GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5143: With counting!

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that night, the armies outside city suddenly appeared under the city wall, started to attack a city massively. 就在这天夜里,城外的大军突然出现在城墙之下,开始大规模攻城了。 Actually this time war surface is broad, this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate merely is only a battlefield. 其实这一次的战争面非常广,这江月城仅仅只是一个战场罢了。 Therefore here military are not many, on 500,000 armies about. 所以这边的兵力并不是很多,也就五十万大军左右。 If with former several million armies, this military really were not often many. 若是跟之前动不动就几百万的大军来说,这点兵力真的不算多。 What is important, these city many military, they have not inquired, in this city most 200,000 military. 但重要的是,这些城池也并没有多少兵力,他们早就已经打探过了,这城中最多二十万兵力。 Moreover the strengths of these 200,000 armies are also very ordinary. 而且这二十万大军的实力也都很一般。 Therefore 500,000 armies were enough. 因此五十万大军足够了。 Let alone them more than ten Special Envoy Saint Court, the in addition two thousand Saint Court experts, such strength, is actually less difficult with the lower reaches of the Changjiang River semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate. 更何况他们这边还有十几个圣朝特使,外加两千圣朝高手,这样的实力,其实拿下江月城并不困难。 Moreover, protecting city big of this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate is also very ordinary, although on is not very weak, but where to has not gone. 另外,这江月城的护城大阵也很普通,虽说不上很弱,但是也没强到哪里去。 General Level 1 City protecting city big regarding 500,000 armies, how long but also really could not support. 一般的一级城池的护城大阵对于五十万大军来说,还真的撑不了多久。 The fact also truly so, this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate supported the most evening merely, is a day of dawn time, this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate was broken through. 事实也确实如此,这江月城仅仅撑了大半个晚上,也就是天蒙蒙亮的时候,这江月城就被攻破了。 The armies enter the city, even if their goals are not in the city the common people, however in this chaotic situation, if there are common people to run all over the place on the street, somewhat the meeting has the manslaughter. 大军入城,哪怕他们的目标并非城中百姓,但是在这混乱的情况下,若有百姓在街上乱跑,多少会有误杀的。 Therefore at this time the common people basically were hid at home, really must run, that was also courts death. 所以这个时候百姓基本上都是躲在家里的,真要有跑出来的,那也是自己找死。 Listens to the street to ascend the sky everywhere is the war cry and pitiful yell sound, the common people are trembling conceals at home, some timid tears directing current that even frightens, actually does not dare to shout, can only bite own hand. 听着街上天上到处都是喊杀声和惨叫声,百姓们都是战战兢兢的藏在家里,一些胆小的甚至都吓的眼泪直流,却不敢喊出来,只能咬着自己的手。 At this time in the middle of a corner in city, is hiding five people. 此时在城中的一个角落当中,藏着五个人。 What kind of? Has the Saint Court expert who the discovery leaves behind?” Third Elder asked impatiently. “怎么样?有没有发现落单的圣朝高手?”三长老迫不及待地问道。 Temporarily no, waits again!” Great Elder shakes the head to say. “暂时没有,再等等!”大长老摇摇头说道。 At this moment, in the city had become a hopeless mess randomly. The garrison troops of river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate might as well revolt the troops of towards to be many. 此时此刻,城中早已经乱成了一锅粥。江月城的守军本就不如叛朝的兵力多。 After the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate broken, even there are many garrison troops to escape directly. 江月城破之后,甚至有不少的守军直接就逃了。 Finally the war of river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate is also the racing, presents the lopsided situation, river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate garrison troops also by unceasing compelling escapes toward other city gates. 结果江月城的战局也是急转而下,呈现一面倒的情况,江月城的守军也被不断的逼的往其他城门逃去。 We also first remove, the garrison troops of this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate were too weak. Quick this river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate must be revolted toward seized completely, when the time comes our escape route did not have.” vermilion Yuheng looked at the present situation, therefore proposed. “我们也先撤吧,这江月城的守军太弱了。