢了,有放弃的意思,他当然还想再逃的更远一些。 After all more than 200 li (0.5 km) regarding such cultivator , is not very far. 毕竟这两百多里对于一个这样的修士来说,也并不算很远。 If other Saint Court experts pursue, is quick. 要是圣朝其他的高手追上来,还是很快的。 Although is somewhat regrettable, more than 100 li (0.5 km) that but this most starts to plan him are quite more. 虽然有些遗憾,不过这比他最开始计划的一百多里已经好很多了。 So long as their speed is fast enough, five people should take this fellow sufficiently. 只要他们速度够快的话,五个人应该足以拿下这个家伙了。 Chose him initially, is he passes through observes some time decides. 要知道,当初之所以选择他,也是他经过一段时间观察才决定的。 Because this fellow broke an arm, the strength obviously be slightly weaker than others, this also gives the opportunity that they stressed easily exactly. 因为这个家伙断了一臂,实力明显要比其他人稍微弱一些,这也就给了他们更容易活抓的机会。 I have said that you come today, do not want to live departure!” The flower old said with a smile. “我说过,你今天来了,就别想活着离开!”花老笑着说道。 Right? Perhaps these words should be I give to you to be right, you felt you also run now?” Kamikaze Outer King coldly again smiles. “是吗?或许这句话应该是我送给你才对,你觉得你现在还跑的了吗?”“神风外王”再次冷冷一笑。 Under the flowered old black cape the complexion changes, suddenly not wonderful feelings. 花老的黑色斗篷之下脸色一变,忽然有一种不妙的感觉。 Was swindled!” Quick, he then discovered that behind several strange aura approach toward him. “上当了!”很快,他便发现身后有好几股陌生的气息朝着他靠近。 Moreover these aura are not weak, he knows that oneself is not an opponent. 而且这些气息都不弱,他知道自己不是对手。 Pouring is also free and easy, has not thought, then wants to run away! 倒也是洒脱,根本就没有多想,便想要逃走! Now wants to escape, probably late!” When the flower old just ran out of hundred meters far, suddenly four people brave, blocked his way. “现在想逃,好像晚了一些!”但是当花老刚刚冲出百米之远的时候,突然有四个人冒出来,挡住了他的去路。 It seems like you have planned, must make me pursue intentionally!” Flower old careful on the alert these five people. “看来你们是早就计划好的,故意要引我追出来了!”花老小心的警惕着这五个人。 Otherwise you thought why I do want to escape?” Five elders said with a smile. “要不然你觉得我为什么要逃呢?”五长老笑着说道。 Even this is your plans, but you think that five people can take me? You also underestimated me!” The flower is old relaxedness that although on the mouth said that but in the heart is very vigilant. “就算这是你们的计划,但你们以为五个人就能够拿下我?那你们也太小看我了!”花老虽然嘴上说的轻松,但是心中还是非常的警惕的。 Because this kamikaze Outer King the strength was not weak in him. 因为这“神风外王”的实力本就不弱于他。 These should be the kamikaze outer court chancellor elder, the strength should be inferior to kamikaze Outer King, but, the strength absolutely will not be what we definitely know is that bad. 这几个应该是神风外朝的主事长老,实力应该不如“神风外王”,但是可以肯定的是,实力也绝对不会很差。 But he must face five people now, the pressure is nothing less than big. 而他现在要独自一人面对五个人,压力不可谓不大。 However he also knows, so long as can delay some time, the crane is old they certainly to pursue. 不过他也知道,只要能够拖延一段时间的话,鹤老他们一定可以追上来的。 When the time comes who takes who is uncertain? 到时候谁拿下谁还不一定呢? However before then, he cannot certainly be taken by them, otherwise, that situation may not be wonderful. 但是在这之前,他一定不能被他们拿下,否则的话,那情况可就不妙了。 Rubbish, hurries to take him!” At heart Great Elder may worry , more than 200 li (0.5 km) really are not to them far. “别废话了,赶紧将他拿下!”大长老心里可着急的很,两百多里对于他们来说真的不算远。 If they quickly, probably Saint Court other experts do not catch up. 如果他们不快一点的话,说不定圣朝的其他高手就要赶过来了。 ! 唰唰唰! The Great Elder voice falls, five people on, do not want together to the flower old any opportunity of fleeing, will not give him to delay the time, opportunity that the waiting companion rescues. 大长老话音一落,五人齐上,不想给花老任何逃离的机会,也不会给他拖延时间,等待同伴救援的机会。 Meanwhile facing five big experts, said regarding the flower in old age, obviously feels the great stress. 同时面对五大高手,对于花老来说,明显感觉压力巨大。 After several rounds the hand of fight, the flowered old mood sank downward several points. 经过几个回合的交手之手,花老的心情又往下沉了几分。 „Is this kamikaze outer court expert strength so strong? How many strengths of these four fellows are not unexpectedly weaker than the kamikaze Outer King strength, having one even compares to kamikaze Outer King to be strong?” “这神风外朝的高手实力这么强?