GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5138: Has a possibility!

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Although Cheng Yu these days has treated in Cheng Family, but in fact, the Cultivation World world actually never has peacefully. 程宇虽然这些日子一直都待在程家,但实际上,修真界的世界却从来没有太平过。 Especially Di they to obtain king product cultivates god pill to go to carry out the task specially, do they possibly make this fight stop? 尤其是狄老他们更是为了得到王品修神丹而专门前往执行任务的,他们又怎么可能让这战斗停下来呢? Once because everyone does not hit, they did not have the merit. 因为一旦大家都不打了,那他们就没有功劳了。 Even if instigates in their throwing, they want to be quiet is still very difficult. 所以就算是在他们的撺唆下,他们想要平静下来也很困难。 But now he issues to these fellows specially the order that attacks and occupies various cities, granted after especially ahead of time they several king product cultivated/repaired god pill, working oneself to death that they are glad. 而现在他又特意向这些家伙下达了攻占各城池的命令,尤其允诺提前给他们几颗王品修神丹之后,他们更加乐意的卖命了。 Therefore the Cultivation World flames of war further expand, the quick these news travelled in the middle of various Cheng Family cities. 于是修真界的战火进一步扩大,很快这些消息就在程家各城池当中传开了。 But still also heard this matter in the inner court elders who these cities shook. 而还在这些城池晃悠的内朝众位长老也听到了这件事情。 These days, they also transferred many cities, although does not have any harvest, but they still in waiting opportunity. 这些日子,他们也转了不少的城池,虽然没有什么收获,但是他们仍然在等待机会。 In their opinion, so long as Cheng Family and Saint Court really have the relation, they would discovering some traces. 在他们看来,只要程家圣朝真的有联系的话,那他们总会发现一些蛛丝马迹的。 Wall that the world has not ventilated, even Cheng Family is careful, how to make others confuse their attention even to eliminate them is connected in the together idea again intentionally Cheng Family and Saint Court, however in their hearts still firm believing, Cheng Family and Saint Court could not definitely be inseparable from. 天下没有不透风的墙,就算程家再小心谨慎,再怎么让别人来故意混淆他们的注意甚至打消他们将程家圣朝关联在一起的想法,但是他们的心中仍然坚定的认为,程家圣朝肯定是脱不了干系的。 They go back not to have the means to explain to exalted lord in any case now, but the time that so long as they treat here is long enough, then finds the problem on the association/will. 反正他们现在回去也没有办法向主上交待,而他们只要在这里待的时间够久,那就总会发现问题的。 Moreover, in their opinion, Cheng Family, if really has the relations with Saint Court, even Cheng Family is the Saint Court den, then Cheng Family, if increases troops to Cultivation World Saint Court, they will definitely be discovered anything. 另外,在他们看来,程家如果真的与圣朝有关系,甚至程家就是圣朝的老巢的话,那么程家若是向修真界圣朝增兵的话,他们肯定会得到发现些什么的。 They have paid some prices to ask some people to stare at the Cheng Family station, even is each city. 他们已经花了一些代价请了些人盯着程家驻地,甚至是各个城池。 So long as Cheng Family has the huge forces to transfer, they will know immediately. 只要程家有大量的兵力调动,他们就会在第一时间知晓。 If really had such situation, that matter may be simple. 若是真的出现了这样的情况,那事情可就简单了。 When the time comes they followed the trends of these armies, has a look at them whether and these revolts with Saint Court toward having the relation, and has the participation to annex sends the outer court war loyally. 到时候了他们跟着这些大军的动向,看看他们是否跟圣朝和那些叛朝有联系,并且是否有参与吞并忠派外朝的战争。 If some words, without doubt, their duties can announce that completed truly, they can also return to inner court immediately, making exalted lord declare war to Cheng Family officially. 若是有的话,无疑,他们的任务就可以宣布真正的完成了,他们也可以立即回到内朝,让主上程家正式宣战了。 Drunk immortal building! 醉仙楼! Several people arrive at the drunk immortal building, comes and goes out each restaurant teahouse, is they are easiest to inquire various news places. 几人来到醉仙楼,出入各个酒楼茶楼,是他们最容易打听到各种消息的地方。 