很快这江月城就要被叛朝全部占领了,到时候我们连退路都没有了。”朱羽恒看了看眼下的情况,于是提议道。 „ Doesn't this use? They do not know us in any case. If we escape, is mistaken as the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate garrison troops by them on the contrary easily. “这就不用了吧?反正他们又不认识我们。如果我们逃的话,反倒是容易被他们误认为是江月城的守军。 If we do not run away, they most regard us treat cultivator in city! 若是我们不逃的话,他们最多把我们当成是待在城中的修士 When the time comes even if they seized the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, we still look for the opportunity to start well, perhaps they will not guard! ” Shen Xiulin said. 到时候他们就算占领了江月城,我们也好寻找机会下手,他们或许更不会防备!”沈修林说道。 This was too risky, now on street, no matter but are you river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate garrison troops. Even the average person, they for own security, will massacre. “这样太冒险了,现在在街上的,可不管你是不是江月城的守军。就算是普通人,他们为了自己的安全,都会杀掉。 Do not say our these cultivator, therefore keeps on the street now not only, even if stays in the city, when the time comes they occupied the city, should still search one again. 更不要说我们这些修士了,所以现在不光是留在街上,就算是留在城中,到时候等到他们占据了城池,也会重新再搜查一遍的。 Therefore this is not the great idea! ” Great Elder shakes the head the rebuttal to say. 所以这并不是什么好主意!”大长老摇摇头反驳道。 Wish makes them leave behind, this feared that is some difficulties. The river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate the thorough rout, how long they could not have supported, if we want to catch the captive, feared that is can only we make a move, the Saint Court expert directing!” Five elders said. “想要让他们自己落单,这怕是有些难度。江月城已经彻底的溃败了,他们也撑不了多久了,我们若是想要抓俘虏的话,怕是只能咱们自己出手,将圣朝的高手给引出来了!”五长老说道。 We feared together is inappropriate, if they see our so many experts, person who pursues definitely also many. “咱们一起怕是不合适,他们若是看到我们有这么多的高手,追上来的人肯定也多。 Saint Court these people are powerful, the person who if pursues were too many, we will be very definitely difficult to grasp exactly, cannot do well us to present the danger of life. 圣朝的那些人实力非常强大,若是追出来的人太多了,我们肯定很难活抓,搞不好咱们自己都有可能会出现性命之危。 To direct them, most can only a person direct! ” Great Elder said. 想要将他们引出来,最多只能一个人去引!”大长老说道。 Is words of person, can be too risky, cannot do well not to direct, was encircled by them kills!” Shen Xiulin worried that said. “可是一个人的话,会不会太冒险了,搞不好还没有把人引出来,就被他们围杀了!”沈修林担心地说道。 He does not dare a person to direct. 他是不敢一个人去引的。 However his at heart is actually some fears, coming to here to stress the plan of captive is he raises, if everyone wants him to make the bait the words, he really did not have the means to reject. 但是他的心里却是有些害怕,来这里抓俘虏的计划是他提出来的,万一大家都要他来做诱饵的话,他还真没有办法拒绝。 Danger definitely has, but does not have the means that this matter can only to go. Otherwise even if we directed, our five people could not cope!” Great Elder said. “危险肯定是有的,但是没有办法,这件事情只能让一个人去。否则我们就算把人引出来了,我们五个人也对付不了!”大长老说道。 This matter is truly risky, but the garrison troops of eye lower reaches of the Changjiang River semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate draw back is getting quicker and quicker, if they do not go out to pursue, they who makes one leave behind absolutely did not have the opportunity to make them leave behind. 这件事情确实冒险,但是眼下江月城的守军退的越来越快,他们若是不自己出去引人落单的追上来的话,那他们根本就没有机会让他们自己落单了。 Since this means are I raise, that makes me go. Moreover my strength also calculates, even if cannot direct the person, believes that but was actually still insufficient to lose the life!” Five elders proposed. “既然这个办法是我提出来的,那就让我去吧。而且我的实力也算可以,就算引不出来人,相信倒也不至于把命丢了!”五长老主动提出道。 