GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5139: Grasped directly is good!

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Table five people, everyone you said my word, the mood was more depressed, much good food good wines put at also become tastelessly are at present incomparable. 一桌子五个人,大家你一言我一言,心情更加的郁闷了,再多的美食美酒摆在眼前也都变得乏味无比了。 Now the north war expands, were we should also leave Cheng Family!” Shen Xiulin said. “如今北方战争扩大,我们是不是也该是离开程家了!”沈修林说道。 But the northern war did we go unable to have an effect even? As soon as we do not have the soldier, two did not have the strength to destroy completely the Saint Court expert!” Five elders said reluctantly. “可是北方的战争我们就算去了也起不了什么作用?我们一没兵,二没实力灭掉了圣朝高手!”五长老无奈地说道。 By the Saint Court strength, if exalted lord does not participate, we truly have no alternative. If really entered the war, perhaps like initially being popular Le city, could not do well even the life to lose.” Third Elder does not want to go facing Saint Court these experts again. “以圣朝的实力来说,若是主上不参与的话,我们确实无可奈何。若是真的参战了,或许就像当初在兴乐城一样,搞不好连性命都丢了。”三长老可不想再去面对圣朝那些高手了。 , although wants initially with is false exalted lord that they go together, but even that false exalted lord strength, still by far they. 想当初跟他们一起前往的虽然是一个假主上,但就算是那假主上的实力,也远胜过于他们。 But even so, this false exalted lord still at all is not the opponent of Saint Court expert. 可即便如此,这假主上也根本不是圣朝高手的对手。 But Second Elder and four elders were one move are given instant kill by others. 二长老和四长老更是一招就被人家给秒杀了。 If they such a person alone go, then with bringing death and having anything distinguishes! 他们若是这样孤身前往,那跟送死又有什么区别! If we cannot find Saint Court, destroys completely their dens, to be honest, no one can prevent they annexed these outer court!” Great Elder sighed. “如果我们不能找到圣朝,灭掉他们的老巢,说实话,没有人能够阻止的了他们吞并那些外朝!”大长老叹道。 As inner court Great Elder, he before was what kind of power and prestige. 作为内朝大长老,他以前是何等的威风。 Has not thought will fall to this paddies. 从来没有想过自己会落到这步田地。 Now has the family/home unable to return, the duty has not progressed. The north their these send outer court to be annexed by the enemy loyally, they actually have more desire than energy, is really pitiful. 现在有家不能回,任务又没有丝毫进展。就连北方他们的那些忠派外朝正在被敌人吞并,他们却也只是心有余而力不足,真是可悲啊。 Just like in the restaurant these people are discussing that now, present Royal Court was really pitiful. 正如酒楼中这些人现在正在议论的,如今的王朝真的是太可悲了。 Once control under this day, actually can only look now helplessly the enemy nibbled own domain step by step. 曾经这天下的掌控者,现在却只能眼睁睁的看着敌人一步一步的蚕食自己的地盘。 What is most hateful, some enemies betray unexpectedly from their Royal Court. 最可恨的是,其中还有一部分敌人竟是从他们王朝背叛出去的。 Wish makes exalted lord make a move to save these outer court is not possible, now the situation of the world turns into this, in the exalted lord heart is also very clear. “想要让主上出手挽救这些外朝是不可能的,如今天下的局势变成这样,想必主上心中也很清楚。 His goal is to discover the Saint Court den, other to him seems to be unimportant. 他的目的就是要找出圣朝的老巢,其它的对他来说似乎根本就不重要。 So long as Saint Court extinguishes, these revolt toward are also the root people with no mind of his own, can under this day take carry back momentarily again. 只要圣朝一灭,这些叛朝也不过是根墙头草罢了,随时都可以再将这天下拿回来。 Therefore these send outer court to live loyally also well, extinguishes, exalted lord will not care. 所以那些忠派外朝生也好,灭也罢,主上都不会在意。 If we go to the northern support now, that really put the cart before the horse, went bad the exalted lord important matter. ” Five elders analyze to say. 如果我们现在前往北方支援,那就真的是本末倒置,坏了主上的大事。”五长老分析道。 