Therefore they when a city, these restaurant teahouses are go much. 于是他们每到一座城池,这些酒楼茶楼是不少去的。 Although has the goal, but they also truly tasted many good things in these places but actually. 虽然是有目的的,但是他们在这些地方倒也确实尝到了不少好东西。 Compares in Cultivation World these cities, their food relatively are quite simple, blending flavors various aspects is also quite traditional monotonously. 相比于修真界的那些城池,他们的食物都相对比较简单,调味各方面也都比较传统单调。 But Cheng Family these 53 cities are actually different, because has the complicated relations with Secular World, Cheng Family these cities mostly are more like a fusion shape Shinjouike. 程家这五十三城却有所不同,因为与世俗有着千丝万缕的关系,程家的这些城池大多都更像是一种融合形新城池。 Here not only can find the Cultivation World tradition, but can find the novelty of Secular World. 这里既能够找到修真界的传统,但又能找到世俗的新奇。 A both fusion, but also really has a unique flavor. 两者一融合,还真是别有一番风味。 If nothing else, food of these restaurants are also all kinds, did not say these precious spirit beast monster beast food. 别的不说,这些酒楼的食物也是五花八门的,就不说那些珍贵的灵兽妖兽菜肴了。 Even the ordinary tofu, can put in order dozens patterns to come together. What Mapo bean curd, the red-cooked beancurd pieces, the home-style beancurd and pot collapsing tofu wait/etc, the one pattern after another, the special taste, making one forget to return. 就算是一道普通的豆腐,都能够整出数十种花样来。什么麻婆豆腐、红烧豆腐、家常豆腐、锅塌豆腐等等,花样百出,口味独特,让人流连忘返。 In addition each city is in the Secular World position to be different, will be born some unique regional good food, this made people be hard to reject. 再加上每一座城池所处在世俗的位置不同,都会诞生一些独特的地域性美食,这样就更让人难以拒绝了。 Although they are cultivator, itself desire not that high request to food and drink, after the restaurants of so many cities tried various types of good food, they also fell in love strolled the restaurant. 虽然他们都是修士,本身对口腹之欲并没有那么高的要求,但是在这么多城池的酒楼尝试了各种美食之后,他们也不禁爱上了逛酒楼。 Therefore what these places are no longer pure was they inquires various news places, place that but enjoyed truly. 于是这些地方已经不再单纯的是他们打听各道消息的地方了,而是真正享受的地方了。 But this drunk immortal building is the Qilian city biggest restaurant, such place they will not naturally miss. 而这醉仙楼是祁连城最大的酒楼,这样的地方他们自然是不会错过的。 Because such restaurant not only the good food are many, but also the person are also many, enjoys the good food appropriately time can inquire all parties' news. 因为这样的酒楼不仅美食多,而且人也多,最合适享受美食的时候又能够打听到各方的消息。 On this day, they ordered good wine delicacies of table, several people are also savoring carefully, is actually hears everyone to discuss the Cultivation World war. 这一天,他们点了一桌子的美酒佳肴,几人也是细细品味着,却是听到大家都在谈论起修真界的大战来。 Heard? The northern war got bigger and bigger, now has involved dozens outer court simultaneously!” Some people said. “听说了吗?北方的战争越打越大了,现在已经同时涉及数十个外朝了!”有人说道。 I also heard, now various Cheng Family cities obviously are many many cultivator, flees from calamity. It is estimated that soon, here many refugees!” Another person returns said. “我也听说了,如今程家各城池明显多了不少修士,都是逃难过来的。估计用不了多久,这里又会多出许多难民了!”另外一人回道。 Thinks that Royal Court is very pitiful, we also think on this day under is really Royal Court. But who knows, although Royal Court so many outer court, but these outer court refuse to accept Royal Court radically. “想一想王朝还挺可悲的,原本我们还以为这天下真的都是王朝的。可是谁知道,王朝虽然有那么多的外朝,但是这些外朝根本就不服王朝 Finally now these outer court not only revolt Royal Court, but also gave the annexation Royal Court other outer court in turn. 结果现在这些外朝不仅纷纷叛出王朝,还反过来将王朝的其他外朝都给吞并了。 If according to such situation gets down, I estimated Royal Court to by these outer court carving up quickly. ” Some people sighed. 若是按照这样的情况下去,我估计王朝很快就要被这些外朝给瓜分完了。”有人叹道。 