Has confidence? In the incorrect words, we first garrison troops of following river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate draws back to go out of town if. Perhaps when the time comes will have the opportunity, does not need to take risk at this time!” Great Elder sees five elders to join voluntarily, in the heart is some does not want. “有把握吗?若实在不行的话,咱们先跟着江月城的守军退出城去。或许到时候还是会有机会的,没必要一定要在这个时候冒险!”大长老见五长老主动请缨,心中是有些不太愿意的。 Five elders can be said as their brain trusters, every so often must offer advice by him. 五长老可以说是他们的智囊,很多时候都要靠他来出主意的。 If he has an accident, after them, handled affairs is more difficult. 若是他出了事,那他们以后行事就更加困难了。 However at this time he not good to select the soldier, didn't this clarify made others take risk? 但是这个时候他也不好自己点兵,这不是摆明了让别人去冒险吗? Or I go!” Third Elder says. “要不还是我去吧!”三长老开口说道。 He also understands the importances of five elders, if five elders have what accident, that may not be really easy to do. 他也明白五长老的重要性,若是五长老有个什么闪失,那可真是不好办了。 He does not like with the brain, suits him to do like this heavy manual labor but actually. 他是不怎么喜欢用脑的,像这种粗活倒也适合他去做。 What is more important, his strength does not compare five long olds and weak. 更重要的是,他的实力并不比五长老弱。 Ok, directs individual, I am also insufficient is so incompetent!” Five elders have not actually given them the opportunity, said that then did not wait for the people to say anything again, ran on a person directly. “算了吧,引个人而已,我还不至于那么无能!”五长老却并没有给他们机会,说罢便不等众人再说什么,直接就一个人跑了出去。 Fifth child!” Third Elder wants to pursue, actually held on by Great Elder. “老五!”三长老本想追出去,却是被大长老拉住了。 Makes him go, by his ability, should be able to succeed. We are ready at any time, if he were surrounded, we come up the help. “让他去吧,以他的能力,应该可以成功的。我们随时做好准备,如果他被困住了,我们就上去帮忙。 If he succeeded, we hurry to remove to go out of town, outside city his captive! ” Great Elder answered. 如果他成功了,我们就赶紧撤出城去,在城外将其俘虏!”大长老解释道。 Although does not hope that five elders take risk, but he himself must go, he cannot block. 虽然不希望五长老去冒这个险,但是他自己要去,他也拦不住。 Moreover words that goes to by five elders personally, he also compares to feel relieved. 而且由五长老亲自去的话,他也比较放心。 Actually like the siege warfare, the flower was old many they is also participates in attacking a city on the line. 其实像这样的攻城战,花老他们最多也就是参与一下攻城就行了。 After all protects city big is they biggest hindrance, has broken as for the city, how many in this city can have and their suitable people? 毕竟护城大阵才是他们最大的阻碍,至于城已破,这城中又能有几个与他们相当的人呢? However even, they in order to as soon as possible with lower reaches of the Changjiang River semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, acted personally. 不过就算哪些,他们为了能够尽快的拿下江月城,还是亲自出手了。 But they make a move also definitely are not kill these defense soldiers, captain but who kills some strengths and so on character, the strengths of these people are also Crossing Tribulation Stage, should came from the kamikaze outer court expert. 但他们出手也肯定不是去杀那些守城小兵,而是杀那些有些实力的指挥者之类的人物,这些人的实力也是渡劫期,应该是来自神风外朝的高手。 Therefore these people regarding these outer court armies, are very threatening, after all the strength is placed there, is not these officers can compare. 所以这些人对于那些外朝的大军来说,还是很有威胁的,毕竟实力摆在那里,可不是那些将士可以相比的。 Although these people are also Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, but in the strength obvious and is colored old they to have a disparity. 这些人虽然也是渡劫期修士,但是实力上明显与花老他们还是有所差距的。 Even if the present flower always lost an arm, but still pressed their head in the strength. 哪怕现在的花老失去了一臂,但在实力上仍然压他们一头。 But old just cut to kill hand of the Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator in the flower, suddenly braved Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to come out. 可就在花老刚刚斩杀一个渡劫期修士之手,突然又冒了一个渡劫期修士出来。 This thinks that the strength of this person is also no better. 本以为这个人的实力也强不到哪里去。 However was quick he to discover differently, the strength of this person obviously compared to many that these Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator strove to excel, even he was a little suppressed. 