这四个家伙的实力竟然并不比神风外王的实力弱多少,有一个甚至比起神风外王还要强?” Right now spends in the old heart some doubts. 这下子花老心中有些疑惑了。 Comes out is so long from Cheng Yu there, he not fights with Outer King for the first time, he had also fought with other Outer King before. 程宇那里出来这么久,他并非第一次与外王交手,他之前也跟其他外王交过手。 However does not have this kamikaze Outer King strength. 但是都没有这个神风外王的实力强。 Naturally, Royal Court Outer King is numerous, some strength some strengths weakly but actually also normal, therefore he although before some accidental/surprised kamikaze Outer King of strength, but has not thought. 当然,王朝外王众多,有些实力强有些实力弱倒也正常,所以他之前虽然有些意外神风外王的实力之强,但也并没有多想。 Now his four chancellor elder strengths hand/subordinate also are so but strong, even is stronger than Outer King, this may some not be right. 可是现在他手下的四个主事长老实力也这般强,甚至还有比外王更强的,这可就有些不对劲了。 „Aren't you kamikaze outer court people?” After the flower was always repelled by five people, suddenly loudly shouted. “你们不是神风外朝的人?”花老被五人击退之后,突然大喝道。 Hehe, we naturally are not the kamikaze outer court people!” That kamikaze Outer King actually smiled. “呵呵,我们当然不是神风外朝的人!”那个“神风外王”却是笑了起来。 „Who are you?” The flower always sees the opposite party to acknowledge, in heart more startled. “你们到底是什么人?”花老见对方承认,心中更惊了。 You, if the present is without a fight, we can tell you actually!” Five elders said. “你若是现在束手就擒,我们倒是可以告诉你!”五长老说道。 Snort! Wants me to be without a fight? That must look at you to have that skill!” The flower is old, although in the heart has doubts, but how he is possibly without a fight. “哼!要我束手就擒?那就要看你们有没有那个本事了!”花老虽然心中疑惑,但是他怎么可能束手就擒。 So long as he insists again, certainly can wait till others to catch up. 只要他再坚持坚持,一定可以等到其他人赶过来的。 ! 噗! However even if his strength discussed fights alone, these five people at least had the strengths of two people compared with him. 但是他的实力就算论独斗,这五个人至少就有两个人的实力比他强。 Do not say that now others five people hit his one, where can support how long, the quick hit mouth spurted the blood. 更不要说现在人家五个人打他一个了,哪里能够撑多久,很快就被打的口喷鲜血。 Really this/should listens to the crane old words!” At this moment, in the flowered old heart truly regretted. “真该听鹤老的话!”这一刻,花老心中确实是后悔了。 Meanwhile facing five big experts, he really has painstakingly perhaps. 同时面对五大高手,他实在是有苦说不定。 Is without a fight a bit faster, we guarantee you not dead!” Which Great Elder sees the opposite party rigid, has been seriously injured, but was still going all out, his was also at heart anxious. “快点束手就擒,我们保你不死!”大长老见对方哪些执着,已经身受重伤,但是仍然在拼命,他的心里也急了。 They want is the living witness, no matter if five people the life, killing his one were also but actually relaxed. 他们要的就是活口,五个人若是不管死活的话,杀他一个倒也轻松了。 But issue is, they must live, this instead makes them timid and hesitant, does not dare to start is too ruthless. After all by their strengths, if the control is not good, possibly under a move killed directly. 可问题的是,他们必须要活的,这就反而让他们束手束脚,不敢下手太狠了。毕竟以他们的实力,若是掌控不好,可能一招之下就直接打死了。 This may really press them. 这可真是难为他们了。 „, My this life, you must take away. Wants me to be without a fight, you have a dream!” The flower old but actually is also a dauntless man, very rejected the opposite party unyieldingly. “呵,我就这一条命,你们要就拿走。想要我束手就擒,你们做梦去吧!”花老倒也是一条硬汉,十分硬气的拒绝了对方。 Courts death!” Several people also got angry, this fellow clarified knows that everyone will not kill him, therefore was secure, was really dissolute. “找死!”几人也是怒了,这个家伙摆明了知道大家不会杀他,所以有恃无恐,实在是太放肆了。 First hit him remnantly said again!” Five long Boss shouted. “先把他打残再说!”五长老大喝道。 The person is definitely cannot kill, but killed remnantly, did not have the battle efficiency, even if he wants dead is not that easy matter. 人是肯定不能杀的,但是杀残了,没有了战斗力,他就算是想死也不是那么容易的事情。 However when five people have the move unceasingly, flower old actually from these five people of sensations to some familiar aura. 不过就在五人不断出招的时候,花老却是从这五人身上感知到了一些熟悉的气息。 Because five people wear a mask, therefore he does not have the means to see clearly these people of faces from the outward appearance. 由于五人都蒙着面,所以他是没有办法从外观来看清这几人的脸的。 