Sighed that this human affairs is really unpredictable, no one knows tomorrow exactly what happened. 感叹这世事真是难以预料,谁都不知道明天到底会发生什么事情。 Even if Royal Court initially again how magnificent, is now in these person of eyes, they feel very pitiful. 哪怕王朝当初再怎么辉煌,可是现在在这些人眼中,他们都觉得挺可悲的。 In hand so many outer court, but can also loyal and devoted and how many have? 手上那么多的外朝,还能够忠心耿耿的又有几个? Moreover now these are loyal to the outer court strike target who Royal Court outer court becomes these to revolt completely. 而且现在这些忠于王朝外朝全部都成为了那些叛出的外朝的打击对象。 The result causes to be loyal to Royal Court outer court also to announce that revolts Royal Court, what ratio this more pitiful matter but also there is? 结果导致原本很多忠于王朝外朝也不得不宣布叛出王朝,还有什么比这更可悲的事情呢? Brother? You said a moment ago the northern war expanded, when matter was this? Where do they make war at present?” vermilion Yuheng hears their talks, asked to these people politely. “诸位道兄?你们刚才说北方的战争又扩大了,这是什么时候的事了?他们目前在什么地方开战?”朱羽恒听到他们的谈话,对这些人客气地问道。 They in Qilian small city also several days of time, but had not heard that this matter, this made one have doubts very much. 他们在祁连小城也有几天时间了,但是并没有听说这件事情,这就让人很疑惑了。 This news was also just passed from the Yunnan and Guizhou small city, moreover you had not discovered that us also truly were many many external cultivator? “这消息也是刚刚从云贵小城那边传过来的,而且你没有发现我们这边也确实多了不少外来的修士吗? Listened to that side the Yunnan and Guizhou city people saying that the war should happen in Xichuan outer court! ” One of them looked at the vermilion feather identically equal person, pours has not concealed, said directly. 听云贵城那边的人说,大战应该发生在西川外朝!”其中一人看了看朱羽恒等人,倒也没有隐瞒,直接说道。 Many thanks!” vermilion Yuheng cupped one hand in the other across the chest, sat. “多谢了!”朱羽恒一拱手,坐了回来。 Looks at full table the good meal, the people did not have the appetite all of a sudden. 看着满桌的美味佳肴,众人一下子没有了胃口。 The complexion of people are dignified, what in the heart are more is the doubts continues! 众人的脸色凝重,心中更多的是疑惑不止! The Cheng Family city has massive cultivator to pass in and out every day, they did not certainly think that has anything to be unusual. 程家的城池每天都有大量的修士进进出出,他们当然不觉得有什么稀奇的。 However the present situation obviously is not so. 但是现在的情况显然不是如此。 This is not right, the words from time, we have a half year to have here. However we have not received Cheng Family to have the news of dispatching troops. “这不对啊,从时间上来看的话,我们在这里已经有半年有余了。但是我们并没有收到程家有出兵的消息。 Now Xichuan outer court that side war expanded, explained that the Saint Court military doesn't move from Cheng Family? ” Third Elder Meng Taining has doubts to say. 现在西川外朝那边的大战扩大了,说明圣朝的兵力并非从程家调出去的?”三长老孟泰宁疑惑道。 Can be these people who we buy over has not passed to us the news?” Shen Xiulin said. “会不会是我们收买的那些人并没有把消息传给我们?”沈修林说道。 This should not be possible, these people who we buy over are not the Cheng Family disciples. They received our so many resources, their have no reason not to transmit the information to us!” Five elder Hong Yuansong shake the head the rebuttal to say. “这应该不可能,我们收买的那些人又不是程家弟子。他们收了我们那么多的资源,他们没有理由不向我们传递情报!”五长老洪远松摇摇头反驳道。 Initially to prevent the Cheng Family disciple was not quite credible, because they discovered in Cheng Family, Cheng Yu was popular. 当初就是为了防止程家弟子不太靠谱,因为他们发现在程家,程宇非常得人心。 Wish makes the Cheng Family disciple betray Cheng Family, may make the careless mistake, moreover is also easy to expose them. 想要让程家弟子出卖程家,可能会出纰漏,而且也容易暴露他们自己。 Therefore they observed in the city, asked some strengths is not strong specially, did not gain to resources low rank cultivator easily takes them in the Cheng Family informer. 所以他们在城中观察了许多,专门请了一些实力不强,不容易赚到资源的低阶修士来作为他们在程家的眼线。 