Right that „ five elders said that our duties were to find the Saint Court den, rather than rescued these outer court. “五长老说的对,我们的任务是找到圣朝的老巢,而不是去救那些外朝 Let alone we went unable to rescue, since they wanted to annex these outer court, then no one has been able to prevent now. 更何况我们去了也救不了,既然他们想要吞并那些外朝,那么现在已经没有人可以阻挡了。 Since could not prevent, we do not need to take risk again. 既然阻挡不了,我们也没有必要再去冒这个险。 So long as we found Cheng Family are Saint Court the evidence of den, exalted lord intended to extinguish Saint Court personally, these revolted toward cannot return to the Royal Court subordinate in the same old way! ” Third Elder regarding the viewpoint unusual approvals of five elders. 只要我们找到了程家就是圣朝的老巢的证据,主上亲自出手灭了圣朝,那些叛朝还不是照样得回到王朝的手下!”三长老对于五长老的观点非常的赞同。 Like this at least they did not need to take risk and Saint Court go all out. 至少这样他们不用去冒险与圣朝拼命了。 Now eats good that is good to rest in this Cheng Family, although the duty has not progressed, so long as they defend here, can perhaps some clues, why everyone also take own life to go to the battlefield quickly to take risk? 现在在这程家吃的好睡的好,虽然任务还没有进展,但是只要他们守在这里,或许很快就能够得到一些线索了,大家又何必拿着自己的性命去战场冒这个险呢? But the issue was we came over six months time, was the useful clue does not have, this way was not the means!” Shen Xiulin said reluctantly. “可问题是我们都来了半年多的时间了,却是一点有用的线索都没有,这样下去也不是办法啊!”沈修林无奈地说道。 His father died in the hand of Saint Court, to be honest, he wants to experience the Saint Court strength. 他的父亲死在了圣朝的手上,说实话,他是很想见识一下圣朝的实力的。 He wants to have a look at to be able actually a move the expert who his father kills fierce. 他倒是想看看能够一招就将他的父亲杀死的高手到底有多厉害。 Now everyone is not willing to go, he does not have the means. 只是现在大家都不愿意去,他也没有办法。 But they in this Cheng Family, although actually good, but this eventually is not the means that they are handle matters, rather than enjoys the life. 而他们在这程家虽然过的倒是挺好,但这终究不是办法,他们是来办事的,而不是来享受生活的。 If cannot complete the task, inner court feared that was already not their space. 若是再不能完成任务,内朝怕是都已经没有他们的一席之地了。 This truly is an issue, now the northern war expanded, we had not actually discovered that Cheng Family mobilizes soldiers. This way we truly are very difficult anything to harvest.” Great Elder nods, facial expression very serious. “这确实是一个问题,现在北方战争扩大了,我们却都没有发现程家有调兵。这样下去咱们确实很难有什么收获。”大长老点点头,神情十分的严肃。 But we do not have other means now, that side Cheng Family also has no news. Are we not possible to run up to Cheng Family to go again? Moreover even went, still not necessarily has the harvest!” vermilion Yuheng said. “可是我们现在也没有别的办法,程家那边又没有什么消息。我们也不可能再跑到程家去吧?而且就算去了,也未必有收获!”朱羽恒说道。 He wants certainly to revenge for his father, but he will not be impulsive. 他当然想替他父亲报仇,但是他不会那么冲动。 If enters the war definitely is incorrect, even his father have not supported one move, even if he rushes to the north to enter the war, still absolutely will not be the opponent of Saint Court expert. 若是参战肯定是不行的,连他父亲都没撑过一招,他就算跑到北方去参战,也绝对不会是圣朝高手的对手。 Therefore in his opinion , he to report this enmity, can only depend upon exalted lord eventually. 所以在他看来,他若是想要报这个仇的话,终究还是只能依靠主上 However wants exalted lord to act, the only means were to find the Saint Court den. 但是想要主上出手,唯一的办法就是找到圣朝的老巢。 Aiya! Wanted me saying that really wish let the words that exalted lord acted, we were direct, stated categorically that Cheng Family was the Saint Court den. “哎呀!要我说真想要让主上出手的话,那咱们就直接回去,一口咬定程家就是圣朝的老巢。 How even Cheng Family is not the Saint Court den, extinguished extinguished. This Cheng Family strength is not in any case weak, even exalted lord is still not necessarily able to see this is false. ” Third Elder did not say patiently. 就算程家不是圣朝的老巢又如何,灭了就灭了。