Defensegeneral in north citydraws outowntreasured sword, is pointing at the sky, everyone who thisimposing mannerfrightensimmediatelyallretreats, does not dareto quarrelagainmustgo out of town.
北城的守城将军拔出自己的宝剑,指着天空,这气势顿时吓的所有人全部退去,不敢再吵着要出城了。Seesthissituation, the inner courtfiveelderslooks at each otherone, can only temporarilyleave the north gate.
见此情形,内朝五位长老对视一眼,只能暂时离开了北门。Soon, severaldaysarrived in a restaurant.
不久之后,几天来到了一处酒楼之中。Comparesin the Cheng Familyfiftycities, thisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatewas obviously more desolate.
相比于程家的五十几座城池,这江月城明显就落寞多了。InCheng Family, theycall it the small cityoneselfcity.
在程家,他们都将自己的城池称之为小城。Butregardinghaving been to the people in Cultivation Worldothermoreplace, Cheng Familyanycityis unable to call it the small cityinCultivation World.
可是对于到过修真界其他更多地方的人来说,程家的任何一座城池在修真界都无法称之为小城。PerhapsCheng Familythesecitiesnotbiggest, howeverreached the Level 1 CitystandardinCultivation Worldabsolutely, eventhere aremore than halfsurpassedmostLevel 1 City.
或许程家这些城池并非最大的,但是在修真界绝对都达到了一级城池的标准,甚至有半数以上都超过了大部分一级城池。Naturally, makesthemfeel that truly the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate and Cheng Familycitybiggestdifferencelies in the vigor of city, rather than the scale of city.
当然,真正让他们感觉到江月城与程家城池最大的区别还是在于城池的活力,而非城池的规模。Thisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate is also Level 1 City, thereforefrom the scale of city, the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateis not smaller than the Cheng Familycity.
这江月城也是一级城池,因此从城池的规模来说,江月城并不比程家的城池小。Buttheycannot feel the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatecompletely the vigor.
可是他们完全感觉不到江月城的活力。Naturally, thesealsopartbecause of the reason of war, causedin the citylots ofcommon peopleandcultivatorflees from calamity.
当然,这其中也有一部分是因为战争的原因,导致城中大量的百姓和修士都逃难去了。In such a case, person who even ifkeeps, actuallymajority is still the lifein the middle ofvariousworry.
在这样的情况下,就算留下来的人,其实大部分也都是生活在各种担忧当中。Manypeoplearehidedo not dareto come outat home, thereforefirstdid not sayin the middle ofthisrestaurantnoguest.
很多人更是躲在家里不敢出来,所以先不说这酒楼当中没什么客人。Even iftheirfivepeoplesiton the restaurantlook at the avenue in city, cannot seetoomanypeople.
The sodesolatebigcity, madefivepeople of moodsalsocome under a biginfluence. In addition the taste of food and winewas also inferior that the Cheng Familycityis rich, is to make them feel insipidly tasteless.
如此落寞的大城,不禁让五人的心情也受到了不小的影响。再加上就连酒食的口味也不如程家城池丰富,更是让他们觉得寡淡无味了。„It seems likefight outside cityveryanxious, nowdoes not letgo out of townunexpectedly, wefeared that wasa short time can only stay in the city!”Great Elderdeeply frowned, tosses downin the middle of the wine glassliquorwater, fullis the anxious look.
“看来城外的战斗非常的紧张,现在竟然不让出城了,咱们怕是一时半会儿只能留在城中了!”大长老眉头紧锁,将酒杯当中的酒水一饮而尽,满是愁容。„Stays in the cityto stay in the city, wego out of townin any casenow, the Saint Courtarmyhas definitely also treatedin the same place, wantingthemto leave behindis also unlikely.”Fiveelderscareactually notsaid.
“留在城中就留在城中,反正我们现在出城了,圣朝的大军肯定也一直都待在一起,想要他们落单也不太可能。”五长老倒不是那么在意地说道。Now the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateobviouslyis at the defensivecondition, has not gone out of townto meet head-on.
如今江月城明显处于防守状态,并没有出城迎战。Thatmeans that Saint Courtandtheserevolttowardmayattack a cityvery much.
那意味着圣朝和那些叛朝很有可能会攻城。Since the opposite partyfights the siege warfare, thenoutside the city is completely theirpeople, wantingthemto leave behind the possibility that is too low.
既然对方是打攻城战,那么城外全部都是他们的人,想要他们落单的可能性太低了。Moreovertheyranat this time, insteadmaystaringby the opposite party is not uncertain.
