GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5140: Leave!

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„Do you want to go to the north to enter the war?” Great Elder knits the brows to say. “你还是想要去北方参战?”大长老皱眉道。 Enters the war regarding their these people, is little significance, at least them advantage that radically, when facing the Saint Court expert, they have does not have any. 参战对于他们这几个人来说,根本就没有太大的意义,起码他们在面对圣朝的高手的时候,他们并没有任何的优势。 If they have the exalted lord strength, their situation to the battlefield is playing the decisive role, they have nothing actually well hesitant. 如果他们有着主上的实力,那他们对战场的局势起着决定性的作用,那他们倒是没有什么好犹豫的。 But the issue is not such, this cannot enter the war blindly. 可问题并非如此,这就不能盲目参战了。 „Aren't we catch the Saint Court person? We also not necessarily must enter the war with these outer court together. Our goals are to make an arrest, person who so long as catches Saint Court, our goals were achieved even.” Shen Xiulin answered. “我们不是去抓圣朝的人吗?我们也未必就要与那些外朝一起参战。我们的目的就是去抓人的,只要抓到圣朝的人,我们的目的就算是达到了。”沈修林解释道。 We also not necessarily must go to battle directly, so long as we hide in the hidden place, if the Saint Court person has the situation of leaving behind, we can definitely catch one or several ask the situation! “咱们也未必就要正面出战,只要我们躲在暗处,万一圣朝的人出现落单的情况,我们完全可以抓到一个或者几个来问一问情况! Our Royal Court and Saint Court make war these years, why a harvest does not have. Does not have some means captive Saint Court officers. 我们王朝圣朝开战这么多年来,为什么一点收获都没有。就是没有办法俘虏一些圣朝将士。 If we can catch some Saint Court captives to come, how to go so far as to does know nothing about Saint Court to the present? ” Shen Xiulin sees everyone not to speak, then continues to say. 若是我们能够抓一些圣朝的俘虏来,何至于到现在对圣朝还是一无所知呢?”沈修林见大家都不说话,便继续说道。 The people look at each other one, has saying that this time Shen Xiulin also really speaking of idea on. 众人对视一眼,不得不说,这一次沈修林还真的说到点子上了。 Everyone, I support to cultivate/repair the viewpoint of forest. We treat although here enjoys, but this way absolutely is not the means. “各位,我支持修林的观点。我们待在这里虽然享受,可是这样下去绝对不是办法。 Cheng Family consumes, but several of us cannot consume. If delays here ten years eight years, perhaps waits for us to go back, inner court possibly does not exist. 程家耗的起,但是我们几个耗不起。要是在这里耽误个十年八年的,说不定等我们回去的时候,连内朝都可能已经不存在了。 Moreover haven't you been worried to make a mistake? 而且你们不也一直担心搞错了吗? This in other words, Cheng Family really has the possibility not to relate with Saint Court. If so, we consume like this in Cheng Family, is not worth. 这也就是说,程家确实有可能与圣朝没有关系。若真是如此,那我们这样在程家耗下去,就更加不值得了。 Such being the case, listens to cultivate/repair the suggestion of forest would rather, we first go north. May not enter the war directly, we can stare in secret, having a look at the opportunity to catch several Saint Court officers to come back. 既然如此,倒不如听修林的建议,咱们先北上。不一定要正面参战,咱们可以在暗中盯着,看看有没有机会抓几个圣朝将士回来。 I want truly to compare like this am living in idleness hopeful many here! ” Third Elder thinks, the support said immediately. 我想这样确实比在这里干耗着有希望的多!”三长老想了想,立马支持道。 At least in his opinion, Shen Xiulin the means may eating and drinking be much better here daily compared with everyone. 至少在他看来,沈修林的这个办法可要比大家在这里天天吃吃喝喝要好的多。 But we also had to think before, but Saint Court has not set out the strength small and weak soldier. “可是我们以前也并不是没有这么想过,但是圣朝从来没有出动过实力弱小的小兵。 Every presents the person is not many one time, range from over a thousand, to several thousand over ten thousand, the strength of everyone is very strong. 每一次出现人不会多,少则上千,多则几千上万,每一个人的实力都很强。 Rapidness that especially comes, gone also quick. 尤其是来的快,去的也快。 Also because of this, therefore we have not caught their people. 