GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5141: Go out of town!

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The inner court five elders goes out of town after the Yunnan and Guizhou city, then goes north, the obvious feeling has massive cultivator to catch up toward the south. 内朝五位长老从云贵城出城之后,便一路北上,明显感觉有大量的修士往南方赶。 It can be said that at this time basically went south, rarely has to go north. 可以说这个时候基本上都是南下的,很少有北上的。 Therefore their five people seem like will make people think some different kind. 因此他们五个人看起来会让人觉得有些异类。 The northern war hits intense incomparable, everyone is running away toward the safe place, but these fellows also catch up in the war direction unexpectedly, isn't this courts death? 北方的战争打的正激烈无比,所有人都在往安全的地方逃,而这些家伙竟然还往战争方向赶,这不是找死吗? However others must court death, they will not be blocking, looks at several. 不过别人要找死,他们可不会拦着,也就是多看几眼。 Although is flees from calamity, but compared with these clean cultivator, the situations of these ordinary common people may be worse. 虽然都是逃难的,但是与这些干干净净的修士相比,那些普通的百姓的情况可就糟糕多了。 In fact, even if the city was attacked and occupied, in the army ordinary circumstances of any side in the common people to city will not start. 实际上,就算是城池被攻占了,无论是哪一方的大军一般情况下是不会对城中的百姓下手的。 However when the war, the clarity that something also not necessarily said that after all had the confusion. 但是在战争之际,有些事情也未必就说的清楚,毕竟出现了混乱。 Even these army motionless common people, but may still present some fish in troubled waters people, wants while chaotic to take by force everywhere and so on. 就算这些大军不动百姓,但也有可能出现一些浑水摸鱼的人,想趁着混乱四处打劫之类的。 Therefore has many common people to choose to leave the city to flee from calamity. 所以还是有不少的百姓会选择离开城池逃难。 Regarding cultivator, they do not think that such a turbid water, all majorities will also choose to run away. 对于修士来说,他们也不想趟这样的浑水,所有大部分也会选择逃走。 However they come and go, particularly high rank cultivator, but can also fly, therefore the war is not big to their influences, wants to walk then walks, considered another travel. 不过他们来去自如,尤其是高阶修士,还能够飞行,所以战争对他们的影响并不大,想走便走,就当是另外一场旅行了。 But regarding these common people, perhaps without the war, they possibly only treats for a lifetime in this place, most also transfers the revolutions outside the city. 可是对于这些普通百姓来说,若是没有战争的话,或许他们一辈子都可能只待在这一个地方,最多也就是在城外转转。 But now actually has to be forced to leave native place, especially they cannot fly like cultivator, can only walk step by step, does not have the military force approaching body. 而现在却不得不背井离乡,尤其他们不能像修士一样飞行,只能一步一步的行走,又没有武力傍身。 This runs into the bandit robber all the way wait/etc, therefore they are truly most pitiful few people. 这一路上遇到土匪强盗等等,所以他们才是真正最悲惨的一部分人。 However regarding the inner court five elders, were many, regarding this does not have what many mood that such situation they saw. 不过对于内朝的五位长老来说,这样的情形他们见的多了,对此也早就没有了什么过多的情绪。 Every so often, their these immortals in average person eyes are unable to defend oneself, let alone these average people. 很多时候,就连他们这些在普通人眼中的仙人都是自身难保,更何况这些普通人了。 Especially in front of like this large-scale war, cultivator is similar to worthless general, countless people easily then died. 尤其是在这样的大型战争面前,就连修士都如同草芥一般,无数人轻易便死去了。 Therefore they see these pitiful average people, where also has what to feel? 所以他们看到这些悲惨的普通人,又哪里还有什么感觉呢? When tumultuous times, can live to look at your own skill. 乱世之时,能不能活下来就看你自己的本事。 We left Cheng Family also to have for half a month, you said us, if the present runs, what can discover?” vermilion Yuheng hurries along while to ask. “我们离开程家也有半个月了,你说我们要是现在跑回去,会不会有什么发现呢?”朱羽恒一边赶路一边问道。 Half a month time said that was long, said short was not short, Cheng Family saw them for a long time not to go back, should not think that again they will also run. 