而且他们这个时候跑出去了,反而有可能会被对方给盯上都不一定。Thereforeat this timewas detainedin the cityalsonot necessarilyis the misdemeanor.
所以此时被滞留在城中也未必就是坏事。„Butwe, ifcannotgo out of town, even iftheyreallyleft behind, we have the opportunity. Nowtreatsin the city, buteventheirsurfacecannot see, do not say that madethemleave behind!”ShenXiulinsaid.
„ Firstdo not worry, althoughwestayed in the city, the opportunity of butnot necessarilywiththemnot having met.
“先不要那么着急,我们虽然留在了城中,可是未必就没有与他们碰面的机会。Youthinkto look, the strengthandSaint Court of thisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateas well astheserevolttowardcompared with, how? ” Fiveeldersasked.
你们想想看,这江月城的实力与圣朝以及那些叛朝相比,如何?”五长老问道。„Althoughwehave not seenoutside the citynow the strength of army, butthisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatedefinitelyhas no wayoutside the enemieswithcityto compare.”ShenXiulinthinksto say.
„ Thiswas right, revoltstowardto hitwithSaint Court, by the city that theyseizeis knownhadmany.
“这就对了,叛朝和圣朝一路打过来,被他们占领的城池已经不知道有多少了。Althoughthisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateisLevel 1 City, butweroughlyhad looked, heremilitary were not many, supportsseveral hundred thousand.
It can be said that thisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatewas broken throughis inevitable.
可以说这江月城被攻破是必然的。Wants the Saint Courtpersonto leave behindoutside the city, thisisverydifficult. Butifthisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatebroke, whentheykill the time of entering a city, whilechaotic, wantingthemto leave behind to be easier. ” Fiveeldersansweredtoeveryone.
想要圣朝的人在城外落单,这是很困难的。但若是这江月城破了,等到他们杀进城来的时候,趁着混乱,想要他们落单应该会容易许多。”五长老向大家解释道。„Then, wehopethisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateis earlieris broken throughis better?”ShenXiulinsaid.
“这么说来,那我们岂不是希望这江月城越早被攻破越好?”沈修林说道。„! Thissayingcannotspeak irresponsibly, so as to avoidannoysto troubletous!”Fiveeldershurryto stopto say.
“嘘!这话可不能乱说,免得给我们惹来麻烦!”五长老赶紧制止道。Luckilyinthisrestaurantalsono one, ifthissayingmadeothershear, but alsothinks that theywere the spies who the enemysent?
„ Fiveelders were also only such a saying, even ifthisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatewere really broken throughbythem, westillhadwith the opportunity that the Saint Courtarmymet.
“五长老也只是这么一说,这江月城就算真的被他们攻破了,我们也不过是有了与圣朝大军碰面的机会。Sincethere is an opportunityto meet, naturally might also makethemleave behind.
既然有机会碰面了,自然也就有可能让他们落单。Howeverthisreallydid not breakon behalf of the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, wecanmakethemleave behind, andcatchesthem.
但是这并不代表江月城真的破了,我们就可以让他们落单,并且抓到他们。Thereforedo not think that thisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatebroke was really goodtous! ” The Great Elderremindersaid.
所以你也不要以为这江月城破了就真的对我们有好处!”大长老提醒道。To be honest, heseesthisboyto saythissayingto come, hereallysomewhatwas also worriedthisboygoessecretly the north gateopening, andrevolted the armies in towardsdirectingSaint Court.
说实话,他见这小子说出这话来,他还真有些担心这小子去偷偷的把北门给打开了,将圣朝和叛朝的大军给引进来了。Perhaps the riversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatebroke, will really be favorableforthem.
也许江月城破了,真的会对他们更有利。After allunder the confusionis easierto create the opportunity, fish in troubled waters.
毕竟混乱之下更容易创造机会,浑水摸鱼。Butthisriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gateafter all is theirinner courtowndomain, wherehas the truth that owndomaindelivers.
可是这江月城毕竟是他们内朝自己的地盘,哪有把自己的地盘送出去的道理。Even iftheywant, reallymustmakekamikazeouter courtknow, it is estimated thatis impossibleto be loyal toinner courtagain, announceddirectlyturned toSaint Courtorrevoltstoward.
而且就算他们愿意,真要让神风外朝知道了,估计也不可能再忠于内朝,直接就宣布投靠圣朝或者叛朝了。Thereforethismattertheythinkto be OK, butcannotreallydo thatabsolutely, thatmaytoobe stupid.