也正是因为这样,所以我们从来都没有捕捉过他们的人。 But can our such how many people, really catch the captive? Even if they really left behind, feared that is still not necessarily able to grasp! ” Great Elder somewhat said scruple. 而我们这么几个人,真的能够抓到俘虏吗?就算他们真的落单了,怕是也未必能够抓的到!”大长老却是有些迟疑道。 Actually Shen Xiulin the proposition is not their first thought that wants to fight initially so many years with Saint Court, they have also requested these people hand/subordinate. 其实沈修林的这个提议并非是他们第一次想到,想当初与圣朝斗了这么多年,他们也这么要求过手下的那些人。 Make their as far as possible can catch several living witness. 让他们尽量的能够抓到几个活口。 However is contrary to what expects, the Saint Court person strength is very strong, moreover they are always the teamworks, wanted to catch them is really difficult. 但是事与愿违,圣朝的人实力都很强,而且他们从来都是团队合作,想要抓到他们实在是太困难了。 Therefore this also caused them basically to give up this idea. 因此这也导致他们基本上已经放弃这个想法了。 But now, they treated such for a long time still does not have any harvest in Cheng Family, moreover continues to wait truly not to know when is a head. 可是现在,他们在程家待了这么久仍然没有任何收获,而且继续待下去确实也不知道什么时候是个头。 Perhaps really should trade a method. 或许真的该换个方法了。 No matter there is an opportunity to catch, at least we must attempt. After all even if we continue to consume here, is still very difficult anything to harvest. “不管有没有机会抓到,至少我们得尝试一下。毕竟我们就算继续在这里耗下去,也很难有什么收获。 Perhaps our luck is good, but also really makes us catch 1-2? 也许我们运气好,还真的让我们抓到1-2呢? Also, if is really the weak soldier, even if we caught were still not necessarily able to harvest. 再说了,若真是实力弱小的小兵,就算我们抓到了也未必能够有所收获。 These people but who Saint Court dispatches unexpectedly are completely Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, obviously they only set out the elite soldier. 可是圣朝出动的这些人竟然全部都是渡劫期修士,可见他们只出动了精锐之兵。 If such person can catch one, perhaps we will have a big harvest! 这样的人若是能够抓到一个,或许我们都会有不小的收获! If can find the Saint Court den directly, we didn't complete the task directly? ” Shen Xiulin saw some everyone as if meanings to move, immediately was enthusiastic, continued analyzes to say to the people. 要是能够直接找到圣朝的老巢,那咱们不就直接完成任务了吗?”沈修林见大家似乎都有些意动了,顿时更来劲了,继续向众人分析道。 Several elders, I thought that perhaps we really can attempt. We do not have a better way in any case now, if has not harvested in that side, we come back to have a look again. “几位长老,我觉得咱们或许真的可以尝试一下。反正我们现在也没有更好的办法,如果在那边没有收获的话,咱们再回来看看。 After all we treated here were so long, moreover Cheng Yu also knew our existences. Even if Cheng Family really has the relations with Saint Court, still can definitely guard against us. 毕竟我们在这里待了这么久了,而且程宇也知道我们的存在。就算程家真的与圣朝有关系,也肯定会防着我们。 But waits for us first to leave some time, they may relax vigilantly. 可是等我们先离开一段时间,他们可能就会放松警惕了。 When the time comes we come back again, if Cheng Family really has anything, for a short time wanted to conceal also without enough time, instead can come one to be caught off guard to them. ” vermilion Yuheng pondered the moment, says. 到时候我们再回来,若是程家真有什么事情,一时半刻想要隐瞒也来不及了,反而可以给他们来一个措手不及。”朱羽恒沉思了片刻,开口说道。 Un, this idea is good. Cheng Family has been guarding against us now, perhaps at this moment some people are staring at us. “嗯,这个主意不错。程家现在一直在防备我们,说不定此刻就有人盯着我们。 If we first leave, making them relax vigilantly, when the time comes wheels around and strikes at the pursuer again suddenly. Perhaps also compared with the present this, look for the clue to want useful many under their noses. ” Third Elder thought that vermilion Yuheng these words speaking of the idea on, supported. 若是我们先离开,让他们放松警惕,到时候再突然杀个回马枪。或许也要比现在这样,一直在他们的眼皮底下寻找线索要有用的多。”三长老觉得朱羽恒的这番话说到点子上了,更加支持了。 „Do five elders, you think?” Great Elder looks at five elders. “五长老,你认为呢?”大长老看着五长老。 