半个月的时间说长不长,说短也不短,程家见他们这么久都没有回去,应该不会再认为他们还会跑回去了吧。 If ran at this time, perhaps Cheng Family also had any new movement. 若是这个时候跑回去,说不定程家又有什么新动作了。 They have kept Cheng Family to be witnessable, the words that but kills now suddenly perhaps, just can see. 他们一直留在程家可看不到,但是现在突然杀回去的话,或许刚好可以看到。 Since had come out, we at least must first visit the battlefield that side. If we really can catch several captives, we do not absolutely need to return to Cheng Family to look for what clue again.” Great Elder said. “既然都已经出来了,那咱们至少也要先到战场那边去看看。如果咱们真的可以抓到几个俘虏,那咱们根本就没有必要再回到程家去找什么线索了。”大长老说道。 Right, we also left half a month time, who knows that Cheng Family can do the matter. If by some chance Cheng Family is honest, we did run a fruitless errand the road of half a month? “没错,咱们也就离开了半个月时间,谁知道程家会不会搞事情。万一程家老老实实的,那我们岂不是白跑了这半个月的路? When the time comes if we have no harvest in Cheng Family, wants to go north to catch several captives again, perhaps at that time the war had ended. 到时候我们若是在程家又没有什么收获,再想要北上来抓几个俘虏,说不定那个时候大战都已经结束了。 Even if we want to look for the Saint Court army, may be unable to find! ” Shen Xiulin said. 咱们就算是想找圣朝的大军,可都找不到了!”沈修林说道。 Made everyone accept his suggestion with great difficulty, how can he run back Cheng Family to go like this again? 好不容易让大家都接受了他的这个建议,他怎么能这样再跑回程家去呢? Although he also knows that must massacre Saint Court these experts to revenge for his father is not quite realistic, but he also wants to experience Saint Court powerful. 虽然他也知道现在要杀掉圣朝的那些高手为他的父亲报仇不太现实,但是他也很想见识一下圣朝到底有多强大。 Before he had also only heard Saint Court, actually never had truly has experienced. 以前他也只听说过圣朝,却从来没有真正的见识过。 Since this time has this opportunity, how could to miss. 这一次既然有这个机会,岂能错过。 Moreover he also not really to experience fierce of Saint Court, his proposition also truly is his true idea. 而且他也并非真的就是为了见识一下圣朝的厉害,他的这个提议也确实是他的真实想法。 He does not want to lose the time in Cheng Family, if can catch several Saint Court captives here, then they have the ample reason to return to inner court, requested that exalted lord dispatched troops to Saint Court. 他不想在程家耽误时间,若能在这里抓到几个圣朝的俘虏,那么他们就有足够的理由回到内朝,请求主上圣朝出兵了。 Why to return to Cheng Family to waste the time again? 何必再回到程家去浪费时间呢? Temporarily do not consider to return to the Cheng Family issue again, but how must find the way to take advantage of a mistake, catches several Saint Court elite goes back is!” Five elders also said. “暂时还是不要再考虑回到程家的问题了,而是得想办法如何捡个漏,抓到几个圣朝的精锐回去才是!”五长老也说道。 Said is also, is the captive is more important!” vermilion Yuheng nods, pours had not insisted. “说的也是,还是俘虏更重要一些!”朱羽恒点点头,倒也没有坚持。 He was also speaks thoughtlessly a saying, such that if really such as everyone thought that caught several captives to go back, that also truly saved many things. 他本身也就是随口一说,如果真如大家所想的那样,抓到几个俘虏回去,那倒也确实省了不少事情。 At least they can feel relieved returned to inner court. 至少他们可以放心的回到内朝了。 Therefore five people continued to march on one month of road, finally soon was close to the battlefield. 于是五个人又继续赶了一个月的路,终于快要接近战场了。 At this time here has no refugee, the person who because wants to run had basically been exposed, the remaining person estimates do not plan to run. 此时这里已经没有什么难民了,因为想跑的人基本上都已经跑光了,剩下的人估计也是不打算跑的了。 However the front was the battlefield, therefore nearby entire city also no one, but can the obvious feeling the atmosphere become anxious. 不过前方就是战场了,所以整个城池附近也没有什么人,但能够明显的感觉到气氛都变得紧张起来了。 Everyone, the front was the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, now Saint Court they are attacking the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, do we also want to enter a city?” Great Elder stops, inquired to everyone. “各位,前方就是江月城了,现在圣朝他们就在攻打江月城,我们还要进城去吗?”大长老停下来,向大家询问道。 