所以这事情他们想一想就可以了,但绝对不能真的这么做,那可就太愚蠢了。„Great Elder, Iam not silly, but alsoreallycando that!”ShenXiulinsmilesto sayawkwardly.
“大长老,我又不傻,还真能这么做啊!”沈修林尴尬的笑了笑说道。Thena moment ago the flash, hehas also really hadsuchidea.
刚才那么一瞬间,他还真有过这样的想法。Howeverhealsoknows,thismatteralso can only think, cannotreallydo.
„ Sincecannot go out of townnow, weare first treatingin the city, has a look is whatsituation.
“既然现在出不了城,那咱们就先在城里待着吧,看看接下来是什么情况。Ifthere is an opportunityto go out of town, weshouldhave a lookto the cityoutside.
如果有机会出城的话,我们还是应该到城外去看看。Even iftheyreallybroke the citywhen the time comes, we can also find the opportunityfromtheirrear areas.
哪怕他们到时候真的破了城,我们也可以从他们的后方找找机会。Ifbeforewehave not gone out of town, theykill, wefind the wayto look that againcandrag1-2Saint Courtexpertsto leave, thenwithideahiscaptive! ” Great Elderpondered the moment, says.
要是在我们还没有出城之前,他们杀进来了,那咱们就再想办法看能不能拖1-2圣朝的高手离开,然后用计将其俘虏!”大长老沉思了片刻,开口说道。„Temporarilyalso can only like this!” The peoplenod, the objection of regarding thisandhaving no.
“暂时也只能这样了!”众人点点头,对此并没有任何的异议。Originallytheyplannedinthisrestaurantinquired the warinformation.
本来他们是打算到这酒楼里来打听点战事情报的。Butthisrestaurantsuch3322severalpeople, moreover everyone as ifworriesbecause of the presentwar, the especially thosewere stopped up the merchantincity, isto the presentsituationcomplaint.
可是这酒楼就那么三三两两的几个人,而且每个人似乎都因眼下的战事而烦恼,尤其是那些被堵在城中的商人,更是对现在的情形抱怨不已。Howevertheydo not know that outside the citynowiswhatsituation, thereforetheirseveralpeopleselected a thing of table, satnot to inquire any usefulthingfor a long time.
The interest is waning, ate a thingthento leavecasually.
意兴阑珊,随便吃了点东西便离开了。Looked for an innfirstto live, having a look at the opportunityto go out of townsmooth.
找了一家客栈先住了下来,看看有没有机会溜出城去。Butoutsidethis timeriversemi-circular protective wall outside the main city gatenorth gatecity!
而此时的江月城北门城外!Andin the middle of a military compound, sitsmore than tenpeople.
其中一个军营当中,坐着十几个人。„Howto plan?”SawDito come back, severalpeopleopened the mouthto ask.
“怎么打算?”见狄老回来了,几人开口问道。Whatthisvariousouter courtsend outis notOuter King, butissomechancellorelders.
这一次各外朝出动的并非外王,而是一些主事长老。After all the presentsituationto themisverygood, moreoverdoes not have the armyaid of inner court, thereforetheseOuter Kingare impossibleto lead the armyto attack a citydaily.
毕竟现在的局势对他们来说还是很好的,而且没有内朝的大军援助,所以那些外王也不可能天天带着大军在攻城。Thereforethistheysentoneselfouter courtchancelloreldertime.
所以这一次他们都派遣了自己外朝的主事长老来。JustDiisparticipates inallparliaments, soarrangedto the followingwar.
刚刚狄老就是去参加各方议会,对接下来的战事如此安排。„Theyplanto attack a citytonight.”Disaid.
“他们打算今晚攻城。”狄老说道。„Some did Saint Courtthat sidepeoplego?” The floweralwaysasked.
“圣朝那边有人去了吗?”花老问道。„Wentnaturallyto go, theirdirectionsmadetobeforesame, has not spoken!”Disaid.
“去当然是去了,不过他们的指挥使还是跟以前一样,并没有说话!”狄老说道。„ThisSaint Courtpersonalso is really strange, Ido not seem to hearthemto speak, won't theyspeak?”Infloweredoldheartdoubts.
“这圣朝的人还真是奇怪,我似乎从来没有听到他们说过话,他们是不是不会说话?”花老心中十分的疑惑。„ActuallyIhave thoughtthesepeopleare somewhat strange, moreovertheiraura are also very strange, as if there is verybig difference from us, butalsocannot say why is not with!” The seaalwayssaid.