Now five people have three people to approve of this proposition, remaining their ideas. 现在五个人已经有三个人都赞同这个提议,就剩下他们两个人的想法了。 I felt they said is not unreasonable, just said like Third Elder, perhaps we have been really staring by Cheng Family. “我觉得他们说的也并非没有道理,就像三长老刚刚所言,或许我们真的一直都被程家盯着。 Therefore we will not have in the half year time 1 points harvest. 所以我们才会在这半年多的时间一点收获都没有。 Now first departs, when the time comes comes back again quietly, pouring is also means. Perhaps at that time also some really harvests? ” Five elders took a stand. 现在先离去,到时候再悄悄地回来,倒也不失为一个办法。说不定那个时候还真有些收获呢?”五长老表态道。 Un, since everyone does not have the objection, we temporarily first leave Cheng Family!” Great Elder saw five elders saying that what can he also say? “嗯,既然大家都没有异议的话,那咱们就暂时先离开程家吧!”大长老见五长老都这么说了,他还能说什么呢? Let alone he, even if really persists in keeping Cheng Family again, still truly has no too big significance. 更何况他就算真的再坚持留在程家,也确实没有什么太大的意义。 Over six months time passed by, can they really wait till clue to appear? 半年多的时间都过去了,他们真的能够等到线索自己出现吗? He thought that this possibility was too low. 他自己都觉得这种可能性太低了。 That hurried to eat, finished eating hurries to leave!” Shen Xiulin proposition obtains everyone's approval for the first time, somewhat was immediately excited. “那赶紧吃,吃完赶紧离开!”沈修林的提议第一次得到所有人的认可,顿时有些兴奋了。 Although in Cheng Family is very good, moreover frequently can discover some novel things. 虽然在程家过的很好,而且经常可以发现一些新奇的东西。 However here eventually is not their Royal Court domain, others family/home is good, does not have the sense of belonging. 但是这里终究不是他们王朝的地盘,别人家再好,也没有归属感。 Since has made the decision, everyone is not naturally willing to stay for a long time again. 既然已经做出决定,大家自然也就不愿意再久留了。 However currently in the heart has the idea, at least had the new outlet, everyone no longer was so also depressed. 不过现在心中有了想法,至少有了新的出路,大家也不再那么郁闷了。 Mood one good, the good wine delicacies in this table opened all taste buds all of a sudden. 心情一好,这桌上的美酒佳肴一下子又打开了所有的味蕾。 Even if must leave, must enjoy finally one time! 就算要离开了,总要最后再享受一次吧! After finishing eating this, five people then directly soared southern Qilian gate, left the Qilian city, went toward the southern Yunnan and Guizhou city, left through the Yunnan and Guizhou city again. 吃完这一顿之后,五人便直奔祁连城南门,离开了祁连城,朝着南方的云贵城去了,再通过云贵城离开了。 Because the northern battlefield leaves the Cheng Family Yunnan and Guizhou city to be recent now. 因为如今北方的战场离程家的云贵城是最近的。 However after they leave the Yunnan and Guizhou city three double-hour, Han Yaowu then led the surveillant to see Cheng Yu. 然而就在他们离开云贵城三个时辰之后,韩曜武便带着监视员来见程宇了。 You determined that they have really left Cheng Family?” Cheng Yu asked. “你确定他们真的已经离开程家了?”程宇问道。 Head of household, the subordinate is certain, after they go out of town , the subordinate with some time, is certain their directions are far away from Cheng Family, this comes back to notify.” Surveillant affirmative saying. “家主,属下可以肯定,他们出城之后属下又跟了一段时间,可以肯定他们的方向是在远离程家,这才回来报信。”那监视员肯定的说道。 „Haven't you made them discover?” “你没有让他们发现吧?” Subordinate continuously with is very far, they should be not so easy to discover me!” “属下一直跟的很远,他们应该不那么容易发现我!” That is good, although they had walked, but you must defend in the city. Cannot do well them to cast off you intentionally, when perhaps ran. “那就好,虽然他们已经走了,不过你们还是要在城中守着。搞不好他们故意想甩开你们,说不定什么时候又跑回来了。 The Han elder, you told, the surveillance personnel of all cities continued to defend various city gates, paid attention to them do not wheel around and strike at the pursuer. ” Cheng Yu thinks to say. 韩长老,你吩咐下去,所有城池的监视人员继续守着各城门,注意他们不要杀个回马枪。”程宇想了想说道。 These fellows may fine very much, who knows they really plan to leave, pretends to leave. 