How doesn't enter a city we to catch the captive?” Shen Xiulin said. “不进城我们怎么去抓俘虏呢?”沈修林说道。 Words that enters a city, we feared that will expose own status. river Yuecheng is the kamikaze outer court domain, if made the kamikaze outer court person discover us, we may not be good to withdraw.” Great Elder is worried to say. “可是进城的话,我们怕是会暴露自己的身份。江月城是神风外朝的地盘,若是让神风外朝的人发现了我们,那我们可就不好脱身了。”大长老担心道。 Others may be unable to recognize them, but now Saint Court and revolted toward hitting, the army estimate of kamikaze outer court will also appear here. 别人可能无法认出他们,但是现在圣朝和叛朝打过来了,神风外朝的大军估计也会出现在这里。 As the matter stands, the kamikaze outer court elder may also appear here, who knows that these elders can recognize them to come? 这样一来,神风外朝的长老也有可能会出现在这里,谁知道这些长老是否能够认出他们来呢? If made kamikaze outer court recognize, when the time comes others also think they were support. 若是让神风外朝认出来了,到时候人家还以为他们是来支援的。 But their five people, absolutely do not have the reinforcements, is when the time comes awkward? 可是他们就五个人,根本就没有援军,那到时候多尴尬? Must tell them, inner court doesn't plan to dispatch troops to aid them? 难道要跟他们说,内朝并不打算派兵援助他们? That bitterly disappointing? Cannot do well others to announce at the scene surrendered to the enemy. 那得多让人寒心?搞不好人家当场就宣布投敌了。 Therefore he thought that their five people cannot easily expose itself absolutely, particularly their status, cannot expose casually, otherwise greatly troublesome. 所以他觉得他们五个人绝对不能轻易的暴露了自己,尤其是他们的身份,更不能随便曝光,否则会有大麻烦。 This......, but we , if not enter a city, absolutely does not have the means to enter the true battlefield, even the surface of Saint Court person cannot see, do not say that caught them, or we camouflaged, first entered a city to say again?” Third Elder proposed. “这......,可是我们若是不进城,根本就没有办法进入真正的战场,连圣朝人的面都见不着,更不要说抓他们了,要不咱们伪装一下,先进城再说?”三长老提议道。 Camouflage? How to camouflage? If by some chance the kamikaze outer court elder and so on, knew that our people are defending in the city gate?” Great Elder asked. “伪装?怎么伪装?万一神风外朝的长老之类,认识我们的人在城门守着呢?”大长老问道。 Here has several changed/easy Rongdan, we can fluctuate the appearance to enter a city again. In this case, even if really some people know us, after changing external appearances only, they were impossible to know!” Third Elder puts out several changed/easy Rongdan. “我这里有几颗易容丹,咱们可以变幻一下模样再进城。这样的话,就算真的有人认识我们,改头换面之后,他们也不可能认识了!”三长老拿出几颗易容丹来。 How long this changed/easy Rongdan couldn't support?” vermilion Yuheng took one from Third Elder, said. “这种易容丹撑不了多久吧?”朱羽恒从三长老手上拿了一颗,说道。 Truly shortly, probably also on a double-hour. However our goals are to enter the battlefield, since here enters a city, goes out of town to that side again, has more than enough again a double-hour!” Third Elder answered. “确实没多久,大概也就一个时辰。不过我们的目的是要进入战场,从这边进城,再到那边出城,再怎么也用不了一个时辰!”三长老解释道。 Has this changed/easy Rongdan words, here enters a city to be nothing issue. But that side the present is making war, feared that wants to go out of town from that side is not quite easy! “有这易容丹的话,这边进城应该是没有什么问题的。可是现在那边在开战,就怕想要从那边出城不太容易! Moreover compares enters the city here, the guard who that side goes out of town will be definitely more, particularly the kamikaze outer court person also wants many many, after all that side is the battlefield direction. 而且相比于这边入城,那边出城的守卫肯定会更多,尤其是神风外朝的人也要多的多,毕竟那边是战场方向。 In this case, for a short time we possibly not necessarily leave city. When the time comes if changed/easy appearance/allow the effectiveness crossed, that may trouble. ” Great Elder said. 这样的话,我们可能一时半会儿未必出的了城。到时候若是易容时效过了,那可就麻烦了。”大长老说道。 Doesn't matter, here also has, even if the time in city waited some not to relate for a long time. “没关系,我这里还有一些,就算在城里的时间待了久了一些也没有关系。 