Therefore wants to recognize them to judge from the aura, but the flower old has not thought before. 所以想要认出他们必须从气息上来判断,可是之前花老并没有多想。 Fought with five people was so long, these aura made him feel several points of familiar slowly. 只是跟五人战斗了这么久,这些气息慢慢的让他感觉到了几分熟悉。 The aura of five people he is familiar actually not, but where the aura of three people he seems to have met merely. 倒不是五个人的气息他都熟悉,而是仅仅其中三个人的气息他似乎在哪里遇到过。 You...... are you inner court several chancellor elders?” Suddenly, the flower old thought all of a sudden, is shouting to clear the way to several people. “你们......你们是内朝的几位主事长老?”突然,花老一下子想起来了,对着几人大喝道。 How do you know?” Right now is one's turn five people startled. “你怎么会知道?”这下子轮到五人大惊了。 Although they have not used changed/easy Rongdan, but also wears a mask, even if the kamikaze outer court person should very be difficult to recognize them. 他们虽然没有使用易容丹,但是也蒙着面,就算是神风外朝的人应该都很难认出他们来。 However this Saint Court person can recognize them to come unexpectedly, what's all this about? 但是这圣朝的人竟然可以认出他们来,这是怎么回事? Is it possible that does inner court have the Saint Court traitor within? 莫非内朝也有圣朝的内奸? Right now they really somewhat were hurried. 这下子他们还真的有些慌了。 Enemy who they do not understand, but the enemy actually understands them, what ratio this but also there is fearfully? 他们不了解的敌人,但是敌人却是了解他们,还有什么比这更可怕的呢? This means that their sides have possibly had the Saint Court traitor within, but they actually know nothing, if this traitor within starts to them suddenly, that also? 这意味着他们的身边可能一直都有圣朝的内奸在,可他们却毫不知情,这要是内奸对他们突然下手,那还了得? Thinks that initially that fellow can actually intrude inner court alone, they is a news have not received, this was makes them affirm this point. 想一想当初那个家伙竟然能够独自闯入内朝,他们也是一点消息都没有收到,这更是让他们肯定了这一点。 Because inner court has the Saint Court traitor within, therefore that person possibly hides the truth from everyone to enter inner court, even also entered the guard more stern vault of heaven peak back side of the mountain. 正是因为内朝圣朝的内奸,所以那个人才可能瞒过所有人进入内朝,甚至还进入了守卫更加森严的天穹峰后山。 Therefore more wants more to think that this possibility very high, several people intended to slow down to weaken at once continually. 所以越想越是觉得这种可能性非常的高,几人一时之间不由连出手都变慢变弱了。 They do not know, actually inner court basic on does not have any traitor within. 他们并不知道,其实内朝根本就没有什么内奸。 Reason that the flower is old can recognize them to come, that is because previous time they, when is popular Le city to investigate them. 花老之所以能够认出他们来,那是因为上一次他们在兴乐城的时候就一直在调查他们。 Especially Cheng Yu with them in fight, they even observes in the distant place. 尤其是程宇与他们在交手的时候,他们甚至在远处观战。 But they do not have to act from beginning to end, therefore the flower always recognized them, but they have not recognized the flower to be old, this is very normal matter. 只不过他们从头到尾都没有自己出过手,所以花老认出了他们,但是他们没有认出花老,这本就是很正常的事情。 However their where thinks that also has this matter? 但是他们哪里会想到还有这种事情呢? They wish one could to return to inner court to look at this moment immediately completely Saint Court the traitor within of arrangement. 此时此刻他们恨不得立马回到内朝圣朝的安排的内奸全部找出来。 But also while these people of absent-minded times, the flower old sneaks off in the direction of river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate suddenly. 可也就是趁着这几人心不在焉的时候,花老突然朝着江月城的方向溜去。 Everyone spirit, do not let him slide!” At this time Great Elder responded suddenly, first pursued, blocked it. “大家精神点,别让他溜了!”这个时候大长老突然反应过来,第一时间追上去,又将其拦了下来。 Others responded, was the heart startled, everyone was almost given to trick by a few words of this fellow. 其他人反应过来,也是心惊不已,大家差点被这个家伙的一句话就给忽悠了。 If really made him escape, they fell short. 若是真的让他逃了,那他们岂不是功亏一篑。 Even if inner court really has the traitor within, their present priorities must capture alive him. 就算内朝真的有内奸,他们现在的首要任务也是要将他活捉。 When the time comes they lead this fellow to return to inner court directly, and uses this fellow to give to look these traitors within together, this is the brilliant plan! 到时候他们直接带着这个家伙回内朝,并且利用这个家伙将那些内奸一起给找出来,这才是良策!
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