这些家伙可一个个都精的很,谁知道他们是真的打算离开,还是假装离开。 Therefore has to guard. 所以不得不防。 Asked the head of household to feel relieved, I will arrange!” Han Yaowu nods to say. “请家主放心,我会安排好的!”韩曜武点点头说道。 Each of them's merit must inscribe, person of 200,000 contributions, moreover everyone rewards king product to cultivate/repair god pill!” Cheng Yu continues to say. “他们每个人的功劳都要记上,一人二十万贡献,另外每人奖励一颗王品修神丹!”程宇继续说道。 Many thanks head of household!” The surveillant feels grateful immediately. “多谢家主!”那监视员顿时感激不已。 Their such Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator will not easily have the duty, after all does not need to make Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator make the minor matters of some sesame seed garlic skins. 他们这样的渡劫期修士是不会轻易出任务的,毕竟没有必要让渡劫期修士去做一些芝麻蒜皮的小事。 However their duty, reward each time will not be few. 不过他们一出任务,每次的奖励都不会少。 200,000 duty contributions were also a standard rewarded, what is important also king product cultivated/repaired god pill, this was the genuine good thing. 二十万的任务贡献也算是一个标准奖励了,但重要的是还有一颗王品修神丹,这才是真正的好东西。 May want precious many compared with 200,000 contributions. 比起二十万贡献可要珍贵的多。 Duty many many that although the reward of their casual duty make compared with the disciples, however their contributions do not participate in the competition. 虽然他们随便一个任务的奖励都要比弟子们做的任务多的多,但是他们的贡献是不参与竞争的。 Otherwise they have several assignments, the disciples work to a frazzle not to put together them. 否则他们接几个任务,弟子们累死累活都拼不过他们。 Do not look that this contact mission seems simple, is every day stares at several people. 别看这监视任务似乎很简单,就是每天盯几个人。 But these people are in the middle of the Crossing Tribulation Stage experts, what person can stare can it be that? 可是那些人本身都是渡劫期当中的高手,岂是什么人都能盯的? Therefore this duty is seemingly simple, but in fact is actually very difficult, at least cannot to discover. 所以这任务看似简单,但实际上却是非常困难的,至少不能让人发现了。 Cheng Family so many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, their functions were here. 程家有这么多的渡劫期修士,他们的作用就在于这里了。 Perhaps they usually do not need to make anything, but needs their times, they can actually give on strength. 也许他们平时不需要做什么,可是需要他们的时候,他们却能够出的上力。 But the ordinary disciple is usually striving, strength that but they give only then so many, naturally also by little product. 而普通弟子则是平时在出力,但是他们出的力只有那么多,自然也就是以少积多了。 Everyone performs its own functions does not conflict. 大家各司其职互不冲突。 When the strengths of these disciples, they naturally can also become such key man, only then needed their critical moments to strive in the family on the line. 等到这些弟子的实力上来了,他们自然也可以成为这样的关键人物,只有在家族需要他们的关键时刻出力就行了。 Ability big, handles the big matter, gives the big reward. 能力有多大,就做多大的事情,给予多大的奖励。 Cheng Yu will not make everyone who is Cheng Family pays fearful absolutely. 程宇绝对不会让每一个为程家付出的人心寒。 Naturally, this is also one method that he buys the hearts of the people. 当然,这也是他收买人心的一种手段。 If only works does not give the advantage, twice, is one time gradually, everyone to Cheng Family loyal naturally also slowly became pale. 如果只干活不给好处,一次两次也就罢了,可是久而久之,大家对程家的忠心自然也就慢慢的变淡了。 Today pale, tomorrow pale. 今天淡一点,明天淡一点。 Finally possibly the enemy to the advantage, they will choose to betray Cheng Family casually. 最后可能敌人随便给点好处,他们都会选择背叛程家的。 But Cheng Yu will not definitely make this matter happen, said was actually not worried some people betray, he was at least impossible to make the Cheng Family disciple betray Cheng Family at will. 程宇肯定是不会让这种事情发生的,倒不是说不担心有人背叛,至少他不可能让程家弟子这么随意就背叛了程家 That can only say that his head of household was too failed, cannot draw in the will of the people completely. 那只能说他这个家主太失败了,完全没能收拢到人心。
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