If the first changed/easy Rongdan effectiveness in the city, we had wanted more careful, these people did not discover us easily. 若是第一颗易容丹的时效在城中过了,我们只要小心一些,那些人也就不容易发现我们了。 So long as goes out of town we transform the appearance with changed/easy Rongdan again on the line. ” Third Elder continues to say. 只要出城的时候我们再用一颗易容丹变换一下模样就行。”三长老继续说道。 Actually is not troublesome, so long as we first enter a city, in the city will have changed/easy Rongdan to buy. At the worst buys some to the city in again and that's the end!” Shen Xiulin said. “其实也没那么麻烦,只要我们先进了城,想必城中也会有易容丹买的。大不了到城里再买一些就是了!”沈修林说道。 At this time is different in those days, the present is in time of war, this changed/easy Rongdan is generally very difficult to buy, feared that has the spy to mix in the city! “今时不同往日,现在是战争时期,这易容丹一般很难买到,就怕有奸细混入城中! Moreover we entered a city to buy changed/easy Rongdan at this time, was stares easily. 而且我们在这个时候进城买易容丹,是最容易被人盯上的。 Since Third Elder also some changed/easy Rongdan, so long as enough we used enough, does not need to take this risk. ” Great Elder shaking the head answered. 既然三长老手上还有一些易容丹,只要足够我们使用就够了,没有必要去冒这个风险。”大长老摇摇头解释道。 Such being the case, we enter a city directly. Our duties are to catch several Saint Court captives in any case, so long as succeeded, even if when the time comes our status were known by the kamikaze outer court person, still without the relations, said that we are aid their.” Five elders said that then swallowed changed/easy Rongdan, the instantaneous whole person then traded a face. “既然如此,那咱们就直接进城吧。反正我们的任务是抓几个圣朝的俘虏,只要成功了,到时候就算咱们的身份被神风外朝的人知道了,也没有关系,就说咱们是来援助他们的。”五长老说罢便吞下了易容丹,瞬间整个人便换了一副面孔。 Others also change external appearances only in abundance, then entering a city of swaggering. 其他人也纷纷改头换面,然后大摇大摆的进了城。 Imagination wants to be easier, after all here is the river semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate rear area, the enemy is stationed outside the north gate city. 比想象的要容易许多,毕竟这边是江月城的后方,敌人是在北门城外驻扎着。 Therefore no matter here enters a city or goes out of town, is quite loose. 所以这边不管是进城还是出城,都较为宽松。 However conceivable, the north gate that side enters a city definitely is not permitted, who knows enters a city can be the spies of enemy as for can go out of town, now has not said. 不过可以想象的到,北门那边进城肯定是不会被允许的,谁知道进城的会不会是敌军的细作至于能不能出城,现在还不好说。 But after five people enter a city, excessively has not stayed, because does not hope that was discovered by the kamikaze outer court acquaintance, therefore rushed to the north gate directly. 可是五人进城之后并没有过多停留,因为不希望被神风外朝的熟人发现了,于是直接奔着北门去了。 Really, many people stopped up in the north gate. 果然,不少人都堵在了北门。 Although is the chaos caused by war period, but still some people went out of town for various reasons. 虽然是战乱时期,但是仍然有人因为各种各样的原因出城去。 General, you make us go out of town, does my wife still in the family/home outside the city wait for me to bring the grain to go back?” In five people came, then hears city gate common people at the back of the less than half bag grain, implored urgently. “将军,您就让我们出城去吧,我的妻子还在城外家里等着我带着粮食回去呢?”五人上前来,便听到城门一个普通百姓背着小半袋粮食,苦苦哀求道。 General, you make us go out of town!” Others also requested, the reason was also various. “将军,您就让我们出城去吧!”其他人也纷纷请求道,理由也是各种各样。 Everyone listened to be clear, now the rebel army outside the city, before the rebel army has not withdrawn, the north gate will not open, everyone dispersed! “所有人都听清楚了,现在叛军就在城外,叛军没有撤走之前,北门不会打开,大家都散了吧! If still keeping off in city gate, hinders the path of our defense officers, we may probably kill people! ” Although everyone is entreating, but the defense general is actually cold sound big drinks, refuses to open the city gate. 若是还在挡在城门口,阻碍我们守城将士的道路,我们可就要杀人了!”虽然大家都在哀求,可是守城将军却是冷声大喝,拒绝开启城门。
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