但是很快他就发现不同了,这个人的实力明显比起那些渡劫期修士要强的多,甚至连他都有点被压制了。 Is it possible that is your excellency kamikaze Outer King?” With an opposite party palm relative, the flower old was repelled instantaneously, immediately in heart in great surprise. “阁下莫非是神风外王?”与对方一掌相对,花老瞬间被击退,顿时心中大惊。 A little eyesight, you want to swallow my kamikaze outer court, today makes you die entirely here!” Five elders do not expose, thwart, coldly said. “有点眼力,你们想要吞下我神风外朝,今天就让你们通通死在这里!”五长老也不点破,将计就计,冷冷地说道。 Haha, how even did Outer King come? Since came, that today do not walk!” The flower old actually and does not care. “哈哈,就算是外王来了又如何?既然来了,那今天就别走了!”花老却并不在意。 Kamikaze Outer King ran up to the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate to come, this somewhat was truly accidental. 神风外王跑到江月城来了,这确实有些意外。 Before battle, they have not obtained such information, obviously this fellow runs over secretly. 在开战之前,他们并没有得到这样的情报,显然这个家伙是偷偷地跑过来的。 However there is nothing to be worried. 不过这并没有什么好担心的。 Although the Outer King strength is very strong, but such Outer King outer court also only has one. 外王的实力虽然很强,可是这样的外王一个外朝也就只有一个。 However them actually more than 2000, Saint Court that 2000 people, that may be particularly the person aggressive statement are not really many. 但是他们这边却有两千多个,尤其是圣朝的那两千人,那可真的是人狠话不多。 Never spoke a few words, however kills people, that called ruthless, even they looked were afraid. 从来不说一句话,但是杀起人来,那叫一个狠,连他们看了都害怕。 Therefore this kamikaze Outer King suddenly appears here, that brings about own destruction radically. 所以这一次神风外王突然出现在这里,那根本就是自寻死路。 Even he himself is not to this kamikaze Outer King opponent, but haven't he so many helpers, handled kamikaze Outer King? 就算他自己不是对这神风外王的对手,但是他还有那么多的帮手,难道还搞不定一个神风外王 Moreover if today took kamikaze Outer King, that following attacking a city plan may be easy. 而且今天若是拿下了神风外王,那接下来的攻城计划可就容易了。 Even their Outer King were grasped or is killed, these cities who does also dare to fight with them? 连他们的外王都被抓了或者被杀了,这些城池还有谁敢与他们一战? The flowered old original strength is actually not weak, because broke an arm, even if Cheng Yu gave them king product to cultivate/repair god pill before, but since king product has cultivated god pill to be obviously insufficient makes up for the damage of his strength. 花老原本的实力其实也并不弱,但是因为断了一臂,哪怕之前程宇给了他们一颗王品修神丹,但是一颗王品修神丹显然不足以来弥补他实力的损伤。 However this kamikaze Outer King strength as if also not compared with his many. 不过这神风外王的实力似乎也并没有比他强多少。 Snort! The Saint Court expert is really fierce, today for the time being puts your horse, coming to day to take your dog's life surely!” The one but who makes the flower old be somewhat accidental is. “哼!圣朝的高手果然厉害,今天暂且放你一马,来日必定取你狗命!”可是让花老有些意外的是。 Although this kamikaze Outer King strength is so only little than him, but if has hit, the opposite party has the odds of success. 虽然这神风外王的实力只比他强那么一点点,但如果一直打下去的话,对方还是有胜算的。 This fellow actually must remove unexpectedly suddenly. 只是这个家伙竟然突然却要撤了。 Came, do you want to walk can it be that can walk?” The flower old will not make such big fish easily run away. “来都来了,岂是你想走就能走的?”花老可不会让这么大鱼轻易逃走。 Usually wants to look for him is not an easy matter, since now he came, where has to make him so easy to run away. 平时想要把他找出来可不是一件容易的事情,现在他既然自己来了,哪有让他这么容易逃走的。 Therefore hurried to pursue. 于是赶紧追了上去。 Do not pursue!” Never the crane of distant place noticed their here situations in the flower early, but he was tying down by several Crossing Tribulation Stage at this time, did not have the time to go to the manages flower to be old. “别追!”就在花老不远处的鹤老早就注意到了他们这边的情况,不过他此时正被好几个渡劫期缠住,也没有时间去管花老。 Where however at this time the flower is old to listen to the crane old words, if such a big fish caught, that may gain in a big way. 但是此时花老哪里会听鹤老的话,这么一条大鱼要是抓到了,那可就赚大了。 Ignored so many to pursue! 根本不顾那么多就追了上去!
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