反正这程家的实力也不弱,即便是主上也未必就能看出这是假的。”三长老不耐烦地说道。 Consumed too to waste the time, now the northern war expands. 这么耗下去实在是太浪费时间了,如今北方的战争又扩大了。 They actually treat in a Cheng Family news do not know, this way, entire Royal Court really only had inner court when the time comes, other outer court were not revolted by these toward giving to extinguish, followed to revolt Royal Court. 他们却是待在程家一点消息都不知道,这样下去,到时候整个王朝就真的只剩下内朝了,其他的外朝不是被那些叛朝给灭了,就是也跟着叛出了王朝 In any case present situation to our Royal Court originally disadvantageous, since has turned like this, what good worry we have?” Third Elder sees the people not to speak , to continue to say. “反正现在的形势对我们王朝本来就不利,既然都已经变成这样了,那我们还有什么好担心的呢?”三长老见众人不说话,继续说道。 „Do you feel?” Silent some little time, Great Elder sought information to several other people. “你们觉得呢?”沉默了好一会儿,大长老向其他几人征询道。 This was...... too impulsive. Wants this Cheng Family is really the Saint Court den but actually, explained that we bet right. “这个......是不是太冲动了一些。要这程家真的是圣朝老巢倒也罢了,说明我们赌对了。 But by some chance is not words, I feared that we may go bad the exalted lord important matter. Gave Royal Court to bring an archenemy in vain. 可万一不是的话,我怕咱们可能会坏了主上的大事。白白又给王朝带来了一个大敌。 You had a look at this city to know, this Cheng Family was not simple, even if exalted lord came personally, wanted to destroy completely Cheng Family, was not a simple matter. 你们看看这城池就知道了,这程家可不简单,就算主上亲自来了,想要灭掉程家,也不是一件简单的事情。 When the time comes if Saint Court really comes unaware of the oriole behind, forms the potential of jointly attacking inside and outside with Cheng Family, what to do can that? ” Five elder obviously for this, some worries. 到时候圣朝若是真的来个黄雀在后,与程家形成里外合击之势,那可怎么办?”五长老显然对此有些担心。 Before making clear Cheng Family is really the Saint Court den, the risk that does that was too truly big. 在没有搞清楚程家真的就是圣朝老巢之前,这么做的风险确实太大了。 Moreover, because just the present situation is very disadvantageous to Royal Court, if presents the information is not accurate again, the erroneous decision that dispatches troops to rashly, possibly really must give the pit dead Royal Court. “另外,正因为现在的形势对王朝已经很不利了,若是再出现情报不准,冒然出兵的错误决策,可能真的要把王朝自己给坑死了。 Therefore we cannot negligent be. 所以我们更加不能大意才是。 Moreover you think again carefully, Saint Court has with the person who the exalted lord strength is a worthy opponent exists. But our previous seeing Cheng Yu strengths obviously are not weak, at least above us. 而且你们再仔细想一想,圣朝可是有着与主上实力匹敌的人存在。而我们上次见到的程宇实力也明显不弱,至少在我们之上。 If Cheng Family and Saint Court collaborate, whether exalted lord can defeat collaborations of two big influences, this is an unknown number. 若是程家圣朝联手,主上是否能够击败两大势力的联手,这还是一个未知之数。 If exalted lord does not beat, that consequence is inconceivable! 万一要是主上不敌,那后果更是不堪设想! Therefore I did not suggest braves to be deceived exalted lord by the risk that exalted lord massacres. ” Five elders stern-faced said. 所以我还是不建议冒着被主上杀掉的风险去欺骗主上。”五长老一脸凝重地说道。 This is not the matter of cracking a joke. 这可不是开玩笑的事情。 Perhaps they are also the things of a few words, stated categorically that Cheng Family is the Saint Court den. 或许他们也就是一句话的事情,一口咬定程家就是圣朝的老巢。 Moreover some of their also truly this suspicions, before after all Cheng Yu, has nine Golden Core, is only this point, makes them have the biggest question to Cheng Family. 而且他们也确实有这个怀疑,毕竟程宇以前有九个金丹,光是这一点,就让他们对程家有着最大的质疑。 However they cannot depending on recognize now a little Cheng Family is Saint Court. 不过他们现在并不能凭这么一点就认定了程家就是圣朝 Because the words are very simple, but if the fact is not such, that may not be a few words can dispel the consequence. 因为话很简单,但如果事实并非如此,那可就不是一句话能够消除后果的。 