Moreover such person looked is not two, after all these were low rank cultivator, earning the resources was not that easy matter. 而且这样的人找了不是一个两个,毕竟这些都是低阶修士,赚取资源可不是那么容易的事情。 Even if there is a Cheng Family such place to exist, but wants to gain large quantities of resources in the short time, is not an easy matter. 即便有程家这样的地方存在,但是想要在短时间获取一大批资源,也不是一件容易的事情。 Because Cheng Family duty merely provided the way to you gaining the resources, not representative Cheng Family resources to your white take. 因为程家的任务的仅仅只是给你提供了一种获取资源的途径,并不代表程家的资源给你白拿。 Therefore they only need to put out some valuable resources casually, attracted these low rank cultivator sufficiently. 所以他们只需要随便拿出一些珍贵的资源来,就足以吸引到这些低阶修士了。 Moreover they acknowledged that if can attain the useful information to them, they will have more valuable resources to them. 而且他们承认了,如果能够拿到有用的情报给他们的话,他们还会有更多更加珍贵的资源给他们。 This absolute ratio is Cheng Family makes the duty to be quick, but also wants solid many. 这绝对比为程家做任务还要快,还要实在的多。 Therefore theoretically, these people should not have the theory to betray their. 因此从理论上来说,这些人应该没有理论会出卖他们的。 Person are concerned only about profit, these people all are so loyal to Cheng Family, because eventually they can gain the benefit in Cheng Family. “人都是唯利是图的,那些人之所有对程家那么忠诚,终究还是因为他们在程家可以获取利益。 But now we give the interests of these people absolutely compared with Cheng Family be able at present to their many, therefore this point words, they truly have no reason is not notified to us the news. 而现在我们给那些人的利益绝对要比程家目前能够给他们的更多,所以这一点来说的话,他们确实没有理由得到了消息不给我们报信。 After all so long as they attained the information, will also obtain a bigger reward, they do not have the theory unable to pass with the resources. ” Great Elder approves the person of same belief. 毕竟他们只要拿到了情报,还会得到一份更大的报酬,他们没有理论跟资源过不去。”大长老赞同道。 If so, this means that only had a possibility, hasn't Cheng Family really related with Saint Court?” Shen Xiulin summarized. “如果是这样的话,这就意味着只有一种可能了,程家圣朝真的没有关系?”沈修林总结道。 This......” several people were silent. “这......”几人却是沉默了。 The obvious several people cannot accept this conclusion. 显然几个人都不太能够接受这个结论。 Cheng Family knows that we arrived at Cheng Family, will therefore be definitely more careful in this aspect, perhaps they send for secretly? 程家知道我们来到了程家,所以在这方面肯定会更加小心,也许他们是偷偷的派人出去的呢? Also their military have deployed or in the place outside Cheng Family. So long as a Cheng Family order, they may dispatch troops from the city anytime. ” Five elders think to say. 又或者说,他们的兵力早就已经部署在程家之外的地方了。只要程家一个命令,他们随时都有可能从城外出兵。”五长老想了想说道。 This possibility also has possibly, was only this will be too forced?” Great Elder knits the brows to say. “这种可能倒也不是没有可能,只是这会不会太牵强了?”大长老皱眉道。 „Very difficult to say!” Five elders shake the head, he is also right now confused. “很难说!”五长老摇摇头,这下子他也是迷茫了。 Treated in Cheng Family was so long, to discover some traces. 程家待了这么久,就是为了找出一些蛛丝马迹来。 Now but they have not obtained any information, Xichuan outer court that side war actually expand. 可是现在他们并没有得到任何的情报,西川外朝那边的战争却是扩大了。 This makes them feel that oneself as if made the studiousness of not over six months time in Cheng Family. 这让他们感觉自己似乎在程家做了半年多时间的无用功。 Naturally, the most important point to note is that they never believe that Cheng Family meets is innocent, they and Saint Court should have the relation. 当然,最重要的一点是,他们始终不相信程家会是无辜的,他们与圣朝应该是有联系的。 Has a possibility, that side Xichuan war expansion not necessarily is the soldier who Cheng Family adjusts, can be because these did revolt toward increasing troops?” vermilion Yuheng said. “有没有一种可能,西川那边的战争扩大未必就是程家调的兵,会不会是因为那些叛朝增兵了呢?”朱羽恒说道。
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