“其实我一直都觉得这些人有些奇怪,而且他们的气息也很奇怪,似乎跟我们有很大的不同,但是却又说不上来到底是何不同!”海老说道。„Actually is also very normal, thesepeopleestimated that is the people ready dead who Saint Courttrains. Perhapswill not really speak, the goalis, oncewere grasped, theyare impossibleto sayanythingto come!” The craneoldsuspicionsaid.
“其实也很正常,这些人估计都是圣朝培养起来的死士。也许真的不会说话,目的就是为了一旦被抓,他们也不可能说出点什么来!”鹤老怀疑道。„But if the person ready dead, shouldnot haveownwillis. Howeveralthoughtheydid not speak, butdoes not have no consciousnesslike the person ready dead!”Dihas doubtsto say.
“可若是死士的话,应该没有自己的意志才是。但是他们虽然一直不说话,但却也并不像死士那样没有任何的意识!”狄老疑惑道。„Oroursecretlygoes totheirbigcampsto have a look? Couldsomewhatdiscover!” The floweredoldpropositionsaid.
„ Does not want, thisis not polite. Thesepeopleare not affable, alwaysdoes not giveus the face, as ifonlylistens to the order of Young Master.
“还是不要了,这太不礼貌了。这些人可不是好惹的,从来都不给我们面子,似乎只听少爷的命令。Ifwere discoveredbythem, perhapstheywill intend is not uncertaintousdirectly.
若是被他们发现了,说不定他们会直接对我们出手都不一定。Ourpresentstatus are also Special EnvoySaint Court, ifmadetheseouter courteldersseeusto hit, howthatshouldexplain? ” The cranealwaysshakes the head, the rebuttalsaid.
„ Said is also . Moreover the strength that thesefellowsare insanemayalsowantfearfulmanycompared withus, particularly the strength of thatimmortalspirit, to is not simply same.
“说的也是,而且这些家伙疯起来的实力可比我们还要可怕的多,尤其是那仙灵之力,简直就跟不要命一样。If by some chancetheysuch as the person ready dead is really common, does not giveuscompletely the face, evenfightsto assign/lifeus, how should weend? ” Dialsoopposes.
万一他们真的如死士一般,完全不给我们面子,甚至跟我们拼起命来,那咱们该如何收场?”狄老也表示反对。„Saint Courtmatterwedo not needto manage, Saint Courtis always mystical, ifwereallymustpiercethiswindow paper, before not being able to do wellevenYoung Master, compliedto providetoourkingproductcultivatesgodpillto malinger!” The seaoldalsosays.
“圣朝的事情咱们就没必要管了,圣朝一向神秘,我们若是真的要去捅破这层窗户纸,搞不好连少爷之前答应提供给我们的王品修神丹都泡汤了!”海老也开口说道。„Goodwas good, Ispoke thoughtlessly a saying, youalsotook seriously, criticizedme?” The flowerolddid not sayvery muchsatisfied.
“行了行了,我就随口一说,你们还当真了,一个个批判我呢?”花老很是不满意地说道。Hetrulyisa little curiosity, butis also insufficientnot to attend to the general situation.
他确实是有点好奇心,但也不至于连大局都不顾了。„TookYoung Masterto makeusmakecity lordthesecities, youthought that weshouldcomply?”Dishifts the topicto say.
„ Ifaccording tomyindividualwish, Idefinitelyissomedoes not want. ButYoung Masteriswenow the nominalmaster, hemustmakeuswork asthiscity lord, can wenot comply?
“若是按我的个人意愿,我肯定是有些不愿意的。只不过少爷可是咱们现在名义上的主人,他要让咱们当这个城主,咱们能够不答应吗?Otherwiseremainingthesekingproductcultivated/repairedgodpillnot to think.
要不然剩下的那些王品修神丹就别想了。Althoughis not glad, butwe, ifworked asthiscity lord, poursdoes not have the advantage.
虽然不乐意,不过我们若是当了这个城主,倒也并非完全没有好处。Whenthiscity lord is also active, laterat leastcanwithselectingkingproductcultivatesgodpilltoYoung Master! ” The floweralwaysthinksto say.
当这城主也算是有功吧,以后起码还是可以向少爷拿点王品修神丹的!”花老想了想说道。Theyare the loose cultivatorpeople, was free.
The position of thiscity lord, perhapsifbefore, theyalsoreallyverywanted.
这城主之位,若是以前,他们或许还真的挺想要的。Howevernow, theywerehalffootmuststep into the Immortal Worldperson, wherealsocared aboutthisposition?
Nothing hascompared withthemhas a strongerstrength, orquickerflying upwardsImmortal Worldresourcesmadethemhave the interest!
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