If by some chance Cheng Family truly is not Saint Court, what to do that can? 万一程家确实不是圣朝,那可怎么办? When the time comes some possibility even exalted lord must go to the pit by their such a few words. 到时候有可能连主上都要被他们这么一句话给坑进去。 Without exalted lord this backer, facing Saint Court and Cheng Family such archenemy, they will have the good end? 没有了主上这个靠山,面对圣朝程家这样的大敌,他们又会有好下场吗? Therefore does not have the precise information, does not dare to act unreasonably absolutely, cannot falsely report the news, otherwise the consequence is very serious. 所以没有确切的消息,绝对不敢乱来,更不能谎报消息,否则后果真的很严重。 You also heard, each few words that five elders spoke may not be the lies. If we bet right, that naturally all said. “你们也听到了,五长老说的每一句话可都不是虚言。如果我们赌对了,那自然一切都好说。 But if lost, that is we may not only die, exalted lord including entire Royal Court, thorough destruction. 可若是输了,那不仅仅是我们可能会死,就连主上包括整个王朝,都将彻底的覆灭。 You thought that we can have half with one possibly are real, having half possibly is the false words cheats exalted lord, is Cheng Family the Saint Court den? ” Great Elder was saying to Third Elder. 你觉得我们能不能拿一句有一半可能是真,有一半可能是假的话去哄骗主上,程家就是圣朝的老巢呢?”大长老对着三长老说道。 This......” the Third Elder complexion concentrates, the corners of the mouth move, actually really cannot open this mouth. “这......”三长老脸色一凝,嘴角动了动,却是实在开不了这个口。 Perhaps his a few words can ruin entire Royal Court, exit|to speak how he said? 也许他一句话就能够毁掉整个王朝,他如何说的出口? He is not willing to be this criminal. 他可不愿意做这个罪人。 Now what to do but is the issue we should? Continues to stay here to wait like this? If by some chance we hadn't obtained any information?” Third Elder said finally reluctantly. “可问题是我们现在该怎么办?继续留在这里这样等下去吗?万一我们也一直都没有得到任何情报呢?”三长老最终还是无奈地说道。 He poured did not say that must deceive exalted lord. 他倒也不是说一定就要欺骗主上 However they consume like this also not necessarily usefully in Cheng Family, they cannot really treat like this in Cheng Family. 但是他们就这样在程家耗下去也未必就有用,他们总不能真的就这样在程家待下去。 Five elders, what good way can you have?” Great Elder is also at a loss now. We truly are bogged down in difficulties in the middle of infinite loop now, if leaves, we as if also not better way, does not have more clues to support us to go to other place to seek for the Saint Court den. “五长老,你可有什么好办法?”大长老现在也是束手无策了。我们现在确实陷入了一个无限循环的困境当中,若是离开吧,我们似乎也并没有更好的办法,也没有更多的线索来支撑我们去别的地方寻找圣朝的老巢。 Stays here, everyone also saw in half year time. Does not know that Cheng Family really has nothing to do with Saint Court, Cheng Family achieved complete hiding all things. 留在这里吧,大家在这半年的时间也看到了。不知道程家是真的与圣朝无关,还是程家把所有的事情都做到了完全的隐蔽。 Since the half year, we can say does not have any harvest. 这半年多以来,我们可以说没有任何的收获。 We who now do remain are not, walking is not, I have a headache very much! ” Five elders rub oneself head, this is really a matter that makes people very difficult to choose. 现在搞的我们留也不是,走也不是,我也很头疼!”五长老揉揉自己的脑袋,这真是一件让人很难抉择的事情。 If cannot obtain the news from Cheng Family, whether we can catch some Saint Court people to ask?” Shen Xiulin asked. “如果不能从程家得到消息,那我们是否可以去抓一些圣朝的人来问问呢?”沈修林问道。 Catches the Saint Court person? Which on grasps?” If they know person who where has Saint Court, they also use is treating of the first half of the year here? “抓圣朝的人?上哪去抓?”要是他们知道哪里有圣朝的人,他们还用的着在这里待上半年之久? Perhaps here does not have, even if there is, we do not know. But currently in the battlefield has, if we stress several to come back, directly from their mouths asked that was not good!” Shen Xiulin said. “这里或许没有,就算有,我们也不知道。可是现在战场上有啊,我们若是去抓几个回来,直接从他们嘴里问不就好了!”沈修林说道。
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